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Unified Diff: commit-queue/verification/

Issue 135363007: Delete public commit queue to avoid confusion after move to internal repo (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 6 years, 10 months ago
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Index: commit-queue/verification/
--- commit-queue/verification/ (revision 249146)
+++ commit-queue/verification/ (working copy)
@@ -1,755 +0,0 @@
-# coding=utf8
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Sends patches to the Try server and reads back results.
-- RietveldTryJobs contains RietveldTryJob, one per try job on a builder.
-- TryRunnerRietveld uses Rietveld to signal and poll job results.
-import collections
-import errno
-import logging
-import re
-import socket
-import time
-import urllib2
-import buildbot_json
-import model
-from verification import base
-from verification import try_job_steps
-# A build running for longer than this is considered to be timed out.
-TIMED_OUT = 12 * 60 * 60
-def is_job_expired(now, revision, timestamp, checkout):
- """Returns False if the job result is still somewhat valid.
- A job that occured more than 4 days ago or more than 200 commits behind
- is 'expired'.
- """
- if timestamp < (now - 4*24*60*60):
- return True
- if checkout.revisions(revision, None) >= 200:
- return True
- return False
-TryJobProperties = collections.namedtuple(
- 'TryJobProperties',
- ['key', 'parent_key', 'builder', 'build', 'buildnumber', 'properties'])
-def filter_jobs(try_job_results, watched_builders, current_irrelevant_keys,
- status):
- """For each try jobs results, query the Try Server for updated status and
- returns details about each job in a TryJobProperties.
- Returns a list of namedtuple describing the updated results and and the new
- list of irrelevant keys.
- It adds the build to the ignored list if the build doesn't exist on the Try
- Server anymore (usually it's too old) or if the try job was not triggered by
- the Commit Queue itself.
- """
- irrelevant = set(current_irrelevant_keys)
- try_jobs_with_props = []
- for result in try_job_results:
- key = result['key']
- assert key
- if key in current_irrelevant_keys:
- continue
- builder = result['builder']
- try:
- buildnumber = int(result['buildnumber'])
- except (TypeError, ValueError):
- continue
- if buildnumber < 0:
- logging.debug('Ignoring %s/%d; invalid', builder, buildnumber)
- irrelevant.add(key)
- continue
- if builder not in watched_builders:
- logging.debug('Ignoring %s/%d; no step verifier is examining it', builder,
- buildnumber)
- irrelevant.add(key)
- continue
- # Constructing the object itself doesn't throw an exception, it's reading
- # its properties that throws.
- build =[builder].builds[buildnumber]
- try:
- props = build.properties_as_dict
- except IOError:
- 'Build %s/%s is not on the try server anymore',
- builder, buildnumber)
- irrelevant.add(key)
- continue
- parent_key = props.get('parent_try_job_key')
- if parent_key:
- # Triggered build
- key = '%s/%d_triggered_%s' % (builder, buildnumber, parent_key)
- elif props.get('try_job_key') != key:
- # not triggered, not valid
- logging.debug(
- 'Ignoring %s/%d; not from rietveld', builder, buildnumber)
- irrelevant.add(key)
- continue
- try_jobs_with_props.append(
- TryJobProperties(key, parent_key, builder, build, buildnumber, props))
- # Sort the non-triggered builds first so triggered jobs
- # can expect their parent to be added to self.try_jobs
- try_jobs_with_props.sort(key=lambda tup: tup.parent_key)
- return try_jobs_with_props, list(irrelevant)
-def _is_skip_try_job(pending):
- """Returns True if a description contains NOTRY=true."""
- match ='^NOTRY=(.*)$', pending.description, re.MULTILINE)
- return match and == 'true'
-class RietveldTryJobPending(model.PersistentMixIn):
- """Represents a pending try job for a pending commit that we care about.
- It is immutable.
- """
- builder = unicode
- revision = (None, unicode, int)
- requested_steps = list
- clobber = bool
- # Number of retries for this configuration. Initial try is 1.
- tries = int
- init_time = float
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- required = set(self._persistent_members())
- actual = set(kwargs)
- assert required == actual, (required - actual, required, actual)
- super(RietveldTryJobPending, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- # Then mark it read-only.
- self._read_only = True
-class RietveldTryJob(model.PersistentMixIn):
- """Represents a try job for a pending commit that we care about.
- This data can be regenerated by parsing all the try job names but it is a bit
- hard on the try server.
- It is immutable.
- """
- builder = unicode
- build = int
- revision = (None, unicode, int)
- requested_steps = list
- # The timestamp when the build started. buildbot_json returns int.
- started = int
- steps_passed = list
- steps_failed = list
- clobber = bool
- completed = bool
- # Number of retries for this configuration. Initial try is 1.
- tries = int
- parent_key = (None, unicode)
- init_time = float
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- required = set(self._persistent_members())
- actual = set(kwargs)
- assert required == actual, (required - actual, required, actual)
- super(RietveldTryJob, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- # Then mark it read-only.
- self._read_only = True
- @property
- @model.immutable
- def result(self):
- if self.steps_failed:
- return buildbot_json.FAILURE
- if self.completed:
- return buildbot_json.SUCCESS
- return None
-class RietveldTryJobs(base.IVerifierStatus):
- """A set of try jobs that were sent for a specific patch.
- Multiple concurrent try jobs can be sent on a single builder. For example, a
- previous valid try job could have been triggered by the user but was not
- completed so another was sent with the missing tests.
- Also, a try job is sent as soon as a test failure is detected.
- """
- # An dict of RietveldTryJob objects per key.
- try_jobs = dict
- # The try job keys we ignore because they can't be used to give a good
- # signal: either they are too old (old revision) or they were not triggerd
- # by Rietveld, so we don't know if the diff is 100% good.
- irrelevant = list
- # When NOTRY=true is specified.
- skipped = bool
- # List of test verifiers. All the logic to decide when they are
- # and what bots they trigger is hidden inside.
- step_verifiers = list
- # Jobs that have been sent but are not found yet. Likely a builder is fully
- # utilized or the try server hasn't polled Rietveld yet. list of
- # RietveldTryJobPending() instances.
- pendings = list
- @model.immutable
- def get_state(self):
- """Returns the state of this verified.
- Failure can be from:
- - For each entry in self.step_verifiers:
- - A Try Job in self.try_jobs has been retried too often.
- In particular, there is no need to wait for every Try Job to complete.
- """
- if self.error_message:
- return base.FAILED
- if not self.tests_waiting_for_result():
- return base.SUCCEEDED
- return base.PROCESSING
- @model.immutable
- def tests_need_to_be_run(self, now):
- """Returns which tests need to be run.
- These are the tests that are not pending on any try job, either running or
- in the pending list.
- """
- # Skipped or failed, nothing to do.
- if self.skipped or self.error_message:
- return {}
- # What originally needed to be run.
- # All_tests is {builder_name: set(test_name*)}
- all_tests = {}
- for verifier in self.step_verifiers:
- (builder, tests) = verifier.need_to_trigger(self.try_jobs, now)
- if tests:
- all_tests.setdefault(builder, set()).update(tests)
- # Removes what is queued to be run but hasn't started yet.
- for try_job in self.pendings:
- if try_job.builder in all_tests:
- all_tests[try_job.builder] -= set(try_job.requested_steps)
- return dict(
- (builder, sorted(tests)) for builder, tests in all_tests.iteritems()
- if tests)
- @model.immutable
- def tests_waiting_for_result(self):
- """Returns the tests that we are waiting for results on pending or running
- builds.
- """
- # Skipped or failed, nothing to do.
- if self.skipped or self.error_message:
- return {}
- # What originally needed to be run.
- all_tests = {}
- for verification in self.step_verifiers:
- (builder, tests) = verification.waiting_for(self.try_jobs)
- if tests:
- all_tests.setdefault(builder, set()).update(tests)
- # Removes what was run.
- for try_job in self.try_jobs.itervalues():
- if try_job.builder in all_tests:
- all_tests[try_job.builder] -= set(try_job.steps_passed)
- return dict(
- (builder, list(tests)) for builder, tests in all_tests.iteritems()
- if tests)
- @model.immutable
- def watched_builders(self):
- """Marks all the jobs that the step_verifiers don't examine as
- irrelevant.
- """
- # Generate the list of builders to keep.
- watched_builders = set()
- for step_verifier in self.step_verifiers:
- watched_builders.add(step_verifier.builder_name)
- if isinstance(step_verifier, try_job_steps.TryJobTriggeredSteps):
- watched_builders.add(step_verifier.trigger_name)
- return watched_builders
- def update_jobs_from_rietveld(
- self, data, status, checkout, now):
- """Retrieves the jobs statuses from rietveld and updates its state.
- Args:
- owner: Owner of the CL.
- data: Patchset properties as returned from Rietveld.
- status: A buildbot_json.Buildbot instance.
- checkout: A depot_tools' Checkout instance.
- now: epoch time of what should be considered to be 'now'.
- Returns:
- Keys which were updated.
- """
- updated = []
- try_job_results = data.get('try_job_results', [])
- logging.debug('Found %d entries', len(try_job_results))
- try_jobs_with_props, self.irrelevant = filter_jobs(
- try_job_results, self.watched_builders() , self.irrelevant, status)
- # Ensure that all irrelevant jobs have been removed from the set of valid
- # try jobs.
- for irrelevant_key in self.irrelevant:
- if irrelevant_key in self.try_jobs:
- del self.try_jobs[irrelevant_key]
- if irrelevant_key + '_old' in self.try_jobs:
- del self.try_jobs[irrelevant_key + '_old']
- for i in try_jobs_with_props:
- if self._update_try_job_status(checkout, i, now):
- updated.append(i.key)
- return updated
- def _update_try_job_status(self, checkout, try_job_properties, now):
- """Updates status of a specific RietveldTryJob.
- try_job_property is an instance of TryJobProperties.
- Returns True if it was updated.
- """
- key = try_job_properties.key
- builder = try_job_properties.builder
- buildnumber = try_job_properties.buildnumber
- if key in self.irrelevant:
- logging.debug('Ignoring %s/%d; irrelevant', builder, buildnumber)
- return False
- if (try_job_properties.parent_key and
- try_job_properties.parent_key not in self.try_jobs):
- logging.debug('Ignoring %s, parent unknown', key)
- return False
- requested_steps = []
- # Set it to 0 as the default value since when the job is new and previous
- # try jobs are found, we don't want to count them as tries.
- tries = 0
- job = self.try_jobs.get(key)
- build =
- if job:
- if job.completed:
- logging.debug('Ignoring %s/%d; completed', builder, buildnumber)
- return False
- else:
- if now - job.started > TIMED_OUT:
- # Flush it and start over.
- self.irrelevant.append(key)
- del self.try_jobs[key]
- return False
- requested_steps = job.requested_steps
- tries = job.tries
- init_time = job.init_time
- else:
- # This try job is new. See if we triggered it previously by
- # looking in self.pendings.
- for index, pending_job in enumerate(self.pendings):
- if pending_job.builder == builder:
- # Reuse its item.
- requested_steps = pending_job.requested_steps
- tries = pending_job.tries
- self.pendings.pop(index)
- break
- else:
- # Is this a good build? It must not be too old and triggered by
- # rietveld.
- if is_job_expired(now, build.revision, build.start_time, checkout):
- logging.debug('Ignoring %s/%d; expired', builder, buildnumber)
- self.irrelevant.append(key)
- return False
- init_time = now
- passed = [ for s in build.steps if s.simplified_result]
- failed = [ for s in build.steps if s.simplified_result is False]
- # The steps in neither passed or failed were skipped.
- new_job = RietveldTryJob(
- init_time=init_time,
- builder=builder,
- build=buildnumber,
- revision=build.revision,
- requested_steps=requested_steps,
- started=build.start_time,
- steps_passed=passed,
- steps_failed=failed,
- clobber=bool('clobber')),
- completed=build.completed,
- tries=tries,
- parent_key=try_job_properties.parent_key)
- if job and and and !=
- # It's tricky because 'key' is the same for both. The trick is to create
- # a fake key for the old build and mark it as completed. Note that
- # Rietveld is confused by it too.
- logging.warning(
- 'Try Server was restarted and restarted builds with the same keys. '
- 'I\'m confused. %s: %d != %d', job.builder,,
- # Resave the old try job and mark it as completed.
- self.try_jobs[key + '_old'] = RietveldTryJob(
- init_time=job.init_time,
- builder=job.builder,
- revision=job.revision,
- requested_steps=job.requested_steps,
- started=build.start_time,
- steps_passed=job.steps_passed,
- steps_failed=job.steps_failed,
- clobber=job.clobber,
- completed=True,
- tries=job.tries,
- parent_key=job.parent_key)
- if not job or not model.is_equivalent(new_job, job):
- 'Job update: %s: %s/%d',
- builder,
- buildnumber)
- self.try_jobs[key] = new_job
- return key
- def signal_as_failed_if_needed(self, job, url, now):
- """Detects if the RietveldTryJob instance is in a state where it is
- impossible to make progress.
- If so, mark ourself as failed by setting self.error_message and return True.
- """
- if self.skipped or self.error_message:
- return False
- # Figure out steps that should be retried for this builder.
- missing_tests = self.tests_need_to_be_run(now).get(job.builder, [])
- if not missing_tests:
- return False
- if job.tries > 2:
- self.error_message = (
- 'Retried try job too often on %s for step(s) %s\n%s' %
- (job.builder, ', '.join(missing_tests), url))
- return True
- return False
- @model.immutable
- def why_not(self):
- # Skipped or failed, nothing to do.
- if self.skipped or self.error_message:
- return None
- waiting = self.tests_waiting_for_result()
- if waiting:
- out = 'Waiting for the following jobs:\n'
- for builder in sorted(waiting):
- out += ' %s: %s\n' % (builder, ','.join(waiting[builder]))
- return out
-class TryRunnerRietveld(base.VerifierCheckout):
- """Stateless communication with a try server.
- Uses Rietveld to trigger the try job and reads try job status with the json
- API.
- Analysis goes as following:
- - compile step itself is not flaky. already takes care of most
- flakiness and clobber build is done by default. If compile step fails, try
- again with clobber=True
- - test steps are flaky and can be retried as necessary.
- 1. For each existing try jobs from rietveld.
- 1. Fetch result from try server.
- 2. If try job was generated from rietveld;
- 1. If not is_job_expired();
- 1. Skip any scheduled test that succeeded on this builder.
- 2. For each builder with tests scheduled;
- 1. If no step waiting to be triggered, skip this builder completely.
- 2. For each non succeeded job;
- 1. Send try jobs to rietveld.
- Note: It needs rietveld, hence it uses VerifierCheckout, but it doesn't need a
- checkout.
- """
- name = 'try job rietveld'
- # Only updates a job status once every 60 seconds.
- update_latency = 60
- def __init__(
- self, context_obj, try_server_url, commit_user, step_verifiers,
- ignored_steps, solution):
- super(TryRunnerRietveld, self).__init__(context_obj)
- self.try_server_url = try_server_url.rstrip('/')
- self.commit_user = commit_user
- # TODO(maruel): Have it be overridden by presubmit_support.DoGetTrySlaves.
- self.step_verifiers = step_verifiers
- self.ignored_steps = set(ignored_steps)
- # Time to poll the Try Server, and not Rietveld.
- self.last_update = time.time() - self.update_latency
- self.solution = solution
- def verify(self, pending):
- """Sends a try job to the try server and returns a RietveldTryJob list.
- This function is called synchronously.
- """
- jobs = pending.verifications.setdefault(, RietveldTryJobs())
- if _is_skip_try_job(pending):
- # Do not run try job for it.
- jobs.skipped = True
- return
- # Overridde any previous list from the last restart.
- jobs.step_verifiers = []
- for step in self.step_verifiers:
- if isinstance(step, try_job_steps.TryJobTriggeredOrNormalSteps):
- # Since the steps are immutable, create a new step so that swarm
- # can be enabled.
- jobs.step_verifiers.append(try_job_steps.TryJobTriggeredOrNormalSteps(
- builder_name=step.builder_name,
- trigger_name=step.trigger_name,
- steps=step.steps,
- trigger_bot_steps=step.trigger_bot_steps,
- use_triggered_bot=True))
- else:
- jobs.step_verifiers.append(step)
- # First, update the status of the current try jobs on Rietveld.
- now = time.time()
- self._update_jobs_from_rietveld(pending, jobs, False, now)
- # Add anything that is missing.
- self._send_jobs(pending, jobs, now)
- # Slightly postpone next check.
- self.last_update = min(now, self.last_update + (self.update_latency / 4))
- def update_status(self, queue):
- """Grabs the current status of all try jobs and update self.queue.
- Note: it would be more efficient to be event based.
- """
- if not queue:
- logging.debug('The list is empty, nothing to do')
- return
- # Hard code 'now' to the value before querying and sending them. This will
- # cause some issues when querying state or sending the jobs takes a
- # non-trivial amount of time but in general it will be fine.
- now = time.time()
- if now - self.last_update < self.update_latency:
- logging.debug('TS: Throttling updates')
- return
- self.last_update = now
- # Update the status of the current pending CLs on Rietveld.
- for pending, jobs in self.loop(queue, RietveldTryJobs, True):
- # Update 'now' since querying the try jobs may take a significant amount
- # of time.
- now = time.time()
- if self._update_jobs_from_rietveld(pending, jobs, True, now):
- # Send any necessary job. Noop if not needed.
- self._send_jobs(pending, jobs, now)
- def _add_pending_job_and_send_if_needed(self, builder, steps, jobs,
- send_job, pending, now):
- # Find if there was a previous try.
- previous_jobs = [
- job for job in jobs.try_jobs.itervalues() if job.builder == builder
- ]
- if previous_jobs:
- tries = max(job.tries for job in previous_jobs)
- clobber = max(
- (job.clobber or 'compile' in job.steps_failed)
- for job in previous_jobs)
- else:
- tries = 0
- clobber = False
- if tries > 4:
- # Fail safe.
- jobs.error_message = (
- ( 'The commit queue went berserk retrying too often for a\n'
- 'seemingly flaky test on builder %s:\n%s') %
- ( builder,
- '\n'.join(self._build_status_url(j) for j in previous_jobs)))
- return False
- # Don't always send the job (triggered bots don't need to send there own
- # request).
- if send_job:
- logging.debug(
- 'Sending job %s for %s: %s', pending.issue, builder, ','.join(steps))
- try:
- self.context.rietveld.trigger_try_jobs(
- pending.issue, pending.patchset, 'CQ', clobber, 'HEAD',
- {builder: steps})
- except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
- if e.code == 400:
- # This probably mean a new patchset was uploaded since the last poll,
- # so it's better to drop the CL.
- jobs.error_message = 'Failed to trigger a try job on %s\n%s' % (
- builder, e)
- return False
- else:
- raise
- # Set the status of this pending job here and on the CQ page.
- jobs.pendings.append(
- RietveldTryJobPending(
- init_time=now,
- builder=builder,
- revision=None,
- requested_steps=steps,
- clobber=clobber,
- tries=tries + 1))
- # Update the status on the AppEngine status to signal a new try job was
- # sent.
- info = {
- 'builder': builder,
- 'clobber': clobber,
- 'job_name': 'CQ',
- 'revision': None, #revision,
- }
- self.send_status(pending, info)
- return True
- def _get_triggered_bots(self, builder, steps):
- """Returns a dict of all the (builder, steps) pairs of bots that will get
- triggered by the given builder steps combination."""
- triggered_bots = {}
- for verifier in self.step_verifiers:
- builder, steps = verifier.get_triggered_steps(builder, steps)
- if steps:
- triggered_bots[builder] = steps
- return triggered_bots
- def _send_jobs(self, pending, jobs, now):
- """Prepares the RietveldTryJobs instance |jobs| to send try jobs to the try
- server.
- """
- if jobs.error_message:
- # Too late.
- return
- remaining = jobs.tests_need_to_be_run(now)
- if not remaining:
- return
- # Send them in order to simplify testing.
- for builder in sorted(remaining):
- tests = remaining[builder]
- if not self._add_pending_job_and_send_if_needed(builder, tests, jobs,
- True, pending, now):
- # If the main job wasn't sent, we can't skip the triggered jobs since
- # they won't get triggered.
- continue
- # Add any pending bots that will be triggered from this build.
- triggered_bots = self._get_triggered_bots(builder, tests)
- for builder, steps in triggered_bots.iteritems():
- self._add_pending_job_and_send_if_needed(builder, steps, jobs, False,
- pending, now)
- @model.immutable
- def _build_status_url(self, job):
- """Html url for this try job."""
- assert is not None, str(job)
- return '%s/buildstatus?builder=%s&number=%s' % (
- self.try_server_url, job.builder,
- @model.immutable
- def _update_dashboard(self, pending, job):
- """Updates the CQ dashboard with the current Try Job state as known to the
- CQ.
- """
- logging.debug('_update_dashboard(%s/%s)', job.builder,
- info = {
- 'build':,
- 'builder': job.builder,
- 'job_name': 'CQ',
- 'result': job.result,
- 'revision': job.revision,
- 'url': self._build_status_url(job),
- }
- self.send_status(pending, info)
- def _update_jobs_from_rietveld(self, pending, jobs, handle, now):
- """Grabs data from Rietveld and pass it to
- RietveldTryJobs.update_jobs_from_rietveld().
- Returns True on success.
- """
- status = buildbot_json.Buildbot(self.try_server_url)
- try:
- try:
- data = self.context.rietveld.get_patchset_properties(
- pending.issue, pending.patchset)
- except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
- if e.code == 404:
- # TODO(phajdan.jr): Maybe generate a random id to correlate the user's
- # error message and exception in the logs.
- # Don't put exception traceback in the user-visible message to avoid
- # leaking sensitive CQ data (passwords etc).
- jobs.error_message = ('Failed to get patchset properties (patchset '
- 'not found?)')
- logging.error(str(e))
- return False
- else:
- raise
- # Update the RietvedTryJobs object.
- keys = jobs.update_jobs_from_rietveld(
- data,
- status,
- self.context.checkout,
- now)
- except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
- if e.code in (500, 502, 503):
- # Temporary AppEngine hiccup. Just log it and return failure.
- logging.warning('%s while accessing %s. Ignoring error.' % (
- str(e), e.url))
- return False
- else:
- raise
- except urllib2.URLError as e:
- if 'timed out' in e.reason:
- # Handle timeouts gracefully.
- logging.warning('%s while updating tryserver status for '
- 'rietveld issue %s', e, pending.issue)
- return False
- else:
- raise
- except socket.error as e:
- # Temporary AppEngine hiccup. Just log it and return failure.
- if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET:
- logging.warning(
- '%s while updating tryserver status for rietveld issue %s.' % (
- str(e), str(pending.issue)))
- return False
- else:
- raise
- except IOError as e:
- # Temporary AppEngine hiccup. Just log it and return failure.
- if e.errno == 'socket error':
- logging.warning(
- '%s while updating tryserver status for rietveld issue %s.' % (
- str(e), str(pending.issue)))
- return False
- raise
- if handle:
- for updated_key in keys:
- job = jobs.try_jobs[updated_key]
- self._update_dashboard(pending, job)
- jobs.signal_as_failed_if_needed(job, self._build_status_url(job), now)
- return True
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