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Unified Diff: src/mips/

Issue 151903003: MIPS: Remove CallICs (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Optimized push instructions. Created 6 years, 11 months ago
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diff --git a/src/mips/ b/src/mips/
index 68f82253d8249eb356b97a999825a9f613fa6eaf..14d1cd6827746937f45e30199f055d169ccb9e14 100644
--- a/src/mips/
+++ b/src/mips/
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ static void GenerateNameDictionaryReceiverCheck(MacroAssembler* masm,
-// Helper function used from LoadIC/CallIC GenerateNormal.
+// Helper function used from LoadIC GenerateNormal.
// elements: Property dictionary. It is not clobbered if a jump to the miss
// label is done.
@@ -338,307 +338,8 @@ static void GenerateKeyNameCheck(MacroAssembler* masm,
-// Defined in
-Object* CallIC_Miss(Arguments args);
-// The generated code does not accept smi keys.
-// The generated code falls through if both probes miss.
-void CallICBase::GenerateMonomorphicCacheProbe(MacroAssembler* masm,
- int argc,
- Code::Kind kind,
- ExtraICState extra_state) {
- // ----------- S t a t e -------------
- // -- a1 : receiver
- // -- a2 : name
- // -----------------------------------
- Label number, non_number, non_string, boolean, probe, miss;
- // Probe the stub cache.
- Code::Flags flags = Code::ComputeFlags(kind,
- extra_state,
- Code::NORMAL,
- argc);
- masm->isolate()->stub_cache()->GenerateProbe(
- masm, flags, a1, a2, a3, t0, t1, t2);
- // If the stub cache probing failed, the receiver might be a value.
- // For value objects, we use the map of the prototype objects for
- // the corresponding JSValue for the cache and that is what we need
- // to probe.
- //
- // Check for number.
- __ JumpIfSmi(a1, &number, t1);
- __ GetObjectType(a1, a3, a3);
- __ Branch(&non_number, ne, a3, Operand(HEAP_NUMBER_TYPE));
- __ bind(&number);
- StubCompiler::GenerateLoadGlobalFunctionPrototype(
- masm, Context::NUMBER_FUNCTION_INDEX, a1);
- __ Branch(&probe);
- // Check for string.
- __ bind(&non_number);
- __ Branch(&non_string, Ugreater_equal, a3, Operand(FIRST_NONSTRING_TYPE));
- StubCompiler::GenerateLoadGlobalFunctionPrototype(
- masm, Context::STRING_FUNCTION_INDEX, a1);
- __ Branch(&probe);
- // Check for boolean.
- __ bind(&non_string);
- __ LoadRoot(t0, Heap::kTrueValueRootIndex);
- __ Branch(&boolean, eq, a1, Operand(t0));
- __ LoadRoot(t1, Heap::kFalseValueRootIndex);
- __ Branch(&miss, ne, a1, Operand(t1));
- __ bind(&boolean);
- StubCompiler::GenerateLoadGlobalFunctionPrototype(
- masm, Context::BOOLEAN_FUNCTION_INDEX, a1);
- // Probe the stub cache for the value object.
- __ bind(&probe);
- masm->isolate()->stub_cache()->GenerateProbe(
- masm, flags, a1, a2, a3, t0, t1, t2);
- __ bind(&miss);
-static void GenerateFunctionTailCall(MacroAssembler* masm,
- int argc,
- Label* miss,
- Register scratch) {
- // a1: function
- // Check that the value isn't a smi.
- __ JumpIfSmi(a1, miss);
- // Check that the value is a JSFunction.
- __ GetObjectType(a1, scratch, scratch);
- __ Branch(miss, ne, scratch, Operand(JS_FUNCTION_TYPE));
- // Invoke the function.
- ParameterCount actual(argc);
- __ InvokeFunction(a1, actual, JUMP_FUNCTION, NullCallWrapper());
-void CallICBase::GenerateNormal(MacroAssembler* masm, int argc) {
- // ----------- S t a t e -------------
- // -- a2 : name
- // -- ra : return address
- // -----------------------------------
- Label miss;
- // Get the receiver of the function from the stack into a1.
- __ lw(a1, MemOperand(sp, argc * kPointerSize));
- GenerateNameDictionaryReceiverCheck(masm, a1, a0, a3, t0, &miss);
- // a0: elements
- // Search the dictionary - put result in register a1.
- GenerateDictionaryLoad(masm, &miss, a0, a2, a1, a3, t0);
- GenerateFunctionTailCall(masm, argc, &miss, t0);
- // Cache miss: Jump to runtime.
- __ bind(&miss);
-void CallICBase::GenerateMiss(MacroAssembler* masm,
- int argc,
- IC::UtilityId id,
- ExtraICState extra_state) {
- // ----------- S t a t e -------------
- // -- a2 : name
- // -- ra : return address
- // -----------------------------------
- Isolate* isolate = masm->isolate();
- if (id == IC::kCallIC_Miss) {
- __ IncrementCounter(isolate->counters()->call_miss(), 1, a3, t0);
- } else {
- __ IncrementCounter(isolate->counters()->keyed_call_miss(), 1, a3, t0);
- }
- // Get the receiver of the function from the stack.
- __ lw(a3, MemOperand(sp, argc*kPointerSize));
- {
- FrameScope scope(masm, StackFrame::INTERNAL);
- // Push the receiver and the name of the function.
- __ Push(a3, a2);
- // Call the entry.
- __ PrepareCEntryArgs(2);
- __ PrepareCEntryFunction(ExternalReference(IC_Utility(id), isolate));
- CEntryStub stub(1);
- __ CallStub(&stub);
- // Move result to a1 and leave the internal frame.
- __ mov(a1, v0);
- }
- // Check if the receiver is a global object of some sort.
- // This can happen only for regular CallIC but not KeyedCallIC.
- if (id == IC::kCallIC_Miss) {
- Label invoke, global;
- __ lw(a2, MemOperand(sp, argc * kPointerSize));
- __ JumpIfSmi(a2, &invoke);
- __ GetObjectType(a2, a3, a3);
- __ Branch(&global, eq, a3, Operand(JS_GLOBAL_OBJECT_TYPE));
- __ Branch(&invoke, ne, a3, Operand(JS_BUILTINS_OBJECT_TYPE));
- // Patch the receiver on the stack.
- __ bind(&global);
- __ LoadRoot(a2, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex);
- __ sw(a2, MemOperand(sp, argc * kPointerSize));
- __ bind(&invoke);
- }
- // Invoke the function.
- ParameterCount actual(argc);
- __ InvokeFunction(a1, actual, JUMP_FUNCTION, NullCallWrapper());
-void CallIC::GenerateMegamorphic(MacroAssembler* masm,
- int argc,
- ExtraICState extra_ic_state) {
- // ----------- S t a t e -------------
- // -- a2 : name
- // -- ra : return address
- // -----------------------------------
- // Get the receiver of the function from the stack into a1.
- __ lw(a1, MemOperand(sp, argc * kPointerSize));
- GenerateMonomorphicCacheProbe(masm, argc, Code::CALL_IC, extra_ic_state);
- GenerateMiss(masm, argc, extra_ic_state);
-void KeyedCallIC::GenerateMegamorphic(MacroAssembler* masm, int argc) {
- // ----------- S t a t e -------------
- // -- a2 : name
- // -- ra : return address
- // -----------------------------------
- // Get the receiver of the function from the stack into a1.
- __ lw(a1, MemOperand(sp, argc * kPointerSize));
- Label do_call, slow_call, slow_load, slow_reload_receiver;
- Label check_number_dictionary, check_name, lookup_monomorphic_cache;
- Label index_smi, index_name;
- // Check that the key is a smi.
- __ JumpIfNotSmi(a2, &check_name);
- __ bind(&index_smi);
- // Now the key is known to be a smi. This place is also jumped to from below
- // where a numeric string is converted to a smi.
- GenerateKeyedLoadReceiverCheck(
- masm, a1, a0, a3, Map::kHasIndexedInterceptor, &slow_call);
- GenerateFastArrayLoad(
- masm, a1, a2, t0, a3, a0, a1, &check_number_dictionary, &slow_load);
- Counters* counters = masm->isolate()->counters();
- __ IncrementCounter(counters->keyed_call_generic_smi_fast(), 1, a0, a3);
- __ bind(&do_call);
- // receiver in a1 is not used after this point.
- // a2: key
- // a1: function
- GenerateFunctionTailCall(masm, argc, &slow_call, a0);
- __ bind(&check_number_dictionary);
- // a2: key
- // a3: elements map
- // t0: elements pointer
- // Check whether the elements is a number dictionary.
- __ LoadRoot(at, Heap::kHashTableMapRootIndex);
- __ Branch(&slow_load, ne, a3, Operand(at));
- __ sra(a0, a2, kSmiTagSize);
- // a0: untagged index
- __ LoadFromNumberDictionary(&slow_load, t0, a2, a1, a0, a3, t1);
- __ IncrementCounter(counters->keyed_call_generic_smi_dict(), 1, a0, a3);
- __ jmp(&do_call);
- __ bind(&slow_load);
- // This branch is taken when calling KeyedCallIC_Miss is neither required
- // nor beneficial.
- __ IncrementCounter(counters->keyed_call_generic_slow_load(), 1, a0, a3);
- {
- FrameScope scope(masm, StackFrame::INTERNAL);
- __ Push(a2, a1, a2); // Save the key and pass the receiver and the key.
- __ CallRuntime(Runtime::kKeyedGetProperty, 2);
- __ pop(a2); // Restore the key.
- }
- __ mov(a1, v0);
- __ jmp(&do_call);
- __ bind(&check_name);
- GenerateKeyNameCheck(masm, a2, a0, a3, &index_name, &slow_call);
- // The key is known to be a unique name.
- // If the receiver is a regular JS object with slow properties then do
- // a quick inline probe of the receiver's dictionary.
- // Otherwise do the monomorphic cache probe.
- GenerateKeyedLoadReceiverCheck(
- masm, a1, a0, a3, Map::kHasNamedInterceptor, &lookup_monomorphic_cache);
- __ lw(a0, FieldMemOperand(a1, JSObject::kPropertiesOffset));
- __ lw(a3, FieldMemOperand(a0, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
- __ LoadRoot(at, Heap::kHashTableMapRootIndex);
- __ Branch(&lookup_monomorphic_cache, ne, a3, Operand(at));
- GenerateDictionaryLoad(masm, &slow_load, a0, a2, a1, a3, t0);
- __ IncrementCounter(counters->keyed_call_generic_lookup_dict(), 1, a0, a3);
- __ jmp(&do_call);
- __ bind(&lookup_monomorphic_cache);
- __ IncrementCounter(counters->keyed_call_generic_lookup_cache(), 1, a0, a3);
- GenerateMonomorphicCacheProbe(masm,
- argc,
- kNoExtraICState);
- // Fall through on miss.
- __ bind(&slow_call);
- // This branch is taken if:
- // - the receiver requires boxing or access check,
- // - the key is neither smi nor a unique name,
- // - the value loaded is not a function,
- // - there is hope that the runtime will create a monomorphic call stub,
- // that will get fetched next time.
- __ IncrementCounter(counters->keyed_call_generic_slow(), 1, a0, a3);
- GenerateMiss(masm, argc);
- __ bind(&index_name);
- __ IndexFromHash(a3, a2);
- // Now jump to the place where smi keys are handled.
- __ jmp(&index_smi);
-void KeyedCallIC::GenerateNormal(MacroAssembler* masm, int argc) {
- // ----------- S t a t e -------------
- // -- a2 : name
- // -- ra : return address
- // -----------------------------------
- // Check if the name is really a name.
- Label miss;
- __ JumpIfSmi(a2, &miss);
- __ IsObjectNameType(a2, a0, &miss);
- CallICBase::GenerateNormal(masm, argc);
- __ bind(&miss);
- GenerateMiss(masm, argc);
-void LoadIC::GenerateMegamorphic(MacroAssembler* masm, ContextualMode mode) {
+void LoadIC::GenerateMegamorphic(MacroAssembler* masm,
+ ExtraICState extra_state) {
// ----------- S t a t e -------------
// -- a2 : name
// -- ra : return address
@@ -646,9 +347,8 @@ void LoadIC::GenerateMegamorphic(MacroAssembler* masm, ContextualMode mode) {
// -----------------------------------
// Probe the stub cache.
- ExtraICState extra_ic_state = LoadIC::ComputeExtraICState(mode);
Code::Flags flags = Code::ComputeFlags(
- Code::HANDLER, MONOMORPHIC, extra_ic_state,
+ Code::HANDLER, MONOMORPHIC, extra_state,
Code::NORMAL, Code::LOAD_IC);
masm, flags, a0, a2, a3, t0, t1, t2);
@@ -858,32 +558,6 @@ void KeyedStoreIC::GenerateNonStrictArguments(MacroAssembler* masm) {
-void KeyedCallIC::GenerateNonStrictArguments(MacroAssembler* masm,
- int argc) {
- // ----------- S t a t e -------------
- // -- a2 : name
- // -- lr : return address
- // -----------------------------------
- Label slow, notin;
- // Load receiver.
- __ lw(a1, MemOperand(sp, argc * kPointerSize));
- MemOperand mapped_location =
- GenerateMappedArgumentsLookup(masm, a1, a2, a3, t0, t1, &notin, &slow);
- __ lw(a1, mapped_location);
- GenerateFunctionTailCall(masm, argc, &slow, a3);
- __ bind(&notin);
- // The unmapped lookup expects that the parameter map is in a3.
- MemOperand unmapped_location =
- GenerateUnmappedArgumentsLookup(masm, a2, a3, t0, &slow);
- __ lw(a1, unmapped_location);
- __ LoadRoot(a3, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex);
- __ Branch(&slow, eq, a1, Operand(a3));
- GenerateFunctionTailCall(masm, argc, &slow, a3);
- __ bind(&slow);
- GenerateMiss(masm, argc);
void KeyedLoadIC::GenerateMiss(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// ---------- S t a t e --------------
// -- ra : return address
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