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Unified Diff: chrome/browser/local_discovery/privet_http_impl.h

Issue 1553333002: Move cloud print specific files out of local_discovery (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 4 years, 11 months ago
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Index: chrome/browser/local_discovery/privet_http_impl.h
diff --git a/chrome/browser/local_discovery/privet_http_impl.h b/chrome/browser/local_discovery/privet_http_impl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a8eec9c1476b9a397dc8183bf36fd4eb6dd9389..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/chrome/browser/local_discovery/privet_http_impl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/callback.h"
-#include "base/files/file_path.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/local_discovery/privet_http.h"
-#include "components/cloud_devices/common/cloud_device_description.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
-namespace local_discovery {
-class PrivetHTTPClient;
-class PrivetInfoOperationImpl : public PrivetJSONOperation,
- public PrivetURLFetcher::Delegate {
- public:
- PrivetInfoOperationImpl(PrivetHTTPClient* privet_client,
- const PrivetJSONOperation::ResultCallback& callback);
- ~PrivetInfoOperationImpl() override;
- void Start() override;
- PrivetHTTPClient* GetHTTPClient() override;
- void OnError(PrivetURLFetcher* fetcher,
- PrivetURLFetcher::ErrorType error) override;
- void OnParsedJson(PrivetURLFetcher* fetcher,
- const base::DictionaryValue& value,
- bool has_error) override;
- private:
- PrivetHTTPClient* privet_client_;
- PrivetJSONOperation::ResultCallback callback_;
- scoped_ptr<PrivetURLFetcher> url_fetcher_;
-class PrivetRegisterOperationImpl
- : public PrivetRegisterOperation,
- public PrivetURLFetcher::Delegate,
- public base::SupportsWeakPtr<PrivetRegisterOperationImpl> {
- public:
- PrivetRegisterOperationImpl(PrivetHTTPClient* privet_client,
- const std::string& user,
- PrivetRegisterOperation::Delegate* delegate);
- ~PrivetRegisterOperationImpl() override;
- void Start() override;
- void Cancel() override;
- void CompleteRegistration() override;
- void OnError(PrivetURLFetcher* fetcher,
- PrivetURLFetcher::ErrorType error) override;
- void OnParsedJson(PrivetURLFetcher* fetcher,
- const base::DictionaryValue& value,
- bool has_error) override;
- void OnNeedPrivetToken(
- PrivetURLFetcher* fetcher,
- const PrivetURLFetcher::TokenCallback& callback) override;
- PrivetHTTPClient* GetHTTPClient() override;
- private:
- class Cancelation : public PrivetURLFetcher::Delegate {
- public:
- Cancelation(PrivetHTTPClient* privet_client, const std::string& user);
- ~Cancelation() override;
- void OnError(PrivetURLFetcher* fetcher,
- PrivetURLFetcher::ErrorType error) override;
- void OnParsedJson(PrivetURLFetcher* fetcher,
- const base::DictionaryValue& value,
- bool has_error) override;
- void Cleanup();
- private:
- scoped_ptr<PrivetURLFetcher> url_fetcher_;
- };
- // Arguments is JSON value from request.
- typedef base::Callback<void(const base::DictionaryValue&)>
- ResponseHandler;
- void StartInfoOperation();
- void OnPrivetInfoDone(const base::DictionaryValue* value);
- void StartResponse(const base::DictionaryValue& value);
- void GetClaimTokenResponse(const base::DictionaryValue& value);
- void CompleteResponse(const base::DictionaryValue& value);
- void SendRequest(const std::string& action);
- std::string user_;
- std::string current_action_;
- scoped_ptr<PrivetURLFetcher> url_fetcher_;
- PrivetRegisterOperation::Delegate* delegate_;
- PrivetHTTPClient* privet_client_;
- ResponseHandler next_response_handler_;
- // Required to ensure destroying completed register operations doesn't cause
- // extraneous cancelations.
- bool ongoing_;
- scoped_ptr<PrivetJSONOperation> info_operation_;
- std::string expected_id_;
-class PrivetJSONOperationImpl : public PrivetJSONOperation,
- public PrivetURLFetcher::Delegate {
- public:
- PrivetJSONOperationImpl(PrivetHTTPClient* privet_client,
- const std::string& path,
- const std::string& query_params,
- const PrivetJSONOperation::ResultCallback& callback);
- ~PrivetJSONOperationImpl() override;
- void Start() override;
- PrivetHTTPClient* GetHTTPClient() override;
- void OnError(PrivetURLFetcher* fetcher,
- PrivetURLFetcher::ErrorType error) override;
- void OnParsedJson(PrivetURLFetcher* fetcher,
- const base::DictionaryValue& value,
- bool has_error) override;
- void OnNeedPrivetToken(
- PrivetURLFetcher* fetcher,
- const PrivetURLFetcher::TokenCallback& callback) override;
- private:
- PrivetHTTPClient* privet_client_;
- std::string path_;
- std::string query_params_;
- PrivetJSONOperation::ResultCallback callback_;
- scoped_ptr<PrivetURLFetcher> url_fetcher_;
-class PrivetLocalPrintOperationImpl
- : public PrivetLocalPrintOperation,
- public PrivetURLFetcher::Delegate {
- public:
- PrivetLocalPrintOperationImpl(PrivetHTTPClient* privet_client,
- PrivetLocalPrintOperation::Delegate* delegate);
- ~PrivetLocalPrintOperationImpl() override;
- void Start() override;
- void SetData(const scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedBytes>& data) override;
- void SetCapabilities(const std::string& capabilities) override;
- void SetTicket(const std::string& ticket) override;
- void SetUsername(const std::string& user) override;
- void SetJobname(const std::string& jobname) override;
- void SetOffline(bool offline) override;
- void SetPageSize(const gfx::Size& page_size) override;
- void SetPWGRasterConverterForTesting(
- scoped_ptr<PWGRasterConverter> pwg_raster_converter) override;
- PrivetHTTPClient* GetHTTPClient() override;
- void OnError(PrivetURLFetcher* fetcher,
- PrivetURLFetcher::ErrorType error) override;
- void OnParsedJson(PrivetURLFetcher* fetcher,
- const base::DictionaryValue& value,
- bool has_error) override;
- void OnNeedPrivetToken(
- PrivetURLFetcher* fetcher,
- const PrivetURLFetcher::TokenCallback& callback) override;
- private:
- typedef base::Callback<void(bool, const base::DictionaryValue* value)>
- ResponseCallback;
- void StartInitialRequest();
- void DoCreatejob();
- void DoSubmitdoc();
- void StartConvertToPWG();
- void StartPrinting();
- void OnPrivetInfoDone(const base::DictionaryValue* value);
- void OnSubmitdocResponse(bool has_error,
- const base::DictionaryValue* value);
- void OnCreatejobResponse(bool has_error,
- const base::DictionaryValue* value);
- void OnPWGRasterConverted(bool success, const base::FilePath& pwg_file_path);
- PrivetHTTPClient* privet_client_;
- PrivetLocalPrintOperation::Delegate* delegate_;
- ResponseCallback current_response_;
- cloud_devices::CloudDeviceDescription ticket_;
- cloud_devices::CloudDeviceDescription capabilities_;
- scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedBytes> data_;
- base::FilePath pwg_file_path_;
- bool use_pdf_;
- bool has_extended_workflow_;
- bool started_;
- bool offline_;
- gfx::Size page_size_;
- std::string user_;
- std::string jobname_;
- std::string jobid_;
- int invalid_job_retries_;
- scoped_ptr<PrivetURLFetcher> url_fetcher_;
- scoped_ptr<PrivetJSONOperation> info_operation_;
- scoped_ptr<PWGRasterConverter> pwg_raster_converter_;
- base::WeakPtrFactory<PrivetLocalPrintOperationImpl> weak_factory_;
-class PrivetHTTPClientImpl : public PrivetHTTPClient {
- public:
- PrivetHTTPClientImpl(
- const std::string& name,
- const net::HostPortPair& host_port,
- const scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter>& context_getter);
- ~PrivetHTTPClientImpl() override;
- // PrivetHTTPClient implementation.
- const std::string& GetName() override;
- scoped_ptr<PrivetJSONOperation> CreateInfoOperation(
- const PrivetJSONOperation::ResultCallback& callback) override;
- scoped_ptr<PrivetURLFetcher> CreateURLFetcher(
- const GURL& url,
- net::URLFetcher::RequestType request_type,
- PrivetURLFetcher::Delegate* delegate) override;
- void RefreshPrivetToken(
- const PrivetURLFetcher::TokenCallback& token_callback) override;
- private:
- typedef std::vector<PrivetURLFetcher::TokenCallback> TokenCallbackVector;
- void OnPrivetInfoDone(const base::DictionaryValue* value);
- std::string name_;
- scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter> context_getter_;
- net::HostPortPair host_port_;
- scoped_ptr<PrivetJSONOperation> info_operation_;
- TokenCallbackVector token_callbacks_;
-class PrivetV1HTTPClientImpl : public PrivetV1HTTPClient {
- public:
- explicit PrivetV1HTTPClientImpl(scoped_ptr<PrivetHTTPClient> info_client);
- ~PrivetV1HTTPClientImpl() override;
- const std::string& GetName() override;
- scoped_ptr<PrivetJSONOperation> CreateInfoOperation(
- const PrivetJSONOperation::ResultCallback& callback) override;
- scoped_ptr<PrivetRegisterOperation> CreateRegisterOperation(
- const std::string& user,
- PrivetRegisterOperation::Delegate* delegate) override;
- scoped_ptr<PrivetJSONOperation> CreateCapabilitiesOperation(
- const PrivetJSONOperation::ResultCallback& callback) override;
- scoped_ptr<PrivetLocalPrintOperation> CreateLocalPrintOperation(
- PrivetLocalPrintOperation::Delegate* delegate) override;
- private:
- PrivetHTTPClient* info_client() { return info_client_.get(); }
- scoped_ptr<PrivetHTTPClient> info_client_;
-} // namespace local_discovery

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