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Unified Diff: src/

Issue 148223002: Remove CallICs (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Update test262 status file Created 6 years, 11 months ago
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diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index fd86f1e460b661562f48a38cd136bf7d46cc14b3..c79ea2c7cf09e9b194a27b7c18e36f9164588884 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -424,8 +424,6 @@ void IC::Clear(Isolate* isolate, Address address) {
case Code::STORE_IC: return StoreIC::Clear(isolate, address, target);
case Code::KEYED_STORE_IC:
return KeyedStoreIC::Clear(isolate, address, target);
- case Code::CALL_IC: return CallIC::Clear(address, target);
- case Code::KEYED_CALL_IC: return KeyedCallIC::Clear(address, target);
case Code::COMPARE_IC: return CompareIC::Clear(isolate, address, target);
case Code::COMPARE_NIL_IC: return CompareNilIC::Clear(address, target);
case Code::BINARY_OP_IC:
@@ -438,14 +436,6 @@ void IC::Clear(Isolate* isolate, Address address) {
-void CallICBase::Clear(Address address, Code* target) {
- if (IsCleared(target)) return;
- Code* code = target->GetIsolate()->stub_cache()->FindCallInitialize(
- target->arguments_count(), target->kind());
- SetTargetAtAddress(address, code);
void KeyedLoadIC::Clear(Isolate* isolate, Address address, Code* target) {
if (IsCleared(target)) return;
// Make sure to also clear the map used in inline fast cases. If we
@@ -492,50 +482,6 @@ void CompareIC::Clear(Isolate* isolate, Address address, Code* target) {
-Handle<Object> CallICBase::TryCallAsFunction(Handle<Object> object) {
- Handle<Object> delegate = Execution::GetFunctionDelegate(isolate(), object);
- if (delegate->IsJSFunction() && !object->IsJSFunctionProxy()) {
- // Patch the receiver and use the delegate as the function to
- // invoke. This is used for invoking objects as if they were functions.
- const int argc = target()->arguments_count();
- StackFrameLocator locator(isolate());
- JavaScriptFrame* frame = locator.FindJavaScriptFrame(0);
- int index = frame->ComputeExpressionsCount() - (argc + 1);
- frame->SetExpression(index, *object);
- }
- return delegate;
-void CallICBase::ReceiverToObjectIfRequired(Handle<Object> callee,
- Handle<Object> object) {
- while (callee->IsJSFunctionProxy()) {
- callee = Handle<Object>(JSFunctionProxy::cast(*callee)->call_trap(),
- isolate());
- }
- if (callee->IsJSFunction()) {
- Handle<JSFunction> function = Handle<JSFunction>::cast(callee);
- if (!function->shared()->is_classic_mode() || function->IsBuiltin()) {
- // Do not wrap receiver for strict mode functions or for builtins.
- return;
- }
- }
- // And only wrap string, number or boolean.
- if (object->IsString() || object->IsNumber() || object->IsBoolean()) {
- // Change the receiver to the result of calling ToObject on it.
- const int argc = this->target()->arguments_count();
- StackFrameLocator locator(isolate());
- JavaScriptFrame* frame = locator.FindJavaScriptFrame(0);
- int index = frame->ComputeExpressionsCount() - (argc + 1);
- frame->SetExpression(index, *isolate()->factory()->ToObject(object));
- }
static bool MigrateDeprecated(Handle<Object> object) {
if (!object->IsJSObject()) return false;
Handle<JSObject> receiver = Handle<JSObject>::cast(object);
@@ -545,248 +491,6 @@ static bool MigrateDeprecated(Handle<Object> object) {
-MaybeObject* CallICBase::LoadFunction(Handle<Object> object,
- Handle<String> name) {
- bool use_ic = MigrateDeprecated(object) ? false : FLAG_use_ic;
- // If the object is undefined or null it's illegal to try to get any
- // of its properties; throw a TypeError in that case.
- if (object->IsUndefined() || object->IsNull()) {
- return TypeError("non_object_property_call", object, name);
- }
- // Check if the name is trivially convertible to an index and get
- // the element if so.
- uint32_t index;
- if (name->AsArrayIndex(&index)) {
- Handle<Object> result = Object::GetElement(isolate(), object, index);
- RETURN_IF_EMPTY_HANDLE(isolate(), result);
- if (result->IsJSFunction()) return *result;
- // Try to find a suitable function delegate for the object at hand.
- result = TryCallAsFunction(result);
- if (result->IsJSFunction()) return *result;
- // Otherwise, it will fail in the lookup step.
- }
- // Lookup the property in the object.
- LookupResult lookup(isolate());
- LookupForRead(object, name, &lookup);
- if (!lookup.IsFound()) {
- // If the object does not have the requested property, check which
- // exception we need to throw.
- return object->IsGlobalObject()
- ? ReferenceError("not_defined", name)
- : TypeError("undefined_method", object, name);
- }
- // Lookup is valid: Update inline cache and stub cache.
- if (use_ic) UpdateCaches(&lookup, object, name);
- // Get the property.
- PropertyAttributes attr;
- Handle<Object> result =
- Object::GetProperty(object, object, &lookup, name, &attr);
- RETURN_IF_EMPTY_HANDLE(isolate(), result);
- if (lookup.IsInterceptor() && attr == ABSENT) {
- // If the object does not have the requested property, check which
- // exception we need to throw.
- return object->IsGlobalObject()
- ? ReferenceError("not_defined", name)
- : TypeError("undefined_method", object, name);
- }
- ASSERT(!result->IsTheHole());
- // Make receiver an object if the callee requires it. Strict mode or builtin
- // functions do not wrap the receiver, non-strict functions and objects
- // called as functions do.
- ReceiverToObjectIfRequired(result, object);
- if (result->IsJSFunction()) {
- Handle<JSFunction> function = Handle<JSFunction>::cast(result);
- // Handle stepping into a function if step into is active.
- Debug* debug = isolate()->debug();
- if (debug->StepInActive()) {
- // Protect the result in a handle as the debugger can allocate and might
- // cause GC.
- debug->HandleStepIn(function, object, fp(), false);
- }
- return *function;
- }
- // Try to find a suitable function delegate for the object at hand.
- result = TryCallAsFunction(result);
- if (result->IsJSFunction()) return *result;
- return TypeError("property_not_function", object, name);
-Handle<Code> CallICBase::ComputeMonomorphicStub(LookupResult* lookup,
- Handle<Object> object,
- Handle<String> name) {
- int argc = target()->arguments_count();
- Handle<JSObject> holder(lookup->holder(), isolate());
- switch (lookup->type()) {
- case FIELD: {
- PropertyIndex index = lookup->GetFieldIndex();
- return isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeCallField(
- argc, kind_, extra_ic_state(), name, object, holder, index);
- }
- case CONSTANT: {
- if (!lookup->IsConstantFunction()) return Handle<Code>::null();
- // Get the constant function and compute the code stub for this
- // call; used for rewriting to monomorphic state and making sure
- // that the code stub is in the stub cache.
- Handle<JSFunction> function(lookup->GetConstantFunction(), isolate());
- return isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeCallConstant(
- argc, kind_, extra_ic_state(), name, object, holder, function);
- }
- case NORMAL: {
- // If we return a null handle, the IC will not be patched.
- if (!object->IsJSObject()) return Handle<Code>::null();
- Handle<JSObject> receiver = Handle<JSObject>::cast(object);
- if (holder->IsGlobalObject()) {
- Handle<GlobalObject> global = Handle<GlobalObject>::cast(holder);
- Handle<PropertyCell> cell(
- global->GetPropertyCell(lookup), isolate());
- if (!cell->value()->IsJSFunction()) return Handle<Code>::null();
- Handle<JSFunction> function(JSFunction::cast(cell->value()));
- return isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeCallGlobal(
- argc, kind_, extra_ic_state(), name,
- receiver, global, cell, function);
- } else {
- // There is only one shared stub for calling normalized
- // properties. It does not traverse the prototype chain, so the
- // property must be found in the receiver for the stub to be
- // applicable.
- if (!holder.is_identical_to(receiver)) return Handle<Code>::null();
- return isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeCallNormal(
- argc, kind_, extra_ic_state());
- }
- break;
- }
- ASSERT(HasInterceptorGetter(*holder));
- return isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeCallInterceptor(
- argc, kind_, extra_ic_state(), name, object, holder);
- default:
- return Handle<Code>::null();
- }
-Handle<Code> CallICBase::megamorphic_stub() {
- return isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeCallMegamorphic(
- target()->arguments_count(), kind_, extra_ic_state());
-Handle<Code> CallICBase::pre_monomorphic_stub() {
- return isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeCallPreMonomorphic(
- target()->arguments_count(), kind_, extra_ic_state());
-void CallICBase::UpdateCaches(LookupResult* lookup,
- Handle<Object> object,
- Handle<String> name) {
- // Bail out if we didn't find a result.
- if (!lookup->IsProperty() || !lookup->IsCacheable()) return;
- if (state() == UNINITIALIZED) {
- set_target(*pre_monomorphic_stub());
- TRACE_IC("CallIC", name);
- return;
- }
- Handle<Code> code = ComputeMonomorphicStub(lookup, object, name);
- // If there's no appropriate stub we simply avoid updating the caches.
- // TODO(verwaest): Install a slow fallback in this case to avoid not learning,
- // and deopting Crankshaft code.
- if (code.is_null()) return;
- Handle<JSObject> cache_object = object->IsJSObject()
- ? Handle<JSObject>::cast(object)
- : Handle<JSObject>(JSObject::cast(object->GetPrototype(isolate())),
- isolate());
- PatchCache(CurrentTypeOf(cache_object, isolate()), name, code);
- TRACE_IC("CallIC", name);
-MaybeObject* KeyedCallIC::LoadFunction(Handle<Object> object,
- Handle<Object> key) {
- if (key->IsInternalizedString()) {
- return CallICBase::LoadFunction(object, Handle<String>::cast(key));
- }
- if (object->IsUndefined() || object->IsNull()) {
- return TypeError("non_object_property_call", object, key);
- }
- bool use_ic = MigrateDeprecated(object)
- ? false : FLAG_use_ic && !object->IsAccessCheckNeeded();
- if (use_ic && state() != MEGAMORPHIC) {
- ASSERT(!object->IsJSGlobalProxy());
- int argc = target()->arguments_count();
- Handle<Code> stub;
- // Use the KeyedArrayCallStub if the call is of the form array[smi](...),
- // where array is an instance of one of the initial array maps (without
- // extra named properties).
- // TODO(verwaest): Also support keyed calls on instances of other maps.
- if (object->IsJSArray() && key->IsSmi()) {
- Handle<JSArray> array = Handle<JSArray>::cast(object);
- ElementsKind kind = array->map()->elements_kind();
- if (IsFastObjectElementsKind(kind) &&
- array->map() == isolate()->get_initial_js_array_map(kind)) {
- KeyedArrayCallStub stub_gen(IsHoleyElementsKind(kind), argc);
- stub = stub_gen.GetCode(isolate());
- }
- }
- if (stub.is_null()) {
- stub = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeCallMegamorphic(
- argc, Code::KEYED_CALL_IC, kNoExtraICState);
- if (object->IsJSObject()) {
- Handle<JSObject> receiver = Handle<JSObject>::cast(object);
- if (receiver->elements()->map() ==
- isolate()->heap()->non_strict_arguments_elements_map()) {
- stub = isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeCallArguments(argc);
- }
- }
- ASSERT(!stub.is_null());
- }
- set_target(*stub);
- TRACE_IC("CallIC", key);
- }
- Handle<Object> result = GetProperty(isolate(), object, key);
- RETURN_IF_EMPTY_HANDLE(isolate(), result);
- // Make receiver an object if the callee requires it. Strict mode or builtin
- // functions do not wrap the receiver, non-strict functions and objects
- // called as functions do.
- ReceiverToObjectIfRequired(result, object);
- if (result->IsJSFunction()) return *result;
- result = TryCallAsFunction(result);
- if (result->IsJSFunction()) return *result;
- return TypeError("property_not_function", object, key);
MaybeObject* LoadIC::Load(Handle<Object> object,
Handle<String> name) {
// If the object is undefined or null it's illegal to try to get any
@@ -880,6 +584,7 @@ MaybeObject* LoadIC::Load(Handle<Object> object,
attr == ABSENT && IsUndeclaredGlobal(object)) {
return ReferenceError("not_defined", name);
return *result;
@@ -1027,9 +732,7 @@ void IC::PatchCache(Handle<HeapType> type,
// For now, call stubs are allowed to rewrite to the same stub. This
// happens e.g., when the field does not contain a function.
- ASSERT(target()->is_call_stub() ||
- target()->is_keyed_call_stub() ||
- !target().is_identical_to(code));
+ ASSERT(!target().is_identical_to(code));
Code* old_handler = target()->FindFirstHandler();
if (old_handler == *code && IsTransitionOfMonomorphicTarget(type)) {
UpdateMonomorphicIC(type, code, name);
@@ -1056,23 +759,20 @@ void IC::PatchCache(Handle<HeapType> type,
-Handle<Code> LoadIC::initialize_stub(Isolate* isolate, ContextualMode mode) {
- Handle<Code> ic = isolate->stub_cache()->ComputeLoad(
- UNINITIALIZED, ComputeExtraICState(mode));
- return ic;
+Handle<Code> LoadIC::initialize_stub(Isolate* isolate,
+ ExtraICState extra_state) {
+ return isolate->stub_cache()->ComputeLoad(UNINITIALIZED, extra_state);
Handle<Code> LoadIC::pre_monomorphic_stub(Isolate* isolate,
- ContextualMode mode) {
- return isolate->stub_cache()->ComputeLoad(
- PREMONOMORPHIC, ComputeExtraICState(mode));
+ ExtraICState extra_state) {
+ return isolate->stub_cache()->ComputeLoad(PREMONOMORPHIC, extra_state);
Handle<Code> LoadIC::megamorphic_stub() {
- return isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeLoad(
- MEGAMORPHIC, extra_ic_state());
+ return isolate()->stub_cache()->ComputeLoad(MEGAMORPHIC, extra_ic_state());
@@ -2025,51 +1725,6 @@ MaybeObject* KeyedStoreIC::Store(Handle<Object> object,
// Used from ic-<arch>.cc.
-RUNTIME_FUNCTION(MaybeObject*, CallIC_Miss) {
- HandleScope scope(isolate);
- ASSERT(args.length() == 2);
- CallIC ic(isolate);
- Handle<Object> receiver =<Object>(0);
- Handle<String> key =<String>(1);
- ic.UpdateState(receiver, key);
- MaybeObject* maybe_result = ic.LoadFunction(receiver, key);
- JSFunction* raw_function;
- if (!maybe_result->To(&raw_function)) return maybe_result;
- // The first time the inline cache is updated may be the first time the
- // function it references gets called. If the function is lazily compiled
- // then the first call will trigger a compilation. We check for this case
- // and we do the compilation immediately, instead of waiting for the stub
- // currently attached to the JSFunction object to trigger compilation.
- if (raw_function->is_compiled()) return raw_function;
- Handle<JSFunction> function(raw_function);
- Compiler::EnsureCompiled(function, CLEAR_EXCEPTION);
- return *function;
-// Used from ic-<arch>.cc.
-RUNTIME_FUNCTION(MaybeObject*, KeyedCallIC_Miss) {
- HandleScope scope(isolate);
- ASSERT(args.length() == 2);
- KeyedCallIC ic(isolate);
- Handle<Object> receiver =<Object>(0);
- Handle<Object> key =<Object>(1);
- ic.UpdateState(receiver, key);
- MaybeObject* maybe_result = ic.LoadFunction(receiver, key);
- // Result could be a function or a failure.
- JSFunction* raw_function = NULL;
- if (!maybe_result->To(&raw_function)) return maybe_result;
- if (raw_function->is_compiled()) return raw_function;
- Handle<JSFunction> function(raw_function, isolate);
- Compiler::EnsureCompiled(function, CLEAR_EXCEPTION);
- return *function;
// Used from ic-<arch>.cc.
RUNTIME_FUNCTION(MaybeObject*, LoadIC_Miss) {
HandleScope scope(isolate);
@@ -2128,28 +1783,6 @@ RUNTIME_FUNCTION(MaybeObject*, StoreIC_MissFromStubFailure) {
-RUNTIME_FUNCTION(MaybeObject*, KeyedCallIC_MissFromStubFailure) {
- HandleScope scope(isolate);
- ASSERT(args.length() == 2);
- KeyedCallIC ic(isolate);
- Arguments* caller_args = reinterpret_cast<Arguments*>(args[0]);
- Handle<Object> key =<Object>(1);
- Handle<Object> receiver((*caller_args)[0], isolate);
- ic.UpdateState(receiver, key);
- MaybeObject* maybe_result = ic.LoadFunction(receiver, key);
- // Result could be a function or a failure.
- JSFunction* raw_function = NULL;
- if (!maybe_result->To(&raw_function)) return maybe_result;
- if (raw_function->is_compiled()) return raw_function;
- Handle<JSFunction> function(raw_function, isolate);
- Compiler::EnsureCompiled(function, CLEAR_EXCEPTION);
- return *function;
RUNTIME_FUNCTION(MaybeObject*, StoreIC_ArrayLength) {
SealHandleScope shs(isolate);
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