1 Testing parsing of the shape-inside property. | 1 Testing parsing of the shape-inside property. |
2 | 2 |
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
". | 3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
". |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "none") is "none" | 6 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "none") is "none" |
7 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "none") is "none" | 7 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "none") is "none" |
8 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "rectangle(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px)") is "rectang
le(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px)" | 8 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "rectangle(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px)") is "rectang
le(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px)" |
9 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "rectangle(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px)")
is "rectangle(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px, 0px, 0px)" | 9 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "rectangle(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px)")
is "rectangle(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px, 0px, 0px)" |
10 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "rectangle(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px, 5px)") is "re
ctangle(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px, 5px)" | 10 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "rectangle(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px, 5px)") is "re
ctangle(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px, 5px)" |
(...skipping 72 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after Loading... |
83 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "circle(10px at 10px 10px)") is "circ
le(10px at 10px 10px)" | 83 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "circle(10px at 10px 10px)") is "circ
le(10px at 10px 10px)" |
84 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "circle(at 10px)") is "circle(at 10px 50%)" | 84 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "circle(at 10px)") is "circle(at 10px 50%)" |
85 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "circle(at 10px)") is "circle(closest
-side at 10px 50%)" | 85 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "circle(at 10px)") is "circle(closest
-side at 10px 50%)" |
86 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "circle(at 10px 10px)") is "circle(at 10px 10px)
" | 86 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "circle(at 10px 10px)") is "circle(at 10px 10px)
" |
87 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "circle(at 10px 10px)") is "circle(cl
osest-side at 10px 10px)" | 87 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "circle(at 10px 10px)") is "circle(cl
osest-side at 10px 10px)" |
88 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "circle(at top left)") is "circle(at 0% 0%)" | 88 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "circle(at top left)") is "circle(at 0% 0%)" |
89 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "circle(at top left)") is "circle(clo
sest-side at 0% 0%)" | 89 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "circle(at top left)") is "circle(clo
sest-side at 0% 0%)" |
90 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "circle(at right bottom)") is "circle(at 100% 10
0%)" | 90 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "circle(at right bottom)") is "circle(at 100% 10
0%)" |
91 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "circle(at right bottom)") is "circle
(closest-side at 100% 100%)" | 91 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "circle(at right bottom)") is "circle
(closest-side at 100% 100%)" |
92 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "circle(10px at left top 10px)") is "circle(10px
at left 0% top 10px)" | 92 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "circle(10px at left top 10px)") is "circle(10px
at left 0% top 10px)" |
93 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "circle(10px at left top 10px)") is "
circle(10px at left 0% top 10px)" | 93 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "circle(10px at left top 10px)") is "
circle(10px at 0% 10px)" |
94 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "circle(10px at top 10px left 10px)") is "circle
(10px at left 10px top 10px)" | 94 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "circle(10px at top 10px left 10px)") is "circle
(10px at left 10px top 10px)" |
95 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "circle(10px at top 10px left 10px)")
is "circle(10px at left 10px top 10px)" | 95 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "circle(10px at top 10px left 10px)")
is "circle(10px at 10px 10px)" |
96 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "circle(10px at right 10px bottom 10px)") is "ci
rcle(10px at right 10px bottom 10px)" | 96 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "circle(10px at right 10px bottom 10px)") is "ci
rcle(10px at right 10px bottom 10px)" |
97 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "circle(10px at right 10px bottom 10p
x)") is "circle(10px at right 10px bottom 10px)" | 97 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "circle(10px at right 10px bottom 10p
x)") is "circle(10px at right 10px bottom 10px)" |
98 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px)") is "ellipse(1
0px, 20px, 30px, 40px)" | 98 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px)") is "ellipse(1
0px, 20px, 30px, 40px)" |
99 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px)") is
"ellipse(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px)" | 99 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px)") is
"ellipse(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px)" |
100 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse()") is "ellipse()" | 100 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse()") is "ellipse()" |
101 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse()") is "ellipse(closest-side
closest-side at 50% 50%)" | 101 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse()") is "ellipse(closest-side
closest-side at 50% 50%)" |
102 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px)") is "ellipse(10px)" | 102 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px)") is "ellipse(10px)" |
103 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px)") is "ellipse(10px clo
sest-side at 50% 50%)" | 103 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px)") is "ellipse(10px clo
sest-side at 50% 50%)" |
104 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px 20px)") is "ellipse(10px 20px)" | 104 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px 20px)") is "ellipse(10px 20px)" |
105 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px 20px)") is "ellipse(10p
x 20px at 50% 50%)" | 105 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px 20px)") is "ellipse(10p
x 20px at 50% 50%)" |
106 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px at 10px)") is "ellipse(10px at 10p
x 50%)" | 106 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px at 10px)") is "ellipse(10px at 10p
x 50%)" |
107 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px at 10px)") is "ellipse(
10px closest-side at 10px 50%)" | 107 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px at 10px)") is "ellipse(
10px closest-side at 10px 50%)" |
108 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px 20px at 10px)") is "ellipse(10px 2
0px at 10px 50%)" | 108 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px 20px at 10px)") is "ellipse(10px 2
0px at 10px 50%)" |
109 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px 20px at 10px)") is "ell
ipse(10px 20px at 10px 50%)" | 109 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px 20px at 10px)") is "ell
ipse(10px 20px at 10px 50%)" |
110 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px at 10px 10px)") is "ellipse(10px a
t 10px 10px)" | 110 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px at 10px 10px)") is "ellipse(10px a
t 10px 10px)" |
111 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px at 10px 10px)") is "ell
ipse(10px closest-side at 10px 10px)" | 111 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px at 10px 10px)") is "ell
ipse(10px closest-side at 10px 10px)" |
112 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(at 10px)") is "ellipse(at 10px 50%)" | 112 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(at 10px)") is "ellipse(at 10px 50%)" |
113 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(at 10px)") is "ellipse(close
st-side closest-side at 10px 50%)" | 113 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(at 10px)") is "ellipse(close
st-side closest-side at 10px 50%)" |
114 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(at 10px 10px)") is "ellipse(at 10px 10p
x)" | 114 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(at 10px 10px)") is "ellipse(at 10px 10p
x)" |
115 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(at 10px 10px)") is "ellipse(
closest-side closest-side at 10px 10px)" | 115 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(at 10px 10px)") is "ellipse(
closest-side closest-side at 10px 10px)" |
116 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(at top left)") is "ellipse(at 0% 0%)" | 116 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(at top left)") is "ellipse(at 0% 0%)" |
117 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(at top left)") is "ellipse(c
losest-side closest-side at 0% 0%)" | 117 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(at top left)") is "ellipse(c
losest-side closest-side at 0% 0%)" |
118 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(at right bottom)") is "ellipse(at 100%
100%)" | 118 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(at right bottom)") is "ellipse(at 100%
100%)" |
119 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(at right bottom)") is "ellip
se(closest-side closest-side at 100% 100%)" | 119 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(at right bottom)") is "ellip
se(closest-side closest-side at 100% 100%)" |
120 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px at left top 10px)") is "ellipse(10
px at left 0% top 10px)" | 120 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px at left top 10px)") is "ellipse(10
px at left 0% top 10px)" |
121 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px at left top 10px)") is
"ellipse(10px closest-side at left 0% top 10px)" | 121 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px at left top 10px)") is
"ellipse(10px closest-side at 0% 10px)" |
122 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px at top 10px left 10px)") is "ellip
se(10px at left 10px top 10px)" | 122 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px at top 10px left 10px)") is "ellip
se(10px at left 10px top 10px)" |
123 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px at top 10px left 10px)"
) is "ellipse(10px closest-side at left 10px top 10px)" | 123 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px at top 10px left 10px)"
) is "ellipse(10px closest-side at 10px 10px)" |
124 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px at right 10px bottom 10px)") is "e
llipse(10px at right 10px bottom 10px)" | 124 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px at right 10px bottom 10px)") is "e
llipse(10px at right 10px bottom 10px)" |
125 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px at right 10px bottom 10
px)") is "ellipse(10px closest-side at right 10px bottom 10px)" | 125 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px at right 10px bottom 10
px)") is "ellipse(10px closest-side at right 10px bottom 10px)" |
126 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px 20px at left top 10px)") is "ellip
se(10px 20px at left 0% top 10px)" | 126 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px 20px at left top 10px)") is "ellip
se(10px 20px at left 0% top 10px)" |
127 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px 20px at left top 10px)"
) is "ellipse(10px 20px at left 0% top 10px)" | 127 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px 20px at left top 10px)"
) is "ellipse(10px 20px at 0% 10px)" |
128 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px 20px at top 10px left 10px)") is "
ellipse(10px 20px at left 10px top 10px)" | 128 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px 20px at top 10px left 10px)") is "
ellipse(10px 20px at left 10px top 10px)" |
129 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px 20px at top 10px left 1
0px)") is "ellipse(10px 20px at left 10px top 10px)" | 129 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px 20px at top 10px left 1
0px)") is "ellipse(10px 20px at 10px 10px)" |
130 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px 20px at right 10px bottom 10px)")
is "ellipse(10px 20px at right 10px bottom 10px)" | 130 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px 20px at right 10px bottom 10px)")
is "ellipse(10px 20px at right 10px bottom 10px)" |
131 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px 20px at right 10px bott
om 10px)") is "ellipse(10px 20px at right 10px bottom 10px)" | 131 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "ellipse(10px 20px at right 10px bott
om 10px)") is "ellipse(10px 20px at right 10px bottom 10px)" |
132 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "polygon(10px 20px, 30px 40px, 40px 50px)") is "
polygon(nonzero, 10px 20px, 30px 40px, 40px 50px)" | 132 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "polygon(10px 20px, 30px 40px, 40px 50px)") is "
polygon(nonzero, 10px 20px, 30px 40px, 40px 50px)" |
133 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "polygon(10px 20px, 30px 40px, 40px 5
0px)") is "polygon(nonzero, 10px 20px, 30px 40px, 40px 50px)" | 133 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "polygon(10px 20px, 30px 40px, 40px 5
0px)") is "polygon(nonzero, 10px 20px, 30px 40px, 40px 50px)" |
134 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "polygon(evenodd, 10px 20px, 30px 40px, 40px 50p
x)") is "polygon(evenodd, 10px 20px, 30px 40px, 40px 50px)" | 134 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "polygon(evenodd, 10px 20px, 30px 40px, 40px 50p
x)") is "polygon(evenodd, 10px 20px, 30px 40px, 40px 50px)" |
135 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "polygon(evenodd, 10px 20px, 30px 40p
x, 40px 50px)") is "polygon(evenodd, 10px 20px, 30px 40px, 40px 50px)" | 135 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "polygon(evenodd, 10px 20px, 30px 40p
x, 40px 50px)") is "polygon(evenodd, 10px 20px, 30px 40px, 40px 50px)" |
136 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "polygon(nonzero, 10px 20px, 30px 40px, 40px 50p
x)") is "polygon(nonzero, 10px 20px, 30px 40px, 40px 50px)" | 136 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "polygon(nonzero, 10px 20px, 30px 40px, 40px 50p
x)") is "polygon(nonzero, 10px 20px, 30px 40px, 40px 50px)" |
137 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "polygon(nonzero, 10px 20px, 30px 40p
x, 40px 50px)") is "polygon(nonzero, 10px 20px, 30px 40px, 40px 50px)" | 137 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "polygon(nonzero, 10px 20px, 30px 40p
x, 40px 50px)") is "polygon(nonzero, 10px 20px, 30px 40px, 40px 50px)" |
138 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "content-box") is "content-box" | 138 PASS getCSSText("shape-inside", "content-box") is "content-box" |
139 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "content-box") is "content-box" | 139 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-inside", "content-box") is "content-box" |
(...skipping 165 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after Loading... |
305 PASS getParentAndChildComputedStylesString("shape-inside", "outside-shape", "rec
tangle(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px)") is "parent: outside-shape, child: rectangle(10p
x, 20px, 30px, 40px, 0px, 0px)" | 305 PASS getParentAndChildComputedStylesString("shape-inside", "outside-shape", "rec
tangle(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px)") is "parent: outside-shape, child: rectangle(10p
x, 20px, 30px, 40px, 0px, 0px)" |
306 PASS getParentAndChildComputedStylesString("shape-inside", "rectangle(10px, 20px
, 30px, 40px)", "initial") is "parent: rectangle(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px, 0px, 0p
x), child: none" | 306 PASS getParentAndChildComputedStylesString("shape-inside", "rectangle(10px, 20px
, 30px, 40px)", "initial") is "parent: rectangle(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px, 0px, 0p
x), child: none" |
307 PASS getParentAndChildComputedStylesString("shape-inside", "rectangle(10px, 20px
, 30px, 40px)", "") is "parent: rectangle(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px, 0px, 0px), chi
ld: none" | 307 PASS getParentAndChildComputedStylesString("shape-inside", "rectangle(10px, 20px
, 30px, 40px)", "") is "parent: rectangle(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px, 0px, 0px), chi
ld: none" |
308 PASS getParentAndChildComputedStylesString("shape-inside", "rectangle(10px, 20px
, 30px, 40px)", "inherit") is "parent: rectangle(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px, 0px, 0p
x), child: rectangle(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px, 0px, 0px)" | 308 PASS getParentAndChildComputedStylesString("shape-inside", "rectangle(10px, 20px
, 30px, 40px)", "inherit") is "parent: rectangle(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px, 0px, 0p
x), child: rectangle(10px, 20px, 30px, 40px, 0px, 0px)" |
309 PASS getParentAndChildComputedStylesString("shape-inside", "", "inherit") is "pa
rent: none, child: none" | 309 PASS getParentAndChildComputedStylesString("shape-inside", "", "inherit") is "pa
rent: none, child: none" |
310 PASS getParentAndChildComputedStylesString("shape-inside", "none", "inherit") is
"parent: none, child: none" | 310 PASS getParentAndChildComputedStylesString("shape-inside", "none", "inherit") is
"parent: none, child: none" |
311 PASS successfullyParsed is true | 311 PASS successfullyParsed is true |
312 | 312 |
314 | 314 |