1 # Run these tests with under virtual/spv2 only. | 1 # Run these tests with under virtual/spv2 only. |
2 crbug.com/524134 paint/invalidation/spv2 [ Skip ] | 2 crbug.com/524134 paint/invalidation/spv2 [ Skip ] |
3 crbug.com/524134 virtual/syncpaint/paint/invalidation/spv2 [ Skip ] | 3 crbug.com/524134 virtual/syncpaint/paint/invalidation/spv2 [ Skip ] |
4 | 4 |
5 # TODO(yosin): We should convert following tests to use asynchronous spell check
er. | 5 # TODO(yosin): We should convert following tests to use asynchronous spell check
er. |
6 crbug.com/563265 editing/spelling/context-menu-suggestions.html [ Skip ] | 6 crbug.com/563265 editing/spelling/context-menu-suggestions.html [ Skip ] |
7 crbug.com/563265 editing/spelling/spellcheck-editable-on-focus-multiframe.html [
Skip ] | 7 crbug.com/563265 editing/spelling/spellcheck-editable-on-focus-multiframe.html [
Skip ] |
8 crbug.com/563265 editing/spelling/spellcheck-editable-on-focus-sync.html [ Skip
] | 8 crbug.com/563265 editing/spelling/spellcheck-editable-on-focus-sync.html [ Skip
] |
9 crbug.com/563265 editing/spelling/spelling-unified-emulation.html [ Skip ] | 9 crbug.com/563265 editing/spelling/spelling-unified-emulation.html [ Skip ] |
10 | 10 |
(...skipping 1285 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after Loading... |
1296 | 1296 |
1297 crbug.com/527270 accessibility/name-calc-img.html [ Failure Pass Timeout ] | 1297 crbug.com/527270 accessibility/name-calc-img.html [ Failure Pass Timeout ] |
1298 | 1298 |
1299 # This test has different results in Debug and Release. | 1299 # This test has different results in Debug and Release. |
1300 crbug.com/529038 [ Debug ] virtual/gpu/fast/canvas/canvas-composite-repaint-by-a
ll-imagesource.html [ Failure ] | 1300 crbug.com/529038 [ Debug ] virtual/gpu/fast/canvas/canvas-composite-repaint-by-a
ll-imagesource.html [ Failure ] |
1301 | 1301 |
1302 crbug.com/532643 [ Mac ] fast/events/hit-test-cache-scrollbar-no-crash.html [ Pa
ss Failure ] | 1302 crbug.com/532643 [ Mac ] fast/events/hit-test-cache-scrollbar-no-crash.html [ Pa
ss Failure ] |
1303 crbug.com/532643 [ Mac ] virtual/trustedeventsdefaultaction/fast/events/hit-test
-cache-scrollbar-no-crash.html [ Pass Failure ] | 1303 crbug.com/532643 [ Mac ] virtual/trustedeventsdefaultaction/fast/events/hit-test
-cache-scrollbar-no-crash.html [ Pass Failure ] |
1304 crbug.com/532643 [ Mac ] virtual/pointerevent/fast/events/hit-test-cache-scrollb
ar-no-crash.html [ Pass Failure ] | 1304 crbug.com/532643 [ Mac ] virtual/pointerevent/fast/events/hit-test-cache-scrollb
ar-no-crash.html [ Pass Failure ] |
1305 | 1305 |
| 1306 crbug.com/543655 compositing/layer-creation/fixed-position-in-fixed-overflow.htm
l [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1307 crbug.com/543655 compositing/overflow/accelerated-overflow-scroll-should-not-aff
ect-perspective.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1308 crbug.com/543655 compositing/overflow/clear-scroll-parent.html [ NeedsRebaseline
] |
| 1309 crbug.com/543655 compositing/overflow/composited-scrolling-paint-phases.html [ N
eedsRebaseline ] |
| 1310 crbug.com/543655 compositing/overflow/content-gains-scrollbars.html [ NeedsRebas
eline ] |
| 1311 crbug.com/543655 compositing/overflow/overflow-scrollbar-layers.html [ NeedsReba
seline ] |
| 1312 crbug.com/543655 compositing/overflow/reparented-scrollbars-non-sc-anc.html [ Ne
edsRebaseline ] |
| 1313 crbug.com/543655 compositing/overflow/scroll-parent-absolute.html [ NeedsRebasel
ine ] |
| 1314 crbug.com/543655 compositing/overflow/scroll-parent-with-non-stacking-context-co
mposited-ancestor.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1315 crbug.com/543655 compositing/overflow/scrolling-content-clip-to-viewport.html [
NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1316 crbug.com/543655 compositing/overflow/scrolling-without-painting.html [ NeedsReb
aseline ] |
| 1317 crbug.com/543655 compositing/overflow/universal-accelerated-overflow-scroll.html
[ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1318 crbug.com/543655 compositing/overflow/updating-scrolling-content.html [ NeedsReb
aseline ] |
| 1319 crbug.com/543655 compositing/scrollbars/nested-overlay-scrollbars.html [ NeedsRe
baseline ] |
| 1320 crbug.com/543655 compositing/squashing/composited-bounds-for-negative-z.html [ N
eedsRebaseline ] |
| 1321 crbug.com/543655 compositing/update-paint-phases.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1322 crbug.com/543655 fast/repaint/overflow-move-after-scroll.html [ NeedsRebaseline
] |
| 1323 crbug.com/543655 fast/repaint/overflow-scroll-after-move.html [ NeedsRebaseline
] |
| 1324 crbug.com/543655 paint/invalidation/invalidate-after-composited-scroll.html [ Ne
edsRebaseline ] |
| 1325 crbug.com/543655 compositing/layer-creation/fixed-position-nonscrollable-body-mi
smatch-containers.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1326 crbug.com/543655 compositing/overflow/selection-gaps-after-removing-scrolling-co
ntents.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1327 crbug.com/543655 compositing/overflow/selection-gaps-toggling.html [ NeedsRebase
line ] |
| 1328 crbug.com/543655 compositing/overflow/selection-gaps-toggling-with-scrolling-con
tents.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1329 crbug.com/543655 compositing/overflow/textarea-scroll-touch.html [ NeedsRebaseli
ne ] |
| 1330 crbug.com/543655 compositing/repaint/should-not-clip-composited-overflow-scrolli
ng-layer.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1331 crbug.com/543655 paint/selection/selection-within-composited-scroller.html [ Nee
dsRebaseline ] |
| 1332 crbug.com/543655 virtual/syncpaint/compositing/repaint/should-not-clip-composite
d-overflow-scrolling-layer.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1333 crbug.com/543655 virtual/syncpaint/paint/selection/selection-within-composited-s
croller.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1334 crbug.com/543655 virtual/syncpaint/fast/repaint/overflow-scroll-after-move.html
[ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1335 crbug.com/543655 virtual/syncpaint/fast/repaint/overflow-move-after-scroll.html
[ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1336 crbug.com/543655 virtual/syncpaint/paint/invalidation/invalidate-after-composite
d-scroll.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1337 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/acc
elerated-overflow-scroll-should-not-affect-perspective.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1338 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/cle
ar-scroll-parent.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1339 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/com
posited-scrolling-paint-phases.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1340 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/con
tent-gains-scrollbars.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1341 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/ove
rflow-auto-with-touch-toggle.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1342 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/ove
rflow-auto-with-touch.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1343 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/ove
rflow-overlay-with-touch.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1344 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/ove
rflow-scrollbar-layers.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1345 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/rep
arented-scrollbars-non-sc-anc.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1346 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/scr
oll-parent-absolute.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1347 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/scr
oll-parent-with-non-stacking-context-composited-ancestor.html [ NeedsRebaseline
] |
| 1348 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/scr
olling-content-clip-to-viewport.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1349 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/scr
olling-without-painting.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1350 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/sel
ection-gaps-after-removing-scrolling-contents.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1351 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/sel
ection-gaps-toggling-with-scrolling-contents.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1352 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/sel
ection-gaps-toggling.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1353 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/tex
t-color-change.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1354 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/tex
t-match-highlight.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1355 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/tex
tarea-scroll-touch.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1356 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/uni
versal-accelerated-overflow-scroll.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1357 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/upd
ating-scrolling-container-and-content.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1358 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/upd
ating-scrolling-container.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1359 crbug.com/543655 virtual/prefer_compositing_to_lcd_text/compositing/overflow/upd
ating-scrolling-content.html [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
| 1360 |
1306 # The Win10 result for fast/text/emoji-font-fallback-win.html does not match the
description | 1361 # The Win10 result for fast/text/emoji-font-fallback-win.html does not match the
description |
1307 crbug.com/527044 [ Win10 ] fast/text/emoji-font-fallback-win.html [ Failure ] | 1362 crbug.com/527044 [ Win10 ] fast/text/emoji-font-fallback-win.html [ Failure ] |
1308 | 1363 |
1309 crbug.com/525296 fast/css/font-load-while-styleresolver-missing.html [ Crash Fai
lure Pass ] | 1364 crbug.com/525296 fast/css/font-load-while-styleresolver-missing.html [ Crash Fai
lure Pass ] |
1310 | 1365 |
1311 crbug.com/240576 fullscreen/api/element-ready-check-containing-iframe.html [ Tim
eout Failure Pass ] | 1366 crbug.com/240576 fullscreen/api/element-ready-check-containing-iframe.html [ Tim
eout Failure Pass ] |
1312 crbug.com/240576 virtual/android/fullscreen/api/element-ready-check-containing-i
frame.html [ Timeout Failure Pass ] | 1367 crbug.com/240576 virtual/android/fullscreen/api/element-ready-check-containing-i
frame.html [ Timeout Failure Pass ] |
1313 | 1368 |
1314 crbug.com/567230 virtual/threaded/animations/restart-not-visible.html [ Timeout
Crash Pass ] | 1369 crbug.com/567230 virtual/threaded/animations/restart-not-visible.html [ Timeout
Crash Pass ] |
1315 | 1370 |
(...skipping 25 matching lines...) Expand all Loading... |
1341 crbug.com/549314 [ XP ] inspector-protocol/layout-fonts/unicode-range-combining-
chars-fallback.html [ Failure ] | 1396 crbug.com/549314 [ XP ] inspector-protocol/layout-fonts/unicode-range-combining-
chars-fallback.html [ Failure ] |
1342 | 1397 |
1343 crbug.com/563694 [ Linux Mac Debug ] svg/hixie/perf/005.xml [ Failure ] | 1398 crbug.com/563694 [ Linux Mac Debug ] svg/hixie/perf/005.xml [ Failure ] |
1344 | 1399 |
1345 crbug.com/564109 [ Win7 XP ] http/tests/webfont/font-display.html [ Pass Timeou
t Failure ] | 1400 crbug.com/564109 [ Win7 XP ] http/tests/webfont/font-display.html [ Pass Timeou
t Failure ] |
1346 | 1401 |
1347 crbug.com/558574 [ Win7 ] fast/forms/text/text-font-height-mismatch.html [ Failu
re ] | 1402 crbug.com/558574 [ Win7 ] fast/forms/text/text-font-height-mismatch.html [ Failu
re ] |
1348 crbug.com/558574 [ Win7 ] fast/text/emphasis.html [ Failure ] | 1403 crbug.com/558574 [ Win7 ] fast/text/emphasis.html [ Failure ] |
1349 | 1404 |
1350 #crbug.com/561595 [ XP ] plugins/webview-plugin-scroll.html [ Failure ] | 1405 #crbug.com/561595 [ XP ] plugins/webview-plugin-scroll.html [ Failure ] |