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Unified Diff: LayoutTests/virtual/legacy-animations-engine/animations/interpolation/svg-stroke-dasharray-interpolation-expected.txt

Issue 139273007: Web Animations: Remove legacy animations engine. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Fix TestExpectations. Created 6 years, 10 months ago
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Index: LayoutTests/virtual/legacy-animations-engine/animations/interpolation/svg-stroke-dasharray-interpolation-expected.txt
diff --git a/LayoutTests/virtual/legacy-animations-engine/animations/interpolation/svg-stroke-dasharray-interpolation-expected.txt b/LayoutTests/virtual/legacy-animations-engine/animations/interpolation/svg-stroke-dasharray-interpolation-expected.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d31ca39d36d0ee7f19295bdfcffe8aeb94b8e2b4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LayoutTests/virtual/legacy-animations-engine/animations/interpolation/svg-stroke-dasharray-interpolation-expected.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [15 20] was [-1.000000238418579px, 3.999999761581421px] at -0.6, expected [ 0 4] (parsed as [0px, 4px])
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [15 20] was [ 1 6] at -0.4
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [15 20] was [ 3 8] at -0.2
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [15 20] was [ 5 10] at 0
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [15 20] was [ 7 12] at 0.2
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [15 20] was [ 9 14] at 0.4
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [15 20] was [11 16] at 0.6
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [15 20] was [13 18] at 0.8
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [15 20] was [15 20] at 1
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [15 20] was [17 22] at 1.2
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [0 0] to [5 10] was [-1px, -2px] at -0.2, expected [ 0 0] (parsed as [0px, 0px])
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [0 0] to [5 10] was [ 0 0] at 0
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [0 0] to [5 10] was [ 1 2] at 0.2
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [0 0] to [5 10] was [ 2 4] at 0.4
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [0 0] to [5 10] was [ 3 6] at 0.6
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [0 0] to [5 10] was [ 4 8] at 0.8
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [0 0] to [5 10] was [ 5 10] at 1
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [0 0] to [5 10] was [ 6 12] at 1.2
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [none] to [5 10] was [5px, 10px] at -0.2, expected [ 0 0] (parsed as [0px, 0px])
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [none] to [5 10] was [none] at 0
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [none] to [5 10] was [5px, 10px] at 0.2, expected [ 1 2] (parsed as [1px, 2px])
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [none] to [5 10] was [5px, 10px] at 0.4, expected [ 2 4] (parsed as [2px, 4px])
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [none] to [5 10] was [5px, 10px] at 0.6, expected [ 3 6] (parsed as [3px, 6px])
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [none] to [5 10] was [5px, 10px] at 0.8, expected [ 4 8] (parsed as [4px, 8px])
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [none] to [5 10] was [ 5 10] at 1
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [none] to [5 10] was [5px, 10px] at 1.2, expected [ 6 12] (parsed as [6px, 12px])
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [none] was [none] at -0.2, expected [ 6 12] (parsed as [6px, 12px])
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [none] was [none] at 0, expected [ 5 10] (parsed as [5px, 10px])
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [none] was [none] at 0.2, expected [ 4 8] (parsed as [4px, 8px])
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [none] was [none] at 0.4, expected [ 3 6] (parsed as [3px, 6px])
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [none] was [none] at 0.6, expected [ 2 4] (parsed as [2px, 4px])
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [none] was [none] at 0.8, expected [ 1 2] (parsed as [1px, 2px])
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [none] was [5px, 10px] at 1, expected [none]
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [none] was [none] at 1.2, expected [ 0 0] (parsed as [0px, 0px])
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [none] to [none] was [none] at -0.2
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [none] to [none] was [none] at 0
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [none] to [none] was [none] at 2.2
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [none] to [none] was [none] at 4.2
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [none] to [none] was [none] at 6.2
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [none] to [none] was [none] at 8.2
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [none] to [none] was [none] at 0.2
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [none] to [none] was [none] at 1.2
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [15 20 25] was [ 3 8 1 9 2 7] at -0.2
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [15 20 25] was [5px, 10px, 5px, 10px, 5px, 10px] at 0, expected [ 5 10] (parsed as [5px, 10px])
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [15 20 25] was [ 7 12 9 11 8 13] at 0.2
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [15 20 25] was [ 9 14 13 12 11 16] at 0.4
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [15 20 25] was [11 16 17 13 14 19] at 0.6
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [15 20 25] was [13 18 21 14 17 22] at 0.8
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [15 20 25] was [15px, 20px, 25px, 15px, 20px, 25px] at 1, expected [15 20 25] (parsed as [15px, 20px, 25px])
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10] to [15 20 25] was [17 22 29 16 23 28] at 1.2
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15 20] to [25 30 35 40 45 50] was [0.9999999403953552px, 6px, 11px, 16px, -3px, 1.9999998807907104px, 13px, 18px, -1.0000001192092896px, 4px, 9px, 14px, 0.9999999403953552px, 6px, 11px, 16px, -3px, 1.9999998807907104px, 13px, 18px, -1.0000001192092896px, 4px, 9px, 14px] at -0.2, expected [ 1 6 11 16 0 2 13 18 0 4 9 14] (parsed as [1px, 6px, 11px, 16px, 0px, 2px, 13px, 18px, 0px, 4px, 9px, 14px])
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15 20] to [25 30 35 40 45 50] was [5px, 10px, 15px, 20px, 5px, 10px, 15px, 20px, 5px, 10px, 15px, 20px, 5px, 10px, 15px, 20px, 5px, 10px, 15px, 20px, 5px, 10px, 15px, 20px] at 0, expected [ 5 10 15 20] (parsed as [5px, 10px, 15px, 20px])
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15 20] to [25 30 35 40 45 50] was [9px, 14px, 19px, 24px, 13px, 18px, 17px, 22px, 11px, 16px, 21px, 26px, 9px, 14px, 19px, 24px, 13px, 18px, 17px, 22px, 11px, 16px, 21px, 26px] at 0.2, expected [ 9 14 19 24 13 18 17 22 11 16 21 26] (parsed as [9px, 14px, 19px, 24px, 13px, 18px, 17px, 22px, 11px, 16px, 21px, 26px])
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15 20] to [25 30 35 40 45 50] was [13px, 18px, 23px, 28px, 21px, 26px, 19px, 24px, 17px, 22px, 27px, 32px, 13px, 18px, 23px, 28px, 21px, 26px, 19px, 24px, 17px, 22px, 27px, 32px] at 0.4, expected [13 18 23 28 21 26 19 24 17 22 27 32] (parsed as [13px, 18px, 23px, 28px, 21px, 26px, 19px, 24px, 17px, 22px, 27px, 32px])
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15 20] to [25 30 35 40 45 50] was [17px, 22px, 27px, 32px, 29px, 34px, 21px, 26px, 23px, 28px, 33px, 38px, 17px, 22px, 27px, 32px, 29px, 34px, 21px, 26px, 23px, 28px, 33px, 38px] at 0.6, expected [17 22 27 32 29 34 21 26 23 28 33 38] (parsed as [17px, 22px, 27px, 32px, 29px, 34px, 21px, 26px, 23px, 28px, 33px, 38px])
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15 20] to [25 30 35 40 45 50] was [21px, 26px, 31px, 36px, 37px, 42px, 23px, 28px, 29px, 34px, 39px, 44px, 21px, 26px, 31px, 36px, 37px, 42px, 23px, 28px, 29px, 34px, 39px, 44px] at 0.8, expected [21 26 31 36 37 42 23 28 29 34 39 44] (parsed as [21px, 26px, 31px, 36px, 37px, 42px, 23px, 28px, 29px, 34px, 39px, 44px])
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15 20] to [25 30 35 40 45 50] was [25px, 30px, 35px, 40px, 45px, 50px, 25px, 30px, 35px, 40px, 45px, 50px, 25px, 30px, 35px, 40px, 45px, 50px, 25px, 30px, 35px, 40px, 45px, 50px] at 1, expected [25 30 35 40 45 50] (parsed as [25px, 30px, 35px, 40px, 45px, 50px])
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15 20] to [25 30 35 40 45 50] was [29px, 34px, 39px, 44px, 53px, 58px, 27px, 32px, 41px, 46px, 51px, 56px, 29px, 34px, 39px, 44px, 53px, 58px, 27px, 32px, 41px, 46px, 51px, 56px] at 1.2, expected [29 34 39 44 53 58 27 32 41 46 51 56] (parsed as [29px, 34px, 39px, 44px, 53px, 58px, 27px, 32px, 41px, 46px, 51px, 56px])
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15] to [20 25 30 35] was [2px, 7px, 12px, -1.0000001192092896px, 8px, 13px, -0.00000007450580596923828px, 5px, 14px, 0.9999999403953552px, 6px, 11px] at -0.2, expected [ 2 7 12 0 8 13 0 5 14 1 6 11] (parsed as [2px, 7px, 12px, 0px, 8px, 13px, 0px, 5px, 14px, 1px, 6px, 11px])
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15] to [20 25 30 35] was [5px, 10px, 15px, 5px, 10px, 15px, 5px, 10px, 15px, 5px, 10px, 15px] at 0, expected [ 5 10 15] (parsed as [5px, 10px, 15px])
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15] to [20 25 30 35] was [ 8 13 18 11 12 17 10 15 16 9 14 19] at 0.2
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15] to [20 25 30 35] was [11 16 21 17 14 19 15 20 17 13 18 23] at 0.4
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15] to [20 25 30 35] was [14 19 24 23 16 21 20 25 18 17 22 27] at 0.6
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15] to [20 25 30 35] was [17 22 27 29 18 23 25 30 19 21 26 31] at 0.8
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15] to [20 25 30 35] was [20px, 25px, 30px, 35px, 20px, 25px, 30px, 35px, 20px, 25px, 30px, 35px] at 1, expected [20 25 30 35] (parsed as [20px, 25px, 30px, 35px])
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15] to [20 25 30 35] was [23 28 33 41 22 27 35 40 21 29 34 39] at 1.2
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15] to [20 25 30 35 40] was [2px, 7px, 12px, -1.0000001192092896px, 4px, 14px, 0.9999999403953552px, 6px, 11px, -2px, 8px, 13px, -0.00000007450580596923828px, 5px, 10px] at -0.2, expected [ 2 7 12 0 4 14 1 6 11 0 8 13 0 5 10] (parsed as [2px, 7px, 12px, 0px, 4px, 14px, 1px, 6px, 11px, 0px, 8px, 13px, 0px, 5px, 10px])
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15] to [20 25 30 35 40] was [5px, 10px, 15px, 5px, 10px, 15px, 5px, 10px, 15px, 5px, 10px, 15px, 5px, 10px, 15px] at 0, expected [ 5 10 15] (parsed as [5px, 10px, 15px])
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15] to [20 25 30 35 40] was [ 8 13 18 11 16 16 9 14 19 12 12 17 10 15 20] at 0.2
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15] to [20 25 30 35 40] was [11 16 21 17 22 17 13 18 23 19 14 19 15 20 25] at 0.4
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15] to [20 25 30 35 40] was [14 19 24 23 28 18 17 22 27 26 16 21 20 25 30] at 0.6
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15] to [20 25 30 35 40] was [17 22 27 29 34 19 21 26 31 33 18 23 25 30 35] at 0.8
-FAIL: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15] to [20 25 30 35 40] was [20px, 25px, 30px, 35px, 40px, 20px, 25px, 30px, 35px, 40px, 20px, 25px, 30px, 35px, 40px] at 1, expected [20 25 30 35 40] (parsed as [20px, 25px, 30px, 35px, 40px])
-PASS: stroke-dasharray from [5 10 15] to [20 25 30 35 40] was [23 28 33 41 46 21 29 34 39 47 22 27 35 40 45] at 1.2

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