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Side by Side Diff: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/webaudio/audioparam-setTargetAtTime-continuous.html

Issue 1485003002: Make setTarget followed by linear or exponential ramp continuous. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Rebase and fix test failures Created 4 years, 7 months ago
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1 <!doctype html>
2 <html>
3 <head>
4 <script src="../resources/js-test.js"></script>
5 <script src="resources/compatibility.js"></script>
6 <script src="resources/audio-testing.js"></script>
7 <script src="resources/audioparam-testing.js"></script>
8 <title>SetTarget Followed by Linear or Exponential Ramp Is Continuous</title >
9 </head>
11 <body>
12 <script>
13 description("Test SetTarget Followed by Linear or Exponential Ramp");
14 window.jsTestIsAsync = true;
16 var sampleRate = 48000;
17 var renderQuantum = 128;
18 // Test doesn't need to run for very long.
19 var renderDuration = 0.1;
20 // Where the ramp should end
21 var rampEndTime = renderDuration - .05;
22 var renderFrames = renderDuration * sampleRate;
23 var timeConstant = 0.01;
25 var audit = Audit.createTaskRunner();
27 // All of the tests start a SetTargetAtTime after one rendering quantum. The following tests
28 // handle various cases where a linear or exponential ramp is scheduled at or after
29 // SetTargetAtTime starts.
31 audit.defineTask("linear ramp replace", function (done) {
32 // Schedule a linear ramp to start at the same time as SetTargetAtTime. This effectively
33 // replaces the SetTargetAtTime as if it never existed.
34 runTest("Linear ramp", {
35 automationFunction: function (audioparam, endValue, endTime) {
36 audioparam.linearRampToValueAtTime(endValue, endTime);
37 },
38 referenceFunction: linearResult,
39 automationTime: renderQuantum / sampleRate,
40 thresholdSetTarget: 0,
41 thresholdRamp: 1.26765e-6
42 }).then(done);
43 });
45 audit.defineTask("delayed linear ramp", function (done) {
46 // Schedule a linear ramp to start after the SetTargetAtTime has already started rendering.
47 // This is the main test to verify that the linear ramp is continuous wi th the
48 // SetTargetAtTime curve.
49 runTest("Delayed linear ramp", {
50 automationFunction: function (audioparam, endValue, endTime) {
51 audioparam.linearRampToValueAtTime(endValue, endTime);
52 },
53 referenceFunction: linearResult,
54 automationTime: 4 * renderQuantum / sampleRate,
55 thresholdSetTarget: 2.19417e-7,
56 thresholdRamp: 1.07972e-6
57 }).then(done);
58 });
60 audit.defineTask("expo ramp replace", function (done) {
61 // Like "linear ramp replace", but with an exponential ramp instead.
62 runTest("Exponential ramp", {
63 automationFunction: function (audioparam, endValue, endTime) {
64 audioparam.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(endValue, endTime);
65 },
66 referenceFunction: exponentialResult,
67 automationTime: renderQuantum / sampleRate,
68 thresholdSetTarget: 0,
69 thresholdRamp: 1.13249e-5
70 }).then(done);
71 });
73 audit.defineTask("delayed expo ramp", function (done) {
74 // Like "delayed linear ramp", but with an exponential ramp instead.
75 runTest("Delayed exponential ramp", {
76 automationFunction: function (audioparam, endValue, endTime) {
77 audioparam.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(endValue, endTime);
78 },
79 referenceFunction: exponentialResult,
80 automationTime: 4 * renderQuantum / sampleRate,
81 thresholdSetTarget: 2.19417e-7,
82 thresholdRamp: 4.17233e-6
83 }).then(done);
84 });
86 audit.defineTask("finish", function (done) {
87 finishJSTest();
88 done();
89 });
91 audit.runTasks();
93 function computeExpectedResult(automationTime, timeConstant, endValue, end Time, rampFunction) {
94 // The result is a constant value of 1 for one rendering quantum, then a SetTarget event
95 // lasting to |automationTime|, at which point a ramp starts which ends at |endValue|
96 // at |endTime|. Then the rest of curve should be held constant at |end Value|.
97 var initialPart = new Array(renderQuantum);
98 initialPart.fill(1);
100 // Generate 1 extra frame so that we know where to start the linear ramp . The last sample
101 // of the array is where the ramp should start from.
102 var setTargetPart = createExponentialApproachArray(renderQuantum / sampl eRate,
103 automationTime + 1 / sampleRate, 1, 0, sampleRate, timeConstant);
104 var setTargetLength = setTargetPart.length;
106 // Generate the ramp starting at |automationTime| with a value from last value of the
107 // SetTarget curve above.
108 var rampPart = rampFunction(automationTime, endTime,
109 setTargetPart[setTargetLength - 1], endValue, sampleRate);
111 // Finally finish out the rest with a constant value of |endValue|, if n eeded.
112 var finalPart = new Array(Math.floor((renderDuration - endTime) * sample Rate));
113 finalPart.fill(endValue);
115 // Return the four parts separately for testing.
116 return {
117 initialPart: initialPart,
118 setTargetPart: setTargetPart.slice(0, setTargetLength - 1),
119 rampPart: rampPart,
120 tailPart: finalPart
121 };
122 }
124 function linearResult(automationTime, timeConstant, endValue, endTime) {
125 return computeExpectedResult(automationTime, timeConstant, endValue, end Time, createLinearRampArray);
126 }
128 function exponentialResult(automationTime, timeConstant, endValue, endTime ) {
129 return computeExpectedResult(automationTime, timeConstant, endValue, end Time, createExponentialRampArray);
130 }
132 // Run test to verify that a SetTarget followed by a ramp produces a conti nuous curve.
133 // |prefix| is a string to use as a prefix for the messages. |options| is a dictionary
134 // describing how the test is run:
135 //
136 // |options.automationFunction|
137 // The function to use to start the automation, which should be a line ar or exponential
138 // ramp automation. This function has three arguments:
139 // audioparam - the AudioParam to be automated
140 // endValue - the end value of the ramp
141 // endTime - the end time fo the ramp.
142 // |options.referenceFunction|
143 // The function to generated the expected result. This function has f our arguments:
144 // automationTime - the value of |options.automationTime|
145 // timeConstant - time constant used for SetTargetAtTime
146 // rampEndValue - end value for the ramp (same value used for auto mationFunction)
147 // rampEndTime - end time for the ramp (same value used for autom ationFunction)
148 // |options.automationTime|
149 // Time at which the |automationFunction| is called to start the autom ation.
150 // |options.thresholdSetTarget|
151 // Threshold to use for verifying that the initial (if any) SetTargetA tTime portion had
152 // the correct values.
153 // |options.thresholdRamp|
154 // Threshold to use for verifying that the ramp portion had the correc t values.
155 function runTest(prefix, options) {
156 var automationFunction = options.automationFunction;
157 var referenceFunction = options.referenceFunction;
158 var automationTime = options.automationTime;
159 var thresholdSetTarget = options.thresholdSetTarget || 0;
160 var thresholdRamp = options.thresholdRamp || 0;
162 // End value for the ramp. Fairly arbitrary, but should be distinctly d ifferent from the
163 // target value for SetTargetAtTime and the initial value of gain.gain.
164 var rampEndValue = 2;
165 var context = new OfflineAudioContext(1, renderFrames, sampleRate);
167 // A constant source of amplitude 1.
168 var source = context.createBufferSource();
169 source.buffer = createConstantBuffer(context, 1, 1);
170 source.loop = true;
172 var gain = context.createGain();
174 // The SetTarget starts after one rendering quantum.
175 gain.gain.setTargetAtTime(0, renderQuantum / context.sampleRate, timeCon stant);
177 // Schedule the ramp at |automationTime|. If this time is past the firs t rendering quantum,
178 // the SetTarget event will run for a bit before running the ramp. Othe rwise, the SetTarget
179 // should be completely replaced by the ramp.
180 context.suspend(automationTime)
181 .then(function () {
182 automationFunction(gain.gain, rampEndValue, rampEndTime);
183 context.resume();
184 });
186 source.connect(gain);
187 gain.connect(context.destination);
189 source.start();
191 return context.startRendering().then(function (resultBuffer) {
192 var success = true;
193 var result = resultBuffer.getChannelData(0);
194 var expected = referenceFunction(automationTime, timeConstant, rampEnd Value, rampEndTime);
196 // Verify each part of the curve separately.
197 var startIndex = 0;
198 var length = expected.initialPart.length;
200 // Verify that the initial part of the curve is constant.
201 success = Should(prefix + ": Initial part", result.slice(0, length))
202 .beCloseToArray(expected.initialPart, 0) && success;
204 // Verify the SetTarget part of the curve, if the SetTarget did actual ly run.
205 startIndex += length;
206 length = expected.setTargetPart.length;
207 if (length) {
208 success = Should(prefix + ": SetTarget part", result.slice(startInde x, startIndex +
209 length))
210 .beCloseToArray(expected.setTargetPart, thresholdSetTarget) && suc cess;
211 } else {
212 testPassed("SetTarget part was correctly replaced by the ramp");
213 }
215 // Verify the ramp part of the curve
216 startIndex += length;
217 length = expected.rampPart.length;
218 success = Should(prefix, result.slice(startIndex, startIndex + length) , {
219 verbose: true
220 }).beCloseToArray(expected.rampPart, thresholdRamp) && success;
222 // Verify that the end of the curve after the ramp (if any) is a const ant.
223 startIndex += length;
224 success = Should(prefix + ": Tail part", result.slice(startIndex))
225 .beCloseToArray(expected.tailPart, 0) && success;
227 if (success)
228 testPassed(prefix + " preceded by SetTarget is continuous.\n");
229 else
230 testFailed(prefix + " preceded by SetTarget was not continuous.\n");
231 });
232 }
233 </script>
234 </body>
235 </html>
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