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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup.h

Issue 1399493002: Column balancing refactoring. Don't propagate data during layout. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: more code review Created 5 years, 2 months ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup.h
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup.h b/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup.h
index d78409af784c9dcaa6cece63943b10e5f30ac384..e7bb437d461c5ab623343f1090d5cc9fa7e52aba 100644
--- a/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup.h
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup.h
@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ class MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup {
+ const LayoutMultiColumnSet& columnSet() const { return m_columnSet; }
+ bool isFirstGroup() const;
bool isLastGroup() const;
// Position within the LayoutMultiColumnSet.
@@ -58,9 +61,7 @@ public:
bool heightIsAuto() const;
void resetColumnHeight();
- void addContentRun(LayoutUnit endOffsetInFlowThread);
void updateMinimumColumnHeight(LayoutUnit height) { m_minimumColumnHeight = std::max(height, m_minimumColumnHeight); }
- void recordSpaceShortage(LayoutUnit);
bool recalculateColumnHeight(BalancedColumnHeightCalculation calculationMode);
LayoutSize flowThreadTranslationAtOffset(LayoutUnit offsetInFlowThread) const;
@@ -79,15 +80,6 @@ private:
LayoutUnit calculateMaxColumnHeight() const;
void setAndConstrainColumnHeight(LayoutUnit);
- // Return the index of the content run with the currently tallest columns, taking all implicit
- // breaks assumed so far into account.
- unsigned findRunWithTallestColumns() const;
- // Given the current list of content runs, make assumptions about where we need to insert
- // implicit breaks (if there's room for any at all; depending on the number of explicit breaks),
- // and store the results. This is needed in order to balance the columns.
- void distributeImplicitBreaks();
LayoutUnit calculateColumnHeight(BalancedColumnHeightCalculation) const;
LayoutRect columnRectAt(unsigned columnIndex) const;
@@ -123,35 +115,7 @@ private:
// The following variables are used when balancing the column set.
LayoutUnit m_maxColumnHeight; // Maximum column height allowed.
- LayoutUnit m_minSpaceShortage; // The smallest amout of space shortage that caused a column break.
LayoutUnit m_minimumColumnHeight;
- // A run of content without explicit (forced) breaks; i.e. a flow thread portion between two
- // explicit breaks, between flow thread start and an explicit break, between an explicit break
- // and flow thread end, or, in cases when there are no explicit breaks at all: between flow
- // thread portion start and flow thread portion end. We need to know where the explicit breaks
- // are, in order to figure out where the implicit breaks will end up, so that we get the columns
- // properly balanced. A content run starts out as representing one single column, and will
- // represent one additional column for each implicit break "inserted" there.
- class ContentRun {
- public:
- ContentRun(LayoutUnit breakOffset)
- : m_breakOffset(breakOffset)
- , m_assumedImplicitBreaks(0) { }
- unsigned assumedImplicitBreaks() const { return m_assumedImplicitBreaks; }
- void assumeAnotherImplicitBreak() { m_assumedImplicitBreaks++; }
- LayoutUnit breakOffset() const { return m_breakOffset; }
- // Return the column height that this content run would require, considering the implicit
- // breaks assumed so far.
- LayoutUnit columnLogicalHeight(LayoutUnit startOffset) const { return ceilf((m_breakOffset - startOffset).toFloat() / float(m_assumedImplicitBreaks + 1)); }
- private:
- LayoutUnit m_breakOffset; // Flow thread offset where this run ends.
- unsigned m_assumedImplicitBreaks; // Number of implicit breaks in this run assumed so far.
- };
- Vector<ContentRun, 1> m_contentRuns;
// List of all fragmentainer groups within a column set. There will always be at least one

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