diff --git a/ b/
index fa08a0c9c83db517e5d70258b193485e660d0f17..33694eba48ef50c364159257385cce52393c9083 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ Example:
# This means that query time scales mostly with (today() - begin).
import cookielib
-import csv
import datetime
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
@@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ from functools import partial
import json
import optparse
import os
-import re
import subprocess
import sys
import urllib
@@ -39,9 +37,6 @@ import gerrit_util
import rietveld
from third_party import upload
-# Imported later, once options are set.
-webkitpy = None
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta # pylint: disable=F0401
except ImportError:
@@ -54,38 +49,6 @@ try:
except ImportError:
print 'Consider installing python-keyring'
-def webkit_account(user):
- if not webkitpy:
- return None
- committer_list = webkitpy.common.config.committers.CommitterList()
- email = user + ""
- return committer_list.account_by_email(email)
-def user_to_webkit_email(user):
- account = webkit_account(user)
- if not account:
- return None
- return account.emails[0]
-def user_to_webkit_owner_search(user):
- account = webkit_account(user)
- if not account:
- return ['' % user]
- search = []
- for email in account.emails:
- search.append('--author=' + email)
- # commit-bot is author for contributors who are not committers.
- search.append('--grep=Patch by ' + account.full_name)
- return search
-def user_to_webkit_reviewer_search(user):
- committer_list = webkitpy.common.config.committers.CommitterList()
- email = user + ""
- account = committer_list.reviewer_by_email(email)
- if not account:
- return []
- return ['--grep=Reviewed by ' + account.full_name]
rietveld_instances = [
'url': '',
@@ -157,29 +120,6 @@ google_code_projects = [
-bugzilla_instances = [
- {
- 'search_url': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'user_func': user_to_webkit_email,
- },
-git_instances = [
- {
- 'option': 'webkit_repo',
- 'change_re':
- r'git-svn-id: http://svn\.webkit\.org/repository/webkit/trunk@(\d*)',
- 'change_url': '',
- 'review_re': r'https://bugs\.webkit\.org/show_bug\.cgi\?id\=(\d*)',
- 'review_url': '',
- 'review_prop': 'webkit_bug_id',
- 'owner_search_func': user_to_webkit_owner_search,
- 'reviewer_search_func': user_to_webkit_reviewer_search,
- },
# Uses ClientLogin to authenticate the user for Google Code issue trackers.
def get_auth_token(email):
# KeyringCreds will use the system keyring on the first try, and prompt for
@@ -269,9 +209,6 @@ class MyActivity(object):
self.issues = []
self.google_code_auth_token = None
- self.webkit_repo = options.webkit_repo
- if self.webkit_repo:
- self.setup_webkit_info()
# Check the codereview cookie jar to determine which Rietveld instances to
# authenticate to.
@@ -608,195 +545,6 @@ class MyActivity(object):
return ret
- @staticmethod
- def git_cmd(repo, *args):
- cmd = ['git', '--git-dir=%s/.git' % repo]
- cmd.extend(args)
- [stdout, _] = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
- lines = str(stdout).split('\n')[:-1]
- return lines
- def git_search(self, instance, owner=None, reviewer=None):
- repo = getattr(self, instance['option'])
- if not repo:
- return []
- search = []
- if owner:
- search.extend(instance['owner_search_func'](owner))
- if reviewer:
- search.extend(instance['reviewer_search_func'](reviewer))
- if not len(search):
- return []
- self.git_cmd(repo, 'fetch', 'origin')
- time_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
- log_args = [
- '--after=' + self.modified_after.strftime(time_format),
- '--before=' + self.modified_before.strftime(time_format),
- '--format=%H'
- ]
- commits = set()
- for query in search:
- query_args = [query]
- query_args.extend(log_args)
- commits |= set(self.git_cmd(repo, 'log', 'origin/master', *query_args))
- ret = []
- for commit in commits:
- output = self.git_cmd(repo, 'log', commit + "^!", "--format=%cn%n%cd%n%B")
- author = output[0]
- date = datetime.strptime(output[1], "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y +0000")
- processed = self.process_git_commit(instance, author, date, output[2:])
- if processed:
- ret.append(processed)
- ret = sorted(ret, key=lambda i: i['modified'], reverse=True)
- return ret
- @staticmethod
- def process_git_commit(instance, author, date, log):
- ret = {}
- ret['owner'] = author
- ret['author'] = author
- ret['modified'] = date
- ret['created'] = date
- ret['header'] = log[0]
- reviews = []
- reviewers = []
- changes = []
- for line in log:
- match = re.match(r'Reviewed by ([^.]*)', line)
- if match:
- reviewers.append(
- if instance['review_re']:
- match = re.match(instance['review_re'], line)
- if match:
- reviews.append(int(
- if instance['change_re']:
- match = re.match(instance['change_re'], line)
- if match:
- changes.append(int(
- committer_list = webkitpy.common.config.committers.CommitterList()
- ret['reviewers'] = set(
- (committer_list.contributor_by_name(r).emails[0] for r in reviewers))
- # Reviews more useful than change link itself, but tricky if multiple
- # Reviews == bugs for WebKit changes
- if len(reviews) == 1:
- url = 'http://%s/%d' % (instance['review_url'], reviews[0])
- if instance['review_prop']:
- ret[instance['review_prop']] = reviews[0]
- elif len(changes) == 1:
- url = 'http://%s/%d' % (instance['change_url'], changes[0])
- else:
- # Couldn't find anything.
- return None
- ret['review_url'] = url
- return ret
- def bugzilla_issues(self, instance, user):
- if instance['user_func']:
- user = instance['user_func'](user)
- if not user:
- return []
- # This search is a little iffy, as it returns any bug that has been
- # modified over a time period in any way and that a user has ever commented
- # on, but that's the best that Bugzilla can get us. Oops.
- commented = { 'emaillongdesc1': 1 }
- issues = self.bugzilla_search(instance, user, commented)
- issues = filter(lambda issue: issue['owner'] != user, issues)
- reported = { 'emailreporter1': 1, 'chfield': '[Bug creation]' }
- issues.extend(self.bugzilla_search(instance, user, reported))
- # Remove duplicates by bug id
- seen = {}
- pruned = []
- for issue in issues:
- bug_id = issue['webkit_bug_id']
- if bug_id in seen:
- continue
- seen[bug_id] = True
- pruned.append(issue)
- # Bugzilla has no modified time, so sort by id?
- pruned = sorted(pruned, key=lambda i: i['webkit_bug_id'])
- return issues
- def bugzilla_search(self, instance, user, params):
- time_format = '%Y-%m-%d'
- values = {
- 'chfieldfrom': self.modified_after.strftime(time_format),
- 'chfieldto': self.modified_before.strftime(time_format),
- 'ctype': 'csv',
- 'emailtype1': 'substring',
- 'email1': '%s' % user,
- }
- values.update(params)
- # Must be GET not POST
- data = urllib.urlencode(values)
- req = urllib2.Request("%s?%s" % (instance['search_url'], data))
- response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
- reader = csv.reader(response)
- # skip the header line
- issues = map(partial(self.process_bugzilla_issue, instance), reader)
- return issues
- @staticmethod
- def process_bugzilla_issue(instance, issue):
- bug_id, owner, desc = int(issue[0]), issue[4], issue[7]
- ret = {}
- ret['owner'] = owner
- ret['author'] = owner
- ret['review_url'] = 'http://%s/%d' % (instance['url'], bug_id)
- ret['url'] = ret['review_url']
- ret['header'] = desc
- ret['webkit_bug_id'] = bug_id
- return ret
- def setup_webkit_info(self):
- assert(self.webkit_repo)
- git_dir = os.path.normpath(self.webkit_repo + "/.git")
- if not os.path.exists(git_dir):
- print "%s doesn't exist, skipping WebKit checks." % git_dir
- self.webkit_repo = None
- return
- try:
- self.git_cmd(self.webkit_repo, "fetch", "origin")
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- print "Failed to update WebKit repo, skipping WebKit checks."
- self.webkit_repo = None
- return
- path = "Tools/Scripts"
- full_path = os.path.normpath("%s/%s" % (self.options.webkit_repo, path))
- sys.path.append(full_path)
- try:
- global webkitpy
- webkitpy = __import__('webkitpy.common.config.committers')
- except ImportError:
- print "Failed to import WebKit committer list, skipping WebKit checks."
- self.webkit_repo = None
- return
- if not webkit_account(self.user):
- email = self.user + ""
- print "No %s in, skipping WebKit checks." % email
- self.webkit_repo = None
def print_heading(self, heading):
print self.options.output_format_heading.format(heading=heading)
@@ -893,9 +641,6 @@ class MyActivity(object):
for instance in gerrit_instances:
self.changes += self.gerrit_search(instance, owner=self.user)
- for instance in git_instances:
- self.changes += self.git_search(instance, owner=self.user)
def print_changes(self):
if self.changes:
@@ -911,9 +656,6 @@ class MyActivity(object):
reviews = filter(lambda r: not username(r['owner']) == self.user, reviews)
| += reviews
- for instance in git_instances:
- += self.git_search(instance, reviewer=self.user)
def print_reviews(self):
@@ -924,29 +666,12 @@ class MyActivity(object):
for project in google_code_projects:
self.issues += self.google_code_issue_search(project)
- for instance in bugzilla_instances:
- self.issues += self.bugzilla_issues(instance, self.user)
def print_issues(self):
if self.issues:
for issue in self.issues:
- def process_activities(self):
- # If a webkit bug was a review, don't list it as an issue.
- ids = {}
- for review in + self.changes:
- if 'webkit_bug_id' in review:
- ids[review['webkit_bug_id']] = True
- def duplicate_issue(issue):
- if 'webkit_bug_id' not in issue:
- return False
- return issue['webkit_bug_id'] in ids
- self.issues = filter(lambda issue: not duplicate_issue(issue), self.issues)
def print_activity(self):
@@ -963,10 +688,6 @@ def main():
help='Filter on user, default=%default')
- '--webkit_repo', metavar='<dir>',
- default='%s' % os.environ.get('WEBKIT_DIR'),
- help='Local path to WebKit repository, default=%default')
- parser.add_option(
'-b', '--begin', metavar='<date>',
help='Filter issues created after the date')
@@ -1107,8 +828,6 @@ def main():
if options.issues:
- my_activity.process_activities()
print '\n\n\n'