1 # Run these tests with under virtual/spv2 only. | 1 # Run these tests with under virtual/spv2 only. |
2 crbug.com/524134 paint/invalidation/spv2 [ Skip ] | 2 crbug.com/524134 paint/invalidation/spv2 [ Skip ] |
3 | 3 |
4 # TODO(yosin): We should convert following tests to use asynchronous spell check
er. | 4 # TODO(yosin): We should convert following tests to use asynchronous spell check
er. |
5 crbug.com/563265 editing/spelling/context-menu-suggestions.html [ Skip ] | 5 crbug.com/563265 editing/spelling/context-menu-suggestions.html [ Skip ] |
6 crbug.com/563265 editing/spelling/spellcheck-editable-on-focus-multiframe.html [
Skip ] | 6 crbug.com/563265 editing/spelling/spellcheck-editable-on-focus-multiframe.html [
Skip ] |
7 crbug.com/563265 editing/spelling/spellcheck-editable-on-focus-sync.html [ Skip
] | 7 crbug.com/563265 editing/spelling/spellcheck-editable-on-focus-sync.html [ Skip
] |
8 crbug.com/563265 editing/spelling/spelling-unified-emulation.html [ Skip ] | 8 crbug.com/563265 editing/spelling/spelling-unified-emulation.html [ Skip ] |
9 | 9 |
10 # TODO(wangxianzhu): Triage the failures | 10 # TODO(wangxianzhu): Triage the failures |
(...skipping 162 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after Loading... |
173 crbug.com/518915 [ Android ] accessibility/aria-labelledby-on-input.html [ Crash
Pass ] | 173 crbug.com/518915 [ Android ] accessibility/aria-labelledby-on-input.html [ Crash
Pass ] |
174 crbug.com/445100 fast/block/float/marquee-shrink-to-avoid-floats.html [ Failure
Pass ] | 174 crbug.com/445100 fast/block/float/marquee-shrink-to-avoid-floats.html [ Failure
Pass ] |
175 crbug.com/469657 fast/events/mouse-event-buttons-attribute.html [ Failure Pass ] | 175 crbug.com/469657 fast/events/mouse-event-buttons-attribute.html [ Failure Pass ] |
176 crbug.com/469657 virtual/pointerevent/fast/events/mouse-event-buttons-attribute.
html [ Failure Pass ] | 176 crbug.com/469657 virtual/pointerevent/fast/events/mouse-event-buttons-attribute.
html [ Failure Pass ] |
177 crbug.com/469657 virtual/trustedeventsdefaultaction/fast/events/mouse-event-butt
ons-attribute.html [ Failure Pass ] | 177 crbug.com/469657 virtual/trustedeventsdefaultaction/fast/events/mouse-event-butt
ons-attribute.html [ Failure Pass ] |
178 | 178 |
179 crbug.com/548226 [ Win ] fast/events/pointerevents/mouse-pointer-event-propertie
s.html [ Failure Pass ] | 179 crbug.com/548226 [ Win ] fast/events/pointerevents/mouse-pointer-event-propertie
s.html [ Failure Pass ] |
180 crbug.com/548226 [ Win ] virtual/pointerevent/fast/events/pointerevents/mouse-po
inter-event-properties.html [ Failure Pass ] | 180 crbug.com/548226 [ Win ] virtual/pointerevent/fast/events/pointerevents/mouse-po
inter-event-properties.html [ Failure Pass ] |
181 crbug.com/548226 [ Win ] virtual/trustedeventsdefaultaction/fast/events/pointere
vents/mouse-pointer-event-properties.html [ Failure Pass ] | 181 crbug.com/548226 [ Win ] virtual/trustedeventsdefaultaction/fast/events/pointere
vents/mouse-pointer-event-properties.html [ Failure Pass ] |
182 | 182 |
| 183 crbug.com/537638 compositing/repaint/should-not-clip-composited-viewport-scrolli
ng-layer.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 184 crbug.com/537638 compositing/squashing/iframe-inside-squashed-layer.html [ Needs
Rebaseline ] |
| 185 crbug.com/537638 css3/flexbox/repaint.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 186 crbug.com/537638 fast/forms/button/button-reset-focus-by-mouse-then-keydown.html
[ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 187 crbug.com/537638 fast/forms/submit/submit-focus-by-mouse-then-keydown.html [ Nee
dsRebaseline ] |
| 188 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/4776765.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 189 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/abspos-shift-image-incorrect-repaint.html [ NeedsR
ebaseline ] |
| 190 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/block-layout-inline-children-float-positioned.html
[ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 191 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/block-layout-inline-children-replaced.html [ Needs
Rebaseline ] |
| 192 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/block-no-inflow-children.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 193 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/box-inline-resize.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 194 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/bugzilla-3509.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 195 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/bugzilla-5699.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 196 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/bugzilla-6278.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 197 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/bugzilla-6473.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 198 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/change-text-content-and-background-color.html [ Ne
edsRebaseline ] |
| 199 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/clip-with-layout-delta.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 200 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/clipped-relative.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 201 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/crbug-371640-4.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 202 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/crbug-371640.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 203 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/delete-into-nested-block.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 204 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/details-open-repaint.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 205 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/float-overflow-right.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 206 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/float-overflow.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 207 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/inline-focus.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 208 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/layout-state-scrolloffset.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 209 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/layout-state-scrolloffset2.html [ NeedsRebaseline
] |
| 210 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/layout-state-scrolloffset3.html [ NeedsRebaseline
] |
| 211 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/layoutstate-invalid-invalidation-inline-relative-p
ositioned.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 212 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-2.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 213 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-6.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 214 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-8.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 215 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-9.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 216 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/line-overflow.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 217 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/list-marker-2.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 218 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/make-children-non-inline.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 219 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/multi-layout-one-frame.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 220 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/offset-change-wrong-invalidation-with-float.html [
NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 221 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/outline-change-invalidation.html [ NeedsRebaseline
] |
| 222 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/outline-clip-change.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 223 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/outline-continuations.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 224 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/overflow-scroll-body-appear.html [ NeedsRebaseline
] |
| 225 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/paint-invalidation-with-reparent-across-frame-boun
daries.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 226 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/positioned-document-element.html [ NeedsRebaseline
] |
| 227 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/positioned-great-grandparent-change-location.html
[ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 228 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/positioned-list-offset-change-repaint.html [ Needs
Rebaseline ] |
| 229 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/repaint-descandant-on-ancestor-layer-move.html [ N
eedsRebaseline ] |
| 230 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/repaint-during-scroll-with-zoom.html [ NeedsRebase
line ] |
| 231 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/replaced-clipped-positioned-not-wrong-incremental-
repainting.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 232 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/resize-scrollable-iframe.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 233 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/search-field-cancel.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 234 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/select-option-background-color.html [ NeedsRebasel
ine ] |
| 235 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/selection-after-delete.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 236 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/selection-after-remove.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 237 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/selection-clear.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 238 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/shift-relative-positioned-container-with-image-add
ition.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 239 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/shift-relative-positioned-container-with-image-rem
oval.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 240 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/subtree-root-skipped.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 241 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/table-collapsed-border.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 242 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/table-shrink-row-repaint.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 243 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/text-match-document-change.html [ NeedsRebaseline
] |
| 244 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/transform-inline-layered-child.html [ NeedsRebasel
ine ] |
| 245 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/vertical-align-length1.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 246 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/vertical-align1.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 247 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/vertical-align2.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 248 crbug.com/537638 fast/repaint/window-resize-vertical-writing-mode.html [ NeedsRe
baseline ] |
| 249 crbug.com/537638 fast/table/resize-table-repaint-percent-size-cell.html [ NeedsR
ebaseline ] |
| 250 crbug.com/537638 fast/table/resize-table-repaint-vertical-align-cell.html [ Need
sRebaseline ] |
| 251 crbug.com/537638 fast/table/resize-table-row-repaint.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 252 crbug.com/537638 svg/as-image/svg-image-change-content-size.xhtml [ NeedsRebasel
ine ] |
| 253 crbug.com/537638 svg/as-object/nested-embedded-svg-size-changes-no-layout-trigge
rs-1.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 254 crbug.com/537638 svg/as-object/nested-embedded-svg-size-changes-no-layout-trigge
rs-2.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 255 crbug.com/537638 svg/carto.net/tabgroup.svg [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 256 crbug.com/537638 svg/carto.net/window.svg [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 257 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/absolute-sized-content-with-resources.xhtml [ NeedsR
ebaseline ] |
| 258 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/js-late-clipPath-and-object-creation.svg [ NeedsReba
seline ] |
| 259 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/js-late-clipPath-creation.svg [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 260 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/js-late-gradient-and-object-creation.svg [ NeedsReba
seline ] |
| 261 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/js-late-gradient-creation.svg [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 262 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/js-late-pattern-and-object-creation.svg [ NeedsRebas
eline ] |
| 263 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/js-late-pattern-creation.svg [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 264 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/object-sizing-no-width-height-change-content-box-siz
e.xhtml [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 265 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/relative-sized-content-with-resources.xhtml [ NeedsR
ebaseline ] |
| 266 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/relative-sized-content.xhtml [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 267 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/relative-sized-deep-shadow-tree-content.xhtml [ Need
sRebaseline ] |
| 268 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/relative-sized-image.xhtml [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 269 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/relative-sized-inner-svg.xhtml [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 270 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/relative-sized-shadow-tree-content-with-symbol.xhtml
[ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 271 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/relative-sized-shadow-tree-content.xhtml [ NeedsReba
seline ] |
| 272 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/relative-sized-use-on-symbol.xhtml [ NeedsRebaseline
] |
| 273 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/relative-sized-use-without-attributes-on-symbol.xhtm
l [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 274 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/scrolling-embedded-svg-file-image-repaint-problem.ht
ml [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 275 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/text-repaint-including-stroke.svg [ NeedsRebaseline
] |
| 276 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/text-xy-updates-SVGList.xhtml [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 277 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/use-clipped-hit.svg [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 278 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/use-detach.svg [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 279 crbug.com/537638 svg/custom/use-setAttribute-crash.svg [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 280 crbug.com/537638 svg/repaint/add-background-property-on-root.html [ NeedsRebasel
ine ] |
| 281 crbug.com/537638 svg/repaint/add-outline-property-on-root.html [ NeedsRebaseline
] |
| 282 crbug.com/537638 svg/repaint/inner-svg-change-viewPort-relative.svg [ NeedsRebas
eline ] |
| 283 crbug.com/537638 svg/repaint/modify-transferred-listitem-different-attr.html [ N
eedsRebaseline ] |
| 284 crbug.com/537638 svg/repaint/outline-offset-text.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 285 crbug.com/537638 svg/repaint/remove-background-property-on-root.html [ NeedsReba
seline ] |
| 286 crbug.com/537638 svg/repaint/remove-outline-property-on-root.html [ NeedsRebasel
ine ] |
| 287 crbug.com/537638 svg/repaint/repaint-non-scaling-stroke-text-decoration.html [ N
eedsRebaseline ] |
| 288 crbug.com/537638 svg/repaint/repaint-non-scaling-stroke-text.html [ NeedsRebasel
ine ] |
| 289 crbug.com/537638 svg/repaint/text-mask-update.svg [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 290 crbug.com/537638 svg/repaint/text-pattern-update-2.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 291 crbug.com/537638 svg/repaint/text-pattern-update.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 292 crbug.com/537638 svg/text/append-text-node-to-tspan.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 293 crbug.com/537638 svg/text/ems-display-none.svg [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 294 crbug.com/537638 svg/text/exs-display-none.svg [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 295 crbug.com/537638 svg/text/modify-text-node-in-tspan.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 296 crbug.com/537638 svg/text/remove-text-node-from-tspan.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 297 crbug.com/537638 svg/text/remove-tspan-from-text.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 298 crbug.com/537638 svg/text/text-rescale.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 299 crbug.com/537638 svg/text/text-viewbox-rescale.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 300 crbug.com/537638 svg/text/tspan-dynamic-positioning.svg [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 301 |
| 302 crbug.com/537638 compositing/squashing/remove-squashed-layer-plus-move.html [ Ne
edsManualRebaseline ] |
| 303 crbug.com/537638 svg/transforms/animated-path-inside-transformed-html.xhtml [ Ne
edsManualRebaseline ] |
| 304 |
183 crbug.com/432129 fast/html/marquee-scroll.html [ Failure Pass ] | 305 crbug.com/432129 fast/html/marquee-scroll.html [ Failure Pass ] |
184 crbug.com/320139 fast/repaint/block-layout-inline-children-replaced.html [ Failu
re Pass ] | 306 crbug.com/320139 fast/repaint/block-layout-inline-children-replaced.html [ Failu
re Pass ] |
185 crbug.com/518929 [ Precise Debug ] http/tests/appcache/obsolete-error-events.htm
l [ Failure Pass Timeout ] | 307 crbug.com/518929 [ Precise Debug ] http/tests/appcache/obsolete-error-events.htm
l [ Failure Pass Timeout ] |
186 crbug.com/518929 [ Precise Debug ] http/tests/appcache/remove-cache.html [ Failu
re Pass ] | 308 crbug.com/518929 [ Precise Debug ] http/tests/appcache/remove-cache.html [ Failu
re Pass ] |
187 crbug.com/248938 virtual/threaded/transitions/cancel-and-start-new.html [ Pass F
ailure ] | 309 crbug.com/248938 virtual/threaded/transitions/cancel-and-start-new.html [ Pass F
ailure ] |
188 crbug.com/248938 virtual/threaded/animations/change-keyframes-name.html [ Failur
e Pass Timeout ] | 310 crbug.com/248938 virtual/threaded/animations/change-keyframes-name.html [ Failur
e Pass Timeout ] |
189 crbug.com/248938 virtual/threaded/animations/change-one-anim.html [ Failure Pass
] | 311 crbug.com/248938 virtual/threaded/animations/change-one-anim.html [ Failure Pass
] |
190 crbug.com/326139 crbug.com/390125 media/video-frame-accurate-seek.html [ Failure
Pass ] | 312 crbug.com/326139 crbug.com/390125 media/video-frame-accurate-seek.html [ Failure
Pass ] |
191 crbug.com/413604 http/tests/loading/script-priorities.html [ Failure Pass ] | 313 crbug.com/413604 http/tests/loading/script-priorities.html [ Failure Pass ] |
192 crbug.com/495523 svg/wicd/test-rightsizing-b.xhtml [ Failure Pass ] | 314 crbug.com/495523 svg/wicd/test-rightsizing-b.xhtml [ Failure Pass ] |
(...skipping 679 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after Loading... |
872 crbug.com/498021 [ Linux ] fast/text/international/hindi-spacing.html [ Failure
] | 994 crbug.com/498021 [ Linux ] fast/text/international/hindi-spacing.html [ Failure
] |
873 | 995 |
874 crbug.com/567998 imported/web-platform-tests/html/obsolete/requirements-for-impl
ementations/other-elements-attributes-and-apis/document-all.html [ NeedsManualRe
baseline ] | 996 crbug.com/567998 imported/web-platform-tests/html/obsolete/requirements-for-impl
ementations/other-elements-attributes-and-apis/document-all.html [ NeedsManualRe
baseline ] |
875 | 997 |
876 # Significant Slimming Paint failure. | 998 # Significant Slimming Paint failure. |
877 crbug.com/459305 [ Mac ] svg/custom/foreign-object-skew.svg [ Failure ] | 999 crbug.com/459305 [ Mac ] svg/custom/foreign-object-skew.svg [ Failure ] |
878 | 1000 |
879 crbug.com/463798 [ Mac ] svg/as-image/svg-invalid-image-1.html [ Failure ] | 1001 crbug.com/463798 [ Mac ] svg/as-image/svg-invalid-image-1.html [ Failure ] |
880 | 1002 |
881 crbug.com/463358 [ Mac Linux Debug ] css3/masking/clip-path-polygon-evenodd.html
[ Failure ] | 1003 crbug.com/463358 [ Mac Linux Debug ] css3/masking/clip-path-polygon-evenodd.html
[ Failure ] |
882 crbug.com/463358 [ Mac ] svg/transforms/animated-path-inside-transformed-html.xh
tml [ Failure ] | 1004 # crbug.com/463358 [ Mac ] svg/transforms/animated-path-inside-transformed-html.
xhtml [ Failure ] |
883 | 1005 |
884 crbug.com/482229 compositing/layer-creation/fixed-position-under-transform.html
[ Failure ] | 1006 crbug.com/482229 compositing/layer-creation/fixed-position-under-transform.html
[ Failure ] |
885 | 1007 |
886 crbug.com/548630 [ XP ] fast/text/justify-vertical.html [ Failure ] | 1008 crbug.com/548630 [ XP ] fast/text/justify-vertical.html [ Failure ] |
887 | 1009 |
888 crbug.com/471824 imported/web-platform-tests/pointerevents/ [ Skip ] | 1010 crbug.com/471824 imported/web-platform-tests/pointerevents/ [ Skip ] |
889 crbug.com/471824 virtual/pointerevent/imported/web-platform-tests/pointerevents/
pointerevent_touch-action-illegal.html [ Skip ] | 1011 crbug.com/471824 virtual/pointerevent/imported/web-platform-tests/pointerevents/
pointerevent_touch-action-illegal.html [ Skip ] |
890 crbug.com/471824 virtual/pointerevent/imported/web-platform-tests/pointerevents/
pointerevent_touch-action-verification.html [ Skip ] | 1012 crbug.com/471824 virtual/pointerevent/imported/web-platform-tests/pointerevents/
pointerevent_touch-action-verification.html [ Skip ] |
891 | 1013 |
892 # Not implemented yet | 1014 # Not implemented yet |
(...skipping 91 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after Loading... |
984 #crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/layer-creation/should-invoke-deferred
-compositing.html [ Failure ] | 1106 #crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/layer-creation/should-invoke-deferred
-compositing.html [ Failure ] |
985 crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/overflow/fixed-scroll-in-empty-root-la
yer.html [ Failure ] | 1107 crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/overflow/fixed-scroll-in-empty-root-la
yer.html [ Failure ] |
986 crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/overflow/text-color-change.html [ Fail
ure ] | 1108 crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/overflow/text-color-change.html [ Fail
ure ] |
987 crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/overflow/updating-scrolling-container-
and-content.html [ Failure ] | 1109 crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/overflow/updating-scrolling-container-
and-content.html [ Failure ] |
988 crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/overflow/updating-scrolling-container.
html [ Failure ] | 1110 crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/overflow/updating-scrolling-container.
html [ Failure ] |
989 # TODO(chrishtr): uncomment/inspect rebaseline of this after fixing crbug.com/51
6016 | 1111 # TODO(chrishtr): uncomment/inspect rebaseline of this after fixing crbug.com/51
6016 |
990 # crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/repaint/should-not-clip-composited-o
verflow-scrolling-layer.html [ Failure ] | 1112 # crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/repaint/should-not-clip-composited-o
verflow-scrolling-layer.html [ Failure ] |
991 crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/squashing/invalidate-when-leaving-squa
shed-layer.html [ Failure ] | 1113 crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/squashing/invalidate-when-leaving-squa
shed-layer.html [ Failure ] |
992 crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/squashing/invalidation-for-subpixel-of
fset-of-squashed-layer.html [ Failure ] | 1114 crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/squashing/invalidation-for-subpixel-of
fset-of-squashed-layer.html [ Failure ] |
993 crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/squashing/invalidations-with-large-neg
ative-margin.html [ Failure ] | 1115 crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/squashing/invalidations-with-large-neg
ative-margin.html [ Failure ] |
994 crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/squashing/remove-squashed-layer-plus-m
ove.html [ Failure ] | 1116 # crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/squashing/remove-squashed-layer-plus
-move.html [ Failure ] |
995 crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/squashing/repaint-overflow-scrolled-sq
uashed-content.html [ Failure ] | 1117 crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/squashing/repaint-overflow-scrolled-sq
uashed-content.html [ Failure ] |
996 crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/squashing/repaint-squashed-layer-in-re
ct.html [ Failure ] | 1118 crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/squashing/repaint-squashed-layer-in-re
ct.html [ Failure ] |
997 crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] compositing/squashing/repaint-via-layout-offset.ht
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] | 1125 crbug.com/509025 [ Mac10.10 ] fast/css/font-face-data-uri-invalid.html [ Failure
] |
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] |
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1290 | 1412 |
1291 crbug.com/569514 inspector/sources/debugger-step/debugger-step-into-document-wri
te.html [ NeedsManualRebaseline ] | 1413 crbug.com/569514 inspector/sources/debugger-step/debugger-step-into-document-wri
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pts.html [ NeedsManualRebaseline ] |
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te.html [ NeedsManualRebaseline ] | 1415 crbug.com/569514 inspector/sources/debugger-step/debugger-step-over-document-wri
te.html [ NeedsManualRebaseline ] |
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pts.html [ NeedsManualRebaseline ] | 1416 crbug.com/569514 inspector/sources/debugger-step/debugger-step-over-inlined-scri
pts.html [ NeedsManualRebaseline ] |
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ebaseline ] | 1417 crbug.com/569514 inspector/sources/debugger/debugger-scripts.html [ NeedsManualR
ebaseline ] |
1296 | 1418 |
1297 crbug.com/569811 inspector-protocol/debugger/updateCallFrameScopes.html [ Pass F
ailure ] | 1419 crbug.com/569811 inspector-protocol/debugger/updateCallFrameScopes.html [ Pass F
ailure ] |
1298 | 1420 |
1299 crbug.com/570899 [ Mac10.6 ] virtual/rootlayerscrolls/fast/scrolling/background-
paint-scrolled.html [ Failure ] | 1421 crbug.com/570899 [ Mac10.6 ] virtual/rootlayerscrolls/fast/scrolling/background-
paint-scrolled.html [ Failure ] |