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Side by Side Diff: LayoutTests/fast/regions/changing-writing-mode-2.html

Issue 159933010: Remove everything region-specific from LayoutTests. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 6 years, 10 months ago
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1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html>
3 <body>
4 <div style="-webkit-flow-into:thread;">
5 <!-- Note: this test doesn't necessarily render according to the spe c. All we're
6 interested in testing is that changing styles dynamically resul ts in the same
7 rendering as if the styles were like that in the first place. - ->
9 Tenderloin ham boudin tongue sausage venison short ribs sirloin, kie lbasa beef
10 ribs. Strip steak shank bresaola salami spare ribs kielbasa fatback, cow t-bone flank
11 leberkas sirloin. Jowl pork belly ribeye, corned beef sirloin chicke n salami tail. Rump
12 swine ham shank corned beef short loin, speck turkey pancetta shankl e
13 frankfurter. Pancetta tail fatback, ground round brisket biltong fra nkfurter turkey. Ham
14 hock chicken strip steak, salami short ribs beef ribs pork sirloin p astrami pork loin
15 turducken rump brisket andouille. Tenderloin ham boudin tongue saus age venison short
16 ribs sirloin, kielbasa beef ribs. Strip steak shank bresaola salami spare ribs kielbasa
17 fatback, cow t-bone flank leberkas sirloin. Jowl pork belly ribeye, corned beef sirloin
18 chicken salami tail. Rump swine ham shank corned beef short loin, sp eck turkey pancetta
19 shankle frankfurter. Pancetta tail fatback, ground round brisket bil tong frankfurter
20 turkey. Ham hock chicken strip steak, salami short ribs beef ribs po rk sirloin pastrami
21 pork loin turducken rump brisket andouille. Tenderloin ham boudin t ongue sausage
22 venison short ribs sirloin, kielbasa beef ribs. Strip steak shank br esaola salami spare
23 ribs kielbasa fatback, cow t-bone flank leberkas sirloin. Jowl pork belly ribeye, corned
24 beef sirloin chicken salami tail. Rump swine ham shank corned beef s hort loin, speck
25 turkey pancetta shankle frankfurter. Pancetta tail fatback, ground r ound brisket biltong
26 frankfurter turkey. Ham hock chicken strip steak, salami short ribs beef ribs pork
27 sirloin pastrami pork loin turducken rump brisket andouille. Tender loin ham boudin
28 tongue sausage venison short ribs sirloin, kielbasa beef ribs. Strip steak shank
29 bresaola salami spare ribs kielbasa fatback, cow t-bone flank leberk as sirloin. Jowl
30 pork belly ribeye, corned beef sirloin chicken salami tail. Rump swi ne ham shank corned
31 beef short loin, speck turkey pancetta shankle frankfurter. Pancetta tail fatback,
32 ground round brisket biltong frankfurter turkey. Ham hock chicken st rip steak, salami
33 short ribs beef ribs pork sirloin pastrami pork loin turducken rump brisket andouille.
34 </div>
36 <div id="firstregion" style="-webkit-flow-from:thread; -webkit-logical-w idth:15em; -webkit-logical-height:5em; background:salmon;"></div>
37 Bekkestua!
38 <div style="-webkit-flow-from:thread; -webkit-writing-mode:vertical-rl; -webkit-logical-width:20em; -webkit-logical-height:8em; background:wheat;"></div >
39 Bekkestua!
40 <div style="-webkit-flow-from:thread; -webkit-logical-width:10em; -webki t-logical-height:20em; background:olive;"></div>
41 <script>
42 document.getElementById('firstregion').offsetLeft; // Make sure we h ave laid out.
43 document.getElementById('firstregion').style.display = 'none';
44 </script>
45 </body>
46 </html>
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