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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/ColumnBalancer.cpp

Issue 1399493002: Column balancing refactoring. Don't propagate data during layout. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: more code review Created 5 years, 2 months ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/ColumnBalancer.cpp
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/ColumnBalancer.cpp b/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/ColumnBalancer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..524d8c054e26a6efdf186efa713cf896241fc1b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/layout/ColumnBalancer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "config.h"
+#include "core/layout/ColumnBalancer.h"
+#include "core/layout/LayoutMultiColumnSet.h"
+namespace blink {
+ColumnBalancer::ColumnBalancer(const MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup& group)
+ : m_group(group)
+void ColumnBalancer::traverse()
+ traverseSubtree(*m_group.columnSet().flowThread());
+ ASSERT(!flowThreadOffset());
+void ColumnBalancer::traverseSubtree(const LayoutBox& box)
+ if (box.childrenInline() && box.isLayoutBlockFlow()) {
+ // Look for breaks between lines.
+ for (const RootInlineBox* line = toLayoutBlockFlow(box).firstRootBox(); line; line = line->nextRootBox()) {
+ LayoutUnit lineTopInFlowThread = m_flowThreadOffset + line->lineTopWithLeading();
+ if (lineTopInFlowThread < group().logicalTopInFlowThread())
+ continue;
+ if (lineTopInFlowThread >= group().logicalBottomInFlowThread())
+ break;
+ examineLine(*line);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ const LayoutFlowThread* flowThread = group().columnSet().flowThread();
+ bool isHorizontalWritingMode = flowThread->isHorizontalWritingMode();
+ // Look for breaks between and inside children.
+ for (const LayoutObject* child = box.slowFirstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
+ if (!child->isBox())
+ continue;
+ const LayoutBox& childBox = toLayoutBox(*child);
+ LayoutRect overflowRect = childBox.layoutOverflowRect();
+ LayoutUnit childLogicalBottomWithOverflow = childBox.logicalTop() + (isHorizontalWritingMode ? overflowRect.maxY() : overflowRect.maxX());
+ if (m_flowThreadOffset + childLogicalBottomWithOverflow <= group().logicalTopInFlowThread()) {
+ // This child is fully above the fragmentainer group we're examining.
+ continue;
+ }
+ LayoutUnit childLogicalTopWithOverflow = childBox.logicalTop() + (isHorizontalWritingMode ? overflowRect.y() : overflowRect.x());
+ if (m_flowThreadOffset + childLogicalTopWithOverflow >= group().logicalBottomInFlowThread()) {
+ // This child is fully below the fragmentainer group we're examining. We cannot just
+ // stop here, though, thanks to negative margins. So keep looking.
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (childBox.isOutOfFlowPositioned() || childBox.isColumnSpanAll())
+ continue;
+ // Tables are wicked. Both table rows and table cells are relative to their table section.
+ LayoutUnit offsetForThisChild = childBox.isTableRow() ? LayoutUnit() : childBox.logicalTop();
+ m_flowThreadOffset += offsetForThisChild;
+ examineBoxAfterEntering(childBox);
+ // Unless the child is unsplittable, or if the child establishes an inner multicol
+ // container, we descend into its subtree for further examination.
+ if (!childBox.isUnsplittableForPagination()
+ && (!childBox.isLayoutBlockFlow() || !toLayoutBlockFlow(childBox).multiColumnFlowThread()))
+ traverseSubtree(childBox);
+ examineBoxBeforeLeaving(childBox);
+ m_flowThreadOffset -= offsetForThisChild;
+ }
+InitialColumnHeightFinder::InitialColumnHeightFinder(const MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup& group)
+ : ColumnBalancer(group)
+ traverse();
+ // We have now found each explicit / forced break, and their location. Now we need to figure out
+ // how many additional implicit / soft breaks we need and guess where they will occur, in order
+ // to provide an initial column height.
+ distributeImplicitBreaks();
+LayoutUnit InitialColumnHeightFinder::initialMinimalBalancedHeight() const
+ unsigned index = contentRunIndexWithTallestColumns();
+ LayoutUnit startOffset = index > 0 ? m_contentRuns[index - 1].breakOffset() : group().logicalTopInFlowThread();
+ return m_contentRuns[index].columnLogicalHeight(startOffset);
+void InitialColumnHeightFinder::examineBoxAfterEntering(const LayoutBox& box)
+ ASSERT(isFirstAfterBreak(flowThreadOffset()) || !box.paginationStrut());
+ if (box.hasForcedBreakBefore())
+ addContentRun(flowThreadOffset());
+ if (box.hasForcedBreakAfter())
+ addContentRun(flowThreadOffset() + box.logicalHeight());
+void InitialColumnHeightFinder::examineBoxBeforeLeaving(const LayoutBox& box)
+void InitialColumnHeightFinder::examineLine(const RootInlineBox& line)
+void InitialColumnHeightFinder::addContentRun(LayoutUnit endOffsetInFlowThread)
+ if (!m_contentRuns.isEmpty() && endOffsetInFlowThread <= m_contentRuns.last().breakOffset())
+ return;
+ // Append another item as long as we haven't exceeded used column count. What ends up in the
+ // overflow area shouldn't affect column balancing.
+ if (m_contentRuns.size() < group().columnSet().usedColumnCount())
+ m_contentRuns.append(ContentRun(endOffsetInFlowThread));
+unsigned InitialColumnHeightFinder::contentRunIndexWithTallestColumns() const
+ unsigned indexWithLargestHeight = 0;
+ LayoutUnit largestHeight;
+ LayoutUnit previousOffset = group().logicalTopInFlowThread();
+ size_t runCount = m_contentRuns.size();
+ ASSERT(runCount);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < runCount; i++) {
+ const ContentRun& run = m_contentRuns[i];
+ LayoutUnit height = run.columnLogicalHeight(previousOffset);
+ if (largestHeight < height) {
+ largestHeight = height;
+ indexWithLargestHeight = i;
+ }
+ previousOffset = run.breakOffset();
+ }
+ return indexWithLargestHeight;
+void InitialColumnHeightFinder::distributeImplicitBreaks()
+ // Insert a final content run to encompass all content. This will include overflow if this is
+ // the last group in the multicol container.
+ addContentRun(group().logicalBottomInFlowThread());
+ unsigned columnCount = m_contentRuns.size();
+ // If there is room for more breaks (to reach the used value of column-count), imagine that we
+ // insert implicit breaks at suitable locations. At any given time, the content run with the
+ // currently tallest columns will get another implicit break "inserted", which will increase its
+ // column count by one and shrink its columns' height. Repeat until we have the desired total
+ // number of breaks. The largest column height among the runs will then be the initial column
+ // height for the balancer to use.
+ while (columnCount < group().columnSet().usedColumnCount()) {
+ unsigned index = contentRunIndexWithTallestColumns();
+ m_contentRuns[index].assumeAnotherImplicitBreak();
+ columnCount++;
+ }
+MinimumSpaceShortageFinder::MinimumSpaceShortageFinder(const MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup& group)
+ : ColumnBalancer(group)
+ , m_minimumSpaceShortage(LayoutUnit::max())
+ , m_pendingStrut(LayoutUnit::min())
+ , m_forcedBreaksCount(0)
+ traverse();
+void MinimumSpaceShortageFinder::examineBoxAfterEntering(const LayoutBox& box)
+ if (box.hasForcedBreakBefore())
+ m_forcedBreaksCount++;
+ if (box.hasForcedBreakAfter())
+ m_forcedBreaksCount++;
+ // Look for breaks before the child box.
+ bool isFirstAfterBreak = this->isFirstAfterBreak(flowThreadOffset());
+ ASSERT(isFirstAfterBreak || !box.paginationStrut());
+ if (isFirstAfterBreak && !box.hasForcedBreakBefore()) {
+ // This box is first after a soft break.
+ LayoutUnit strut = box.paginationStrut();
+ if (box.isUnsplittableForPagination()) {
+ // Since we cannot break inside the box, just figure out how much more space we would
+ // need to prevent it from being pushed to the next column.
+ recordSpaceShortage(box.logicalHeight() - strut);
+ } else if (m_pendingStrut == LayoutUnit::min()) {
+ // We now want to look for the first piece of unbreakable content (e.g. a line or a
+ // block-displayed image) inside this block. That ought to be a good candidate for
+ // minimum space shortage; a much better one than reporting space shortage for the
+ // entire block (which we'll also do (further down), in case we couldn't find anything
+ // more suitable).
+ m_pendingStrut = strut;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!box.isUnsplittableForPagination()) {
+ // See if this breakable box crosses column boundaries.
+ LayoutUnit bottomInFlowThread = flowThreadOffset() + box.logicalHeight();
+ if (isFirstAfterBreak || group().columnLogicalTopForOffset(flowThreadOffset()) != group().columnLogicalTopForOffset(bottomInFlowThread)) {
+ // If the child crosses a column boundary, record space shortage, in case nothing
+ // inside it has already done so. The column balancer needs to know by how much it
+ // has to stretch the columns to make more content fit. If no breaks are reported
+ // (but do occur), the balancer will have no clue. Only measure the space after the
+ // last column boundary, in case it crosses more than one.
+ LayoutUnit spaceUsedInLastColumn = bottomInFlowThread - group().columnLogicalTopForOffset(bottomInFlowThread);
+ recordSpaceShortage(spaceUsedInLastColumn);
+ }
+ }
+void MinimumSpaceShortageFinder::examineBoxBeforeLeaving(const LayoutBox& box)
+ if (m_pendingStrut == LayoutUnit::min() || !box.isUnsplittableForPagination())
+ return;
+ // The previous break was before a breakable block. Here's the first piece of unbreakable
+ // content after / inside that block. We want to record the distance from the top of the column
+ // to the bottom of this box as space shortage.
+ LayoutUnit logicalOffsetFromCurrentColumn = flowThreadOffset() - group().columnLogicalTopForOffset(flowThreadOffset());
+ recordSpaceShortage(logicalOffsetFromCurrentColumn + box.logicalHeight() - m_pendingStrut);
+ m_pendingStrut = LayoutUnit::min();
+void MinimumSpaceShortageFinder::examineLine(const RootInlineBox& line)
+ LayoutUnit lineTop = line.lineTopWithLeading();
+ LayoutUnit lineTopInFlowThread = flowThreadOffset() + lineTop;
+ LayoutUnit lineHeight = line.lineBottomWithLeading() - lineTop;
+ if (m_pendingStrut != LayoutUnit::min()) {
+ // The previous break was before a breakable block. Here's the first line after / inside
+ // that block. We want to record the distance from the top of the column to the bottom of
+ // this box as space shortage.
+ LayoutUnit logicalOffsetFromCurrentColumn = lineTopInFlowThread - group().columnLogicalTopForOffset(lineTopInFlowThread);
+ recordSpaceShortage(logicalOffsetFromCurrentColumn + lineHeight - m_pendingStrut);
+ m_pendingStrut = LayoutUnit::min();
+ return;
+ }
+ ASSERT(isFirstAfterBreak(lineTopInFlowThread) || !line.paginationStrut());
+ if (isFirstAfterBreak(lineTopInFlowThread))
+ recordSpaceShortage(lineHeight - line.paginationStrut());
+} // namespace blink
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