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Side by Side Diff: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/web-platform-tests/dom/nodes/Node-properties.html

Issue 1529523002: Import dom/ from web-platform-tests (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: tweak W3CImportExpectations Created 5 years ago
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1 <!doctype html>
2 <title>Node assorted property tests</title>
3 <link rel=author title="Aryeh Gregor">
4 <meta charset=utf-8>
5 <div id=log></div>
6 <script src=../../../../resources/testharness.js></script>
7 <script src=../../../../resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
8 <script src=../common.js></script>
9 <script>
10 "use strict";
11 /**
12 * First we define a data structure to tell us what tests to run. The keys
13 * will be eval()ed, and are mostly global variables defined in common.js. The
14 * values are objects, which maps properties to expected values. So
15 *
16 * foo: {
17 * bar: "baz",
18 * quz: 7,
19 * },
20 *
21 * will test that eval("") === "baz" and eval("foo.quz") === 7. "foo"
22 * and "bar" could thus be expressions, like "document.documentElement" and
23 * "childNodes[4]" respectively.
24 *
25 * To avoid repetition, some values are automatically added based on others.
26 * For instance, if we specify nodeType: Node.TEXT_NODE, we'll automatically
27 * also test nodeName: "#text". This is handled by code after this variable is
28 * defined.
29 */
30 var expected = {
31 testDiv: {
32 // Node
33 nodeType: Node.ELEMENT_NODE,
34 ownerDocument: document,
35 parentNode: document.body,
36 parentElement: document.body,
37 "childNodes.length": 6,
38 "childNodes[0]": paras[0],
39 "childNodes[1]": paras[1],
40 "childNodes[2]": paras[2],
41 "childNodes[3]": paras[3],
42 "childNodes[4]": paras[4],
43 "childNodes[5]": comment,
44 previousSibling: null,
45 nextSibling: document.getElementById("log"),
46 textContent: "A\u0308b\u0308c\u0308d\u0308e\u0308f\u0308g\u0308h\u0308\n Ijklmnop\nQrstuvwxYzabcdefGhijklmn",
48 // Element
49 namespaceURI: "",
50 prefix: null,
51 localName: "div",
52 tagName: "DIV",
53 id: "test",
54 "children[0]": paras[0],
55 "children[1]": paras[1],
56 "children[2]": paras[2],
57 "children[3]": paras[3],
58 "children[4]": paras[4],
59 previousElementSibling: null,
60 // nextSibling isn't explicitly set
61 //nextElementSibling: ,
62 childElementCount: 5,
63 },
64 detachedDiv: {
65 // Node
66 nodeType: Node.ELEMENT_NODE,
67 ownerDocument: document,
68 parentNode: null,
69 parentElement: null,
70 "childNodes.length": 2,
71 "childNodes[0]": detachedPara1,
72 "childNodes[1]": detachedPara2,
73 previousSibling: null,
74 nextSibling: null,
75 textContent: "OpqrstuvWxyzabcd",
77 // Element
78 namespaceURI: "",
79 prefix: null,
80 localName: "div",
81 tagName: "DIV",
82 "children[0]": detachedPara1,
83 "children[1]": detachedPara2,
84 previousElementSibling: null,
85 nextElementSibling: null,
86 childElementCount: 2,
87 },
88 detachedPara1: {
89 // Node
90 nodeType: Node.ELEMENT_NODE,
91 ownerDocument: document,
92 parentNode: detachedDiv,
93 parentElement: detachedDiv,
94 "childNodes.length": 1,
95 previousSibling: null,
96 nextSibling: detachedPara2,
97 textContent: "Opqrstuv",
99 // Element
100 namespaceURI: "",
101 prefix: null,
102 localName: "p",
103 tagName: "P",
104 previousElementSibling: null,
105 nextElementSibling: detachedPara2,
106 childElementCount: 0,
107 },
108 detachedPara2: {
109 // Node
110 nodeType: Node.ELEMENT_NODE,
111 ownerDocument: document,
112 parentNode: detachedDiv,
113 parentElement: detachedDiv,
114 "childNodes.length": 1,
115 previousSibling: detachedPara1,
116 nextSibling: null,
117 textContent: "Wxyzabcd",
119 // Element
120 namespaceURI: "",
121 prefix: null,
122 localName: "p",
123 tagName: "P",
124 previousElementSibling: detachedPara1,
125 nextElementSibling: null,
126 childElementCount: 0,
127 },
128 document: {
129 // Node
130 nodeType: Node.DOCUMENT_NODE,
131 "childNodes.length": 2,
132 "childNodes[0]": document.doctype,
133 "childNodes[1]": document.documentElement,
135 // Document
136 URL: String(location),
137 compatMode: "CSS1Compat",
138 characterSet: "UTF-8",
139 contentType: "text/html",
140 doctype: doctype,
141 //documentElement: ,
142 },
143 foreignDoc: {
144 // Node
145 nodeType: Node.DOCUMENT_NODE,
146 "childNodes.length": 3,
147 "childNodes[0]": foreignDoc.doctype,
148 "childNodes[1]": foreignDoc.documentElement,
149 "childNodes[2]": foreignComment,
151 // Document
152 URL: "about:blank",
153 compatMode: "CSS1Compat",
154 characterSet: "UTF-8",
155 contentType: "text/html",
156 //doctype: ,
157 //documentElement: ,
158 },
159 foreignPara1: {
160 // Node
161 nodeType: Node.ELEMENT_NODE,
162 ownerDocument: foreignDoc,
163 parentNode: foreignDoc.body,
164 parentElement: foreignDoc.body,
165 "childNodes.length": 1,
166 previousSibling: null,
167 nextSibling: foreignPara2,
168 textContent: "Efghijkl",
170 // Element
171 namespaceURI: "",
172 prefix: null,
173 localName: "p",
174 tagName: "P",
175 previousElementSibling: null,
176 nextElementSibling: foreignPara2,
177 childElementCount: 0,
178 },
179 foreignPara2: {
180 // Node
181 nodeType: Node.ELEMENT_NODE,
182 ownerDocument: foreignDoc,
183 parentNode: foreignDoc.body,
184 parentElement: foreignDoc.body,
185 "childNodes.length": 1,
186 previousSibling: foreignPara1,
187 nextSibling: foreignTextNode,
188 textContent: "Mnopqrst",
190 // Element
191 namespaceURI: "",
192 prefix: null,
193 localName: "p",
194 tagName: "P",
195 previousElementSibling: foreignPara1,
196 nextElementSibling: null,
197 childElementCount: 0,
198 },
199 xmlDoc: {
200 // Node
201 nodeType: Node.DOCUMENT_NODE,
202 "childNodes.length": 4,
203 "childNodes[0]": xmlDoctype,
204 "childNodes[1]": xmlElement,
205 "childNodes[2]": processingInstruction,
206 "childNodes[3]": xmlComment,
208 // Document
209 URL: "about:blank",
210 compatMode: "CSS1Compat",
211 characterSet: "UTF-8",
212 contentType: "application/xml",
213 //doctype: ,
214 //documentElement: ,
215 },
216 xmlElement: {
217 // Node
218 nodeType: Node.ELEMENT_NODE,
219 ownerDocument: xmlDoc,
220 parentNode: xmlDoc,
221 parentElement: null,
222 "childNodes.length": 1,
223 "childNodes[0]": xmlTextNode,
224 previousSibling: xmlDoctype,
225 nextSibling: processingInstruction,
226 textContent: "do re mi fa so la ti",
228 // Element
229 namespaceURI: "",
230 prefix: null,
231 localName: "igiveuponcreativenames",
232 tagName: "igiveuponcreativenames",
233 previousElementSibling: null,
234 nextElementSibling: null,
235 childElementCount: 0,
236 },
237 detachedXmlElement: {
238 // Node
239 nodeType: Node.ELEMENT_NODE,
240 ownerDocument: xmlDoc,
241 parentNode: null,
242 parentElement: null,
243 "childNodes.length": 0,
244 previousSibling: null,
245 nextSibling: null,
246 textContent: "",
248 // Element
249 namespaceURI: "",
250 prefix: null,
251 localName: "everyone-hates-hyphenated-element-names",
252 tagName: "everyone-hates-hyphenated-element-names",
253 previousElementSibling: null,
254 nextElementSibling: null,
255 childElementCount: 0,
256 },
257 detachedTextNode: {
258 // Node
259 nodeType: Node.TEXT_NODE,
260 ownerDocument: document,
261 parentNode: null,
262 parentElement: null,
263 previousSibling: null,
264 nextSibling: null,
265 nodeValue: "Uvwxyzab",
267 // Text
268 wholeText: "Uvwxyzab",
269 },
270 foreignTextNode: {
271 // Node
272 nodeType: Node.TEXT_NODE,
273 ownerDocument: foreignDoc,
274 parentNode: foreignDoc.body,
275 parentElement: foreignDoc.body,
276 previousSibling: foreignPara2,
277 nextSibling: null,
278 nodeValue: "I admit that I harbor doubts about whether we really need so many things to test, but it's too late to stop now.",
280 // Text
281 wholeText: "I admit that I harbor doubts about whether we really need so many things to test, but it's too late to stop now.",
282 },
283 detachedForeignTextNode: {
284 // Node
285 nodeType: Node.TEXT_NODE,
286 ownerDocument: foreignDoc,
287 parentNode: null,
288 parentElement: null,
289 previousSibling: null,
290 nextSibling: null,
291 nodeValue: "Cdefghij",
293 // Text
294 wholeText: "Cdefghij",
295 },
296 xmlTextNode: {
297 // Node
298 nodeType: Node.TEXT_NODE,
299 ownerDocument: xmlDoc,
300 parentNode: xmlElement,
301 parentElement: xmlElement,
302 previousSibling: null,
303 nextSibling: null,
304 nodeValue: "do re mi fa so la ti",
306 // Text
307 wholeText: "do re mi fa so la ti",
308 },
309 detachedXmlTextNode: {
310 // Node
311 nodeType: Node.TEXT_NODE,
312 ownerDocument: xmlDoc,
313 parentNode: null,
314 parentElement: null,
315 previousSibling: null,
316 nextSibling: null,
317 nodeValue: "Klmnopqr",
319 // Text
320 wholeText: "Klmnopqr",
321 },
322 processingInstruction: {
323 // Node
325 ownerDocument: xmlDoc,
326 parentNode: xmlDoc,
327 parentElement: null,
328 previousSibling: xmlElement,
329 nextSibling: xmlComment,
330 nodeValue: 'Did you know that ":syn sync fromstart" is very useful when using vim to edit large amounts of JavaScript embedded in HTML?',
332 // ProcessingInstruction
333 target: "somePI",
334 },
335 detachedProcessingInstruction: {
336 // Node
338 ownerDocument: xmlDoc,
339 parentNode: null,
340 parentElement: null,
341 previousSibling: null,
342 nextSibling: null,
343 nodeValue: "chirp chirp chirp",
345 // ProcessingInstruction
346 target: "whippoorwill",
347 },
348 comment: {
349 // Node
350 nodeType: Node.COMMENT_NODE,
351 ownerDocument: document,
352 parentNode: testDiv,
353 parentElement: testDiv,
354 previousSibling: paras[4],
355 nextSibling: null,
356 nodeValue: "Alphabet soup?",
357 },
358 detachedComment: {
359 // Node
360 nodeType: Node.COMMENT_NODE,
361 ownerDocument: document,
362 parentNode: null,
363 parentElement: null,
364 previousSibling: null,
365 nextSibling: null,
366 nodeValue: "Stuvwxyz",
367 },
368 foreignComment: {
369 // Node
370 nodeType: Node.COMMENT_NODE,
371 ownerDocument: foreignDoc,
372 parentNode: foreignDoc,
373 parentElement: null,
374 previousSibling: foreignDoc.documentElement,
375 nextSibling: null,
376 nodeValue: '"Commenter" and "commentator" mean different things. I\'ve seen non-native speakers trip up on this.',
377 },
378 detachedForeignComment: {
379 // Node
380 nodeType: Node.COMMENT_NODE,
381 ownerDocument: foreignDoc,
382 parentNode: null,
383 parentElement: null,
384 previousSibling: null,
385 nextSibling: null,
386 nodeValue: "אריה יהודה",
387 },
388 xmlComment: {
389 // Node
390 nodeType: Node.COMMENT_NODE,
391 ownerDocument: xmlDoc,
392 parentNode: xmlDoc,
393 parentElement: null,
394 previousSibling: processingInstruction,
395 nextSibling: null,
396 nodeValue: "I maliciously created a comment that will break incautious X ML serializers, but Firefox threw an exception, so all I got was this lousy T-sh irt",
397 },
398 detachedXmlComment: {
399 // Node
400 nodeType: Node.COMMENT_NODE,
401 ownerDocument: xmlDoc,
402 parentNode: null,
403 parentElement: null,
404 previousSibling: null,
405 nextSibling: null,
406 nodeValue: "בן חיים אליעזר",
407 },
408 docfrag: {
409 // Node
411 ownerDocument: document,
412 "childNodes.length": 0,
413 textContent: "",
414 },
415 foreignDocfrag: {
416 // Node
418 ownerDocument: foreignDoc,
419 "childNodes.length": 0,
420 textContent: "",
421 },
422 xmlDocfrag: {
423 // Node
425 ownerDocument: xmlDoc,
426 "childNodes.length": 0,
427 textContent: "",
428 },
429 doctype: {
430 // Node
431 nodeType: Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE,
432 ownerDocument: document,
433 parentNode: document,
434 previousSibling: null,
435 nextSibling: document.documentElement,
437 // DocumentType
438 name: "html",
439 publicId: "",
440 systemId: "",
441 },
442 foreignDoctype: {
443 // Node
444 nodeType: Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE,
445 ownerDocument: foreignDoc,
446 parentNode: foreignDoc,
447 previousSibling: null,
448 nextSibling: foreignDoc.documentElement,
450 // DocumentType
451 name: "html",
452 publicId: "",
453 systemId: "",
454 },
455 xmlDoctype: {
456 // Node
457 nodeType: Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE,
458 ownerDocument: xmlDoc,
459 parentNode: xmlDoc,
460 previousSibling: null,
461 nextSibling: xmlElement,
463 // DocumentType
464 name: "qorflesnorf",
465 publicId: "abcde",
466 systemId: "x\"'y",
467 },
468 "paras[0]": {
469 // Node
470 nodeType: Node.ELEMENT_NODE,
471 ownerDocument: document,
472 parentNode: testDiv,
473 parentElement: testDiv,
474 "childNodes.length": 1,
475 previousSibling: null,
476 nextSibling: paras[1],
477 textContent: "A\u0308b\u0308c\u0308d\u0308e\u0308f\u0308g\u0308h\u0308\n ",
479 // Element
480 namespaceURI: "",
481 prefix: null,
482 localName: "p",
483 tagName: "P",
484 id: "a",
485 previousElementSibling: null,
486 nextElementSibling: paras[1],
487 childElementCount: 0,
488 },
489 "paras[1]": {
490 // Node
491 nodeType: Node.ELEMENT_NODE,
492 ownerDocument: document,
493 parentNode: testDiv,
494 parentElement: testDiv,
495 "childNodes.length": 1,
496 previousSibling: paras[0],
497 nextSibling: paras[2],
498 textContent: "Ijklmnop\n",
500 // Element
501 namespaceURI: "",
502 prefix: null,
503 localName: "p",
504 tagName: "P",
505 id: "b",
506 previousElementSibling: paras[0],
507 nextElementSibling: paras[2],
508 childElementCount: 0,
509 },
510 "paras[2]": {
511 // Node
512 nodeType: Node.ELEMENT_NODE,
513 ownerDocument: document,
514 parentNode: testDiv,
515 parentElement: testDiv,
516 "childNodes.length": 1,
517 previousSibling: paras[1],
518 nextSibling: paras[3],
519 textContent: "Qrstuvwx",
521 // Element
522 namespaceURI: "",
523 prefix: null,
524 localName: "p",
525 tagName: "P",
526 id: "c",
527 previousElementSibling: paras[1],
528 nextElementSibling: paras[3],
529 childElementCount: 0,
530 },
531 "paras[3]": {
532 // Node
533 nodeType: Node.ELEMENT_NODE,
534 ownerDocument: document,
535 parentNode: testDiv,
536 parentElement: testDiv,
537 "childNodes.length": 1,
538 previousSibling: paras[2],
539 nextSibling: paras[4],
540 textContent: "Yzabcdef",
542 // Element
543 namespaceURI: "",
544 prefix: null,
545 localName: "p",
546 tagName: "P",
547 id: "d",
548 previousElementSibling: paras[2],
549 nextElementSibling: paras[4],
550 childElementCount: 0,
551 },
552 "paras[4]": {
553 // Node
554 nodeType: Node.ELEMENT_NODE,
555 ownerDocument: document,
556 parentNode: testDiv,
557 parentElement: testDiv,
558 "childNodes.length": 1,
559 previousSibling: paras[3],
560 nextSibling: comment,
561 textContent: "Ghijklmn",
563 // Element
564 namespaceURI: "",
565 prefix: null,
566 localName: "p",
567 tagName: "P",
568 id: "e",
569 previousElementSibling: paras[3],
570 nextElementSibling: null,
571 childElementCount: 0,
572 },
573 };
575 for (var node in expected) {
576 // Now we set various default values by node type.
577 switch (expected[node].nodeType) {
578 case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
579 expected[node].nodeName = expected[node].tagName;
580 expected[node].nodeValue = null;
581 expected[node]["children.length"] = expected[node].childElementCount;
583 if (expected[node].id === undefined) {
584 expected[node].id = "";
585 }
586 if (expected[node].className === undefined) {
587 expected[node].className = "";
588 }
590 var len = expected[node].childElementCount;
591 if (len === 0) {
592 expected[node].firstElementChild =
593 expected[node].lastElementChild = null;
594 } else {
595 // If we have expectations for the first/last child in children,
596 // use those. Otherwise, at least check that .firstElementChild ==
597 // .children[0] and .lastElementChild == .children[len - 1], even
598 // if we aren't sure what they should be.
599 expected[node].firstElementChild = expected[node]["children[0]"]
600 ? expected[node]["children[0]"]
601 : eval(node).children[0];
602 expected[node].lastElementChild =
603 expected[node]["children[" + (len - 1) + "]"]
604 ? expected[node]["children[" + (len - 1) + "]"]
605 : eval(node).children[len - 1];
606 }
607 break;
609 case Node.TEXT_NODE:
610 expected[node].nodeName = "#text";
611 expected[node]["childNodes.length"] = 0;
612 expected[node].textContent = expected[node].data =
613 expected[node].nodeValue;
614 expected[node].length = expected[node].nodeValue.length;
615 break;
618 expected[node].nodeName = expected[node].target;
619 expected[node]["childNodes.length"] = 0;
620 expected[node].textContent = expected[node].data =
621 expected[node].nodeValue;
622 expected[node].length = expected[node].nodeValue.length;
623 break;
625 case Node.COMMENT_NODE:
626 expected[node].nodeName = "#comment";
627 expected[node]["childNodes.length"] = 0;
628 expected[node].textContent = expected[node].data =
629 expected[node].nodeValue;
630 expected[node].length = expected[node].nodeValue.length;
631 break;
633 case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
634 expected[node].nodeName = "#document";
635 expected[node].ownerDocument = expected[node].parentNode =
636 expected[node].parentElement = expected[node].previousSibling =
637 expected[node].nextSibling = expected[node].nodeValue =
638 expected[node].textContent = null;
639 expected[node].documentURI = expected[node].URL;
640 expected[node].charset = expected[node].inputEncoding =
641 expected[node].characterSet;
642 break;
645 expected[node].nodeName = expected[node].name;
646 expected[node]["childNodes.length"] = 0;
647 expected[node].parentElement = expected[node].nodeValue =
648 expected[node].textContent = null;
649 break;
652 expected[node].nodeName = "#document-fragment";
653 expected[node].parentNode = expected[node].parentElement =
654 expected[node].previousSibling = expected[node].nextSibling =
655 expected[node].nodeValue = null;
656 break;
657 }
659 // Now we set some further default values that are independent of node
660 // type.
661 var len = expected[node]["childNodes.length"];
662 if (len === 0) {
663 expected[node].firstChild = expected[node].lastChild = null;
664 } else {
665 // If we have expectations for the first/last child in childNodes, use
666 // those. Otherwise, at least check that .firstChild == .childNodes[0]
667 // and .lastChild == .childNodes[len - 1], even if we aren't sure what
668 // they should be.
669 expected[node].firstChild = expected[node]["childNodes[0]"]
670 ? expected[node]["childNodes[0]"]
671 : eval(node).childNodes[0];
672 expected[node].lastChild =
673 expected[node]["childNodes[" + (len - 1) + "]"]
674 ? expected[node]["childNodes[" + (len - 1) + "]"]
675 : eval(node).childNodes[len - 1];
676 }
677 expected[node]["hasChildNodes()"] = !!expected[node]["childNodes.length"];
679 // Finally, we test!
680 for (var prop in expected[node]) {
681 test(function() {
682 assert_equals(eval(node + "." + prop), expected[node][prop]);
683 }, node + "." + prop);
684 }
685 }
687 testDiv.parentNode.removeChild(testDiv);
688 </script>

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