(Empty) | |
| 1 // Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| 2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| 3 // found in the LICENSE file. |
| 4 |
| 5 #include "core/layout/MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup.h" |
| 6 |
| 7 namespace blink { |
| 8 |
| 9 // A column balancer traverses the portion of the subtree of a flow thread that
belongs to a given |
| 10 // fragmentainer group, in order to collect certain data to be used for column b
alancing. This is an |
| 11 // abstract class that just walks the subtree and leaves it to subclasses to act
ualy collect data. |
| 12 class ColumnBalancer { |
| 13 protected: |
| 14 ColumnBalancer(const MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup&); |
| 15 |
| 16 const MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup& group() const { return m_group; } |
| 17 |
| 18 // Flow thread offset for the layout object that we're currently examining. |
| 19 LayoutUnit flowThreadOffset() const { return m_flowThreadOffset; } |
| 20 |
| 21 // Return true if the specified offset is at the top of a column, as long as
it's not the first |
| 22 // column in the multicol container. |
| 23 bool isFirstAfterBreak(LayoutUnit flowThreadOffset) const |
| 24 { |
| 25 if (flowThreadOffset != m_group.columnLogicalTopForOffset(flowThreadOffs
et)) |
| 26 return false; // Not at the top of a column. |
| 27 // The first column in the first group isn't after any break. |
| 28 return flowThreadOffset > m_group.logicalTopInFlowThread() || !m_group.i
sFirstGroup(); |
| 29 } |
| 30 |
| 31 // Examine and collect column balancing data from a layout box that has been
found to intersect |
| 32 // with this fragmentainer group. Does not recurse into children. flowThread
Offset() will |
| 33 // return the offset from |box| to the flow thread. Two hooks are provided h
ere. The first one |
| 34 // is called right after entering and before traversing the subtree of the b
ox, and the second |
| 35 // one right after having traversed the subtree. |
| 36 virtual void examineBoxAfterEntering(const LayoutBox&) = 0; |
| 37 virtual void examineBoxBeforeLeaving(const LayoutBox&) = 0; |
| 38 |
| 39 // Examine and collect column balancing data from a line that has been found
to intersect with |
| 40 // this fragmentainer group. Does not recurse into layout objects on that li
ne. |
| 41 virtual void examineLine(const RootInlineBox&) = 0; |
| 42 |
| 43 // Examine and collect column balancing data for everything in the fragmenta
iner group. Will |
| 44 // trigger calls to examineBoxAfterEntering(), examineBoxBeforeLeaving() and
examineLine() for |
| 45 // interesting boxes and lines. |
| 46 void traverse(); |
| 47 |
| 48 private: |
| 49 void traverseSubtree(const LayoutBox&); |
| 50 |
| 51 const MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup& m_group; |
| 52 LayoutUnit m_flowThreadOffset; |
| 53 }; |
| 54 |
| 55 // After an initial layout pass, we know the height of the contents of a flow th
read. Based on |
| 56 // this, we can estimate an initial minimal column height. This class will colle
ct the necessary |
| 57 // information from the layout objects to make this estimate. This estimate may
be used to perform |
| 58 // another layout iteration. If we after such a layout iteration cannot fit the
contents with the |
| 59 // given column height without creating overflowing columns, we will have to str
etch the columns by |
| 60 // some amount and lay out again. We may need to do this several times (but typi
cally not more |
| 61 // times than the number of columns that we have). The amount to stretch is prov
ided by the sister |
| 62 // of this class, named MinimumSpaceShortageFinder. |
| 63 class InitialColumnHeightFinder final : public ColumnBalancer { |
| 64 public: |
| 65 static LayoutUnit initialMinimalBalancedHeight(const MultiColumnFragmentaine
rGroup& group) |
| 66 { |
| 67 return InitialColumnHeightFinder(group).initialMinimalBalancedHeight(); |
| 68 } |
| 69 |
| 70 private: |
| 71 InitialColumnHeightFinder(const MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup&); |
| 72 |
| 73 LayoutUnit initialMinimalBalancedHeight() const; |
| 74 |
| 75 void examineBoxAfterEntering(const LayoutBox&); |
| 76 void examineBoxBeforeLeaving(const LayoutBox&); |
| 77 void examineLine(const RootInlineBox&); |
| 78 |
| 79 // Add a content run, specified by its end position. A content run is append
ed at every |
| 80 // forced/explicit break and at the end of the column set. The content runs
are used to |
| 81 // determine where implicit/soft breaks will occur, in order to calculate an
initial column |
| 82 // height. |
| 83 void addContentRun(LayoutUnit endOffsetInFlowThread); |
| 84 |
| 85 // Return the index of the content run with the currently tallest columns, t
aking all implicit |
| 86 // breaks assumed so far into account. |
| 87 unsigned contentRunIndexWithTallestColumns() const; |
| 88 |
| 89 // Given the current list of content runs, make assumptions about where we n
eed to insert |
| 90 // implicit breaks (if there's room for any at all; depending on the number
of explicit breaks), |
| 91 // and store the results. This is needed in order to balance the columns. |
| 92 void distributeImplicitBreaks(); |
| 93 |
| 94 // A run of content without explicit (forced) breaks; i.e. a flow thread por
tion between two |
| 95 // explicit breaks, between flow thread start and an explicit break, between
an explicit break |
| 96 // and flow thread end, or, in cases when there are no explicit breaks at al
l: between flow |
| 97 // thread portion start and flow thread portion end. We need to know where t
he explicit breaks |
| 98 // are, in order to figure out where the implicit breaks will end up, so tha
t we get the columns |
| 99 // properly balanced. A content run starts out as representing one single co
lumn, and will |
| 100 // represent one additional column for each implicit break "inserted" there. |
| 101 class ContentRun { |
| 102 public: |
| 103 ContentRun(LayoutUnit breakOffset) |
| 104 : m_breakOffset(breakOffset) |
| 105 , m_assumedImplicitBreaks(0) { } |
| 106 |
| 107 unsigned assumedImplicitBreaks() const { return m_assumedImplicitBreaks;
} |
| 108 void assumeAnotherImplicitBreak() { m_assumedImplicitBreaks++; } |
| 109 LayoutUnit breakOffset() const { return m_breakOffset; } |
| 110 |
| 111 // Return the column height that this content run would require, conside
ring the implicit |
| 112 // breaks assumed so far. |
| 113 LayoutUnit columnLogicalHeight(LayoutUnit startOffset) const { return ce
ilf((m_breakOffset - startOffset).toFloat() / float(m_assumedImplicitBreaks + 1)
); } |
| 114 |
| 115 private: |
| 116 LayoutUnit m_breakOffset; // Flow thread offset where this run ends. |
| 117 unsigned m_assumedImplicitBreaks; // Number of implicit breaks in this r
un assumed so far. |
| 118 }; |
| 119 Vector<ContentRun, 32> m_contentRuns; |
| 120 }; |
| 121 |
| 122 // If we have previously used InitialColumnHeightFinder to estimate an initial c
olumn height, and |
| 123 // that didn't result in tall enough columns, we need subsequent layout passes w
here we increase |
| 124 // the column height by the minimum space shortage at column breaks. This class
finds the minimum |
| 125 // space shortage after having laid out with the current column height. |
| 126 class MinimumSpaceShortageFinder final : public ColumnBalancer { |
| 127 public: |
| 128 MinimumSpaceShortageFinder(const MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup&); |
| 129 |
| 130 LayoutUnit minimumSpaceShortage() const { return m_minimumSpaceShortage; } |
| 131 unsigned forcedBreaksCount() const { return m_forcedBreaksCount; } |
| 132 |
| 133 private: |
| 134 void examineBoxAfterEntering(const LayoutBox&); |
| 135 void examineBoxBeforeLeaving(const LayoutBox&); |
| 136 void examineLine(const RootInlineBox&); |
| 137 |
| 138 void recordSpaceShortage(LayoutUnit shortage) |
| 139 { |
| 140 // Only positive values are interesting (and allowed) here. Zero space s
hortage may |
| 141 // be reported when we're at the top of a column and the element has zer
o |
| 142 // height. |
| 143 if (shortage > 0) |
| 144 m_minimumSpaceShortage = std::min(m_minimumSpaceShortage, shortage); |
| 145 } |
| 146 |
| 147 // The smallest amout of space shortage that caused a column break. |
| 148 LayoutUnit m_minimumSpaceShortage; |
| 149 |
| 150 // Set when breaking before a block, and we're looking for the first unbreak
able descendant, in |
| 151 // order to report correct space shortage for that one. |
| 152 LayoutUnit m_pendingStrut; |
| 153 |
| 154 unsigned m_forcedBreaksCount; |
| 155 }; |
| 156 |
| 157 } // namespace blink |