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Unified Diff: chrome/browser/profiles/profile_keyed_service_factory.h

Issue 14141006: [components] Switch {RefCounted}ProfileKeyedService to use BrowserContext (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: trybots 2 Created 7 years, 8 months ago
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Index: chrome/browser/profiles/profile_keyed_service_factory.h
diff --git a/chrome/browser/profiles/profile_keyed_service_factory.h b/chrome/browser/profiles/profile_keyed_service_factory.h
index 0cfa841e1a572610208003fb201551f18c852291..973ef6b772c6531b93996acd968c80c75e84baa3 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/profiles/profile_keyed_service_factory.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/profiles/profile_keyed_service_factory.h
@@ -29,18 +29,20 @@ class ProfileKeyedServiceFactory : public ProfileKeyedBaseFactory {
// A function that supplies the instance of a ProfileKeyedService for a given
// Profile. This is used primarily for testing, where we want to feed a
// specific mock into the PKSF system.
- typedef ProfileKeyedService* (*FactoryFunction)(Profile* profile);
+ typedef ProfileKeyedService*
+ (*FactoryFunction)(content::BrowserContext* profile);
// Associates |factory| with |profile| so that |factory| is used to create
// the ProfileKeyedService when requested. |factory| can be NULL to signal
// that ProfileKeyedService should be NULL. Multiple calls to
// SetTestingFactory() are allowed; previous services will be shut down.
- void SetTestingFactory(Profile* profile, FactoryFunction factory);
+ void SetTestingFactory(content::BrowserContext* profile,
+ FactoryFunction factory);
// Associates |factory| with |profile| and immediately returns the created
// ProfileKeyedService. Since the factory will be used immediately, it may
// not be NULL.
- ProfileKeyedService* SetTestingFactoryAndUse(Profile* profile,
+ ProfileKeyedService* SetTestingFactoryAndUse(content::BrowserContext* profile,
FactoryFunction factory);
@@ -63,15 +65,17 @@ class ProfileKeyedServiceFactory : public ProfileKeyedBaseFactory {
// through the GetProfileToUse() method on the base. If |create| is true,
// the service will be created using BuildServiceInstanceFor() if it doesn't
// already exist.
- ProfileKeyedService* GetServiceForProfile(Profile* profile, bool create);
+ ProfileKeyedService* GetServiceForProfile(content::BrowserContext* profile,
+ bool create);
// Maps |profile| to |service| with debug checks to prevent duplication.
- void Associate(Profile* profile, ProfileKeyedService* service);
+ void Associate(content::BrowserContext* profile,
+ ProfileKeyedService* service);
// All subclasses of ProfileKeyedServiceFactory must return a
// ProfileKeyedService instead of just a ProfileKeyedBase.
virtual ProfileKeyedService* BuildServiceInstanceFor(
- Profile* profile) const = 0;
+ content::BrowserContext* profile) const = 0;
// A helper object actually listens for notifications about Profile
// destruction, calculates the order in which things are destroyed and then
@@ -84,24 +88,27 @@ class ProfileKeyedServiceFactory : public ProfileKeyedBaseFactory {
// Secondly, ProfileDestroyed() is called on every ServiceFactory and the
// default implementation removes it from |mapping_| and deletes the pointer.
- virtual void ProfileShutdown(Profile* profile) OVERRIDE;
- virtual void ProfileDestroyed(Profile* profile) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void ProfileShutdown(content::BrowserContext* profile) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void ProfileDestroyed(content::BrowserContext* profile) OVERRIDE;
- virtual void SetEmptyTestingFactory(Profile* profile) OVERRIDE;
- virtual void CreateServiceNow(Profile* profile) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void SetEmptyTestingFactory(
+ content::BrowserContext* profile) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void CreateServiceNow(content::BrowserContext* profile) OVERRIDE;
friend class ProfileDependencyManager;
friend class ProfileDependencyManagerUnittests;
- typedef std::map<Profile*, ProfileKeyedService*> ProfileKeyedServices;
- typedef std::map<Profile*, FactoryFunction> ProfileOverriddenFunctions;
+ typedef std::map<content::BrowserContext*, ProfileKeyedService*>
+ ProfileKeyedServices;
+ typedef std::map<content::BrowserContext*, FactoryFunction>
+ ProfileOverriddenFunctions;
// The mapping between a Profile and its service.
- std::map<Profile*, ProfileKeyedService*> mapping_;
+ std::map<content::BrowserContext*, ProfileKeyedService*> mapping_;
// The mapping between a Profile and its overridden FactoryFunction.
- std::map<Profile*, FactoryFunction> factories_;
+ std::map<content::BrowserContext*, FactoryFunction> factories_;
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