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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/web-platform-tests/dom/interfaces-expected.txt

Issue 1529523002: Import dom/ from web-platform-tests (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: tweak W3CImportExpectations Created 5 years ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/web-platform-tests/dom/interfaces-expected.txt
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/web-platform-tests/dom/interfaces-expected.txt b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/web-platform-tests/dom/interfaces-expected.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e71121aef9863adb3a5ccaba3bbc00928954160e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/web-platform-tests/dom/interfaces-expected.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1365 @@
+CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 198: callback not yet supported
+This is a testharness.js-based test.
+PASS Event interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS Event interface object length
+PASS Event interface object name
+FAIL Event interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Event.prototype expected "[object EventPrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS Event interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS Event interface: attribute type
+PASS Event interface: attribute target
+PASS Event interface: attribute currentTarget
+PASS Event interface: constant NONE on interface object
+PASS Event interface: constant NONE on interface prototype object
+PASS Event interface: constant CAPTURING_PHASE on interface object
+PASS Event interface: constant CAPTURING_PHASE on interface prototype object
+PASS Event interface: constant AT_TARGET on interface object
+PASS Event interface: constant AT_TARGET on interface prototype object
+PASS Event interface: constant BUBBLING_PHASE on interface object
+PASS Event interface: constant BUBBLING_PHASE on interface prototype object
+PASS Event interface: attribute eventPhase
+PASS Event interface: operation stopPropagation()
+PASS Event interface: operation stopImmediatePropagation()
+PASS Event interface: attribute bubbles
+PASS Event interface: attribute cancelable
+PASS Event interface: operation preventDefault()
+PASS Event interface: attribute defaultPrevented
+PASS Event interface: attribute timeStamp
+FAIL Event interface: operation initEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean) assert_equals: property has wrong .length expected 3 but got 0
+PASS Event must be primary interface of document.createEvent("Event")
+PASS Stringification of document.createEvent("Event")
+PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "type" with the proper type (0)
+PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "target" with the proper type (1)
+PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "currentTarget" with the proper type (2)
+PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "NONE" with the proper type (3)
+PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "CAPTURING_PHASE" with the proper type (4)
+PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "AT_TARGET" with the proper type (5)
+PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "BUBBLING_PHASE" with the proper type (6)
+PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "eventPhase" with the proper type (7)
+PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "stopPropagation" with the proper type (8)
+PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "stopImmediatePropagation" with the proper type (9)
+PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "bubbles" with the proper type (10)
+PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "cancelable" with the proper type (11)
+PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "preventDefault" with the proper type (12)
+PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "defaultPrevented" with the proper type (13)
+PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must have own property "isTrusted"
+PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "timeStamp" with the proper type (15)
+PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "initEvent" with the proper type (16)
+FAIL Event interface: calling initEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean) on document.createEvent("Event") with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { [native code] }" did not throw
+PASS Event must be primary interface of new Event("foo")
+PASS Stringification of new Event("foo")
+PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "type" with the proper type (0)
+PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "target" with the proper type (1)
+PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "currentTarget" with the proper type (2)
+PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "NONE" with the proper type (3)
+PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "CAPTURING_PHASE" with the proper type (4)
+PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "AT_TARGET" with the proper type (5)
+PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "BUBBLING_PHASE" with the proper type (6)
+PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "eventPhase" with the proper type (7)
+PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "stopPropagation" with the proper type (8)
+PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "stopImmediatePropagation" with the proper type (9)
+PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "bubbles" with the proper type (10)
+PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "cancelable" with the proper type (11)
+PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "preventDefault" with the proper type (12)
+PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "defaultPrevented" with the proper type (13)
+PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must have own property "isTrusted"
+PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "timeStamp" with the proper type (15)
+PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "initEvent" with the proper type (16)
+FAIL Event interface: calling initEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean) on new Event("foo") with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { [native code] }" did not throw
+PASS CustomEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object
+FAIL CustomEvent interface object length assert_equals: wrong value for CustomEvent.length expected 1 but got 0
+PASS CustomEvent interface object name
+FAIL CustomEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of CustomEvent.prototype expected "[object CustomEventPrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS CustomEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS CustomEvent interface: attribute detail
+PASS CustomEvent interface: operation initCustomEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean,any)
+PASS CustomEvent must be primary interface of new CustomEvent("foo")
+PASS Stringification of new CustomEvent("foo")
+PASS CustomEvent interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "detail" with the proper type (0)
+PASS CustomEvent interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "initCustomEvent" with the proper type (1)
+PASS CustomEvent interface: calling initCustomEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean,any) on new CustomEvent("foo") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "type" with the proper type (0)
+PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "target" with the proper type (1)
+PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "currentTarget" with the proper type (2)
+PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "NONE" with the proper type (3)
+PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "CAPTURING_PHASE" with the proper type (4)
+PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "AT_TARGET" with the proper type (5)
+PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "BUBBLING_PHASE" with the proper type (6)
+PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "eventPhase" with the proper type (7)
+PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "stopPropagation" with the proper type (8)
+PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "stopImmediatePropagation" with the proper type (9)
+PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "bubbles" with the proper type (10)
+PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "cancelable" with the proper type (11)
+PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "preventDefault" with the proper type (12)
+PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "defaultPrevented" with the proper type (13)
+PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must have own property "isTrusted"
+PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "timeStamp" with the proper type (15)
+PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "initEvent" with the proper type (16)
+FAIL Event interface: calling initEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean) on new CustomEvent("foo") with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { [native code] }" did not throw
+PASS EventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS EventTarget interface object length
+PASS EventTarget interface object name
+FAIL EventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of EventTarget.prototype expected "[object EventTargetPrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS EventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS EventTarget interface: operation addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,boolean)
+PASS EventTarget interface: operation removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,boolean)
+PASS EventTarget interface: operation dispatchEvent(Event)
+PASS EventListener interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS EventListener interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
+PASS EventListener interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS EventListener interface: operation handleEvent(Event)
+PASS NodeList interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS NodeList interface object length
+PASS NodeList interface object name
+FAIL NodeList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of NodeList.prototype expected "[object NodeListPrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS NodeList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS NodeList interface: operation item(unsigned long)
+PASS NodeList interface: attribute length
+PASS NodeList must be primary interface of document.querySelectorAll("script")
+PASS Stringification of document.querySelectorAll("script")
+PASS NodeList interface: document.querySelectorAll("script") must inherit property "item" with the proper type (0)
+PASS NodeList interface: calling item(unsigned long) on document.querySelectorAll("script") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS NodeList interface: document.querySelectorAll("script") must inherit property "length" with the proper type (1)
+PASS HTMLCollection interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS HTMLCollection interface object length
+PASS HTMLCollection interface object name
+FAIL HTMLCollection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of HTMLCollection.prototype expected "[object HTMLCollectionPrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS HTMLCollection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS HTMLCollection interface: attribute length
+PASS HTMLCollection interface: operation item(unsigned long)
+PASS HTMLCollection interface: operation namedItem(DOMString)
+PASS HTMLCollection must be primary interface of document.body.children
+PASS Stringification of document.body.children
+PASS HTMLCollection interface: document.body.children must inherit property "length" with the proper type (0)
+PASS HTMLCollection interface: document.body.children must inherit property "item" with the proper type (1)
+PASS HTMLCollection interface: calling item(unsigned long) on document.body.children with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS HTMLCollection interface: document.body.children must inherit property "namedItem" with the proper type (2)
+PASS HTMLCollection interface: calling namedItem(DOMString) on document.body.children with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS MutationObserver interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS MutationObserver interface object length
+PASS MutationObserver interface object name
+FAIL MutationObserver interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of MutationObserver.prototype expected "[object MutationObserverPrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS MutationObserver interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS MutationObserver interface: operation observe(Node,MutationObserverInit)
+PASS MutationObserver interface: operation disconnect()
+PASS MutationObserver interface: operation takeRecords()
+PASS MutationRecord interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS MutationRecord interface object length
+PASS MutationRecord interface object name
+FAIL MutationRecord interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of MutationRecord.prototype expected "[object MutationRecordPrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS MutationRecord interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute type
+PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute target
+PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute addedNodes
+PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute removedNodes
+PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute previousSibling
+PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute nextSibling
+PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute attributeName
+PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute attributeNamespace
+PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute oldValue
+PASS Node interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS Node interface object length
+PASS Node interface object name
+FAIL Node interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Node.prototype expected "[object NodePrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS Node interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS Node interface: constant ELEMENT_NODE on interface object
+PASS Node interface: constant ELEMENT_NODE on interface prototype object
+PASS Node interface: constant ATTRIBUTE_NODE on interface object
+PASS Node interface: constant ATTRIBUTE_NODE on interface prototype object
+PASS Node interface: constant TEXT_NODE on interface object
+PASS Node interface: constant TEXT_NODE on interface prototype object
+PASS Node interface: constant CDATA_SECTION_NODE on interface object
+PASS Node interface: constant CDATA_SECTION_NODE on interface prototype object
+PASS Node interface: constant ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE on interface object
+PASS Node interface: constant ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE on interface prototype object
+PASS Node interface: constant ENTITY_NODE on interface object
+PASS Node interface: constant ENTITY_NODE on interface prototype object
+PASS Node interface: constant PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE on interface object
+PASS Node interface: constant PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE on interface prototype object
+PASS Node interface: constant COMMENT_NODE on interface object
+PASS Node interface: constant COMMENT_NODE on interface prototype object
+PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_NODE on interface object
+PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_NODE on interface prototype object
+PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE on interface object
+PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE on interface prototype object
+PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE on interface object
+PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE on interface prototype object
+PASS Node interface: constant NOTATION_NODE on interface object
+PASS Node interface: constant NOTATION_NODE on interface prototype object
+PASS Node interface: attribute nodeType
+PASS Node interface: attribute nodeName
+PASS Node interface: attribute baseURI
+PASS Node interface: attribute ownerDocument
+PASS Node interface: attribute parentNode
+PASS Node interface: attribute parentElement
+PASS Node interface: operation hasChildNodes()
+PASS Node interface: attribute childNodes
+PASS Node interface: attribute firstChild
+PASS Node interface: attribute lastChild
+PASS Node interface: attribute previousSibling
+PASS Node interface: attribute nextSibling
+PASS Node interface: attribute nodeValue
+PASS Node interface: attribute textContent
+PASS Node interface: operation normalize()
+PASS Node interface: operation cloneNode(boolean)
+PASS Node interface: operation isEqualNode(Node)
+PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED on interface object
+PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED on interface prototype object
+PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING on interface object
+PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING on interface prototype object
+PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING on interface object
+PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING on interface prototype object
+PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS on interface object
+PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS on interface prototype object
+PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY on interface object
+PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY on interface prototype object
+PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC on interface object
+PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC on interface prototype object
+PASS Node interface: operation compareDocumentPosition(Node)
+PASS Node interface: operation contains(Node)
+PASS Node interface: operation lookupPrefix(DOMString)
+PASS Node interface: operation lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString)
+PASS Node interface: operation isDefaultNamespace(DOMString)
+PASS Node interface: operation insertBefore(Node,Node)
+PASS Node interface: operation appendChild(Node)
+PASS Node interface: operation replaceChild(Node,Node)
+PASS Node interface: operation removeChild(Node)
+PASS Document interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS Document interface object length
+PASS Document interface object name
+FAIL Document interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Document.prototype expected "[object DocumentPrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS Document interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS Document interface: attribute implementation
+PASS Document interface: attribute URL
+PASS Document interface: attribute documentURI
+PASS Document interface: attribute origin
+PASS Document interface: attribute compatMode
+PASS Document interface: attribute characterSet
+PASS Document interface: attribute charset
+PASS Document interface: attribute inputEncoding
+PASS Document interface: attribute contentType
+PASS Document interface: attribute doctype
+PASS Document interface: attribute documentElement
+PASS Document interface: operation getElementsByTagName(DOMString)
+PASS Document interface: operation getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString,DOMString)
+PASS Document interface: operation getElementsByClassName(DOMString)
+PASS Document interface: operation createElement(DOMString)
+PASS Document interface: operation createElementNS(DOMString,DOMString)
+PASS Document interface: operation createDocumentFragment()
+PASS Document interface: operation createTextNode(DOMString)
+PASS Document interface: operation createComment(DOMString)
+PASS Document interface: operation createProcessingInstruction(DOMString,DOMString)
+PASS Document interface: operation importNode(Node,boolean)
+PASS Document interface: operation adoptNode(Node)
+PASS Document interface: operation createAttribute(DOMString)
+PASS Document interface: operation createAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString)
+PASS Document interface: operation createEvent(DOMString)
+PASS Document interface: operation createRange()
+PASS Document interface: operation createNodeIterator(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter)
+PASS Document interface: operation createTreeWalker(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter)
+PASS Document interface: operation getElementById(DOMString)
+PASS Document interface: attribute children
+PASS Document interface: attribute firstElementChild
+PASS Document interface: attribute lastElementChild
+PASS Document interface: attribute childElementCount
+FAIL Document interface: operation prepend([object Object],[object Object]) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "prepend" missing
+FAIL Document interface: operation append([object Object],[object Object]) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "append" missing
+FAIL Document interface: operation query(DOMString) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "query" missing
+FAIL Document interface: operation queryAll(DOMString) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "queryAll" missing
+PASS Document interface: operation querySelector(DOMString)
+PASS Document interface: operation querySelectorAll(DOMString)
+PASS XMLDocument interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS XMLDocument interface object length
+PASS XMLDocument interface object name
+FAIL XMLDocument interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of XMLDocument.prototype expected "[object XMLDocumentPrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS XMLDocument interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS XMLDocument must be primary interface of xmlDoc
+PASS Stringification of xmlDoc
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "implementation" with the proper type (0)
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "URL" with the proper type (1)
+FAIL Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "documentURI" with the proper type (2) assert_equals: expected "string" but got "object"
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "origin" with the proper type (3)
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "compatMode" with the proper type (4)
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "characterSet" with the proper type (5)
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "charset" with the proper type (6)
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "inputEncoding" with the proper type (7)
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "contentType" with the proper type (8)
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "doctype" with the proper type (9)
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "documentElement" with the proper type (10)
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "getElementsByTagName" with the proper type (11)
+PASS Document interface: calling getElementsByTagName(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "getElementsByTagNameNS" with the proper type (12)
+PASS Document interface: calling getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString,DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "getElementsByClassName" with the proper type (13)
+PASS Document interface: calling getElementsByClassName(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createElement" with the proper type (14)
+PASS Document interface: calling createElement(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createElementNS" with the proper type (15)
+PASS Document interface: calling createElementNS(DOMString,DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createDocumentFragment" with the proper type (16)
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createTextNode" with the proper type (17)
+PASS Document interface: calling createTextNode(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createComment" with the proper type (18)
+PASS Document interface: calling createComment(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createProcessingInstruction" with the proper type (19)
+PASS Document interface: calling createProcessingInstruction(DOMString,DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "importNode" with the proper type (20)
+PASS Document interface: calling importNode(Node,boolean) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "adoptNode" with the proper type (21)
+PASS Document interface: calling adoptNode(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createAttribute" with the proper type (22)
+PASS Document interface: calling createAttribute(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createAttributeNS" with the proper type (23)
+PASS Document interface: calling createAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createEvent" with the proper type (24)
+PASS Document interface: calling createEvent(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createRange" with the proper type (25)
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createNodeIterator" with the proper type (26)
+PASS Document interface: calling createNodeIterator(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createTreeWalker" with the proper type (27)
+PASS Document interface: calling createTreeWalker(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "getElementById" with the proper type (28)
+PASS Document interface: calling getElementById(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "children" with the proper type (29)
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "firstElementChild" with the proper type (30)
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "lastElementChild" with the proper type (31)
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "childElementCount" with the proper type (32)
+FAIL Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "prepend" with the proper type (33) assert_inherits: property "prepend" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL Document interface: calling prepend([object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "prepend" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "append" with the proper type (34) assert_inherits: property "append" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL Document interface: calling append([object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "append" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "query" with the proper type (35) assert_inherits: property "query" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL Document interface: calling query(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "query" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "queryAll" with the proper type (36) assert_inherits: property "queryAll" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL Document interface: calling queryAll(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "queryAll" not found in prototype chain
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "querySelector" with the proper type (37)
+PASS Document interface: calling querySelector(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "querySelectorAll" with the proper type (38)
+PASS Document interface: calling querySelectorAll(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (15)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (16)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (17)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (18)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (19)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (20)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (21)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (22)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (23)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (24)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (25)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (26)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (27)
+PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (28)
+PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (29)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (30)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (31)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (32)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (33)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (34)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (35)
+PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (36)
+PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (37)
+PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (38)
+PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (39)
+PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (40)
+PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (41)
+PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (42)
+PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (43)
+PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0)
+PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,boolean) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1)
+PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,boolean) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2)
+PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS DOMImplementation interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS DOMImplementation interface object length
+PASS DOMImplementation interface object name
+FAIL DOMImplementation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of DOMImplementation.prototype expected "[object DOMImplementationPrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS DOMImplementation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS DOMImplementation interface: operation createDocumentType(DOMString,DOMString,DOMString)
+PASS DOMImplementation interface: operation createDocument(DOMString,DOMString,DocumentType)
+PASS DOMImplementation interface: operation createHTMLDocument(DOMString)
+PASS DOMImplementation interface: operation hasFeature()
+PASS DOMImplementation must be primary interface of document.implementation
+PASS Stringification of document.implementation
+PASS DOMImplementation interface: document.implementation must inherit property "createDocumentType" with the proper type (0)
+PASS DOMImplementation interface: calling createDocumentType(DOMString,DOMString,DOMString) on document.implementation with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS DOMImplementation interface: document.implementation must inherit property "createDocument" with the proper type (1)
+PASS DOMImplementation interface: calling createDocument(DOMString,DOMString,DocumentType) on document.implementation with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS DOMImplementation interface: document.implementation must inherit property "createHTMLDocument" with the proper type (2)
+PASS DOMImplementation interface: calling createHTMLDocument(DOMString) on document.implementation with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS DOMImplementation interface: document.implementation must inherit property "hasFeature" with the proper type (3)
+PASS DocumentFragment interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS DocumentFragment interface object length
+PASS DocumentFragment interface object name
+FAIL DocumentFragment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of DocumentFragment.prototype expected "[object DocumentFragmentPrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS DocumentFragment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation getElementById(DOMString)
+PASS DocumentFragment interface: attribute children
+PASS DocumentFragment interface: attribute firstElementChild
+PASS DocumentFragment interface: attribute lastElementChild
+PASS DocumentFragment interface: attribute childElementCount
+FAIL DocumentFragment interface: operation prepend([object Object],[object Object]) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "prepend" missing
+FAIL DocumentFragment interface: operation append([object Object],[object Object]) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "append" missing
+FAIL DocumentFragment interface: operation query(DOMString) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "query" missing
+FAIL DocumentFragment interface: operation queryAll(DOMString) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "queryAll" missing
+PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation querySelector(DOMString)
+PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation querySelectorAll(DOMString)
+PASS DocumentFragment must be primary interface of document.createDocumentFragment()
+PASS Stringification of document.createDocumentFragment()
+PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "getElementById" with the proper type (0)
+PASS DocumentFragment interface: calling getElementById(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "children" with the proper type (1)
+PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "firstElementChild" with the proper type (2)
+PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "lastElementChild" with the proper type (3)
+PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "childElementCount" with the proper type (4)
+FAIL DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "prepend" with the proper type (5) assert_inherits: property "prepend" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL DocumentFragment interface: calling prepend([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "prepend" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "append" with the proper type (6) assert_inherits: property "append" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL DocumentFragment interface: calling append([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "append" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "query" with the proper type (7) assert_inherits: property "query" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL DocumentFragment interface: calling query(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "query" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "queryAll" with the proper type (8) assert_inherits: property "queryAll" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL DocumentFragment interface: calling queryAll(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "queryAll" not found in prototype chain
+PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "querySelector" with the proper type (9)
+PASS DocumentFragment interface: calling querySelector(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "querySelectorAll" with the proper type (10)
+PASS DocumentFragment interface: calling querySelectorAll(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (15)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (16)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (17)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (18)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (19)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (20)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (21)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (22)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (23)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (24)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (25)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (26)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (27)
+PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (28)
+PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (29)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (30)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (31)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (32)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (33)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (34)
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (35)
+PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (36)
+PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (37)
+PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (38)
+PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (39)
+PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (40)
+PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (41)
+PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (42)
+PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (43)
+PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS EventTarget interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0)
+PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,boolean) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS EventTarget interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1)
+PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,boolean) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS EventTarget interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2)
+PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS DocumentType interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS DocumentType interface object length
+PASS DocumentType interface object name
+FAIL DocumentType interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of DocumentType.prototype expected "[object DocumentTypePrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS DocumentType interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS DocumentType interface: attribute name
+PASS DocumentType interface: attribute publicId
+PASS DocumentType interface: attribute systemId
+FAIL DocumentType interface: operation before([object Object],[object Object]) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "before" missing
+FAIL DocumentType interface: operation after([object Object],[object Object]) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "after" missing
+FAIL DocumentType interface: operation replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "replaceWith" missing
+PASS DocumentType interface: operation remove()
+PASS DocumentType must be primary interface of document.doctype
+PASS Stringification of document.doctype
+PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "name" with the proper type (0)
+PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "publicId" with the proper type (1)
+PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "systemId" with the proper type (2)
+FAIL DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "before" with the proper type (3) assert_inherits: property "before" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL DocumentType interface: calling before([object Object],[object Object]) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "before" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "after" with the proper type (4) assert_inherits: property "after" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL DocumentType interface: calling after([object Object],[object Object]) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "after" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (5) assert_inherits: property "replaceWith" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL DocumentType interface: calling replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "replaceWith" not found in prototype chain
+PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (6)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (15)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (16)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (17)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (18)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (19)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (20)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (21)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (22)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (23)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (24)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (25)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (26)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (27)
+PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (28)
+PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (29)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (30)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (31)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (32)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (33)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (34)
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (35)
+PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (36)
+PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (37)
+PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (38)
+PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (39)
+PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (40)
+PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (41)
+PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (42)
+PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (43)
+PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS EventTarget interface: document.doctype must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0)
+PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,boolean) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS EventTarget interface: document.doctype must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1)
+PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,boolean) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS EventTarget interface: document.doctype must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2)
+PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Element interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS Element interface object length
+PASS Element interface object name
+FAIL Element interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Element.prototype expected "[object ElementPrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS Element interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS Element interface: attribute namespaceURI
+PASS Element interface: attribute prefix
+PASS Element interface: attribute localName
+PASS Element interface: attribute tagName
+PASS Element interface: attribute id
+PASS Element interface: attribute className
+PASS Element interface: attribute classList
+PASS Element interface: operation hasAttributes()
+PASS Element interface: attribute attributes
+PASS Element interface: operation getAttribute(DOMString)
+PASS Element interface: operation getAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString)
+PASS Element interface: operation setAttribute(DOMString,DOMString)
+PASS Element interface: operation setAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString,DOMString)
+PASS Element interface: operation removeAttribute(DOMString)
+PASS Element interface: operation removeAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString)
+PASS Element interface: operation hasAttribute(DOMString)
+PASS Element interface: operation hasAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString)
+PASS Element interface: operation getAttributeNode(DOMString)
+PASS Element interface: operation getAttributeNodeNS(DOMString,DOMString)
+PASS Element interface: operation setAttributeNode(Attr)
+PASS Element interface: operation setAttributeNodeNS(Attr)
+PASS Element interface: operation removeAttributeNode(Attr)
+PASS Element interface: operation closest(DOMString)
+PASS Element interface: operation matches(DOMString)
+PASS Element interface: operation getElementsByTagName(DOMString)
+PASS Element interface: operation getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString,DOMString)
+PASS Element interface: operation getElementsByClassName(DOMString)
+PASS Element interface: attribute children
+PASS Element interface: attribute firstElementChild
+PASS Element interface: attribute lastElementChild
+PASS Element interface: attribute childElementCount
+FAIL Element interface: operation prepend([object Object],[object Object]) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "prepend" missing
+FAIL Element interface: operation append([object Object],[object Object]) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "append" missing
+FAIL Element interface: operation query(DOMString) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "query" missing
+FAIL Element interface: operation queryAll(DOMString) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "queryAll" missing
+PASS Element interface: operation querySelector(DOMString)
+PASS Element interface: operation querySelectorAll(DOMString)
+PASS Element interface: attribute previousElementSibling
+PASS Element interface: attribute nextElementSibling
+FAIL Element interface: operation before([object Object],[object Object]) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "before" missing
+FAIL Element interface: operation after([object Object],[object Object]) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "after" missing
+FAIL Element interface: operation replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "replaceWith" missing
+PASS Element interface: operation remove()
+PASS Element must be primary interface of element
+PASS Stringification of element
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "namespaceURI" with the proper type (0)
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "prefix" with the proper type (1)
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "localName" with the proper type (2)
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "tagName" with the proper type (3)
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "id" with the proper type (4)
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "className" with the proper type (5)
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "classList" with the proper type (6)
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "hasAttributes" with the proper type (7)
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "attributes" with the proper type (8)
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getAttribute" with the proper type (9)
+PASS Element interface: calling getAttribute(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getAttributeNS" with the proper type (10)
+PASS Element interface: calling getAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "setAttribute" with the proper type (11)
+PASS Element interface: calling setAttribute(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "setAttributeNS" with the proper type (12)
+PASS Element interface: calling setAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "removeAttribute" with the proper type (13)
+PASS Element interface: calling removeAttribute(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "removeAttributeNS" with the proper type (14)
+PASS Element interface: calling removeAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "hasAttribute" with the proper type (15)
+PASS Element interface: calling hasAttribute(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "hasAttributeNS" with the proper type (16)
+PASS Element interface: calling hasAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getAttributeNode" with the proper type (17)
+PASS Element interface: calling getAttributeNode(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getAttributeNodeNS" with the proper type (18)
+PASS Element interface: calling getAttributeNodeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "setAttributeNode" with the proper type (19)
+PASS Element interface: calling setAttributeNode(Attr) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "setAttributeNodeNS" with the proper type (20)
+PASS Element interface: calling setAttributeNodeNS(Attr) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "removeAttributeNode" with the proper type (21)
+PASS Element interface: calling removeAttributeNode(Attr) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "closest" with the proper type (22)
+PASS Element interface: calling closest(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "matches" with the proper type (23)
+PASS Element interface: calling matches(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getElementsByTagName" with the proper type (24)
+PASS Element interface: calling getElementsByTagName(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getElementsByTagNameNS" with the proper type (25)
+PASS Element interface: calling getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getElementsByClassName" with the proper type (26)
+PASS Element interface: calling getElementsByClassName(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "children" with the proper type (27)
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "firstElementChild" with the proper type (28)
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "lastElementChild" with the proper type (29)
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "childElementCount" with the proper type (30)
+FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "prepend" with the proper type (31) assert_inherits: property "prepend" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL Element interface: calling prepend([object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "prepend" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "append" with the proper type (32) assert_inherits: property "append" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL Element interface: calling append([object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "append" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "query" with the proper type (33) assert_inherits: property "query" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL Element interface: calling query(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "query" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "queryAll" with the proper type (34) assert_inherits: property "queryAll" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL Element interface: calling queryAll(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "queryAll" not found in prototype chain
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "querySelector" with the proper type (35)
+PASS Element interface: calling querySelector(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "querySelectorAll" with the proper type (36)
+PASS Element interface: calling querySelectorAll(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "previousElementSibling" with the proper type (37)
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "nextElementSibling" with the proper type (38)
+FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "before" with the proper type (39) assert_inherits: property "before" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL Element interface: calling before([object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "before" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "after" with the proper type (40) assert_inherits: property "after" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL Element interface: calling after([object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "after" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (41) assert_inherits: property "replaceWith" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL Element interface: calling replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "replaceWith" not found in prototype chain
+PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (42)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (15)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (16)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (17)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (18)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (19)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (20)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (21)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (22)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (23)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (24)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (25)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (26)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (27)
+PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (28)
+PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (29)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (30)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (31)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (32)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (33)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (34)
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (35)
+PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (36)
+PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (37)
+PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (38)
+PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (39)
+PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (40)
+PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (41)
+PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (42)
+PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (43)
+PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS EventTarget interface: element must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0)
+PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,boolean) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS EventTarget interface: element must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1)
+PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,boolean) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS EventTarget interface: element must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2)
+PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS NamedNodeMap interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS NamedNodeMap interface object length
+PASS NamedNodeMap interface object name
+FAIL NamedNodeMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of NamedNodeMap.prototype expected "[object NamedNodeMapPrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS NamedNodeMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS NamedNodeMap interface: attribute length
+PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation item(unsigned long)
+PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation getNamedItem(DOMString)
+PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation getNamedItemNS(DOMString,DOMString)
+PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation setNamedItem(Attr)
+PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation setNamedItemNS(Attr)
+PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation removeNamedItem(DOMString)
+PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation removeNamedItemNS(DOMString,DOMString)
+FAIL Attr interface: existence and properties of interface object assert_equals: prototype of self's property "Attr" is not Function.prototype expected function "function () {}" but got function "function Node() { [native code] }"
+PASS Attr interface object length
+PASS Attr interface object name
+FAIL Attr interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: prototype of Attr.prototype is not Object.prototype expected object "[object Object]" but got object "[object Object]"
+PASS Attr interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS Attr interface: attribute namespaceURI
+PASS Attr interface: attribute prefix
+PASS Attr interface: attribute localName
+PASS Attr interface: attribute name
+PASS Attr interface: attribute value
+PASS Attr interface: attribute nodeValue
+PASS Attr interface: attribute textContent
+PASS Attr interface: attribute ownerElement
+PASS Attr interface: attribute specified
+PASS Attr must be primary interface of document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0]
+PASS Stringification of document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0]
+PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "namespaceURI" with the proper type (0)
+PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "prefix" with the proper type (1)
+PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "localName" with the proper type (2)
+PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "name" with the proper type (3)
+PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "value" with the proper type (4)
+PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (5)
+PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (6)
+PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "ownerElement" with the proper type (7)
+PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "specified" with the proper type (8)
+PASS CharacterData interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS CharacterData interface object length
+PASS CharacterData interface object name
+FAIL CharacterData interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of CharacterData.prototype expected "[object CharacterDataPrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS CharacterData interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS CharacterData interface: attribute data
+PASS CharacterData interface: attribute length
+PASS CharacterData interface: operation substringData(unsigned long,unsigned long)
+PASS CharacterData interface: operation appendData(DOMString)
+PASS CharacterData interface: operation insertData(unsigned long,DOMString)
+PASS CharacterData interface: operation deleteData(unsigned long,unsigned long)
+PASS CharacterData interface: operation replaceData(unsigned long,unsigned long,DOMString)
+PASS CharacterData interface: attribute previousElementSibling
+PASS CharacterData interface: attribute nextElementSibling
+FAIL CharacterData interface: operation before([object Object],[object Object]) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "before" missing
+FAIL CharacterData interface: operation after([object Object],[object Object]) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "after" missing
+FAIL CharacterData interface: operation replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "replaceWith" missing
+PASS CharacterData interface: operation remove()
+PASS Text interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS Text interface object length
+PASS Text interface object name
+FAIL Text interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Text.prototype expected "[object TextPrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS Text interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS Text interface: operation splitText(unsigned long)
+PASS Text interface: attribute wholeText
+PASS Text must be primary interface of document.createTextNode("abc")
+PASS Stringification of document.createTextNode("abc")
+PASS Text interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "splitText" with the proper type (0)
+PASS Text interface: calling splitText(unsigned long) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Text interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "wholeText" with the proper type (1)
+PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "data" with the proper type (0)
+PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "length" with the proper type (1)
+PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "substringData" with the proper type (2)
+PASS CharacterData interface: calling substringData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "appendData" with the proper type (3)
+PASS CharacterData interface: calling appendData(DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "insertData" with the proper type (4)
+PASS CharacterData interface: calling insertData(unsigned long,DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "deleteData" with the proper type (5)
+PASS CharacterData interface: calling deleteData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "replaceData" with the proper type (6)
+PASS CharacterData interface: calling replaceData(unsigned long,unsigned long,DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "previousElementSibling" with the proper type (7)
+PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "nextElementSibling" with the proper type (8)
+FAIL CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "before" with the proper type (9) assert_inherits: property "before" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL CharacterData interface: calling before([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "before" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "after" with the proper type (10) assert_inherits: property "after" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL CharacterData interface: calling after([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "after" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (11) assert_inherits: property "replaceWith" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL CharacterData interface: calling replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "replaceWith" not found in prototype chain
+PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (12)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (15)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (16)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (17)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (18)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (19)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (20)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (21)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (22)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (23)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (24)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (25)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (26)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (27)
+PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (28)
+PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (29)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (30)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (31)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (32)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (33)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (34)
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (35)
+PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (36)
+PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (37)
+PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (38)
+PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (39)
+PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (40)
+PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (41)
+PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (42)
+PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (43)
+PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS EventTarget interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0)
+PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,boolean) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS EventTarget interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1)
+PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,boolean) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS EventTarget interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2)
+PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS ProcessingInstruction interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS ProcessingInstruction interface object length
+PASS ProcessingInstruction interface object name
+FAIL ProcessingInstruction interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of ProcessingInstruction.prototype expected "[object ProcessingInstructionPrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS ProcessingInstruction interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS ProcessingInstruction interface: attribute target
+PASS ProcessingInstruction must be primary interface of xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def")
+PASS Stringification of xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def")
+PASS ProcessingInstruction interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "target" with the proper type (0)
+PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "data" with the proper type (0)
+PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "length" with the proper type (1)
+PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "substringData" with the proper type (2)
+PASS CharacterData interface: calling substringData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "appendData" with the proper type (3)
+PASS CharacterData interface: calling appendData(DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "insertData" with the proper type (4)
+PASS CharacterData interface: calling insertData(unsigned long,DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "deleteData" with the proper type (5)
+PASS CharacterData interface: calling deleteData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "replaceData" with the proper type (6)
+PASS CharacterData interface: calling replaceData(unsigned long,unsigned long,DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "previousElementSibling" with the proper type (7)
+PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "nextElementSibling" with the proper type (8)
+FAIL CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "before" with the proper type (9) assert_inherits: property "before" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL CharacterData interface: calling before([object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "before" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "after" with the proper type (10) assert_inherits: property "after" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL CharacterData interface: calling after([object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "after" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (11) assert_inherits: property "replaceWith" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL CharacterData interface: calling replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "replaceWith" not found in prototype chain
+PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (12)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (15)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (16)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (17)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (18)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (19)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (20)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (21)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (22)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (23)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (24)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (25)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (26)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (27)
+PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (28)
+PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (29)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (30)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (31)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (32)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (33)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (34)
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (35)
+PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (36)
+PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (37)
+PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (38)
+PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (39)
+PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (40)
+PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (41)
+PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (42)
+PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (43)
+PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0)
+PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,boolean) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1)
+PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,boolean) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2)
+PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Comment interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS Comment interface object length
+PASS Comment interface object name
+FAIL Comment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Comment.prototype expected "[object CommentPrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS Comment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS Comment must be primary interface of document.createComment("abc")
+PASS Stringification of document.createComment("abc")
+PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "data" with the proper type (0)
+PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "length" with the proper type (1)
+PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "substringData" with the proper type (2)
+PASS CharacterData interface: calling substringData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "appendData" with the proper type (3)
+PASS CharacterData interface: calling appendData(DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "insertData" with the proper type (4)
+PASS CharacterData interface: calling insertData(unsigned long,DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "deleteData" with the proper type (5)
+PASS CharacterData interface: calling deleteData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "replaceData" with the proper type (6)
+PASS CharacterData interface: calling replaceData(unsigned long,unsigned long,DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "previousElementSibling" with the proper type (7)
+PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "nextElementSibling" with the proper type (8)
+FAIL CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "before" with the proper type (9) assert_inherits: property "before" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL CharacterData interface: calling before([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "before" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "after" with the proper type (10) assert_inherits: property "after" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL CharacterData interface: calling after([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "after" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (11) assert_inherits: property "replaceWith" not found in prototype chain
+FAIL CharacterData interface: calling replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "replaceWith" not found in prototype chain
+PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (12)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (15)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (16)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (17)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (18)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (19)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (20)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (21)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (22)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (23)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (24)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (25)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (26)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (27)
+PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (28)
+PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (29)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (30)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (31)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (32)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (33)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (34)
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (35)
+PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (36)
+PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (37)
+PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (38)
+PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (39)
+PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (40)
+PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (41)
+PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (42)
+PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (43)
+PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS EventTarget interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0)
+PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,boolean) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS EventTarget interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1)
+PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,boolean) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS EventTarget interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2)
+PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS Range interface object length
+PASS Range interface object name
+FAIL Range interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Range.prototype expected "[object RangePrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS Range interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS Range interface: attribute startContainer
+PASS Range interface: attribute startOffset
+PASS Range interface: attribute endContainer
+PASS Range interface: attribute endOffset
+PASS Range interface: attribute collapsed
+PASS Range interface: attribute commonAncestorContainer
+PASS Range interface: operation setStart(Node,unsigned long)
+PASS Range interface: operation setEnd(Node,unsigned long)
+PASS Range interface: operation setStartBefore(Node)
+PASS Range interface: operation setStartAfter(Node)
+PASS Range interface: operation setEndBefore(Node)
+PASS Range interface: operation setEndAfter(Node)
+PASS Range interface: operation collapse(boolean)
+PASS Range interface: operation selectNode(Node)
+PASS Range interface: operation selectNodeContents(Node)
+PASS Range interface: constant START_TO_START on interface object
+PASS Range interface: constant START_TO_START on interface prototype object
+PASS Range interface: constant START_TO_END on interface object
+PASS Range interface: constant START_TO_END on interface prototype object
+PASS Range interface: constant END_TO_END on interface object
+PASS Range interface: constant END_TO_END on interface prototype object
+PASS Range interface: constant END_TO_START on interface object
+PASS Range interface: constant END_TO_START on interface prototype object
+PASS Range interface: operation compareBoundaryPoints(unsigned short,Range)
+PASS Range interface: operation deleteContents()
+PASS Range interface: operation extractContents()
+PASS Range interface: operation cloneContents()
+PASS Range interface: operation insertNode(Node)
+PASS Range interface: operation surroundContents(Node)
+PASS Range interface: operation cloneRange()
+PASS Range interface: operation detach()
+PASS Range interface: operation isPointInRange(Node,unsigned long)
+PASS Range interface: operation comparePoint(Node,unsigned long)
+PASS Range interface: operation intersectsNode(Node)
+PASS Range interface: stringifier
+PASS Range must be primary interface of document.createRange()
+PASS Stringification of document.createRange()
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "startContainer" with the proper type (0)
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "startOffset" with the proper type (1)
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "endContainer" with the proper type (2)
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "endOffset" with the proper type (3)
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "collapsed" with the proper type (4)
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "commonAncestorContainer" with the proper type (5)
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setStart" with the proper type (6)
+PASS Range interface: calling setStart(Node,unsigned long) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setEnd" with the proper type (7)
+PASS Range interface: calling setEnd(Node,unsigned long) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setStartBefore" with the proper type (8)
+PASS Range interface: calling setStartBefore(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setStartAfter" with the proper type (9)
+PASS Range interface: calling setStartAfter(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setEndBefore" with the proper type (10)
+PASS Range interface: calling setEndBefore(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setEndAfter" with the proper type (11)
+PASS Range interface: calling setEndAfter(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "collapse" with the proper type (12)
+PASS Range interface: calling collapse(boolean) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "selectNode" with the proper type (13)
+PASS Range interface: calling selectNode(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "selectNodeContents" with the proper type (14)
+PASS Range interface: calling selectNodeContents(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "START_TO_START" with the proper type (15)
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "START_TO_END" with the proper type (16)
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "END_TO_END" with the proper type (17)
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "END_TO_START" with the proper type (18)
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "compareBoundaryPoints" with the proper type (19)
+PASS Range interface: calling compareBoundaryPoints(unsigned short,Range) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "deleteContents" with the proper type (20)
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "extractContents" with the proper type (21)
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "cloneContents" with the proper type (22)
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "insertNode" with the proper type (23)
+PASS Range interface: calling insertNode(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "surroundContents" with the proper type (24)
+PASS Range interface: calling surroundContents(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "cloneRange" with the proper type (25)
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "detach" with the proper type (26)
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "isPointInRange" with the proper type (27)
+PASS Range interface: calling isPointInRange(Node,unsigned long) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "comparePoint" with the proper type (28)
+PASS Range interface: calling comparePoint(Node,unsigned long) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "intersectsNode" with the proper type (29)
+PASS Range interface: calling intersectsNode(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range must be primary interface of detachedRange
+PASS Stringification of detachedRange
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "startContainer" with the proper type (0)
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "startOffset" with the proper type (1)
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "endContainer" with the proper type (2)
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "endOffset" with the proper type (3)
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "collapsed" with the proper type (4)
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "commonAncestorContainer" with the proper type (5)
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setStart" with the proper type (6)
+PASS Range interface: calling setStart(Node,unsigned long) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setEnd" with the proper type (7)
+PASS Range interface: calling setEnd(Node,unsigned long) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setStartBefore" with the proper type (8)
+PASS Range interface: calling setStartBefore(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setStartAfter" with the proper type (9)
+PASS Range interface: calling setStartAfter(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setEndBefore" with the proper type (10)
+PASS Range interface: calling setEndBefore(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setEndAfter" with the proper type (11)
+PASS Range interface: calling setEndAfter(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "collapse" with the proper type (12)
+PASS Range interface: calling collapse(boolean) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "selectNode" with the proper type (13)
+PASS Range interface: calling selectNode(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "selectNodeContents" with the proper type (14)
+PASS Range interface: calling selectNodeContents(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "START_TO_START" with the proper type (15)
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "START_TO_END" with the proper type (16)
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "END_TO_END" with the proper type (17)
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "END_TO_START" with the proper type (18)
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "compareBoundaryPoints" with the proper type (19)
+PASS Range interface: calling compareBoundaryPoints(unsigned short,Range) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "deleteContents" with the proper type (20)
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "extractContents" with the proper type (21)
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "cloneContents" with the proper type (22)
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "insertNode" with the proper type (23)
+PASS Range interface: calling insertNode(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "surroundContents" with the proper type (24)
+PASS Range interface: calling surroundContents(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "cloneRange" with the proper type (25)
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "detach" with the proper type (26)
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "isPointInRange" with the proper type (27)
+PASS Range interface: calling isPointInRange(Node,unsigned long) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "comparePoint" with the proper type (28)
+PASS Range interface: calling comparePoint(Node,unsigned long) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "intersectsNode" with the proper type (29)
+PASS Range interface: calling intersectsNode(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS NodeIterator interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS NodeIterator interface object length
+PASS NodeIterator interface object name
+FAIL NodeIterator interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of NodeIterator.prototype expected "[object NodeIteratorPrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS NodeIterator interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute root
+PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute referenceNode
+PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute pointerBeforeReferenceNode
+PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute whatToShow
+PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute filter
+PASS NodeIterator interface: operation nextNode()
+PASS NodeIterator interface: operation previousNode()
+PASS NodeIterator interface: operation detach()
+PASS NodeIterator must be primary interface of document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false)
+PASS Stringification of document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false)
+PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "root" with the proper type (0)
+PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "referenceNode" with the proper type (1)
+PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "pointerBeforeReferenceNode" with the proper type (2)
+PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "whatToShow" with the proper type (3)
+PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "filter" with the proper type (4)
+PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "nextNode" with the proper type (5)
+PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "previousNode" with the proper type (6)
+PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "detach" with the proper type (7)
+PASS TreeWalker interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS TreeWalker interface object length
+PASS TreeWalker interface object name
+FAIL TreeWalker interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of TreeWalker.prototype expected "[object TreeWalkerPrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS TreeWalker interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS TreeWalker interface: attribute root
+PASS TreeWalker interface: attribute whatToShow
+PASS TreeWalker interface: attribute filter
+PASS TreeWalker interface: attribute currentNode
+PASS TreeWalker interface: operation parentNode()
+PASS TreeWalker interface: operation firstChild()
+PASS TreeWalker interface: operation lastChild()
+PASS TreeWalker interface: operation previousSibling()
+PASS TreeWalker interface: operation nextSibling()
+PASS TreeWalker interface: operation previousNode()
+PASS TreeWalker interface: operation nextNode()
+PASS TreeWalker must be primary interface of document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false)
+PASS Stringification of document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false)
+PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "root" with the proper type (0)
+PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "whatToShow" with the proper type (1)
+PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "filter" with the proper type (2)
+PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "currentNode" with the proper type (3)
+PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (4)
+PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (5)
+PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (6)
+PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (7)
+PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (8)
+PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "previousNode" with the proper type (9)
+PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "nextNode" with the proper type (10)
+FAIL NodeFilter interface: existence and properties of interface object assert_equals: prototype of self's property "NodeFilter" is not Object.prototype expected (object) object "[object Object]" but got (function) function "function () {}"
+PASS NodeFilter interface object name
+FAIL NodeFilter interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
+FAIL NodeFilter interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
+PASS NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_ACCEPT on interface object
+FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_ACCEPT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
+PASS NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_REJECT on interface object
+FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_REJECT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
+PASS NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_SKIP on interface object
+FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_SKIP on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
+PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ALL on interface object
+FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ALL on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
+PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ELEMENT on interface object
+FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ELEMENT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
+PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ATTRIBUTE on interface object
+FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ATTRIBUTE on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
+PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_TEXT on interface object
+FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_TEXT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
+PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_CDATA_SECTION on interface object
+FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_CDATA_SECTION on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
+PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE on interface object
+FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
+PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ENTITY on interface object
+FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ENTITY on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
+PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION on interface object
+FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
+PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_COMMENT on interface object
+FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_COMMENT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
+PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT on interface object
+FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
+PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE on interface object
+FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
+PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT on interface object
+FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
+PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_NOTATION on interface object
+FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_NOTATION on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
+FAIL NodeFilter interface: operation acceptNode(Node) assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
+PASS DOMTokenList interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS DOMTokenList interface object length
+PASS DOMTokenList interface object name
+FAIL DOMTokenList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of DOMTokenList.prototype expected "[object DOMTokenListPrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS DOMTokenList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS DOMTokenList interface: attribute length
+PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation item(unsigned long)
+PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation contains(DOMString)
+PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation add(DOMString)
+PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation remove(DOMString)
+PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation toggle(DOMString,boolean)
+FAIL DOMTokenList interface: stringifier assert_true: property is not enumerable expected true got false
+PASS DOMTokenList must be primary interface of document.body.classList
+PASS Stringification of document.body.classList
+PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "length" with the proper type (0)
+PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "item" with the proper type (1)
+PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling item(unsigned long) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (2)
+PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling contains(DOMString) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "add" with the proper type (3)
+PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling add(DOMString) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (4)
+PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling remove(DOMString) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "toggle" with the proper type (5)
+PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling toggle(DOMString,boolean) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError
+PASS DOMSettableTokenList interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS DOMSettableTokenList interface object length
+PASS DOMSettableTokenList interface object name
+FAIL DOMSettableTokenList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of DOMSettableTokenList.prototype expected "[object DOMSettableTokenListPrototype]" but got "[object Object]"
+PASS DOMSettableTokenList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS DOMSettableTokenList interface: attribute value
+Harness: the test ran to completion.

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