(Empty) | |
| 1 // Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| 2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| 3 // found in the LICENSE file. |
| 4 |
| 5 #include "mojo/shell/network_fetcher.h" |
| 6 |
| 7 #include "base/bind.h" |
| 8 #include "base/command_line.h" |
| 9 #include "base/files/file.h" |
| 10 #include "base/files/file_path.h" |
| 11 #include "base/files/file_util.h" |
| 12 #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h" |
| 13 #include "base/process/process.h" |
| 14 #include "base/stl_util.h" |
| 15 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" |
| 16 #include "base/strings/string_util.h" |
| 17 #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" |
| 18 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" |
| 19 #include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h" |
| 20 #include "crypto/secure_hash.h" |
| 21 #include "crypto/sha2.h" |
| 22 #include "mojo/common/common_type_converters.h" |
| 23 #include "mojo/common/data_pipe_utils.h" |
| 24 #include "mojo/common/url_type_converters.h" |
| 25 #include "mojo/services/network/public/interfaces/url_loader_factory.mojom.h" |
| 26 #include "mojo/shell/data_pipe_peek.h" |
| 27 #include "mojo/shell/switches.h" |
| 28 |
| 29 namespace mojo { |
| 30 namespace shell { |
| 31 |
| 32 NetworkFetcher::NetworkFetcher(bool disable_cache, |
| 33 mojo::URLRequestPtr request, |
| 34 URLLoaderFactory* url_loader_factory, |
| 35 const FetchCallback& loader_callback) |
| 36 : Fetcher(loader_callback), |
| 37 disable_cache_(false), |
| 38 url_(request->url.To<GURL>()), |
| 39 weak_ptr_factory_(this) { |
| 40 StartNetworkRequest(request.Pass(), url_loader_factory); |
| 41 } |
| 42 |
| 43 NetworkFetcher::~NetworkFetcher() { |
| 44 } |
| 45 |
| 46 const GURL& NetworkFetcher::GetURL() const { |
| 47 return url_; |
| 48 } |
| 49 |
| 50 GURL NetworkFetcher::GetRedirectURL() const { |
| 51 if (!response_) |
| 52 return GURL::EmptyGURL(); |
| 53 |
| 54 if (response_->redirect_url.is_null()) |
| 55 return GURL::EmptyGURL(); |
| 56 |
| 57 return GURL(response_->redirect_url); |
| 58 } |
| 59 |
| 60 GURL NetworkFetcher::GetRedirectReferer() const { |
| 61 if (!response_) |
| 62 return GURL::EmptyGURL(); |
| 63 |
| 64 if (response_->redirect_referrer.is_null()) |
| 65 return GURL::EmptyGURL(); |
| 66 |
| 67 return GURL(response_->redirect_referrer); |
| 68 } |
| 69 URLResponsePtr NetworkFetcher::AsURLResponse(base::TaskRunner* task_runner, |
| 70 uint32_t skip) { |
| 71 if (skip != 0) { |
| 72 MojoResult result = ReadDataRaw( |
| 73 response_->body.get(), nullptr, &skip, |
| 75 DCHECK_EQ(result, MOJO_RESULT_OK); |
| 76 } |
| 77 return response_.Pass(); |
| 78 } |
| 79 |
| 80 void NetworkFetcher::RecordCacheToURLMapping(const base::FilePath& path, |
| 81 const GURL& url) { |
| 82 // This is used to extract symbols on android. |
| 83 // TODO(eseidel): All users of this log should move to using the map file. |
| 84 VLOG(1) << "Caching mojo app " << url << " at " << path.value(); |
| 85 |
| 86 base::FilePath temp_dir; |
| 87 base::GetTempDir(&temp_dir); |
| 88 base::ProcessId pid = base::Process::Current().Pid(); |
| 89 std::string map_name = base::StringPrintf("mojo_shell.%d.maps", pid); |
| 90 base::FilePath map_path = temp_dir.AppendASCII(map_name); |
| 91 |
| 92 // TODO(eseidel): Paths or URLs with spaces will need quoting. |
| 93 std::string map_entry = |
| 94 base::StringPrintf("%s %s\n", path.value().c_str(), url.spec().c_str()); |
| 95 // TODO(eseidel): AppendToFile is missing O_CREAT, crbug.com/450696 |
| 96 if (!PathExists(map_path)) { |
| 97 base::WriteFile(map_path, map_entry.data(), |
| 98 static_cast<int>(map_entry.length())); |
| 99 } else { |
| 100 base::AppendToFile(map_path, map_entry.data(), |
| 101 static_cast<int>(map_entry.length())); |
| 102 } |
| 103 } |
| 104 |
| 105 // For remote debugging, GDB needs to be, a apriori, aware of the filename a |
| 106 // library will be loaded from. AppIds should be be both predictable and unique, |
| 107 // but any hash would work. Currently we use sha256 from crypto/secure_hash.h |
| 108 bool NetworkFetcher::ComputeAppId(const base::FilePath& path, |
| 109 std::string* digest_string) { |
| 110 scoped_ptr<crypto::SecureHash> ctx( |
| 111 crypto::SecureHash::Create(crypto::SecureHash::SHA256)); |
| 112 base::File file(path, base::File::FLAG_OPEN | base::File::FLAG_READ); |
| 113 if (!file.IsValid()) { |
| 114 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open " << path.value() << " for computing AppId"; |
| 115 return false; |
| 116 } |
| 117 char buf[1024]; |
| 118 while (file.IsValid()) { |
| 119 int bytes_read = file.ReadAtCurrentPos(buf, sizeof(buf)); |
| 120 if (bytes_read == 0) |
| 121 break; |
| 122 ctx->Update(buf, bytes_read); |
| 123 } |
| 124 if (!file.IsValid()) { |
| 125 LOG(ERROR) << "Error reading " << path.value(); |
| 126 return false; |
| 127 } |
| 128 // The output is really a vector of unit8, we're cheating by using a string. |
| 129 std::string output(crypto::kSHA256Length, 0); |
| 130 ctx->Finish(string_as_array(&output), output.size()); |
| 131 output = base::HexEncode(output.c_str(), output.size()); |
| 132 // Using lowercase for compatiblity with sha256sum output. |
| 133 *digest_string = base::ToLowerASCII(output); |
| 134 return true; |
| 135 } |
| 136 |
| 137 bool NetworkFetcher::RenameToAppId(const GURL& url, |
| 138 const base::FilePath& old_path, |
| 139 base::FilePath* new_path) { |
| 140 std::string app_id; |
| 141 if (!ComputeAppId(old_path, &app_id)) |
| 142 return false; |
| 143 |
| 144 // Using a hash of the url as a directory to prevent a race when the same |
| 145 // bytes are downloaded from 2 different urls. In particular, if the same |
| 146 // application is connected to twice concurrently with different query |
| 147 // parameters, the directory will be different, which will prevent the |
| 148 // collision. |
| 149 std::string dirname = base::HexEncode( |
| 150 crypto::SHA256HashString(url.spec()).data(), crypto::kSHA256Length); |
| 151 |
| 152 base::FilePath temp_dir; |
| 153 base::GetTempDir(&temp_dir); |
| 154 base::FilePath app_dir = temp_dir.AppendASCII(dirname); |
| 155 // The directory is leaked, because it can be reused at any time if the same |
| 156 // application is downloaded. Deleting it would be racy. This is only |
| 157 // happening when --predictable-app-filenames is used. |
| 158 bool result = base::CreateDirectoryAndGetError(app_dir, nullptr); |
| 159 DCHECK(result); |
| 160 std::string unique_name = base::StringPrintf("%s.mojo", app_id.c_str()); |
| 161 *new_path = app_dir.AppendASCII(unique_name); |
| 162 return base::Move(old_path, *new_path); |
| 163 } |
| 164 |
| 165 void NetworkFetcher::CopyCompleted( |
| 166 base::Callback<void(const base::FilePath&, bool)> callback, |
| 167 bool success) { |
| 168 if (success) { |
| 169 if (base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( |
| 170 switches::kPredictableAppFilenames)) { |
| 171 // The copy completed, now move to $TMP/$APP_ID.mojo before the dlopen. |
| 172 success = false; |
| 173 base::FilePath new_path; |
| 174 if (RenameToAppId(url_, path_, &new_path)) { |
| 175 if (base::PathExists(new_path)) { |
| 176 path_ = new_path; |
| 177 success = true; |
| 178 } |
| 179 } |
| 180 } |
| 181 } |
| 182 |
| 183 if (success) |
| 184 RecordCacheToURLMapping(path_, url_); |
| 185 |
| 186 base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, |
| 187 base::Bind(callback, path_, success)); |
| 188 } |
| 189 |
| 190 void NetworkFetcher::AsPath( |
| 191 base::TaskRunner* task_runner, |
| 192 base::Callback<void(const base::FilePath&, bool)> callback) { |
| 193 if (!path_.empty() || !response_) { |
| 194 base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( |
| 195 FROM_HERE, base::Bind(callback, path_, base::PathExists(path_))); |
| 196 return; |
| 197 } |
| 198 |
| 199 base::CreateTemporaryFile(&path_); |
| 200 common::CopyToFile(response_->body.Pass(), path_, task_runner, |
| 201 base::Bind(&NetworkFetcher::CopyCompleted, |
| 202 weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), callback)); |
| 203 } |
| 204 |
| 205 std::string NetworkFetcher::MimeType() { |
| 206 return response_->mime_type; |
| 207 } |
| 208 |
| 209 bool NetworkFetcher::HasMojoMagic() { |
| 210 std::string magic; |
| 211 return BlockingPeekNBytes(response_->body.get(), &magic, strlen(kMojoMagic), |
| 212 kPeekTimeout) && |
| 213 magic == kMojoMagic; |
| 214 } |
| 215 |
| 216 bool NetworkFetcher::PeekFirstLine(std::string* line) { |
| 217 return BlockingPeekLine(response_->body.get(), line, kMaxShebangLength, |
| 218 kPeekTimeout); |
| 219 } |
| 220 |
| 221 void NetworkFetcher::StartNetworkRequest(mojo::URLRequestPtr request, |
| 222 URLLoaderFactory* url_loader_factory) { |
| 223 TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN1("mojo_shell", "NetworkFetcher::NetworkRequest", this, |
| 224 "url", request->url.To<std::string>()); |
| 225 request->auto_follow_redirects = false; |
| 226 request->bypass_cache = disable_cache_; |
| 227 |
| 228 url_loader_factory->CreateURLLoader(GetProxy(&url_loader_)); |
| 229 url_loader_->Start(request.Pass(), |
| 230 base::Bind(&NetworkFetcher::OnLoadComplete, |
| 231 weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); |
| 232 } |
| 233 |
| 234 void NetworkFetcher::OnLoadComplete(URLResponsePtr response) { |
| 235 TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END0("mojo_shell", "NetworkFetcher::NetworkRequest", this); |
| 236 scoped_ptr<Fetcher> owner(this); |
| 237 if (response->error) { |
| 238 LOG(ERROR) << "Error (" << response->error->code << ": " |
| 239 << response->error->description << ") while fetching " |
| 240 << response->url; |
| 241 loader_callback_.Run(nullptr); |
| 242 return; |
| 243 } |
| 244 |
| 245 if (response->status_code >= 400 && response->status_code < 600) { |
| 246 LOG(ERROR) << "Error (" << response->status_code << ": " |
| 247 << response->status_line << "): " |
| 248 << "while fetching " << response->url; |
| 249 loader_callback_.Run(nullptr); |
| 250 return; |
| 251 } |
| 252 |
| 253 response_ = response.Pass(); |
| 254 loader_callback_.Run(owner.Pass()); |
| 255 } |
| 256 |
| 257 } // namespace shell |
| 258 } // namespace mojo |