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Unified Diff: include/codec/SkCodec.h

Issue 1395183003: Add scaled subset API to SkCodec (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 5 years, 2 months ago
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Index: include/codec/SkCodec.h
diff --git a/include/codec/SkCodec.h b/include/codec/SkCodec.h
index 8b6e2101672e84490cd607da75c106dff231da69..9e366367098771d990ab99cb0e01472f2b3f8137 100644
--- a/include/codec/SkCodec.h
+++ b/include/codec/SkCodec.h
@@ -71,25 +71,6 @@ public:
- * Return (via desiredSubset) a subset which can decoded from this codec,
- * or false if this codec cannot decode subsets or anything similar to
- * desiredSubset.
- *
- * @param desiredSubset In/out parameter. As input, a desired subset of
- * the original bounds (as specified by getInfo). If true is returned,
- * desiredSubset may have been modified to a subset which is
- * supported. Although a particular change may have been made to
- * desiredSubset to create something supported, it is possible other
- * changes could result in a valid subset.
- * If false is returned, desiredSubset's value is undefined.
- * @return true if this codec supports decoding desiredSubset (as
- * returned, potentially modified)
- */
- bool getValidSubset(SkIRect* desiredSubset) const {
- return this->onGetValidSubset(desiredSubset);
- }
- /**
* Format of the encoded data.
SkEncodedFormat getEncodedFormat() const { return this->onGetEncodedFormat(); }
@@ -162,15 +143,48 @@ public:
struct Options {
: fZeroInitialized(kNo_ZeroInitialized)
- , fSubset(NULL)
+ , fSubset(nullptr)
+ , fScaledDimensions(nullptr)
+ , fScaledSubset(nullptr)
ZeroInitialized fZeroInitialized;
- * If not NULL, represents a subset of the original image to decode.
- * Must be within the bounds returned by getInfo().
- * If the EncodedFormat is kWEBP_SkEncodedFormat (the only one which
- * currently supports subsets), the top and left values must be even.
+ * fSubset represents a subset of the original image to decode.
+ * It must be within the bounds returned by getInfo().
+ * If the EncodedFormat is kWEBP_SkEncodedFormat, the top and left
+ * values must be even.
+ * If fSubset is NULL, we are not performing a subset decode.
+ *
+ * fScaledDimensions and fScaledSubset are used together to help
+ * specify a scaled subset decode. Both should be non-NULL for a
+ * scaled subset decode, and both should be NULL otherwise.
+ *
+ * If fScaledDimensions and fScaledSubset are NULL, we are not
+ * performing a scaled subset decode:
+ * (1) If fSubset is non-NULL, we are performing an unscaled
+ * subset decode, and the subset dimensions must match the
+ * dstInfo dimensions.
+ * (2) If fSubset is NULL and the dstInfo dimensions do not
+ * match the original dimensions, we are performing a
+ * scaled decode.
+ * (3) If fSubset is NULL and the dstInfo dimensions match the
scroggo 2015/10/12 20:47:06 Maybe it is worth noting that (2) and (3) are the
+ * original dimensions, we are performing an unscaled, full
+ * image decode.
+ *
+ * If both are non-NULL we are performing a scaled subset decode:
scroggo 2015/10/12 20:47:06 Which "both"? fScaledDimensions and fScaledSubset?
+ * fSubset must be non-NULL.
+ * fScaledSubset must be within the bounds of fScaledDimensions.
+ * The dimensions of fScaledSubset must match the dimensions
+ * specified by dstInfo.
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ * Call getScaledSubsetDimensions() with the desired fSubset of
+ * the original image and the desired scale. The function will
+ * populate the options object with valid values of
+ * fScaledDimensions and fScaledSubset that can be decoded
+ * efficiently.
* In getPixels, we will attempt to decode the exact rectangular
* subset specified by fSubset.
@@ -184,9 +198,36 @@ public:
* to getScanlines().
SkIRect* fSubset;
+ SkISize* fScaledDimensions;
+ SkIRect* fScaledSubset;
+ * @param desiredScale The requested scale factor.
+ * @param options In/out parameter.
+ * options->fSubset (in/out) specifies the
scroggo 2015/10/12 20:47:06 If we wanted to, we could make options an optional
+ * requested subset in terms of the original image
+ * dimensions. This may be modified to a subset
+ * that can be decoded more efficiently.
+ * options->fScaledDimensions is an output and
+ * specifies the best scaled (full image) output
+ * dimensions that can be achieved for the
+ * desiredScale.
+ * options->fScaledSubset is an output and specifies
+ * the fSubset in terms of fScaledDimensions.
scroggo 2015/10/12 20:47:06 "in terms of fScaledDimensions" is not intuitive t
+ *
+ * The codec may not be able to scale and subset efficiently to the exact
+ * scale and subset requested, so fScaledDimensions and fScaledSubset may
+ * be approximate. These output values are the codec's suggestion for
+ * the closest valid scaled subset that it can support.
+ *
+ * @return true if fScaledDimensions and fScaledSubset have been
scroggo 2015/10/12 20:47:06 You've removed getValidSubset, so I assume the int
+ * successfully set to values that the codec supports.
+ * false otherwise.
+ */
+ bool getScaledSubsetDimensions(float desiredScale, const Options& options) const;
reed1 2015/10/12 20:21:00 wow, pretty complicated rules for calling this. Ar
scroggo 2015/10/12 20:47:07 The options object does not appear to be const.
+ /**
* Decode into the given pixels, a block of memory of size at
* least (info.fHeight - 1) * rowBytes + (info.fWidth *
* bytesPerPixel)
@@ -407,7 +448,11 @@ protected:
return this->getInfo().dimensions();
- // FIXME: What to do about subsets??
+ virtual bool onGetScaledSubsetDimensions(float desiredScale, const Options& options) const {
+ // By default, scaled subsetting is not supported.
+ return false;
+ }
* Subclasses should override if they support dimensions other than the
* srcInfo's.
@@ -416,6 +461,22 @@ protected:
return false;
+ /**
+ * Subclasses should override depending on how they support subsets.
+ *
+ * The default implementation only supports subsetting in the
+ * x-dimension during a scanline decode.
+ */
+ virtual bool onSubsetSupported(const SkIRect&, bool isScanlineDecode);
+ /**
+ * Subclasses should override depenging on how they support scaled subsetting.
+ *
+ * If the scale is supported, the default implementation will support subsetting
+ * in the x-dimension during a scanline decode.
+ */
+ virtual bool onScaledSubsetSupported(const Options&, bool isScanlineDecode);
virtual SkEncodedFormat onGetEncodedFormat() const = 0;
@@ -536,6 +597,16 @@ private:
return dim == fSrcInfo.dimensions() || this->onDimensionsSupported(dim);
+ /**
+ * Return whether decoding this subset is supported.
+ */
+ bool subsetSupported(const SkIRect& subset, bool isScanlineDecode);
+ /**
+ * Return whether a decode with the specified options is supported
+ */
+ bool scaledSubsetSupported(const SkISize& dim, const Options& options, bool isScanlineDecode);
// Methods for scanline decoding.
virtual SkCodec::Result onStartScanlineDecode(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo,
const SkCodec::Options& options, SkPMColor ctable[], int* ctableCount) {
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