(Empty) | |
1 <!DOCTYPE html> | |
2 <link href="resources/grid.css" rel="stylesheet"> | |
3 <script src="../../resources/js-test.js"></script> | |
4 <script src="resources/grid-definitions-parsing-utils.js"></script> | |
5 | |
6 <body> | |
7 </body> | |
8 <script> | |
9 description('Test that setting and getting grid-template-columns and grid-te mplate-rows with repeat() works as expected'); | |
Manuel Rego
2016/01/19 16:37:47
Nit: I'd mention "auto repeat" here.
2016/01/21 12:25:15
Yeah, the description was likely copypasted :)
| |
10 | |
11 debug("Test auto-repeat syntax."); | |
12 testGridDefinitionsSetJSValues("repeat(auto-fill, [foo bar] 10px)", "repeat( auto-fill, 2em [foo bar])", "[foo bar] 10px", "20px [foo bar]", "[foo bar] 10px" , "2em [foo bar]"); | |
13 testGridDefinitionsSetJSValues("repeat(auto-fill, [foo bar] minmax(10px, 1fr ))", "repeat(auto-fill, [foo] minmax(2em, max-content) [bar])", "[foo bar] 800px ", "[foo] 20px [bar]", "[foo bar] minmax(10px, 1fr)", "[foo] minmax(2em, max-con tent) [bar]"); | |
14 testGridDefinitionsSetJSValues("repeat(auto-fill, minmax(10px, 100px)) repea t(2, 20px)", "repeat(1, 70px) repeat(auto-fill, minmax(2em, max-content) [bar]) repeat(2, [foo] 1em)", "100px 20px 20px", "70px 20px [bar foo] 10px [foo] 10px", "minmax(10px, 100px) 20px 20px", "70px minmax(2em, max-content) [bar] [foo] 1em [foo] 1em"); | |
15 testGridDefinitionsSetJSValues("repeat(auto-fit, [foo bar] 10px)", "repeat(a uto-fit, 2em [foo bar])", "[foo bar] 10px", "20px [foo bar]", "[foo bar] 10px", "2em [foo bar]"); | |
16 testGridDefinitionsSetJSValues("repeat(auto-fit, [foo bar] minmax(10px, 1fr) )", "repeat(auto-fit, [foo] minmax(2em, max-content) [bar])", "[foo bar] 800px", "[foo] 20px [bar]", "[foo bar] minmax(10px, 1fr)", "[foo] minmax(2em, max-conte nt) [bar]"); | |
17 testGridDefinitionsSetJSValues("repeat(auto-fit, minmax(10px, min-content)) repeat(2, 20px)", "repeat(1, 10%) repeat(auto-fit, minmax(2em, max-content) [bar ]) repeat(2, [foo] 1em)", "10px 20px 20px", "60px 20px [bar foo] 10px [foo] 10px ", "minmax(10px, min-content) 20px 20px", "10% minmax(2em, max-content) [bar] [f oo] 1em [foo] 1em"); | |
18 | |
19 debug(""); | |
20 debug("Test invalid repeat syntax."); | |
21 function testInvalidSyntax(gridColumn) { | |
22 element = document.createElement("div"); | |
23 document.body.appendChild(element); | |
24 element.style.gridTemplateColumns = gridColumn; | |
25 shouldBeEqualToString("window.getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyV alue('grid-template-columns')", "none"); | |
26 document.body.removeChild(element); | |
27 } | |
28 | |
29 testInvalidSyntax("repeat(auto-fill, 1fr)"); | |
30 testInvalidSyntax("repeat(auto-fill, minmax(min-content, 20px))"); | |
31 testInvalidSyntax("repeat(auto-fill, [bar] auto)"); | |
32 testInvalidSyntax("repeat(auto-fill, 20px 10px)"); | |
33 testInvalidSyntax("repeat(auto-fill, 20px [foo bar] 10px)"); | |
34 testInvalidSyntax("repeat(auto-fill,)"); | |
35 testInvalidSyntax("repeat(auto-fill, [foo])"); | |
36 testInvalidSyntax("repeat(auto-fit, 1fr)"); | |
37 testInvalidSyntax("repeat(auto-fit, minmax(min-content, 20px))"); | |
38 testInvalidSyntax("repeat(auto-fit, [bar] auto)"); | |
39 testInvalidSyntax("repeat(auto-fit, 20px 10px)"); | |
40 testInvalidSyntax("repeat(auto-fit, 20px [foo bar] 10px)"); | |
41 testInvalidSyntax("repeat(auto-fit,)"); | |
42 testInvalidSyntax("repeat(auto-fit, [foo])"); | |
43 | |
44 // <auto-repeat> can only be used once in a <track-list>. | |
45 testInvalidSyntax("repeat(auto-fill, 10px) repeat(auto-fill, [foo] 2em)"); | |
46 testInvalidSyntax("repeat(auto-fill, 10em [bar]) auto repeat(auto-fill, [foo ] 2em)"); | |
47 testInvalidSyntax("repeat(auto-fit, 10px) repeat(auto-fit, [foo] 2em)"); | |
48 testInvalidSyntax("repeat(auto-fit, 10em [bar]) auto repeat(auto-fit, [foo] 2em)"); | |
49 testInvalidSyntax("repeat(auto-fill, [foo] 1em [bar]) auto repeat(auto-fit, [foo] 32px)"); | |
50 testInvalidSyntax("repeat(auto-fill, 1em [bar]) repeat(3, max-content [last] ) repeat(auto-fit, 32px)"); | |
51 | |
52 // <auto-repeat> requires definite minimum track sizes. | |
53 testInvalidSyntax("repeat(auto-fill, 10px) repeat(10, minmax(min-content, au to))"); | |
54 testInvalidSyntax("auto repeat(auto-fit, [foo] 10px)"); | |
55 testInvalidSyntax("10% repeat(auto-fit, [foo] 10px) min-content"); | |
56 testInvalidSyntax("20px [bar] repeat(4, auto) [foo] repeat(auto-fill, 3em)") ; | |
57 </script> | |