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Side by Side Diff: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/web-platform-tests/dom/nodes/Node-textContent.html

Issue 1529523002: Import dom/ from web-platform-tests (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: tweak W3CImportExpectations Created 5 years ago
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1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <meta charset=utf-8>
3 <title>Node.textContent</title>
4 <script src="../../../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
5 <script src="../../../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
6 <div id="log"></div>
7 <script>
8 // XXX mutation observers?
9 // XXX Range gravitation?
11 var documents, doctypes;
12 setup(function() {
13 documents = [
14 [document, "parser"],
15 [document.implementation.createDocument("", "test", null), "createDocument"] ,
16 [document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("title"), "createHTMLDocument"],
17 ]
18 doctypes = [
19 [document.doctype, "parser"],
20 [document.implementation.createDocumentType("x", "", ""), "script"],
21 ]
22 })
24 // Getting
25 // DocumentFragment, Element:
26 test(function() {
27 var element = document.createElement("div")
28 assert_equals(element.textContent, "")
29 }, "For an empty Element, textContent should be the empty string")
31 test(function() {
32 assert_equals(document.createDocumentFragment().textContent, "")
33 }, "For an empty DocumentFragment, textContent should be the empty string")
35 test(function() {
36 var el = document.createElement("div")
37 el.appendChild(document.createComment(" abc "))
38 el.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\tDEF\t"))
39 el.appendChild(document.createProcessingInstruction("x", " ghi "))
40 assert_equals(el.textContent, "\tDEF\t")
41 }, "Element with children")
43 test(function() {
44 var el = document.createElement("div")
45 var child = document.createElement("div")
46 el.appendChild(child)
47 child.appendChild(document.createComment(" abc "))
48 child.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\tDEF\t"))
49 child.appendChild(document.createProcessingInstruction("x", " ghi "))
50 assert_equals(el.textContent, "\tDEF\t")
51 }, "Element with descendants")
53 test(function() {
54 var df = document.createDocumentFragment()
55 df.appendChild(document.createComment(" abc "))
56 df.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\tDEF\t"))
57 df.appendChild(document.createProcessingInstruction("x", " ghi "))
58 assert_equals(df.textContent, "\tDEF\t")
59 }, "DocumentFragment with children")
61 test(function() {
62 var df = document.createDocumentFragment()
63 var child = document.createElement("div")
64 df.appendChild(child)
65 child.appendChild(document.createComment(" abc "))
66 child.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\tDEF\t"))
67 child.appendChild(document.createProcessingInstruction("x", " ghi "))
68 assert_equals(df.textContent, "\tDEF\t")
69 }, "DocumentFragment with descendants")
71 // Text, ProcessingInstruction, Comment:
72 test(function() {
73 assert_equals(document.createTextNode("").textContent, "")
74 }, "For an empty Text, textContent should be the empty string")
76 test(function() {
77 assert_equals(document.createProcessingInstruction("x", "").textContent, "")
78 }, "For an empty ProcessingInstruction, textContent should be the empty string")
80 test(function() {
81 assert_equals(document.createComment("").textContent, "")
82 }, "For an empty Comment, textContent should be the empty string")
84 test(function() {
85 assert_equals(document.createTextNode("abc").textContent, "abc")
86 }, "For a Text with data, textContent should be that data")
88 test(function() {
89 assert_equals(document.createProcessingInstruction("x", "abc").textContent,
90 "abc")
91 }, "For a ProcessingInstruction with data, textContent should be that data")
93 test(function() {
94 assert_equals(document.createComment("abc").textContent, "abc")
95 }, "For a Comment with data, textContent should be that data")
97 // Any other node:
98 documents.forEach(function(argument) {
99 var doc = argument[0], creator = argument[1]
100 test(function() {
101 assert_equals(doc.textContent, null)
102 }, "For Documents created by " + creator + ", textContent should be null")
103 })
105 doctypes.forEach(function(argument) {
106 var doctype = argument[0], creator = argument[1]
107 test(function() {
108 assert_equals(doctype.textContent, null)
109 }, "For DocumentType created by " + creator + ", textContent should be null")
110 })
112 // Setting
113 // DocumentFragment, Element:
114 var arguments = [
115 [null, null],
116 [undefined, null],
117 ["", null],
118 [42, "42"],
119 ["abc", "abc"],
120 ["<b>xyz<\/b>", "<b>xyz<\/b>"],
121 ["d\0e", "d\0e"]
122 // XXX unpaired surrogate?
123 ]
124 arguments.forEach(function(aValue) {
125 var argument = aValue[0], expectation = aValue[1]
126 var check = function(aElementOrDocumentFragment) {
127 if (expectation === null) {
128 assert_equals(aElementOrDocumentFragment.textContent, "")
129 assert_equals(aElementOrDocumentFragment.firstChild, null)
130 } else {
131 assert_equals(aElementOrDocumentFragment.textContent, expectation)
132 assert_equals(aElementOrDocumentFragment.childNodes.length, 1,
133 "Should have one child")
134 var firstChild = aElementOrDocumentFragment.firstChild
135 assert_true(firstChild instanceof Text, "child should be a Text")
136 assert_equals(, expectation)
137 }
138 }
140 test(function() {
141 var el = document.createElement("div")
142 el.textContent = argument
143 check(el)
144 }, "Element without children set to " + format_value(argument))
146 test(function() {
147 var el = document.createElement("div")
148 var text = el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(""))
149 el.textContent = argument
150 check(el)
151 assert_equals(text.parentNode, null,
152 "Preexisting Text should have been removed")
153 }, "Element with empty text node as child set to " + format_value(argument))
155 test(function() {
156 var el = document.createElement("div")
157 el.appendChild(document.createComment(" abc "))
158 el.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\tDEF\t"))
159 el.appendChild(document.createProcessingInstruction("x", " ghi "))
160 el.textContent = argument
161 check(el)
162 }, "Element with children set to " + format_value(argument))
164 test(function() {
165 var el = document.createElement("div")
166 var child = document.createElement("div")
167 el.appendChild(child)
168 child.appendChild(document.createComment(" abc "))
169 child.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\tDEF\t"))
170 child.appendChild(document.createProcessingInstruction("x", " ghi "))
171 el.textContent = argument
172 check(el)
173 assert_equals(child.childNodes.length, 3,
174 "Should not have changed the internal structure of the removed nodes.")
175 }, "Element with descendants set to " + format_value(argument))
177 test(function() {
178 var df = document.createDocumentFragment()
179 df.textContent = argument
180 check(df)
181 }, "DocumentFragment without children set to " + format_value(argument))
183 test(function() {
184 var df = document.createDocumentFragment()
185 var text = df.appendChild(document.createTextNode(""))
186 df.textContent = argument
187 check(df)
188 assert_equals(text.parentNode, null,
189 "Preexisting Text should have been removed")
190 }, "DocumentFragment with empty text node as child set to " + format_value(arg ument))
192 test(function() {
193 var df = document.createDocumentFragment()
194 df.appendChild(document.createComment(" abc "))
195 df.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\tDEF\t"))
196 df.appendChild(document.createProcessingInstruction("x", " ghi "))
197 df.textContent = argument
198 check(df)
199 }, "DocumentFragment with children set to " + format_value(argument))
201 test(function() {
202 var df = document.createDocumentFragment()
203 var child = document.createElement("div")
204 df.appendChild(child)
205 child.appendChild(document.createComment(" abc "))
206 child.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\tDEF\t"))
207 child.appendChild(document.createProcessingInstruction("x", " ghi "))
208 df.textContent = argument
209 check(df)
210 assert_equals(child.childNodes.length, 3,
211 "Should not have changed the internal structure of the removed nodes.")
212 }, "DocumentFragment with descendants set to " + format_value(argument))
213 })
215 // Text, ProcessingInstruction, Comment:
216 test(function() {
217 var text = document.createTextNode("abc")
218 text.textContent = "def"
219 assert_equals(text.textContent, "def")
220 assert_equals(, "def")
221 }, "For a Text, textContent should set the data")
223 test(function() {
224 var pi = document.createProcessingInstruction("x", "abc")
225 pi.textContent = "def"
226 assert_equals(pi.textContent, "def")
227 assert_equals(, "def")
228 assert_equals(, "x")
229 }, "For a ProcessingInstruction, textContent should set the data")
231 test(function() {
232 var comment = document.createComment("abc")
233 comment.textContent = "def"
234 assert_equals(comment.textContent, "def")
235 assert_equals(, "def")
236 }, "For a Comment, textContent should set the data")
238 // Any other node:
239 documents.forEach(function(argument) {
240 var doc = argument[0], creator = argument[1]
241 test(function() {
242 var root = doc.documentElement
243 doc.textContent = "a"
244 assert_equals(doc.textContent, null)
245 assert_equals(doc.documentElement, root)
246 }, "For Documents created by " + creator + ", setting textContent should do no thing")
247 })
249 doctypes.forEach(function(argument) {
250 var doctype = argument[0], creator = argument[1]
251 test(function() {
252 var props = {
253 name:,
254 publicId: doctype.publicId,
255 systemId: doctype.systemId,
256 }
257 doctype.textContent = "b"
258 assert_equals(doctype.textContent, null)
259 assert_equals(,, "name should not change")
260 assert_equals(doctype.publicId, props.publicId, "publicId should not change" )
261 assert_equals(doctype.systemId, props.systemId, "systemId should not change" )
262 }, "For DocumentType created by " + creator + ", setting textContent should do nothing")
263 })
265 </script>

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