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Unified Diff: commit-queue/tools/

Issue 135363007: Delete public commit queue to avoid confusion after move to internal repo (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 6 years, 10 months ago
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Index: commit-queue/tools/
--- commit-queue/tools/ (revision 249146)
+++ commit-queue/tools/ (working copy)
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Count commits by the commit queue."""
-import datetime
-import json
-import logging
-import optparse
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-from xml.etree import ElementTree
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
-import find_depot_tools # pylint: disable=W0611
-import subprocess2
-def log(repo, args):
- """If extra is True, grab one revision before and one after."""
- args = args or []
- out = subprocess2.check_output(
- ['svn', 'log', '--with-all-revprops', '--xml', repo] + args)
- data = {}
- for logentry in ElementTree.XML(out).findall('logentry'):
- date_str = logentry.find('date').text
- date = datetime.datetime(*map(int, re.split('[^\d]', date_str)[:-1]))
- entry = {
- 'author': logentry.find('author').text,
- 'date': date,
- 'msg': logentry.find('msg').text,
- 'revprops': {},
- 'commit-bot': False,
- }
- revprops = logentry.find('revprops')
- if revprops is not None:
- for revprop in revprops.findall('property'):
- entry['revprops'][revprop.attrib['name']] = revprop.text
- if revprop.attrib['name'] == 'commit-bot':
- entry['commit-bot'] = True
- data[logentry.attrib['revision']] = entry
- return data
-def log_dates(repo, start_date, days):
- """Formats dates so 'svn log' does the right thing. Fetches everything in UTC.
- """
- #
- if not days:
- end_inclusive =
- else:
- end_inclusive = start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=days)
- actual_days = (end_inclusive - start_date).days
- print('Getting data from %s for %s days' % (start_date, actual_days))
- range_str = (
- '{%s 00:00:00 +0000}:{%s 00:00:00 +0000}' % (start_date, end_inclusive))
- data = log(repo, ['-r', range_str])
- # Strip off everything outside the range.
- start_date_time = datetime.datetime(*start_date.timetuple()[:6])
- if data:
- first = sorted(data.keys())[0]
- if data[first]['date'] < start_date_time:
- del data[first]
- # Strip the commit message to save space.
- for item in data.itervalues():
- del item['msg']
- return data
-def monday_last_week():
- """Returns Monday in 'date' object."""
- today =
- last_week = today - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
- return last_week - datetime.timedelta(days=(last_week.isoweekday() - 1))
-class JSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
- def default(self, o): # pylint: disable=E0202
- if isinstance(o, datetime.datetime):
- return str(o)
- return super(JSONEncoder, self)
-def print_aligned(zipped_list):
- max_len = max(len(i[0]) for i in zipped_list)
- for author, count in zipped_list:
- print('%*s: %d' % (max_len, author, count))
-def print_data(log_data, stats_only, top):
- # Calculate stats.
- num_commit_bot = len([True for v in log_data.itervalues() if v['commit-bot']])
- num_total_commits = len(log_data)
- pourcent = 0.
- if num_total_commits:
- pourcent = float(num_commit_bot) * 100. / float(num_total_commits)
- users = {}
- for i in log_data.itervalues():
- if i['commit-bot']:
- users.setdefault(i['author'], 0)
- users[i['author']] += 1
- if not stats_only:
- max_author_len = max(len(i['author']) for i in log_data.itervalues())
- for revision in sorted(log_data.keys()):
- entry = log_data[revision]
- commit_bot = ' '
- if entry['commit-bot']:
- commit_bot = 'c'
- print('%s %s %s %*s' % (
- ('r%s' % revision).rjust(6),
- commit_bot,
- entry['date'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC'),
- max_author_len,
- entry['author']))
- print('')
- if top:
- top_users = sorted(
- users.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:top]
- top_commits = sum(x[1] for x in top_users)
- p_u = 100. * len(top_users) / len(users)
- p_c = 100. * top_commits / num_commit_bot
- print(
- 'Top users: %6d out of %6d total users %6.2f%%' %
- (len(top_users), len(users), p_u))
- print(
- ' Committed %6d out of %6d CQ\'ed commits %5.2f%%' %
- (top_commits, num_commit_bot, p_c))
- if not stats_only:
- print_aligned(top_users)
- non_committers = sorted(
- ( (u, c) for u, c in users.iteritems()
- if not u.endswith('')),
- key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
- if non_committers:
- print('')
- n_c_commits = sum(x[1] for x in non_committers)
- p_u = 100. * len(non_committers) / len(users)
- p_c = 100. * n_c_commits / num_commit_bot
- print(
- 'Non-committers: %6d out of %6d total users %6.2f%%' %
- (len(non_committers), len(users), p_u))
- print(
- ' Committed %6d out of %6d CQ\'ed commits %5.2f%%' %
- (n_c_commits, num_commit_bot, p_c))
- print('')
- print('Top domains')
- domains = {}
- for user, count in non_committers:
- domain = user.split('@', 1)[1]
- domains.setdefault(domain, 0)
- domains[domain] += count
- domains_stats = sorted(
- ((k, v) for k, v in domains.iteritems()),
- key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
- print_aligned(domains_stats)
- if not stats_only:
- print_aligned(non_committers)
- print('')
- print('Total commits: %6d' % num_total_commits)
- print(
- 'Total commits by commit bot: %6d (%6.1f%%)' % (num_commit_bot, pourcent))
-def main():
- parser = optparse.OptionParser(
- description=sys.modules['__main__'].__doc__)
- parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true')
- parser.add_option(
- '-r', '--repo', default='')
- parser.add_option('-s', '--since', action='store')
- parser.add_option('-d', '--days', type=int, default=7)
- parser.add_option('--all', action='store_true', help='Get ALL the revisions!')
- parser.add_option('--dump', help='Dump json in file')
- parser.add_option('--read', help='Read the data from a file')
- parser.add_option('-o', '--stats_only', action='store_true')
- parser.add_option('--top', default=20, type='int')
- options, args = parser.parse_args(None)
- if args:
- parser.error('Unsupported args: %s' % args)
- logging.basicConfig(
- level=(logging.DEBUG if options.verbose else logging.ERROR))
- # By default, grab stats for last week.
- if not options.since:
- options.since = monday_last_week()
- else:
- options.since =*map(int, re.split('[^\d]', options.since)))
- if
- if options.dump:
- parser.error('Can\'t use --dump and --read simultaneously')
- log_data = json.load(open(, 'r'))
- for entry in log_data.itervalues():
- # Convert strings like "2012-09-04 01:14:43.785581" to a datetime object.
- entry['date'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
- entry['date'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
- else:
- if options.all:
- log_data = log(options.repo, [])
- else:
- log_data = log_dates(options.repo, options.since, options.days)
- if options.dump:
- json.dump(log_data, open(options.dump, 'w'), cls=JSONEncoder)
- print_data(log_data, options.stats_only,
- return 0
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main())
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