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Unified Diff: src/mips/

Issue 145583012: MIPS: stub fast api calls (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Optimize pushes. Created 6 years, 11 months ago
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diff --git a/src/mips/ b/src/mips/
index 8651b691ae3cc442f1397afbbec3274097f3c76e..ab1b90adae8d14ec2abb90a96aafef30af865fe1 100644
--- a/src/mips/
+++ b/src/mips/
@@ -5692,6 +5692,109 @@ void InternalArrayConstructorStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
+void CallApiFunctionStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
+ // ----------- S t a t e -------------
+ // -- a0 : callee
+ // -- t0 : call_data
+ // -- a2 : holder
+ // -- a3 : api_function_address
+ // -- a1 : thunk_arg
+ // -- cp : context
+ // --
+ // -- sp[0] : last argument
+ // -- ...
+ // -- sp[(argc - 1)* 4] : first argument
+ // -- sp[argc * 4] : receiver
+ // -----------------------------------
+ Register callee = a0;
+ Register call_data = t0;
+ Register holder = a2;
+ Register api_function_address = a3;
+ Register thunk_arg = a1;
+ Register context = cp;
+ int argc = ArgumentBits::decode(bit_field_);
+ bool restore_context = RestoreContextBits::decode(bit_field_);
+ bool call_data_undefined = CallDataUndefinedBits::decode(bit_field_);
+ typedef FunctionCallbackArguments FCA;
+ STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kContextSaveIndex == 6);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kCalleeIndex == 5);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kDataIndex == 4);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kReturnValueOffset == 3);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kReturnValueDefaultValueIndex == 2);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kIsolateIndex == 1);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kHolderIndex == 0);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kArgsLength == 7);
+ Isolate* isolate = masm->isolate();
+ // Save context, callee and call data.
+ __ Push(context, callee, call_data);
+ // Load context from callee.
+ __ lw(context, FieldMemOperand(callee, JSFunction::kContextOffset));
+ Register scratch = call_data;
+ if (!call_data_undefined) {
+ __ LoadRoot(scratch, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex);
+ }
+ // Push return value and default return value.
+ __ Push(scratch, scratch);
+ __ li(scratch,
+ Operand(ExternalReference::isolate_address(isolate)));
+ // Push isolate and holder.
+ __ Push(scratch, holder);
+ // Prepare arguments.
+ __ mov(scratch, sp);
+ // Allocate the v8::Arguments structure in the arguments' space since
+ // it's not controlled by GC.
+ const int kApiStackSpace = 4;
+ FrameScope frame_scope(masm, StackFrame::MANUAL);
+ __ EnterExitFrame(false, kApiStackSpace);
+ ASSERT(! && ! && !;
+ // a0 = FunctionCallbackInfo&
+ // Arguments is after the return address.
+ __ Addu(a0, sp, Operand(1 * kPointerSize));
+ // FunctionCallbackInfo::implicit_args_
+ __ sw(scratch, MemOperand(a0, 0 * kPointerSize));
+ // FunctionCallbackInfo::values_
+ __ Addu(at, scratch, Operand((FCA::kArgsLength - 1 + argc) * kPointerSize));
+ __ sw(at, MemOperand(a0, 1 * kPointerSize));
+ // FunctionCallbackInfo::length_ = argc
+ __ li(at, Operand(argc));
+ __ sw(at, MemOperand(a0, 2 * kPointerSize));
+ // FunctionCallbackInfo::is_construct_call = 0
+ __ sw(zero_reg, MemOperand(a0, 3 * kPointerSize));
+ const int kStackUnwindSpace = argc + FCA::kArgsLength + 1;
+ Address thunk_address = FUNCTION_ADDR(&InvokeFunctionCallback);
+ ExternalReference::Type thunk_type = ExternalReference::PROFILING_API_CALL;
+ ApiFunction thunk_fun(thunk_address);
+ ExternalReference thunk_ref = ExternalReference(&thunk_fun, thunk_type,
+ masm->isolate());
+ AllowExternalCallThatCantCauseGC scope(masm);
+ MemOperand context_restore_operand(
+ fp, (2 + FCA::kContextSaveIndex) * kPointerSize);
+ MemOperand return_value_operand(fp,
+ (2 + FCA::kReturnValueOffset) * kPointerSize);
+ __ CallApiFunctionAndReturn(api_function_address,
+ thunk_ref,
+ thunk_arg,
+ kStackUnwindSpace,
+ return_value_operand,
+ restore_context ?
+ &context_restore_operand : NULL);
#undef __
} } // namespace v8::internal
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