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Unified Diff: bootstrap/virtualenv/

Issue 1407953011: Re-land: Removed virtualenv from depot_tools (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Re-added files that were present before virtualenv Created 5 years, 1 month ago
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Index: bootstrap/virtualenv/
diff --git a/bootstrap/virtualenv/ b/bootstrap/virtualenv/
deleted file mode 100755
index 380a6013d42cd761107e28f289a9fab433704bc4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bootstrap/virtualenv/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2367 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-"""Create a "virtual" Python installation
-__version__ = "12.0"
-virtualenv_version = __version__ # legacy
-# NB: avoid placing additional imports here, before sys.path is fixed!
-import sys
-import os
-# This script is both it's own "host" and "guest". If it's running in "guest
-# mode" (inside the virtualenv interpreter), it's essentially invoked via:
-# /path/to/python /path/to/this/
-# Which, by the nature of Python, will put `/path/to/this` on the system path
-# as the first argument. Now this can cause many subtle bugs, because the
-# rest of the script is now looking to import from the "host" Python version
-# first. This has been especially troublesome when trying to create a Python
-# 3 "guest" env using a Python 2 "host", but even with minor Python
-# differences, there may been some bleeding between environments that doesn't
-# stand out as obviously.
-# This removes the first argument off the system path, to avoid any accidental
-# usage of the "host" library directories.
- del sys.path[0]
-import base64
-import codecs
-import optparse
-import re
-import shutil
-import logging
-import tempfile
-import zlib
-import errno
-import glob
-import distutils.sysconfig
-from distutils.util import strtobool
-import struct
-import subprocess
-import tarfile
-if sys.version_info < (2, 6):
- print('ERROR: %s' % sys.exc_info()[1])
- print('ERROR: this script requires Python 2.6 or greater.')
- sys.exit(101)
- basestring
-except NameError:
- basestring = str
- import ConfigParser
-except ImportError:
- import configparser as ConfigParser
-join = os.path.join
-py_version = 'python%s.%s' % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])
-is_jython = sys.platform.startswith('java')
-is_pypy = hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info')
-is_win = (sys.platform == 'win32')
-is_cygwin = (sys.platform == 'cygwin')
-is_darwin = (sys.platform == 'darwin')
-abiflags = getattr(sys, 'abiflags', '')
-user_dir = os.path.expanduser('~')
-if is_win:
- default_storage_dir = os.path.join(user_dir, 'virtualenv')
- default_storage_dir = os.path.join(user_dir, '.virtualenv')
-default_config_file = os.path.join(default_storage_dir, 'virtualenv.ini')
-if is_pypy:
- expected_exe = 'pypy'
-elif is_jython:
- expected_exe = 'jython'
- expected_exe = 'python'
-# Return a mapping of version -> Python executable
-# Only provided for Windows, where the information in the registry is used
-if not is_win:
- def get_installed_pythons():
- return {}
- try:
- import winreg
- except ImportError:
- import _winreg as winreg
- def get_installed_pythons():
- try:
- python_core = winreg.CreateKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
- "Software\\Python\\PythonCore")
- except WindowsError:
- # No registered Python installations
- return {}
- i = 0
- versions = []
- while True:
- try:
- versions.append(winreg.EnumKey(python_core, i))
- i = i + 1
- except WindowsError:
- break
- exes = dict()
- for ver in versions:
- try:
- path = winreg.QueryValue(python_core, "%s\\InstallPath" % ver)
- except WindowsError:
- continue
- exes[ver] = join(path, "python.exe")
- winreg.CloseKey(python_core)
- # Add the major versions
- # Sort the keys, then repeatedly update the major version entry
- # Last executable (i.e., highest version) wins with this approach
- for ver in sorted(exes):
- exes[ver[0]] = exes[ver]
- return exes
-REQUIRED_MODULES = ['os', 'posix', 'posixpath', 'nt', 'ntpath', 'genericpath',
- 'fnmatch', 'locale', 'encodings', 'codecs',
- 'stat', 'UserDict', 'readline', 'copy_reg', 'types',
- 're', 'sre', 'sre_parse', 'sre_constants', 'sre_compile',
- 'zlib']
-REQUIRED_FILES = ['lib-dynload', 'config']
-majver, minver = sys.version_info[:2]
-if majver == 2:
- if minver >= 6:
- REQUIRED_MODULES.extend(['warnings', 'linecache', '_abcoll', 'abc'])
- if minver >= 7:
- REQUIRED_MODULES.extend(['_weakrefset'])
-elif majver == 3:
- # Some extra modules are needed for Python 3, but different ones
- # for different versions.
- REQUIRED_MODULES.extend(['_abcoll', 'warnings', 'linecache', 'abc', 'io',
- '_weakrefset', 'copyreg', 'tempfile', 'random',
- '__future__', 'collections', 'keyword', 'tarfile',
- 'shutil', 'struct', 'copy', 'tokenize', 'token',
- 'functools', 'heapq', 'bisect', 'weakref',
- 'reprlib'])
- if minver >= 2:
- REQUIRED_FILES[-1] = 'config-%s' % majver
- if minver >= 3:
- import sysconfig
- platdir = sysconfig.get_config_var('PLATDIR')
- REQUIRED_FILES.append(platdir)
- # The whole list of 3.3 modules is reproduced below - the current
- # uncommented ones are required for 3.3 as of now, but more may be
- # added as 3.3 development continues.
- #"aifc",
- #"antigravity",
- #"argparse",
- #"ast",
- #"asynchat",
- #"asyncore",
- "base64",
- #"bdb",
- #"binhex",
- #"bisect",
- #"calendar",
- #"cgi",
- #"cgitb",
- #"chunk",
- #"cmd",
- #"codeop",
- #"code",
- #"colorsys",
- #"_compat_pickle",
- #"compileall",
- #"concurrent",
- #"configparser",
- #"contextlib",
- #"cProfile",
- #"crypt",
- #"csv",
- #"ctypes",
- #"curses",
- #"datetime",
- #"dbm",
- #"decimal",
- #"difflib",
- #"dis",
- #"doctest",
- #"dummy_threading",
- "_dummy_thread",
- #"email",
- #"filecmp",
- #"fileinput",
- #"formatter",
- #"fractions",
- #"ftplib",
- #"functools",
- #"getopt",
- #"getpass",
- #"gettext",
- #"glob",
- #"gzip",
- "hashlib",
- #"heapq",
- "hmac",
- #"html",
- #"http",
- #"idlelib",
- #"imaplib",
- #"imghdr",
- "imp",
- "importlib",
- #"inspect",
- #"json",
- #"lib2to3",
- #"logging",
- #"macpath",
- #"macurl2path",
- #"mailbox",
- #"mailcap",
- #"_markupbase",
- #"mimetypes",
- #"modulefinder",
- #"multiprocessing",
- #"netrc",
- #"nntplib",
- #"nturl2path",
- #"numbers",
- #"opcode",
- #"optparse",
- #"os2emxpath",
- #"pdb",
- #"pickle",
- #"pickletools",
- #"pipes",
- #"pkgutil",
- #"platform",
- #"plat-linux2",
- #"plistlib",
- #"poplib",
- #"pprint",
- #"profile",
- #"pstats",
- #"pty",
- #"pyclbr",
- #"py_compile",
- #"pydoc_data",
- #"pydoc",
- #"_pyio",
- #"queue",
- #"quopri",
- #"reprlib",
- "rlcompleter",
- #"runpy",
- #"sched",
- #"shelve",
- #"shlex",
- #"smtpd",
- #"smtplib",
- #"sndhdr",
- #"socket",
- #"socketserver",
- #"sqlite3",
- #"ssl",
- #"stringprep",
- #"string",
- #"_strptime",
- #"subprocess",
- #"sunau",
- #"symbol",
- #"symtable",
- #"sysconfig",
- #"tabnanny",
- #"telnetlib",
- #"test",
- #"textwrap",
- #"this",
- #"_threading_local",
- #"threading",
- #"timeit",
- #"tkinter",
- #"tokenize",
- #"token",
- #"traceback",
- #"trace",
- #"tty",
- #"turtledemo",
- #"turtle",
- #"unittest",
- #"urllib",
- #"uuid",
- #"uu",
- #"wave",
- #"weakref",
- #"webbrowser",
- #"wsgiref",
- #"xdrlib",
- #"xml",
- #"xmlrpc",
- #"zipfile",
- ])
- if minver >= 4:
- 'operator',
- '_collections_abc',
- '_bootlocale',
- ])
-if is_pypy:
- # these are needed to correctly display the exceptions that may happen
- # during the bootstrap
- REQUIRED_MODULES.extend(['traceback', 'linecache'])
-class Logger(object):
- """
- Logging object for use in command-line script. Allows ranges of
- levels, to avoid some redundancy of displayed information.
- """
- DEBUG = logging.DEBUG
- INFO = logging.INFO
- NOTIFY = (logging.INFO+logging.WARN)/2
- WARN = WARNING = logging.WARN
- ERROR = logging.ERROR
- FATAL = logging.FATAL
- def __init__(self, consumers):
- self.consumers = consumers
- self.indent = 0
- self.in_progress = None
- self.in_progress_hanging = False
- def debug(self, msg, *args, **kw):
- self.log(self.DEBUG, msg, *args, **kw)
- def info(self, msg, *args, **kw):
- self.log(self.INFO, msg, *args, **kw)
- def notify(self, msg, *args, **kw):
- self.log(self.NOTIFY, msg, *args, **kw)
- def warn(self, msg, *args, **kw):
- self.log(self.WARN, msg, *args, **kw)
- def error(self, msg, *args, **kw):
- self.log(self.ERROR, msg, *args, **kw)
- def fatal(self, msg, *args, **kw):
- self.log(self.FATAL, msg, *args, **kw)
- def log(self, level, msg, *args, **kw):
- if args:
- if kw:
- raise TypeError(
- "You may give positional or keyword arguments, not both")
- args = args or kw
- rendered = None
- for consumer_level, consumer in self.consumers:
- if self.level_matches(level, consumer_level):
- if (self.in_progress_hanging
- and consumer in (sys.stdout, sys.stderr)):
- self.in_progress_hanging = False
- sys.stdout.write('\n')
- sys.stdout.flush()
- if rendered is None:
- if args:
- rendered = msg % args
- else:
- rendered = msg
- rendered = ' '*self.indent + rendered
- if hasattr(consumer, 'write'):
- consumer.write(rendered+'\n')
- else:
- consumer(rendered)
- def start_progress(self, msg):
- assert not self.in_progress, (
- "Tried to start_progress(%r) while in_progress %r"
- % (msg, self.in_progress))
- if self.level_matches(self.NOTIFY, self._stdout_level()):
- sys.stdout.write(msg)
- sys.stdout.flush()
- self.in_progress_hanging = True
- else:
- self.in_progress_hanging = False
- self.in_progress = msg
- def end_progress(self, msg='done.'):
- assert self.in_progress, (
- "Tried to end_progress without start_progress")
- if self.stdout_level_matches(self.NOTIFY):
- if not self.in_progress_hanging:
- # Some message has been printed out since start_progress
- sys.stdout.write('...' + self.in_progress + msg + '\n')
- sys.stdout.flush()
- else:
- sys.stdout.write(msg + '\n')
- sys.stdout.flush()
- self.in_progress = None
- self.in_progress_hanging = False
- def show_progress(self):
- """If we are in a progress scope, and no log messages have been
- shown, write out another '.'"""
- if self.in_progress_hanging:
- sys.stdout.write('.')
- sys.stdout.flush()
- def stdout_level_matches(self, level):
- """Returns true if a message at this level will go to stdout"""
- return self.level_matches(level, self._stdout_level())
- def _stdout_level(self):
- """Returns the level that stdout runs at"""
- for level, consumer in self.consumers:
- if consumer is sys.stdout:
- return level
- return self.FATAL
- def level_matches(self, level, consumer_level):
- """
- >>> l = Logger([])
- >>> l.level_matches(3, 4)
- False
- >>> l.level_matches(3, 2)
- True
- >>> l.level_matches(slice(None, 3), 3)
- False
- >>> l.level_matches(slice(None, 3), 2)
- True
- >>> l.level_matches(slice(1, 3), 1)
- True
- >>> l.level_matches(slice(2, 3), 1)
- False
- """
- if isinstance(level, slice):
- start, stop = level.start, level.stop
- if start is not None and start > consumer_level:
- return False
- if stop is not None and stop <= consumer_level:
- return False
- return True
- else:
- return level >= consumer_level
- #@classmethod
- def level_for_integer(cls, level):
- levels = cls.LEVELS
- if level < 0:
- return levels[0]
- if level >= len(levels):
- return levels[-1]
- return levels[level]
- level_for_integer = classmethod(level_for_integer)
-# create a silent logger just to prevent this from being undefined
-# will be overridden with requested verbosity main() is called.
-logger = Logger([(Logger.LEVELS[-1], sys.stdout)])
-def mkdir(path):
- if not os.path.exists(path):
-'Creating %s', path)
- os.makedirs(path)
- else:
-'Directory %s already exists', path)
-def copyfileordir(src, dest, symlink=True):
- if os.path.isdir(src):
- shutil.copytree(src, dest, symlink)
- else:
- shutil.copy2(src, dest)
-def copyfile(src, dest, symlink=True):
- if not os.path.exists(src):
- # Some bad symlink in the src
- logger.warn('Cannot find file %s (bad symlink)', src)
- return
- if os.path.exists(dest):
- logger.debug('File %s already exists', dest)
- return
- if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dest)):
-'Creating parent directories for %s', os.path.dirname(dest))
- os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest))
- if not os.path.islink(src):
- srcpath = os.path.abspath(src)
- else:
- srcpath = os.readlink(src)
- if symlink and hasattr(os, 'symlink') and not is_win:
-'Symlinking %s', dest)
- try:
- os.symlink(srcpath, dest)
- except (OSError, NotImplementedError):
-'Symlinking failed, copying to %s', dest)
- copyfileordir(src, dest, symlink)
- else:
-'Copying to %s', dest)
- copyfileordir(src, dest, symlink)
-def writefile(dest, content, overwrite=True):
- if not os.path.exists(dest):
-'Writing %s', dest)
- f = open(dest, 'wb')
- f.write(content.encode('utf-8'))
- f.close()
- return
- else:
- f = open(dest, 'rb')
- c =
- f.close()
- if c != content.encode("utf-8"):
- if not overwrite:
- logger.notify('File %s exists with different content; not overwriting', dest)
- return
- logger.notify('Overwriting %s with new content', dest)
- f = open(dest, 'wb')
- f.write(content.encode('utf-8'))
- f.close()
- else:
-'Content %s already in place', dest)
-def rmtree(dir):
- if os.path.exists(dir):
- logger.notify('Deleting tree %s', dir)
- shutil.rmtree(dir)
- else:
-'Do not need to delete %s; already gone', dir)
-def make_exe(fn):
- if hasattr(os, 'chmod'):
- oldmode = os.stat(fn).st_mode & 0xFFF # 0o7777
- newmode = (oldmode | 0x16D) & 0xFFF # 0o555, 0o7777
- os.chmod(fn, newmode)
-'Changed mode of %s to %s', fn, oct(newmode))
-def _find_file(filename, dirs):
- for dir in reversed(dirs):
- files = glob.glob(os.path.join(dir, filename))
- if files and os.path.isfile(files[0]):
- return True, files[0]
- return False, filename
-def file_search_dirs():
- here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
- dirs = ['.', here,
- join(here, 'virtualenv_support')]
- if os.path.splitext(os.path.dirname(__file__))[0] != 'virtualenv':
- # Probably some boot script; just in case virtualenv is installed...
- try:
- import virtualenv
- except ImportError:
- pass
- else:
- dirs.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(virtualenv.__file__), 'virtualenv_support'))
- return [d for d in dirs if os.path.isdir(d)]
-class UpdatingDefaultsHelpFormatter(optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter):
- """
- Custom help formatter for use in ConfigOptionParser that updates
- the defaults before expanding them, allowing them to show up correctly
- in the help listing
- """
- def expand_default(self, option):
- if self.parser is not None:
- self.parser.update_defaults(self.parser.defaults)
- return optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter.expand_default(self, option)
-class ConfigOptionParser(optparse.OptionParser):
- """
- Custom option parser which updates its defaults by checking the
- configuration files and environmental variables
- """
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
- self.files = self.get_config_files()
- optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- def get_config_files(self):
- config_file = os.environ.get('VIRTUALENV_CONFIG_FILE', False)
- if config_file and os.path.exists(config_file):
- return [config_file]
- return [default_config_file]
- def update_defaults(self, defaults):
- """
- Updates the given defaults with values from the config files and
- the environ. Does a little special handling for certain types of
- options (lists).
- """
- # Then go and look for the other sources of configuration:
- config = {}
- # 1. config files
- config.update(dict(self.get_config_section('virtualenv')))
- # 2. environmental variables
- config.update(dict(self.get_environ_vars()))
- # Then set the options with those values
- for key, val in config.items():
- key = key.replace('_', '-')
- if not key.startswith('--'):
- key = '--%s' % key # only prefer long opts
- option = self.get_option(key)
- if option is not None:
- # ignore empty values
- if not val:
- continue
- # handle multiline configs
- if option.action == 'append':
- val = val.split()
- else:
- option.nargs = 1
- if option.action == 'store_false':
- val = not strtobool(val)
- elif option.action in ('store_true', 'count'):
- val = strtobool(val)
- try:
- val = option.convert_value(key, val)
- except optparse.OptionValueError:
- e = sys.exc_info()[1]
- print("An error occurred during configuration: %s" % e)
- sys.exit(3)
- defaults[option.dest] = val
- return defaults
- def get_config_section(self, name):
- """
- Get a section of a configuration
- """
- if self.config.has_section(name):
- return self.config.items(name)
- return []
- def get_environ_vars(self, prefix='VIRTUALENV_'):
- """
- Returns a generator with all environmental vars with prefix VIRTUALENV
- """
- for key, val in os.environ.items():
- if key.startswith(prefix):
- yield (key.replace(prefix, '').lower(), val)
- def get_default_values(self):
- """
- Overridding to make updating the defaults after instantiation of
- the option parser possible, update_defaults() does the dirty work.
- """
- if not self.process_default_values:
- # Old, pre-Optik 1.5 behaviour.
- return optparse.Values(self.defaults)
- defaults = self.update_defaults(self.defaults.copy()) # ours
- for option in self._get_all_options():
- default = defaults.get(option.dest)
- if isinstance(default, basestring):
- opt_str = option.get_opt_string()
- defaults[option.dest] = option.check_value(opt_str, default)
- return optparse.Values(defaults)
-def main():
- parser = ConfigOptionParser(
- version=virtualenv_version,
- usage="%prog [OPTIONS] DEST_DIR",
- formatter=UpdatingDefaultsHelpFormatter())
- parser.add_option(
- '-v', '--verbose',
- action='count',
- dest='verbose',
- default=0,
- help="Increase verbosity.")
- parser.add_option(
- '-q', '--quiet',
- action='count',
- dest='quiet',
- default=0,
- help='Decrease verbosity.')
- parser.add_option(
- '-p', '--python',
- dest='python',
- metavar='PYTHON_EXE',
- help='The Python interpreter to use, e.g., --python=python2.5 will use the python2.5 '
- 'interpreter to create the new environment. The default is the interpreter that '
- 'virtualenv was installed with (%s)' % sys.executable)
- parser.add_option(
- '--clear',
- dest='clear',
- action='store_true',
- help="Clear out the non-root install and start from scratch.")
- parser.set_defaults(system_site_packages=False)
- parser.add_option(
- '--no-site-packages',
- dest='system_site_packages',
- action='store_false',
- help="DEPRECATED. Retained only for backward compatibility. "
- "Not having access to global site-packages is now the default behavior.")
- parser.add_option(
- '--system-site-packages',
- dest='system_site_packages',
- action='store_true',
- help="Give the virtual environment access to the global site-packages.")
- parser.add_option(
- '--always-copy',
- dest='symlink',
- action='store_false',
- default=True,
- help="Always copy files rather than symlinking.")
- parser.add_option(
- '--unzip-setuptools',
- dest='unzip_setuptools',
- action='store_true',
- help="Unzip Setuptools when installing it.")
- parser.add_option(
- '--relocatable',
- dest='relocatable',
- action='store_true',
- help='Make an EXISTING virtualenv environment relocatable. '
- 'This fixes up scripts and makes all .pth files relative.')
- parser.add_option(
- '--no-setuptools',
- dest='no_setuptools',
- action='store_true',
- help='Do not install setuptools (or pip) in the new virtualenv.')
- parser.add_option(
- '--no-pip',
- dest='no_pip',
- action='store_true',
- help='Do not install pip in the new virtualenv.')
- default_search_dirs = file_search_dirs()
- parser.add_option(
- '--extra-search-dir',
- dest="search_dirs",
- action="append",
- metavar='DIR',
- default=default_search_dirs,
- help="Directory to look for setuptools/pip distributions in. "
- "This option can be used multiple times.")
- parser.add_option(
- '--never-download',
- dest="never_download",
- action="store_true",
- default=True,
- help="DEPRECATED. Retained only for backward compatibility. This option has no effect. "
- "Virtualenv never downloads pip or setuptools.")
- parser.add_option(
- '--prompt',
- dest='prompt',
- help='Provides an alternative prompt prefix for this environment.')
- parser.add_option(
- '--setuptools',
- dest='setuptools',
- action='store_true',
- help="DEPRECATED. Retained only for backward compatibility. This option has no effect.")
- parser.add_option(
- '--distribute',
- dest='distribute',
- action='store_true',
- help="DEPRECATED. Retained only for backward compatibility. This option has no effect.")
- if 'extend_parser' in globals():
- extend_parser(parser)
- options, args = parser.parse_args()
- global logger
- if 'adjust_options' in globals():
- adjust_options(options, args)
- verbosity = options.verbose - options.quiet
- logger = Logger([(Logger.level_for_integer(2 - verbosity), sys.stdout)])
- if options.python and not os.environ.get('VIRTUALENV_INTERPRETER_RUNNING'):
- env = os.environ.copy()
- interpreter = resolve_interpreter(options.python)
- if interpreter == sys.executable:
- logger.warn('Already using interpreter %s' % interpreter)
- else:
- logger.notify('Running virtualenv with interpreter %s' % interpreter)
- file = __file__
- if file.endswith('.pyc'):
- file = file[:-1]
- popen = subprocess.Popen([interpreter, file] + sys.argv[1:], env=env)
- raise SystemExit(popen.wait())
- if not args:
- print('You must provide a DEST_DIR')
- parser.print_help()
- sys.exit(2)
- if len(args) > 1:
- print('There must be only one argument: DEST_DIR (you gave %s)' % (
- ' '.join(args)))
- parser.print_help()
- sys.exit(2)
- home_dir = args[0]
- if os.environ.get('WORKING_ENV'):
- logger.fatal('ERROR: you cannot run virtualenv while in a workingenv')
- logger.fatal('Please deactivate your workingenv, then re-run this script')
- sys.exit(3)
- if 'PYTHONHOME' in os.environ:
- logger.warn('PYTHONHOME is set. You *must* activate the virtualenv before using it')
- del os.environ['PYTHONHOME']
- if options.relocatable:
- make_environment_relocatable(home_dir)
- return
- if not options.never_download:
- logger.warn('The --never-download option is for backward compatibility only.')
- logger.warn('Setting it to false is no longer supported, and will be ignored.')
- create_environment(home_dir,
- site_packages=options.system_site_packages,
- clear=options.clear,
- unzip_setuptools=options.unzip_setuptools,
- prompt=options.prompt,
- search_dirs=options.search_dirs,
- never_download=True,
- no_setuptools=options.no_setuptools,
- no_pip=options.no_pip,
- symlink=options.symlink)
- if 'after_install' in globals():
- after_install(options, home_dir)
-def call_subprocess(cmd, show_stdout=True,
- filter_stdout=None, cwd=None,
- raise_on_returncode=True, extra_env=None,
- remove_from_env=None):
- cmd_parts = []
- for part in cmd:
- if len(part) > 45:
- part = part[:20]+"..."+part[-20:]
- if ' ' in part or '\n' in part or '"' in part or "'" in part:
- part = '"%s"' % part.replace('"', '\\"')
- if hasattr(part, 'decode'):
- try:
- part = part.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding())
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- part = part.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
- cmd_parts.append(part)
- cmd_desc = ' '.join(cmd_parts)
- if show_stdout:
- stdout = None
- else:
- stdout = subprocess.PIPE
- logger.debug("Running command %s" % cmd_desc)
- if extra_env or remove_from_env:
- env = os.environ.copy()
- if extra_env:
- env.update(extra_env)
- if remove_from_env:
- for varname in remove_from_env:
- env.pop(varname, None)
- else:
- env = None
- try:
- proc = subprocess.Popen(
- cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=None, stdout=stdout,
- cwd=cwd, env=env)
- except Exception:
- e = sys.exc_info()[1]
- logger.fatal(
- "Error %s while executing command %s" % (e, cmd_desc))
- raise
- all_output = []
- if stdout is not None:
- stdout = proc.stdout
- encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
- fs_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
- while 1:
- line = stdout.readline()
- try:
- line = line.decode(encoding)
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- line = line.decode(fs_encoding)
- if not line:
- break
- line = line.rstrip()
- all_output.append(line)
- if filter_stdout:
- level = filter_stdout(line)
- if isinstance(level, tuple):
- level, line = level
- logger.log(level, line)
- if not logger.stdout_level_matches(level):
- logger.show_progress()
- else:
- else:
- proc.communicate()
- proc.wait()
- if proc.returncode:
- if raise_on_returncode:
- if all_output:
- logger.notify('Complete output from command %s:' % cmd_desc)
- logger.notify('\n'.join(all_output) + '\n----------------------------------------')
- raise OSError(
- "Command %s failed with error code %s"
- % (cmd_desc, proc.returncode))
- else:
- logger.warn(
- "Command %s had error code %s"
- % (cmd_desc, proc.returncode))
-def filter_install_output(line):
- if line.strip().startswith('running'):
- return Logger.INFO
- return Logger.DEBUG
-def find_wheels(projects, search_dirs):
- """Find wheels from which we can import PROJECTS.
- Scan through SEARCH_DIRS for a wheel for each PROJECT in turn. Return
- a list of the first wheel found for each PROJECT
- """
- wheels = []
- # Look through SEARCH_DIRS for the first suitable wheel. Don't bother
- # about version checking here, as this is simply to get something we can
- # then use to install the correct version.
- for project in projects:
- for dirname in search_dirs:
- # This relies on only having "universal" wheels available.
- # The pattern could be tightened to require -py2.py3-none-any.whl.
- files = glob.glob(os.path.join(dirname, project + '-*.whl'))
- if files:
- wheels.append(os.path.abspath(files[0]))
- break
- else:
- # We're out of luck, so quit with a suitable error
- logger.fatal('Cannot find a wheel for %s' % (project,))
- return wheels
-def install_wheel(project_names, py_executable, search_dirs=None):
- if search_dirs is None:
- search_dirs = file_search_dirs()
- wheels = find_wheels(['setuptools', 'pip'], search_dirs)
- pythonpath = os.pathsep.join(wheels)
- findlinks = ' '.join(search_dirs)
- cmd = [
- py_executable, '-c',
- 'import sys, pip; sys.exit(pip.main(["install", "--ignore-installed"] + sys.argv[1:]))',
- ] + project_names
- logger.start_progress('Installing %s...' % (', '.join(project_names)))
- logger.indent += 2
- try:
- call_subprocess(cmd, show_stdout=False,
- extra_env = {
- 'PYTHONPATH': pythonpath,
- 'PIP_FIND_LINKS': findlinks,
- 'PIP_USE_WHEEL': '1',
- 'PIP_PRE': '1',
- 'PIP_NO_INDEX': '1'
- }
- )
- finally:
- logger.indent -= 2
- logger.end_progress()
-def create_environment(home_dir, site_packages=False, clear=False,
- unzip_setuptools=False,
- prompt=None, search_dirs=None, never_download=False,
- no_setuptools=False, no_pip=False, symlink=True):
- """
- Creates a new environment in ``home_dir``.
- If ``site_packages`` is true, then the global ``site-packages/``
- directory will be on the path.
- If ``clear`` is true (default False) then the environment will
- first be cleared.
- """
- home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir = path_locations(home_dir)
- py_executable = os.path.abspath(install_python(
- home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir,
- site_packages=site_packages, clear=clear, symlink=symlink))
- install_distutils(home_dir)
- if not no_setuptools:
- to_install = ['setuptools']
- if not no_pip:
- to_install.append('pip')
- install_wheel(to_install, py_executable, search_dirs)
- install_activate(home_dir, bin_dir, prompt)
-def is_executable_file(fpath):
- return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)
-def path_locations(home_dir):
- """Return the path locations for the environment (where libraries are,
- where scripts go, etc)"""
- # XXX: We'd use distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc/lib but its
- # prefix arg is broken:
- if is_win:
- # Windows has lots of problems with executables with spaces in
- # the name; this function will remove them (using the ~1
- # format):
- mkdir(home_dir)
- if ' ' in home_dir:
- import ctypes
- GetShortPathName = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetShortPathNameW
- size = max(len(home_dir)+1, 256)
- buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(size)
- try:
- u = unicode
- except NameError:
- u = str
- ret = GetShortPathName(u(home_dir), buf, size)
- if not ret:
- print('Error: the path "%s" has a space in it' % home_dir)
- print('We could not determine the short pathname for it.')
- print('Exiting.')
- sys.exit(3)
- home_dir = str(buf.value)
- lib_dir = join(home_dir, 'Lib')
- inc_dir = join(home_dir, 'Include')
- bin_dir = join(home_dir, 'Scripts')
- if is_jython:
- lib_dir = join(home_dir, 'Lib')
- inc_dir = join(home_dir, 'Include')
- bin_dir = join(home_dir, 'bin')
- elif is_pypy:
- lib_dir = home_dir
- inc_dir = join(home_dir, 'include')
- bin_dir = join(home_dir, 'bin')
- elif not is_win:
- lib_dir = join(home_dir, 'lib', py_version)
- multiarch_exec = '/usr/bin/multiarch-platform'
- if is_executable_file(multiarch_exec):
- # In Mageia (2) and Mandriva distros the include dir must be like:
- # virtualenv/include/multiarch-x86_64-linux/python2.7
- # instead of being virtualenv/include/python2.7
- p = subprocess.Popen(multiarch_exec, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
- # stdout.strip is needed to remove newline character
- inc_dir = join(home_dir, 'include', stdout.strip(), py_version + abiflags)
- else:
- inc_dir = join(home_dir, 'include', py_version + abiflags)
- bin_dir = join(home_dir, 'bin')
- return home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir
-def change_prefix(filename, dst_prefix):
- prefixes = [sys.prefix]
- if is_darwin:
- prefixes.extend((
- os.path.join("/Library/Python", sys.version[:3], "site-packages"),
- os.path.join(sys.prefix, "Extras", "lib", "python"),
- os.path.join("~", "Library", "Python", sys.version[:3], "site-packages"),
- # Python 2.6 no-frameworks
- os.path.join("~", ".local", "lib","python", sys.version[:3], "site-packages"),
- # System Python 2.7 on OSX Mountain Lion
- os.path.join("~", "Library", "Python", sys.version[:3], "lib", "python", "site-packages")))
- if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'):
- prefixes.append(sys.real_prefix)
- if hasattr(sys, 'base_prefix'):
- prefixes.append(sys.base_prefix)
- prefixes = list(map(os.path.expanduser, prefixes))
- prefixes = list(map(os.path.abspath, prefixes))
- # Check longer prefixes first so we don't split in the middle of a filename
- prefixes = sorted(prefixes, key=len, reverse=True)
- filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
- for src_prefix in prefixes:
- if filename.startswith(src_prefix):
- _, relpath = filename.split(src_prefix, 1)
- if src_prefix != os.sep: # sys.prefix == "/"
- assert relpath[0] == os.sep
- relpath = relpath[1:]
- return join(dst_prefix, relpath)
- assert False, "Filename %s does not start with any of these prefixes: %s" % \
- (filename, prefixes)
-def copy_required_modules(dst_prefix, symlink):
- import imp
- for modname in REQUIRED_MODULES:
- if modname in sys.builtin_module_names:
-"Ignoring built-in bootstrap module: %s" % modname)
- continue
- try:
- f, filename, _ = imp.find_module(modname)
- except ImportError:
-"Cannot import bootstrap module: %s" % modname)
- else:
- if f is not None:
- f.close()
- # special-case custom on OS X, but not for pypy:
- if modname == 'readline' and sys.platform == 'darwin' and not (
- is_pypy or filename.endswith(join('lib-dynload', ''))):
- dst_filename = join(dst_prefix, 'lib', 'python%s' % sys.version[:3], '')
- elif modname == 'readline' and sys.platform == 'win32':
- # special-case for Windows, where readline is not a
- # standard module, though it may have been installed in
- # site-packages by a third-party package
- pass
- else:
- dst_filename = change_prefix(filename, dst_prefix)
- copyfile(filename, dst_filename, symlink)
- if filename.endswith('.pyc'):
- pyfile = filename[:-1]
- if os.path.exists(pyfile):
- copyfile(pyfile, dst_filename[:-1], symlink)
-def subst_path(prefix_path, prefix, home_dir):
- prefix_path = os.path.normpath(prefix_path)
- prefix = os.path.normpath(prefix)
- home_dir = os.path.normpath(home_dir)
- if not prefix_path.startswith(prefix):
- logger.warn('Path not in prefix %r %r', prefix_path, prefix)
- return
- return prefix_path.replace(prefix, home_dir, 1)
-def install_python(home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir, site_packages, clear, symlink=True):
- """Install just the base environment, no distutils patches etc"""
- if sys.executable.startswith(bin_dir):
- print('Please use the *system* python to run this script')
- return
- if clear:
- rmtree(lib_dir)
- ## FIXME: why not delete it?
- ## Maybe it should delete everything with #!/path/to/venv/python in it
- logger.notify('Not deleting %s', bin_dir)
- if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'):
- logger.notify('Using real prefix %r' % sys.real_prefix)
- prefix = sys.real_prefix
- elif hasattr(sys, 'base_prefix'):
- logger.notify('Using base prefix %r' % sys.base_prefix)
- prefix = sys.base_prefix
- else:
- prefix = sys.prefix
- mkdir(lib_dir)
- fix_lib64(lib_dir, symlink)
- stdlib_dirs = [os.path.dirname(os.__file__)]
- if is_win:
- stdlib_dirs.append(join(os.path.dirname(stdlib_dirs[0]), 'DLLs'))
- elif is_darwin:
- stdlib_dirs.append(join(stdlib_dirs[0], 'site-packages'))
- if hasattr(os, 'symlink'):
-'Symlinking Python bootstrap modules')
- else:
-'Copying Python bootstrap modules')
- logger.indent += 2
- try:
- # copy required files...
- for stdlib_dir in stdlib_dirs:
- if not os.path.isdir(stdlib_dir):
- continue
- for fn in os.listdir(stdlib_dir):
- bn = os.path.splitext(fn)[0]
- if fn != 'site-packages' and bn in REQUIRED_FILES:
- copyfile(join(stdlib_dir, fn), join(lib_dir, fn), symlink)
- # ...and modules
- copy_required_modules(home_dir, symlink)
- finally:
- logger.indent -= 2
- mkdir(join(lib_dir, 'site-packages'))
- import site
- site_filename = site.__file__
- if site_filename.endswith('.pyc'):
- site_filename = site_filename[:-1]
- elif site_filename.endswith('$py.class'):
- site_filename = site_filename.replace('$py.class', '.py')
- site_filename_dst = change_prefix(site_filename, home_dir)
- site_dir = os.path.dirname(site_filename_dst)
- writefile(site_filename_dst, SITE_PY)
- writefile(join(site_dir, 'orig-prefix.txt'), prefix)
- site_packages_filename = join(site_dir, 'no-global-site-packages.txt')
- if not site_packages:
- writefile(site_packages_filename, '')
- if is_pypy or is_win:
- stdinc_dir = join(prefix, 'include')
- else:
- stdinc_dir = join(prefix, 'include', py_version + abiflags)
- if os.path.exists(stdinc_dir):
- copyfile(stdinc_dir, inc_dir, symlink)
- else:
- logger.debug('No include dir %s' % stdinc_dir)
- platinc_dir = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc(plat_specific=1)
- if platinc_dir != stdinc_dir:
- platinc_dest = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc(
- plat_specific=1, prefix=home_dir)
- if platinc_dir == platinc_dest:
- # Do platinc_dest manually due to a CPython bug;
- # not but a close cousin
- platinc_dest = subst_path(platinc_dir, prefix, home_dir)
- if platinc_dest:
- # PyPy's stdinc_dir and prefix are relative to the original binary
- # (traversing virtualenvs), whereas the platinc_dir is relative to
- # the inner virtualenv and ignores the prefix argument.
- # This seems more evolved than designed.
- copyfile(platinc_dir, platinc_dest, symlink)
- # pypy never uses exec_prefix, just ignore it
- if sys.exec_prefix != prefix and not is_pypy:
- if is_win:
- exec_dir = join(sys.exec_prefix, 'lib')
- elif is_jython:
- exec_dir = join(sys.exec_prefix, 'Lib')
- else:
- exec_dir = join(sys.exec_prefix, 'lib', py_version)
- for fn in os.listdir(exec_dir):
- copyfile(join(exec_dir, fn), join(lib_dir, fn), symlink)
- if is_jython:
- # Jython has either jython-dev.jar and javalib/ dir, or just
- # jython.jar
- for name in 'jython-dev.jar', 'javalib', 'jython.jar':
- src = join(prefix, name)
- if os.path.exists(src):
- copyfile(src, join(home_dir, name), symlink)
- # XXX: registry should always exist after Jython 2.5rc1
- src = join(prefix, 'registry')
- if os.path.exists(src):
- copyfile(src, join(home_dir, 'registry'), symlink=False)
- copyfile(join(prefix, 'cachedir'), join(home_dir, 'cachedir'),
- symlink=False)
- mkdir(bin_dir)
- py_executable = join(bin_dir, os.path.basename(sys.executable))
- if 'Python.framework' in prefix:
- # OS X framework builds cause validation to break
- #
- if os.environ.get('__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__'):
- del os.environ["__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__"]
- if'/Python(?:-32|-64)*$', py_executable):
- # The name of the python executable is not quite what
- # we want, rename it.
- py_executable = os.path.join(
- os.path.dirname(py_executable), 'python')
- logger.notify('New %s executable in %s', expected_exe, py_executable)
- pcbuild_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
- pyd_pth = os.path.join(lib_dir, 'site-packages', 'virtualenv_builddir_pyd.pth')
- if is_win and os.path.exists(os.path.join(pcbuild_dir, 'build.bat')):
- logger.notify('Detected python running from build directory %s', pcbuild_dir)
- logger.notify('Writing .pth file linking to build directory for *.pyd files')
- writefile(pyd_pth, pcbuild_dir)
- else:
- pcbuild_dir = None
- if os.path.exists(pyd_pth):
-'Deleting %s (not Windows env or not build directory python)' % pyd_pth)
- os.unlink(pyd_pth)
- if sys.executable != py_executable:
- ## FIXME: could I just hard link?
- executable = sys.executable
- shutil.copyfile(executable, py_executable)
- make_exe(py_executable)
- if is_win or is_cygwin:
- pythonw = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'pythonw.exe')
- if os.path.exists(pythonw):
-'Also created pythonw.exe')
- shutil.copyfile(pythonw, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), 'pythonw.exe'))
- python_d = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'python_d.exe')
- python_d_dest = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), 'python_d.exe')
- if os.path.exists(python_d):
-'Also created python_d.exe')
- shutil.copyfile(python_d, python_d_dest)
- elif os.path.exists(python_d_dest):
-'Removed python_d.exe as it is no longer at the source')
- os.unlink(python_d_dest)
- # we need to copy the DLL to enforce that windows will load the correct one.
- # may not exist if we are cygwin.
- py_executable_dll = 'python%s%s.dll' % (
- sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])
- py_executable_dll_d = 'python%s%s_d.dll' % (
- sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])
- pythondll = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), py_executable_dll)
- pythondll_d = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), py_executable_dll_d)
- pythondll_d_dest = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), py_executable_dll_d)
- if os.path.exists(pythondll):
-'Also created %s' % py_executable_dll)
- shutil.copyfile(pythondll, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), py_executable_dll))
- if os.path.exists(pythondll_d):
-'Also created %s' % py_executable_dll_d)
- shutil.copyfile(pythondll_d, pythondll_d_dest)
- elif os.path.exists(pythondll_d_dest):
-'Removed %s as the source does not exist' % pythondll_d_dest)
- os.unlink(pythondll_d_dest)
- if is_pypy:
- # make a symlink python --> pypy-c
- python_executable = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), 'python')
- if sys.platform in ('win32', 'cygwin'):
- python_executable += '.exe'
-'Also created executable %s' % python_executable)
- copyfile(py_executable, python_executable, symlink)
- if is_win:
- for name in ['libexpat.dll', 'libpypy.dll', 'libpypy-c.dll',
- 'libeay32.dll', 'ssleay32.dll', 'sqlite3.dll',
- 'tcl85.dll', 'tk85.dll']:
- src = join(prefix, name)
- if os.path.exists(src):
- copyfile(src, join(bin_dir, name), symlink)
- for d in sys.path:
- if d.endswith('lib_pypy'):
- break
- else:
- logger.fatal('Could not find lib_pypy in sys.path')
- raise SystemExit(3)
-'Copying lib_pypy')
- copyfile(d, os.path.join(home_dir, 'lib_pypy'), symlink)
- if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(py_executable))[0] != expected_exe:
- secondary_exe = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable),
- expected_exe)
- py_executable_ext = os.path.splitext(py_executable)[1]
- if py_executable_ext.lower() == '.exe':
- # python2.4 gives an extension of '.4' :P
- secondary_exe += py_executable_ext
- if os.path.exists(secondary_exe):
- logger.warn('Not overwriting existing %s script %s (you must use %s)'
- % (expected_exe, secondary_exe, py_executable))
- else:
- logger.notify('Also creating executable in %s' % secondary_exe)
- shutil.copyfile(sys.executable, secondary_exe)
- make_exe(secondary_exe)
- if '.framework' in prefix:
- if 'Python.framework' in prefix:
- logger.debug('MacOSX Python framework detected')
- # Make sure we use the embedded interpreter inside
- # the framework, even if sys.executable points to
- # the stub executable in ${sys.prefix}/bin
- # See
- # browse_thread/thread/17cab2f85da75951
- original_python = os.path.join(
- prefix, 'Resources/')
- if 'EPD' in prefix:
- logger.debug('EPD framework detected')
- original_python = os.path.join(prefix, 'bin/python')
- shutil.copy(original_python, py_executable)
- # Copy the framework's dylib into the virtual
- # environment
- virtual_lib = os.path.join(home_dir, '.Python')
- if os.path.exists(virtual_lib):
- os.unlink(virtual_lib)
- copyfile(
- os.path.join(prefix, 'Python'),
- virtual_lib,
- symlink)
- # And then change the install_name of the copied python executable
- try:
- mach_o_change(py_executable,
- os.path.join(prefix, 'Python'),
- '@executable_path/../.Python')
- except:
- e = sys.exc_info()[1]
- logger.warn("Could not call mach_o_change: %s. "
- "Trying to call install_name_tool instead." % e)
- try:
- call_subprocess(
- ["install_name_tool", "-change",
- os.path.join(prefix, 'Python'),
- '@executable_path/../.Python',
- py_executable])
- except:
- logger.fatal("Could not call install_name_tool -- you must "
- "have Apple's development tools installed")
- raise
- if not is_win:
- # Ensure that 'python', 'pythonX' and 'pythonX.Y' all exist
- py_exe_version_major = 'python%s' % sys.version_info[0]
- py_exe_version_major_minor = 'python%s.%s' % (
- sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])
- py_exe_no_version = 'python'
- required_symlinks = [ py_exe_no_version, py_exe_version_major,
- py_exe_version_major_minor ]
- py_executable_base = os.path.basename(py_executable)
- if py_executable_base in required_symlinks:
- # Don't try to symlink to yourself.
- required_symlinks.remove(py_executable_base)
- for pth in required_symlinks:
- full_pth = join(bin_dir, pth)
- if os.path.exists(full_pth):
- os.unlink(full_pth)
- if symlink:
- os.symlink(py_executable_base, full_pth)
- else:
- copyfile(py_executable, full_pth, symlink)
- if is_win and ' ' in py_executable:
- # There's a bug with subprocess on Windows when using a first
- # argument that has a space in it. Instead we have to quote
- # the value:
- py_executable = '"%s"' % py_executable
- # NOTE: keep this check as one line, cmd.exe doesn't cope with line breaks
- cmd = [py_executable, '-c', 'import sys;out=sys.stdout;'
- 'getattr(out, "buffer", out).write(sys.prefix.encode("utf-8"))']
-'Testing executable with %s %s "%s"' % tuple(cmd))
- try:
- proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- proc_stdout, proc_stderr = proc.communicate()
- except OSError:
- e = sys.exc_info()[1]
- if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
- logger.fatal('ERROR: The executable %s could not be run: %s' % (py_executable, e))
- sys.exit(100)
- else:
- raise e
- proc_stdout = proc_stdout.strip().decode("utf-8")
- proc_stdout = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(proc_stdout))
- norm_home_dir = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(home_dir))
- if hasattr(norm_home_dir, 'decode'):
- norm_home_dir = norm_home_dir.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
- if proc_stdout != norm_home_dir:
- logger.fatal(
- 'ERROR: The executable %s is not functioning' % py_executable)
- logger.fatal(
- 'ERROR: It thinks sys.prefix is %r (should be %r)'
- % (proc_stdout, norm_home_dir))
- logger.fatal(
- 'ERROR: virtualenv is not compatible with this system or executable')
- if is_win:
- logger.fatal(
- 'Note: some Windows users have reported this error when they '
- 'installed Python for "Only this user" or have multiple '
- 'versions of Python installed. Copying the appropriate '
- 'PythonXX.dll to the virtualenv Scripts/ directory may fix '
- 'this problem.')
- sys.exit(100)
- else:
-'Got sys.prefix result: %r' % proc_stdout)
- pydistutils = os.path.expanduser('~/.pydistutils.cfg')
- if os.path.exists(pydistutils):
- logger.notify('Please make sure you remove any previous custom paths from '
- 'your %s file.' % pydistutils)
- ## FIXME: really this should be calculated earlier
- fix_local_scheme(home_dir, symlink)
- if site_packages:
- if os.path.exists(site_packages_filename):
-'Deleting %s' % site_packages_filename)
- os.unlink(site_packages_filename)
- return py_executable
-def install_activate(home_dir, bin_dir, prompt=None):
- home_dir = os.path.abspath(home_dir)
- if is_win or is_jython and os._name == 'nt':
- files = {
- 'activate.bat': ACTIVATE_BAT,
- 'deactivate.bat': DEACTIVATE_BAT,
- 'activate.ps1': ACTIVATE_PS,
- }
- # MSYS needs paths of the form /c/path/to/file
- drive, tail = os.path.splitdrive(home_dir.replace(os.sep, '/'))
- home_dir_msys = (drive and "/%s%s" or "%s%s") % (drive[:1], tail)
- # Run-time conditional enables (basic) Cygwin compatibility
- home_dir_sh = ("""$(if [ "$OSTYPE" "==" "cygwin" ]; then cygpath -u '%s'; else echo '%s'; fi;)""" %
- (home_dir, home_dir_msys))
- files['activate'] = ACTIVATE_SH.replace('__VIRTUAL_ENV__', home_dir_sh)
- else:
- files = {'activate': ACTIVATE_SH}
- # suppling in addition to, not instead of, the
- # bash script support.
- files[''] = ACTIVATE_FISH
- # same for csh/tcsh support...
- files['activate.csh'] = ACTIVATE_CSH
- files[''] = ACTIVATE_THIS
- if hasattr(home_dir, 'decode'):
- home_dir = home_dir.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
- vname = os.path.basename(home_dir)
- for name, content in files.items():
- content = content.replace('__VIRTUAL_PROMPT__', prompt or '')
- content = content.replace('__VIRTUAL_WINPROMPT__', prompt or '(%s)' % vname)
- content = content.replace('__VIRTUAL_ENV__', home_dir)
- content = content.replace('__VIRTUAL_NAME__', vname)
- content = content.replace('__BIN_NAME__', os.path.basename(bin_dir))
- writefile(os.path.join(bin_dir, name), content)
-def install_distutils(home_dir):
- distutils_path = change_prefix(distutils.__path__[0], home_dir)
- mkdir(distutils_path)
- ## FIXME: maybe this prefix setting should only be put in place if
- ## there's a local distutils.cfg with a prefix setting?
- home_dir = os.path.abspath(home_dir)
- ## FIXME: this is breaking things, removing for now:
- #distutils_cfg = DISTUTILS_CFG + "\n[install]\nprefix=%s\n" % home_dir
- writefile(os.path.join(distutils_path, ''), DISTUTILS_INIT)
- writefile(os.path.join(distutils_path, 'distutils.cfg'), DISTUTILS_CFG, overwrite=False)
-def fix_local_scheme(home_dir, symlink=True):
- """
- Platforms that use the "posix_local" install scheme (like Ubuntu with
- Python 2.7) need to be given an additional "local" location, sigh.
- """
- try:
- import sysconfig
- except ImportError:
- pass
- else:
- if sysconfig._get_default_scheme() == 'posix_local':
- local_path = os.path.join(home_dir, 'local')
- if not os.path.exists(local_path):
- os.mkdir(local_path)
- for subdir_name in os.listdir(home_dir):
- if subdir_name == 'local':
- continue
- copyfile(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home_dir, subdir_name)), \
- os.path.join(local_path, subdir_name), symlink)
-def fix_lib64(lib_dir, symlink=True):
- """
- Some platforms (particularly Gentoo on x64) put things in lib64/pythonX.Y
- instead of lib/pythonX.Y. If this is such a platform we'll just create a
- symlink so lib64 points to lib
- """
- if [p for p in distutils.sysconfig.get_config_vars().values()
- if isinstance(p, basestring) and 'lib64' in p]:
- # PyPy's library path scheme is not affected by this.
- # Return early or we will die on the following assert.
- if is_pypy:
- logger.debug('PyPy detected, skipping lib64 symlinking')
- return
- logger.debug('This system uses lib64; symlinking lib64 to lib')
- assert os.path.basename(lib_dir) == 'python%s' % sys.version[:3], (
- "Unexpected python lib dir: %r" % lib_dir)
- lib_parent = os.path.dirname(lib_dir)
- top_level = os.path.dirname(lib_parent)
- lib_dir = os.path.join(top_level, 'lib')
- lib64_link = os.path.join(top_level, 'lib64')
- assert os.path.basename(lib_parent) == 'lib', (
- "Unexpected parent dir: %r" % lib_parent)
- if os.path.lexists(lib64_link):
- return
- if symlink:
- os.symlink('lib', lib64_link)
- else:
- copyfile('lib', lib64_link)
-def resolve_interpreter(exe):
- """
- If the executable given isn't an absolute path, search $PATH for the interpreter
- """
- # If the "executable" is a version number, get the installed executable for
- # that version
- python_versions = get_installed_pythons()
- if exe in python_versions:
- exe = python_versions[exe]
- if os.path.abspath(exe) != exe:
- paths = os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep)
- for path in paths:
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, exe)):
- exe = os.path.join(path, exe)
- break
- if not os.path.exists(exe):
- logger.fatal('The executable %s (from --python=%s) does not exist' % (exe, exe))
- raise SystemExit(3)
- if not is_executable(exe):
- logger.fatal('The executable %s (from --python=%s) is not executable' % (exe, exe))
- raise SystemExit(3)
- return exe
-def is_executable(exe):
- """Checks a file is executable"""
- return os.access(exe, os.X_OK)
-## Relocating the environment:
-def make_environment_relocatable(home_dir):
- """
- Makes the already-existing environment use relative paths, and takes out
- the #!-based environment selection in scripts.
- """
- home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir = path_locations(home_dir)
- activate_this = os.path.join(bin_dir, '')
- if not os.path.exists(activate_this):
- logger.fatal(
- 'The environment doesn\'t have a file %s -- please re-run virtualenv '
- 'on this environment to update it' % activate_this)
- fixup_scripts(home_dir, bin_dir)
- fixup_pth_and_egg_link(home_dir)
- ## FIXME: need to fix up distutils.cfg
-OK_ABS_SCRIPTS = ['python', 'python%s' % sys.version[:3],
- 'activate', 'activate.bat', '',
- '', 'activate.csh']
-def fixup_scripts(home_dir, bin_dir):
- if is_win:
- new_shebang_args = (
- '%s /c' % os.path.normcase(os.environ.get('COMSPEC', 'cmd.exe')),
- '', '.exe')
- else:
- new_shebang_args = ('/usr/bin/env', sys.version[:3], '')
- # This is what we expect at the top of scripts:
- shebang = '#!%s' % os.path.normcase(os.path.join(
- os.path.abspath(bin_dir), 'python%s' % new_shebang_args[2]))
- # This is what we'll put:
- new_shebang = '#!%s python%s%s' % new_shebang_args
- for filename in os.listdir(bin_dir):
- filename = os.path.join(bin_dir, filename)
- if not os.path.isfile(filename):
- # ignore subdirs, e.g. .svn ones.
- continue
- f = open(filename, 'rb')
- try:
- try:
- lines ='utf-8').splitlines()
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- # This is probably a binary program instead
- # of a script, so just ignore it.
- continue
- finally:
- f.close()
- if not lines:
- logger.warn('Script %s is an empty file' % filename)
- continue
- old_shebang = lines[0].strip()
- old_shebang = old_shebang[0:2] + os.path.normcase(old_shebang[2:])
- if not old_shebang.startswith(shebang):
- if os.path.basename(filename) in OK_ABS_SCRIPTS:
- logger.debug('Cannot make script %s relative' % filename)
- elif lines[0].strip() == new_shebang:
-'Script %s has already been made relative' % filename)
- else:
- logger.warn('Script %s cannot be made relative (it\'s not a normal script that starts with %s)'
- % (filename, shebang))
- continue
- logger.notify('Making script %s relative' % filename)
- script = relative_script([new_shebang] + lines[1:])
- f = open(filename, 'wb')
- f.write('\n'.join(script).encode('utf-8'))
- f.close()
-def relative_script(lines):
- "Return a script that'll work in a relocatable environment."
- activate = "import os; activate_this=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), ''); exec(compile(open(activate_this).read(), activate_this, 'exec'), dict(__file__=activate_this)); del os, activate_this"
- # Find the last future statement in the script. If we insert the activation
- # line before a future statement, Python will raise a SyntaxError.
- activate_at = None
- for idx, line in reversed(list(enumerate(lines))):
- if line.split()[:3] == ['from', '__future__', 'import']:
- activate_at = idx + 1
- break
- if activate_at is None:
- # Activate after the shebang.
- activate_at = 1
- return lines[:activate_at] + ['', activate, ''] + lines[activate_at:]
-def fixup_pth_and_egg_link(home_dir, sys_path=None):
- """Makes .pth and .egg-link files use relative paths"""
- home_dir = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(home_dir))
- if sys_path is None:
- sys_path = sys.path
- for path in sys_path:
- if not path:
- path = '.'
- if not os.path.isdir(path):
- continue
- path = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(path))
- if not path.startswith(home_dir):
- logger.debug('Skipping system (non-environment) directory %s' % path)
- continue
- for filename in os.listdir(path):
- filename = os.path.join(path, filename)
- if filename.endswith('.pth'):
- if not os.access(filename, os.W_OK):
- logger.warn('Cannot write .pth file %s, skipping' % filename)
- else:
- fixup_pth_file(filename)
- if filename.endswith('.egg-link'):
- if not os.access(filename, os.W_OK):
- logger.warn('Cannot write .egg-link file %s, skipping' % filename)
- else:
- fixup_egg_link(filename)
-def fixup_pth_file(filename):
- lines = []
- prev_lines = []
- f = open(filename)
- prev_lines = f.readlines()
- f.close()
- for line in prev_lines:
- line = line.strip()
- if (not line or line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('import ')
- or os.path.abspath(line) != line):
- lines.append(line)
- else:
- new_value = make_relative_path(filename, line)
- if line != new_value:
- logger.debug('Rewriting path %s as %s (in %s)' % (line, new_value, filename))
- lines.append(new_value)
- if lines == prev_lines:
-'No changes to .pth file %s' % filename)
- return
- logger.notify('Making paths in .pth file %s relative' % filename)
- f = open(filename, 'w')
- f.write('\n'.join(lines) + '\n')
- f.close()
-def fixup_egg_link(filename):
- f = open(filename)
- link = f.readline().strip()
- f.close()
- if os.path.abspath(link) != link:
- logger.debug('Link in %s already relative' % filename)
- return
- new_link = make_relative_path(filename, link)
- logger.notify('Rewriting link %s in %s as %s' % (link, filename, new_link))
- f = open(filename, 'w')
- f.write(new_link)
- f.close()
-def make_relative_path(source, dest, dest_is_directory=True):
- """
- Make a filename relative, where the filename is dest, and it is
- being referred to from the filename source.
- >>> make_relative_path('/usr/share/something/a-file.pth',
- ... '/usr/share/another-place/src/Directory')
- '../another-place/src/Directory'
- >>> make_relative_path('/usr/share/something/a-file.pth',
- ... '/home/user/src/Directory')
- '../../../home/user/src/Directory'
- >>> make_relative_path('/usr/share/a-file.pth', '/usr/share/')
- './'
- """
- source = os.path.dirname(source)
- if not dest_is_directory:
- dest_filename = os.path.basename(dest)
- dest = os.path.dirname(dest)
- dest = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(dest))
- source = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(source))
- dest_parts = dest.strip(os.path.sep).split(os.path.sep)
- source_parts = source.strip(os.path.sep).split(os.path.sep)
- while dest_parts and source_parts and dest_parts[0] == source_parts[0]:
- dest_parts.pop(0)
- source_parts.pop(0)
- full_parts = ['..']*len(source_parts) + dest_parts
- if not dest_is_directory:
- full_parts.append(dest_filename)
- if not full_parts:
- # Special case for the current directory (otherwise it'd be '')
- return './'
- return os.path.sep.join(full_parts)
-## Bootstrap script creation:
-def create_bootstrap_script(extra_text, python_version=''):
- """
- Creates a bootstrap script, which is like this script but with
- extend_parser, adjust_options, and after_install hooks.
- This returns a string that (written to disk of course) can be used
- as a bootstrap script with your own customizations. The script
- will be the standard script, with your extra text
- added (your extra text should be Python code).
- If you include these functions, they will be called:
- ``extend_parser(optparse_parser)``:
- You can add or remove options from the parser here.
- ``adjust_options(options, args)``:
- You can change options here, or change the args (if you accept
- different kinds of arguments, be sure you modify ``args`` so it is
- only ``[DEST_DIR]``).
- ``after_install(options, home_dir)``:
- After everything is installed, this function is called. This
- is probably the function you are most likely to use. An
- example would be::
- def after_install(options, home_dir):
-[join(home_dir, 'bin', 'easy_install'),
- 'MyPackage'])
-[join(home_dir, 'bin', 'my-package-script'),
- 'setup', home_dir])
- This example immediately installs a package, and runs a setup
- script from that package.
- If you provide something like ``python_version='2.5'`` then the
- script will start with ``#!/usr/bin/env python2.5`` instead of
- ``#!/usr/bin/env python``. You can use this when the script must
- be run with a particular Python version.
- """
- filename = __file__
- if filename.endswith('.pyc'):
- filename = filename[:-1]
- f =, 'r', encoding='utf-8')
- content =
- f.close()
- py_exe = 'python%s' % python_version
- content = (('#!/usr/bin/env %s\n' % py_exe)
- + '## WARNING: This file is generated\n'
- + content)
- return content.replace('##EXT' 'END##', extra_text)
-def convert(s):
- b = base64.b64decode(s.encode('ascii'))
- return zlib.decompress(b).decode('utf-8')
-SITE_PY = convert("""
-ACTIVATE_SH = convert("""
-ACTIVATE_FISH = convert("""
-##file activate.csh
-ACTIVATE_CSH = convert("""
-##file activate.bat
-ACTIVATE_BAT = convert("""
-##file deactivate.bat
-DEACTIVATE_BAT = convert("""
-##file activate.ps1
-ACTIVATE_PS = convert("""
-DISTUTILS_INIT = convert("""
-##file distutils.cfg
-DISTUTILS_CFG = convert("""
-ACTIVATE_THIS = convert("""
-MH_MAGIC = 0xfeedface
-MH_CIGAM = 0xcefaedfe
-MH_MAGIC_64 = 0xfeedfacf
-MH_CIGAM_64 = 0xcffaedfe
-FAT_MAGIC = 0xcafebabe
-maxint = majver == 3 and getattr(sys, 'maxsize') or getattr(sys, 'maxint')
-class fileview(object):
- """
- A proxy for file-like objects that exposes a given view of a file.
- Modified from macholib.
- """
- def __init__(self, fileobj, start=0, size=maxint):
- if isinstance(fileobj, fileview):
- self._fileobj = fileobj._fileobj
- else:
- self._fileobj = fileobj
- self._start = start
- self._end = start + size
- self._pos = 0
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<fileview [%d, %d] %r>' % (
- self._start, self._end, self._fileobj)
- def tell(self):
- return self._pos
- def _checkwindow(self, seekto, op):
- if not (self._start <= seekto <= self._end):
- raise IOError("%s to offset %d is outside window [%d, %d]" % (
- op, seekto, self._start, self._end))
- def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
- seekto = offset
- if whence == os.SEEK_SET:
- seekto += self._start
- elif whence == os.SEEK_CUR:
- seekto += self._start + self._pos
- elif whence == os.SEEK_END:
- seekto += self._end
- else:
- raise IOError("Invalid whence argument to seek: %r" % (whence,))
- self._checkwindow(seekto, 'seek')
- self._pos = seekto - self._start
- def write(self, bytes):
- here = self._start + self._pos
- self._checkwindow(here, 'write')
- self._checkwindow(here + len(bytes), 'write')
-, os.SEEK_SET)
- self._fileobj.write(bytes)
- self._pos += len(bytes)
- def read(self, size=maxint):
- assert size >= 0
- here = self._start + self._pos
- self._checkwindow(here, 'read')
- size = min(size, self._end - here)
-, os.SEEK_SET)
- bytes =
- self._pos += len(bytes)
- return bytes
-def read_data(file, endian, num=1):
- """
- Read a given number of 32-bits unsigned integers from the given file
- with the given endianness.
- """
- res = struct.unpack(endian + 'L' * num, * 4))
- if len(res) == 1:
- return res[0]
- return res
-def mach_o_change(path, what, value):
- """
- Replace a given name (what) in any LC_LOAD_DYLIB command found in
- the given binary with a new name (value), provided it's shorter.
- """
- def do_macho(file, bits, endian):
- # Read Mach-O header (the magic number is assumed read by the caller)
- cputype, cpusubtype, filetype, ncmds, sizeofcmds, flags = read_data(file, endian, 6)
- # 64-bits header has one more field.
- if bits == 64:
- read_data(file, endian)
- # The header is followed by ncmds commands
- for n in range(ncmds):
- where = file.tell()
- # Read command header
- cmd, cmdsize = read_data(file, endian, 2)
- if cmd == LC_LOAD_DYLIB:
- # The first data field in LC_LOAD_DYLIB commands is the
- # offset of the name, starting from the beginning of the
- # command.
- name_offset = read_data(file, endian)
- + name_offset, os.SEEK_SET)
- # Read the NUL terminated string
- load = - name_offset).decode()
- load = load[:load.index('\0')]
- # If the string is what is being replaced, overwrite it.
- if load == what:
- + name_offset, os.SEEK_SET)
- file.write(value.encode() + '\0'.encode())
- # Seek to the next command
- + cmdsize, os.SEEK_SET)
- def do_file(file, offset=0, size=maxint):
- file = fileview(file, offset, size)
- # Read magic number
- magic = read_data(file, BIG_ENDIAN)
- if magic == FAT_MAGIC:
- # Fat binaries contain nfat_arch Mach-O binaries
- nfat_arch = read_data(file, BIG_ENDIAN)
- for n in range(nfat_arch):
- # Read arch header
- cputype, cpusubtype, offset, size, align = read_data(file, BIG_ENDIAN, 5)
- do_file(file, offset, size)
- elif magic == MH_MAGIC:
- do_macho(file, 32, BIG_ENDIAN)
- elif magic == MH_CIGAM:
- do_macho(file, 32, LITTLE_ENDIAN)
- elif magic == MH_MAGIC_64:
- do_macho(file, 64, BIG_ENDIAN)
- elif magic == MH_CIGAM_64:
- do_macho(file, 64, LITTLE_ENDIAN)
- assert(len(what) >= len(value))
- do_file(open(path, 'r+b'))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
-## TODO:
-## Copy python.exe.manifest
-## Monkeypatch distutils.sysconfig
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