(Empty) | |
| 1 <!DOCTYPE html> |
| 2 <meta charset=utf-8> |
| 3 <title>Node.cloneNode</title> |
| 4 <link rel=help href="https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-node-clonenode"> |
| 5 <script src="../../../../resources/testharness.js"></script> |
| 6 <script src="../../../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> |
| 7 <div id=log></div> |
| 8 <script> |
| 9 function assert_equal_node(nodeA, nodeB) { |
| 10 assert_equals(nodeB.nodeType, nodeA.nodeType, "nodeType"); |
| 11 assert_equals(nodeB.nodeName, nodeA.nodeName, "nodeName"); |
| 12 |
| 13 if (nodeA.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { |
| 14 assert_equals(nodeB.prefix, nodeA.prefix); |
| 15 assert_equals(nodeB.namespaceURI, nodeA.namespaceURI); |
| 16 assert_equals(nodeB.localName, nodeA.localName); |
| 17 assert_equals(nodeB.tagName, nodeA.tagName); |
| 18 assert_not_equals(nodeB.attributes != nodeA.attributes); |
| 19 assert_equals(nodeB.attributes.length, nodeA.attributes.length); |
| 20 for (var i = 0, il = nodeA.attributes.length; i < il; ++i) { |
| 21 assert_not_equals(nodeB.attributes[i], nodeA.attributes[i]); |
| 22 assert_equals(nodeB.attributes[i].name, nodeA.attributes[i].name); |
| 23 assert_equals(nodeB.attributes[i].prefix, nodeA.attributes[i].prefix); |
| 24 assert_equals(nodeB.attributes[i].namespaceURI, nodeA.attributes[i].namesp
aceURI); |
| 25 assert_equals(nodeB.attributes[i].value, nodeA.attributes[i].value); |
| 26 } |
| 27 } |
| 28 } |
| 29 |
| 30 function check_copy(orig, copy, type) { |
| 31 assert_not_equals(orig, copy); |
| 32 assert_equal_node(orig, copy); |
| 33 assert_true(orig instanceof type, "Should be type"); |
| 34 assert_true(copy instanceof type, "Should be type"); |
| 35 } |
| 36 |
| 37 function create_element_and_check(localName, type) { |
| 38 test(function() { |
| 39 var element = document.createElement(localName); |
| 40 var copy = element.cloneNode(); |
| 41 check_copy(element, copy, type); |
| 42 }, "createElement(" + localName + ")"); |
| 43 } |
| 44 |
| 45 // test1: createElement |
| 46 test(function() { |
| 47 create_element_and_check("a", HTMLAnchorElement); |
| 48 create_element_and_check("abbr", HTMLElement); |
| 49 create_element_and_check("acronym", HTMLElement); |
| 50 create_element_and_check("address", HTMLElement); |
| 51 create_element_and_check("applet", HTMLAppletElement); |
| 52 create_element_and_check("area", HTMLAreaElement); |
| 53 create_element_and_check("article", HTMLElement); |
| 54 create_element_and_check("aside", HTMLElement); |
| 55 create_element_and_check("audio", HTMLAudioElement); |
| 56 create_element_and_check("b", HTMLElement); |
| 57 create_element_and_check("base", HTMLBaseElement); |
| 58 create_element_and_check("bdi", HTMLElement); |
| 59 create_element_and_check("bdo", HTMLElement); |
| 60 create_element_and_check("bgsound", HTMLElement); |
| 61 create_element_and_check("big", HTMLElement); |
| 62 create_element_and_check("blockquote",HTMLElement); |
| 63 create_element_and_check("body", HTMLBodyElement); |
| 64 create_element_and_check("br", HTMLBRElement); |
| 65 create_element_and_check("button", HTMLButtonElement); |
| 66 create_element_and_check("canvas", HTMLCanvasElement); |
| 67 create_element_and_check("caption", HTMLTableCaptionElement); |
| 68 create_element_and_check("center", HTMLElement); |
| 69 create_element_and_check("cite", HTMLElement); |
| 70 create_element_and_check("code", HTMLElement); |
| 71 create_element_and_check("col", HTMLTableColElement); |
| 72 create_element_and_check("colgroup", HTMLTableColElement); |
| 73 create_element_and_check("data", HTMLDataElement); |
| 74 create_element_and_check("datalist", HTMLDataListElement); |
| 75 create_element_and_check("dialog", HTMLDialogElement); |
| 76 create_element_and_check("dd", HTMLElement); |
| 77 create_element_and_check("del", HTMLModElement); |
| 78 create_element_and_check("details", HTMLElement); |
| 79 create_element_and_check("dfn", HTMLElement); |
| 80 create_element_and_check("dir", HTMLDirectoryElement); |
| 81 create_element_and_check("div", HTMLDivElement); |
| 82 create_element_and_check("dl", HTMLDListElement); |
| 83 create_element_and_check("dt", HTMLElement); |
| 84 create_element_and_check("embed", HTMLEmbedElement); |
| 85 create_element_and_check("fieldset", HTMLFieldSetElement); |
| 86 create_element_and_check("figcaption",HTMLElement); |
| 87 create_element_and_check("figure", HTMLElement); |
| 88 create_element_and_check("font", HTMLFontElement); |
| 89 create_element_and_check("footer", HTMLElement); |
| 90 create_element_and_check("form", HTMLFormElement); |
| 91 create_element_and_check("frame", HTMLFrameElement); |
| 92 create_element_and_check("frameset", HTMLFrameSetElement); |
| 93 create_element_and_check("h1", HTMLHeadingElement); |
| 94 create_element_and_check("h2", HTMLHeadingElement); |
| 95 create_element_and_check("h3", HTMLHeadingElement); |
| 96 create_element_and_check("h4", HTMLHeadingElement); |
| 97 create_element_and_check("h5", HTMLHeadingElement); |
| 98 create_element_and_check("h6", HTMLHeadingElement); |
| 99 create_element_and_check("head", HTMLHeadElement); |
| 100 create_element_and_check("header", HTMLElement); |
| 101 create_element_and_check("hgroup", HTMLElement); |
| 102 create_element_and_check("hr", HTMLHRElement); |
| 103 create_element_and_check("html", HTMLHtmlElement); |
| 104 create_element_and_check("i", HTMLElement); |
| 105 create_element_and_check("iframe", HTMLIFrameElement); |
| 106 create_element_and_check("img", HTMLImageElement); |
| 107 create_element_and_check("input", HTMLInputElement); |
| 108 create_element_and_check("ins", HTMLModElement); |
| 109 create_element_and_check("isindex", HTMLElement); |
| 110 create_element_and_check("kbd", HTMLElement); |
| 111 create_element_and_check("label", HTMLLabelElement); |
| 112 create_element_and_check("legend", HTMLLegendElement); |
| 113 create_element_and_check("li", HTMLLIElement); |
| 114 create_element_and_check("link", HTMLLinkElement); |
| 115 create_element_and_check("main", HTMLElement); |
| 116 create_element_and_check("map", HTMLMapElement); |
| 117 create_element_and_check("mark", HTMLElement); |
| 118 create_element_and_check("marquee", HTMLElement); |
| 119 create_element_and_check("meta", HTMLMetaElement); |
| 120 create_element_and_check("meter", HTMLMeterElement); |
| 121 create_element_and_check("nav", HTMLElement); |
| 122 create_element_and_check("nobr", HTMLElement); |
| 123 create_element_and_check("noframes", HTMLElement); |
| 124 create_element_and_check("noscript", HTMLElement); |
| 125 create_element_and_check("object", HTMLObjectElement); |
| 126 create_element_and_check("ol", HTMLOListElement); |
| 127 create_element_and_check("optgroup", HTMLOptGroupElement); |
| 128 create_element_and_check("option", HTMLOptionElement); |
| 129 create_element_and_check("output", HTMLOutputElement); |
| 130 create_element_and_check("p", HTMLParagraphElement); |
| 131 create_element_and_check("param", HTMLParamElement); |
| 132 create_element_and_check("pre", HTMLPreElement); |
| 133 create_element_and_check("progress", HTMLProgressElement); |
| 134 create_element_and_check("q", HTMLQuoteElement); |
| 135 create_element_and_check("rp", HTMLElement); |
| 136 create_element_and_check("rt", HTMLElement); |
| 137 create_element_and_check("ruby", HTMLElement); |
| 138 create_element_and_check("s", HTMLElement); |
| 139 create_element_and_check("samp", HTMLElement); |
| 140 create_element_and_check("script", HTMLScriptElement); |
| 141 create_element_and_check("section", HTMLElement); |
| 142 create_element_and_check("select", HTMLSelectElement); |
| 143 create_element_and_check("small", HTMLElement); |
| 144 create_element_and_check("source", HTMLSourceElement); |
| 145 create_element_and_check("spacer", HTMLElement); |
| 146 create_element_and_check("span", HTMLSpanElement); |
| 147 create_element_and_check("strike", HTMLElement); |
| 148 create_element_and_check("style", HTMLStyleElement); |
| 149 create_element_and_check("sub", HTMLElement); |
| 150 create_element_and_check("summary", HTMLElement); |
| 151 create_element_and_check("sup", HTMLElement); |
| 152 create_element_and_check("table", HTMLTableElement); |
| 153 create_element_and_check("tbody", HTMLTableSectionElement); |
| 154 create_element_and_check("td", HTMLTableDataCellElement); |
| 155 create_element_and_check("template", HTMLTemplateElement); |
| 156 create_element_and_check("textarea", HTMLTextAreaElement); |
| 157 create_element_and_check("th", HTMLTableHeaderCellElement); |
| 158 create_element_and_check("time", HTMLTimeElement); |
| 159 create_element_and_check("title", HTMLTitleElement); |
| 160 create_element_and_check("tr", HTMLTableRowElement); |
| 161 create_element_and_check("tt", HTMLElement); |
| 162 create_element_and_check("track", HTMLTrackElement); |
| 163 create_element_and_check("u", HTMLElement); |
| 164 create_element_and_check("ul", HTMLUListElement); |
| 165 create_element_and_check("var", HTMLElement); |
| 166 create_element_and_check("video", HTMLVideoElement); |
| 167 create_element_and_check("unknown", HTMLUnknownElement); |
| 168 create_element_and_check("wbr", HTMLElement); |
| 169 }, ""); |
| 170 |
| 171 test(function() { |
| 172 var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); |
| 173 var copy = fragment.cloneNode(); |
| 174 check_copy(fragment, copy, DocumentFragment); |
| 175 }, "createDocumentFragment"); |
| 176 |
| 177 test(function() { |
| 178 var text = document.createTextNode("hello world"); |
| 179 var copy = text.cloneNode(); |
| 180 check_copy(text, copy, Text); |
| 181 assert_equals(text.data, copy.data); |
| 182 assert_equals(text.wholeText, copy.wholeText); |
| 183 }, "createTextNode"); |
| 184 |
| 185 test(function() { |
| 186 var comment = document.createComment("a comment"); |
| 187 var copy = comment.cloneNode(); |
| 188 check_copy(comment, copy, Comment); |
| 189 assert_equals(comment.data, copy.data); |
| 190 }, "createComment"); |
| 191 |
| 192 test(function() { |
| 193 var el = document.createElement("foo"); |
| 194 el.setAttribute("a", "b"); |
| 195 el.setAttribute("c", "d"); |
| 196 var c = el.cloneNode(); |
| 197 check_copy(el, c, Element); |
| 198 }, "createElement with attributes") |
| 199 |
| 200 test(function() { |
| 201 var el = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "foo:div"); |
| 202 var c = el.cloneNode(); |
| 203 check_copy(el, c, HTMLDivElement); |
| 204 }, "createElementNS HTML") |
| 205 |
| 206 test(function() { |
| 207 var el = document.createElementNS("http://www.example.com/", "foo:div"); |
| 208 var c = el.cloneNode(); |
| 209 check_copy(el, c, Element); |
| 210 }, "createElementNS non-HTML") |
| 211 |
| 212 test(function() { |
| 213 var pi = document.createProcessingInstruction("target", "data"); |
| 214 var copy = pi.cloneNode(); |
| 215 check_copy(pi, copy, ProcessingInstruction); |
| 216 assert_equals(pi.data, copy.data); |
| 217 assert_equals(pi.target, pi.target); |
| 218 }, "createProcessingInstruction"); |
| 219 |
| 220 test(function() { |
| 221 var doctype = document.implementation.createDocumentType("html", "public", "
system"); |
| 222 var copy = doctype.cloneNode(); |
| 223 check_copy(doctype, copy, DocumentType); |
| 224 assert_equals(doctype.name, copy.name); |
| 225 assert_equals(doctype.publicId, copy.publicId); |
| 226 assert_equals(doctype.systemId, copy.systemId); |
| 227 }, "implementation.createDocumentType"); |
| 228 |
| 229 test(function() { |
| 230 var doc = document.implementation.createDocument(null, null); |
| 231 var copy = doc.cloneNode(); |
| 232 check_copy(doc, copy, Document); |
| 233 assert_equals(doc.contentType, copy.contentType); |
| 234 }, "implementation.createDocument"); |
| 235 |
| 236 test(function() { |
| 237 var html = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("title"); |
| 238 var copy = html.cloneNode(); |
| 239 check_copy(html, copy, Document); |
| 240 assert_equals(copy.title, ""); |
| 241 }, "implementation.createHTMLDocument"); |
| 242 |
| 243 test(function() { |
| 244 var parent = document.createElement("div"); |
| 245 var child1 = document.createElement("div"); |
| 246 var child2 = document.createElement("div"); |
| 247 var grandChild = document.createElement("div"); |
| 248 |
| 249 child2.appendChild(grandChild); |
| 250 parent.appendChild(child1); |
| 251 parent.appendChild(child2); |
| 252 |
| 253 var deep = true; |
| 254 var copy = parent.cloneNode(deep); |
| 255 |
| 256 check_copy(parent, copy, HTMLDivElement); |
| 257 assert_equals(copy.childNodes.length, 2); |
| 258 |
| 259 check_copy(child1, copy.childNodes[0], HTMLDivElement); |
| 260 assert_equals(copy.childNodes[0].childNodes.length, 0); |
| 261 |
| 262 check_copy(child2, copy.childNodes[1], HTMLDivElement); |
| 263 assert_equals(copy.childNodes[1].childNodes.length, 1); |
| 264 check_copy(grandChild, copy.childNodes[1].childNodes[0], HTMLDivElement); |
| 265 |
| 266 deep = false; |
| 267 copy = parent.cloneNode(deep); |
| 268 |
| 269 check_copy(parent, copy, HTMLDivElement); |
| 270 assert_equals(copy.childNodes.length, 0); |
| 271 }, "node with children"); |
| 272 </script> |