DescriptionMulticol: Min-height should have no effect if content is taller and height is auto.
Calling computeLogicalHeight() before layout is somewhat problematic, since we
don't know the content/intrinsic height at that point. Specifying that height
as 0 would return the value of min-height (if specified) and make the multicol
code believe that height is constrained, and prevent columns from getting any
taller than that. In other words, min-height was more or less treated as
max-height in multicol.
Since we only want to know if we have a non-auto height that could constrain
the column heights, we can just skip computeLogicalHeight() if height is
git-svn-id: svn:// bbb929c8-8fbe-4397-9dbb-9b2b20218538
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : LayoutView also has to call computeLogicalHeight(). Its height is kinda definite. #Patch Set 3 : Use block instead of inline in test, so that we don't have to make assumptions about internal leadi… #Messages
Total messages: 17 (6 generated)