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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/http/tests/streams/readable-streams/cancel.js

Issue 1404523005: Implement author-constructible ReadableStream using V8 extras (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Minor test tweaks Created 5 years, 1 month ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/http/tests/streams/readable-streams/cancel.js
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/http/tests/streams/readable-streams/cancel.js b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/http/tests/streams/readable-streams/cancel.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..310a7e8d1eb28de180ea1d8543e9a1c7772765af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/http/tests/streams/readable-streams/cancel.js
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+'use strict';
+if (self.importScripts) {
+ self.importScripts('../resources/test-utils.js');
+ self.importScripts('../resources/rs-utils.js');
+ self.importScripts('/resources/testharness.js');
+promise_test(() => {
+ const randomSource = new RandomPushSource();
+ let cancellationFinished = false;
+ const rs = new ReadableStream({
+ start(c) {
+ randomSource.ondata = c.enqueue.bind(c);
+ randomSource.onend = c.close.bind(c);
+ randomSource.onerror = c.error.bind(c);
+ },
+ pull() {
+ randomSource.readStart();
+ },
+ cancel() {
+ randomSource.readStop();
+ randomSource.onend();
+ return new Promise(resolve => {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ cancellationFinished = true;
+ resolve();
+ }, 1);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ const reader = rs.getReader();
+ // We call delay multiple times to avoid cancelling too early for the
+ // source to enqueue at least one chunk.
+ const cancel = delay(5).then(() => delay(5)).then(() => delay(5)).then(() => reader.cancel());
+ return readableStreamToArray(rs, reader).then(chunks => {
+ assert_greater_than(chunks.length, 0, 'at least one chunk should be read');
+ for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
+ assert_equals(chunks[i].length, 128, 'chunk ' + i + ' should have 128 bytes');
+ }
+ assert_false(cancellationFinished, 'it did not wait for the cancellation process to finish before closing');
+ return cancel;
+ }).then(() => {
+ assert_true(cancellationFinished, 'it returns a promise that is fulfilled when the cancellation finishes');
+ });
+}, 'ReadableStream cancellation: integration test on an infinite stream derived from a random push source');
+test(() => {
+ let recordedReason;
+ const rs = new ReadableStream({
+ cancel(reason) {
+ recordedReason = reason;
+ }
+ });
+ const passedReason = new Error('Sorry, it just wasn\'t meant to be.');
+ rs.cancel(passedReason);
+ assert_equals(recordedReason, passedReason,
+ 'the error passed to the underlying source\'s cancel method should equal the one passed to the stream\'s cancel');
+}, 'ReadableStream cancellation: cancel(reason) should pass through the given reason to the underlying source');
+promise_test(() => {
+ const rs = new ReadableStream({
+ start(c) {
+ c.enqueue('a');
+ c.close();
+ },
+ cancel() {
+ assert_unreached('underlying source cancel() should not have been called');
+ }
+ });
+ const reader = rs.getReader();
+ return rs.cancel().then(() => {
+ assert_unreached('cancel() should be rejected');
+ }, e => {
+ assert_equals(, 'TypeError', 'cancel() should be rejected with a TypeError');
+ }).then(() => {
+ return;
+ }).then(result => {
+ assert_object_equals(result, { value: 'a', done: false }, 'read() should still work after the attempted cancel');
+ return reader.closed;
+ });
+}, 'ReadableStream cancellation: cancel() on a locked stream should fail and not call the underlying source cancel');
+promise_test(() => {
+ let cancelReceived = false;
+ const cancelReason = new Error('I am tired of this stream, I prefer to cancel it');
+ const rs = new ReadableStream({
+ cancel(reason) {
+ cancelReceived = true;
+ assert_equals(reason, cancelReason, 'cancellation reason given to the underlying source should be equal to the one passed');
+ }
+ });
+ return rs.cancel(cancelReason).then(() => {
+ assert_true(cancelReceived);
+ });
+}, 'ReadableStream cancellation: should fulfill promise when cancel callback went fine');
+promise_test(() => {
+ const rs = new ReadableStream({
+ cancel() {
+ return 'Hello';
+ }
+ });
+ return rs.cancel().then(v => {
+ assert_equals(v, undefined, 'cancel() return value should be fulfilled with undefined');
+ });
+}, 'ReadableStream cancellation: returning a value from the underlying source\'s cancel should not affect the fulfillment value of the promise returned by the stream\'s cancel');
+promise_test(() => {
+ const thrownError = new Error('test');
+ let cancelCalled = false;
+ const rs = new ReadableStream({
+ cancel() {
+ cancelCalled = true;
+ throw thrownError;
+ }
+ });
+ return rs.cancel('test').then(() => {
+ assert_unreached('cancel should reject');
+ }, e => {
+ assert_true(cancelCalled);
+ assert_equals(e, thrownError);
+ });
+}, 'ReadableStream cancellation: should reject promise when cancel callback raises an exception');
+promise_test(() => {
+ const cancelReason = new Error('test');
+ const rs = new ReadableStream({
+ cancel(error) {
+ assert_equals(error, cancelReason);
+ return delay(1);
+ }
+ });
+ return rs.cancel(cancelReason);
+}, 'ReadableStream cancellation: if the underlying source\'s cancel method returns a promise, the promise returned by the stream\'s cancel should fulfill when that one does (1)');
+promise_test(() => {
+ let resolveSourceCancelPromise;
+ let sourceCancelPromiseHasFulfilled = false;
+ const rs = new ReadableStream({
+ cancel() {
+ const sourceCancelPromise = new Promise(resolve => resolveSourceCancelPromise = resolve);
+ sourceCancelPromise.then(() => {
+ sourceCancelPromiseHasFulfilled = true;
+ });
+ return sourceCancelPromise;
+ }
+ });
+ setTimeout(() => resolveSourceCancelPromise('Hello'), 1);
+ return rs.cancel().then(value => {
+ assert_true(sourceCancelPromiseHasFulfilled, 'cancel() return value should be fulfilled only after the promise returned by the underlying source\'s cancel');
+ assert_equals(value, undefined, 'cancel() return value should be fulfilled with undefined');
+ });
+}, 'ReadableStream cancellation: if the underlying source\'s cancel method returns a promise, the promise returned by the stream\'s cancel should fulfill when that one does (2)');
+promise_test(() => {
+ let rejectSourceCancelPromise;
+ let sourceCancelPromiseHasRejected = false;
+ const rs = new ReadableStream({
+ cancel() {
+ const sourceCancelPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => rejectSourceCancelPromise = reject);
+ sourceCancelPromise.catch(() => {
+ sourceCancelPromiseHasRejected = true;
+ });
+ return sourceCancelPromise;
+ }
+ });
+ const errorInCancel = new Error('Sorry, it just wasn\'t meant to be.');
+ setTimeout(() => rejectSourceCancelPromise(errorInCancel), 1);
+ return rs.cancel().then(() => {
+ assert_unreached('cancel() return value should be rejected');
+ }, r => {
+ assert_true(sourceCancelPromiseHasRejected, 'cancel() return value should be rejected only after the promise returned by the underlying source\'s cancel');
+ assert_equals(r, errorInCancel, 'cancel() return value should be rejected with the underlying source\'s rejection reason');
+ });
+}, 'ReadableStream cancellation: if the underlying source\'s cancel method returns a promise, the promise returned by the stream\'s cancel should reject when that one does');
+promise_test(() => {
+ const rs = new ReadableStream({
+ start() {
+ return new Promise(() => {});
+ },
+ pull() {
+ assert_unreached('pull should not have been called');
+ }
+ });
+ return Promise.all([rs.cancel(), rs.getReader().closed]);
+}, 'ReadableStream cancellation: cancelling before start finishes should prevent pull() from being called');

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