(Empty) | |
| 1 #!/usr/bin/env python |
| 2 """Create a "virtual" Python installation |
| 3 """ |
| 4 |
| 5 __version__ = "12.0" |
| 6 virtualenv_version = __version__ # legacy |
| 7 |
| 8 # NB: avoid placing additional imports here, before sys.path is fixed! |
| 9 |
| 10 import sys |
| 11 import os |
| 12 |
| 13 # |
| 14 # RATIONALE: |
| 15 # This script is both it's own "host" and "guest". If it's running in "guest |
| 16 # mode" (inside the virtualenv interpreter), it's essentially invoked via: |
| 17 # /path/to/python /path/to/this/script.py |
| 18 # |
| 19 # Which, by the nature of Python, will put `/path/to/this` on the system path |
| 20 # as the first argument. Now this can cause many subtle bugs, because the |
| 21 # rest of the script is now looking to import from the "host" Python version |
| 22 # first. This has been especially troublesome when trying to create a Python |
| 23 # 3 "guest" env using a Python 2 "host", but even with minor Python |
| 24 # differences, there may been some bleeding between environments that doesn't |
| 25 # stand out as obviously. |
| 26 # |
| 27 # This removes the first argument off the system path, to avoid any accidental |
| 28 # usage of the "host" library directories. |
| 29 # |
| 30 if os.environ.get('VIRTUALENV_INTERPRETER_RUNNING'): |
| 31 del sys.path[0] |
| 32 |
| 33 import base64 |
| 34 import codecs |
| 35 import optparse |
| 36 import re |
| 37 import shutil |
| 38 import logging |
| 39 import tempfile |
| 40 import zlib |
| 41 import errno |
| 42 import glob |
| 43 import distutils.sysconfig |
| 44 from distutils.util import strtobool |
| 45 import struct |
| 46 import subprocess |
| 47 import tarfile |
| 48 |
| 49 if sys.version_info < (2, 6): |
| 50 print('ERROR: %s' % sys.exc_info()[1]) |
| 51 print('ERROR: this script requires Python 2.6 or greater.') |
| 52 sys.exit(101) |
| 53 |
| 54 try: |
| 55 basestring |
| 56 except NameError: |
| 57 basestring = str |
| 58 |
| 59 try: |
| 60 import ConfigParser |
| 61 except ImportError: |
| 62 import configparser as ConfigParser |
| 63 |
| 64 join = os.path.join |
| 65 py_version = 'python%s.%s' % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) |
| 66 |
| 67 is_jython = sys.platform.startswith('java') |
| 68 is_pypy = hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info') |
| 69 is_win = (sys.platform == 'win32') |
| 70 is_cygwin = (sys.platform == 'cygwin') |
| 71 is_darwin = (sys.platform == 'darwin') |
| 72 abiflags = getattr(sys, 'abiflags', '') |
| 73 |
| 74 user_dir = os.path.expanduser('~') |
| 75 if is_win: |
| 76 default_storage_dir = os.path.join(user_dir, 'virtualenv') |
| 77 else: |
| 78 default_storage_dir = os.path.join(user_dir, '.virtualenv') |
| 79 default_config_file = os.path.join(default_storage_dir, 'virtualenv.ini') |
| 80 |
| 81 if is_pypy: |
| 82 expected_exe = 'pypy' |
| 83 elif is_jython: |
| 84 expected_exe = 'jython' |
| 85 else: |
| 86 expected_exe = 'python' |
| 87 |
| 88 # Return a mapping of version -> Python executable |
| 89 # Only provided for Windows, where the information in the registry is used |
| 90 if not is_win: |
| 91 def get_installed_pythons(): |
| 92 return {} |
| 93 else: |
| 94 try: |
| 95 import winreg |
| 96 except ImportError: |
| 97 import _winreg as winreg |
| 98 |
| 99 def get_installed_pythons(): |
| 100 try: |
| 101 python_core = winreg.CreateKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, |
| 102 "Software\\Python\\PythonCore") |
| 103 except WindowsError: |
| 104 # No registered Python installations |
| 105 return {} |
| 106 i = 0 |
| 107 versions = [] |
| 108 while True: |
| 109 try: |
| 110 versions.append(winreg.EnumKey(python_core, i)) |
| 111 i = i + 1 |
| 112 except WindowsError: |
| 113 break |
| 114 exes = dict() |
| 115 for ver in versions: |
| 116 try: |
| 117 path = winreg.QueryValue(python_core, "%s\\InstallPath" % ver) |
| 118 except WindowsError: |
| 119 continue |
| 120 exes[ver] = join(path, "python.exe") |
| 121 |
| 122 winreg.CloseKey(python_core) |
| 123 |
| 124 # Add the major versions |
| 125 # Sort the keys, then repeatedly update the major version entry |
| 126 # Last executable (i.e., highest version) wins with this approach |
| 127 for ver in sorted(exes): |
| 128 exes[ver[0]] = exes[ver] |
| 129 |
| 130 return exes |
| 131 |
| 132 REQUIRED_MODULES = ['os', 'posix', 'posixpath', 'nt', 'ntpath', 'genericpath', |
| 133 'fnmatch', 'locale', 'encodings', 'codecs', |
| 134 'stat', 'UserDict', 'readline', 'copy_reg', 'types', |
| 135 're', 'sre', 'sre_parse', 'sre_constants', 'sre_compile', |
| 136 'zlib'] |
| 137 |
| 138 REQUIRED_FILES = ['lib-dynload', 'config'] |
| 139 |
| 140 majver, minver = sys.version_info[:2] |
| 141 if majver == 2: |
| 142 if minver >= 6: |
| 143 REQUIRED_MODULES.extend(['warnings', 'linecache', '_abcoll', 'abc']) |
| 144 if minver >= 7: |
| 145 REQUIRED_MODULES.extend(['_weakrefset']) |
| 146 elif majver == 3: |
| 147 # Some extra modules are needed for Python 3, but different ones |
| 148 # for different versions. |
| 149 REQUIRED_MODULES.extend(['_abcoll', 'warnings', 'linecache', 'abc', 'io', |
| 150 '_weakrefset', 'copyreg', 'tempfile', 'random', |
| 151 '__future__', 'collections', 'keyword', 'tarfile', |
| 152 'shutil', 'struct', 'copy', 'tokenize', 'token', |
| 153 'functools', 'heapq', 'bisect', 'weakref', |
| 154 'reprlib']) |
| 155 if minver >= 2: |
| 156 REQUIRED_FILES[-1] = 'config-%s' % majver |
| 157 if minver >= 3: |
| 158 import sysconfig |
| 159 platdir = sysconfig.get_config_var('PLATDIR') |
| 160 REQUIRED_FILES.append(platdir) |
| 161 # The whole list of 3.3 modules is reproduced below - the current |
| 162 # uncommented ones are required for 3.3 as of now, but more may be |
| 163 # added as 3.3 development continues. |
| 164 REQUIRED_MODULES.extend([ |
| 165 #"aifc", |
| 166 #"antigravity", |
| 167 #"argparse", |
| 168 #"ast", |
| 169 #"asynchat", |
| 170 #"asyncore", |
| 171 "base64", |
| 172 #"bdb", |
| 173 #"binhex", |
| 174 #"bisect", |
| 175 #"calendar", |
| 176 #"cgi", |
| 177 #"cgitb", |
| 178 #"chunk", |
| 179 #"cmd", |
| 180 #"codeop", |
| 181 #"code", |
| 182 #"colorsys", |
| 183 #"_compat_pickle", |
| 184 #"compileall", |
| 185 #"concurrent", |
| 186 #"configparser", |
| 187 #"contextlib", |
| 188 #"cProfile", |
| 189 #"crypt", |
| 190 #"csv", |
| 191 #"ctypes", |
| 192 #"curses", |
| 193 #"datetime", |
| 194 #"dbm", |
| 195 #"decimal", |
| 196 #"difflib", |
| 197 #"dis", |
| 198 #"doctest", |
| 199 #"dummy_threading", |
| 200 "_dummy_thread", |
| 201 #"email", |
| 202 #"filecmp", |
| 203 #"fileinput", |
| 204 #"formatter", |
| 205 #"fractions", |
| 206 #"ftplib", |
| 207 #"functools", |
| 208 #"getopt", |
| 209 #"getpass", |
| 210 #"gettext", |
| 211 #"glob", |
| 212 #"gzip", |
| 213 "hashlib", |
| 214 #"heapq", |
| 215 "hmac", |
| 216 #"html", |
| 217 #"http", |
| 218 #"idlelib", |
| 219 #"imaplib", |
| 220 #"imghdr", |
| 221 "imp", |
| 222 "importlib", |
| 223 #"inspect", |
| 224 #"json", |
| 225 #"lib2to3", |
| 226 #"logging", |
| 227 #"macpath", |
| 228 #"macurl2path", |
| 229 #"mailbox", |
| 230 #"mailcap", |
| 231 #"_markupbase", |
| 232 #"mimetypes", |
| 233 #"modulefinder", |
| 234 #"multiprocessing", |
| 235 #"netrc", |
| 236 #"nntplib", |
| 237 #"nturl2path", |
| 238 #"numbers", |
| 239 #"opcode", |
| 240 #"optparse", |
| 241 #"os2emxpath", |
| 242 #"pdb", |
| 243 #"pickle", |
| 244 #"pickletools", |
| 245 #"pipes", |
| 246 #"pkgutil", |
| 247 #"platform", |
| 248 #"plat-linux2", |
| 249 #"plistlib", |
| 250 #"poplib", |
| 251 #"pprint", |
| 252 #"profile", |
| 253 #"pstats", |
| 254 #"pty", |
| 255 #"pyclbr", |
| 256 #"py_compile", |
| 257 #"pydoc_data", |
| 258 #"pydoc", |
| 259 #"_pyio", |
| 260 #"queue", |
| 261 #"quopri", |
| 262 #"reprlib", |
| 263 "rlcompleter", |
| 264 #"runpy", |
| 265 #"sched", |
| 266 #"shelve", |
| 267 #"shlex", |
| 268 #"smtpd", |
| 269 #"smtplib", |
| 270 #"sndhdr", |
| 271 #"socket", |
| 272 #"socketserver", |
| 273 #"sqlite3", |
| 274 #"ssl", |
| 275 #"stringprep", |
| 276 #"string", |
| 277 #"_strptime", |
| 278 #"subprocess", |
| 279 #"sunau", |
| 280 #"symbol", |
| 281 #"symtable", |
| 282 #"sysconfig", |
| 283 #"tabnanny", |
| 284 #"telnetlib", |
| 285 #"test", |
| 286 #"textwrap", |
| 287 #"this", |
| 288 #"_threading_local", |
| 289 #"threading", |
| 290 #"timeit", |
| 291 #"tkinter", |
| 292 #"tokenize", |
| 293 #"token", |
| 294 #"traceback", |
| 295 #"trace", |
| 296 #"tty", |
| 297 #"turtledemo", |
| 298 #"turtle", |
| 299 #"unittest", |
| 300 #"urllib", |
| 301 #"uuid", |
| 302 #"uu", |
| 303 #"wave", |
| 304 #"weakref", |
| 305 #"webbrowser", |
| 306 #"wsgiref", |
| 307 #"xdrlib", |
| 308 #"xml", |
| 309 #"xmlrpc", |
| 310 #"zipfile", |
| 311 ]) |
| 312 if minver >= 4: |
| 313 REQUIRED_MODULES.extend([ |
| 314 'operator', |
| 315 '_collections_abc', |
| 316 '_bootlocale', |
| 317 ]) |
| 318 |
| 319 if is_pypy: |
| 320 # these are needed to correctly display the exceptions that may happen |
| 321 # during the bootstrap |
| 322 REQUIRED_MODULES.extend(['traceback', 'linecache']) |
| 323 |
| 324 class Logger(object): |
| 325 |
| 326 """ |
| 327 Logging object for use in command-line script. Allows ranges of |
| 328 levels, to avoid some redundancy of displayed information. |
| 329 """ |
| 330 |
| 331 DEBUG = logging.DEBUG |
| 332 INFO = logging.INFO |
| 333 NOTIFY = (logging.INFO+logging.WARN)/2 |
| 334 WARN = WARNING = logging.WARN |
| 335 ERROR = logging.ERROR |
| 336 FATAL = logging.FATAL |
| 337 |
| 339 |
| 340 def __init__(self, consumers): |
| 341 self.consumers = consumers |
| 342 self.indent = 0 |
| 343 self.in_progress = None |
| 344 self.in_progress_hanging = False |
| 345 |
| 346 def debug(self, msg, *args, **kw): |
| 347 self.log(self.DEBUG, msg, *args, **kw) |
| 348 def info(self, msg, *args, **kw): |
| 349 self.log(self.INFO, msg, *args, **kw) |
| 350 def notify(self, msg, *args, **kw): |
| 351 self.log(self.NOTIFY, msg, *args, **kw) |
| 352 def warn(self, msg, *args, **kw): |
| 353 self.log(self.WARN, msg, *args, **kw) |
| 354 def error(self, msg, *args, **kw): |
| 355 self.log(self.ERROR, msg, *args, **kw) |
| 356 def fatal(self, msg, *args, **kw): |
| 357 self.log(self.FATAL, msg, *args, **kw) |
| 358 def log(self, level, msg, *args, **kw): |
| 359 if args: |
| 360 if kw: |
| 361 raise TypeError( |
| 362 "You may give positional or keyword arguments, not both") |
| 363 args = args or kw |
| 364 rendered = None |
| 365 for consumer_level, consumer in self.consumers: |
| 366 if self.level_matches(level, consumer_level): |
| 367 if (self.in_progress_hanging |
| 368 and consumer in (sys.stdout, sys.stderr)): |
| 369 self.in_progress_hanging = False |
| 370 sys.stdout.write('\n') |
| 371 sys.stdout.flush() |
| 372 if rendered is None: |
| 373 if args: |
| 374 rendered = msg % args |
| 375 else: |
| 376 rendered = msg |
| 377 rendered = ' '*self.indent + rendered |
| 378 if hasattr(consumer, 'write'): |
| 379 consumer.write(rendered+'\n') |
| 380 else: |
| 381 consumer(rendered) |
| 382 |
| 383 def start_progress(self, msg): |
| 384 assert not self.in_progress, ( |
| 385 "Tried to start_progress(%r) while in_progress %r" |
| 386 % (msg, self.in_progress)) |
| 387 if self.level_matches(self.NOTIFY, self._stdout_level()): |
| 388 sys.stdout.write(msg) |
| 389 sys.stdout.flush() |
| 390 self.in_progress_hanging = True |
| 391 else: |
| 392 self.in_progress_hanging = False |
| 393 self.in_progress = msg |
| 394 |
| 395 def end_progress(self, msg='done.'): |
| 396 assert self.in_progress, ( |
| 397 "Tried to end_progress without start_progress") |
| 398 if self.stdout_level_matches(self.NOTIFY): |
| 399 if not self.in_progress_hanging: |
| 400 # Some message has been printed out since start_progress |
| 401 sys.stdout.write('...' + self.in_progress + msg + '\n') |
| 402 sys.stdout.flush() |
| 403 else: |
| 404 sys.stdout.write(msg + '\n') |
| 405 sys.stdout.flush() |
| 406 self.in_progress = None |
| 407 self.in_progress_hanging = False |
| 408 |
| 409 def show_progress(self): |
| 410 """If we are in a progress scope, and no log messages have been |
| 411 shown, write out another '.'""" |
| 412 if self.in_progress_hanging: |
| 413 sys.stdout.write('.') |
| 414 sys.stdout.flush() |
| 415 |
| 416 def stdout_level_matches(self, level): |
| 417 """Returns true if a message at this level will go to stdout""" |
| 418 return self.level_matches(level, self._stdout_level()) |
| 419 |
| 420 def _stdout_level(self): |
| 421 """Returns the level that stdout runs at""" |
| 422 for level, consumer in self.consumers: |
| 423 if consumer is sys.stdout: |
| 424 return level |
| 425 return self.FATAL |
| 426 |
| 427 def level_matches(self, level, consumer_level): |
| 428 """ |
| 429 >>> l = Logger([]) |
| 430 >>> l.level_matches(3, 4) |
| 431 False |
| 432 >>> l.level_matches(3, 2) |
| 433 True |
| 434 >>> l.level_matches(slice(None, 3), 3) |
| 435 False |
| 436 >>> l.level_matches(slice(None, 3), 2) |
| 437 True |
| 438 >>> l.level_matches(slice(1, 3), 1) |
| 439 True |
| 440 >>> l.level_matches(slice(2, 3), 1) |
| 441 False |
| 442 """ |
| 443 if isinstance(level, slice): |
| 444 start, stop = level.start, level.stop |
| 445 if start is not None and start > consumer_level: |
| 446 return False |
| 447 if stop is not None and stop <= consumer_level: |
| 448 return False |
| 449 return True |
| 450 else: |
| 451 return level >= consumer_level |
| 452 |
| 453 #@classmethod |
| 454 def level_for_integer(cls, level): |
| 455 levels = cls.LEVELS |
| 456 if level < 0: |
| 457 return levels[0] |
| 458 if level >= len(levels): |
| 459 return levels[-1] |
| 460 return levels[level] |
| 461 |
| 462 level_for_integer = classmethod(level_for_integer) |
| 463 |
| 464 # create a silent logger just to prevent this from being undefined |
| 465 # will be overridden with requested verbosity main() is called. |
| 466 logger = Logger([(Logger.LEVELS[-1], sys.stdout)]) |
| 467 |
| 468 def mkdir(path): |
| 469 if not os.path.exists(path): |
| 470 logger.info('Creating %s', path) |
| 471 os.makedirs(path) |
| 472 else: |
| 473 logger.info('Directory %s already exists', path) |
| 474 |
| 475 def copyfileordir(src, dest, symlink=True): |
| 476 if os.path.isdir(src): |
| 477 shutil.copytree(src, dest, symlink) |
| 478 else: |
| 479 shutil.copy2(src, dest) |
| 480 |
| 481 def copyfile(src, dest, symlink=True): |
| 482 if not os.path.exists(src): |
| 483 # Some bad symlink in the src |
| 484 logger.warn('Cannot find file %s (bad symlink)', src) |
| 485 return |
| 486 if os.path.exists(dest): |
| 487 logger.debug('File %s already exists', dest) |
| 488 return |
| 489 if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dest)): |
| 490 logger.info('Creating parent directories for %s', os.path.dirname(dest)) |
| 491 os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest)) |
| 492 if not os.path.islink(src): |
| 493 srcpath = os.path.abspath(src) |
| 494 else: |
| 495 srcpath = os.readlink(src) |
| 496 if symlink and hasattr(os, 'symlink') and not is_win: |
| 497 logger.info('Symlinking %s', dest) |
| 498 try: |
| 499 os.symlink(srcpath, dest) |
| 500 except (OSError, NotImplementedError): |
| 501 logger.info('Symlinking failed, copying to %s', dest) |
| 502 copyfileordir(src, dest, symlink) |
| 503 else: |
| 504 logger.info('Copying to %s', dest) |
| 505 copyfileordir(src, dest, symlink) |
| 506 |
| 507 def writefile(dest, content, overwrite=True): |
| 508 if not os.path.exists(dest): |
| 509 logger.info('Writing %s', dest) |
| 510 f = open(dest, 'wb') |
| 511 f.write(content.encode('utf-8')) |
| 512 f.close() |
| 513 return |
| 514 else: |
| 515 f = open(dest, 'rb') |
| 516 c = f.read() |
| 517 f.close() |
| 518 if c != content.encode("utf-8"): |
| 519 if not overwrite: |
| 520 logger.notify('File %s exists with different content; not overwr
iting', dest) |
| 521 return |
| 522 logger.notify('Overwriting %s with new content', dest) |
| 523 f = open(dest, 'wb') |
| 524 f.write(content.encode('utf-8')) |
| 525 f.close() |
| 526 else: |
| 527 logger.info('Content %s already in place', dest) |
| 528 |
| 529 def rmtree(dir): |
| 530 if os.path.exists(dir): |
| 531 logger.notify('Deleting tree %s', dir) |
| 532 shutil.rmtree(dir) |
| 533 else: |
| 534 logger.info('Do not need to delete %s; already gone', dir) |
| 535 |
| 536 def make_exe(fn): |
| 537 if hasattr(os, 'chmod'): |
| 538 oldmode = os.stat(fn).st_mode & 0xFFF # 0o7777 |
| 539 newmode = (oldmode | 0x16D) & 0xFFF # 0o555, 0o7777 |
| 540 os.chmod(fn, newmode) |
| 541 logger.info('Changed mode of %s to %s', fn, oct(newmode)) |
| 542 |
| 543 def _find_file(filename, dirs): |
| 544 for dir in reversed(dirs): |
| 545 files = glob.glob(os.path.join(dir, filename)) |
| 546 if files and os.path.isfile(files[0]): |
| 547 return True, files[0] |
| 548 return False, filename |
| 549 |
| 550 def file_search_dirs(): |
| 551 here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) |
| 552 dirs = ['.', here, |
| 553 join(here, 'virtualenv_support')] |
| 554 if os.path.splitext(os.path.dirname(__file__))[0] != 'virtualenv': |
| 555 # Probably some boot script; just in case virtualenv is installed... |
| 556 try: |
| 557 import virtualenv |
| 558 except ImportError: |
| 559 pass |
| 560 else: |
| 561 dirs.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(virtualenv.__file__), 'virt
ualenv_support')) |
| 562 return [d for d in dirs if os.path.isdir(d)] |
| 563 |
| 564 |
| 565 class UpdatingDefaultsHelpFormatter(optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter): |
| 566 """ |
| 567 Custom help formatter for use in ConfigOptionParser that updates |
| 568 the defaults before expanding them, allowing them to show up correctly |
| 569 in the help listing |
| 570 """ |
| 571 def expand_default(self, option): |
| 572 if self.parser is not None: |
| 573 self.parser.update_defaults(self.parser.defaults) |
| 574 return optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter.expand_default(self, option) |
| 575 |
| 576 |
| 577 class ConfigOptionParser(optparse.OptionParser): |
| 578 """ |
| 579 Custom option parser which updates its defaults by checking the |
| 580 configuration files and environmental variables |
| 581 """ |
| 582 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): |
| 583 self.config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() |
| 584 self.files = self.get_config_files() |
| 585 self.config.read(self.files) |
| 586 optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) |
| 587 |
| 588 def get_config_files(self): |
| 589 config_file = os.environ.get('VIRTUALENV_CONFIG_FILE', False) |
| 590 if config_file and os.path.exists(config_file): |
| 591 return [config_file] |
| 592 return [default_config_file] |
| 593 |
| 594 def update_defaults(self, defaults): |
| 595 """ |
| 596 Updates the given defaults with values from the config files and |
| 597 the environ. Does a little special handling for certain types of |
| 598 options (lists). |
| 599 """ |
| 600 # Then go and look for the other sources of configuration: |
| 601 config = {} |
| 602 # 1. config files |
| 603 config.update(dict(self.get_config_section('virtualenv'))) |
| 604 # 2. environmental variables |
| 605 config.update(dict(self.get_environ_vars())) |
| 606 # Then set the options with those values |
| 607 for key, val in config.items(): |
| 608 key = key.replace('_', '-') |
| 609 if not key.startswith('--'): |
| 610 key = '--%s' % key # only prefer long opts |
| 611 option = self.get_option(key) |
| 612 if option is not None: |
| 613 # ignore empty values |
| 614 if not val: |
| 615 continue |
| 616 # handle multiline configs |
| 617 if option.action == 'append': |
| 618 val = val.split() |
| 619 else: |
| 620 option.nargs = 1 |
| 621 if option.action == 'store_false': |
| 622 val = not strtobool(val) |
| 623 elif option.action in ('store_true', 'count'): |
| 624 val = strtobool(val) |
| 625 try: |
| 626 val = option.convert_value(key, val) |
| 627 except optparse.OptionValueError: |
| 628 e = sys.exc_info()[1] |
| 629 print("An error occurred during configuration: %s" % e) |
| 630 sys.exit(3) |
| 631 defaults[option.dest] = val |
| 632 return defaults |
| 633 |
| 634 def get_config_section(self, name): |
| 635 """ |
| 636 Get a section of a configuration |
| 637 """ |
| 638 if self.config.has_section(name): |
| 639 return self.config.items(name) |
| 640 return [] |
| 641 |
| 642 def get_environ_vars(self, prefix='VIRTUALENV_'): |
| 643 """ |
| 644 Returns a generator with all environmental vars with prefix VIRTUALENV |
| 645 """ |
| 646 for key, val in os.environ.items(): |
| 647 if key.startswith(prefix): |
| 648 yield (key.replace(prefix, '').lower(), val) |
| 649 |
| 650 def get_default_values(self): |
| 651 """ |
| 652 Overridding to make updating the defaults after instantiation of |
| 653 the option parser possible, update_defaults() does the dirty work. |
| 654 """ |
| 655 if not self.process_default_values: |
| 656 # Old, pre-Optik 1.5 behaviour. |
| 657 return optparse.Values(self.defaults) |
| 658 |
| 659 defaults = self.update_defaults(self.defaults.copy()) # ours |
| 660 for option in self._get_all_options(): |
| 661 default = defaults.get(option.dest) |
| 662 if isinstance(default, basestring): |
| 663 opt_str = option.get_opt_string() |
| 664 defaults[option.dest] = option.check_value(opt_str, default) |
| 665 return optparse.Values(defaults) |
| 666 |
| 667 |
| 668 def main(): |
| 669 parser = ConfigOptionParser( |
| 670 version=virtualenv_version, |
| 671 usage="%prog [OPTIONS] DEST_DIR", |
| 672 formatter=UpdatingDefaultsHelpFormatter()) |
| 673 |
| 674 parser.add_option( |
| 675 '-v', '--verbose', |
| 676 action='count', |
| 677 dest='verbose', |
| 678 default=0, |
| 679 help="Increase verbosity.") |
| 680 |
| 681 parser.add_option( |
| 682 '-q', '--quiet', |
| 683 action='count', |
| 684 dest='quiet', |
| 685 default=0, |
| 686 help='Decrease verbosity.') |
| 687 |
| 688 parser.add_option( |
| 689 '-p', '--python', |
| 690 dest='python', |
| 691 metavar='PYTHON_EXE', |
| 692 help='The Python interpreter to use, e.g., --python=python2.5 will use t
he python2.5 ' |
| 693 'interpreter to create the new environment. The default is the interpre
ter that ' |
| 694 'virtualenv was installed with (%s)' % sys.executable) |
| 695 |
| 696 parser.add_option( |
| 697 '--clear', |
| 698 dest='clear', |
| 699 action='store_true', |
| 700 help="Clear out the non-root install and start from scratch.") |
| 701 |
| 702 parser.set_defaults(system_site_packages=False) |
| 703 parser.add_option( |
| 704 '--no-site-packages', |
| 705 dest='system_site_packages', |
| 706 action='store_false', |
| 707 help="DEPRECATED. Retained only for backward compatibility. " |
| 708 "Not having access to global site-packages is now the default behav
ior.") |
| 709 |
| 710 parser.add_option( |
| 711 '--system-site-packages', |
| 712 dest='system_site_packages', |
| 713 action='store_true', |
| 714 help="Give the virtual environment access to the global site-packages.") |
| 715 |
| 716 parser.add_option( |
| 717 '--always-copy', |
| 718 dest='symlink', |
| 719 action='store_false', |
| 720 default=True, |
| 721 help="Always copy files rather than symlinking.") |
| 722 |
| 723 parser.add_option( |
| 724 '--unzip-setuptools', |
| 725 dest='unzip_setuptools', |
| 726 action='store_true', |
| 727 help="Unzip Setuptools when installing it.") |
| 728 |
| 729 parser.add_option( |
| 730 '--relocatable', |
| 731 dest='relocatable', |
| 732 action='store_true', |
| 733 help='Make an EXISTING virtualenv environment relocatable. ' |
| 734 'This fixes up scripts and makes all .pth files relative.') |
| 735 |
| 736 parser.add_option( |
| 737 '--no-setuptools', |
| 738 dest='no_setuptools', |
| 739 action='store_true', |
| 740 help='Do not install setuptools (or pip) in the new virtualenv.') |
| 741 |
| 742 parser.add_option( |
| 743 '--no-pip', |
| 744 dest='no_pip', |
| 745 action='store_true', |
| 746 help='Do not install pip in the new virtualenv.') |
| 747 |
| 748 default_search_dirs = file_search_dirs() |
| 749 parser.add_option( |
| 750 '--extra-search-dir', |
| 751 dest="search_dirs", |
| 752 action="append", |
| 753 metavar='DIR', |
| 754 default=default_search_dirs, |
| 755 help="Directory to look for setuptools/pip distributions in. " |
| 756 "This option can be used multiple times.") |
| 757 |
| 758 parser.add_option( |
| 759 '--never-download', |
| 760 dest="never_download", |
| 761 action="store_true", |
| 762 default=True, |
| 763 help="DEPRECATED. Retained only for backward compatibility. This option
has no effect. " |
| 764 "Virtualenv never downloads pip or setuptools.") |
| 765 |
| 766 parser.add_option( |
| 767 '--prompt', |
| 768 dest='prompt', |
| 769 help='Provides an alternative prompt prefix for this environment.') |
| 770 |
| 771 parser.add_option( |
| 772 '--setuptools', |
| 773 dest='setuptools', |
| 774 action='store_true', |
| 775 help="DEPRECATED. Retained only for backward compatibility. This option
has no effect.") |
| 776 |
| 777 parser.add_option( |
| 778 '--distribute', |
| 779 dest='distribute', |
| 780 action='store_true', |
| 781 help="DEPRECATED. Retained only for backward compatibility. This option
has no effect.") |
| 782 |
| 783 if 'extend_parser' in globals(): |
| 784 extend_parser(parser) |
| 785 |
| 786 options, args = parser.parse_args() |
| 787 |
| 788 global logger |
| 789 |
| 790 if 'adjust_options' in globals(): |
| 791 adjust_options(options, args) |
| 792 |
| 793 verbosity = options.verbose - options.quiet |
| 794 logger = Logger([(Logger.level_for_integer(2 - verbosity), sys.stdout)]) |
| 795 |
| 796 if options.python and not os.environ.get('VIRTUALENV_INTERPRETER_RUNNING'): |
| 797 env = os.environ.copy() |
| 798 interpreter = resolve_interpreter(options.python) |
| 799 if interpreter == sys.executable: |
| 800 logger.warn('Already using interpreter %s' % interpreter) |
| 801 else: |
| 802 logger.notify('Running virtualenv with interpreter %s' % interpreter
) |
| 804 file = __file__ |
| 805 if file.endswith('.pyc'): |
| 806 file = file[:-1] |
| 807 popen = subprocess.Popen([interpreter, file] + sys.argv[1:], env=env
) |
| 808 raise SystemExit(popen.wait()) |
| 809 |
| 810 if not args: |
| 811 print('You must provide a DEST_DIR') |
| 812 parser.print_help() |
| 813 sys.exit(2) |
| 814 if len(args) > 1: |
| 815 print('There must be only one argument: DEST_DIR (you gave %s)' % ( |
| 816 ' '.join(args))) |
| 817 parser.print_help() |
| 818 sys.exit(2) |
| 819 |
| 820 home_dir = args[0] |
| 821 |
| 822 if os.environ.get('WORKING_ENV'): |
| 823 logger.fatal('ERROR: you cannot run virtualenv while in a workingenv') |
| 824 logger.fatal('Please deactivate your workingenv, then re-run this script
') |
| 825 sys.exit(3) |
| 826 |
| 827 if 'PYTHONHOME' in os.environ: |
| 828 logger.warn('PYTHONHOME is set. You *must* activate the virtualenv befo
re using it') |
| 829 del os.environ['PYTHONHOME'] |
| 830 |
| 831 if options.relocatable: |
| 832 make_environment_relocatable(home_dir) |
| 833 return |
| 834 |
| 835 if not options.never_download: |
| 836 logger.warn('The --never-download option is for backward compatibility o
nly.') |
| 837 logger.warn('Setting it to false is no longer supported, and will be ign
ored.') |
| 838 |
| 839 create_environment(home_dir, |
| 840 site_packages=options.system_site_packages, |
| 841 clear=options.clear, |
| 842 unzip_setuptools=options.unzip_setuptools, |
| 843 prompt=options.prompt, |
| 844 search_dirs=options.search_dirs, |
| 845 never_download=True, |
| 846 no_setuptools=options.no_setuptools, |
| 847 no_pip=options.no_pip, |
| 848 symlink=options.symlink) |
| 849 if 'after_install' in globals(): |
| 850 after_install(options, home_dir) |
| 851 |
| 852 def call_subprocess(cmd, show_stdout=True, |
| 853 filter_stdout=None, cwd=None, |
| 854 raise_on_returncode=True, extra_env=None, |
| 855 remove_from_env=None): |
| 856 cmd_parts = [] |
| 857 for part in cmd: |
| 858 if len(part) > 45: |
| 859 part = part[:20]+"..."+part[-20:] |
| 860 if ' ' in part or '\n' in part or '"' in part or "'" in part: |
| 861 part = '"%s"' % part.replace('"', '\\"') |
| 862 if hasattr(part, 'decode'): |
| 863 try: |
| 864 part = part.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()) |
| 865 except UnicodeDecodeError: |
| 866 part = part.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) |
| 867 cmd_parts.append(part) |
| 868 cmd_desc = ' '.join(cmd_parts) |
| 869 if show_stdout: |
| 870 stdout = None |
| 871 else: |
| 872 stdout = subprocess.PIPE |
| 873 logger.debug("Running command %s" % cmd_desc) |
| 874 if extra_env or remove_from_env: |
| 875 env = os.environ.copy() |
| 876 if extra_env: |
| 877 env.update(extra_env) |
| 878 if remove_from_env: |
| 879 for varname in remove_from_env: |
| 880 env.pop(varname, None) |
| 881 else: |
| 882 env = None |
| 883 try: |
| 884 proc = subprocess.Popen( |
| 885 cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=None, stdout=stdout, |
| 886 cwd=cwd, env=env) |
| 887 except Exception: |
| 888 e = sys.exc_info()[1] |
| 889 logger.fatal( |
| 890 "Error %s while executing command %s" % (e, cmd_desc)) |
| 891 raise |
| 892 all_output = [] |
| 893 if stdout is not None: |
| 894 stdout = proc.stdout |
| 895 encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() |
| 896 fs_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() |
| 897 while 1: |
| 898 line = stdout.readline() |
| 899 try: |
| 900 line = line.decode(encoding) |
| 901 except UnicodeDecodeError: |
| 902 line = line.decode(fs_encoding) |
| 903 if not line: |
| 904 break |
| 905 line = line.rstrip() |
| 906 all_output.append(line) |
| 907 if filter_stdout: |
| 908 level = filter_stdout(line) |
| 909 if isinstance(level, tuple): |
| 910 level, line = level |
| 911 logger.log(level, line) |
| 912 if not logger.stdout_level_matches(level): |
| 913 logger.show_progress() |
| 914 else: |
| 915 logger.info(line) |
| 916 else: |
| 917 proc.communicate() |
| 918 proc.wait() |
| 919 if proc.returncode: |
| 920 if raise_on_returncode: |
| 921 if all_output: |
| 922 logger.notify('Complete output from command %s:' % cmd_desc) |
| 923 logger.notify('\n'.join(all_output) + '\n-----------------------
-----------------') |
| 924 raise OSError( |
| 925 "Command %s failed with error code %s" |
| 926 % (cmd_desc, proc.returncode)) |
| 927 else: |
| 928 logger.warn( |
| 929 "Command %s had error code %s" |
| 930 % (cmd_desc, proc.returncode)) |
| 931 |
| 932 def filter_install_output(line): |
| 933 if line.strip().startswith('running'): |
| 934 return Logger.INFO |
| 935 return Logger.DEBUG |
| 936 |
| 937 def find_wheels(projects, search_dirs): |
| 938 """Find wheels from which we can import PROJECTS. |
| 939 |
| 940 Scan through SEARCH_DIRS for a wheel for each PROJECT in turn. Return |
| 941 a list of the first wheel found for each PROJECT |
| 942 """ |
| 943 |
| 944 wheels = [] |
| 945 |
| 946 # Look through SEARCH_DIRS for the first suitable wheel. Don't bother |
| 947 # about version checking here, as this is simply to get something we can |
| 948 # then use to install the correct version. |
| 949 for project in projects: |
| 950 for dirname in search_dirs: |
| 951 # This relies on only having "universal" wheels available. |
| 952 # The pattern could be tightened to require -py2.py3-none-any.whl. |
| 953 files = glob.glob(os.path.join(dirname, project + '-*.whl')) |
| 954 if files: |
| 955 wheels.append(os.path.abspath(files[0])) |
| 956 break |
| 957 else: |
| 958 # We're out of luck, so quit with a suitable error |
| 959 logger.fatal('Cannot find a wheel for %s' % (project,)) |
| 960 |
| 961 return wheels |
| 962 |
| 963 def install_wheel(project_names, py_executable, search_dirs=None): |
| 964 if search_dirs is None: |
| 965 search_dirs = file_search_dirs() |
| 966 |
| 967 wheels = find_wheels(['setuptools', 'pip'], search_dirs) |
| 968 pythonpath = os.pathsep.join(wheels) |
| 969 findlinks = ' '.join(search_dirs) |
| 970 |
| 971 cmd = [ |
| 972 py_executable, '-c', |
| 973 'import sys, pip; sys.exit(pip.main(["install", "--ignore-installed"] +
sys.argv[1:]))', |
| 974 ] + project_names |
| 975 logger.start_progress('Installing %s...' % (', '.join(project_names))) |
| 976 logger.indent += 2 |
| 977 try: |
| 978 call_subprocess(cmd, show_stdout=False, |
| 979 extra_env = { |
| 980 'PYTHONPATH': pythonpath, |
| 981 'PIP_FIND_LINKS': findlinks, |
| 982 'PIP_USE_WHEEL': '1', |
| 983 'PIP_PRE': '1', |
| 984 'PIP_NO_INDEX': '1' |
| 985 } |
| 986 ) |
| 987 finally: |
| 988 logger.indent -= 2 |
| 989 logger.end_progress() |
| 990 |
| 991 def create_environment(home_dir, site_packages=False, clear=False, |
| 992 unzip_setuptools=False, |
| 993 prompt=None, search_dirs=None, never_download=False, |
| 994 no_setuptools=False, no_pip=False, symlink=True): |
| 995 """ |
| 996 Creates a new environment in ``home_dir``. |
| 997 |
| 998 If ``site_packages`` is true, then the global ``site-packages/`` |
| 999 directory will be on the path. |
| 1000 |
| 1001 If ``clear`` is true (default False) then the environment will |
| 1002 first be cleared. |
| 1003 """ |
| 1004 home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir = path_locations(home_dir) |
| 1005 |
| 1006 py_executable = os.path.abspath(install_python( |
| 1007 home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir, |
| 1008 site_packages=site_packages, clear=clear, symlink=symlink)) |
| 1009 |
| 1010 install_distutils(home_dir) |
| 1011 |
| 1012 if not no_setuptools: |
| 1013 to_install = ['setuptools'] |
| 1014 if not no_pip: |
| 1015 to_install.append('pip') |
| 1016 install_wheel(to_install, py_executable, search_dirs) |
| 1017 |
| 1018 install_activate(home_dir, bin_dir, prompt) |
| 1019 |
| 1020 def is_executable_file(fpath): |
| 1021 return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) |
| 1022 |
| 1023 def path_locations(home_dir): |
| 1024 """Return the path locations for the environment (where libraries are, |
| 1025 where scripts go, etc)""" |
| 1026 # XXX: We'd use distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc/lib but its |
| 1027 # prefix arg is broken: http://bugs.python.org/issue3386 |
| 1028 if is_win: |
| 1029 # Windows has lots of problems with executables with spaces in |
| 1030 # the name; this function will remove them (using the ~1 |
| 1031 # format): |
| 1032 mkdir(home_dir) |
| 1033 if ' ' in home_dir: |
| 1034 import ctypes |
| 1035 GetShortPathName = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetShortPathNameW |
| 1036 size = max(len(home_dir)+1, 256) |
| 1037 buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(size) |
| 1038 try: |
| 1039 u = unicode |
| 1040 except NameError: |
| 1041 u = str |
| 1042 ret = GetShortPathName(u(home_dir), buf, size) |
| 1043 if not ret: |
| 1044 print('Error: the path "%s" has a space in it' % home_dir) |
| 1045 print('We could not determine the short pathname for it.') |
| 1046 print('Exiting.') |
| 1047 sys.exit(3) |
| 1048 home_dir = str(buf.value) |
| 1049 lib_dir = join(home_dir, 'Lib') |
| 1050 inc_dir = join(home_dir, 'Include') |
| 1051 bin_dir = join(home_dir, 'Scripts') |
| 1052 if is_jython: |
| 1053 lib_dir = join(home_dir, 'Lib') |
| 1054 inc_dir = join(home_dir, 'Include') |
| 1055 bin_dir = join(home_dir, 'bin') |
| 1056 elif is_pypy: |
| 1057 lib_dir = home_dir |
| 1058 inc_dir = join(home_dir, 'include') |
| 1059 bin_dir = join(home_dir, 'bin') |
| 1060 elif not is_win: |
| 1061 lib_dir = join(home_dir, 'lib', py_version) |
| 1062 multiarch_exec = '/usr/bin/multiarch-platform' |
| 1063 if is_executable_file(multiarch_exec): |
| 1064 # In Mageia (2) and Mandriva distros the include dir must be like: |
| 1065 # virtualenv/include/multiarch-x86_64-linux/python2.7 |
| 1066 # instead of being virtualenv/include/python2.7 |
| 1067 p = subprocess.Popen(multiarch_exec, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=
subprocess.PIPE) |
| 1068 stdout, stderr = p.communicate() |
| 1069 # stdout.strip is needed to remove newline character |
| 1070 inc_dir = join(home_dir, 'include', stdout.strip(), py_version + abi
flags) |
| 1071 else: |
| 1072 inc_dir = join(home_dir, 'include', py_version + abiflags) |
| 1073 bin_dir = join(home_dir, 'bin') |
| 1074 return home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir |
| 1075 |
| 1076 |
| 1077 def change_prefix(filename, dst_prefix): |
| 1078 prefixes = [sys.prefix] |
| 1079 |
| 1080 if is_darwin: |
| 1081 prefixes.extend(( |
| 1082 os.path.join("/Library/Python", sys.version[:3], "site-packages"), |
| 1083 os.path.join(sys.prefix, "Extras", "lib", "python"), |
| 1084 os.path.join("~", "Library", "Python", sys.version[:3], "site-packag
es"), |
| 1085 # Python 2.6 no-frameworks |
| 1086 os.path.join("~", ".local", "lib","python", sys.version[:3], "site-p
ackages"), |
| 1087 # System Python 2.7 on OSX Mountain Lion |
| 1088 os.path.join("~", "Library", "Python", sys.version[:3], "lib", "pyth
on", "site-packages"))) |
| 1089 |
| 1090 if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'): |
| 1091 prefixes.append(sys.real_prefix) |
| 1092 if hasattr(sys, 'base_prefix'): |
| 1093 prefixes.append(sys.base_prefix) |
| 1094 prefixes = list(map(os.path.expanduser, prefixes)) |
| 1095 prefixes = list(map(os.path.abspath, prefixes)) |
| 1096 # Check longer prefixes first so we don't split in the middle of a filename |
| 1097 prefixes = sorted(prefixes, key=len, reverse=True) |
| 1098 filename = os.path.abspath(filename) |
| 1099 for src_prefix in prefixes: |
| 1100 if filename.startswith(src_prefix): |
| 1101 _, relpath = filename.split(src_prefix, 1) |
| 1102 if src_prefix != os.sep: # sys.prefix == "/" |
| 1103 assert relpath[0] == os.sep |
| 1104 relpath = relpath[1:] |
| 1105 return join(dst_prefix, relpath) |
| 1106 assert False, "Filename %s does not start with any of these prefixes: %s" %
\ |
| 1107 (filename, prefixes) |
| 1108 |
| 1109 def copy_required_modules(dst_prefix, symlink): |
| 1110 import imp |
| 1111 for modname in REQUIRED_MODULES: |
| 1112 if modname in sys.builtin_module_names: |
| 1113 logger.info("Ignoring built-in bootstrap module: %s" % modname) |
| 1114 continue |
| 1115 try: |
| 1116 f, filename, _ = imp.find_module(modname) |
| 1117 except ImportError: |
| 1118 logger.info("Cannot import bootstrap module: %s" % modname) |
| 1119 else: |
| 1120 if f is not None: |
| 1121 f.close() |
| 1122 # special-case custom readline.so on OS X, but not for pypy: |
| 1123 if modname == 'readline' and sys.platform == 'darwin' and not ( |
| 1124 is_pypy or filename.endswith(join('lib-dynload', 'readline.s
o'))): |
| 1125 dst_filename = join(dst_prefix, 'lib', 'python%s' % sys.version[
:3], 'readline.so') |
| 1126 elif modname == 'readline' and sys.platform == 'win32': |
| 1127 # special-case for Windows, where readline is not a |
| 1128 # standard module, though it may have been installed in |
| 1129 # site-packages by a third-party package |
| 1130 pass |
| 1131 else: |
| 1132 dst_filename = change_prefix(filename, dst_prefix) |
| 1133 copyfile(filename, dst_filename, symlink) |
| 1134 if filename.endswith('.pyc'): |
| 1135 pyfile = filename[:-1] |
| 1136 if os.path.exists(pyfile): |
| 1137 copyfile(pyfile, dst_filename[:-1], symlink) |
| 1138 |
| 1139 |
| 1140 def subst_path(prefix_path, prefix, home_dir): |
| 1141 prefix_path = os.path.normpath(prefix_path) |
| 1142 prefix = os.path.normpath(prefix) |
| 1143 home_dir = os.path.normpath(home_dir) |
| 1144 if not prefix_path.startswith(prefix): |
| 1145 logger.warn('Path not in prefix %r %r', prefix_path, prefix) |
| 1146 return |
| 1147 return prefix_path.replace(prefix, home_dir, 1) |
| 1148 |
| 1149 |
| 1150 def install_python(home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir, site_packages, clear, sy
mlink=True): |
| 1151 """Install just the base environment, no distutils patches etc""" |
| 1152 if sys.executable.startswith(bin_dir): |
| 1153 print('Please use the *system* python to run this script') |
| 1154 return |
| 1155 |
| 1156 if clear: |
| 1157 rmtree(lib_dir) |
| 1158 ## FIXME: why not delete it? |
| 1159 ## Maybe it should delete everything with #!/path/to/venv/python in it |
| 1160 logger.notify('Not deleting %s', bin_dir) |
| 1161 |
| 1162 if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'): |
| 1163 logger.notify('Using real prefix %r' % sys.real_prefix) |
| 1164 prefix = sys.real_prefix |
| 1165 elif hasattr(sys, 'base_prefix'): |
| 1166 logger.notify('Using base prefix %r' % sys.base_prefix) |
| 1167 prefix = sys.base_prefix |
| 1168 else: |
| 1169 prefix = sys.prefix |
| 1170 mkdir(lib_dir) |
| 1171 fix_lib64(lib_dir, symlink) |
| 1172 stdlib_dirs = [os.path.dirname(os.__file__)] |
| 1173 if is_win: |
| 1174 stdlib_dirs.append(join(os.path.dirname(stdlib_dirs[0]), 'DLLs')) |
| 1175 elif is_darwin: |
| 1176 stdlib_dirs.append(join(stdlib_dirs[0], 'site-packages')) |
| 1177 if hasattr(os, 'symlink'): |
| 1178 logger.info('Symlinking Python bootstrap modules') |
| 1179 else: |
| 1180 logger.info('Copying Python bootstrap modules') |
| 1181 logger.indent += 2 |
| 1182 try: |
| 1183 # copy required files... |
| 1184 for stdlib_dir in stdlib_dirs: |
| 1185 if not os.path.isdir(stdlib_dir): |
| 1186 continue |
| 1187 for fn in os.listdir(stdlib_dir): |
| 1188 bn = os.path.splitext(fn)[0] |
| 1189 if fn != 'site-packages' and bn in REQUIRED_FILES: |
| 1190 copyfile(join(stdlib_dir, fn), join(lib_dir, fn), symlink) |
| 1191 # ...and modules |
| 1192 copy_required_modules(home_dir, symlink) |
| 1193 finally: |
| 1194 logger.indent -= 2 |
| 1195 mkdir(join(lib_dir, 'site-packages')) |
| 1196 import site |
| 1197 site_filename = site.__file__ |
| 1198 if site_filename.endswith('.pyc'): |
| 1199 site_filename = site_filename[:-1] |
| 1200 elif site_filename.endswith('$py.class'): |
| 1201 site_filename = site_filename.replace('$py.class', '.py') |
| 1202 site_filename_dst = change_prefix(site_filename, home_dir) |
| 1203 site_dir = os.path.dirname(site_filename_dst) |
| 1204 writefile(site_filename_dst, SITE_PY) |
| 1205 writefile(join(site_dir, 'orig-prefix.txt'), prefix) |
| 1206 site_packages_filename = join(site_dir, 'no-global-site-packages.txt') |
| 1207 if not site_packages: |
| 1208 writefile(site_packages_filename, '') |
| 1209 |
| 1210 if is_pypy or is_win: |
| 1211 stdinc_dir = join(prefix, 'include') |
| 1212 else: |
| 1213 stdinc_dir = join(prefix, 'include', py_version + abiflags) |
| 1214 if os.path.exists(stdinc_dir): |
| 1215 copyfile(stdinc_dir, inc_dir, symlink) |
| 1216 else: |
| 1217 logger.debug('No include dir %s' % stdinc_dir) |
| 1218 |
| 1219 platinc_dir = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc(plat_specific=1) |
| 1220 if platinc_dir != stdinc_dir: |
| 1221 platinc_dest = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc( |
| 1222 plat_specific=1, prefix=home_dir) |
| 1223 if platinc_dir == platinc_dest: |
| 1224 # Do platinc_dest manually due to a CPython bug; |
| 1225 # not http://bugs.python.org/issue3386 but a close cousin |
| 1226 platinc_dest = subst_path(platinc_dir, prefix, home_dir) |
| 1227 if platinc_dest: |
| 1228 # PyPy's stdinc_dir and prefix are relative to the original binary |
| 1229 # (traversing virtualenvs), whereas the platinc_dir is relative to |
| 1230 # the inner virtualenv and ignores the prefix argument. |
| 1231 # This seems more evolved than designed. |
| 1232 copyfile(platinc_dir, platinc_dest, symlink) |
| 1233 |
| 1234 # pypy never uses exec_prefix, just ignore it |
| 1235 if sys.exec_prefix != prefix and not is_pypy: |
| 1236 if is_win: |
| 1237 exec_dir = join(sys.exec_prefix, 'lib') |
| 1238 elif is_jython: |
| 1239 exec_dir = join(sys.exec_prefix, 'Lib') |
| 1240 else: |
| 1241 exec_dir = join(sys.exec_prefix, 'lib', py_version) |
| 1242 for fn in os.listdir(exec_dir): |
| 1243 copyfile(join(exec_dir, fn), join(lib_dir, fn), symlink) |
| 1244 |
| 1245 if is_jython: |
| 1246 # Jython has either jython-dev.jar and javalib/ dir, or just |
| 1247 # jython.jar |
| 1248 for name in 'jython-dev.jar', 'javalib', 'jython.jar': |
| 1249 src = join(prefix, name) |
| 1250 if os.path.exists(src): |
| 1251 copyfile(src, join(home_dir, name), symlink) |
| 1252 # XXX: registry should always exist after Jython 2.5rc1 |
| 1253 src = join(prefix, 'registry') |
| 1254 if os.path.exists(src): |
| 1255 copyfile(src, join(home_dir, 'registry'), symlink=False) |
| 1256 copyfile(join(prefix, 'cachedir'), join(home_dir, 'cachedir'), |
| 1257 symlink=False) |
| 1258 |
| 1259 mkdir(bin_dir) |
| 1260 py_executable = join(bin_dir, os.path.basename(sys.executable)) |
| 1261 if 'Python.framework' in prefix: |
| 1262 # OS X framework builds cause validation to break |
| 1263 # https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/322 |
| 1264 if os.environ.get('__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__'): |
| 1265 del os.environ["__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__"] |
| 1266 if re.search(r'/Python(?:-32|-64)*$', py_executable): |
| 1267 # The name of the python executable is not quite what |
| 1268 # we want, rename it. |
| 1269 py_executable = os.path.join( |
| 1270 os.path.dirname(py_executable), 'python') |
| 1271 |
| 1272 logger.notify('New %s executable in %s', expected_exe, py_executable) |
| 1273 pcbuild_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) |
| 1274 pyd_pth = os.path.join(lib_dir, 'site-packages', 'virtualenv_builddir_pyd.pt
h') |
| 1275 if is_win and os.path.exists(os.path.join(pcbuild_dir, 'build.bat')): |
| 1276 logger.notify('Detected python running from build directory %s', pcbuild
_dir) |
| 1277 logger.notify('Writing .pth file linking to build directory for *.pyd fi
les') |
| 1278 writefile(pyd_pth, pcbuild_dir) |
| 1279 else: |
| 1280 pcbuild_dir = None |
| 1281 if os.path.exists(pyd_pth): |
| 1282 logger.info('Deleting %s (not Windows env or not build directory pyt
hon)' % pyd_pth) |
| 1283 os.unlink(pyd_pth) |
| 1284 |
| 1285 if sys.executable != py_executable: |
| 1286 ## FIXME: could I just hard link? |
| 1287 executable = sys.executable |
| 1288 shutil.copyfile(executable, py_executable) |
| 1289 make_exe(py_executable) |
| 1290 if is_win or is_cygwin: |
| 1291 pythonw = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'pythonw.exe
') |
| 1292 if os.path.exists(pythonw): |
| 1293 logger.info('Also created pythonw.exe') |
| 1294 shutil.copyfile(pythonw, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executa
ble), 'pythonw.exe')) |
| 1295 python_d = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'python_d.e
xe') |
| 1296 python_d_dest = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), 'python
_d.exe') |
| 1297 if os.path.exists(python_d): |
| 1298 logger.info('Also created python_d.exe') |
| 1299 shutil.copyfile(python_d, python_d_dest) |
| 1300 elif os.path.exists(python_d_dest): |
| 1301 logger.info('Removed python_d.exe as it is no longer at the sour
ce') |
| 1302 os.unlink(python_d_dest) |
| 1303 # we need to copy the DLL to enforce that windows will load the corr
ect one. |
| 1304 # may not exist if we are cygwin. |
| 1305 py_executable_dll = 'python%s%s.dll' % ( |
| 1306 sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) |
| 1307 py_executable_dll_d = 'python%s%s_d.dll' % ( |
| 1308 sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) |
| 1309 pythondll = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), py_executa
ble_dll) |
| 1310 pythondll_d = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), py_execu
table_dll_d) |
| 1311 pythondll_d_dest = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), py_e
xecutable_dll_d) |
| 1312 if os.path.exists(pythondll): |
| 1313 logger.info('Also created %s' % py_executable_dll) |
| 1314 shutil.copyfile(pythondll, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_execu
table), py_executable_dll)) |
| 1315 if os.path.exists(pythondll_d): |
| 1316 logger.info('Also created %s' % py_executable_dll_d) |
| 1317 shutil.copyfile(pythondll_d, pythondll_d_dest) |
| 1318 elif os.path.exists(pythondll_d_dest): |
| 1319 logger.info('Removed %s as the source does not exist' % pythondl
l_d_dest) |
| 1320 os.unlink(pythondll_d_dest) |
| 1321 if is_pypy: |
| 1322 # make a symlink python --> pypy-c |
| 1323 python_executable = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), 'py
thon') |
| 1324 if sys.platform in ('win32', 'cygwin'): |
| 1325 python_executable += '.exe' |
| 1326 logger.info('Also created executable %s' % python_executable) |
| 1327 copyfile(py_executable, python_executable, symlink) |
| 1328 |
| 1329 if is_win: |
| 1330 for name in ['libexpat.dll', 'libpypy.dll', 'libpypy-c.dll', |
| 1331 'libeay32.dll', 'ssleay32.dll', 'sqlite3.dll', |
| 1332 'tcl85.dll', 'tk85.dll']: |
| 1333 src = join(prefix, name) |
| 1334 if os.path.exists(src): |
| 1335 copyfile(src, join(bin_dir, name), symlink) |
| 1336 |
| 1337 for d in sys.path: |
| 1338 if d.endswith('lib_pypy'): |
| 1339 break |
| 1340 else: |
| 1341 logger.fatal('Could not find lib_pypy in sys.path') |
| 1342 raise SystemExit(3) |
| 1343 logger.info('Copying lib_pypy') |
| 1344 copyfile(d, os.path.join(home_dir, 'lib_pypy'), symlink) |
| 1345 |
| 1346 if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(py_executable))[0] != expected_exe: |
| 1347 secondary_exe = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), |
| 1348 expected_exe) |
| 1349 py_executable_ext = os.path.splitext(py_executable)[1] |
| 1350 if py_executable_ext.lower() == '.exe': |
| 1351 # python2.4 gives an extension of '.4' :P |
| 1352 secondary_exe += py_executable_ext |
| 1353 if os.path.exists(secondary_exe): |
| 1354 logger.warn('Not overwriting existing %s script %s (you must use %s)
' |
| 1355 % (expected_exe, secondary_exe, py_executable)) |
| 1356 else: |
| 1357 logger.notify('Also creating executable in %s' % secondary_exe) |
| 1358 shutil.copyfile(sys.executable, secondary_exe) |
| 1359 make_exe(secondary_exe) |
| 1360 |
| 1361 if '.framework' in prefix: |
| 1362 if 'Python.framework' in prefix: |
| 1363 logger.debug('MacOSX Python framework detected') |
| 1364 # Make sure we use the embedded interpreter inside |
| 1365 # the framework, even if sys.executable points to |
| 1366 # the stub executable in ${sys.prefix}/bin |
| 1367 # See http://groups.google.com/group/python-virtualenv/ |
| 1368 # browse_thread/thread/17cab2f85da75951 |
| 1369 original_python = os.path.join( |
| 1370 prefix, 'Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python') |
| 1371 if 'EPD' in prefix: |
| 1372 logger.debug('EPD framework detected') |
| 1373 original_python = os.path.join(prefix, 'bin/python') |
| 1374 shutil.copy(original_python, py_executable) |
| 1375 |
| 1376 # Copy the framework's dylib into the virtual |
| 1377 # environment |
| 1378 virtual_lib = os.path.join(home_dir, '.Python') |
| 1379 |
| 1380 if os.path.exists(virtual_lib): |
| 1381 os.unlink(virtual_lib) |
| 1382 copyfile( |
| 1383 os.path.join(prefix, 'Python'), |
| 1384 virtual_lib, |
| 1385 symlink) |
| 1386 |
| 1387 # And then change the install_name of the copied python executable |
| 1388 try: |
| 1389 mach_o_change(py_executable, |
| 1390 os.path.join(prefix, 'Python'), |
| 1391 '@executable_path/../.Python') |
| 1392 except: |
| 1393 e = sys.exc_info()[1] |
| 1394 logger.warn("Could not call mach_o_change: %s. " |
| 1395 "Trying to call install_name_tool instead." % e) |
| 1396 try: |
| 1397 call_subprocess( |
| 1398 ["install_name_tool", "-change", |
| 1399 os.path.join(prefix, 'Python'), |
| 1400 '@executable_path/../.Python', |
| 1401 py_executable]) |
| 1402 except: |
| 1403 logger.fatal("Could not call install_name_tool -- you must " |
| 1404 "have Apple's development tools installed") |
| 1405 raise |
| 1406 |
| 1407 if not is_win: |
| 1408 # Ensure that 'python', 'pythonX' and 'pythonX.Y' all exist |
| 1409 py_exe_version_major = 'python%s' % sys.version_info[0] |
| 1410 py_exe_version_major_minor = 'python%s.%s' % ( |
| 1411 sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) |
| 1412 py_exe_no_version = 'python' |
| 1413 required_symlinks = [ py_exe_no_version, py_exe_version_major, |
| 1414 py_exe_version_major_minor ] |
| 1415 |
| 1416 py_executable_base = os.path.basename(py_executable) |
| 1417 |
| 1418 if py_executable_base in required_symlinks: |
| 1419 # Don't try to symlink to yourself. |
| 1420 required_symlinks.remove(py_executable_base) |
| 1421 |
| 1422 for pth in required_symlinks: |
| 1423 full_pth = join(bin_dir, pth) |
| 1424 if os.path.exists(full_pth): |
| 1425 os.unlink(full_pth) |
| 1426 if symlink: |
| 1427 os.symlink(py_executable_base, full_pth) |
| 1428 else: |
| 1429 copyfile(py_executable, full_pth, symlink) |
| 1430 |
| 1431 if is_win and ' ' in py_executable: |
| 1432 # There's a bug with subprocess on Windows when using a first |
| 1433 # argument that has a space in it. Instead we have to quote |
| 1434 # the value: |
| 1435 py_executable = '"%s"' % py_executable |
| 1436 # NOTE: keep this check as one line, cmd.exe doesn't cope with line breaks |
| 1437 cmd = [py_executable, '-c', 'import sys;out=sys.stdout;' |
| 1438 'getattr(out, "buffer", out).write(sys.prefix.encode("utf-8"))'] |
| 1439 logger.info('Testing executable with %s %s "%s"' % tuple(cmd)) |
| 1440 try: |
| 1441 proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, |
| 1442 stdout=subprocess.PIPE) |
| 1443 proc_stdout, proc_stderr = proc.communicate() |
| 1444 except OSError: |
| 1445 e = sys.exc_info()[1] |
| 1446 if e.errno == errno.EACCES: |
| 1447 logger.fatal('ERROR: The executable %s could not be run: %s' % (py_e
xecutable, e)) |
| 1448 sys.exit(100) |
| 1449 else: |
| 1450 raise e |
| 1451 |
| 1452 proc_stdout = proc_stdout.strip().decode("utf-8") |
| 1453 proc_stdout = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(proc_stdout)) |
| 1454 norm_home_dir = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(home_dir)) |
| 1455 if hasattr(norm_home_dir, 'decode'): |
| 1456 norm_home_dir = norm_home_dir.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) |
| 1457 if proc_stdout != norm_home_dir: |
| 1458 logger.fatal( |
| 1459 'ERROR: The executable %s is not functioning' % py_executable) |
| 1460 logger.fatal( |
| 1461 'ERROR: It thinks sys.prefix is %r (should be %r)' |
| 1462 % (proc_stdout, norm_home_dir)) |
| 1463 logger.fatal( |
| 1464 'ERROR: virtualenv is not compatible with this system or executable'
) |
| 1465 if is_win: |
| 1466 logger.fatal( |
| 1467 'Note: some Windows users have reported this error when they ' |
| 1468 'installed Python for "Only this user" or have multiple ' |
| 1469 'versions of Python installed. Copying the appropriate ' |
| 1470 'PythonXX.dll to the virtualenv Scripts/ directory may fix ' |
| 1471 'this problem.') |
| 1472 sys.exit(100) |
| 1473 else: |
| 1474 logger.info('Got sys.prefix result: %r' % proc_stdout) |
| 1475 |
| 1476 pydistutils = os.path.expanduser('~/.pydistutils.cfg') |
| 1477 if os.path.exists(pydistutils): |
| 1478 logger.notify('Please make sure you remove any previous custom paths fro
m ' |
| 1479 'your %s file.' % pydistutils) |
| 1480 ## FIXME: really this should be calculated earlier |
| 1481 |
| 1482 fix_local_scheme(home_dir, symlink) |
| 1483 |
| 1484 if site_packages: |
| 1485 if os.path.exists(site_packages_filename): |
| 1486 logger.info('Deleting %s' % site_packages_filename) |
| 1487 os.unlink(site_packages_filename) |
| 1488 |
| 1489 return py_executable |
| 1490 |
| 1491 |
| 1492 def install_activate(home_dir, bin_dir, prompt=None): |
| 1493 home_dir = os.path.abspath(home_dir) |
| 1494 if is_win or is_jython and os._name == 'nt': |
| 1495 files = { |
| 1496 'activate.bat': ACTIVATE_BAT, |
| 1497 'deactivate.bat': DEACTIVATE_BAT, |
| 1498 'activate.ps1': ACTIVATE_PS, |
| 1499 } |
| 1500 |
| 1501 # MSYS needs paths of the form /c/path/to/file |
| 1502 drive, tail = os.path.splitdrive(home_dir.replace(os.sep, '/')) |
| 1503 home_dir_msys = (drive and "/%s%s" or "%s%s") % (drive[:1], tail) |
| 1504 |
| 1505 # Run-time conditional enables (basic) Cygwin compatibility |
| 1506 home_dir_sh = ("""$(if [ "$OSTYPE" "==" "cygwin" ]; then cygpath -u '%s'
; else echo '%s'; fi;)""" % |
| 1507 (home_dir, home_dir_msys)) |
| 1508 files['activate'] = ACTIVATE_SH.replace('__VIRTUAL_ENV__', home_dir_sh) |
| 1509 |
| 1510 else: |
| 1511 files = {'activate': ACTIVATE_SH} |
| 1512 |
| 1513 # suppling activate.fish in addition to, not instead of, the |
| 1514 # bash script support. |
| 1515 files['activate.fish'] = ACTIVATE_FISH |
| 1516 |
| 1517 # same for csh/tcsh support... |
| 1518 files['activate.csh'] = ACTIVATE_CSH |
| 1519 |
| 1520 files['activate_this.py'] = ACTIVATE_THIS |
| 1521 if hasattr(home_dir, 'decode'): |
| 1522 home_dir = home_dir.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) |
| 1523 vname = os.path.basename(home_dir) |
| 1524 for name, content in files.items(): |
| 1525 content = content.replace('__VIRTUAL_PROMPT__', prompt or '') |
| 1526 content = content.replace('__VIRTUAL_WINPROMPT__', prompt or '(%s)' % vn
ame) |
| 1527 content = content.replace('__VIRTUAL_ENV__', home_dir) |
| 1528 content = content.replace('__VIRTUAL_NAME__', vname) |
| 1529 content = content.replace('__BIN_NAME__', os.path.basename(bin_dir)) |
| 1530 writefile(os.path.join(bin_dir, name), content) |
| 1531 |
| 1532 def install_distutils(home_dir): |
| 1533 distutils_path = change_prefix(distutils.__path__[0], home_dir) |
| 1534 mkdir(distutils_path) |
| 1535 ## FIXME: maybe this prefix setting should only be put in place if |
| 1536 ## there's a local distutils.cfg with a prefix setting? |
| 1537 home_dir = os.path.abspath(home_dir) |
| 1538 ## FIXME: this is breaking things, removing for now: |
| 1539 #distutils_cfg = DISTUTILS_CFG + "\n[install]\nprefix=%s\n" % home_dir |
| 1540 writefile(os.path.join(distutils_path, '__init__.py'), DISTUTILS_INIT) |
| 1541 writefile(os.path.join(distutils_path, 'distutils.cfg'), DISTUTILS_CFG, over
write=False) |
| 1542 |
| 1543 def fix_local_scheme(home_dir, symlink=True): |
| 1544 """ |
| 1545 Platforms that use the "posix_local" install scheme (like Ubuntu with |
| 1546 Python 2.7) need to be given an additional "local" location, sigh. |
| 1547 """ |
| 1548 try: |
| 1549 import sysconfig |
| 1550 except ImportError: |
| 1551 pass |
| 1552 else: |
| 1553 if sysconfig._get_default_scheme() == 'posix_local': |
| 1554 local_path = os.path.join(home_dir, 'local') |
| 1555 if not os.path.exists(local_path): |
| 1556 os.mkdir(local_path) |
| 1557 for subdir_name in os.listdir(home_dir): |
| 1558 if subdir_name == 'local': |
| 1559 continue |
| 1560 copyfile(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home_dir, subdir_name)
), \ |
| 1561 os.path.join(local_p
ath, subdir_name), symlink) |
| 1562 |
| 1563 def fix_lib64(lib_dir, symlink=True): |
| 1564 """ |
| 1565 Some platforms (particularly Gentoo on x64) put things in lib64/pythonX.Y |
| 1566 instead of lib/pythonX.Y. If this is such a platform we'll just create a |
| 1567 symlink so lib64 points to lib |
| 1568 """ |
| 1569 if [p for p in distutils.sysconfig.get_config_vars().values() |
| 1570 if isinstance(p, basestring) and 'lib64' in p]: |
| 1571 # PyPy's library path scheme is not affected by this. |
| 1572 # Return early or we will die on the following assert. |
| 1573 if is_pypy: |
| 1574 logger.debug('PyPy detected, skipping lib64 symlinking') |
| 1575 return |
| 1576 |
| 1577 logger.debug('This system uses lib64; symlinking lib64 to lib') |
| 1578 |
| 1579 assert os.path.basename(lib_dir) == 'python%s' % sys.version[:3], ( |
| 1580 "Unexpected python lib dir: %r" % lib_dir) |
| 1581 lib_parent = os.path.dirname(lib_dir) |
| 1582 top_level = os.path.dirname(lib_parent) |
| 1583 lib_dir = os.path.join(top_level, 'lib') |
| 1584 lib64_link = os.path.join(top_level, 'lib64') |
| 1585 assert os.path.basename(lib_parent) == 'lib', ( |
| 1586 "Unexpected parent dir: %r" % lib_parent) |
| 1587 if os.path.lexists(lib64_link): |
| 1588 return |
| 1589 if symlink: |
| 1590 os.symlink('lib', lib64_link) |
| 1591 else: |
| 1592 copyfile('lib', lib64_link) |
| 1593 |
| 1594 def resolve_interpreter(exe): |
| 1595 """ |
| 1596 If the executable given isn't an absolute path, search $PATH for the interpr
eter |
| 1597 """ |
| 1598 # If the "executable" is a version number, get the installed executable for |
| 1599 # that version |
| 1600 python_versions = get_installed_pythons() |
| 1601 if exe in python_versions: |
| 1602 exe = python_versions[exe] |
| 1603 |
| 1604 if os.path.abspath(exe) != exe: |
| 1605 paths = os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep) |
| 1606 for path in paths: |
| 1607 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, exe)): |
| 1608 exe = os.path.join(path, exe) |
| 1609 break |
| 1610 if not os.path.exists(exe): |
| 1611 logger.fatal('The executable %s (from --python=%s) does not exist' % (ex
e, exe)) |
| 1612 raise SystemExit(3) |
| 1613 if not is_executable(exe): |
| 1614 logger.fatal('The executable %s (from --python=%s) is not executable' %
(exe, exe)) |
| 1615 raise SystemExit(3) |
| 1616 return exe |
| 1617 |
| 1618 def is_executable(exe): |
| 1619 """Checks a file is executable""" |
| 1620 return os.access(exe, os.X_OK) |
| 1621 |
| 1622 ############################################################ |
| 1623 ## Relocating the environment: |
| 1624 |
| 1625 def make_environment_relocatable(home_dir): |
| 1626 """ |
| 1627 Makes the already-existing environment use relative paths, and takes out |
| 1628 the #!-based environment selection in scripts. |
| 1629 """ |
| 1630 home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir = path_locations(home_dir) |
| 1631 activate_this = os.path.join(bin_dir, 'activate_this.py') |
| 1632 if not os.path.exists(activate_this): |
| 1633 logger.fatal( |
| 1634 'The environment doesn\'t have a file %s -- please re-run virtualenv
' |
| 1635 'on this environment to update it' % activate_this) |
| 1636 fixup_scripts(home_dir, bin_dir) |
| 1637 fixup_pth_and_egg_link(home_dir) |
| 1638 ## FIXME: need to fix up distutils.cfg |
| 1639 |
| 1640 OK_ABS_SCRIPTS = ['python', 'python%s' % sys.version[:3], |
| 1641 'activate', 'activate.bat', 'activate_this.py', |
| 1642 'activate.fish', 'activate.csh'] |
| 1643 |
| 1644 def fixup_scripts(home_dir, bin_dir): |
| 1645 if is_win: |
| 1646 new_shebang_args = ( |
| 1647 '%s /c' % os.path.normcase(os.environ.get('COMSPEC', 'cmd.exe')), |
| 1648 '', '.exe') |
| 1649 else: |
| 1650 new_shebang_args = ('/usr/bin/env', sys.version[:3], '') |
| 1651 |
| 1652 # This is what we expect at the top of scripts: |
| 1653 shebang = '#!%s' % os.path.normcase(os.path.join( |
| 1654 os.path.abspath(bin_dir), 'python%s' % new_shebang_args[2])) |
| 1655 # This is what we'll put: |
| 1656 new_shebang = '#!%s python%s%s' % new_shebang_args |
| 1657 |
| 1658 for filename in os.listdir(bin_dir): |
| 1659 filename = os.path.join(bin_dir, filename) |
| 1660 if not os.path.isfile(filename): |
| 1661 # ignore subdirs, e.g. .svn ones. |
| 1662 continue |
| 1663 f = open(filename, 'rb') |
| 1664 try: |
| 1665 try: |
| 1666 lines = f.read().decode('utf-8').splitlines() |
| 1667 except UnicodeDecodeError: |
| 1668 # This is probably a binary program instead |
| 1669 # of a script, so just ignore it. |
| 1670 continue |
| 1671 finally: |
| 1672 f.close() |
| 1673 if not lines: |
| 1674 logger.warn('Script %s is an empty file' % filename) |
| 1675 continue |
| 1676 |
| 1677 old_shebang = lines[0].strip() |
| 1678 old_shebang = old_shebang[0:2] + os.path.normcase(old_shebang[2:]) |
| 1679 |
| 1680 if not old_shebang.startswith(shebang): |
| 1681 if os.path.basename(filename) in OK_ABS_SCRIPTS: |
| 1682 logger.debug('Cannot make script %s relative' % filename) |
| 1683 elif lines[0].strip() == new_shebang: |
| 1684 logger.info('Script %s has already been made relative' % filenam
e) |
| 1685 else: |
| 1686 logger.warn('Script %s cannot be made relative (it\'s not a norm
al script that starts with %s)' |
| 1687 % (filename, shebang)) |
| 1688 continue |
| 1689 logger.notify('Making script %s relative' % filename) |
| 1690 script = relative_script([new_shebang] + lines[1:]) |
| 1691 f = open(filename, 'wb') |
| 1692 f.write('\n'.join(script).encode('utf-8')) |
| 1693 f.close() |
| 1694 |
| 1695 def relative_script(lines): |
| 1696 "Return a script that'll work in a relocatable environment." |
| 1697 activate = "import os; activate_this=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.re
alpath(__file__)), 'activate_this.py'); exec(compile(open(activate_this).read(),
activate_this, 'exec'), dict(__file__=activate_this)); del os, activate_this" |
| 1698 # Find the last future statement in the script. If we insert the activation |
| 1699 # line before a future statement, Python will raise a SyntaxError. |
| 1700 activate_at = None |
| 1701 for idx, line in reversed(list(enumerate(lines))): |
| 1702 if line.split()[:3] == ['from', '__future__', 'import']: |
| 1703 activate_at = idx + 1 |
| 1704 break |
| 1705 if activate_at is None: |
| 1706 # Activate after the shebang. |
| 1707 activate_at = 1 |
| 1708 return lines[:activate_at] + ['', activate, ''] + lines[activate_at:] |
| 1709 |
| 1710 def fixup_pth_and_egg_link(home_dir, sys_path=None): |
| 1711 """Makes .pth and .egg-link files use relative paths""" |
| 1712 home_dir = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(home_dir)) |
| 1713 if sys_path is None: |
| 1714 sys_path = sys.path |
| 1715 for path in sys_path: |
| 1716 if not path: |
| 1717 path = '.' |
| 1718 if not os.path.isdir(path): |
| 1719 continue |
| 1720 path = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(path)) |
| 1721 if not path.startswith(home_dir): |
| 1722 logger.debug('Skipping system (non-environment) directory %s' % path
) |
| 1723 continue |
| 1724 for filename in os.listdir(path): |
| 1725 filename = os.path.join(path, filename) |
| 1726 if filename.endswith('.pth'): |
| 1727 if not os.access(filename, os.W_OK): |
| 1728 logger.warn('Cannot write .pth file %s, skipping' % filename
) |
| 1729 else: |
| 1730 fixup_pth_file(filename) |
| 1731 if filename.endswith('.egg-link'): |
| 1732 if not os.access(filename, os.W_OK): |
| 1733 logger.warn('Cannot write .egg-link file %s, skipping' % fil
ename) |
| 1734 else: |
| 1735 fixup_egg_link(filename) |
| 1736 |
| 1737 def fixup_pth_file(filename): |
| 1738 lines = [] |
| 1739 prev_lines = [] |
| 1740 f = open(filename) |
| 1741 prev_lines = f.readlines() |
| 1742 f.close() |
| 1743 for line in prev_lines: |
| 1744 line = line.strip() |
| 1745 if (not line or line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('import ') |
| 1746 or os.path.abspath(line) != line): |
| 1747 lines.append(line) |
| 1748 else: |
| 1749 new_value = make_relative_path(filename, line) |
| 1750 if line != new_value: |
| 1751 logger.debug('Rewriting path %s as %s (in %s)' % (line, new_valu
e, filename)) |
| 1752 lines.append(new_value) |
| 1753 if lines == prev_lines: |
| 1754 logger.info('No changes to .pth file %s' % filename) |
| 1755 return |
| 1756 logger.notify('Making paths in .pth file %s relative' % filename) |
| 1757 f = open(filename, 'w') |
| 1758 f.write('\n'.join(lines) + '\n') |
| 1759 f.close() |
| 1760 |
| 1761 def fixup_egg_link(filename): |
| 1762 f = open(filename) |
| 1763 link = f.readline().strip() |
| 1764 f.close() |
| 1765 if os.path.abspath(link) != link: |
| 1766 logger.debug('Link in %s already relative' % filename) |
| 1767 return |
| 1768 new_link = make_relative_path(filename, link) |
| 1769 logger.notify('Rewriting link %s in %s as %s' % (link, filename, new_link)) |
| 1770 f = open(filename, 'w') |
| 1771 f.write(new_link) |
| 1772 f.close() |
| 1773 |
| 1774 def make_relative_path(source, dest, dest_is_directory=True): |
| 1775 """ |
| 1776 Make a filename relative, where the filename is dest, and it is |
| 1777 being referred to from the filename source. |
| 1778 |
| 1779 >>> make_relative_path('/usr/share/something/a-file.pth', |
| 1780 ... '/usr/share/another-place/src/Directory') |
| 1781 '../another-place/src/Directory' |
| 1782 >>> make_relative_path('/usr/share/something/a-file.pth', |
| 1783 ... '/home/user/src/Directory') |
| 1784 '../../../home/user/src/Directory' |
| 1785 >>> make_relative_path('/usr/share/a-file.pth', '/usr/share/') |
| 1786 './' |
| 1787 """ |
| 1788 source = os.path.dirname(source) |
| 1789 if not dest_is_directory: |
| 1790 dest_filename = os.path.basename(dest) |
| 1791 dest = os.path.dirname(dest) |
| 1792 dest = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(dest)) |
| 1793 source = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(source)) |
| 1794 dest_parts = dest.strip(os.path.sep).split(os.path.sep) |
| 1795 source_parts = source.strip(os.path.sep).split(os.path.sep) |
| 1796 while dest_parts and source_parts and dest_parts[0] == source_parts[0]: |
| 1797 dest_parts.pop(0) |
| 1798 source_parts.pop(0) |
| 1799 full_parts = ['..']*len(source_parts) + dest_parts |
| 1800 if not dest_is_directory: |
| 1801 full_parts.append(dest_filename) |
| 1802 if not full_parts: |
| 1803 # Special case for the current directory (otherwise it'd be '') |
| 1804 return './' |
| 1805 return os.path.sep.join(full_parts) |
| 1806 |
| 1807 |
| 1808 |
| 1809 ############################################################ |
| 1810 ## Bootstrap script creation: |
| 1811 |
| 1812 def create_bootstrap_script(extra_text, python_version=''): |
| 1813 """ |
| 1814 Creates a bootstrap script, which is like this script but with |
| 1815 extend_parser, adjust_options, and after_install hooks. |
| 1816 |
| 1817 This returns a string that (written to disk of course) can be used |
| 1818 as a bootstrap script with your own customizations. The script |
| 1819 will be the standard virtualenv.py script, with your extra text |
| 1820 added (your extra text should be Python code). |
| 1821 |
| 1822 If you include these functions, they will be called: |
| 1823 |
| 1824 ``extend_parser(optparse_parser)``: |
| 1825 You can add or remove options from the parser here. |
| 1826 |
| 1827 ``adjust_options(options, args)``: |
| 1828 You can change options here, or change the args (if you accept |
| 1829 different kinds of arguments, be sure you modify ``args`` so it is |
| 1830 only ``[DEST_DIR]``). |
| 1831 |
| 1832 ``after_install(options, home_dir)``: |
| 1833 |
| 1834 After everything is installed, this function is called. This |
| 1835 is probably the function you are most likely to use. An |
| 1836 example would be:: |
| 1837 |
| 1838 def after_install(options, home_dir): |
| 1839 subprocess.call([join(home_dir, 'bin', 'easy_install'), |
| 1840 'MyPackage']) |
| 1841 subprocess.call([join(home_dir, 'bin', 'my-package-script'), |
| 1842 'setup', home_dir]) |
| 1843 |
| 1844 This example immediately installs a package, and runs a setup |
| 1845 script from that package. |
| 1846 |
| 1847 If you provide something like ``python_version='2.5'`` then the |
| 1848 script will start with ``#!/usr/bin/env python2.5`` instead of |
| 1849 ``#!/usr/bin/env python``. You can use this when the script must |
| 1850 be run with a particular Python version. |
| 1851 """ |
| 1852 filename = __file__ |
| 1853 if filename.endswith('.pyc'): |
| 1854 filename = filename[:-1] |
| 1855 f = codecs.open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') |
| 1856 content = f.read() |
| 1857 f.close() |
| 1858 py_exe = 'python%s' % python_version |
| 1859 content = (('#!/usr/bin/env %s\n' % py_exe) |
| 1860 + '## WARNING: This file is generated\n' |
| 1861 + content) |
| 1862 return content.replace('##EXT' 'END##', extra_text) |
| 1863 |
| 1864 ##EXTEND## |
| 1865 |
| 1866 def convert(s): |
| 1867 b = base64.b64decode(s.encode('ascii')) |
| 1868 return zlib.decompress(b).decode('utf-8') |
| 1869 |
| 1870 ##file site.py |
| 1871 SITE_PY = convert(""" |
| 1872 eJzFPf1z2zaWv/OvwMqToZTKdOJ0e3tO3RsncVrfuYm3yc7m1vXoKAmyWFMkS5C2tTd3f/u9DwAE |
| 1873 +CHb2+6cphNLJPDw8PC+8PAeOhqNTopCZkuxyZd1KoWScblYiyKu1kqs8lJU66Rc7hdxWW3h6eIm |
| 1874 vpZKVLlQWxVhqygInv/GT/BcfF4nyqAA3+K6yjdxlSziNN2KZFPkZSWXYlmXSXYtkiypkjhN/g4t |
| 1875 8iwSz387BsFZJmDmaSJLcStLBXCVyFfiYlut80yM6wLn/DL6Y/xqMhVqUSZFBQ1KjTNQZB1XQSbl |
| 1876 EtCElrUCUiaV3FeFXCSrZGEb3uV1uhRFGi+k+K//4qlR0zAMVL6Rd2tZSpEBMgBTAqwC8YCvSSkW |
| 1877 +VJGQryRixgH4OcNsQKGNsU1U0jGLBdpnl3DnDK5kErF5VaM53VFgAhlscwBpwQwqJI0De7y8kZN |
| 1878 YElpPe7gkYiZPfzJMHvAPHH8LucAjh+z4C9Zcj9l2MA9CK5aM9uUcpXcixjBwk95Lxcz/WycrMQy |
| 1879 Wa2ABlk1wSYBI6BEmswPClqOb/UKfXdAWFmujGEMiShzY35JPaLgrBJxqoBt6wJppAjzd3KexBlQ |
| 1880 I7uF4QAikDToG2eZqMqOQ7MTOQAocR0rkJKNEuNNnGTArD/GC0L7r0m2zO/UhCgAq6XEL7Wq3PmP |
| 1881 ewgArR0CTANcLLOadZYmNzLdTgCBz4B9KVWdVigQy6SUiyovE6kIAKC2FfIekJ6KuJSahMyZRm6n |
| 1882 RH+iSZLhwqKAocDjSyTJKrmuS5IwsUqAc4Er3n/8Sbw7fXN28kHzmAHGMnu9AZwBCi20gxMMIA5q |
| 1883 VR6kOQh0FJzjHxEvlyhk1zg+4NU0OHhwpYMxzL2I2n2cBQey68XVw8AcK1AmNFZA/f4bukzVGujz |
| 1884 Pw+sdxCcDFGFJs7f7tY5yGQWb6RYx8xfyBnBtxrOd1FRrV8DNyiEUwGpFC4OIpggPCCJS7NxnklR |
| 1885 AIulSSYnAVBoTm39VQRW+JBn+7TWLU4ACGWQwUvn2YRGzCRMtAvrNeoL03hLM9NNArvOm7wkxQH8 |
| 1886 ny1IF6VxdkM4KmIo/jaX10mWIULIC0G4F9LA6iYBTlxG4pxakV4wjUTI2otbokjUwEvIdMCT8j7e |
| 1887 FKmcsviibt2tRmgwWQmz1ilzHLSsSL3SqjVT7eW9w+hLi+sIzWpdSgBezz2hW+X5VMxBZxM2Rbxh |
| 1888 8arucuKcoEeeqBPyBLWEvvgdKHqiVL2R9iXyCmgWYqhgladpfgckOwoCIfawkTHKPnPCW3gH/wJc |
| 1889 /DeV1WIdBM5IFrAGhcgPgUIgYBJkprlaI+Fxm2bltpJJMtYUebmUJQ31OGIfMOKPbIxzDT7klTZq |
| 1890 PF1c5XyTVKiS5tpkJmzxsrBi/fia5w3TAMutiGamaUOnDU4vLdbxXBqXZC5XKAl6kV7bZYcxg54x |
| 1892 ewH2B3D7O4jR3ToB+iwAAmgY1FKwfPOkKtFBaPRR4Bt905/HB049W2nbxEOu4iTVVj7OgjN6eFqW |
| 1893 JL4LWWCvqSaGghlmFbp21xnQEcV8NBoFgXGHtsp8zVVQldsjYAVhxpnN5nWChm82Q1Ovf6iARxHO |
| 1894 wF43287CAw1hOn0AKjldVmW+wdd2bp9AmcBY2CPYExekZSQ7yB4nvkbyuSq9ME3RdjvsLFAPBRc/ |
| 1895 nb4/+3L6SRyLy0alTdv67ArGPM1iYGuyCMBUrWEbXQYtUfElqPvEezDvxBRgz6g3ia+Mqxp4F1D/ |
| 1896 XNb0Gqax8F4Gpx9O3pyfzv7y6fSn2aezz6eAINgZGezRlNE81uAwqgiEA7hyqSJtX4NOD3rw5uST |
| 1897 fRDMEjX75mtgN3gyvpYVMHE5hhlPRbiJ7xUwaDilphPEsdMALHg4mYjvxOHz568OCVqxLbYADMyu |
| 1898 0xQfzrRFnyXZKg8n1PgXdumPWUlp/+3y6OsrcXwswl/i2zgMwIdqmjJL/Eji9HlbSOhawZ9xriZB |
| 1899 sJQrEL0biQI6fk5+8YQ7wJJAy1zb6V/yJDPvmSvdIUh/jKkH4DCbLdJYKWw8m4VABOrQ84EOETvX |
| 1900 KHVj6Fhs3a4TjQp+SgkLm2GXKf7Tg2I8p36IBqPodjGNQFw3i1hJbkXTh36zGeqs2WysBwRhJokB |
| 1901 h4vVUChME9RZZQJ+LXEe6rC5ylP8ifBRC5AA4tYKtSQukt46RbdxWks1diYFRByPW2RERZso4kdw |
| 1902 UcZgiZulm0za1DQ8A82AfGkOWrRsUQ4/e+DvgLoymzjc6PHei2mGmP477zQIB3A5Q1T3SrWgsHYU |
| 1903 F6cX4tWLw310Z2DPubTU8ZqjhU6yWtqHK1gtIw+MMPcy8uLSZYV6Fp8e7Ya5iezKdFlhpZe4lJv8 |
| 1904 Vi4BW2RgZ5XFT/QGduYwj0UMqwh6nfwBVqHGb4xxH8qzB2lB3wGotyEoZv3N0u9xMEBmChQRb6yJ |
| 1905 1HrXz6awKPPbBJ2N+Va/BFsJyhItpnFsAmfhPCZDkwgaArzgDCl1J0NQh2XNDivhjSDRXiwbxRoR |
| 1906 uHPU1Ff09SbL77IZ74SPUemOJ5Z1UbA082KDZgn2xHuwQoBkDhu7hmgMBVx+gbK1D8jD9GG6QFna |
| 1907 WwAgMPSKtmsOLLPVoynyrhGHRRiT14KEt5ToL9yaIWirZYjhQKK3kX1gtARCgslZBWdVg2YylDXT |
| 1908 DAZ2SOJz3XnEW1AfQIuKEZjNsYbGjQz9Lo9AOYtzVyk5/dAif/nyhdlGrSm+gojNcdLoQqzIWEbF |
| 1909 FgxrAjrBeGQcrSE2uAPnFsDUSrOm2P8k8oK9MVjPCy3b4AfA7q6qiqODg7u7u0hHF/Ly+kCtDv74 |
| 1910 p2+++dML1onLJfEPTMeRFh1qiw7oHXq00bfGAn1nVq7Fj0nmcyPBGkvyysgVRfy+r5NlLo72J1Z/ |
| 1911 Ihc3Zhr/Na4MKJCZGZSpDLQdNRg9U/vPoldqJJ6RdbZtxxP2S7RJtVbMt7rQo8rBEwC/ZZHXaKob |
| 1912 TlDiK7BusENfynl9HdrBPRtpfsBUUU7Hlgf2X14hBj5nGL4ypniGWoLYAi2+Q/qfmG1i8o60hkDy |
| 1913 oonq7J63/VrMEHf5eHm3vqYjNGaGiULuQInwmzxaAG3jruTgR7u2aPcc19Z8PENgLH1gmFc7lmMU |
| 1914 HMIF12LqSp3D1ejxgjTdsWoGBeOqRlDQ4CTOmdoaHNnIEEGid2M2+7ywugXQqRU5NPEBswrQwh2n |
| 1915 Y+3arOB4QsgDx+IlPZHgIh913r3gpa3TlAI6LR71qMKAvYVGO50DX44NgKkYlX8ZcUuzTfnYWhRe |
| 1916 gx5gOceAkMFWHWbCN64PONob9bBTx+oP9WYa94HARRpzLOpR0AnlYx6hVCBNxdjvOcTilrjdwXZa |
| 1917 HGIqs0wk0mpAuNrKo1eodhqmVZKh7nUWKVqkOXjFVisSIzXvfWeB9kH4uM+YaQnUZGjI4TQ6Jm/P |
| 1918 E8BQt8Pw2XWNgQY3DoMYbRJF1g3JtIZ/wK2g+AYFo4CWBM2CeayU+RP7HWTOzld/GWAPS2hkCLfp |
| 1919 kBvSsRgajnm/J5CMOhoDUpABCbvCSK4jq4MUOMxZIE+44bUclG6CESmQM8eCkJoB3Omlt8HBJxGe |
| 1920 gJCEIuT7SslCfCVGsHxtUX2c7v5dudQEIcZOA3IVdPTi2I1sOFGN41aUw2doP75BZyVFDhw8B5fH |
| 1921 DfS7bG6Y1gZdwFn3FbdFCjQyxWFGExfVK0MYN5j8h2OnRUMsM4hhKG8g70jHjDQJ7HJr0LDgBoy3 |
| 1922 5u2x9GM3YoF9x2GuDuXmHvZ/YZmoRa5Cipm0YxfuR3NFlzYW2/NkPoI/3gKMJlceJJnq+AVGWf6B |
| 1923 QUIPetgH3ZsshkWWcXmXZCEpME2/Y39pOnhYUnpG7uATbacOYKIY8Tx4X4KA0NHnAYgTagLYlctQ |
| 1924 abe/C3bnFEcWLncfeW7z5dGrqy5xp0MRHvvpX6rT+6qMFa5WyovGQoGr1TXgqHRhcnG21YeX+nAb |
| 1925 twllrmAXKT5++iKQEBzXvYu3T5t6w/CIzYNz8j4GddBrD5KrNTtiF0AEtSIyykH4dI58PLJPndyO |
| 1926 iT0ByJMYZseiGEiaT/4ROLsWCsbYX24zjKO1VQZ+4PU3X896IqMukt98PXpglBYx+sR+3PIE7cic |
| 1927 VLBrtqWMU3I1nD4UVMwa1rFtignrc9r+aR676vE5NVo29t3fAj8GCobUJfgIL6YN2bpTxY/vTg3C |
| 1928 03ZqB7DObtV89mgRYG+fz3+BHbLSQbXbOEnpXAEmv7+PytVs7jle0a89PEg7FYxDgr79l7p8AdwQ |
| 1929 cjRh0p2OdsZOTMC5ZxdsPkWsuqjs6RyC5gjMywtwjz+HFU6ve+B7Bge/r7p8IiBvTqMeMmpbbIZ4 |
| 1930 wQclhz1K9gnzfvqMf9dZP27mw4L1/zHLF/+cST5hKgaaNh4+rH5iuXbXAHuEeRpwO3e4hd2h+axy |
| 1931 ZZw7VklKPEfd9VzcUboCxVbxpAigLNnv64GDUqoPvd/WZclH16QCC1nu43HsVGCmlvH8ek3Mnjj4 |
| 1932 ICvExDZbUKzayevJ+4Qv1NFnO5Ow2Tf0c+c6NzErmd0mJfQFhTsOf/j442nYb0IwjgudHm9FHu83 |
| 1933 INwnMG6oiRM+pQ9T6Cld/nH10d66+AQ1GQEmIqzJ1iVsJxBs4gj9a/BARMg7sOVjdtyhL9ZycTOT |
| 1934 lDqAbIpdnaD4W3yNmNiMAj//S8UrSmKDmSzSGmnFjjdmH67qbEHnI5UE/0qnCmPqECUEcPhvlcbX |
| 1935 Ykydlxh60txI0anbuNTeZ1HmmJwq6mR5cJ0shfy1jlPc1svVCnDBwyv9KuLhKQIl3nFOAyctKrmo |
| 1936 y6TaAglileuzP0p/cBrOtzzRsYckH/MwATEh4kh8wmnjeybc0pDLBAf8Ew+cJO67sYOTrBDRc3if |
| 1937 5TMcdUY5vlNGqnsuT4+D9gg5ABgBUJj/aKIjd/4bSa/cA0Zac5eoqCU9UrqRhpycMYQynmCkg3/T |
| 1938 T58RXd4awPJ6GMvr3Vhet7G87sXy2sfyejeWrkjgwtqglZGEvsBV+1ijN9/GjTnxMKfxYs3tMPcT |
| 1939 czwBoijMBtvIFKdAe5EtPt8jIKS2nQNnetjkzyScVFrmHALXIJH78RBLb+ZN8rrTmbJxdGeeinFn |
| 1940 h3KI/L4HUUSpYnPqzvK2jKs48uTiOs3nILYW3WkDYCra6UQcK81uZ3OO7rYs1ejiPz//8PEDNkdQ |
| 1941 I5PeQN1wEdGw4FTGz+PyWnWlqdn8FcCO1NJPxKFuGuDeIyNrPMoe//OOMjyQccQdZSjkogAPgLK6 |
| 1942 bDM39ykMW891kpR+zkzOh03HYpRVo2ZSA0Q6ubh4d/L5ZEQhv9H/jlyBMbT1pcPFx7SwDbr+m9vc |
| 1943 Uhz7gFDr2FZj/Nw5ebRuOOJhG2vAdjzf1oPDxxjs3jCBP8t/KqVgSYBQkQ7+PoVQj945/Kb9UIc+ |
| 1944 hhE7yX/uyRo7K/adI3uOi+KIft+xQ3sA/7AT9xgzIIB2ocZmZ9DslVtK35rXHRR1gD7S1/vNe832 |
| 1945 1qu9k/EpaifR4wA6lLXNht0/75yGjZ6S1ZvT788+nJ+9uTj5/IPjAqIr9/HTwaE4/fGLoPwQNGDs |
| 1946 E8WYGlFhJhIYFrfQSSxz+K/GyM+yrjhIDL3enZ/rk5oNlrpg7jPanAiecxqThcZBM45C24c6/wgx |
| 1947 SvUGyakponQdqjnC/dKG61lUrvOjqVRpjs5qrbdeulbM1JTRuXYE0geNXVIwCE4xg1eUxV6ZXWHJ |
| 1948 J4C6zqoHKW2jbWJISkHBTrqAc/5lTle8QCl1hidNZ63oL0MX1/AqUkWawE7udWhlSXfD9JiGcfRD |
| 1949 e8DNePVpQKc7jKwb8qwHsUCr9Trkuen+k4bRfq0Bw4bB3sG8M0npIZSBjcltIsRGfJITynv4apde |
| 1950 r4GCBcODvgoX0TBdArOPYXMt1glsIIAn12B9cZ8AEFor4R8IHDnRAZljdkb4drPc/3OoCeK3/vnn |
| 1951 nuZVme7/TRSwCxKcShT2ENNt/A42PpGMxOnH95OQkaPUXPHnGssDwCGhAKgj7ZS/xCfos7GS6Urn |
| 1952 l/j6AF9oP4Fet7qXsih1937XOEQJeKbG5DU8U4Z+IaZ7WdhTnMqkBRorHyxmWEHopiGYz574tJZp |
| 1953 qvPdz96dn4LviMUYKEF87nYKw3G8BI/QdfIdVzi2QOEBO7wukY1LdGEpyWIZec16g9YoctTby8uw |
| 1954 60SB4W6vThS4jBPloj3GaTMsU04QISvDWphlZdZutUEKu22I4igzzBKzi5ISWH2eAF6mpzFviWCv |
| 1955 hKUeJgLPp8hJVpmMxTRZgB4FlQsKdQpCgsTFekbivDzjGHheKlMGBQ+LbZlcrys83YDOEZVgYPMf |
| 1956 T76cn32gsoTDV43X3cOcU9oJTDmJ5BhTBDHaAV/ctD/kqtmsj2f1K4SB2gf+tF9xdsoxD9Dpx4FF |
| 1957 /NN+xXVox85OkGcACqou2uKBGwCnW5/cNLLAuNp9MH7cFMAGMx8MxSKx7EUnerjz63KibdkyJRT3 |
| 1958 MS+fcICzKmxKmu7spqS1P3qOqwLPuZbj/kbwtk+2zGcOXW86b4aS39xPRwqxJBYw6rb2xzDZYZ2m |
| 1959 ejoOsw1xC21rtY39OXNipU67RYaiDEQcu50nLpP1K2HdnDnQS6PuABPfanSNJPaq8tHP2Uh7GB4m |
| 1960 ltidfYrpSGUsZAQwkiF17U8NPhRaBFAglP07diR3Onl+6M3RsQYPz1HrLrCNP4Ai1Lm4VOORl8CJ |
| 1961 8OVXdhz5FaGFevRIhI6nkskst3li+Llbo1f50p9jrwxQEBPFroyzazlmWFMD8yuf2AMhWNK2Hqkv |
| 1962 k6s+wyLOwDm9H+Dwrlz0H5wY1FqM0Gl3I7dtdeSTBxv0loLsJJgPvozvQPcXdTXmlRw4h+6tpRuG |
| 1963 +jBEzD6Epvr0fRxiOObXcGB9GsC91NCw0MP7deDsktfGOLLWPraqmkL7QnuwixK2ZpWiYxmnONH4 |
| 1964 otYLaAzucWPyR/apThSyv3vqxJyYkAXKg7sgvbmNdINWOGHE5UpcOZpQOnxTTaPfLeWtTMFogJEd |
| 1965 Y7XDL7baYRLZcEpvHthvxu5ie7Htx43eNJgdmXIMRIAKMXoDPbsQanDAFf5Z70Ti7Iac47d/PZuK |
| 1966 tx9+gn/fyI9gQbHmcSr+BqOLt3kJ20ou2qXbFLCAo+L9Yl4rLIwkaHRCwRdPoLd24ZEXT0N0ZYlf |
| 1967 UmIVpMBk2nLDt50AijxBKmRv3ANTLwG/TUFXywk1DmLfWoz0S6TBcI0L1oUc6JbRutqkaCac4Eiz |
| 1968 iJej87O3px8+nUbVPTK2+Tlygid+HhZORx8Nl3gMNhX2yaLGJ1eOv/yDTIsed1nvNU29DO41RQjb |
| 1969 kcLuL/kmjdjuKeISAwai2C7zRYQtgdO5RK+6A/954mwrH7TvnnFFWOOJPjxrnHh8DNQQP7f1zwga |
| 1970 Uh89J+pJCMVzrBXjx9Go3wJPBUW04c/zm7ulGxDXRT80wTamzazHfnerAtdMZw3PchLhdWyXwdSB |
| 1971 pkmsNvOFWx/4MRP6IhRQbnS8IVdxnVZCZrCVor093UgBCt4t6WMJYVZhK0Z1bhSdSe/irXJyj2Il |
| 1972 RjjqiIrq8RyGAoWw9f4xvmEzgLWGouYSaIBOiNK2KXe6qnqxZgnmnRBRryff4C7JXrnJL5rCPChv |
| 1973 jBeN/wrzRG+RMbqWlZ4/PxhPLl82CQ4UjF54Bb2LAoydyyZ7oDGL58+fj8S/Pez0MCpRmuc34I0B |
| 1974 7F5n5ZxeDxhsPTm7Wl2H3ryJgB8Xa3kJD64oaG6f1xlFJHd0pQWR9q+BEeLahJYZTfuWOeZYXcnn |
| 1975 y9yCz6m0wfhLltB1RxhRkqhs9a1RGG0y0kQsCYohjNUiSUKOTsB6bPMaa/Ewuqj5Rd4DxycIZopv |
| 1976 8WCMd9hrdCwpb9Zyj0XnWIwI8IhSyng0KmamajTAc3ax1WjOzrKkaspIXrhnpvoKgMreYqT5SsR3 |
| 1977 KBlmHi1iOGWdHqs2jnW+k0W9jUq+uHTjjK1Z8uuHcAfWBknLVyuDKTw0i7TIZbkw5hRXLFkklQPG |
| 1978 tEM43JkubyLrEwU9KI1AvZNVWFqJtm//YNfFxfQjHR/vm5F01lBlL8TimFCctfIKo6gZn6JPlpCW |
| 1979 b82XCYzygaLZ2hPwxhJ/0LFUrCHw7u1wyxnrTN/HwWkbzSUdAIfugLIK0rKjpyOci8csfGbagVs0 |
| 1980 8EM7c8LtNimrOk5n+tqHGfppM3uervG0ZXA7CzyttwK+fQ6O777O2AfHwSTXID0x49ZUZByLlY5M |
| 1981 RG5lmV+EVeTo5R2yrwQ+BVJmOTP10CZ2dGnZ1Raa6gRHR8UjqK9M8dKAQ26qZjoFJy7mU0pvMuUO |
| 1982 A86zn29JV1eI78T41VQctnY+i2KLNzkBss+Woe+KUTeYihMMMHNs34shvjsW45dT8ccd0KOBAY4O |
| 1983 3RHa+9gWhEEgr66eTMY0mRPZwr4U9of76hxG0PSM4+SqTf4umb4lKv1ri0pcIagTlV+2E5VbYw/u |
| 1984 WzsfH8lwA4pjlcjl/jOFJNRIN7p5mMEJPyyg37M5Wrp2vKmoocK5OWxG7ho96GhE4zbbQUxRulZf |
| 1985 XL+LuoYNp71zwKTJtFIV7S1zmMao0WsRFQDM+o7S8Bve7QLvNSlc/2zwiFUXAViwPREEXenJB2ZN |
| 1986 w0ZQH3QEn6QBHmAUEeJhaqMoXMl6goiEdA8OMdFXrUNsh+N/d+bhEoOho9AOlt98vQtPVzB7izp6 |
| 1987 FnR3pYUnsra8ollu8+kPzHmM0tf1NwmMA6URHXBWzVWV5GYeYfYy30GT2yzmDV4GSSfTaBJT6bpN |
| 1988 vJXmW7/Qj6HYASWTwVqAJ1Wv8CD5lu62PFGU9IZX1Hx9+HJqKoMZkJ7Aq+jVV/oKSOpmLj/wfeyp |
| 1989 3rvBS93vMPoXB1hS+b3tq85uhqZ13LoLyh8spOjZJJpZOjSG6eE6kGbNYoF3JjbEZN/aXgDyHryd |
| 1990 Ofg55vLTHBw22JBGfei6GqOR3iHVNiDAD5uMIcl5VNdGkSLSu4RtSHnuUpxPFgXdq9+CYAgBOX8d |
| 1991 8xt0BeviyIbYjE3Bk8+xm82Jn+qmt+6M7Qka2+om3DV97r9r7rpFYGdukhk6c/frS10a6L7DVrSP |
| 1992 Bhze0IR4VIlEo/H7jYlrB6Y6h6Y/Qq8/SH63E850wKw8BMZk7GC8n9hTY2/M/iZeuN8xIWyfL2R2 |
| 1993 y4l7nY3WtDs2o83xj/EUOPkFn9sbBiijaak5kPdLdMPejHNkZ/L6Ws1ivN1xRptsyufq7J7Mtu09 |
| 1994 Xc4nY7U1uy28tAhAGG7Smbducj0wBuhKvmWa06Gc22kEDU1Jw04WskqWbBL01g7ARRwxpf4mEM9p |
| 1995 xKNUYqBb1WVRwm54pO8i5jydvtTmBqgJ4G1idWNQNz2m+mpaUqyUHGZKkDlO20ryASKwEe+YhtnM |
| 1996 vgNeedFcs5BMLTPIrN7IMq6aK4b8jIAENl3NCFR0jovrhOcaqWxxiYtYYnnDQQoDZPb7V7Cx9DbV |
| 1997 O+5VmFht93h2oh465PuUKxscY2S4OLm31wu611ot6Wpr1zu0zRqus1cqwTKYu/JIR+pYGb/V93fx |
| 1998 HbMcyUf/0uEfkHe38tLPQrfqjL1bi4bzzFUI3Qub8MYAMs599zB2OKB742JrA2zH9/WFZZSOhznQ |
| 1999 2FJR++S9CqcZbdJEkDBh9IEIkl8U8MQIkgf/kREkfWsmGBqNj9YDvWUCD4SaWD24V1A2jAB9ZkAk |
| 2000 PMBuXWBoTOXYTbovcpXcj+yF0qwrnUo+Yx6QI7t3kxEIvmpSuRnK3lVwuyJIvnTR4+/PP745OSda |
| 2001 zC5O3v7HyfeUlIXHJS1b9egQW5bvM7X3vfRvN9ymE2n6Bm+w7bkhlmuYNITO+04OQg+E/nq1vgVt |
| 2002 KzL39VCHTt1PtxMgvnvaLahDKrsXcscv0zUmbvpMK0870E85qdb8cjITzCNzUsfi0JzEmffN4YmW |
| 2003 0U5seWjhnPTWrjrR/qq+BXQg7j2xSda0Anhmgvxlj0xMxYwNzLOD0v7ffFBmOFYbmht0QAoX0rnJ |
| 2004 kS5xZFCV//8TKUHZxbi3Y0dxau/mpnZ8PKTspfN49ruQkSGIV+436s7PFfalTAeoEASs8PQ9hYyI |
| 2005 0X/6QNWmHzxT4nKfCov3Udlc2V+4Ztq5/WuCSQaVve9LcYISH7NC41WduokDtk+nAzl9dBqVr5xK |
| 2006 FtB8B0DnRjwVsDf6S6wQ51sRwsZRu2SYHEt01Jf1Ocij3XSwN7R6IfaHyk7dskshXg43XLYqO3WP |
| 2007 Q+6hHuihalPc51hgzNIcqicV3xFkPs4UdMGX53zgGbre9sPX28uXR/ZwAfkdXzuKhLLJRo5hv3Sy |
| 2008 MXdeKul0J2Ypp5Suh3s1JySsW1w5UNknGNrbdEpSBvY/Js+BIY289/0hM9PDu3p/1MbUst4RTEmM |
| 2009 n6kJTcsp4tG42yeT7nQbtdUFwgVJjwDSUYEAC8F0dKOTILrlLO/xC70bnNd0Ha97whQ6UkHJYj5H |
| 2010 cA/j+zX4tbtTIfGjujOKpj83aHOgXnIQbvYduNXEC4UMm4T21Bs+GHABuCa7v//LR/TvpjHa7oe7 |
| 2011 /Grb6lVvHSD7spj5iplBLRKZxxEYGdCbY9LWWC5hBB2voWno6DJUMzfkC3T8KJsWL9umDQY5szPt |
| 2012 AVijEPwfucjncQ== |
| 2013 """) |
| 2014 |
| 2015 ##file activate.sh |
| 2016 ACTIVATE_SH = convert(""" |
| 2017 eJytVVFvokAQfudXTLEPtTlLeo9tvMSmJpq02hSvl7u2wRUG2QR2DSxSe7n/frOACEVNLlceRHa+ |
| 2018 nfl25pvZDswCnoDPQ4QoTRQsENIEPci4CsBMZBq7CAsuLOYqvmYKTTj3YxnBgiXBudGBjUzBZUJI |
| 2019 BXEqgCvweIyuCjeG4eF2F5x14bcB9KQiQQWrjSddI1/oQIx6SYYeoFjzWIoIhYI1izlbhJjkKO7D |
| 2020 M/QEmKfO9O7WeRo/zr4P7pyHwWxkwitcgwpQ5Ej96OX+PmiFwLeVjFUOrNYKaq1Nud3nR2n8nI2m |
| 2021 k9H0friPTGVsUdptaxGrTEfpNVFEskxpXtUkkCkl1UNF9cgLBkx48J4EXyALuBtAwNYIjF5kcmUU |
| 2022 abMKmMq1ULoiRbgsDEkTSsKSGFCJ6Z8vY/2xYiSacmtyAfCDdCNTVZoVF8vSTQOoEwSnOrngBkws |
| 2023 MYGMBMg8/bMBLSYKS7pYEXP0PqT+ZmBT0Xuy+Pplj5yn4aM9nk72JD8/Wi+Gr98sD9eWSMOwkapD |
| 2024 BbUv91XSvmyVkICt2tmXR4tWmrcUCsjWOpw87YidEC8i0gdTSOFhouJUNxR+4NYBG0MftoCTD9F7 |
| 2025 2rTtxG3oPwY1b2HncYwhrlmj6Wq924xtGDWqfdNxap+OYxplEurnMVo9RWks+rH8qKEtx7kZT5zJ |
| 2026 4H7oOFclrN6uFe+d+nW2aIUsSgs/42EIPuOhXq+jEo3S6tX6w2ilNkDnIpHCWdEQhFgwj9pkk7FN |
| 2027 l/y5eQvRSIQ5+TrL05lewxWpt/Lbhes5cJF3mLET1MGhcKCF+40tNWnUulxrpojwDo2sObdje3Bz |
| 2028 N3QeHqf3D7OjEXMVV8LN3ZlvuzoWHqiUcNKHtwNd0IbvPGKYYM31nPKCgkUILw3KL+Y8l7aO1ArS |
| 2029 Ad37nIU0fCj5NE5gQCuC5sOSu+UdI2NeXg/lFkQIlFpdWVaWZRfvqGiirC9o6liJ9FXGYrSY9mI1 |
| 2030 D/Ncozgn13vJvsznr7DnkJWXsyMH7e42ljdJ+aqNDF1bFnKWFLdj31xtaJYK6EXFgqmV/ymD/ROG |
| 2031 +n8O9H8f5vsGOWXsL1+1k3g= |
| 2032 """) |
| 2033 |
| 2034 ##file activate.fish |
| 2035 ACTIVATE_FISH = convert(""" |
| 2036 eJydVW2P2jgQ/s6vmAZQoVpA9/WkqqJaTou0u6x2uZVOVWWZZEKsS+yc7UDpr+84bziQbauLxEvs |
| 2038 Fu7NJJim81Bl08EQTqqAkEupLOhCgrAQCY2hTU+DQVxIiqgkRNiEBphFEKy+kd1BaFvwFOUBuIxA |
| 2039 oy20BKtAKp3xFMo0QNtCK5mhtMEA6BmSpUELKo38TThwLfguRVNaiRgs0llnEoIR29zfstf18/bv |
| 2040 5T17Wm7vAiiN3ONCzfbfwC3DtWXXDqHfAGX0q6z/bO82j3ebh1VwnbrduwTQbvwcRtesAfMGor/W |
| 2041 L3fs6Xnz8LRlm9fV8/P61sM0LDNwCZjl9gSpCokJRzpryGQ5t8kNGFUt51QjOZGu0Mj35FlYlXEr |
| 2042 yC09EVOp4lEXfF84Lz1qbhBsgl59vDedXI3rTV03xipduSgt9kLytI3XmBp3aV6MPoMQGNUU62T6 |
| 2043 uQdeefTy1Hfj10zVHg2pq8fXDoHBiOv94csfXwN49xECqWREy7pwukKfvxdMY2j23vXDPuuxxeE+ |
| 2044 JOdCOhxCE3N44B1ZeSLuZh8Mmkr2wEPAmPfKWHA2uxIRjEopdbQYjDz3BWOf14/scfmwoki1eQvX |
| 2045 ExBdF60Mqh+Y/QcX4uiH4Amwzx79KOVFtbL63sXJbtcvy8/3q5rupmO5CnE91wBviQAhjUUegYpL |
| 2046 vVEbpLt2/W+PklRgq5Ku6mp+rpMhhCo/lXthQTxJ2ysO4Ka0ad97S7VT/n6YXus6fzk3fLnBZW5C |
| 2047 KDC6gSO62QDqgFqLCCtPmjegjnLeAdArtSE8VYGbAJ/aLb+vnQutFhk768E9uRbSxhCMzdgEveYw |
| 2048 IZ5ZqFKl6+kz7UR4U+buqQZXu9SIujrAfD7f0FXpozB4Q0gwp31H9mVTZGGC4b871/wm7lvyDLu1 |
| 2049 FUyvTj/yvD66k3UPTs08x1AQQaGziOl0S1qRkPG9COtBTSTWM9NzQ4R64B+Px/l3tDzCgxv5C6Ni |
| 2050 e+QaF9xFWrxx0V/G5uvYQOdiZzvYpQUVQSIsTr1TTghI33GnPbTA7/GCqcE3oE3GZurq4HeQXQD6 |
| 2051 32XS1ITj/qLjN72ob0hc5C9bzw8MhfmL |
| 2052 """) |
| 2053 |
| 2054 ##file activate.csh |
| 2055 ACTIVATE_CSH = convert(""" |
| 2056 eJx9VG1P2zAQ/u5fcYQKNgTNPtN1WxlIQ4KCUEGaxuQ6yYVYSuzKdhqVX7+zk3bpy5YPUXL3PPfc |
| 2057 ne98DLNCWshliVDV1kGCUFvMoJGugMjq2qQIiVSxSJ1cCofD1BYRnOVGV0CfZ0N2DD91DalQSjsw |
| 2058 tQLpIJMGU1euvPe7QeJlkKzgWixlhnAt4aoUVsLnLBiy5NtbJWQ5THX1ZciYKKWwkOFaE04dUm6D |
| 2059 r/zh7pq/3D7Nnid3/HEy+wFHY/gEJydg0aFaQrBFgz1c5DG1IhTs+UZgsBC2GMFBlaeH+8dZXwcW |
| 2060 VPvCjXdlAvCfQsE7al0+07XjZvrSCUevR5dnkVeKlFYZmUztG4BdzL2u9KyLVabTU0bdfg7a0hgs |
| 2061 cSmUg6UwUiQl2iHrcbcVGNvPCiLOe7+cRwG13z9qRGgx2z6DHjfm/Op2yqeT+xvOLzs0PTKHDz2V |
| 2062 tkckFHoQfQRXoGJAj9el0FyJCmEMhzgMS4sB7KPOE2ExoLcSieYwDvR+cP8cg11gKkVJc2wRcm1g |
| 2063 QhYFlXiTaTfO2ki0fQoiFM4tLuO4aZrhOzqR4dIPcWx17hphMBY+Srwh7RTyN83XOWkcSPh1Pg/k |
| 2064 TXX/jbJTbMtUmcxZ+/bbqOsy82suFQg/BhdSOTRhMNBHlUarCpU7JzBhmkKmRejKOQzayQe6MWoa |
| 2065 n1wqWmuh6LZAaHxcdeqIlVLhIBJdO9/kbl0It2oEXQj+eGjJOuvOIR/YGRqvFhttUB2XTvLXYN2H |
| 2066 37CBdbW2W7j2r2+VsCn0doVWcFG1/4y1VwBjfwAyoZhD |
| 2067 """) |
| 2068 |
| 2069 ##file activate.bat |
| 2070 ACTIVATE_BAT = convert(""" |
| 2071 eJx9UdEKgjAUfW6wfxjiIH+hEDKUFHSKLCMI7kNOEkIf9P9pTJ3OLJ/03HPPPed4Es9XS9qqwqgT |
| 2072 PbGKKOdXL4aAFS7A4gvAwgijuiKlqOpGlATS2NeMLE+TjJM9RkQ+SmqAXLrBo1LLIeLdiWlD6jZt |
| 2073 r7VNubWkndkXaxg5GO3UaOOKS6drO3luDDiO5my3iA0YAKGzPRV1ack8cOdhysI0CYzIPzjSiH5X |
| 2074 0QcvC8Lfaj0emsVKYF2rhL5L3fCkVjV76kShi59NHwDniAHzkgDgqBcwOgTMx+gDQQqXCw== |
| 2075 """) |
| 2076 |
| 2077 ##file deactivate.bat |
| 2078 DEACTIVATE_BAT = convert(""" |
| 2079 eJxzSE3OyFfIT0vj4ipOLVEI8wwKCXX0iXf1C7Pl4spMU0hJTcvMS01RiPf3cYmHyQYE+fsGhCho |
| 2080 cCkAAUibEkTEVhWLMlUlLk6QGixStlyaeCyJDPHw9/Pw93VFsQguim4ZXAJoIUw5DhX47XUM8UCx |
| 2081 EchHtwsohN1bILUgw61c/Vy4AJYPYm4= |
| 2082 """) |
| 2083 |
| 2084 ##file activate.ps1 |
| 2085 ACTIVATE_PS = convert(""" |
| 2086 eJylWdmO41hyfW+g/0FTU7C7IXeJIqmtB/3AnZRIStxF2kaBm7gv4ipyMF/mB3+Sf8GXVGVl1tLT |
| 2087 43ECSqR4b5wbETeWE8z/+a///vNCDaN6cYtSf5G1dbNw/IVXNIu6aCvX9xa3qsgWl0IJ/7IYinbh |
| 2088 2nkOVqs2X0TNjz/8eeFFle826fBhQRaLBkD9uviw+LCy3Sbq7Mb/UNbrH3+YNtLcVaB+Xbipb+eL |
| 2089 tly0eVsD/M6u6g8//vC+dquobH5VWU75eMFUdvHb4n02RHlXuHYTFfmHbHCLLLNz70NpN+GrBI4p |
| 2090 1EeSk4FAXaZR88u0vPip8usi7fznt3fvP+OuPnx49/Pil4td+XnzigIAPoqYQH2J8v4z+C+8b98m |
| 2091 Q25t7k76LIK0cOz0V89/MXXx0+Lf6z5q3PA/F+/FIif9uqnaadFf/PzXSXYBfqIb2NeApecJwPzI |
| 2092 dlL/149nnvyoc7KqYfzTAT8v/voUmX7e+3n364tffl/oVaDyswKY/7J18e6bve8Wv9RuUfqfLHmK |
| 2093 /u139Hwx+9ePRep97KKqae30YwmCo2y+0vTz1k+rv7159B3pb1SOGj97Pe8/flfkC1Vn/7xYR4n6 |
| 2094 lypNEGDDV5f7lcjil3S+4++p881Wv6qKyn5GQg1yJwcp4BZ5E+Wt/z1P/umbiHir4J8Xip/eFt6n |
| 2095 9T/9gU9eY+7zUX97Jlmb136ziKrKT/3OzpvP8VX/+MObSP0lL3LvVZlJ9v1b8357jXyw8rXxYPXN |
| 2096 11n4UzJ8G8S/vUbuJ6RPj999DbtS5kys//JusXwrNLnvT99cFlBNwXCe+niRz8JF/ezNr9Pze+H6 |
| 2097 18W7d5PPvozW7+387Zto/v4pL8BvbxTzvIW9KCv/Fj0WzVQb/YXbVlPZWTz3/9vCaRtQbPN/Bb+j |
| 2098 2rUrDxTVD68gfQXu/ZewAFX53U/vf/rD2P3558W7+W79Po1y/xXoX/6RFHyNIoVjgAG4H0RTcAe5 |
| 2100 8AkjiF2wTwmMEbcEUvq8Nj+X0f4YcCQmYRiOY7eRbAJDqzm1chOoNstbJ8oTBhZQ2NcfgaB6QjLp |
| 2101 U4+SWFjQGCZpyqby8V4JkPGs9eH1BscXIrTG24QxXLIgCLYNsIlxSYLA6SjAeg7HAg4/kpiIB8k9 |
| 2102 TCLm0EM4gKIxEj8IUj2dQeqSxEwYVH88qiRlCLjEYGuNIkJB1BA5dHOZdGAoUFk54WOqEojkuf4Q |
| 2103 Ig3WY+96TDlKLicMC04h0+gDCdYHj0kz2xBDj9ECDU5zJ0tba6RKgXBneewhBG/xJ5m5FX+WSzsn |
| 2104 wnHvKhcOciw9NunZ0BUF0n0IJAcJMdcLqgQb0zP19dl8t9PzmMBjkuIF7KkvHgqEovUPOsY0PBB1 |
| 2105 HCtUUhch83qEJPjQcNQDsgj0cRqx2ZbnnlrlUjE1EX2wFJyyDa/0GLrmKDEFepdWlsbmVU45Wiwt |
| 2106 eFM6mfs4kxg8yc4YmKDy67dniLV5FUeO5AKNPZaOQQ++gh+dXE7dbJ1aTDr7S4WPd8sQoQkDyODg |
| 2107 XnEu/voeKRAXZxB/e2xaJ4LTFLPYEJ15Ltb87I45l+P6OGFA5F5Ix8A4ORV6M1NH1uMuZMnmFtLi |
| 2108 VpYed+gSq9JDBoHc05J4OhKetrk1p0LYiKipxLMe3tYS7c5V7O1KcPU8BJGdLfcswhoFCSGQqJ8f |
| 2109 ThyQKy5EWFtHVuNhvTnkeTc8JMpN5li3buURh0+3ZGuzdwM55kon+8urbintjdQJf9U1D0ah+hNh |
| 2110 i1XNu4fSKbTC5AikGEaj0CYM1dpuli7EoqUt7929f1plxGGNZnixFSFP2qzhlZMonu2bB9OWSqYx |
| 2111 VuHKWNGJI8kqUhMTRtk0vJ5ycZ60JlodlmN3D9XiEj/cG2lSt+WV3OtMgt1Tf4/Z+1BaCus740kx |
| 2112 Nvj78+jMd9tq537Xz/mNFyiHb0HdwHytJ3uQUzKkYhK7wjGtx3oKX43YeYoJVtqDSrCnQFzMemCS |
| 2113 2bPSvP+M4yZFi/iZhAjL4UOeMfa7Ex8HKBqw4umOCPh+imOP6yVTwG2MplB+wtg97olEtykNZ6wg |
| 2114 FJBNXSTJ3g0CCTEEMdUjjcaBDjhJ9fyINXgQVHhA0bjk9lhhhhOGzcqQSxYdj3iIN2xGEOODx4qj |
| 2115 Q2xikJudC1ujCVOtiRwhga5nPdhe1gSa649bLJ0wCuLMcEYIeSy25YcDQHJb95nfowv3rQnin0fE |
| 2116 zIXFkM/EwSGxvCCMgEPNcDp/wph1gMEa8Xd1qAWOwWZ/KhjlqzgisBpDDDXz9Cmov46GYBKHC4zZ |
| 2117 84HJnXoTxyWNBbXV4LK/r+OEwSN45zBp7Cub3gIYIvYlxon5BzDgtPUYfXAMPbENGrI+YVGSeTQ5 |
| 2118 i8NMB5UCcC+YRGIBhgs0xhAGwSgYwywpbu4vpCSTdEKrsy8osXMUnHQYenQHbOBofLCNNTg3CRRj |
| 2119 A1nXY2MZcjnXI+oQ2Zk+561H4CqoW61tbPKv65Y7fqc3TDUF9CA3F3gM0e0JQ0TPADJFJXVzphpr |
| 2120 2FzwAY8apGCju1QGOiUVO5KV6/hKbtgVN6hRVwpRYtu+/OC6w2bCcGzZQ8NCc4WejNEjFxOIgR3o |
| 2122 nru61fDwI8HRYPUS7a6Inzq9JLjokU6P6OzT4UCH+Nha+JrU4VqEo4rRHQJhVuulAnvFhYz5NWFT |
| 2123 aS/bKxW6J3e46y4PLagGrCDKcq5B9EmP+s1QMCaxHNeM7deGEV3WPn3CeKjndlygdPyoIcNaL3dd |
| 2124 bdqPs47frcZ3aNWQ2Tk+rjFR01Ul4XnQQB6CSKA+cZusD0CP3F2Ph0e78baybgioepG12luSpFXi |
| 2125 bHbI6rGLDsGEodMObDG7uyxfCeU+1OiyXYk8fnGu0SpbpRoEuWdSUlNi5bd9nBxYqZGrq7Qa7zV+ |
| 2126 VLazLcelzzP9+n6+xUtWx9OVJZW3gk92XGGkstTJ/LreFVFF2feLpXGGuQqq6/1QbWPyhJXIXIMs |
| 2127 7ySVlzMYqoPmnmrobbeauMIxrCr3sM+qs5HpwmmFt7SM3aRNQWpCrmeAXY28EJ9uc966urGKBL9H |
| 2128 18MtDE5OX97GDOHxam11y5LCAzcwtkUu8wqWI1dWgHyxGZdY8mC3lXzbzncLZ2bIUxTD2yW7l9eY |
| 2129 gBUo7uj02ZI3ydUViL7oAVFag37JsjYG8o4Csc5R7SeONGF8yZP+7xxi9scnHvHPcogJ44VH/LMc |
| 2130 Yu6Vn3jEzCFw9Eqq1ENQAW8aqbUwSiAqi+nZ+OkZJKpBL66Bj8z+ATqb/8qDIJUeNRTwrI0YrVmb |
| 2131 9FArKVEbCWUNSi8ipfVv+STgkpSsUhcBg541eeKLoBpLGaiHTNoK0r4nn3tZqrcIULtq20Df+FVQ |
| 2132 Sa0MnWxTugMuzD410sQygF4qdntbswiJMqjs014Irz/tm+pd5oygJ0fcdNbMg165Pqi7EkYGAXcB |
| 2133 dwxioCDA3+BY9+JjuOmJu/xyX2GJtaKSQcOZxyqFzTaa6/ot21sez0BtKjirROKRm2zuai02L0N+ |
| 2134 ULaX8H5P6VwsGPbYOY7sAy5FHBROMrMzFVPYhFHZ7M3ZCZa2hsT4jGow6TGtG8Nje9405uMUjdF4 |
| 2135 PtKQjw6yZOmPUmO8LjFWS4aPCfE011N+l3EdYq09O3iQJ9a01B3KXiMF1WmtZ+l1gmyJ/ibAHZil |
| 2136 vQzdOl6g9PoSJ4TM4ghTnTndEVMOmsSSu+SCVlGCOLQRaw9oLzamSWP62VuxPZ77mZYdfTRGuNBi |
| 2137 KyhZL32S2YckO/tU7y4Bf+QKKibQSKCTDWPUwWaE8yCBeL5FjpbQuAlb53mGX1jptLeRotREbx96 |
| 2138 gnicYz0496dYauCjpTCA4VA0cdLJewzRmZeTwuXWD0talJsSF9J1Pe72nkaHSpULgNeK1+o+9yi0 |
| 2139 YpYwXZyvaZatK2eL0U0ZY6ekZkFPdC8JTF4Yo1ytawNfepqUKEhwznp6HO6+2l7L2R9Q3N49JMIe |
| 2140 Z+ax1mVaWussz98QbNTRPo1xu4W33LJpd9H14dd66ype7UktfEDi3oUTccJ4nODjwBKFxS7lYWiq |
| 2141 XoHu/b7ZVcK5TbRD0F/2GShg2ywwUl07k4LLqhofKxFBNd1grWY+Zt/cPtacBpV9ys2z1moMLrT3 |
| 2142 W0Elrjtt5y/dvDQYtObYS97pqj0eqmwvD3jCPRqamGthLiF0XkgB6IdHLBBwDGPiIDh7oPaRmTrN |
| 2143 tYA/yQKFxRiok+jM6ciJq/ZgiOi5+W4DEmufPEubeSuYJaM3/JHEevM08yJAXUQwb9LS2+8FOfds |
| 2144 FfOe3Bel6EDSjIEIKs4o9tyt67L1ylQlzhe0Q+7ue/bJnWMcD3q6wDSIQi8ThnRM65aqLWesi/ZM |
| 2145 xhHmQvfKBbWcC194IPjbBLYR9JTPITbzwRcu+OSFHDHNSYCLt29sAHO6Gf0h/2UO9Xwvhrjhczyx |
| 2146 Ygz6CqP4IwxQj5694Q1Pe2IR+KF/yy+5PvCL/vgwv5mPp9n4kx7fnY/nmV++410qF/ZVCMyv5nAP |
| 2147 pkeOSce53yJ6ahF4aMJi52by1HcCj9mDT5i+7TF6RoPaLL+cN1hXem2DmX/mdIbeeqwQOLD5lKO/ |
| 2148 6FM4x77w6D5wMx3g0IAfa2D/pgY9a7bFQbinLDPz5dZi9ATIrd0cB5xfC0BfCCZO7TKP0jQ2Meih |
| 2149 nRXhkA3smTAnDN9IW2vA++lsgNuZ2QP0UhqyjUPrDmgfWP2bWWiKA+YiEK7xou8cY0+d3/bk0oHR |
| 2150 QLrq4KzDYF/ljQDmNhBHtkVNuoDey6TTeaD3SHO/Bf4d3IwGdqQp6FuhmwFbmbQBssDXVKDBYOpk |
| 2151 Jy7wxOaSRwr0rDmGbsFdCM+7XU/84JPu3D/gW7QXgzlvbjixn99/8CpWFUQWHFEz/RyXvzNXTTOd |
| 2152 OXLNNFc957Jn/YikNzEpUdRNxXcC6b76ccTwMGoKj5X7c7TvHFgc3Tf4892+5A+iR+D8OaaE6ACe |
| 2153 gdgHcyCoPm/xiDCWP+OZRjpzfj5/2u0i4qQfmIEOsTV9Hw6jZ3Agnh6hiwjDtGYxWvt5TiWEuabN |
| 2154 77YCyRXwO8P8wdzG/8489KwfFBZWI6Vvx76gmlOc03JI1HEfXYZEL4sNFQ3+bqf7e2hdSWQknwKF |
| 2155 ICJjGyDs3fdmnnxubKXebpQYLjPgEt9GTzKkUgTvOoQa1J7N3nv4sR6uvYFLhkXZ+pbCoU3K9bfq |
| 2156 gF7W82tNutRRZExad+k4GYYsCfmEbvizS4jsRr3fdzqjEthpEwm7pmN7OgVzRbrktjrFw1lc0vM8 |
| 2157 V7dyTJ71qlsd7v3KhmHzeJB35pqEOk2pEe5uPeCToNkmedmxcKbIj+MZzjFSsvCmimaMQB1uJJKa |
| 2158 +hoWUi7aEFLvIxKxJavqpggXBIk2hr0608dIgnfG5ZEprqmH0b0YSy6jVXTCuIB+WER4d5BPVy9Q |
| 2159 M4taX0RIlDYxQ2CjBuq78AAcHQf5qoKP8BXHnDnd/+ed5fS+csL4g3eWqECaL+8suy9r8hx7c+4L |
| 2160 EegEWdqAWN1w1NezP34xsxLkvRRI0DRzKOg0U+BKfQY128YlYsbwSczEg2LqKxRmcgiwHdhc9MQJ |
| 2161 IwKQHlgBejWeMGDYYxTOQUiJOmIjJbzIzHH6lAMP+y/fR0v1g4wx4St8fcqTt3gz5wc+xXFZZ3qI |
| 2162 JpXI5iJk7xmNL2tYsDpcqu0375Snd5EKsIvg8u5szTOyZ4v06Ny2TZXRpHUSinh4IFp8Eoi7GINJ |
| 2163 02lPJnS/9jSxolJwp2slPMIEbjleWw3eec4XaetyEnSSqTPRZ9fVA0cPXMqzrPYQQyrRux3LaAh1 |
| 2164 wujbgcObg1nt4iiJ5IMbc/WNPc280I2T4nTkdwG8H6iS5xO2WfsFsruBwf2QkgZlb6w7om2G65Lr |
| 2165 r2Gl4dk63F8rCEHoUJ3fW+pU2Srjlmcbp+JXY3DMifEI22HcHAvT7zzXiMTr7VbUR5a2lZtJkk4k |
| 2166 1heZZFdru8ucCWMTr3Z4eNnjLm7LW7rcN7QjMpxrsCzjxndeyFUX7deIs3PQkgyH8k6luI0uUyLr |
| 2167 va47TBjM4JmNHFzGPcP6BV6cYgQy8VQYZe5GmzZHMxyBYhGiUdekZQ/qwyxC3WGylQGdUpSf9ZCP |
| 2168 a7qPdJd31fPRC0TOgzupO7nLuBGr2A02yuUQwt2KQG31sW8Gd9tQiHq+hPDt4OzJuY4pS8XRsepY |
| 2169 tsd7dVEfJFmc15IYqwHverrpWyS1rFZibDPW1hUUb+85CGUzSBSTK8hpvee/ZxonW51TUXekMy3L |
| 2170 uy25tMTg4mqbSLQQJ+skiQu2toIfBFYrOWql+EQipgfT15P1aq6FDK3xgSjIGWde0BPftYchDTdM |
| 2171 i4QdudHFkN0u6fSKiT09QLv2mtSblt5nNzBR6UReePNs+khE4rHcXuoK21igUKHl1c3MXMgPu7y8 |
| 2172 rKQDxR6N/rffXv+lROXet/9Q+l9I4D1U |
| 2173 """) |
| 2174 |
| 2175 ##file distutils-init.py |
| 2176 DISTUTILS_INIT = convert(""" |
| 2177 eJytV1uL4zYUfvevOE0ottuMW9q3gVDa3aUMXXbLMlDKMBiNrSTqOJKRlMxkf33PkXyRbGe7Dw2E |
| 2178 UXTu37lpxLFV2oIyifAncxmOL0xLIfcG+gv80x9VW6maw7o/CANSWWBwFtqeWMPlGY6qPjV8A0bB |
| 2179 C4eKSTgZ5LRgFeyErMEeOBhbN+Ipgeizhjtnhkn7DdyjuNLPoCS0l/ayQTG0djwZC08cLXozeMss |
| 2180 aG5EzQ0IScpnWtHSTXuxByV/QCmxE7y+eS0uxWeoheaVVfqSJHiU7Mhhi6gULbOHorshkrEnKxpT |
| 2181 0n3A8Y8SMpuwZx6aoix3ouFlmW8gHRSkeSJ2g7hU+kiHLDaQw3bmRDaTGfTnty7gPm0FHbIBg9U9 |
| 2182 oh1kZzAFLaue2R6htPCtAda2nGlDSUJ4PZBgCJBGVcwKTAMz/vJiLD+Oin5Z5QlvDPdulC6EsiyE |
| 2183 NFzb7McNTKJzbJqzphx92VKRFY1idenzmq3K0emRcbWBD0ryqc4NZGmKOOOX9Pz5x+/l27tP797c |
| 2184 f/z0d+4NruGNai8uAM0bfsYaw8itFk8ny41jsfpyO+BWlpqfhcG4yxLdi/0tQqoT4a8Vby382mt8 |
| 2185 p7XSo7aWGdPBc+b6utaBmCQ7rQKQoWtAuthQCiold2KfJIPTT8xwg9blPumc+YDZC/wYGdAyHpJk |
| 2186 vUbHbHWAp5No6pK/WhhLEWrFjUwtPEv1Agf8YmnsuXUQYkeZoHm8ogP16gt2uHoxcEMdf2C6pmbw |
| 2187 hUMsWGhanboh4IzzmsIpWs134jVPqD/c74bZHdY69UKKSn/+KfVhxLgUlToemayLMYQOqfEC61bh |
| 2188 cbhwaqoGUzIyZRFHPmau5juaWqwRn3mpWmoEA5nhzS5gog/5jbcFQqOZvmBasZtwYlG93k5GEiyw |
| 2189 buHhMWLjDarEGpMGB2LFs5nIJkhp/nUmZneFaRth++lieJtHepIvKgx6PJqIlD9X2j6pG1i9x3pZ |
| 2190 5bHuCPFiirGHeO7McvoXkz786GaKVzC9DSpnOxJdc4xm6NSVq7lNEnKdVlnpu9BNYoKX2Iq3wvgh |
| 2191 gGEUM66kK6j4NiyoneuPLSwaCWDxczgaolEWpiMyDVDb7dNuLAbriL8ig8mmeju31oNvQdpnvEPC |
| 2192 1vAXbWacGRVrGt/uXN/gU0CDDwgooKRrHfTBb1/s9lYZ8ZqOBU0yLvpuP6+K9hLFsvIjeNhBi0KL |
| 2193 MlOuWRn3FRwx5oHXjl0YImUx0+gLzjGchrgzca026ETmYJzPD+IpuKzNi8AFn048Thd63OdD86M6 |
| 2194 84zE8yQm0VqXdbbgvub2pKVnS76icBGdeTHHXTKspUmr4NYo/furFLKiMdQzFjHJNcdAnMhltBJK |
| 2195 0/IKX3DVFqvPJ2dLE7bDBkH0l/PJ29074+F0CsGYOxsb7U3myTUncYfXqnLLfa6sJybX4g+hmcjO |
| 2196 kMRBfA1JellfRRKJcyRpxdS4rIl6FdmQCWjo/o9Qz7yKffoP4JHjOvABcRn4CZIT2RH4jnxmfpVG |
| 2197 qgLaAvQBNfuO6X0/Ux02nb4FKx3vgP+XnkX0QW9pLy/NsXgdN24dD3LxO2Nwil7Zlc1dqtP3d7/h |
| 2198 kzp1/+7hGBuY4pk0XD/0Ao/oTe/XGrfyM773aB7iUhgkpy+dwAMalxMP0DrBcsVw/6p25+/hobP9 |
| 2199 GBknrWExDhLJ1bwt1NcCNblaFbMKCyvmX0PeRaQ= |
| 2200 """) |
| 2201 |
| 2202 ##file distutils.cfg |
| 2203 DISTUTILS_CFG = convert(""" |
| 2204 eJxNj00KwkAMhfc9xYNuxe4Ft57AjYiUtDO1wXSmNJnK3N5pdSEEAu8nH6lxHVlRhtDHMPATA4uH |
| 2205 xJ4EFmGbvfJiicSHFRzUSISMY6hq3GLCRLnIvSTnEefN0FIjw5tF0Hkk9Q5dRunBsVoyFi24aaLg |
| 2206 9FDOlL0FPGluf4QjcInLlxd6f6rqkgPu/5nHLg0cXCscXoozRrP51DRT3j9QNl99AP53T2Q= |
| 2207 """) |
| 2208 |
| 2209 ##file activate_this.py |
| 2210 ACTIVATE_THIS = convert(""" |
| 2211 eJyNU01v2zAMvetXEB4K21jnDOstQA4dMGCHbeihlyEIDMWmE62yJEiKE//7kXKdpEWLzYBt8evx |
| 2212 kRSzLPs6wiEoswM8YdMpjUXcq1Dz6RZa1cSiTkJdr86GsoTRHuCotBayiWqQEYGtMCgfD1KjGYBe |
| 2213 5a3p0cRKiEe2NtLAFikftnDco0ko/SFEVgEZ8aRCZDIPY9xbA8pE9M4jfW/B2CjiHq9zbJVZuOQq |
| 2214 siwTIvpxKYCembPAU4Muwi/Z4zfvrZ/MXipKeB8C+qisSZYiWfjJfs+0/MFMdWn1hJcO5U7G/SLa |
| 2215 xVx8zU6VG/PXLXvfsyyzUqjeWR8hjGE+2iCE1W1tQ82hsCJN9dzKaoexyB/uH79TnjwvxcW0ntSb |
| 2216 yZ8jq1Z5Q1UXsyy3gf9nbjTEj7NzQMfCJa/YSmrQ+2D/BqfiOi6sclrGzvoeVivIj8rcfcmnIQRF |
| 2217 7XCyeZI7DFe5/lhlCs5PRf5QW66VXT/NrlQ46oD/D6InkOmi3IQcbhKxAX2g4a+Xd5s3UtCtG2py |
| 2218 m8eg6WYWqR6SL5OjKMGfSrYt/6kxxQtOpeAgj1LXBNmpE2ElmCSIy5H0zFd8gJ924HWijWhb2hRC |
| 2219 6wNEm1QdDZtuSZcEprIUBo/XRNcbQe1OUbQ/r3hPTaPJJDNtFLu8KHV5XoNr3Eo6h6YtOKw8e8yw |
| 2220 VF5PnJ+ts3a9/Mz38RpG/AUSzYUW |
| 2221 """) |
| 2222 |
| 2223 MH_MAGIC = 0xfeedface |
| 2224 MH_CIGAM = 0xcefaedfe |
| 2225 MH_MAGIC_64 = 0xfeedfacf |
| 2226 MH_CIGAM_64 = 0xcffaedfe |
| 2227 FAT_MAGIC = 0xcafebabe |
| 2228 BIG_ENDIAN = '>' |
| 2229 LITTLE_ENDIAN = '<' |
| 2230 LC_LOAD_DYLIB = 0xc |
| 2231 maxint = majver == 3 and getattr(sys, 'maxsize') or getattr(sys, 'maxint') |
| 2232 |
| 2233 |
| 2234 class fileview(object): |
| 2235 """ |
| 2236 A proxy for file-like objects that exposes a given view of a file. |
| 2237 Modified from macholib. |
| 2238 """ |
| 2239 |
| 2240 def __init__(self, fileobj, start=0, size=maxint): |
| 2241 if isinstance(fileobj, fileview): |
| 2242 self._fileobj = fileobj._fileobj |
| 2243 else: |
| 2244 self._fileobj = fileobj |
| 2245 self._start = start |
| 2246 self._end = start + size |
| 2247 self._pos = 0 |
| 2248 |
| 2249 def __repr__(self): |
| 2250 return '<fileview [%d, %d] %r>' % ( |
| 2251 self._start, self._end, self._fileobj) |
| 2252 |
| 2253 def tell(self): |
| 2254 return self._pos |
| 2255 |
| 2256 def _checkwindow(self, seekto, op): |
| 2257 if not (self._start <= seekto <= self._end): |
| 2258 raise IOError("%s to offset %d is outside window [%d, %d]" % ( |
| 2259 op, seekto, self._start, self._end)) |
| 2260 |
| 2261 def seek(self, offset, whence=0): |
| 2262 seekto = offset |
| 2263 if whence == os.SEEK_SET: |
| 2264 seekto += self._start |
| 2265 elif whence == os.SEEK_CUR: |
| 2266 seekto += self._start + self._pos |
| 2267 elif whence == os.SEEK_END: |
| 2268 seekto += self._end |
| 2269 else: |
| 2270 raise IOError("Invalid whence argument to seek: %r" % (whence,)) |
| 2271 self._checkwindow(seekto, 'seek') |
| 2272 self._fileobj.seek(seekto) |
| 2273 self._pos = seekto - self._start |
| 2274 |
| 2275 def write(self, bytes): |
| 2276 here = self._start + self._pos |
| 2277 self._checkwindow(here, 'write') |
| 2278 self._checkwindow(here + len(bytes), 'write') |
| 2279 self._fileobj.seek(here, os.SEEK_SET) |
| 2280 self._fileobj.write(bytes) |
| 2281 self._pos += len(bytes) |
| 2282 |
| 2283 def read(self, size=maxint): |
| 2284 assert size >= 0 |
| 2285 here = self._start + self._pos |
| 2286 self._checkwindow(here, 'read') |
| 2287 size = min(size, self._end - here) |
| 2288 self._fileobj.seek(here, os.SEEK_SET) |
| 2289 bytes = self._fileobj.read(size) |
| 2290 self._pos += len(bytes) |
| 2291 return bytes |
| 2292 |
| 2293 |
| 2294 def read_data(file, endian, num=1): |
| 2295 """ |
| 2296 Read a given number of 32-bits unsigned integers from the given file |
| 2297 with the given endianness. |
| 2298 """ |
| 2299 res = struct.unpack(endian + 'L' * num, file.read(num * 4)) |
| 2300 if len(res) == 1: |
| 2301 return res[0] |
| 2302 return res |
| 2303 |
| 2304 |
| 2305 def mach_o_change(path, what, value): |
| 2306 """ |
| 2307 Replace a given name (what) in any LC_LOAD_DYLIB command found in |
| 2308 the given binary with a new name (value), provided it's shorter. |
| 2309 """ |
| 2310 |
| 2311 def do_macho(file, bits, endian): |
| 2312 # Read Mach-O header (the magic number is assumed read by the caller) |
| 2313 cputype, cpusubtype, filetype, ncmds, sizeofcmds, flags = read_data(file
, endian, 6) |
| 2314 # 64-bits header has one more field. |
| 2315 if bits == 64: |
| 2316 read_data(file, endian) |
| 2317 # The header is followed by ncmds commands |
| 2318 for n in range(ncmds): |
| 2319 where = file.tell() |
| 2320 # Read command header |
| 2321 cmd, cmdsize = read_data(file, endian, 2) |
| 2322 if cmd == LC_LOAD_DYLIB: |
| 2323 # The first data field in LC_LOAD_DYLIB commands is the |
| 2324 # offset of the name, starting from the beginning of the |
| 2325 # command. |
| 2326 name_offset = read_data(file, endian) |
| 2327 file.seek(where + name_offset, os.SEEK_SET) |
| 2328 # Read the NUL terminated string |
| 2329 load = file.read(cmdsize - name_offset).decode() |
| 2330 load = load[:load.index('\0')] |
| 2331 # If the string is what is being replaced, overwrite it. |
| 2332 if load == what: |
| 2333 file.seek(where + name_offset, os.SEEK_SET) |
| 2334 file.write(value.encode() + '\0'.encode()) |
| 2335 # Seek to the next command |
| 2336 file.seek(where + cmdsize, os.SEEK_SET) |
| 2337 |
| 2338 def do_file(file, offset=0, size=maxint): |
| 2339 file = fileview(file, offset, size) |
| 2340 # Read magic number |
| 2341 magic = read_data(file, BIG_ENDIAN) |
| 2342 if magic == FAT_MAGIC: |
| 2343 # Fat binaries contain nfat_arch Mach-O binaries |
| 2344 nfat_arch = read_data(file, BIG_ENDIAN) |
| 2345 for n in range(nfat_arch): |
| 2346 # Read arch header |
| 2347 cputype, cpusubtype, offset, size, align = read_data(file, BIG_E
NDIAN, 5) |
| 2348 do_file(file, offset, size) |
| 2349 elif magic == MH_MAGIC: |
| 2350 do_macho(file, 32, BIG_ENDIAN) |
| 2351 elif magic == MH_CIGAM: |
| 2352 do_macho(file, 32, LITTLE_ENDIAN) |
| 2353 elif magic == MH_MAGIC_64: |
| 2354 do_macho(file, 64, BIG_ENDIAN) |
| 2355 elif magic == MH_CIGAM_64: |
| 2356 do_macho(file, 64, LITTLE_ENDIAN) |
| 2357 |
| 2358 assert(len(what) >= len(value)) |
| 2359 do_file(open(path, 'r+b')) |
| 2360 |
| 2361 |
| 2362 if __name__ == '__main__': |
| 2363 main() |
| 2364 |
| 2365 ## TODO: |
| 2366 ## Copy python.exe.manifest |
| 2367 ## Monkeypatch distutils.sysconfig |