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Unified Diff: include/gpu/GrEffect.h

Issue 13121002: Make GrGLShaderBuilder::TextureSampler extract only required info from GrTextureAccess. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 7 years, 9 months ago
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Index: include/gpu/GrEffect.h
--- include/gpu/GrEffect.h (revision 8417)
+++ include/gpu/GrEffect.h (working copy)
@@ -87,24 +87,11 @@
virtual ~GrEffect();
- * Flags for getConstantColorComponents. They are defined so that the bit order reflects the
- * GrColor shift order.
- */
- enum ValidComponentFlags {
- kR_ValidComponentFlag = 1 << (GrColor_SHIFT_R / 8),
- kG_ValidComponentFlag = 1 << (GrColor_SHIFT_G / 8),
- kB_ValidComponentFlag = 1 << (GrColor_SHIFT_B / 8),
- kA_ValidComponentFlag = 1 << (GrColor_SHIFT_A / 8),
- kAll_ValidComponentFlags = (kR_ValidComponentFlag | kG_ValidComponentFlag |
- kB_ValidComponentFlag | kA_ValidComponentFlag)
- };
- /**
* This function is used to perform optimizations. When called the color and validFlags params
- * indicate whether the input components to this effect in the FS will have known values. The
- * function updates both params to indicate known values of its output. A component of the color
- * param only has meaning if the corresponding bit in validFlags is set.
+ * indicate whether the input components to this effect in the FS will have known values.
+ * validFlags is a bitfield of GrColorComponentFlags. The function updates both params to
+ * indicate known values of its output. A component of the color param only has meaning if the
+ * corresponding bit in validFlags is set.
virtual void getConstantColorComponents(GrColor* color, uint32_t* validFlags) const = 0;

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