(Empty) | |
| 1 This library provides the ability to parse, inspect, and manipulate stack traces |
| 2 produced by the underlying Dart implementation. It also provides functions to |
| 3 produce string representations of stack traces in a more readable format than |
| 4 the native [StackTrace] implementation. |
| 5 |
| 6 `Trace`s can be parsed from native [StackTrace]s using `Trace.from`, or captured |
| 7 using `Trace.current`. Native [StackTrace]s can also be directly converted to |
| 8 human-readable strings using `Trace.format`. |
| 9 |
| 10 [StackTrace]: http://api.dartlang.org/docs/releases/latest/dart_core/StackTrace.
html |
| 11 |
| 12 Here's an example native stack trace from debugging this library: |
| 13 |
| 14 #0 Object.noSuchMethod (dart:core-patch:1884:25) |
| 15 #1 Trace.terse.<anonymous closure> (file:///usr/local/google-old/home/g
oog/dart/dart/pkg/stack_trace/lib/src/trace.dart:47:21) |
| 16 #2 IterableMixinWorkaround.reduce (dart:collection:29:29) |
| 17 #3 List.reduce (dart:core-patch:1247:42) |
| 18 #4 Trace.terse (file:///usr/local/google-old/home/goog/dart/dart/pkg/st
ack_trace/lib/src/trace.dart:40:35) |
| 19 #5 format (file:///usr/local/google-old/home/goog/dart/dart/pkg/stack_t
race/lib/stack_trace.dart:24:28) |
| 20 #6 main.<anonymous closure> (file:///usr/local/google-old/home/goog/dar
t/dart/test.dart:21:29) |
| 21 #7 _CatchErrorFuture._sendError (dart:async:525:24) |
| 22 #8 _FutureImpl._setErrorWithoutAsyncTrace (dart:async:393:26) |
| 23 #9 _FutureImpl._setError (dart:async:378:31) |
| 24 #10 _ThenFuture._sendValue (dart:async:490:16) |
| 25 #11 _FutureImpl._handleValue.<anonymous closure> (dart:async:349:28) |
| 26 #12 Timer.run.<anonymous closure> (dart:async:2402:21) |
| 27 #13 Timer.Timer.<anonymous closure> (dart:async-patch:15:15) |
| 28 |
| 29 and its human-readable representation: |
| 30 |
| 31 dart:core-patch Object.noSuchMethod |
| 32 pkg/stack_trace/lib/src/trace.dart 47:21 Trace.terse.<fn> |
| 33 dart:collection IterableMixinWorkaround.reduce |
| 34 dart:core-patch List.reduce |
| 35 pkg/stack_trace/lib/src/trace.dart 40:35 Trace.terse |
| 36 pkg/stack_trace/lib/stack_trace.dart 24:28 format |
| 37 test.dart 21:29 main.<fn> |
| 38 dart:async _CatchErrorFuture._sendError |
| 39 dart:async _FutureImpl._setErrorWithoutAsyn
cTrace |
| 40 dart:async _FutureImpl._setError |
| 41 dart:async _ThenFuture._sendValue |
| 42 dart:async _FutureImpl._handleValue.<fn> |
| 43 dart:async Timer.run.<fn> |
| 44 dart:async-patch Timer.Timer.<fn> |
| 45 |
| 46 You can further clean up the stack trace using `Trace.terse`. This folds |
| 47 together multiple stack frames from the Dart core libraries, so that only the |
| 48 core library method that was directly called from user code is visible. For |
| 49 example: |
| 50 |
| 51 dart:core Object.noSuchMethod |
| 52 pkg/stack_trace/lib/src/trace.dart 47:21 Trace.terse.<fn> |
| 53 dart:core List.reduce |
| 54 pkg/stack_trace/lib/src/trace.dart 40:35 Trace.terse |
| 55 pkg/stack_trace/lib/stack_trace.dart 24:28 format |
| 56 test.dart 21:29 main.<fn> |
| 57 dart:async Timer.Timer.<fn> |