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Unified Diff: src/arm64/

Issue 1304633002: Correctify instanceof and make it optimizable. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: REBASE. Add MIPS/MIPS64 ports. Created 5 years, 4 months ago
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diff --git a/src/arm64/ b/src/arm64/
index 716910ea91b3573e0d664a92552c43adb0141c4a..78383c3248349e610d6e36703402ff15f5f9860d 100644
--- a/src/arm64/
+++ b/src/arm64/
@@ -1505,191 +1505,107 @@ void LoadIndexedStringStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
-void InstanceofStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
- // Stack on entry:
- // jssp[0]: function.
- // jssp[8]: object.
- //
- // Returns result in x0. Zero indicates instanceof, smi 1 indicates not
- // instanceof.
- Register result = x0;
- Register function = right();
- Register object = left();
- Register scratch1 = x6;
- Register scratch2 = x7;
- Register res_true = x8;
- Register res_false = x9;
- // Only used if there was an inline map check site. (See
- // LCodeGen::DoInstanceOfKnownGlobal().)
- Register map_check_site = x4;
- // Delta for the instructions generated between the inline map check and the
- // instruction setting the result.
- const int32_t kDeltaToLoadBoolResult = 4 * kInstructionSize;
- Label not_js_object, slow;
- if (!HasArgsInRegisters()) {
- __ Pop(function, object);
- }
- if (ReturnTrueFalseObject()) {
- __ LoadTrueFalseRoots(res_true, res_false);
- } else {
- // This is counter-intuitive, but correct.
- __ Mov(res_true, Smi::FromInt(0));
- __ Mov(res_false, Smi::FromInt(1));
- }
- // Check that the left hand side is a JS object and load its map as a side
- // effect.
- Register map = x12;
- __ JumpIfSmi(object, &not_js_object);
- __ IsObjectJSObjectType(object, map, scratch2, &not_js_object);
- // If there is a call site cache, don't look in the global cache, but do the
- // real lookup and update the call site cache.
- if (!HasCallSiteInlineCheck() && !ReturnTrueFalseObject()) {
- Label miss;
- __ JumpIfNotRoot(function, Heap::kInstanceofCacheFunctionRootIndex, &miss);
- __ JumpIfNotRoot(map, Heap::kInstanceofCacheMapRootIndex, &miss);
- __ LoadRoot(result, Heap::kInstanceofCacheAnswerRootIndex);
- __ Ret();
- __ Bind(&miss);
- }
- // Get the prototype of the function.
- Register prototype = x13;
- __ TryGetFunctionPrototype(function, prototype, scratch2, &slow,
- MacroAssembler::kMissOnBoundFunction);
- // Check that the function prototype is a JS object.
- __ JumpIfSmi(prototype, &slow);
- __ IsObjectJSObjectType(prototype, scratch1, scratch2, &slow);
- // Update the global instanceof or call site inlined cache with the current
- // map and function. The cached answer will be set when it is known below.
- if (HasCallSiteInlineCheck()) {
- // Patch the (relocated) inlined map check.
- __ GetRelocatedValueLocation(map_check_site, scratch1);
- // We have a cell, so need another level of dereferencing.
- __ Ldr(scratch1, MemOperand(scratch1));
- __ Str(map, FieldMemOperand(scratch1, Cell::kValueOffset));
- __ Mov(x14, map);
- // |scratch1| points at the beginning of the cell. Calculate the
- // field containing the map.
- __ Add(function, scratch1, Operand(Cell::kValueOffset - 1));
- __ RecordWriteField(scratch1, Cell::kValueOffset, x14, function,
- kLRHasNotBeenSaved, kDontSaveFPRegs,
- } else {
- __ StoreRoot(function, Heap::kInstanceofCacheFunctionRootIndex);
- __ StoreRoot(map, Heap::kInstanceofCacheMapRootIndex);
- }
- Label return_true, return_result;
- Register smi_value = scratch1;
- {
- // Loop through the prototype chain looking for the function prototype.
- Register chain_map = x1;
- Register chain_prototype = x14;
- Register null_value = x15;
- Label loop;
- __ Ldr(chain_prototype, FieldMemOperand(map, Map::kPrototypeOffset));
- __ LoadRoot(null_value, Heap::kNullValueRootIndex);
- // Speculatively set a result.
- __ Mov(result, res_false);
- if (!HasCallSiteInlineCheck() && ReturnTrueFalseObject()) {
- // Value to store in the cache cannot be an object.
- __ Mov(smi_value, Smi::FromInt(1));
- }
- __ Bind(&loop);
- // If the chain prototype is the object prototype, return true.
- __ Cmp(chain_prototype, prototype);
- __ B(eq, &return_true);
- // If the chain prototype is null, we've reached the end of the chain, so
- // return false.
- __ Cmp(chain_prototype, null_value);
- __ B(eq, &return_result);
- // Otherwise, load the next prototype in the chain, and loop.
- __ Ldr(chain_map, FieldMemOperand(chain_prototype, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
- __ Ldr(chain_prototype, FieldMemOperand(chain_map, Map::kPrototypeOffset));
- __ B(&loop);
- }
- // Return sequence when no arguments are on the stack.
- // We cannot fall through to here.
- __ Bind(&return_true);
- __ Mov(result, res_true);
- if (!HasCallSiteInlineCheck() && ReturnTrueFalseObject()) {
- // Value to store in the cache cannot be an object.
- __ Mov(smi_value, Smi::FromInt(0));
- }
- __ Bind(&return_result);
- if (HasCallSiteInlineCheck()) {
- DCHECK(ReturnTrueFalseObject());
- __ Add(map_check_site, map_check_site, kDeltaToLoadBoolResult);
- __ GetRelocatedValueLocation(map_check_site, scratch2);
- __ Str(result, MemOperand(scratch2));
- } else {
- Register cached_value = ReturnTrueFalseObject() ? smi_value : result;
- __ StoreRoot(cached_value, Heap::kInstanceofCacheAnswerRootIndex);
- }
+void InstanceOfStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
+ Register const object = x1; // Object (lhs).
+ Register const function = x0; // Function (rhs).
+ Register const object_map = x2; // Map of {object}.
+ Register const function_map = x3; // Map of {function}.
+ Register const function_prototype = x4; // Prototype of {function}.
+ Register const scratch = x5;
+ // Check if {object} is a smi.
+ Label object_is_smi;
+ __ JumpIfSmi(object, &object_is_smi);
+ // Lookup the {function} and the {object} map in the global instanceof cache.
+ // Note: This is safe because we clear the global instanceof cache whenever
+ // we change the prototype of any object.
+ Label fast_case, slow_case;
+ __ Ldr(object_map, FieldMemOperand(object, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
+ __ JumpIfNotRoot(function, Heap::kInstanceofCacheFunctionRootIndex,
+ &fast_case);
+ __ JumpIfNotRoot(object_map, Heap::kInstanceofCacheMapRootIndex, &fast_case);
+ __ LoadRoot(x0, Heap::kInstanceofCacheAnswerRootIndex);
__ Ret();
- Label object_not_null, object_not_null_or_smi;
- __ Bind(&not_js_object);
- Register object_type = x14;
- // x0 result result return register (uninit)
- // x10 function pointer to function
- // x11 object pointer to object
- // x14 object_type type of object (uninit)
- // Before null, smi and string checks, check that the rhs is a function.
- // For a non-function rhs, an exception must be thrown.
- __ JumpIfSmi(function, &slow);
- __ JumpIfNotObjectType(
- function, scratch1, object_type, JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, &slow);
- __ Mov(result, res_false);
- // Null is not instance of anything.
- __ Cmp(object, Operand(isolate()->factory()->null_value()));
- __ B(ne, &object_not_null);
+ // If {object} is a smi we can safely return false if {function} is a JS
+ // function, otherwise we have to miss to the runtime and throw an exception.
+ __ Bind(&object_is_smi);
+ __ JumpIfSmi(function, &slow_case);
+ __ JumpIfNotObjectType(function, function_map, scratch, JS_FUNCTION_TYPE,
+ &slow_case);
+ __ LoadRoot(x0, Heap::kFalseValueRootIndex);
__ Ret();
- __ Bind(&object_not_null);
- // Smi values are not instances of anything.
- __ JumpIfNotSmi(object, &object_not_null_or_smi);
- __ Ret();
+ // Fast-case: The {function} must be a valid JSFunction.
+ __ Bind(&fast_case);
+ __ JumpIfSmi(function, &slow_case);
+ __ JumpIfNotObjectType(function, function_map, scratch, JS_FUNCTION_TYPE,
+ &slow_case);
- __ Bind(&object_not_null_or_smi);
- // String values are not instances of anything.
- __ IsObjectJSStringType(object, scratch2, &slow);
- __ Ret();
+ // Ensure that {function} has an instance prototype.
+ __ Ldrb(scratch, FieldMemOperand(function_map, Map::kBitFieldOffset));
+ __ Tbnz(scratch, Map::kHasNonInstancePrototype, &slow_case);
- // Slow-case. Tail call builtin.
- __ Bind(&slow);
- {
- FrameScope scope(masm, StackFrame::INTERNAL);
- // Arguments have either been passed into registers or have been previously
- // popped. We need to push them before calling builtin.
- __ Push(object, function);
- __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::INSTANCE_OF, CALL_FUNCTION);
- }
- if (ReturnTrueFalseObject()) {
- // Reload true/false because they were clobbered in the builtin call.
- __ LoadTrueFalseRoots(res_true, res_false);
- __ Cmp(result, 0);
- __ Csel(result, res_true, res_false, eq);
- }
+ // Ensure that {function} is not bound.
+ Register const shared_info = scratch;
+ Register const scratch_w = scratch.W();
+ __ Ldr(shared_info,
+ FieldMemOperand(function, JSFunction::kSharedFunctionInfoOffset));
+ // On 64-bit platforms, compiler hints field is not a smi. See definition of
+ // kCompilerHintsOffset in src/objects.h.
+ __ Ldr(scratch_w, FieldMemOperand(shared_info,
+ SharedFunctionInfo::kCompilerHintsOffset));
+ __ Tbnz(scratch_w, SharedFunctionInfo::kBoundFunction, &slow_case);
+ // Get the "prototype" (or initial map) of the {function}.
+ __ Ldr(function_prototype,
+ FieldMemOperand(function, JSFunction::kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset));
+ __ AssertNotSmi(function_prototype);
+ // Resolve the prototype if the {function} has an initial map. Afterwards the
+ // {function_prototype} will be either the JSReceiver prototype object or the
+ // hole value, which means that no instances of the {function} were created so
+ // far and hence we should return false.
+ Label function_prototype_valid;
+ __ JumpIfNotObjectType(function_prototype, scratch, scratch, MAP_TYPE,
+ &function_prototype_valid);
+ __ Ldr(function_prototype,
+ FieldMemOperand(function_prototype, Map::kPrototypeOffset));
+ __ Bind(&function_prototype_valid);
+ __ AssertNotSmi(function_prototype);
+ // Update the global instanceof cache with the current {object} map and
+ // {function}. The cached answer will be set when it is known below.
+ __ StoreRoot(function, Heap::kInstanceofCacheFunctionRootIndex);
+ __ StoreRoot(object_map, Heap::kInstanceofCacheMapRootIndex);
+ // Loop through the prototype chain looking for the {function} prototype.
+ // Assume true, and change to false if not found.
+ Register const object_prototype = object_map;
+ Register const null = scratch;
+ Label done, loop;
+ __ LoadRoot(x0, Heap::kTrueValueRootIndex);
+ __ LoadRoot(null, Heap::kNullValueRootIndex);
+ __ Bind(&loop);
+ __ Ldr(object_prototype, FieldMemOperand(object_map, Map::kPrototypeOffset));
+ __ Cmp(object_prototype, function_prototype);
+ __ B(eq, &done);
+ __ Cmp(object_prototype, null);
+ __ Ldr(object_map, FieldMemOperand(object_prototype, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
+ __ B(ne, &loop);
+ __ LoadRoot(x0, Heap::kFalseValueRootIndex);
+ __ Bind(&done);
+ __ StoreRoot(x0, Heap::kInstanceofCacheAnswerRootIndex);
__ Ret();
+ // Slow-case: Call the runtime function.
+ __ bind(&slow_case);
+ __ Push(object, function);
+ __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kInstanceOf, 2, 1);
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