| (Empty) |
1 // This code was auto-generated, is not intended to be edited, and is subject to | |
2 // significant change. Please see the README file for more information. | |
3 | |
4 library engine.resolver; | |
5 | |
6 import 'dart:collection'; | |
7 import 'java_core.dart'; | |
8 import 'java_engine.dart'; | |
9 import 'source.dart'; | |
10 import 'error.dart'; | |
11 import 'scanner.dart' as sc; | |
12 import 'utilities_dart.dart'; | |
13 import 'ast.dart'; | |
14 import 'parser.dart' show Parser; | |
15 import 'element.dart' hide HideCombinator, ShowCombinator; | |
16 import 'html.dart' as ht; | |
17 import 'engine.dart'; | |
18 import 'element.dart' as __imp_combi show HideCombinator, ShowCombinator; | |
19 | |
20 /** | |
21 * Instances of the class {@code CompilationUnitBuilder} build an element model
for a single | |
22 * compilation unit. | |
23 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
24 */ | |
25 class CompilationUnitBuilder { | |
26 /** | |
27 * The analysis context in which the element model will be built. | |
28 */ | |
29 AnalysisContextImpl _analysisContext; | |
30 /** | |
31 * The listener to which errors will be reported. | |
32 */ | |
33 AnalysisErrorListener _errorListener; | |
34 /** | |
35 * Initialize a newly created compilation unit element builder. | |
36 * @param analysisContext the analysis context in which the element model will
be built | |
37 * @param errorListener the listener to which errors will be reported | |
38 */ | |
39 CompilationUnitBuilder(AnalysisContextImpl analysisContext, AnalysisErrorListe
ner errorListener) { | |
40 this._analysisContext = analysisContext; | |
41 this._errorListener = errorListener; | |
42 } | |
43 /** | |
44 * Build the compilation unit element for the given source. | |
45 * @param source the source describing the compilation unit | |
46 * @return the compilation unit element that was built | |
47 * @throws AnalysisException if the analysis could not be performed | |
48 */ | |
49 CompilationUnitElementImpl buildCompilationUnit(Source source) => buildCompila
tionUnit2(source, _analysisContext.parse3(source, _errorListener)); | |
50 /** | |
51 * Build the compilation unit element for the given source. | |
52 * @param source the source describing the compilation unit | |
53 * @param unit the AST structure representing the compilation unit | |
54 * @return the compilation unit element that was built | |
55 * @throws AnalysisException if the analysis could not be performed | |
56 */ | |
57 CompilationUnitElementImpl buildCompilationUnit2(Source source13, CompilationU
nit unit) { | |
58 ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder(); | |
59 ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(holder); | |
60 unit.accept(builder); | |
61 CompilationUnitElementImpl element = new CompilationUnitElementImpl(source13
.shortName); | |
62 element.accessors = holder.accessors; | |
63 element.functions = holder.functions; | |
64 element.source = source13; | |
65 element.typeAliases = holder.typeAliases; | |
66 element.types = holder.types; | |
67 element.topLevelVariables = holder.topLevelVariables; | |
68 unit.element = element; | |
69 return element; | |
70 } | |
71 } | |
72 /** | |
73 * Instances of the class {@code ElementBuilder} traverse an AST structure and b
uild the element | |
74 * model representing the AST structure. | |
75 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
76 */ | |
77 class ElementBuilder extends RecursiveASTVisitor<Object> { | |
78 /** | |
79 * The element holder associated with the element that is currently being buil
t. | |
80 */ | |
81 ElementHolder _currentHolder; | |
82 /** | |
83 * A flag indicating whether a variable declaration is in the context of a fie
ld declaration. | |
84 */ | |
85 bool _inFieldContext = false; | |
86 /** | |
87 * A flag indicating whether a variable declaration is within the body of a me
thod or function. | |
88 */ | |
89 bool _inFunction = false; | |
90 /** | |
91 * A flag indicating whether the class currently being visited can be used as
a mixin. | |
92 */ | |
93 bool _isValidMixin = false; | |
94 /** | |
95 * Initialize a newly created element builder to build the elements for a comp
ilation unit. | |
96 * @param initialHolder the element holder associated with the compilation uni
t being built | |
97 */ | |
98 ElementBuilder(ElementHolder initialHolder) { | |
99 _currentHolder = initialHolder; | |
100 } | |
101 Object visitCatchClause(CatchClause node) { | |
102 SimpleIdentifier exceptionParameter2 = node.exceptionParameter; | |
103 if (exceptionParameter2 != null) { | |
104 LocalVariableElementImpl exception = new LocalVariableElementImpl(exceptio
nParameter2); | |
105 _currentHolder.addLocalVariable(exception); | |
106 exceptionParameter2.element = exception; | |
107 SimpleIdentifier stackTraceParameter2 = node.stackTraceParameter; | |
108 if (stackTraceParameter2 != null) { | |
109 LocalVariableElementImpl stackTrace = new LocalVariableElementImpl(stack
TraceParameter2); | |
110 _currentHolder.addLocalVariable(stackTrace); | |
111 stackTraceParameter2.element = stackTrace; | |
112 } | |
113 } | |
114 return super.visitCatchClause(node); | |
115 } | |
116 Object visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) { | |
117 ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder(); | |
118 _isValidMixin = true; | |
119 visitChildren(holder, node); | |
120 SimpleIdentifier className = node.name; | |
121 ClassElementImpl element = new ClassElementImpl(className); | |
122 List<TypeVariableElement> typeVariables4 = holder.typeVariables; | |
123 InterfaceTypeImpl interfaceType = new InterfaceTypeImpl.con1(element); | |
124 interfaceType.typeArguments = createTypeVariableTypes(typeVariables4); | |
125 element.type = interfaceType; | |
126 List<ConstructorElement> constructors3 = holder.constructors; | |
127 if (constructors3.length == 0) { | |
128 ConstructorElementImpl constructor = new ConstructorElementImpl(null); | |
129 constructor.synthetic = true; | |
130 FunctionTypeImpl type = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(constructor); | |
131 type.returnType = interfaceType; | |
132 constructor.type = type; | |
133 constructors3 = <ConstructorElement> [constructor]; | |
134 } | |
135 element.abstract = node.abstractKeyword != null; | |
136 element.accessors = holder.accessors; | |
137 element.constructors = constructors3; | |
138 element.fields = holder.fields; | |
139 element.methods = holder.methods; | |
140 element.typeVariables = typeVariables4; | |
141 element.validMixin = _isValidMixin; | |
142 _currentHolder.addType(element); | |
143 className.element = element; | |
144 return null; | |
145 } | |
146 Object visitClassTypeAlias(ClassTypeAlias node) { | |
147 ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder(); | |
148 visitChildren(holder, node); | |
149 SimpleIdentifier className = node.name; | |
150 ClassElementImpl element = new ClassElementImpl(className); | |
151 element.abstract = node.abstractKeyword != null; | |
152 element.typedef = true; | |
153 List<TypeVariableElement> typeVariables5 = holder.typeVariables; | |
154 element.typeVariables = typeVariables5; | |
155 InterfaceTypeImpl interfaceType = new InterfaceTypeImpl.con1(element); | |
156 interfaceType.typeArguments = createTypeVariableTypes(typeVariables5); | |
157 element.type = interfaceType; | |
158 _currentHolder.addType(element); | |
159 className.element = element; | |
160 return null; | |
161 } | |
162 Object visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) { | |
163 _isValidMixin = false; | |
164 ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder(); | |
165 visitChildren(holder, node); | |
166 SimpleIdentifier constructorName = node.name; | |
167 ConstructorElementImpl element = new ConstructorElementImpl(constructorName)
; | |
168 if (node.factoryKeyword != null) { | |
169 element.factory = true; | |
170 } | |
171 element.functions = holder.functions; | |
172 element.labels = holder.labels; | |
173 element.localVariables = holder.localVariables; | |
174 element.parameters = holder.parameters; | |
175 _currentHolder.addConstructor(element); | |
176 node.element = element; | |
177 if (constructorName != null) { | |
178 constructorName.element = element; | |
179 } | |
180 return null; | |
181 } | |
182 Object visitDeclaredIdentifier(DeclaredIdentifier node) { | |
183 SimpleIdentifier variableName = node.identifier; | |
184 sc.Token keyword27 = node.keyword; | |
185 LocalVariableElementImpl element = new LocalVariableElementImpl(variableName
); | |
186 ForEachStatement statement = node.parent as ForEachStatement; | |
187 int declarationEnd = node.offset + node.length; | |
188 int statementEnd = statement.offset + statement.length; | |
189 element.setVisibleRange(declarationEnd, statementEnd - declarationEnd - 1); | |
190 element.const2 = matches(keyword27, sc.Keyword.CONST); | |
191 element.final2 = matches(keyword27, sc.Keyword.FINAL); | |
192 _currentHolder.addLocalVariable(element); | |
193 variableName.element = element; | |
194 return super.visitDeclaredIdentifier(node); | |
195 } | |
196 Object visitDefaultFormalParameter(DefaultFormalParameter node) { | |
197 ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder(); | |
198 visit(holder, node.defaultValue); | |
199 FunctionElementImpl initializer = new FunctionElementImpl(); | |
200 initializer.functions = holder.functions; | |
201 initializer.labels = holder.labels; | |
202 initializer.localVariables = holder.localVariables; | |
203 initializer.parameters = holder.parameters; | |
204 SimpleIdentifier parameterName = node.parameter.identifier; | |
205 ParameterElementImpl parameter = new ParameterElementImpl(parameterName); | |
206 parameter.const2 = node.isConst(); | |
207 parameter.final2 = node.isFinal(); | |
208 parameter.initializer = initializer; | |
209 parameter.parameterKind = node.kind; | |
210 FunctionBody body = getFunctionBody(node); | |
211 if (body != null) { | |
212 parameter.setVisibleRange(body.offset, body.length); | |
213 } | |
214 _currentHolder.addParameter(parameter); | |
215 parameterName.element = parameter; | |
216 node.parameter.accept(this); | |
217 return null; | |
218 } | |
219 Object visitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration node) { | |
220 bool wasInField = _inFieldContext; | |
221 _inFieldContext = true; | |
222 try { | |
223 node.visitChildren(this); | |
224 } finally { | |
225 _inFieldContext = wasInField; | |
226 } | |
227 return null; | |
228 } | |
229 Object visitFieldFormalParameter(FieldFormalParameter node) { | |
230 if (node.parent is! DefaultFormalParameter) { | |
231 SimpleIdentifier parameterName = node.identifier; | |
232 ParameterElementImpl parameter = new ParameterElementImpl(parameterName); | |
233 parameter.const2 = node.isConst(); | |
234 parameter.initializingFormal = true; | |
235 parameter.final2 = node.isFinal(); | |
236 parameter.parameterKind = node.kind; | |
237 _currentHolder.addParameter(parameter); | |
238 parameterName.element = parameter; | |
239 } | |
240 return super.visitFieldFormalParameter(node); | |
241 } | |
242 Object visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) { | |
243 FunctionExpression expression = node.functionExpression; | |
244 if (expression != null) { | |
245 ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder(); | |
246 bool wasInFunction = _inFunction; | |
247 _inFunction = true; | |
248 try { | |
249 visitChildren(holder, expression); | |
250 } finally { | |
251 _inFunction = wasInFunction; | |
252 } | |
253 sc.Token property = node.propertyKeyword; | |
254 if (property == null) { | |
255 SimpleIdentifier functionName = node.name; | |
256 FunctionElementImpl element = new FunctionElementImpl.con1(functionName)
; | |
257 element.functions = holder.functions; | |
258 element.labels = holder.labels; | |
259 element.localVariables = holder.localVariables; | |
260 element.parameters = holder.parameters; | |
261 FunctionTypeImpl type = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(element); | |
262 element.type = type; | |
263 _currentHolder.addFunction(element); | |
264 expression.element = element; | |
265 functionName.element = element; | |
266 } else { | |
267 SimpleIdentifier propertyNameNode = node.name; | |
268 if (propertyNameNode == null) { | |
269 return null; | |
270 } | |
271 String propertyName = propertyNameNode.name; | |
272 FieldElementImpl field = _currentHolder.getField(propertyName) as FieldE
lementImpl; | |
273 if (field == null) { | |
274 field = new FieldElementImpl.con2(node.name.name); | |
275 field.final2 = true; | |
276 _currentHolder.addField(field); | |
277 } | |
278 if (matches(property, sc.Keyword.GET)) { | |
279 PropertyAccessorElementImpl getter = new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.c
on1(propertyNameNode); | |
280 getter.functions = holder.functions; | |
281 getter.labels = holder.labels; | |
282 getter.localVariables = holder.localVariables; | |
283 getter.variable = field; | |
284 getter.getter = true; | |
285 field.getter = getter; | |
286 _currentHolder.addAccessor(getter); | |
287 propertyNameNode.element = getter; | |
288 } else { | |
289 PropertyAccessorElementImpl setter = new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.c
on1(propertyNameNode); | |
290 setter.functions = holder.functions; | |
291 setter.labels = holder.labels; | |
292 setter.localVariables = holder.localVariables; | |
293 setter.parameters = holder.parameters; | |
294 setter.variable = field; | |
295 setter.setter = true; | |
296 field.setter = setter; | |
297 field.final2 = false; | |
298 _currentHolder.addAccessor(setter); | |
299 propertyNameNode.element = setter; | |
300 } | |
301 } | |
302 } | |
303 return null; | |
304 } | |
305 Object visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) { | |
306 ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder(); | |
307 bool wasInFunction = _inFunction; | |
308 _inFunction = true; | |
309 try { | |
310 visitChildren(holder, node); | |
311 } finally { | |
312 _inFunction = wasInFunction; | |
313 } | |
314 SimpleIdentifier functionName = null; | |
315 FunctionElementImpl element = new FunctionElementImpl.con1(functionName); | |
316 element.functions = holder.functions; | |
317 element.labels = holder.labels; | |
318 element.localVariables = holder.localVariables; | |
319 element.parameters = holder.parameters; | |
320 if (_inFunction) { | |
321 Block enclosingBlock = node.getAncestor(Block); | |
322 if (enclosingBlock != null) { | |
323 int functionEnd = node.offset + node.length; | |
324 int blockEnd = enclosingBlock.offset + enclosingBlock.length; | |
325 element.setVisibleRange(functionEnd, blockEnd - functionEnd - 1); | |
326 } | |
327 } | |
328 FunctionTypeImpl type = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(element); | |
329 element.type = type; | |
330 _currentHolder.addFunction(element); | |
331 node.element = element; | |
332 return null; | |
333 } | |
334 Object visitFunctionTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAlias node) { | |
335 ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder(); | |
336 visitChildren(holder, node); | |
337 SimpleIdentifier aliasName = node.name; | |
338 List<ParameterElement> parameters10 = holder.parameters; | |
339 List<TypeVariableElement> typeVariables6 = holder.typeVariables; | |
340 TypeAliasElementImpl element = new TypeAliasElementImpl(aliasName); | |
341 element.parameters = parameters10; | |
342 element.typeVariables = typeVariables6; | |
343 FunctionTypeImpl type = new FunctionTypeImpl.con2(element); | |
344 type.typeArguments = createTypeVariableTypes(typeVariables6); | |
345 element.type = type; | |
346 _currentHolder.addTypeAlias(element); | |
347 aliasName.element = element; | |
348 return null; | |
349 } | |
350 Object visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter(FunctionTypedFormalParameter node) { | |
351 if (node.parent is! DefaultFormalParameter) { | |
352 SimpleIdentifier parameterName = node.identifier; | |
353 ParameterElementImpl parameter = new ParameterElementImpl(parameterName); | |
354 parameter.parameterKind = node.kind; | |
355 _currentHolder.addParameter(parameter); | |
356 parameterName.element = parameter; | |
357 } | |
358 visitChildren(new ElementHolder(), node); | |
359 return null; | |
360 } | |
361 Object visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) { | |
362 bool onSwitchStatement = node.statement is SwitchStatement; | |
363 for (Label label in node.labels) { | |
364 SimpleIdentifier labelName = label.label; | |
365 LabelElementImpl element = new LabelElementImpl(labelName, onSwitchStateme
nt, false); | |
366 _currentHolder.addLabel(element); | |
367 labelName.element = element; | |
368 } | |
369 return super.visitLabeledStatement(node); | |
370 } | |
371 Object visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) { | |
372 ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder(); | |
373 bool wasInFunction = _inFunction; | |
374 _inFunction = true; | |
375 try { | |
376 visitChildren(holder, node); | |
377 } finally { | |
378 _inFunction = wasInFunction; | |
379 } | |
380 sc.Token property = node.propertyKeyword; | |
381 if (property == null) { | |
382 SimpleIdentifier methodName = node.name; | |
383 String nameOfMethod = methodName.name; | |
384 if (nameOfMethod == sc.TokenType.MINUS.lexeme && node.parameters.parameter
s.length == 0) { | |
385 nameOfMethod = "unary-"; | |
386 } | |
387 MethodElementImpl element = new MethodElementImpl.con2(nameOfMethod, metho
dName.offset); | |
388 sc.Token keyword = node.modifierKeyword; | |
389 element.abstract = matches(keyword, sc.Keyword.ABSTRACT); | |
390 element.functions = holder.functions; | |
391 element.labels = holder.labels; | |
392 element.localVariables = holder.localVariables; | |
393 element.parameters = holder.parameters; | |
394 element.static = matches(keyword, sc.Keyword.STATIC); | |
395 _currentHolder.addMethod(element); | |
396 methodName.element = element; | |
397 } else { | |
398 SimpleIdentifier propertyNameNode = node.name; | |
399 String propertyName = propertyNameNode.name; | |
400 FieldElementImpl field = _currentHolder.getField(propertyName) as FieldEle
mentImpl; | |
401 if (field == null) { | |
402 field = new FieldElementImpl.con2(node.name.name); | |
403 field.final2 = true; | |
404 field.static = matches(node.modifierKeyword, sc.Keyword.STATIC); | |
405 _currentHolder.addField(field); | |
406 } | |
407 if (matches(property, sc.Keyword.GET)) { | |
408 PropertyAccessorElementImpl getter = new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.con
1(propertyNameNode); | |
409 getter.functions = holder.functions; | |
410 getter.labels = holder.labels; | |
411 getter.localVariables = holder.localVariables; | |
412 getter.variable = field; | |
413 getter.getter = true; | |
414 field.getter = getter; | |
415 _currentHolder.addAccessor(getter); | |
416 propertyNameNode.element = getter; | |
417 } else { | |
418 PropertyAccessorElementImpl setter = new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.con
1(propertyNameNode); | |
419 setter.functions = holder.functions; | |
420 setter.labels = holder.labels; | |
421 setter.localVariables = holder.localVariables; | |
422 setter.parameters = holder.parameters; | |
423 setter.variable = field; | |
424 setter.setter = true; | |
425 field.setter = setter; | |
426 field.final2 = false; | |
427 _currentHolder.addAccessor(setter); | |
428 propertyNameNode.element = setter; | |
429 } | |
430 } | |
431 return null; | |
432 } | |
433 Object visitSimpleFormalParameter(SimpleFormalParameter node) { | |
434 if (node.parent is! DefaultFormalParameter) { | |
435 SimpleIdentifier parameterName = node.identifier; | |
436 ParameterElementImpl parameter = new ParameterElementImpl(parameterName); | |
437 parameter.const2 = node.isConst(); | |
438 parameter.final2 = node.isFinal(); | |
439 parameter.parameterKind = node.kind; | |
440 _currentHolder.addParameter(parameter); | |
441 parameterName.element = parameter; | |
442 } | |
443 return super.visitSimpleFormalParameter(node); | |
444 } | |
445 Object visitSuperExpression(SuperExpression node) { | |
446 _isValidMixin = false; | |
447 return super.visitSuperExpression(node); | |
448 } | |
449 Object visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) { | |
450 for (Label label in node.labels) { | |
451 SimpleIdentifier labelName = label.label; | |
452 LabelElementImpl element = new LabelElementImpl(labelName, false, true); | |
453 _currentHolder.addLabel(element); | |
454 labelName.element = element; | |
455 } | |
456 return super.visitSwitchCase(node); | |
457 } | |
458 Object visitSwitchDefault(SwitchDefault node) { | |
459 for (Label label in node.labels) { | |
460 SimpleIdentifier labelName = label.label; | |
461 LabelElementImpl element = new LabelElementImpl(labelName, false, true); | |
462 _currentHolder.addLabel(element); | |
463 labelName.element = element; | |
464 } | |
465 return super.visitSwitchDefault(node); | |
466 } | |
467 Object visitTypeParameter(TypeParameter node) { | |
468 SimpleIdentifier parameterName = node.name; | |
469 TypeVariableElementImpl element = new TypeVariableElementImpl(parameterName)
; | |
470 TypeVariableTypeImpl type = new TypeVariableTypeImpl(element); | |
471 element.type = type; | |
472 _currentHolder.addTypeVariable(element); | |
473 parameterName.element = element; | |
474 return super.visitTypeParameter(node); | |
475 } | |
476 Object visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) { | |
477 VariableElementImpl element; | |
478 if (_inFieldContext) { | |
479 SimpleIdentifier fieldName = node.name; | |
480 FieldElementImpl field = new FieldElementImpl.con1(fieldName); | |
481 element = field; | |
482 _currentHolder.addField(field); | |
483 fieldName.element = field; | |
484 } else if (_inFunction) { | |
485 SimpleIdentifier variableName = node.name; | |
486 element = new LocalVariableElementImpl(variableName); | |
487 Block enclosingBlock = node.getAncestor(Block); | |
488 int functionEnd = node.offset + node.length; | |
489 int blockEnd = enclosingBlock.offset + enclosingBlock.length; | |
490 ((element as LocalVariableElementImpl)).setVisibleRange(functionEnd, block
End - functionEnd - 1); | |
491 _currentHolder.addLocalVariable((element as LocalVariableElementImpl)); | |
492 variableName.element = element; | |
493 } else { | |
494 SimpleIdentifier variableName = node.name; | |
495 element = new TopLevelVariableElementImpl.con1(variableName); | |
496 _currentHolder.addTopLevelVariable((element as TopLevelVariableElementImpl
)); | |
497 variableName.element = element; | |
498 } | |
499 sc.Token keyword28 = ((node.parent as VariableDeclarationList)).keyword; | |
500 bool isFinal = matches(keyword28, sc.Keyword.FINAL); | |
501 element.const2 = matches(keyword28, sc.Keyword.CONST); | |
502 element.final2 = isFinal; | |
503 if (node.initializer != null) { | |
504 ElementHolder holder = new ElementHolder(); | |
505 bool wasInFieldContext = _inFieldContext; | |
506 _inFieldContext = false; | |
507 try { | |
508 visit(holder, node.initializer); | |
509 } finally { | |
510 _inFieldContext = wasInFieldContext; | |
511 } | |
512 FunctionElementImpl initializer = new FunctionElementImpl(); | |
513 initializer.functions = holder.functions; | |
514 initializer.labels = holder.labels; | |
515 initializer.localVariables = holder.localVariables; | |
516 initializer.synthetic = true; | |
517 element.initializer = initializer; | |
518 } | |
519 if (element is PropertyInducingElementImpl) { | |
520 PropertyInducingElementImpl variable = element as PropertyInducingElementI
mpl; | |
521 PropertyAccessorElementImpl getter = new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.con2(
variable); | |
522 getter.getter = true; | |
523 _currentHolder.addAccessor(getter); | |
524 variable.getter = getter; | |
525 if (!isFinal) { | |
526 PropertyAccessorElementImpl setter = new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.con
2(variable); | |
527 setter.setter = true; | |
528 _currentHolder.addAccessor(setter); | |
529 variable.setter = setter; | |
530 } | |
531 if (_inFieldContext) { | |
532 ((variable as FieldElementImpl)).static = matches(((node.parent.parent a
s FieldDeclaration)).keyword, sc.Keyword.STATIC); | |
533 } | |
534 } | |
535 return super.visitVariableDeclaration(node); | |
536 } | |
537 List<Type2> createTypeVariableTypes(List<TypeVariableElement> typeVariables) { | |
538 int typeVariableCount = typeVariables.length; | |
539 List<Type2> typeArguments = new List<Type2>(typeVariableCount); | |
540 for (int i = 0; i < typeVariableCount; i++) { | |
541 TypeVariableElementImpl typeVariable = typeVariables[i] as TypeVariableEle
mentImpl; | |
542 TypeVariableTypeImpl typeArgument = new TypeVariableTypeImpl(typeVariable)
; | |
543 typeVariable.type = typeArgument; | |
544 typeArguments[i] = typeArgument; | |
545 } | |
546 return typeArguments; | |
547 } | |
548 /** | |
549 * Return the body of the function that contains the given parameter, or {@cod
e null} if no | |
550 * function body could be found. | |
551 * @param node the parameter contained in the function whose body is to be ret
urned | |
552 * @return the body of the function that contains the given parameter | |
553 */ | |
554 FunctionBody getFunctionBody(FormalParameter node) { | |
555 ASTNode parent13 = node.parent; | |
556 while (parent13 != null) { | |
557 if (parent13 is FunctionExpression) { | |
558 return ((parent13 as FunctionExpression)).body; | |
559 } else if (parent13 is MethodDeclaration) { | |
560 return ((parent13 as MethodDeclaration)).body; | |
561 } | |
562 parent13 = parent13.parent; | |
563 } | |
564 return null; | |
565 } | |
566 /** | |
567 * Return {@code true} if the given token is a token for the given keyword. | |
568 * @param token the token being tested | |
569 * @param keyword the keyword being tested for | |
570 * @return {@code true} if the given token is a token for the given keyword | |
571 */ | |
572 bool matches(sc.Token token, sc.Keyword keyword36) => token != null && identic
al(token.type, sc.TokenType.KEYWORD) && identical(((token as sc.KeywordToken)).k
eyword, keyword36); | |
573 /** | |
574 * Make the given holder be the current holder while visiting the given node. | |
575 * @param holder the holder that will gather elements that are built while vis
iting the children | |
576 * @param node the node to be visited | |
577 */ | |
578 void visit(ElementHolder holder, ASTNode node) { | |
579 if (node != null) { | |
580 ElementHolder previousHolder = _currentHolder; | |
581 _currentHolder = holder; | |
582 try { | |
583 node.accept(this); | |
584 } finally { | |
585 _currentHolder = previousHolder; | |
586 } | |
587 } | |
588 } | |
589 /** | |
590 * Make the given holder be the current holder while visiting the children of
the given node. | |
591 * @param holder the holder that will gather elements that are built while vis
iting the children | |
592 * @param node the node whose children are to be visited | |
593 */ | |
594 void visitChildren(ElementHolder holder, ASTNode node) { | |
595 if (node != null) { | |
596 ElementHolder previousHolder = _currentHolder; | |
597 _currentHolder = holder; | |
598 try { | |
599 node.visitChildren(this); | |
600 } finally { | |
601 _currentHolder = previousHolder; | |
602 } | |
603 } | |
604 } | |
605 } | |
606 /** | |
607 * Instances of the class {@code ElementHolder} hold on to elements created whil
e traversing an AST | |
608 * structure so that they can be accessed when creating their enclosing element. | |
609 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
610 */ | |
611 class ElementHolder { | |
612 List<PropertyAccessorElement> _accessors = new List<PropertyAccessorElement>()
; | |
613 List<ConstructorElement> _constructors = new List<ConstructorElement>(); | |
614 List<FieldElement> _fields = new List<FieldElement>(); | |
615 List<FunctionElement> _functions = new List<FunctionElement>(); | |
616 List<LabelElement> _labels = new List<LabelElement>(); | |
617 List<VariableElement> _localVariables = new List<VariableElement>(); | |
618 List<MethodElement> _methods = new List<MethodElement>(); | |
619 List<TypeAliasElement> _typeAliases = new List<TypeAliasElement>(); | |
620 List<ParameterElement> _parameters = new List<ParameterElement>(); | |
621 List<VariableElement> _topLevelVariables = new List<VariableElement>(); | |
622 List<ClassElement> _types = new List<ClassElement>(); | |
623 List<TypeVariableElement> _typeVariables = new List<TypeVariableElement>(); | |
624 /** | |
625 * Initialize a newly created element holder. | |
626 */ | |
627 ElementHolder() : super() { | |
628 } | |
629 void addAccessor(PropertyAccessorElement element) { | |
630 _accessors.add(element); | |
631 } | |
632 void addConstructor(ConstructorElement element) { | |
633 _constructors.add(element); | |
634 } | |
635 void addField(FieldElement element) { | |
636 _fields.add(element); | |
637 } | |
638 void addFunction(FunctionElement element) { | |
639 _functions.add(element); | |
640 } | |
641 void addLabel(LabelElement element) { | |
642 _labels.add(element); | |
643 } | |
644 void addLocalVariable(LocalVariableElement element) { | |
645 _localVariables.add(element); | |
646 } | |
647 void addMethod(MethodElement element) { | |
648 _methods.add(element); | |
649 } | |
650 void addParameter(ParameterElement element) { | |
651 _parameters.add(element); | |
652 } | |
653 void addTopLevelVariable(TopLevelVariableElement element) { | |
654 _topLevelVariables.add(element); | |
655 } | |
656 void addType(ClassElement element) { | |
657 _types.add(element); | |
658 } | |
659 void addTypeAlias(TypeAliasElement element) { | |
660 _typeAliases.add(element); | |
661 } | |
662 void addTypeVariable(TypeVariableElement element) { | |
663 _typeVariables.add(element); | |
664 } | |
665 List<PropertyAccessorElement> get accessors => new List.from(_accessors); | |
666 List<ConstructorElement> get constructors => new List.from(_constructors); | |
667 FieldElement getField(String fieldName) { | |
668 for (FieldElement field in _fields) { | |
669 if (field.name == fieldName) { | |
670 return field; | |
671 } | |
672 } | |
673 return null; | |
674 } | |
675 List<FieldElement> get fields => new List.from(_fields); | |
676 List<FunctionElement> get functions => new List.from(_functions); | |
677 List<LabelElement> get labels => new List.from(_labels); | |
678 List<LocalVariableElement> get localVariables => new List.from(_localVariables
); | |
679 List<MethodElement> get methods => new List.from(_methods); | |
680 List<ParameterElement> get parameters => new List.from(_parameters); | |
681 List<TopLevelVariableElement> get topLevelVariables => new List.from(_topLevel
Variables); | |
682 List<TypeAliasElement> get typeAliases => new List.from(_typeAliases); | |
683 List<ClassElement> get types => new List.from(_types); | |
684 List<TypeVariableElement> get typeVariables => new List.from(_typeVariables); | |
685 } | |
686 /** | |
687 * Instances of the class {@code HtmlUnitBuilder} build an element model for a s
ingle HTML unit. | |
688 */ | |
689 class HtmlUnitBuilder implements ht.XmlVisitor<Object> { | |
690 static String _APPLICATION_DART_IN_DOUBLE_QUOTES = "\"application/dart\""; | |
691 static String _APPLICATION_DART_IN_SINGLE_QUOTES = "'application/dart'"; | |
692 static String _SCRIPT = "script"; | |
693 static String _SRC = "src"; | |
694 static String _TYPE = "type"; | |
695 /** | |
696 * The analysis context in which the element model will be built. | |
697 */ | |
698 AnalysisContextImpl _context; | |
699 /** | |
700 * The HTML element being built. | |
701 */ | |
702 HtmlElementImpl _htmlElement; | |
703 /** | |
704 * The script elements being built. | |
705 */ | |
706 List<HtmlScriptElement> _scripts; | |
707 /** | |
708 * Initialize a newly created HTML unit builder. | |
709 * @param context the analysis context in which the element model will be buil
t | |
710 */ | |
711 HtmlUnitBuilder(AnalysisContextImpl context) { | |
712 this._context = context; | |
713 } | |
714 /** | |
715 * Build the HTML element for the given source. | |
716 * @param source the source describing the compilation unit | |
717 * @return the HTML element that was built | |
718 * @throws AnalysisException if the analysis could not be performed | |
719 */ | |
720 HtmlElementImpl buildHtmlElement(Source source) => buildHtmlElement2(source, _
context.parseHtml(source).htmlUnit); | |
721 /** | |
722 * Build the HTML element for the given source. | |
723 * @param source the source describing the compilation unit | |
724 * @param unit the AST structure representing the HTML | |
725 * @throws AnalysisException if the analysis could not be performed | |
726 */ | |
727 HtmlElementImpl buildHtmlElement2(Source source14, ht.HtmlUnit unit) { | |
728 HtmlElementImpl result = new HtmlElementImpl(_context, source14.shortName); | |
729 result.source = source14; | |
730 _htmlElement = result; | |
731 unit.accept(this); | |
732 _htmlElement = null; | |
733 unit.element = result; | |
734 return result; | |
735 } | |
736 Object visitHtmlUnit(ht.HtmlUnit node) { | |
737 _scripts = new List<HtmlScriptElement>(); | |
738 node.visitChildren(this); | |
739 _htmlElement.scripts = new List.from(_scripts); | |
740 _scripts = null; | |
741 return null; | |
742 } | |
743 Object visitXmlAttributeNode(ht.XmlAttributeNode node) => null; | |
744 Object visitXmlTagNode(ht.XmlTagNode node) { | |
745 if (isScriptNode(node)) { | |
746 Source htmlSource = _htmlElement.source; | |
747 String scriptSourcePath = getScriptSourcePath(node); | |
748 if (identical(node.attributeEnd.type, ht.TokenType.GT) && scriptSourcePath
== null) { | |
749 EmbeddedHtmlScriptElementImpl script = new EmbeddedHtmlScriptElementImpl
(node); | |
750 String contents = node.content; | |
751 AnalysisErrorListener errorListener = new AnalysisErrorListener_2(); | |
752 sc.StringScanner scanner = new sc.StringScanner(null, contents, errorLis
tener); | |
753 sc.Token firstToken = scanner.tokenize(); | |
754 List<int> lineStarts2 = scanner.lineStarts; | |
755 Parser parser = new Parser(null, errorListener); | |
756 CompilationUnit unit = parser.parseCompilationUnit(firstToken); | |
757 try { | |
758 CompilationUnitBuilder builder = new CompilationUnitBuilder(_context,
errorListener); | |
759 CompilationUnitElementImpl elem = builder.buildCompilationUnit2(htmlSo
urce, unit); | |
760 LibraryElementImpl library = new LibraryElementImpl(_context, null); | |
761 library.definingCompilationUnit = elem; | |
762 script.scriptLibrary = library; | |
763 } on AnalysisException catch (e) { | |
764 print(e); | |
765 } | |
766 _scripts.add(script); | |
767 } else { | |
768 ExternalHtmlScriptElementImpl script = new ExternalHtmlScriptElementImpl
(node); | |
769 if (scriptSourcePath != null) { | |
770 script.scriptSource = htmlSource.resolve(scriptSourcePath); | |
771 } | |
772 _scripts.add(script); | |
773 } | |
774 } else { | |
775 node.visitChildren(this); | |
776 } | |
777 return null; | |
778 } | |
779 /** | |
780 * Return the value of the source attribute if it exists. | |
781 * @param node the node containing attributes | |
782 * @return the source path or {@code null} if not defined | |
783 */ | |
784 String getScriptSourcePath(ht.XmlTagNode node) { | |
785 for (ht.XmlAttributeNode attribute in node.attributes) { | |
786 if (attribute.name.lexeme == _SRC) { | |
787 String text2 = attribute.text; | |
788 return text2 != null && text2.length > 0 ? text2 : null; | |
789 } | |
790 } | |
791 return null; | |
792 } | |
793 /** | |
794 * Determine if the specified node is a Dart script. | |
795 * @param node the node to be tested (not {@code null}) | |
796 * @return {@code true} if the node is a Dart script | |
797 */ | |
798 bool isScriptNode(ht.XmlTagNode node) { | |
799 if (node.tagNodes.length != 0 || node.tag.lexeme != _SCRIPT) { | |
800 return false; | |
801 } | |
802 for (ht.XmlAttributeNode attribute in node.attributes) { | |
803 if (attribute.name.lexeme == _TYPE) { | |
804 ht.Token valueToken = attribute.value; | |
805 if (valueToken != null) { | |
806 String value = valueToken.lexeme; | |
808 return true; | |
809 } | |
810 } | |
811 } | |
812 } | |
813 return false; | |
814 } | |
815 } | |
816 class AnalysisErrorListener_2 implements AnalysisErrorListener { | |
817 void onError(AnalysisError error) { | |
818 } | |
819 } | |
820 /** | |
821 * Instances of the class {@code ElementResolver} are used by instances of {@lin
k ResolverVisitor}to resolve references within the AST structure to the elements
being referenced. The requirements | |
822 * for the element resolver are: | |
823 * <ol> | |
824 * <li>Every {@link SimpleIdentifier} should be resolved to the element to which
it refers. | |
825 * Specifically: | |
826 * <ul> | |
827 * <li>An identifier within the declaration of that name should resolve to the e
lement being | |
828 * declared.</li> | |
829 * <li>An identifier denoting a prefix should resolve to the element representin
g the import that | |
830 * defines the prefix (an {@link ImportElement}).</li> | |
831 * <li>An identifier denoting a variable should resolve to the element represent
ing the variable (a{@link VariableElement}).</li> | |
832 * <li>An identifier denoting a parameter should resolve to the element represen
ting the parameter | |
833 * (a {@link ParameterElement}).</li> | |
834 * <li>An identifier denoting a field should resolve to the element representing
the getter or | |
835 * setter being invoked (a {@link PropertyAccessorElement}).</li> | |
836 * <li>An identifier denoting the name of a method or function being invoked sho
uld resolve to the | |
837 * element representing the method or function (a {@link ExecutableElement}).</l
i> | |
838 * <li>An identifier denoting a label should resolve to the element representing
the label (a{@link LabelElement}).</li> | |
839 * </ul> | |
840 * The identifiers within directives are exceptions to this rule and are covered
below.</li> | |
841 * <li>Every node containing a token representing an operator that can be overri
dden ({@link BinaryExpression}, {@link PrefixExpression}, {@link PostfixExpressi
on}) should resolve to | |
842 * the element representing the method invoked by that operator (a {@link Method
Element}).</li> | |
843 * <li>Every {@link FunctionExpressionInvocation} should resolve to the element
representing the | |
844 * function being invoked (a {@link FunctionElement}). This will be the same ele
ment as that to | |
845 * which the name is resolved if the function has a name, but is provided for th
ose cases where an | |
846 * unnamed function is being invoked.</li> | |
847 * <li>Every {@link LibraryDirective} and {@link PartOfDirective} should resolve
to the element | |
848 * representing the library being specified by the directive (a {@link LibraryEl
ement}) unless, in | |
849 * the case of a part-of directive, the specified library does not exist.</li> | |
850 * <li>Every {@link ImportDirective} and {@link ExportDirective} should resolve
to the element | |
851 * representing the library being specified by the directive unless the specifie
d library does not | |
852 * exist (an {@link ImportElement} or {@link ExportElement}).</li> | |
853 * <li>The identifier representing the prefix in an {@link ImportDirective} shou
ld resolve to the | |
854 * element representing the prefix (a {@link PrefixElement}).</li> | |
855 * <li>The identifiers in the hide and show combinators in {@link ImportDirectiv
e}s and{@link ExportDirective}s should resolve to the elements that are being hi
dden or shown, | |
856 * respectively, unless those names are not defined in the specified library (or
the specified | |
857 * library does not exist).</li> | |
858 * <li>Every {@link PartDirective} should resolve to the element representing th
e compilation unit | |
859 * being specified by the string unless the specified compilation unit does not
exist (a{@link CompilationUnitElement}).</li> | |
860 * </ol> | |
861 * Note that AST nodes that would represent elements that are not defined are no
t resolved to | |
862 * anything. This includes such things as references to undeclared variables (wh
ich is an error) and | |
863 * names in hide and show combinators that are not defined in the imported libra
ry (which is not an | |
864 * error). | |
865 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
866 */ | |
867 class ElementResolver extends SimpleASTVisitor<Object> { | |
868 /** | |
869 * The resolver driving this participant. | |
870 */ | |
871 ResolverVisitor _resolver; | |
872 /** | |
873 * Initialize a newly created visitor to resolve the nodes in a compilation un
it. | |
874 * @param resolver the resolver driving this participant | |
875 */ | |
876 ElementResolver(ResolverVisitor resolver) { | |
877 this._resolver = resolver; | |
878 } | |
879 Object visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) { | |
880 sc.TokenType operator7 = node.operator.type; | |
881 if (operator7 != sc.TokenType.EQ) { | |
882 operator7 = operatorFromCompoundAssignment(operator7); | |
883 Expression leftNode = node.leftHandSide; | |
884 if (leftNode != null) { | |
885 Type2 leftType = leftNode.staticType; | |
886 if (leftType != null) { | |
887 Element leftElement = leftType.element; | |
888 if (leftElement != null) { | |
889 MethodElement method = lookUpMethod(leftElement, operator7.lexeme); | |
890 if (method != null) { | |
891 node.element = method; | |
892 } else { | |
893 } | |
894 } | |
895 } | |
896 } | |
897 } | |
898 return null; | |
899 } | |
900 Object visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) { | |
901 sc.Token operator8 = node.operator; | |
902 if (operator8.isUserDefinableOperator()) { | |
903 Type2 leftType = getType(node.leftOperand); | |
904 Element leftTypeElement; | |
905 if (leftType == null || leftType.isDynamic()) { | |
906 return null; | |
907 } else if (leftType is FunctionType) { | |
908 leftTypeElement = _resolver.typeProvider.functionType.element; | |
909 } else { | |
910 leftTypeElement = leftType.element; | |
911 } | |
912 String methodName = operator8.lexeme; | |
913 MethodElement member = lookUpMethod(leftTypeElement, methodName); | |
914 if (member == null) { | |
915 _resolver.reportError3(ResolverErrorCode.CANNOT_BE_RESOLVED, operator8,
[methodName]); | |
916 } else { | |
917 node.element = member; | |
918 } | |
919 } | |
920 return null; | |
921 } | |
922 Object visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) { | |
923 SimpleIdentifier labelNode = node.label; | |
924 LabelElementImpl labelElement = lookupLabel(node, labelNode); | |
925 if (labelElement != null && labelElement.isOnSwitchMember()) { | |
926 _resolver.reportError(ResolverErrorCode.BREAK_LABEL_ON_SWITCH_MEMBER, labe
lNode, []); | |
927 } | |
928 return null; | |
929 } | |
930 Object visitConstructorName(ConstructorName node) { | |
931 Type2 type13 = node.type.type; | |
932 if (type13 is DynamicTypeImpl) { | |
933 return null; | |
934 } else if (type13 is! InterfaceType) { | |
935 ASTNode parent14 = node.parent; | |
936 if (parent14 is InstanceCreationExpression) { | |
937 if (((parent14 as InstanceCreationExpression)).isConst()) { | |
938 } else { | |
939 } | |
940 } else { | |
941 } | |
942 return null; | |
943 } | |
944 ClassElement classElement = ((type13 as InterfaceType)).element; | |
945 ConstructorElement constructor; | |
946 SimpleIdentifier name14 = node.name; | |
947 if (name14 == null) { | |
948 constructor = classElement.unnamedConstructor; | |
949 } else { | |
950 constructor = classElement.getNamedConstructor(name14.name); | |
951 name14.element = constructor; | |
952 } | |
953 node.element = constructor; | |
954 return null; | |
955 } | |
956 Object visitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement node) { | |
957 SimpleIdentifier labelNode = node.label; | |
958 LabelElementImpl labelElement = lookupLabel(node, labelNode); | |
959 if (labelElement != null && labelElement.isOnSwitchStatement()) { | |
960 _resolver.reportError(ResolverErrorCode.CONTINUE_LABEL_ON_SWITCH, labelNod
e, []); | |
961 } | |
962 return null; | |
963 } | |
964 Object visitExportDirective(ExportDirective node) { | |
965 Element element21 = node.element; | |
966 if (element21 is ExportElement) { | |
967 resolveCombinators(((element21 as ExportElement)).exportedLibrary, node.co
mbinators); | |
968 } | |
969 return null; | |
970 } | |
971 Object visitFunctionExpressionInvocation(FunctionExpressionInvocation node) =>
null; | |
972 Object visitImportDirective(ImportDirective node) { | |
973 SimpleIdentifier prefixNode = node.prefix; | |
974 if (prefixNode != null) { | |
975 String prefixName = prefixNode.name; | |
976 for (PrefixElement prefixElement in _resolver.definingLibrary.prefixes) { | |
977 if (prefixElement.name == prefixName) { | |
978 recordResolution(prefixNode, prefixElement); | |
979 break; | |
980 } | |
981 } | |
982 } | |
983 Element element22 = node.element; | |
984 if (element22 is ImportElement) { | |
985 resolveCombinators(((element22 as ImportElement)).importedLibrary, node.co
mbinators); | |
986 } | |
987 return null; | |
988 } | |
989 Object visitIndexExpression(IndexExpression node) { | |
990 Type2 arrayType = getType(node.realTarget); | |
991 if (arrayType == null || arrayType.isDynamic()) { | |
992 return null; | |
993 } | |
994 Element arrayTypeElement = arrayType.element; | |
995 String operator; | |
996 if (node.inSetterContext()) { | |
997 operator = sc.TokenType.INDEX_EQ.lexeme; | |
998 } else { | |
999 operator = sc.TokenType.INDEX.lexeme; | |
1000 } | |
1001 MethodElement member = lookUpMethod(arrayTypeElement, operator); | |
1002 if (member == null) { | |
1003 _resolver.reportError(ResolverErrorCode.CANNOT_BE_RESOLVED, node, [operato
r]); | |
1004 } else { | |
1005 node.element = member; | |
1006 } | |
1007 return null; | |
1008 } | |
1009 Object visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) { | |
1010 ConstructorElement invokedConstructor = node.constructorName.element; | |
1011 node.element = invokedConstructor; | |
1012 resolveNamedArguments(node.argumentList, invokedConstructor); | |
1013 return null; | |
1014 } | |
1015 Object visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) { | |
1016 SimpleIdentifier methodName2 = node.methodName; | |
1017 Expression target = node.realTarget; | |
1018 Element element; | |
1019 if (target == null) { | |
1020 element = _resolver.nameScope.lookup(methodName2, _resolver.definingLibrar
y); | |
1021 if (element == null) { | |
1022 element = lookUpMethod(_resolver.enclosingClass, methodName2.name); | |
1023 if (element == null) { | |
1024 PropertyAccessorElement getter = lookUpGetter(_resolver.enclosingClass
, methodName2.name); | |
1025 if (getter != null) { | |
1026 FunctionType getterType = getter.type; | |
1027 if (getterType != null) { | |
1028 Type2 returnType4 = getterType.returnType; | |
1029 if (!returnType4.isDynamic() && returnType4 is! FunctionType && !r
eturnType4.isDartCoreFunction()) { | |
1030 _resolver.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVOCATION_OF_NON_FU
NCTION, methodName2, [methodName2.name]); | |
1031 } | |
1032 } | |
1033 recordResolution(methodName2, getter); | |
1034 return null; | |
1035 } | |
1036 } | |
1037 } | |
1038 } else { | |
1039 Type2 targetType = getType(target); | |
1040 if (targetType is InterfaceType) { | |
1041 element = lookUpMethod(targetType.element, methodName2.name); | |
1042 if (element == null) { | |
1043 PropertyAccessorElement accessor = lookUpGetterInType((targetType.elem
ent as ClassElement), methodName2.name); | |
1044 if (accessor != null) { | |
1045 Type2 returnType5 = accessor.type.returnType; | |
1046 if (!returnType5.isDynamic() && returnType5 is! FunctionType && !ret
urnType5.isDartCoreFunction()) { | |
1047 _resolver.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVOCATION_OF_NON_FUNC
TION, methodName2, [methodName2.name]); | |
1048 return null; | |
1049 } | |
1050 element = accessor; | |
1051 } | |
1052 } | |
1053 if (element == null && target is SuperExpression) { | |
1054 _resolver.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_SUPER_METHOD, me
thodName2, [methodName2.name, targetType.element.name]); | |
1055 return null; | |
1056 } | |
1057 } else if (target is SimpleIdentifier) { | |
1058 Element targetElement = ((target as SimpleIdentifier)).element; | |
1059 if (targetElement is PrefixElement) { | |
1060 String name9 = "${((target as SimpleIdentifier)).name}.${methodName2}"
; | |
1061 Identifier functionName = new Identifier_4(name9); | |
1062 element = _resolver.nameScope.lookup(functionName, _resolver.definingL
ibrary); | |
1063 } else { | |
1064 return null; | |
1065 } | |
1066 } else { | |
1067 return null; | |
1068 } | |
1069 } | |
1070 ExecutableElement invokedMethod = null; | |
1071 if (element is ExecutableElement) { | |
1072 invokedMethod = element as ExecutableElement; | |
1073 } else { | |
1074 if (element is PropertyInducingElement) { | |
1075 PropertyAccessorElement getter3 = ((element as PropertyInducingElement))
.getter; | |
1076 FunctionType getterType = getter3.type; | |
1077 if (getterType != null) { | |
1078 Type2 returnType6 = getterType.returnType; | |
1079 if (!returnType6.isDynamic() && returnType6 is! FunctionType && !retur
nType6.isDartCoreFunction()) { | |
1080 _resolver.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVOCATION_OF_NON_FUNCTI
ON, methodName2, [methodName2.name]); | |
1081 } | |
1082 } | |
1083 recordResolution(methodName2, element); | |
1084 return null; | |
1085 } else if (element is VariableElement) { | |
1086 Type2 variableType = ((element as VariableElement)).type; | |
1087 if (!variableType.isDynamic() && variableType is! FunctionType && !varia
bleType.isDartCoreFunction()) { | |
1088 _resolver.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVOCATION_OF_NON_FUNCTION
, methodName2, [methodName2.name]); | |
1089 } | |
1090 recordResolution(methodName2, element); | |
1091 return null; | |
1092 } else { | |
1093 _resolver.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVOCATION_OF_NON_FUNCTION,
methodName2, [methodName2.name]); | |
1094 return null; | |
1095 } | |
1096 } | |
1097 recordResolution(methodName2, invokedMethod); | |
1098 resolveNamedArguments(node.argumentList, invokedMethod); | |
1099 return null; | |
1100 } | |
1101 Object visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpression node) { | |
1102 sc.Token operator9 = node.operator; | |
1103 Type2 operandType = getType(node.operand); | |
1104 if (operandType == null || operandType.isDynamic()) { | |
1105 return null; | |
1106 } | |
1107 Element operandTypeElement = operandType.element; | |
1108 String methodName; | |
1109 if (identical(operator9.type, sc.TokenType.PLUS_PLUS)) { | |
1110 methodName = sc.TokenType.PLUS.lexeme; | |
1111 } else { | |
1112 methodName = sc.TokenType.MINUS.lexeme; | |
1113 } | |
1114 MethodElement member = lookUpMethod(operandTypeElement, methodName); | |
1115 if (member == null) { | |
1116 _resolver.reportError3(ResolverErrorCode.CANNOT_BE_RESOLVED, operator9, [m
ethodName]); | |
1117 } else { | |
1118 node.element = member; | |
1119 } | |
1120 return null; | |
1121 } | |
1122 Object visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) { | |
1123 SimpleIdentifier prefix6 = node.prefix; | |
1124 SimpleIdentifier identifier13 = node.identifier; | |
1125 Element prefixElement = prefix6.element; | |
1126 if (prefixElement is PrefixElement) { | |
1127 Element element = _resolver.nameScope.lookup(node, _resolver.definingLibra
ry); | |
1128 if (element == null) { | |
1129 return null; | |
1130 } | |
1131 recordResolution(identifier13, element); | |
1132 return null; | |
1133 } | |
1134 if (prefixElement is ClassElement) { | |
1135 Element memberElement; | |
1136 if (node.identifier.inSetterContext()) { | |
1137 memberElement = lookUpSetterInType((prefixElement as ClassElement), iden
tifier13.name); | |
1138 } else { | |
1139 memberElement = lookUpGetterInType((prefixElement as ClassElement), iden
tifier13.name); | |
1140 } | |
1141 if (memberElement == null) { | |
1142 MethodElement methodElement = lookUpMethod(prefixElement, identifier13.n
ame); | |
1143 if (methodElement != null) { | |
1144 recordResolution(identifier13, methodElement); | |
1145 return null; | |
1146 } | |
1147 } | |
1148 if (memberElement == null) { | |
1149 reportGetterOrSetterNotFound(node, identifier13, prefixElement.name); | |
1150 } else { | |
1151 recordResolution(identifier13, memberElement); | |
1152 } | |
1153 return null; | |
1154 } | |
1155 Element variableTypeElement; | |
1156 if (prefixElement is PropertyAccessorElement) { | |
1157 PropertyAccessorElement accessor = prefixElement as PropertyAccessorElemen
t; | |
1158 FunctionType type14 = accessor.type; | |
1159 if (type14 == null) { | |
1160 return null; | |
1161 } | |
1162 Type2 variableType; | |
1163 if (accessor.isGetter()) { | |
1164 variableType = type14.returnType; | |
1165 } else { | |
1166 variableType = type14.normalParameterTypes[0]; | |
1167 } | |
1168 if (variableType == null || variableType.isDynamic()) { | |
1169 return null; | |
1170 } | |
1171 variableTypeElement = variableType.element; | |
1172 } else if (prefixElement is VariableElement) { | |
1173 Type2 prefixType = ((prefixElement as VariableElement)).type; | |
1174 if (prefixType == null || prefixType.isDynamic()) { | |
1175 return null; | |
1176 } | |
1177 variableTypeElement = prefixType.element; | |
1178 } else { | |
1179 return null; | |
1180 } | |
1181 PropertyAccessorElement memberElement = null; | |
1182 if (node.identifier.inSetterContext()) { | |
1183 memberElement = lookUpSetter(variableTypeElement, identifier13.name); | |
1184 } | |
1185 if (memberElement == null && node.identifier.inGetterContext()) { | |
1186 memberElement = lookUpGetter(variableTypeElement, identifier13.name); | |
1187 } | |
1188 if (memberElement == null) { | |
1189 MethodElement methodElement = lookUpMethod(variableTypeElement, identifier
13.name); | |
1190 if (methodElement != null) { | |
1191 recordResolution(identifier13, methodElement); | |
1192 return null; | |
1193 } | |
1194 } | |
1195 if (memberElement == null) { | |
1196 reportGetterOrSetterNotFound(node, identifier13, variableTypeElement.name)
; | |
1197 } else { | |
1198 recordResolution(identifier13, memberElement); | |
1199 } | |
1200 return null; | |
1201 } | |
1202 Object visitPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression node) { | |
1203 sc.Token operator10 = node.operator; | |
1204 sc.TokenType operatorType = operator10.type; | |
1205 if (operatorType.isUserDefinableOperator() || identical(operatorType, sc.Tok
enType.PLUS_PLUS) || identical(operatorType, sc.TokenType.MINUS_MINUS)) { | |
1206 Type2 operandType = getType(node.operand); | |
1207 if (operandType == null || operandType.isDynamic()) { | |
1208 return null; | |
1209 } | |
1210 Element operandTypeElement = operandType.element; | |
1211 String methodName; | |
1212 if (identical(operatorType, sc.TokenType.PLUS_PLUS)) { | |
1213 methodName = sc.TokenType.PLUS.lexeme; | |
1214 } else if (identical(operatorType, sc.TokenType.MINUS_MINUS)) { | |
1215 methodName = sc.TokenType.MINUS.lexeme; | |
1216 } else if (identical(operatorType, sc.TokenType.MINUS)) { | |
1217 methodName = "unary-"; | |
1218 } else { | |
1219 methodName = operator10.lexeme; | |
1220 } | |
1221 MethodElement member = lookUpMethod(operandTypeElement, methodName); | |
1222 if (member == null) { | |
1223 _resolver.reportError3(ResolverErrorCode.CANNOT_BE_RESOLVED, operator10,
[methodName]); | |
1224 } else { | |
1225 node.element = member; | |
1226 } | |
1227 } | |
1228 return null; | |
1229 } | |
1230 Object visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) { | |
1231 Type2 targetType = getType(node.realTarget); | |
1232 if (targetType is! InterfaceType) { | |
1233 return null; | |
1234 } | |
1235 ClassElement targetElement = ((targetType as InterfaceType)).element; | |
1236 SimpleIdentifier identifier = node.propertyName; | |
1237 PropertyAccessorElement memberElement = null; | |
1238 if (identifier.inSetterContext()) { | |
1239 memberElement = lookUpSetter(targetElement, identifier.name); | |
1240 } | |
1241 if (memberElement == null && identifier.inGetterContext()) { | |
1242 memberElement = lookUpGetter(targetElement, identifier.name); | |
1243 } | |
1244 if (memberElement == null) { | |
1245 MethodElement methodElement = lookUpMethod(targetElement, identifier.name)
; | |
1246 if (methodElement != null) { | |
1247 recordResolution(identifier, methodElement); | |
1248 return null; | |
1249 } | |
1250 } | |
1251 if (memberElement == null) { | |
1252 _resolver.reportError(ResolverErrorCode.CANNOT_BE_RESOLVED, identifier, [i
dentifier.name]); | |
1253 } else { | |
1254 recordResolution(identifier, memberElement); | |
1255 } | |
1256 return null; | |
1257 } | |
1258 Object visitRedirectingConstructorInvocation(RedirectingConstructorInvocation
node) { | |
1259 ClassElement enclosingClass2 = _resolver.enclosingClass; | |
1260 if (enclosingClass2 == null) { | |
1261 return null; | |
1262 } | |
1263 SimpleIdentifier name = node.constructorName; | |
1264 ConstructorElement element; | |
1265 if (name == null) { | |
1266 element = enclosingClass2.unnamedConstructor; | |
1267 } else { | |
1268 element = enclosingClass2.getNamedConstructor(name.name); | |
1269 } | |
1270 if (element == null) { | |
1271 return null; | |
1272 } | |
1273 if (name != null) { | |
1274 recordResolution(name, element); | |
1275 } | |
1276 node.element = element; | |
1277 resolveNamedArguments(node.argumentList, element); | |
1278 return null; | |
1279 } | |
1280 Object visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) { | |
1281 if (node.element != null) { | |
1282 return null; | |
1283 } | |
1284 Element element = _resolver.nameScope.lookup(node, _resolver.definingLibrary
); | |
1285 if (element is PropertyAccessorElement && node.inSetterContext()) { | |
1286 PropertyInducingElement variable4 = ((element as PropertyAccessorElement))
.variable; | |
1287 if (variable4 != null) { | |
1288 PropertyAccessorElement setter3 = variable4.setter; | |
1289 if (setter3 != null) { | |
1290 element = setter3; | |
1291 } | |
1292 } | |
1293 } | |
1294 if (element == null && node.inSetterContext()) { | |
1295 element = lookUpSetter(_resolver.enclosingClass, node.name); | |
1296 } | |
1297 if (element == null && node.inGetterContext()) { | |
1298 element = lookUpGetter(_resolver.enclosingClass, node.name); | |
1299 } | |
1300 if (element == null) { | |
1301 element = lookUpMethod(_resolver.enclosingClass, node.name); | |
1302 } | |
1303 if (element == null) { | |
1304 } | |
1305 recordResolution(node, element); | |
1306 return null; | |
1307 } | |
1308 Object visitSuperConstructorInvocation(SuperConstructorInvocation node) { | |
1309 ClassElement enclosingClass3 = _resolver.enclosingClass; | |
1310 if (enclosingClass3 == null) { | |
1311 return null; | |
1312 } | |
1313 ClassElement superclass = getSuperclass(enclosingClass3); | |
1314 if (superclass == null) { | |
1315 return null; | |
1316 } | |
1317 SimpleIdentifier name = node.constructorName; | |
1318 ConstructorElement element; | |
1319 if (name == null) { | |
1320 element = superclass.unnamedConstructor; | |
1321 } else { | |
1322 element = superclass.getNamedConstructor(name.name); | |
1323 } | |
1324 if (element == null) { | |
1325 return null; | |
1326 } | |
1327 if (name != null) { | |
1328 recordResolution(name, element); | |
1329 } | |
1330 node.element = element; | |
1331 resolveNamedArguments(node.argumentList, element); | |
1332 return null; | |
1333 } | |
1334 Object visitTypeParameter(TypeParameter node) { | |
1335 TypeName bound3 = node.bound; | |
1336 if (bound3 != null) { | |
1337 TypeVariableElementImpl variable = node.name.element as TypeVariableElemen
tImpl; | |
1338 if (variable != null) { | |
1339 variable.bound = bound3.type; | |
1340 } | |
1341 } | |
1342 return null; | |
1343 } | |
1344 /** | |
1345 * Search through the array of parameters for a parameter whose name matches t
he given name. | |
1346 * Return the parameter with the given name, or {@code null} if there is no su
ch parameter. | |
1347 * @param parameters the parameters being searched | |
1348 * @param name the name being searched for | |
1349 * @return the parameter with the given name | |
1350 */ | |
1351 ParameterElement findNamedParameter(List<ParameterElement> parameters, String
name25) { | |
1352 for (ParameterElement parameter in parameters) { | |
1353 if (identical(parameter.parameterKind, ParameterKind.NAMED)) { | |
1354 String parameteName = parameter.name; | |
1355 if (parameteName != null && parameteName == name25) { | |
1356 return parameter; | |
1357 } | |
1358 } | |
1359 } | |
1360 return null; | |
1361 } | |
1362 /** | |
1363 * Return the element representing the superclass of the given class. | |
1364 * @param targetClass the class whose superclass is to be returned | |
1365 * @return the element representing the superclass of the given class | |
1366 */ | |
1367 ClassElement getSuperclass(ClassElement targetClass) { | |
1368 InterfaceType superType = targetClass.supertype; | |
1369 if (superType == null) { | |
1370 return null; | |
1371 } | |
1372 return superType.element; | |
1373 } | |
1374 /** | |
1375 * Return the type of the given expression that is to be used for type analysi
s. | |
1376 * @param expression the expression whose type is to be returned | |
1377 * @return the type of the given expression | |
1378 */ | |
1379 Type2 getType(Expression expression) { | |
1380 if (expression is NullLiteral) { | |
1381 return _resolver.typeProvider.objectType; | |
1382 } | |
1383 return expression.staticType; | |
1384 } | |
1385 /** | |
1386 * Look up the getter with the given name in the given type. Return the elemen
t representing the | |
1387 * getter that was found, or {@code null} if there is no getter with the given
name. | |
1388 * @param element the element representing the type in which the getter is def
ined | |
1389 * @param getterName the name of the getter being looked up | |
1390 * @return the element representing the getter that was found | |
1391 */ | |
1392 PropertyAccessorElement lookUpGetter(Element element, String getterName) { | |
1393 if (identical(element, DynamicTypeImpl.instance)) { | |
1394 return null; | |
1395 } | |
1396 element = resolveTypeVariable(element); | |
1397 if (element is ClassElement) { | |
1398 ClassElement classElement = element as ClassElement; | |
1399 PropertyAccessorElement member = classElement.lookUpGetter(getterName, _re
solver.definingLibrary); | |
1400 if (member != null) { | |
1401 return member; | |
1402 } | |
1403 return lookUpGetterInInterfaces((element as ClassElement), getterName, new
Set<ClassElement>()); | |
1404 } | |
1405 return null; | |
1406 } | |
1407 /** | |
1408 * Look up the name of a getter in the interfaces implemented by the given typ
e, either directly | |
1409 * or indirectly. Return the element representing the getter that was found, o
r {@code null} if | |
1410 * there is no getter with the given name. | |
1411 * @param element the element representing the type in which the getter is def
ined | |
1412 * @param memberName the name of the getter being looked up | |
1413 * @param visitedInterfaces a set containing all of the interfaces that have b
een examined, used | |
1414 * to prevent infinite recursion and to optimize the search | |
1415 * @return the element representing the getter that was found | |
1416 */ | |
1417 PropertyAccessorElement lookUpGetterInInterfaces(ClassElement targetClass, Str
ing memberName, Set<ClassElement> visitedInterfaces) { | |
1418 if (visitedInterfaces.contains(targetClass)) { | |
1419 return null; | |
1420 } | |
1421 javaSetAdd(visitedInterfaces, targetClass); | |
1422 PropertyAccessorElement member = lookUpGetterInType(targetClass, memberName)
; | |
1423 if (member != null) { | |
1424 return member; | |
1425 } | |
1426 for (InterfaceType interfaceType in targetClass.interfaces) { | |
1427 member = lookUpGetterInInterfaces(interfaceType.element, memberName, visit
edInterfaces); | |
1428 if (member != null) { | |
1429 return member; | |
1430 } | |
1431 } | |
1432 ClassElement superclass = getSuperclass(targetClass); | |
1433 if (superclass == null) { | |
1434 return null; | |
1435 } | |
1436 return lookUpGetterInInterfaces(superclass, memberName, visitedInterfaces); | |
1437 } | |
1438 /** | |
1439 * Look up the name of a getter in the given type. Return the element represen
ting the getter that | |
1440 * was found, or {@code null} if there is no getter with the given name. | |
1441 * @param element the element representing the type in which the getter is def
ined | |
1442 * @param memberName the name of the getter being looked up | |
1443 * @return the element representing the getter that was found | |
1444 */ | |
1445 PropertyAccessorElement lookUpGetterInType(ClassElement element, String member
Name) { | |
1446 for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in element.accessors) { | |
1447 if (accessor.isGetter() && accessor.name == memberName) { | |
1448 return accessor; | |
1449 } | |
1450 } | |
1451 return null; | |
1452 } | |
1453 /** | |
1454 * Find the element corresponding to the given label node in the current label
scope. | |
1455 * @param parentNode the node containing the given label | |
1456 * @param labelNode the node representing the label being looked up | |
1457 * @return the element corresponding to the given label node in the current sc
ope | |
1458 */ | |
1459 LabelElementImpl lookupLabel(ASTNode parentNode, SimpleIdentifier labelNode) { | |
1460 LabelScope labelScope2 = _resolver.labelScope; | |
1461 LabelElementImpl labelElement = null; | |
1462 if (labelNode == null) { | |
1463 if (labelScope2 == null) { | |
1464 } else { | |
1465 labelElement = labelScope2.lookup2(LabelScope.EMPTY_LABEL) as LabelEleme
ntImpl; | |
1466 if (labelElement == null) { | |
1467 } | |
1468 labelElement = null; | |
1469 } | |
1470 } else { | |
1471 if (labelScope2 == null) { | |
1472 _resolver.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.LABEL_UNDEFINED, labelNode, [
labelNode.name]); | |
1473 } else { | |
1474 labelElement = labelScope2.lookup(labelNode) as LabelElementImpl; | |
1475 if (labelElement == null) { | |
1476 _resolver.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.LABEL_UNDEFINED, labelNode,
[labelNode.name]); | |
1477 } else { | |
1478 recordResolution(labelNode, labelElement); | |
1479 } | |
1480 } | |
1481 } | |
1482 if (labelElement != null) { | |
1483 ExecutableElement labelContainer = labelElement.getAncestor(ExecutableElem
ent); | |
1484 if (labelContainer != _resolver.enclosingFunction) { | |
1485 _resolver.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.LABEL_IN_OUTER_SCOPE, labelNo
de, [labelNode.name]); | |
1486 labelElement = null; | |
1487 } | |
1488 } | |
1489 return labelElement; | |
1490 } | |
1491 /** | |
1492 * Look up the method with the given name in the given type. Return the elemen
t representing the | |
1493 * method that was found, or {@code null} if there is no method with the given
name. | |
1494 * @param element the element representing the type in which the method is def
ined | |
1495 * @param methodName the name of the method being looked up | |
1496 * @return the element representing the method that was found | |
1497 */ | |
1498 MethodElement lookUpMethod(Element element, String methodName) { | |
1499 if (identical(element, DynamicTypeImpl.instance)) { | |
1500 return null; | |
1501 } | |
1502 element = resolveTypeVariable(element); | |
1503 if (element is ClassElement) { | |
1504 ClassElement classElement = element as ClassElement; | |
1505 MethodElement member = classElement.lookUpMethod(methodName, _resolver.def
iningLibrary); | |
1506 if (member != null) { | |
1507 return member; | |
1508 } | |
1509 return lookUpMethodInInterfaces((element as ClassElement), methodName, new
Set<ClassElement>()); | |
1510 } | |
1511 return null; | |
1512 } | |
1513 /** | |
1514 * Look up the name of a member in the interfaces implemented by the given typ
e, either directly | |
1515 * or indirectly. Return the element representing the member that was found, o
r {@code null} if | |
1516 * there is no member with the given name. | |
1517 * @param element the element representing the type in which the member is def
ined | |
1518 * @param memberName the name of the member being looked up | |
1519 * @param visitedInterfaces a set containing all of the interfaces that have b
een examined, used | |
1520 * to prevent infinite recursion and to optimize the search | |
1521 * @return the element representing the member that was found | |
1522 */ | |
1523 MethodElement lookUpMethodInInterfaces(ClassElement targetClass, String member
Name, Set<ClassElement> visitedInterfaces) { | |
1524 if (visitedInterfaces.contains(targetClass)) { | |
1525 return null; | |
1526 } | |
1527 javaSetAdd(visitedInterfaces, targetClass); | |
1528 MethodElement member = lookUpMethodInType(targetClass, memberName); | |
1529 if (member != null) { | |
1530 return member; | |
1531 } | |
1532 for (InterfaceType interfaceType in targetClass.interfaces) { | |
1533 member = lookUpMethodInInterfaces(interfaceType.element, memberName, visit
edInterfaces); | |
1534 if (member != null) { | |
1535 return member; | |
1536 } | |
1537 } | |
1538 ClassElement superclass = getSuperclass(targetClass); | |
1539 if (superclass == null) { | |
1540 return null; | |
1541 } | |
1542 return lookUpMethodInInterfaces(superclass, memberName, visitedInterfaces); | |
1543 } | |
1544 /** | |
1545 * Look up the name of a method in the given type. Return the element represen
ting the method that | |
1546 * was found, or {@code null} if there is no method with the given name. | |
1547 * @param element the element representing the type in which the method is def
ined | |
1548 * @param memberName the name of the method being looked up | |
1549 * @return the element representing the method that was found | |
1550 */ | |
1551 MethodElement lookUpMethodInType(ClassElement element, String memberName) { | |
1552 for (MethodElement method in element.methods) { | |
1553 if (method.name == memberName) { | |
1554 return method; | |
1555 } | |
1556 } | |
1557 return null; | |
1558 } | |
1559 /** | |
1560 * Look up the setter with the given name in the given type. Return the elemen
t representing the | |
1561 * setter that was found, or {@code null} if there is no setter with the given
name. | |
1562 * @param element the element representing the type in which the setter is def
ined | |
1563 * @param setterName the name of the setter being looked up | |
1564 * @return the element representing the setter that was found | |
1565 */ | |
1566 PropertyAccessorElement lookUpSetter(Element element, String setterName) { | |
1567 if (identical(element, DynamicTypeImpl.instance)) { | |
1568 return null; | |
1569 } | |
1570 element = resolveTypeVariable(element); | |
1571 if (element is ClassElement) { | |
1572 ClassElement classElement = element as ClassElement; | |
1573 PropertyAccessorElement member = classElement.lookUpSetter(setterName, _re
solver.definingLibrary); | |
1574 if (member != null) { | |
1575 return member; | |
1576 } | |
1577 return lookUpSetterInInterfaces((element as ClassElement), setterName, new
Set<ClassElement>()); | |
1578 } | |
1579 return null; | |
1580 } | |
1581 /** | |
1582 * Look up the name of a setter in the interfaces implemented by the given typ
e, either directly | |
1583 * or indirectly. Return the element representing the setter that was found, o
r {@code null} if | |
1584 * there is no setter with the given name. | |
1585 * @param element the element representing the type in which the setter is def
ined | |
1586 * @param memberName the name of the setter being looked up | |
1587 * @param visitedInterfaces a set containing all of the interfaces that have b
een examined, used | |
1588 * to prevent infinite recursion and to optimize the search | |
1589 * @return the element representing the setter that was found | |
1590 */ | |
1591 PropertyAccessorElement lookUpSetterInInterfaces(ClassElement targetClass, Str
ing memberName, Set<ClassElement> visitedInterfaces) { | |
1592 if (visitedInterfaces.contains(targetClass)) { | |
1593 return null; | |
1594 } | |
1595 javaSetAdd(visitedInterfaces, targetClass); | |
1596 PropertyAccessorElement member = lookUpSetterInType(targetClass, memberName)
; | |
1597 if (member != null) { | |
1598 return member; | |
1599 } | |
1600 for (InterfaceType interfaceType in targetClass.interfaces) { | |
1601 member = lookUpSetterInInterfaces(interfaceType.element, memberName, visit
edInterfaces); | |
1602 if (member != null) { | |
1603 return member; | |
1604 } | |
1605 } | |
1606 ClassElement superclass = getSuperclass(targetClass); | |
1607 if (superclass == null) { | |
1608 return null; | |
1609 } | |
1610 return lookUpSetterInInterfaces(superclass, memberName, visitedInterfaces); | |
1611 } | |
1612 /** | |
1613 * Look up the name of a setter in the given type. Return the element represen
ting the setter that | |
1614 * was found, or {@code null} if there is no setter with the given name. | |
1615 * @param element the element representing the type in which the setter is def
ined | |
1616 * @param memberName the name of the setter being looked up | |
1617 * @return the element representing the setter that was found | |
1618 */ | |
1619 PropertyAccessorElement lookUpSetterInType(ClassElement element, String member
Name) { | |
1620 for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in element.accessors) { | |
1621 if (accessor.isSetter() && accessor.name == memberName) { | |
1622 return accessor; | |
1623 } | |
1624 } | |
1625 return null; | |
1626 } | |
1627 /** | |
1628 * Return the binary operator that is invoked by the given compound assignment
operator. | |
1629 * @param operator the assignment operator being mapped | |
1630 * @return the binary operator that invoked by the given assignment operator | |
1631 */ | |
1632 sc.TokenType operatorFromCompoundAssignment(sc.TokenType operator) { | |
1633 while (true) { | |
1634 if (operator == sc.TokenType.AMPERSAND_EQ) { | |
1635 return sc.TokenType.AMPERSAND; | |
1636 } else if (operator == sc.TokenType.BAR_EQ) { | |
1637 return sc.TokenType.BAR; | |
1638 } else if (operator == sc.TokenType.CARET_EQ) { | |
1639 return sc.TokenType.CARET; | |
1640 } else if (operator == sc.TokenType.GT_GT_EQ) { | |
1641 return sc.TokenType.GT_GT; | |
1642 } else if (operator == sc.TokenType.LT_LT_EQ) { | |
1643 return sc.TokenType.LT_LT; | |
1644 } else if (operator == sc.TokenType.MINUS_EQ) { | |
1645 return sc.TokenType.MINUS; | |
1646 } else if (operator == sc.TokenType.PERCENT_EQ) { | |
1647 return sc.TokenType.PERCENT; | |
1648 } else if (operator == sc.TokenType.PLUS_EQ) { | |
1649 return sc.TokenType.PLUS; | |
1650 } else if (operator == sc.TokenType.SLASH_EQ) { | |
1651 return sc.TokenType.SLASH; | |
1652 } else if (operator == sc.TokenType.STAR_EQ) { | |
1653 return sc.TokenType.STAR; | |
1654 } else if (operator == sc.TokenType.TILDE_SLASH_EQ) { | |
1655 return sc.TokenType.TILDE_SLASH; | |
1656 } | |
1657 break; | |
1658 } | |
1659 AnalysisEngine.instance.logger.logError("Failed to map ${operator.lexeme} to
it's corresponding operator"); | |
1660 return operator; | |
1661 } | |
1662 /** | |
1663 * Record the fact that the given AST node was resolved to the given element. | |
1664 * @param node the AST node that was resolved | |
1665 * @param element the element to which the AST node was resolved | |
1666 */ | |
1667 void recordResolution(SimpleIdentifier node, Element element49) { | |
1668 if (element49 != null) { | |
1669 node.element = element49; | |
1670 } | |
1671 } | |
1672 /** | |
1673 * Report the {@link StaticTypeWarningCode}s <code>UNDEFINED_SETTER</code> and | |
1674 * <code>UNDEFINED_GETTER</code>. | |
1675 * @param node the prefixed identifier that gives the context to determine if
the error on the | |
1676 * undefined identifier is a getter or a setter | |
1677 * @param identifier the identifier in the passed prefix identifier | |
1678 * @param typeName the name of the type of the left hand side of the passed pr
efixed identifier | |
1679 */ | |
1680 void reportGetterOrSetterNotFound(PrefixedIdentifier node, SimpleIdentifier id
entifier30, String typeName) { | |
1681 bool isSetterContext = node.identifier.inSetterContext(); | |
1682 ErrorCode errorCode = isSetterContext ? StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_SETT
ER : StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_GETTER; | |
1683 _resolver.reportError(errorCode, identifier30, [identifier30.name, typeName]
); | |
1684 } | |
1685 /** | |
1686 * Resolve the names in the given combinators in the scope of the given librar
y. | |
1687 * @param library the library that defines the names | |
1688 * @param combinators the combinators containing the names to be resolved | |
1689 */ | |
1690 void resolveCombinators(LibraryElement library, NodeList<Combinator> combinato
rs) { | |
1691 if (library == null) { | |
1692 return; | |
1693 } | |
1694 Namespace namespace = new NamespaceBuilder().createExportNamespace(library); | |
1695 for (Combinator combinator in combinators) { | |
1696 NodeList<SimpleIdentifier> names; | |
1697 if (combinator is HideCombinator) { | |
1698 names = ((combinator as HideCombinator)).hiddenNames; | |
1699 } else { | |
1700 names = ((combinator as ShowCombinator)).shownNames; | |
1701 } | |
1702 for (SimpleIdentifier name in names) { | |
1703 Element element = namespace.get(name.name); | |
1704 if (element != null) { | |
1705 name.element = element; | |
1706 } | |
1707 } | |
1708 } | |
1709 } | |
1710 /** | |
1711 * Resolve the names associated with any named arguments to the parameter elem
ents named by the | |
1712 * argument. | |
1713 * @param argumentList the arguments to be resolved | |
1714 * @param invokedMethod the method or function defining the parameters to whic
h the named | |
1715 * arguments are to be resolved | |
1716 */ | |
1717 void resolveNamedArguments(ArgumentList argumentList, ExecutableElement invoke
dMethod) { | |
1718 if (invokedMethod == null) { | |
1719 return; | |
1720 } | |
1721 List<ParameterElement> parameters11 = invokedMethod.parameters; | |
1722 for (Expression argument in argumentList.arguments) { | |
1723 if (argument is NamedExpression) { | |
1724 SimpleIdentifier name15 = ((argument as NamedExpression)).name.label; | |
1725 ParameterElement parameter = findNamedParameter(parameters11, name15.nam
e); | |
1726 if (parameter != null) { | |
1727 recordResolution(name15, parameter); | |
1728 } | |
1729 } | |
1730 } | |
1731 } | |
1732 /** | |
1733 * If the given element is a type variable, resolve it to the class that shoul
d be used when | |
1734 * looking up members. Otherwise, return the original element. | |
1735 * @param element the element that is to be resolved if it is a type variable | |
1736 * @return the class that should be used in place of the argument if it is a t
ype variable, or the | |
1737 * original argument if it isn't a type variable | |
1738 */ | |
1739 Element resolveTypeVariable(Element element50) { | |
1740 if (element50 is TypeVariableElement) { | |
1741 Type2 bound4 = ((element50 as TypeVariableElement)).bound; | |
1742 if (bound4 == null) { | |
1743 return _resolver.typeProvider.objectType.element; | |
1744 } | |
1745 return bound4.element; | |
1746 } | |
1747 return element50; | |
1748 } | |
1749 } | |
1750 class Identifier_4 extends Identifier { | |
1751 String name9; | |
1752 Identifier_4(this.name9) : super(); | |
1753 accept(ASTVisitor visitor) => null; | |
1754 sc.Token get beginToken => null; | |
1755 Element get element => null; | |
1756 sc.Token get endToken => null; | |
1757 String get name => name9; | |
1758 void visitChildren(ASTVisitor<Object> visitor) { | |
1759 } | |
1760 } | |
1761 /** | |
1762 * Instances of the class {@code Library} represent the data about a single libr
ary during the | |
1763 * resolution of some (possibly different) library. They are not intended to be
used except during | |
1764 * the resolution process. | |
1765 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
1766 */ | |
1767 class Library { | |
1768 /** | |
1769 * The analysis context in which this library is being analyzed. | |
1770 */ | |
1771 AnalysisContextImpl _analysisContext; | |
1772 /** | |
1773 * The listener to which analysis errors will be reported. | |
1774 */ | |
1775 AnalysisErrorListener _errorListener; | |
1776 /** | |
1777 * The source specifying the defining compilation unit of this library. | |
1778 */ | |
1779 Source _librarySource; | |
1780 /** | |
1781 * The library element representing this library. | |
1782 */ | |
1783 LibraryElementImpl _libraryElement; | |
1784 /** | |
1785 * A list containing all of the libraries that are imported into this library. | |
1786 */ | |
1787 Map<ImportDirective, Library> _importedLibraries = new Map<ImportDirective, Li
brary>(); | |
1788 /** | |
1789 * A flag indicating whether this library explicitly imports core. | |
1790 */ | |
1791 bool _explicitlyImportsCore = false; | |
1792 /** | |
1793 * A list containing all of the libraries that are exported from this library. | |
1794 */ | |
1795 Map<ExportDirective, Library> _exportedLibraries = new Map<ExportDirective, Li
brary>(); | |
1796 /** | |
1797 * A table mapping the sources for the compilation units in this library to th
eir corresponding | |
1798 * AST structures. | |
1799 */ | |
1800 Map<Source, CompilationUnit> _astMap = new Map<Source, CompilationUnit>(); | |
1801 /** | |
1802 * The library scope used when resolving elements within this library's compil
ation units. | |
1803 */ | |
1804 LibraryScope _libraryScope; | |
1805 /** | |
1806 * Initialize a newly created data holder that can maintain the data associate
d with a library. | |
1807 * @param analysisContext the analysis context in which this library is being
analyzed | |
1808 * @param errorListener the listener to which analysis errors will be reported | |
1809 * @param librarySource the source specifying the defining compilation unit of
this library | |
1810 */ | |
1811 Library(AnalysisContextImpl analysisContext, AnalysisErrorListener errorListen
er, Source librarySource) { | |
1812 this._analysisContext = analysisContext; | |
1813 this._errorListener = errorListener; | |
1814 this._librarySource = librarySource; | |
1815 this._libraryElement = analysisContext.getLibraryElementOrNull(librarySource
) as LibraryElementImpl; | |
1816 } | |
1817 /** | |
1818 * Record that the given library is exported from this library. | |
1819 * @param importLibrary the library that is exported from this library | |
1820 */ | |
1821 void addExport(ExportDirective directive, Library exportLibrary) { | |
1822 _exportedLibraries[directive] = exportLibrary; | |
1823 } | |
1824 /** | |
1825 * Record that the given library is imported into this library. | |
1826 * @param importLibrary the library that is imported into this library | |
1827 */ | |
1828 void addImport(ImportDirective directive, Library importLibrary) { | |
1829 _importedLibraries[directive] = importLibrary; | |
1830 } | |
1831 /** | |
1832 * Return the AST structure associated with the given source. | |
1833 * @param source the source representing the compilation unit whose AST is to
be returned | |
1834 * @return the AST structure associated with the given source | |
1835 * @throws AnalysisException if an AST structure could not be created for the
compilation unit | |
1836 */ | |
1837 CompilationUnit getAST(Source source) { | |
1838 CompilationUnit unit = _astMap[source]; | |
1839 if (unit == null) { | |
1840 unit = _analysisContext.parse3(source, _errorListener); | |
1841 _astMap[source] = unit; | |
1842 } | |
1843 return unit; | |
1844 } | |
1845 /** | |
1846 * Return a collection containing the sources for the compilation units in thi
s library. | |
1847 * @return the sources for the compilation units in this library | |
1848 */ | |
1849 Set<Source> get compilationUnitSources => _astMap.keys.toSet(); | |
1850 /** | |
1851 * Return the AST structure associated with the defining compilation unit for
this library. | |
1852 * @return the AST structure associated with the defining compilation unit for
this library | |
1853 * @throws AnalysisException if an AST structure could not be created for the
defining compilation | |
1854 * unit | |
1855 */ | |
1856 CompilationUnit get definingCompilationUnit => getAST(librarySource); | |
1857 /** | |
1858 * Return {@code true} if this library explicitly imports core. | |
1859 * @return {@code true} if this library explicitly imports core | |
1860 */ | |
1861 bool get explicitlyImportsCore => _explicitlyImportsCore; | |
1862 /** | |
1863 * Return the library exported by the given directive. | |
1864 * @param directive the directive that exports the library to be returned | |
1865 * @return the library exported by the given directive | |
1866 */ | |
1867 Library getExport(ExportDirective directive) => _exportedLibraries[directive]; | |
1868 /** | |
1869 * Return an array containing the libraries that are exported from this librar
y. | |
1870 * @return an array containing the libraries that are exported from this libra
ry | |
1871 */ | |
1872 List<Library> get exports { | |
1873 Set<Library> libraries = new Set<Library>(); | |
1874 libraries.addAll(_exportedLibraries.values); | |
1875 return new List.from(libraries); | |
1876 } | |
1877 /** | |
1878 * Return the library imported by the given directive. | |
1879 * @param directive the directive that imports the library to be returned | |
1880 * @return the library imported by the given directive | |
1881 */ | |
1882 Library getImport(ImportDirective directive) => _importedLibraries[directive]; | |
1883 /** | |
1884 * Return an array containing the libraries that are imported into this librar
y. | |
1885 * @return an array containing the libraries that are imported into this libra
ry | |
1886 */ | |
1887 List<Library> get imports { | |
1888 Set<Library> libraries = new Set<Library>(); | |
1889 libraries.addAll(_importedLibraries.values); | |
1890 return new List.from(libraries); | |
1891 } | |
1892 /** | |
1893 * Return an array containing the libraries that are either imported or export
ed from this | |
1894 * library. | |
1895 * @return the libraries that are either imported or exported from this librar
y | |
1896 */ | |
1897 List<Library> get importsAndExports { | |
1898 Set<Library> libraries = new Set<Library>(); | |
1899 libraries.addAll(_importedLibraries.values); | |
1900 libraries.addAll(_exportedLibraries.values); | |
1901 return new List.from(libraries); | |
1902 } | |
1903 /** | |
1904 * Return the library element representing this library, creating it if necess
ary. | |
1905 * @return the library element representing this library | |
1906 */ | |
1907 LibraryElementImpl get libraryElement { | |
1908 if (_libraryElement == null) { | |
1909 _libraryElement = _analysisContext.getLibraryElement(_librarySource) as Li
braryElementImpl; | |
1910 } | |
1911 return _libraryElement; | |
1912 } | |
1913 /** | |
1914 * Return the library scope used when resolving elements within this library's
compilation units. | |
1915 * @return the library scope used when resolving elements within this library'
s compilation units | |
1916 */ | |
1917 LibraryScope get libraryScope { | |
1918 if (_libraryScope == null) { | |
1919 _libraryScope = new LibraryScope(_libraryElement, _errorListener); | |
1920 } | |
1921 return _libraryScope; | |
1922 } | |
1923 /** | |
1924 * Return the source specifying the defining compilation unit of this library. | |
1925 * @return the source specifying the defining compilation unit of this library | |
1926 */ | |
1927 Source get librarySource => _librarySource; | |
1928 /** | |
1929 * Return the result of resolving the given URI against the URI of the library
, or {@code null} if | |
1930 * the URI is not valid. If the URI is not valid, report the error. | |
1931 * @param uriLiteral the string literal specifying the URI to be resolved | |
1932 * @return the result of resolving the given URI against the URI of the librar
y | |
1933 */ | |
1934 Source getSource(StringLiteral uriLiteral) { | |
1935 if (uriLiteral is StringInterpolation) { | |
1936 _errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError.con2(_librarySource, uriLiteral.o
ffset, uriLiteral.length, CompileTimeErrorCode.URI_WITH_INTERPOLATION, [])); | |
1937 return null; | |
1938 } | |
1939 return getSource2(getStringValue(uriLiteral)); | |
1940 } | |
1941 /** | |
1942 * Set whether this library explicitly imports core to match the given value. | |
1943 * @param explicitlyImportsCore {@code true} if this library explicitly import
s core | |
1944 */ | |
1945 void set explicitlyImportsCore(bool explicitlyImportsCore2) { | |
1946 this._explicitlyImportsCore = explicitlyImportsCore2; | |
1947 } | |
1948 /** | |
1949 * Set the library element representing this library to the given library elem
ent. | |
1950 * @param libraryElement the library element representing this library | |
1951 */ | |
1952 void set libraryElement(LibraryElementImpl libraryElement2) { | |
1953 this._libraryElement = libraryElement2; | |
1954 } | |
1955 String toString() => _librarySource.shortName; | |
1956 /** | |
1957 * Append the value of the given string literal to the given string builder. | |
1958 * @param builder the builder to which the string's value is to be appended | |
1959 * @param literal the string literal whose value is to be appended to the buil
der | |
1960 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the string is not a constant string wit
hout any string | |
1961 * interpolation | |
1962 */ | |
1963 void appendStringValue(JavaStringBuilder builder, StringLiteral literal) { | |
1964 if (literal is SimpleStringLiteral) { | |
1965 builder.append(((literal as SimpleStringLiteral)).value); | |
1966 } else if (literal is AdjacentStrings) { | |
1967 for (StringLiteral stringLiteral in ((literal as AdjacentStrings)).strings
) { | |
1968 appendStringValue(builder, stringLiteral); | |
1969 } | |
1970 } else { | |
1971 throw new IllegalArgumentException(); | |
1972 } | |
1973 } | |
1974 /** | |
1975 * Return the result of resolving the given URI against the URI of the library
, or {@code null} if | |
1976 * the URI is not valid. | |
1977 * @param uri the URI to be resolved | |
1978 * @return the result of resolving the given URI against the URI of the librar
y | |
1979 */ | |
1980 Source getSource2(String uri) { | |
1981 if (uri == null) { | |
1982 return null; | |
1983 } | |
1984 return _librarySource.resolve(uri); | |
1985 } | |
1986 /** | |
1987 * Return the value of the given string literal, or {@code null} if the string
is not a constant | |
1988 * string without any string interpolation. | |
1989 * @param literal the string literal whose value is to be returned | |
1990 * @return the value of the given string literal | |
1991 */ | |
1992 String getStringValue(StringLiteral literal) { | |
1993 JavaStringBuilder builder = new JavaStringBuilder(); | |
1994 try { | |
1995 appendStringValue(builder, literal); | |
1996 } on IllegalArgumentException catch (exception) { | |
1997 return null; | |
1998 } | |
1999 return builder.toString().trim(); | |
2000 } | |
2001 } | |
2002 /** | |
2003 * Instances of the class {@code LibraryElementBuilder} build an element model f
or a single library. | |
2004 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
2005 */ | |
2006 class LibraryElementBuilder { | |
2007 /** | |
2008 * The analysis context in which the element model will be built. | |
2009 */ | |
2010 AnalysisContextImpl _analysisContext; | |
2011 /** | |
2012 * The listener to which errors will be reported. | |
2013 */ | |
2014 AnalysisErrorListener _errorListener; | |
2015 /** | |
2016 * The name of the core library. | |
2017 */ | |
2018 static String CORE_LIBRARY_URI = "dart:core"; | |
2019 /** | |
2020 * The name of the function used as an entry point. | |
2021 */ | |
2022 static String _ENTRY_POINT_NAME = "main"; | |
2023 /** | |
2024 * Initialize a newly created library element builder. | |
2025 * @param resolver the resolver for which the element model is being built | |
2026 */ | |
2027 LibraryElementBuilder(LibraryResolver resolver) { | |
2028 this._analysisContext = resolver.analysisContext; | |
2029 this._errorListener = resolver.errorListener; | |
2030 } | |
2031 /** | |
2032 * Build the library element for the given library. | |
2033 * @param library the library for which an element model is to be built | |
2034 * @return the library element that was built | |
2035 * @throws AnalysisException if the analysis could not be performed | |
2036 */ | |
2037 LibraryElementImpl buildLibrary(Library library) { | |
2038 CompilationUnitBuilder builder = new CompilationUnitBuilder(_analysisContext
, _errorListener); | |
2039 Source librarySource2 = library.librarySource; | |
2040 CompilationUnit definingCompilationUnit3 = library.definingCompilationUnit; | |
2041 CompilationUnitElementImpl definingCompilationUnitElement = builder.buildCom
pilationUnit2(librarySource2, definingCompilationUnit3); | |
2042 NodeList<Directive> directives3 = definingCompilationUnit3.directives; | |
2043 LibraryIdentifier libraryNameNode = null; | |
2044 bool hasPartDirective = false; | |
2045 FunctionElement entryPoint = findEntryPoint(definingCompilationUnitElement); | |
2046 List<Directive> directivesToResolve = new List<Directive>(); | |
2047 List<CompilationUnitElementImpl> sourcedCompilationUnits = new List<Compilat
ionUnitElementImpl>(); | |
2048 for (Directive directive in directives3) { | |
2049 if (directive is LibraryDirective) { | |
2050 if (libraryNameNode == null) { | |
2051 libraryNameNode = ((directive as LibraryDirective)).name; | |
2052 directivesToResolve.add(directive); | |
2053 } | |
2054 } else if (directive is PartDirective) { | |
2055 hasPartDirective = true; | |
2056 StringLiteral partUri = ((directive as PartDirective)).uri; | |
2057 Source partSource = library.getSource(partUri); | |
2058 if (partSource != null) { | |
2059 CompilationUnitElementImpl part = builder.buildCompilationUnit(partSou
rce); | |
2060 String partLibraryName = getPartLibraryName(library, partSource, direc
tivesToResolve); | |
2061 if (partLibraryName == null) { | |
2062 _errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError.con2(librarySource2, partUr
i.offset, partUri.length, ResolverErrorCode.MISSING_PART_OF_DIRECTIVE, [])); | |
2063 } else if (libraryNameNode == null) { | |
2064 } else if (libraryNameNode.name != partLibraryName) { | |
2065 _errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError.con2(librarySource2, partUr
i.offset, partUri.length, StaticWarningCode.PART_OF_DIFFERENT_LIBRARY, [libraryN
ameNode.name, partLibraryName])); | |
2066 } | |
2067 if (entryPoint == null) { | |
2068 entryPoint = findEntryPoint(part); | |
2069 } | |
2070 directive.element = part; | |
2071 sourcedCompilationUnits.add(part); | |
2072 } | |
2073 } | |
2074 } | |
2075 if (hasPartDirective && libraryNameNode == null) { | |
2076 _errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError.con1(librarySource2, ResolverErro
2077 } | |
2078 LibraryElementImpl libraryElement = new LibraryElementImpl(_analysisContext,
libraryNameNode); | |
2079 libraryElement.definingCompilationUnit = definingCompilationUnitElement; | |
2080 if (entryPoint != null) { | |
2081 libraryElement.entryPoint = entryPoint; | |
2082 } | |
2083 libraryElement.parts = new List.from(sourcedCompilationUnits); | |
2084 for (Directive directive in directivesToResolve) { | |
2085 directive.element = libraryElement; | |
2086 } | |
2087 library.libraryElement = libraryElement; | |
2088 return libraryElement; | |
2089 } | |
2090 /** | |
2091 * Search the top-level functions defined in the given compilation unit for th
e entry point. | |
2092 * @param element the compilation unit to be searched | |
2093 * @return the entry point that was found, or {@code null} if the compilation
unit does not define | |
2094 * an entry point | |
2095 */ | |
2096 FunctionElement findEntryPoint(CompilationUnitElementImpl element) { | |
2097 for (FunctionElement function in element.functions) { | |
2098 if (function.name == _ENTRY_POINT_NAME) { | |
2099 return function; | |
2100 } | |
2101 } | |
2102 return null; | |
2103 } | |
2104 /** | |
2105 * Return the name of the library that the given part is declared to be a part
of, or {@code null}if the part does not contain a part-of directive. | |
2106 * @param library the library containing the part | |
2107 * @param partSource the source representing the part | |
2108 * @param directivesToResolve a list of directives that should be resolved to
the library being | |
2109 * built | |
2110 * @return the name of the library that the given part is declared to be a par
t of | |
2111 */ | |
2112 String getPartLibraryName(Library library, Source partSource, List<Directive>
directivesToResolve) { | |
2113 try { | |
2114 CompilationUnit partUnit = library.getAST(partSource); | |
2115 for (Directive directive in partUnit.directives) { | |
2116 if (directive is PartOfDirective) { | |
2117 directivesToResolve.add(directive); | |
2118 LibraryIdentifier libraryName3 = ((directive as PartOfDirective)).libr
aryName; | |
2119 if (libraryName3 != null) { | |
2120 return libraryName3.name; | |
2121 } | |
2122 } | |
2123 } | |
2124 } on AnalysisException catch (exception) { | |
2125 } | |
2126 return null; | |
2127 } | |
2128 } | |
2129 /** | |
2130 * Instances of the class {@code LibraryResolver} are used to resolve one or mor
e mutually dependent | |
2131 * libraries within a single context. | |
2132 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
2133 */ | |
2134 class LibraryResolver { | |
2135 /** | |
2136 * The analysis context in which the libraries are being analyzed. | |
2137 */ | |
2138 AnalysisContextImpl _analysisContext; | |
2139 /** | |
2140 * The listener to which analysis errors will be reported, this error listener
is either | |
2141 * references {@link #recordingErrorListener}, or it unions the passed{@link A
nalysisErrorListener} with the {@link #recordingErrorListener}. | |
2142 */ | |
2143 AnalysisErrorListener _errorListener; | |
2144 /** | |
2145 * This error listener is used by the resolver to be able to call the listener
and get back the | |
2146 * set of errors for each {@link Source}. | |
2147 * @see #recordErrors() | |
2148 */ | |
2149 RecordingErrorListener _recordingErrorListener; | |
2150 /** | |
2151 * A source object representing the core library (dart:core). | |
2152 */ | |
2153 Source _coreLibrarySource; | |
2154 /** | |
2155 * The object representing the core library. | |
2156 */ | |
2157 Library _coreLibrary; | |
2158 /** | |
2159 * The object used to access the types from the core library. | |
2160 */ | |
2161 TypeProvider _typeProvider; | |
2162 /** | |
2163 * A table mapping library sources to the information being maintained for tho
se libraries. | |
2164 */ | |
2165 Map<Source, Library> _libraryMap = new Map<Source, Library>(); | |
2166 /** | |
2167 * A collection containing the libraries that are being resolved together. | |
2168 */ | |
2169 Set<Library> _librariesInCycles; | |
2170 /** | |
2171 * Initialize a newly created library resolver to resolve libraries within the
given context. | |
2172 * @param analysisContext the analysis context in which the library is being a
nalyzed | |
2173 */ | |
2174 LibraryResolver.con1(AnalysisContextImpl analysisContext) { | |
2175 _jtd_constructor_226_impl(analysisContext); | |
2176 } | |
2177 _jtd_constructor_226_impl(AnalysisContextImpl analysisContext) { | |
2178 _jtd_constructor_227_impl(analysisContext, null); | |
2179 } | |
2180 /** | |
2181 * Initialize a newly created library resolver to resolve libraries within the
given context. | |
2182 * @param analysisContext the analysis context in which the library is being a
nalyzed | |
2183 * @param errorListener the listener to which analysis errors will be reported | |
2184 */ | |
2185 LibraryResolver.con2(AnalysisContextImpl analysisContext2, AnalysisErrorListen
er additionalAnalysisErrorListener) { | |
2186 _jtd_constructor_227_impl(analysisContext2, additionalAnalysisErrorListener)
; | |
2187 } | |
2188 _jtd_constructor_227_impl(AnalysisContextImpl analysisContext2, AnalysisErrorL
istener additionalAnalysisErrorListener) { | |
2189 this._analysisContext = analysisContext2; | |
2190 this._recordingErrorListener = new RecordingErrorListener(); | |
2191 if (additionalAnalysisErrorListener == null) { | |
2192 this._errorListener = _recordingErrorListener; | |
2193 } else { | |
2194 this._errorListener = new AnalysisErrorListener_5(this, additionalAnalysis
ErrorListener); | |
2195 } | |
2196 _coreLibrarySource = analysisContext2.sourceFactory.forUri(LibraryElementBui
2197 } | |
2198 /** | |
2199 * Return the analysis context in which the libraries are being analyzed. | |
2200 * @return the analysis context in which the libraries are being analyzed | |
2201 */ | |
2202 AnalysisContextImpl get analysisContext => _analysisContext; | |
2203 /** | |
2204 * Return the listener to which analysis errors will be reported. | |
2205 * @return the listener to which analysis errors will be reported | |
2206 */ | |
2207 AnalysisErrorListener get errorListener => _errorListener; | |
2208 /** | |
2209 * Resolve the library specified by the given source in the given context. | |
2210 * <p> | |
2211 * Note that because Dart allows circular imports between libraries, it is pos
sible that more than | |
2212 * one library will need to be resolved. In such cases the error listener can
receive errors from | |
2213 * multiple libraries. | |
2214 * @param librarySource the source specifying the defining compilation unit of
the library to be | |
2215 * resolved | |
2216 * @param fullAnalysis {@code true} if a full analysis should be performed | |
2217 * @return the element representing the resolved library | |
2218 * @throws AnalysisException if the library could not be resolved for some rea
son | |
2219 */ | |
2220 LibraryElement resolveLibrary(Source librarySource, bool fullAnalysis) { | |
2221 Library targetLibrary = createLibrary(librarySource); | |
2222 _coreLibrary = _libraryMap[_coreLibrarySource]; | |
2223 if (_coreLibrary == null) { | |
2224 _coreLibrary = createLibrary(_coreLibrarySource); | |
2225 } | |
2226 computeLibraryDependencies(targetLibrary); | |
2227 _librariesInCycles = computeLibrariesInCycles(targetLibrary); | |
2228 buildElementModels(); | |
2229 buildDirectiveModels(); | |
2230 _typeProvider = new TypeProviderImpl(_coreLibrary.libraryElement); | |
2231 buildTypeHierarchies(); | |
2232 resolveReferencesAndTypes(); | |
2233 if (fullAnalysis) { | |
2234 runAdditionalAnalyses(); | |
2235 } | |
2236 recordLibraryElements(); | |
2237 recordErrors(); | |
2238 return targetLibrary.libraryElement; | |
2239 } | |
2240 /** | |
2241 * Add a dependency to the given map from the referencing library to the refer
enced library. | |
2242 * @param dependencyMap the map to which the dependency is to be added | |
2243 * @param referencingLibrary the library that references the referenced librar
y | |
2244 * @param referencedLibrary the library referenced by the referencing library | |
2245 */ | |
2246 void addDependencyToMap(Map<Library, List<Library>> dependencyMap, Library ref
erencingLibrary, Library referencedLibrary) { | |
2247 List<Library> dependentLibraries = dependencyMap[referencedLibrary]; | |
2248 if (dependentLibraries == null) { | |
2249 dependentLibraries = new List<Library>(); | |
2250 dependencyMap[referencedLibrary] = dependentLibraries; | |
2251 } | |
2252 dependentLibraries.add(referencingLibrary); | |
2253 } | |
2254 /** | |
2255 * Given a library that is part of a cycle that includes the root library, add
to the given set of | |
2256 * libraries all of the libraries reachable from the root library that are als
o included in the | |
2257 * cycle. | |
2258 * @param library the library to be added to the collection of libraries in cy
cles | |
2259 * @param librariesInCycle a collection of the libraries that are in the cycle | |
2260 * @param dependencyMap a table mapping libraries to the collection of librari
es from which those | |
2261 * libraries are referenced | |
2262 */ | |
2263 void addLibrariesInCycle(Library library, Set<Library> librariesInCycle, Map<L
ibrary, List<Library>> dependencyMap) { | |
2264 if (javaSetAdd(librariesInCycle, library)) { | |
2265 List<Library> dependentLibraries = dependencyMap[library]; | |
2266 if (dependentLibraries != null) { | |
2267 for (Library dependentLibrary in dependentLibraries) { | |
2268 addLibrariesInCycle(dependentLibrary, librariesInCycle, dependencyMap)
; | |
2269 } | |
2270 } | |
2271 } | |
2272 } | |
2273 /** | |
2274 * Add the given library, and all libraries reachable from it that have not al
ready been visited, | |
2275 * to the given dependency map. | |
2276 * @param library the library currently being added to the dependency map | |
2277 * @param dependencyMap the dependency map being computed | |
2278 * @param visitedLibraries the libraries that have already been visited, used
to prevent infinite | |
2279 * recursion | |
2280 */ | |
2281 void addToDependencyMap(Library library, Map<Library, List<Library>> dependenc
yMap, Set<Library> visitedLibraries) { | |
2282 if (javaSetAdd(visitedLibraries, library)) { | |
2283 for (Library referencedLibrary in library.importsAndExports) { | |
2284 addDependencyToMap(dependencyMap, library, referencedLibrary); | |
2285 addToDependencyMap(referencedLibrary, dependencyMap, visitedLibraries); | |
2286 } | |
2287 if (!library.explicitlyImportsCore && library != _coreLibrary) { | |
2288 addDependencyToMap(dependencyMap, library, _coreLibrary); | |
2289 } | |
2290 } | |
2291 } | |
2292 /** | |
2293 * Build the element model representing the combinators declared by the given
directive. | |
2294 * @param directive the directive that declares the combinators | |
2295 * @return an array containing the import combinators that were built | |
2296 */ | |
2297 List<NamespaceCombinator> buildCombinators(NamespaceDirective directive) { | |
2298 List<NamespaceCombinator> combinators = new List<NamespaceCombinator>(); | |
2299 for (Combinator combinator in directive.combinators) { | |
2300 if (combinator is HideCombinator) { | |
2301 HideCombinatorImpl hide = new HideCombinatorImpl(); | |
2302 hide.hiddenNames = getIdentifiers(((combinator as HideCombinator)).hidde
nNames); | |
2303 combinators.add(hide); | |
2304 } else { | |
2305 ShowCombinatorImpl show = new ShowCombinatorImpl(); | |
2306 show.shownNames = getIdentifiers(((combinator as ShowCombinator)).shownN
ames); | |
2307 combinators.add(show); | |
2308 } | |
2309 } | |
2310 return new List.from(combinators); | |
2311 } | |
2312 /** | |
2313 * Every library now has a corresponding {@link LibraryElement}, so it is now
possible to resolve | |
2314 * the import and export directives. | |
2315 * @throws AnalysisException if the defining compilation unit for any of the l
ibraries could not | |
2316 * be accessed | |
2317 */ | |
2318 void buildDirectiveModels() { | |
2319 for (Library library in _librariesInCycles) { | |
2320 Map<String, PrefixElementImpl> nameToPrefixMap = new Map<String, PrefixEle
mentImpl>(); | |
2321 List<ImportElement> imports = new List<ImportElement>(); | |
2322 List<ExportElement> exports = new List<ExportElement>(); | |
2323 for (Directive directive in library.definingCompilationUnit.directives) { | |
2324 if (directive is ImportDirective) { | |
2325 ImportDirective importDirective = directive as ImportDirective; | |
2326 Library importedLibrary = library.getImport(importDirective); | |
2327 if (importedLibrary != null) { | |
2328 ImportElementImpl importElement = new ImportElementImpl(); | |
2329 importElement.combinators = buildCombinators(importDirective); | |
2330 LibraryElement importedLibraryElement = importedLibrary.libraryEleme
nt; | |
2331 if (importedLibraryElement != null) { | |
2332 importElement.importedLibrary = importedLibraryElement; | |
2333 } | |
2334 SimpleIdentifier prefixNode = ((directive as ImportDirective)).prefi
x; | |
2335 if (prefixNode != null) { | |
2336 String prefixName = prefixNode.name; | |
2337 PrefixElementImpl prefix = nameToPrefixMap[prefixName]; | |
2338 if (prefix == null) { | |
2339 prefix = new PrefixElementImpl(prefixNode); | |
2340 nameToPrefixMap[prefixName] = prefix; | |
2341 } | |
2342 importElement.prefix = prefix; | |
2343 } | |
2344 directive.element = importElement; | |
2345 imports.add(importElement); | |
2346 } | |
2347 } else if (directive is ExportDirective) { | |
2348 ExportDirective exportDirective = directive as ExportDirective; | |
2349 ExportElementImpl exportElement = new ExportElementImpl(); | |
2350 exportElement.combinators = buildCombinators(exportDirective); | |
2351 Library exportedLibrary = library.getExport(exportDirective); | |
2352 if (exportedLibrary != null) { | |
2353 LibraryElement exportedLibraryElement = exportedLibrary.libraryEleme
nt; | |
2354 if (exportedLibraryElement != null) { | |
2355 exportElement.exportedLibrary = exportedLibraryElement; | |
2356 } | |
2357 directive.element = exportElement; | |
2358 exports.add(exportElement); | |
2359 } | |
2360 } | |
2361 } | |
2362 Source librarySource3 = library.librarySource; | |
2363 if (!library.explicitlyImportsCore && _coreLibrarySource != librarySource3
) { | |
2364 ImportElementImpl importElement = new ImportElementImpl(); | |
2365 importElement.importedLibrary = _coreLibrary.libraryElement; | |
2366 importElement.synthetic = true; | |
2367 imports.add(importElement); | |
2368 } | |
2369 LibraryElementImpl libraryElement3 = library.libraryElement; | |
2370 libraryElement3.imports = new List.from(imports); | |
2371 libraryElement3.exports = new List.from(exports); | |
2372 } | |
2373 } | |
2374 /** | |
2375 * Build element models for all of the libraries in the current cycle. | |
2376 * @throws AnalysisException if any of the element models cannot be built | |
2377 */ | |
2378 void buildElementModels() { | |
2379 for (Library library in _librariesInCycles) { | |
2380 LibraryElementBuilder builder = new LibraryElementBuilder(this); | |
2381 LibraryElementImpl libraryElement = builder.buildLibrary(library); | |
2382 library.libraryElement = libraryElement; | |
2383 } | |
2384 } | |
2385 /** | |
2386 * Resolve the type hierarchy across all of the types declared in the librarie
s in the current | |
2387 * cycle. | |
2388 * @throws AnalysisException if any of the type hierarchies could not be resol
ved | |
2389 */ | |
2390 void buildTypeHierarchies() { | |
2391 for (Library library in _librariesInCycles) { | |
2392 for (Source source in library.compilationUnitSources) { | |
2393 TypeResolverVisitor visitor = new TypeResolverVisitor(library, source, _
typeProvider); | |
2394 library.getAST(source).accept(visitor); | |
2395 } | |
2396 } | |
2397 } | |
2398 /** | |
2399 * Compute a dependency map of libraries reachable from the given library. A d
ependency map is a | |
2400 * table that maps individual libraries to a list of the libraries that either
import or export | |
2401 * those libraries. | |
2402 * <p> | |
2403 * This map is used to compute all of the libraries involved in a cycle that i
nclude the root | |
2404 * library. Given that we only add libraries that are reachable from the root
library, when we | |
2405 * work backward we are guaranteed to only get libraries in the cycle. | |
2406 * @param library the library currently being added to the dependency map | |
2407 */ | |
2408 Map<Library, List<Library>> computeDependencyMap(Library library) { | |
2409 Map<Library, List<Library>> dependencyMap = new Map<Library, List<Library>>(
); | |
2410 addToDependencyMap(library, dependencyMap, new Set<Library>()); | |
2411 return dependencyMap; | |
2412 } | |
2413 /** | |
2414 * Return a collection containing all of the libraries reachable from the give
n library that are | |
2415 * contained in a cycle that includes the given library. | |
2416 * @param library the library that must be included in any cycles whose member
s are to be returned | |
2417 * @return all of the libraries referenced by the given library that have a ci
rcular reference | |
2418 * back to the given library | |
2419 */ | |
2420 Set<Library> computeLibrariesInCycles(Library library) { | |
2421 Map<Library, List<Library>> dependencyMap = computeDependencyMap(library); | |
2422 Set<Library> librariesInCycle = new Set<Library>(); | |
2423 addLibrariesInCycle(library, librariesInCycle, dependencyMap); | |
2424 return librariesInCycle; | |
2425 } | |
2426 /** | |
2427 * Recursively traverse the libraries reachable from the given library, creati
ng instances of the | |
2428 * class {@link Library} to represent them, and record the references in the l
ibrary objects. | |
2429 * @param library the library to be processed to find libraries that have not
yet been traversed | |
2430 * @throws AnalysisException if some portion of the library graph could not be
traversed | |
2431 */ | |
2432 void computeLibraryDependencies(Library library) { | |
2433 bool explicitlyImportsCore = false; | |
2434 CompilationUnit unit = library.definingCompilationUnit; | |
2435 for (Directive directive in unit.directives) { | |
2436 if (directive is ImportDirective) { | |
2437 ImportDirective importDirective = directive as ImportDirective; | |
2438 Source importedSource = library.getSource(importDirective.uri); | |
2439 if (importedSource != null) { | |
2440 if (importedSource == _coreLibrarySource) { | |
2441 explicitlyImportsCore = true; | |
2442 } | |
2443 Library importedLibrary = _libraryMap[importedSource]; | |
2444 if (importedLibrary == null) { | |
2445 importedLibrary = createLibraryOrNull(importedSource); | |
2446 if (importedLibrary != null) { | |
2447 computeLibraryDependencies(importedLibrary); | |
2448 } | |
2449 } | |
2450 if (importedLibrary != null) { | |
2451 library.addImport(importDirective, importedLibrary); | |
2452 } | |
2453 } | |
2454 } else if (directive is ExportDirective) { | |
2455 ExportDirective exportDirective = directive as ExportDirective; | |
2456 Source exportedSource = library.getSource(exportDirective.uri); | |
2457 if (exportedSource != null) { | |
2458 Library exportedLibrary = _libraryMap[exportedSource]; | |
2459 if (exportedLibrary == null) { | |
2460 exportedLibrary = createLibraryOrNull(exportedSource); | |
2461 if (exportedLibrary != null) { | |
2462 computeLibraryDependencies(exportedLibrary); | |
2463 } | |
2464 } | |
2465 if (exportedLibrary != null) { | |
2466 library.addExport(exportDirective, exportedLibrary); | |
2467 } | |
2468 } | |
2469 } | |
2470 } | |
2471 library.explicitlyImportsCore = explicitlyImportsCore; | |
2472 if (!explicitlyImportsCore && _coreLibrarySource != library.librarySource) { | |
2473 Library importedLibrary = _libraryMap[_coreLibrarySource]; | |
2474 if (importedLibrary == null) { | |
2475 importedLibrary = createLibraryOrNull(_coreLibrarySource); | |
2476 if (importedLibrary != null) { | |
2477 computeLibraryDependencies(importedLibrary); | |
2478 } | |
2479 } | |
2480 } | |
2481 } | |
2482 /** | |
2483 * Create an object to represent the information about the library defined by
the compilation unit | |
2484 * with the given source. | |
2485 * @param librarySource the source of the library's defining compilation unit | |
2486 * @return the library object that was created | |
2487 * @throws AnalysisException if the library source is not valid | |
2488 */ | |
2489 Library createLibrary(Source librarySource) { | |
2490 Library library = new Library(_analysisContext, _errorListener, librarySourc
e); | |
2491 library.definingCompilationUnit; | |
2492 _libraryMap[librarySource] = library; | |
2493 return library; | |
2494 } | |
2495 /** | |
2496 * Create an object to represent the information about the library defined by
the compilation unit | |
2497 * with the given source. Return the library object that was created, or {@cod
e null} if the | |
2498 * source is not valid. | |
2499 * @param librarySource the source of the library's defining compilation unit | |
2500 * @return the library object that was created | |
2501 */ | |
2502 Library createLibraryOrNull(Source librarySource) { | |
2503 Library library = new Library(_analysisContext, _errorListener, librarySourc
e); | |
2504 try { | |
2505 library.definingCompilationUnit; | |
2506 } on AnalysisException catch (exception) { | |
2507 return null; | |
2508 } | |
2509 _libraryMap[librarySource] = library; | |
2510 return library; | |
2511 } | |
2512 /** | |
2513 * Return an array containing the lexical identifiers associated with the node
s in the given list. | |
2514 * @param names the AST nodes representing the identifiers | |
2515 * @return the lexical identifiers associated with the nodes in the list | |
2516 */ | |
2517 List<String> getIdentifiers(NodeList<SimpleIdentifier> names) { | |
2518 int count = names.length; | |
2519 List<String> identifiers = new List<String>(count); | |
2520 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { | |
2521 identifiers[i] = names[i].name; | |
2522 } | |
2523 return identifiers; | |
2524 } | |
2525 /** | |
2526 * For each library, loop through the set of all {@link CompilationUnit}s reco
rding the set of | |
2527 * resolution errors on each unit. | |
2528 */ | |
2529 void recordErrors() { | |
2530 for (Library library in _librariesInCycles) { | |
2531 try { | |
2532 CompilationUnit definingUnit = library.definingCompilationUnit; | |
2533 definingUnit.resolutionErrors = _recordingErrorListener.getErrors2(libra
ry.librarySource); | |
2534 } on AnalysisException catch (e) { | |
2535 throw new AnalysisException(); | |
2536 } | |
2537 Set<Source> sources = library.compilationUnitSources; | |
2538 for (Source source in sources) { | |
2539 try { | |
2540 CompilationUnit unit = library.getAST(source); | |
2541 unit.resolutionErrors = _recordingErrorListener.getErrors2(source); | |
2542 } on JavaException catch (e) { | |
2543 throw new AnalysisException(); | |
2544 } | |
2545 } | |
2546 } | |
2547 } | |
2548 /** | |
2549 * As the final step in the process, record the resolved element models with t
he analysis context. | |
2550 */ | |
2551 void recordLibraryElements() { | |
2552 Map<Source, LibraryElement> elementMap = new Map<Source, LibraryElement>(); | |
2553 for (Library library in _librariesInCycles) { | |
2554 elementMap[library.librarySource] = library.libraryElement; | |
2555 } | |
2556 _analysisContext.recordLibraryElements(elementMap); | |
2557 } | |
2558 /** | |
2559 * Resolve the identifiers and perform type analysis in the libraries in the c
urrent cycle. | |
2560 * @throws AnalysisException if any of the identifiers could not be resolved o
r if any of the | |
2561 * libraries could not have their types analyzed | |
2562 */ | |
2563 void resolveReferencesAndTypes() { | |
2564 for (Library library in _librariesInCycles) { | |
2565 resolveReferencesAndTypes2(library); | |
2566 } | |
2567 } | |
2568 /** | |
2569 * Resolve the identifiers and perform type analysis in the given library. | |
2570 * @param library the library to be resolved | |
2571 * @throws AnalysisException if any of the identifiers could not be resolved o
r if the types in | |
2572 * the library cannot be analyzed | |
2573 */ | |
2574 void resolveReferencesAndTypes2(Library library) { | |
2575 for (Source source in library.compilationUnitSources) { | |
2576 ResolverVisitor visitor = new ResolverVisitor(library, source, _typeProvid
er); | |
2577 library.getAST(source).accept(visitor); | |
2578 } | |
2579 } | |
2580 /** | |
2581 * Run additional analyses, such as the {@link ConstantVerifier} and {@link Er
rorVerifier}analysis in the current cycle. | |
2582 * @throws AnalysisException if any of the identifiers could not be resolved o
r if the types in | |
2583 * the library cannot be analyzed | |
2584 */ | |
2585 void runAdditionalAnalyses() { | |
2586 for (Library library in _librariesInCycles) { | |
2587 runAdditionalAnalyses2(library); | |
2588 } | |
2589 } | |
2590 /** | |
2591 * Run additional analyses, such as the {@link ConstantVerifier} and {@link Er
rorVerifier}analysis in the given library. | |
2592 * @param library the library to have the extra analyses processes run | |
2593 * @throws AnalysisException if any of the identifiers could not be resolved o
r if the types in | |
2594 * the library cannot be analyzed | |
2595 */ | |
2596 void runAdditionalAnalyses2(Library library) { | |
2597 for (Source source in library.compilationUnitSources) { | |
2598 ErrorReporter errorReporter = new ErrorReporter(_errorListener, source); | |
2599 CompilationUnit unit = library.getAST(source); | |
2600 ErrorVerifier errorVerifier = new ErrorVerifier(errorReporter, library.lib
raryElement, _typeProvider); | |
2601 unit.accept(errorVerifier); | |
2602 ConstantVerifier constantVerifier = new ConstantVerifier(errorReporter); | |
2603 unit.accept(constantVerifier); | |
2604 } | |
2605 } | |
2606 } | |
2607 class AnalysisErrorListener_5 implements AnalysisErrorListener { | |
2608 final LibraryResolver LibraryResolver_this; | |
2609 AnalysisErrorListener additionalAnalysisErrorListener; | |
2610 AnalysisErrorListener_5(this.LibraryResolver_this, this.additionalAnalysisErro
rListener); | |
2611 void onError(AnalysisError error) { | |
2612 additionalAnalysisErrorListener.onError(error); | |
2613 LibraryResolver_this._recordingErrorListener.onError(error); | |
2614 } | |
2615 } | |
2616 /** | |
2617 * Instances of the class {@code ResolverVisitor} are used to resolve the nodes
within a single | |
2618 * compilation unit. | |
2619 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
2620 */ | |
2621 class ResolverVisitor extends ScopedVisitor { | |
2622 /** | |
2623 * The object used to resolve the element associated with the current node. | |
2624 */ | |
2625 ElementResolver _elementResolver; | |
2626 /** | |
2627 * The object used to compute the type associated with the current node. | |
2628 */ | |
2629 StaticTypeAnalyzer _typeAnalyzer; | |
2630 /** | |
2631 * The class element representing the class containing the current node, or {@
code null} if the | |
2632 * current node is not contained in a class. | |
2633 */ | |
2634 ClassElement _enclosingClass = null; | |
2635 /** | |
2636 * The element representing the function containing the current node, or {@cod
e null} if the | |
2637 * current node is not contained in a function. | |
2638 */ | |
2639 ExecutableElement _enclosingFunction = null; | |
2640 /** | |
2641 * Initialize a newly created visitor to resolve the nodes in a compilation un
it. | |
2642 * @param library the library containing the compilation unit being resolved | |
2643 * @param source the source representing the compilation unit being visited | |
2644 * @param typeProvider the object used to access the types from the core libra
ry | |
2645 */ | |
2646 ResolverVisitor(Library library, Source source, TypeProvider typeProvider) : s
uper(library, source, typeProvider) { | |
2647 this._elementResolver = new ElementResolver(this); | |
2648 this._typeAnalyzer = new StaticTypeAnalyzer(this); | |
2649 } | |
2650 Object visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) { | |
2651 ClassElement outerType = _enclosingClass; | |
2652 try { | |
2653 _enclosingClass = node.element; | |
2654 _typeAnalyzer.thisType = _enclosingClass == null ? null : _enclosingClass.
type; | |
2655 super.visitClassDeclaration(node); | |
2656 } finally { | |
2657 _typeAnalyzer.thisType = outerType == null ? null : outerType.type; | |
2658 _enclosingClass = outerType; | |
2659 } | |
2660 return null; | |
2661 } | |
2662 Object visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) { | |
2663 ExecutableElement outerFunction = _enclosingFunction; | |
2664 try { | |
2665 SimpleIdentifier functionName = node.name; | |
2666 _enclosingFunction = functionName.element as ExecutableElement; | |
2667 super.visitFunctionDeclaration(node); | |
2668 } finally { | |
2669 _enclosingFunction = outerFunction; | |
2670 } | |
2671 return null; | |
2672 } | |
2673 Object visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) { | |
2674 ExecutableElement outerFunction = _enclosingFunction; | |
2675 try { | |
2676 _enclosingFunction = node.element; | |
2677 super.visitFunctionExpression(node); | |
2678 } finally { | |
2679 _enclosingFunction = outerFunction; | |
2680 } | |
2681 return null; | |
2682 } | |
2683 Object visitLabel(Label node) => null; | |
2684 Object visitLibraryIdentifier(LibraryIdentifier node) => null; | |
2685 Object visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) { | |
2686 ExecutableElement outerFunction = _enclosingFunction; | |
2687 try { | |
2688 _enclosingFunction = node.element; | |
2689 super.visitMethodDeclaration(node); | |
2690 } finally { | |
2691 _enclosingFunction = outerFunction; | |
2692 } | |
2693 return null; | |
2694 } | |
2695 Object visitNode(ASTNode node) { | |
2696 node.visitChildren(this); | |
2697 node.accept(_elementResolver); | |
2698 node.accept(_typeAnalyzer); | |
2699 return null; | |
2700 } | |
2701 Object visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) { | |
2702 SimpleIdentifier prefix7 = node.prefix; | |
2703 if (prefix7 != null) { | |
2704 prefix7.accept(this); | |
2705 } | |
2706 node.accept(_elementResolver); | |
2707 node.accept(_typeAnalyzer); | |
2708 return null; | |
2709 } | |
2710 Object visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) { | |
2711 Expression target4 = node.target; | |
2712 if (target4 != null) { | |
2713 target4.accept(this); | |
2714 } | |
2715 node.accept(_elementResolver); | |
2716 node.accept(_typeAnalyzer); | |
2717 return null; | |
2718 } | |
2719 Object visitRedirectingConstructorInvocation(RedirectingConstructorInvocation
node) { | |
2720 ArgumentList argumentList10 = node.argumentList; | |
2721 if (argumentList10 != null) { | |
2722 argumentList10.accept(this); | |
2723 } | |
2724 node.accept(_elementResolver); | |
2725 node.accept(_typeAnalyzer); | |
2726 return null; | |
2727 } | |
2728 Object visitSuperConstructorInvocation(SuperConstructorInvocation node) { | |
2729 ArgumentList argumentList11 = node.argumentList; | |
2730 if (argumentList11 != null) { | |
2731 argumentList11.accept(this); | |
2732 } | |
2733 node.accept(_elementResolver); | |
2734 node.accept(_typeAnalyzer); | |
2735 return null; | |
2736 } | |
2737 Object visitTypeName(TypeName node) => null; | |
2738 /** | |
2739 * Return the class element representing the class containing the current node
, or {@code null} if | |
2740 * the current node is not contained in a class. | |
2741 * @return the class element representing the class containing the current nod
e | |
2742 */ | |
2743 ClassElement get enclosingClass => _enclosingClass; | |
2744 /** | |
2745 * Return the element representing the function containing the current node, o
r {@code null} if | |
2746 * the current node is not contained in a function. | |
2747 * @return the element representing the function containing the current node | |
2748 */ | |
2749 ExecutableElement get enclosingFunction => _enclosingFunction; | |
2750 get elementResolver_J2DAccessor => _elementResolver; | |
2751 set elementResolver_J2DAccessor(__v) => _elementResolver = __v; | |
2752 get labelScope_J2DAccessor => _labelScope; | |
2753 set labelScope_J2DAccessor(__v) => _labelScope = __v; | |
2754 get nameScope_J2DAccessor => _nameScope; | |
2755 set nameScope_J2DAccessor(__v) => _nameScope = __v; | |
2756 get typeAnalyzer_J2DAccessor => _typeAnalyzer; | |
2757 set typeAnalyzer_J2DAccessor(__v) => _typeAnalyzer = __v; | |
2758 get enclosingClass_J2DAccessor => _enclosingClass; | |
2759 set enclosingClass_J2DAccessor(__v) => _enclosingClass = __v; | |
2760 } | |
2761 /** | |
2762 * The abstract class {@code ScopedVisitor} maintains name and label scopes as a
n AST structure is | |
2763 * being visited. | |
2764 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
2765 */ | |
2766 abstract class ScopedVisitor extends GeneralizingASTVisitor<Object> { | |
2767 /** | |
2768 * The element for the library containing the compilation unit being visited. | |
2769 */ | |
2770 LibraryElement _definingLibrary; | |
2771 /** | |
2772 * The source representing the compilation unit being visited. | |
2773 */ | |
2774 Source _source; | |
2775 /** | |
2776 * The error listener that will be informed of any errors that are found durin
g resolution. | |
2777 */ | |
2778 AnalysisErrorListener _errorListener; | |
2779 /** | |
2780 * The scope used to resolve identifiers. | |
2781 */ | |
2782 Scope _nameScope; | |
2783 /** | |
2784 * The object used to access the types from the core library. | |
2785 */ | |
2786 TypeProvider _typeProvider; | |
2787 /** | |
2788 * The scope used to resolve labels for {@code break} and {@code continue} sta
tements, or{@code null} if no labels have been defined in the current context. | |
2789 */ | |
2790 LabelScope _labelScope; | |
2791 /** | |
2792 * Initialize a newly created visitor to resolve the nodes in a compilation un
it. | |
2793 * @param library the library containing the compilation unit being resolved | |
2794 * @param source the source representing the compilation unit being visited | |
2795 * @param typeProvider the object used to access the types from the core libra
ry | |
2796 */ | |
2797 ScopedVisitor(Library library, Source source, TypeProvider typeProvider) { | |
2798 this._definingLibrary = library.libraryElement; | |
2799 this._source = source; | |
2800 LibraryScope libraryScope2 = library.libraryScope; | |
2801 this._errorListener = libraryScope2.errorListener; | |
2802 this._nameScope = libraryScope2; | |
2803 this._typeProvider = typeProvider; | |
2804 } | |
2805 /** | |
2806 * Return the library element for the library containing the compilation unit
being resolved. | |
2807 * @return the library element for the library containing the compilation unit
being resolved | |
2808 */ | |
2809 LibraryElement get definingLibrary => _definingLibrary; | |
2810 /** | |
2811 * Return the object used to access the types from the core library. | |
2812 * @return the object used to access the types from the core library | |
2813 */ | |
2814 TypeProvider get typeProvider => _typeProvider; | |
2815 Object visitBlock(Block node) { | |
2816 Scope outerScope = _nameScope; | |
2817 _nameScope = new EnclosedScope(_nameScope); | |
2818 try { | |
2819 super.visitBlock(node); | |
2820 } finally { | |
2821 _nameScope = outerScope; | |
2822 } | |
2823 return null; | |
2824 } | |
2825 Object visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) { | |
2826 Scope outerScope = _nameScope; | |
2827 try { | |
2828 _nameScope = new ClassScope(_nameScope, node.element); | |
2829 super.visitClassDeclaration(node); | |
2830 } finally { | |
2831 _nameScope = outerScope; | |
2832 } | |
2833 return null; | |
2834 } | |
2835 Object visitClassTypeAlias(ClassTypeAlias node) { | |
2836 Scope outerScope = _nameScope; | |
2837 try { | |
2838 _nameScope = new ClassScope(_nameScope, node.element); | |
2839 super.visitClassTypeAlias(node); | |
2840 } finally { | |
2841 _nameScope = outerScope; | |
2842 } | |
2843 return null; | |
2844 } | |
2845 Object visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) { | |
2846 Scope outerScope = _nameScope; | |
2847 try { | |
2848 _nameScope = new FunctionScope(_nameScope, node.element); | |
2849 super.visitConstructorDeclaration(node); | |
2850 } finally { | |
2851 _nameScope = outerScope; | |
2852 } | |
2853 return null; | |
2854 } | |
2855 Object visitDoStatement(DoStatement node) { | |
2856 LabelScope outerScope = _labelScope; | |
2857 _labelScope = new LabelScope.con1(outerScope, false, false); | |
2858 try { | |
2859 super.visitDoStatement(node); | |
2860 } finally { | |
2861 _labelScope = outerScope; | |
2862 } | |
2863 return null; | |
2864 } | |
2865 Object visitForEachStatement(ForEachStatement node) { | |
2866 LabelScope outerLabelScope = _labelScope; | |
2867 _labelScope = new LabelScope.con1(outerLabelScope, false, false); | |
2868 Scope outerNameScope = _nameScope; | |
2869 _nameScope = new EnclosedScope(_nameScope); | |
2870 try { | |
2871 super.visitForEachStatement(node); | |
2872 } finally { | |
2873 _nameScope = outerNameScope; | |
2874 _labelScope = outerLabelScope; | |
2875 } | |
2876 return null; | |
2877 } | |
2878 Object visitForStatement(ForStatement node) { | |
2879 LabelScope outerLabelScope = _labelScope; | |
2880 _labelScope = new LabelScope.con1(outerLabelScope, false, false); | |
2881 Scope outerNameScope = _nameScope; | |
2882 _nameScope = new EnclosedScope(_nameScope); | |
2883 try { | |
2884 super.visitForStatement(node); | |
2885 } finally { | |
2886 _nameScope = outerNameScope; | |
2887 _labelScope = outerLabelScope; | |
2888 } | |
2889 return null; | |
2890 } | |
2891 Object visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) { | |
2892 ExecutableElement function = node.element; | |
2893 Scope outerScope = _nameScope; | |
2894 try { | |
2895 _nameScope = new FunctionScope(_nameScope, function); | |
2896 super.visitFunctionDeclaration(node); | |
2897 } finally { | |
2898 _nameScope = outerScope; | |
2899 } | |
2900 if (function.enclosingElement is! CompilationUnitElement) { | |
2901 _nameScope.define(function); | |
2902 } | |
2903 return null; | |
2904 } | |
2905 Object visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) { | |
2906 Scope outerScope = _nameScope; | |
2907 try { | |
2908 ExecutableElement functionElement = node.element; | |
2909 if (functionElement == null) { | |
2910 } else { | |
2911 _nameScope = new FunctionScope(_nameScope, functionElement); | |
2912 } | |
2913 super.visitFunctionExpression(node); | |
2914 } finally { | |
2915 _nameScope = outerScope; | |
2916 } | |
2917 return null; | |
2918 } | |
2919 Object visitFunctionTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAlias node) { | |
2920 Scope outerScope = _nameScope; | |
2921 try { | |
2922 _nameScope = new FunctionTypeScope(_nameScope, node.element); | |
2923 super.visitFunctionTypeAlias(node); | |
2924 } finally { | |
2925 _nameScope = outerScope; | |
2926 } | |
2927 return null; | |
2928 } | |
2929 Object visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) { | |
2930 LabelScope outerScope = addScopesFor(node.labels); | |
2931 try { | |
2932 super.visitLabeledStatement(node); | |
2933 } finally { | |
2934 _labelScope = outerScope; | |
2935 } | |
2936 return null; | |
2937 } | |
2938 Object visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) { | |
2939 Scope outerScope = _nameScope; | |
2940 try { | |
2941 _nameScope = new FunctionScope(_nameScope, node.element); | |
2942 super.visitMethodDeclaration(node); | |
2943 } finally { | |
2944 _nameScope = outerScope; | |
2945 } | |
2946 return null; | |
2947 } | |
2948 Object visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) { | |
2949 node.expression.accept(this); | |
2950 LabelScope outerLabelScope = addScopesFor(node.labels); | |
2951 Scope outerNameScope = _nameScope; | |
2952 _nameScope = new EnclosedScope(_nameScope); | |
2953 try { | |
2954 node.statements.accept(this); | |
2955 } finally { | |
2956 _nameScope = outerNameScope; | |
2957 _labelScope = outerLabelScope; | |
2958 } | |
2959 return null; | |
2960 } | |
2961 Object visitSwitchDefault(SwitchDefault node) { | |
2962 LabelScope outerLabelScope = addScopesFor(node.labels); | |
2963 Scope outerNameScope = _nameScope; | |
2964 _nameScope = new EnclosedScope(_nameScope); | |
2965 try { | |
2966 node.statements.accept(this); | |
2967 } finally { | |
2968 _nameScope = outerNameScope; | |
2969 _labelScope = outerLabelScope; | |
2970 } | |
2971 return null; | |
2972 } | |
2973 Object visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) { | |
2974 LabelScope outerScope = _labelScope; | |
2975 _labelScope = new LabelScope.con1(outerScope, true, false); | |
2976 for (SwitchMember member in node.members) { | |
2977 for (Label label in member.labels) { | |
2978 SimpleIdentifier labelName = label.label; | |
2979 LabelElement labelElement = labelName.element as LabelElement; | |
2980 _labelScope = new LabelScope.con2(outerScope, labelName.name, labelEleme
nt); | |
2981 } | |
2982 } | |
2983 try { | |
2984 super.visitSwitchStatement(node); | |
2985 } finally { | |
2986 _labelScope = outerScope; | |
2987 } | |
2988 return null; | |
2989 } | |
2990 Object visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) { | |
2991 if (node.parent.parent is! TopLevelVariableDeclaration && node.parent.parent
is! FieldDeclaration) { | |
2992 VariableElement element23 = node.element; | |
2993 if (element23 != null) { | |
2994 _nameScope.define(element23); | |
2995 } | |
2996 } | |
2997 super.visitVariableDeclaration(node); | |
2998 return null; | |
2999 } | |
3000 Object visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node) { | |
3001 LabelScope outerScope = _labelScope; | |
3002 _labelScope = new LabelScope.con1(outerScope, false, false); | |
3003 try { | |
3004 super.visitWhileStatement(node); | |
3005 } finally { | |
3006 _labelScope = outerScope; | |
3007 } | |
3008 return null; | |
3009 } | |
3010 /** | |
3011 * Return the label scope in which the current node is being resolved. | |
3012 * @return the label scope in which the current node is being resolved | |
3013 */ | |
3014 LabelScope get labelScope => _labelScope; | |
3015 /** | |
3016 * Return the name scope in which the current node is being resolved. | |
3017 * @return the name scope in which the current node is being resolved | |
3018 */ | |
3019 Scope get nameScope => _nameScope; | |
3020 /** | |
3021 * Report an error with the given error code and arguments. | |
3022 * @param errorCode the error code of the error to be reported | |
3023 * @param node the node specifying the location of the error | |
3024 * @param arguments the arguments to the error, used to compose the error mess
age | |
3025 */ | |
3026 void reportError(ErrorCode errorCode, ASTNode node, List<Object> arguments) { | |
3027 _errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError.con2(_source, node.offset, node.len
gth, errorCode, [arguments])); | |
3028 } | |
3029 /** | |
3030 * Report an error with the given error code and arguments. | |
3031 * @param errorCode the error code of the error to be reported | |
3032 * @param token the token specifying the location of the error | |
3033 * @param arguments the arguments to the error, used to compose the error mess
age | |
3034 */ | |
3035 void reportError3(ErrorCode errorCode, sc.Token token, List<Object> arguments)
{ | |
3036 _errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError.con2(_source, token.offset, token.l
ength, errorCode, [arguments])); | |
3037 } | |
3038 /** | |
3039 * Add scopes for each of the given labels. | |
3040 * @param labels the labels for which new scopes are to be added | |
3041 * @return the scope that was in effect before the new scopes were added | |
3042 */ | |
3043 LabelScope addScopesFor(NodeList<Label> labels) { | |
3044 LabelScope outerScope = _labelScope; | |
3045 for (Label label in labels) { | |
3046 SimpleIdentifier labelNameNode = label.label; | |
3047 String labelName = labelNameNode.name; | |
3048 LabelElement labelElement = labelNameNode.element as LabelElement; | |
3049 _labelScope = new LabelScope.con2(_labelScope, labelName, labelElement); | |
3050 } | |
3051 return outerScope; | |
3052 } | |
3053 } | |
3054 /** | |
3055 * Instances of the class {@code StaticTypeAnalyzer} perform two type-related ta
sks. First, they | |
3056 * compute the static type of every expression. Second, they look for any static
type errors or | |
3057 * warnings that might need to be generated. The requirements for the type analy
zer are: | |
3058 * <ol> | |
3059 * <li>Every element that refers to types should be fully populated. | |
3060 * <li>Every node representing an expression should be resolved to the Type of t
he expression.</li> | |
3061 * </ol> | |
3062 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
3063 */ | |
3064 class StaticTypeAnalyzer extends SimpleASTVisitor<Object> { | |
3065 /** | |
3066 * The object providing access to the types defined by the language. | |
3067 */ | |
3068 TypeProvider _typeProvider; | |
3069 /** | |
3070 * The type representing the type 'dynamic'. | |
3071 */ | |
3072 Type2 _dynamicType; | |
3073 /** | |
3074 * The type representing the class containing the nodes being analyzed, or {@c
ode null} if the | |
3075 * nodes are not within a class. | |
3076 */ | |
3077 InterfaceType _thisType; | |
3078 /** | |
3079 * Initialize a newly created type analyzer. | |
3080 * @param resolver the resolver driving this participant | |
3081 */ | |
3082 StaticTypeAnalyzer(ResolverVisitor resolver) { | |
3083 _typeProvider = resolver.typeProvider; | |
3084 _dynamicType = _typeProvider.dynamicType; | |
3085 } | |
3086 /** | |
3087 * Set the type of the class being analyzed to the given type. | |
3088 * @param thisType the type representing the class containing the nodes being
analyzed | |
3089 */ | |
3090 void set thisType(InterfaceType thisType2) { | |
3091 this._thisType = thisType2; | |
3092 } | |
3093 /** | |
3094 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.5: <blockquote>The static type of a str
ing literal is{@code String}.</blockquote> | |
3095 */ | |
3096 Object visitAdjacentStrings(AdjacentStrings node) => recordType(node, _typePro
vider.stringType); | |
3097 /** | |
3098 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.33: <blockquote>The static type of an a
rgument definition | |
3099 * test is {@code bool}.</blockquote> | |
3100 */ | |
3101 Object visitArgumentDefinitionTest(ArgumentDefinitionTest node) => recordType(
node, _typeProvider.boolType); | |
3102 /** | |
3103 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.32: <blockquote>... the cast expression
<i>e as T</i> ... | |
3104 * <p> | |
3105 * It is a static warning if <i>T</i> does not denote a type available in the
current lexical | |
3106 * scope. | |
3107 * <p> | |
3108 * The static type of a cast expression <i>e as T</i> is <i>T</i>.</blockquote
> | |
3109 */ | |
3110 Object visitAsExpression(AsExpression node) => recordType(node, getType3(node.
type)); | |
3111 /** | |
3112 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.18: <blockquote> ... an assignment <i>a
</i> of the form | |
3113 * <i>v = e</i> ... | |
3114 * <p> | |
3115 * It is a static type warning if the static type of <i>e</i> may not be assig
ned to the static | |
3116 * type of <i>v</i>. | |
3117 * <p> | |
3118 * The static type of the expression <i>v = e</i> is the static type of <i>e</
i>. | |
3119 * <p> | |
3120 * ... an assignment of the form <i>C.v = e</i> ... | |
3121 * <p> | |
3122 * It is a static type warning if the static type of <i>e</i> may not be assig
ned to the static | |
3123 * type of <i>C.v</i>. | |
3124 * <p> | |
3125 * The static type of the expression <i>C.v = e</i> is the static type of <i>e
</i>. | |
3126 * <p> | |
3127 * ... an assignment of the form <i>e<sub>1</sub>.v = e<sub>2</sub></i> ... | |
3128 * <p> | |
3129 * Let <i>T</i> be the static type of <i>e<sub>1</sub></i>. It is a static typ
e warning if | |
3130 * <i>T</i> does not have an accessible instance setter named <i>v=</i>. It is
a static type | |
3131 * warning if the static type of <i>e<sub>2</sub></i> may not be assigned to <
i>T</i>. | |
3132 * <p> | |
3133 * The static type of the expression <i>e<sub>1</sub>.v = e<sub>2</sub></i> is
the static type of | |
3134 * <i>e<sub>2</sub></i>. | |
3135 * <p> | |
3136 * ... an assignment of the form <i>e<sub>1</sub>[e<sub>2</sub>] = e<sub>3</su
b></i> ... | |
3137 * <p> | |
3138 * The static type of the expression <i>e<sub>1</sub>[e<sub>2</sub>] = e<sub>3
</sub></i> is the | |
3139 * static type of <i>e<sub>3</sub></i>. | |
3140 * <p> | |
3141 * A compound assignment of the form <i>v op= e</i> is equivalent to <i>v = v
op e</i>. A compound | |
3142 * assignment of the form <i>C.v op= e</i> is equivalent to <i>C.v = C.v op e<
/i>. A compound | |
3143 * assignment of the form <i>e<sub>1</sub>.v op= e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivale
nt to <i>((x) => x.v | |
3144 * = x.v op e<sub>2</sub>)(e<sub>1</sub>)</i> where <i>x</i> is a variable tha
t is not used in | |
3145 * <i>e<sub>2</sub></i>. A compound assignment of the form <i>e<sub>1</sub>[e<
sub>2</sub>] op= | |
3146 * e<sub>3</sub></i> is equivalent to <i>((a, i) => a[i] = a[i] op e<sub>3</su
b>)(e<sub>1</sub>, | |
3147 * e<sub>2</sub>)</i> where <i>a</i> and <i>i</i> are a variables that are not
used in | |
3148 * <i>e<sub>3</sub></i>. </blockquote> | |
3149 */ | |
3150 Object visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) { | |
3151 sc.TokenType operator11 = node.operator.type; | |
3152 if (operator11 != sc.TokenType.EQ) { | |
3153 return recordReturnType(node, node.element); | |
3154 } | |
3155 return recordType(node, getType(node.rightHandSide)); | |
3156 } | |
3157 /** | |
3158 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.20: <blockquote>The static type of a lo
gical boolean | |
3159 * expression is {@code bool}.</blockquote> | |
3160 * <p> | |
3161 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.21:<blockquote>A bitwise expression of
the form | |
3162 * <i>e<sub>1</sub> op e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivalent to the method invocatio
n | |
3163 * <i>e<sub>1</sub>.op(e<sub>2</sub>)</i>. A bitwise expression of the form <i
>super op | |
3164 * e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivalent to the method invocation | |
3165 * <i>super.op(e<sub>2</sub>)</i>.</blockquote> | |
3166 * <p> | |
3167 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.22: <blockquote>The static type of an e
quality expression | |
3168 * is {@code bool}.</blockquote> | |
3169 * <p> | |
3170 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.23: <blockquote>A relational expression
of the form | |
3171 * <i>e<sub>1</sub> op e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivalent to the method invocatio
n | |
3172 * <i>e<sub>1</sub>.op(e<sub>2</sub>)</i>. A relational expression of the form
<i>super op | |
3173 * e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivalent to the method invocation | |
3174 * <i>super.op(e<sub>2</sub>)</i>.</blockquote> | |
3175 * <p> | |
3176 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.24: <blockquote>A shift expression of t
he form | |
3177 * <i>e<sub>1</sub> op e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivalent to the method invocatio
n | |
3178 * <i>e<sub>1</sub>.op(e<sub>2</sub>)</i>. A shift expression of the form <i>s
uper op | |
3179 * e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivalent to the method invocation | |
3180 * <i>super.op(e<sub>2</sub>)</i>.</blockquote> | |
3181 * <p> | |
3182 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.25: <blockquote>An additive expression
of the form | |
3183 * <i>e<sub>1</sub> op e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivalent to the method invocatio
n | |
3184 * <i>e<sub>1</sub>.op(e<sub>2</sub>)</i>. An additive expression of the form
<i>super op | |
3185 * e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivalent to the method invocation | |
3186 * <i>super.op(e<sub>2</sub>)</i>.</blockquote> | |
3187 * <p> | |
3188 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.26: <blockquote>A multiplicative expres
sion of the form | |
3189 * <i>e<sub>1</sub> op e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivalent to the method invocatio
n | |
3190 * <i>e<sub>1</sub>.op(e<sub>2</sub>)</i>. A multiplicative expression of the
form <i>super op | |
3191 * e<sub>2</sub></i> is equivalent to the method invocation | |
3192 * <i>super.op(e<sub>2</sub>)</i>.</blockquote> | |
3193 */ | |
3194 Object visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) { | |
3195 sc.TokenType operator12 = node.operator.type; | |
3196 while (true) { | |
3197 if (operator12 == sc.TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND || operator12 == sc.Tok
enType.BAR_BAR || operator12 == sc.TokenType.EQ_EQ || operator12 == sc.TokenType
.BANG_EQ) { | |
3198 return recordType(node, _typeProvider.boolType); | |
3199 } | |
3200 break; | |
3201 } | |
3202 return recordReturnType(node, node.element); | |
3203 } | |
3204 /** | |
3205 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.4: <blockquote>The static type of a boo
lean literal is{@code bool}.</blockquote> | |
3206 */ | |
3207 Object visitBooleanLiteral(BooleanLiteral node) => recordType(node, _typeProvi
der.boolType); | |
3208 /** | |
3209 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.15.2: <blockquote>A cascaded method inv
ocation expression | |
3210 * of the form <i>e..suffix</i> is equivalent to the expression <i>(t) {t.suff
ix; return | |
3211 * t;}(e)</i>.</blockquote> | |
3212 */ | |
3213 Object visitCascadeExpression(CascadeExpression node) => recordType(node, getT
ype(node.target)); | |
3214 /** | |
3215 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.19: <blockquote> ... a conditional expr
ession <i>c</i> of | |
3216 * the form <i>e<sub>1</sub> ? e<sub>2</sub> : e<sub>3</sub></i> ... | |
3217 * <p> | |
3218 * It is a static type warning if the type of e<sub>1</sub> may not be assigne
d to {@code bool}. | |
3219 * <p> | |
3220 * The static type of <i>c</i> is the least upper bound of the static type of
<i>e<sub>2</sub></i> | |
3221 * and the static type of <i>e<sub>3</sub></i>.</blockquote> | |
3222 */ | |
3223 Object visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) { | |
3224 Type2 thenType = getType(node.thenExpression); | |
3225 Type2 elseType = getType(node.elseExpression); | |
3226 if (thenType == null) { | |
3227 return recordType(node, _dynamicType); | |
3228 } | |
3229 Type2 resultType = thenType.getLeastUpperBound(elseType); | |
3230 return recordType(node, resultType); | |
3231 } | |
3232 /** | |
3233 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.3: <blockquote>The static type of a lit
eral double is{@code double}.</blockquote> | |
3234 */ | |
3235 Object visitDoubleLiteral(DoubleLiteral node) => recordType(node, _typeProvide
r.doubleType); | |
3236 Object visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) { | |
3237 FunctionExpression function = node.functionExpression; | |
3238 FunctionTypeImpl functionType = node.element.type as FunctionTypeImpl; | |
3239 setTypeInformation(functionType, computeReturnType(node), function.parameter
s); | |
3240 return recordType(function, functionType); | |
3241 } | |
3242 /** | |
3243 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.9: <blockquote>The static type of a fun
ction literal of the | |
3244 * form <i>(T<sub>1</sub> a<sub>1</sub>, …, T<sub>n</sub> a<sub>n</sub>
, [T<sub>n+1</sub> | |
3245 * x<sub>n+1</sub> = d1, …, T<sub>n+k</sub> x<sub>n+k</sub> = dk]) => e
</i> is | |
3246 * <i>(T<sub>1</sub>, …, Tn, [T<sub>n+1</sub> x<sub>n+1</sub>, …
, T<sub>n+k</sub> | |
3247 * x<sub>n+k</sub>]) → T<sub>0</sub></i>, where <i>T<sub>0</sub></i> is t
he static type of | |
3248 * <i>e</i>. In any case where <i>T<sub>i</sub>, 1 <= i <= n</i>, is not
specified, it is | |
3249 * considered to have been specified as dynamic. | |
3250 * <p> | |
3251 * The static type of a function literal of the form <i>(T<sub>1</sub> a<sub>1
</sub>, …, | |
3252 * T<sub>n</sub> a<sub>n</sub>, {T<sub>n+1</sub> x<sub>n+1</sub> : d1, &hellip
;, T<sub>n+k</sub> | |
3253 * x<sub>n+k</sub> : dk}) => e</i> is <i>(T<sub>1</sub>, …, T<sub>n</su
b>, {T<sub>n+1</sub> | |
3254 * x<sub>n+1</sub>, …, T<sub>n+k</sub> x<sub>n+k</sub>}) → T<sub>0
</sub></i>, where | |
3255 * <i>T<sub>0</sub></i> is the static type of <i>e</i>. In any case where <i>T
<sub>i</sub>, 1 | |
3256 * <= i <= n</i>, is not specified, it is considered to have been specif
ied as dynamic. | |
3257 * <p> | |
3258 * The static type of a function literal of the form <i>(T<sub>1</sub> a<sub>1
</sub>, …, | |
3259 * T<sub>n</sub> a<sub>n</sub>, [T<sub>n+1</sub> x<sub>n+1</sub> = d1, &hellip
;, T<sub>n+k</sub> | |
3260 * x<sub>n+k</sub> = dk]) {s}</i> is <i>(T<sub>1</sub>, …, T<sub>n</sub
>, [T<sub>n+1</sub> | |
3261 * x<sub>n+1</sub>, …, T<sub>n+k</sub> x<sub>n+k</sub>]) → dynamic
</i>. In any case | |
3262 * where <i>T<sub>i</sub>, 1 <= i <= n</i>, is not specified, it is cons
idered to have been | |
3263 * specified as dynamic. | |
3264 * <p> | |
3265 * The static type of a function literal of the form <i>(T<sub>1</sub> a<sub>1
</sub>, …, | |
3266 * T<sub>n</sub> a<sub>n</sub>, {T<sub>n+1</sub> x<sub>n+1</sub> : d1, &hellip
;, T<sub>n+k</sub> | |
3267 * x<sub>n+k</sub> : dk}) {s}</i> is <i>(T<sub>1</sub>, …, T<sub>n</sub
>, {T<sub>n+1</sub> | |
3268 * x<sub>n+1</sub>, …, T<sub>n+k</sub> x<sub>n+k</sub>}) → dynamic
</i>. In any case | |
3269 * where <i>T<sub>i</sub>, 1 <= i <= n</i>, is not specified, it is cons
idered to have been | |
3270 * specified as dynamic.</blockquote> | |
3271 */ | |
3272 Object visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) { | |
3273 if (node.parent is FunctionDeclaration) { | |
3274 return null; | |
3275 } | |
3276 FunctionTypeImpl functionType = node.element.type as FunctionTypeImpl; | |
3277 setTypeInformation(functionType, computeReturnType2(node), node.parameters); | |
3278 return recordType(node, functionType); | |
3279 } | |
3280 /** | |
3281 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.14.4: <blockquote>A function expression
invocation <i>i</i> | |
3282 * has the form <i>e<sub>f</sub>(a<sub>1</sub>, …, a<sub>n</sub>, x<sub
>n+1</sub>: | |
3283 * a<sub>n+1</sub>, …, x<sub>n+k</sub>: a<sub>n+k</sub>)</i>, where <i>
e<sub>f</sub></i> is | |
3284 * an expression. | |
3285 * <p> | |
3286 * It is a static type warning if the static type <i>F</i> of <i>e<sub>f</sub>
</i> may not be | |
3287 * assigned to a function type. | |
3288 * <p> | |
3289 * If <i>F</i> is not a function type, the static type of <i>i</i> is dynamic.
Otherwise the | |
3290 * static type of <i>i</i> is the declared return type of <i>F</i>.</blockquot
e> | |
3291 */ | |
3292 Object visitFunctionExpressionInvocation(FunctionExpressionInvocation node) =>
recordReturnType(node, node.element); | |
3293 /** | |
3294 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.29: <blockquote>An assignable expressio
n of the form | |
3295 * <i>e<sub>1</sub>[e<sub>2</sub>]</i> is evaluated as a method invocation of
the operator method | |
3296 * <i>[]</i> on <i>e<sub>1</sub></i> with argument <i>e<sub>2</sub></i>.</bloc
kquote> | |
3297 */ | |
3298 Object visitIndexExpression(IndexExpression node) { | |
3299 if (node.inSetterContext()) { | |
3300 return recordArgumentType(node, node.element); | |
3301 } | |
3302 return recordReturnType(node, node.element); | |
3303 } | |
3304 /** | |
3305 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.11.1: <blockquote>The static type of a
new expression of | |
3306 * either the form <i>new T.id(a<sub>1</sub>, …, a<sub>n</sub>)</i> or
the form <i>new | |
3307 * T(a<sub>1</sub>, …, a<sub>n</sub>)</i> is <i>T</i>.</blockquote> | |
3308 * <p> | |
3309 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.11.2: <blockquote>The static type of a
constant object | |
3310 * expression of either the form <i>const T.id(a<sub>1</sub>, …, a<sub>
n</sub>)</i> or the | |
3311 * form <i>const T(a<sub>1</sub>, …, a<sub>n</sub>)</i> is <i>T</i>. </
blockquote> | |
3312 */ | |
3313 Object visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) => rec
ordType(node, node.constructorName.type.type); | |
3314 /** | |
3315 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.3: <blockquote>The static type of an in
teger literal is{@code int}.</blockquote> | |
3316 */ | |
3317 Object visitIntegerLiteral(IntegerLiteral node) => recordType(node, _typeProvi
der.intType); | |
3318 /** | |
3319 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.31: <blockquote>It is a static warning
if <i>T</i> does not | |
3320 * denote a type available in the current lexical scope. | |
3321 * <p> | |
3322 * The static type of an is-expression is {@code bool}.</blockquote> | |
3323 */ | |
3324 Object visitIsExpression(IsExpression node) => recordType(node, _typeProvider.
boolType); | |
3325 /** | |
3326 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.6: <blockquote>The static type of a lis
t literal of the | |
3327 * form <i><b>const</b> <E>[e<sub>1</sub>, …, e<sub>n</sub>]</i>
or the form | |
3328 * <i><E>[e<sub>1</sub>, …, e<sub>n</sub>]</i> is {@code List<
E>}. The static | |
3329 * type a list literal of the form <i><b>const</b> [e<sub>1</sub>, …, e
<sub>n</sub>]</i> or | |
3330 * the form <i>[e<sub>1</sub>, …, e<sub>n</sub>]</i> is {@code List<
dynamic>}.</blockquote> | |
3331 */ | |
3332 Object visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) { | |
3333 TypeArgumentList typeArguments8 = node.typeArguments; | |
3334 if (typeArguments8 != null) { | |
3335 NodeList<TypeName> arguments3 = typeArguments8.arguments; | |
3336 if (arguments3 != null && arguments3.length == 1) { | |
3337 TypeName argumentType = arguments3[0]; | |
3338 return recordType(node, _typeProvider.listType.substitute5(<Type2> [getT
ype3(argumentType)])); | |
3339 } | |
3340 } | |
3341 return recordType(node, _typeProvider.listType.substitute5(<Type2> [_dynamic
Type])); | |
3342 } | |
3343 /** | |
3344 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.7: <blockquote>The static type of a map
literal of the form | |
3345 * <i><b>const</b> <String, V> {k<sub>1</sub>:e<sub>1</sub>, …, | |
3346 * k<sub>n</sub>:e<sub>n</sub>}</i> or the form <i><String, V> {k<sub>1<
/sub>:e<sub>1</sub>, | |
3347 * …, k<sub>n</sub>:e<sub>n</sub>}</i> is {@code Map<String, V>}.
The static type a | |
3348 * map literal of the form <i><b>const</b> {k<sub>1</sub>:e<sub>1</sub>, &hell
ip;, | |
3349 * k<sub>n</sub>:e<sub>n</sub>}</i> or the form <i>{k<sub>1</sub>:e<sub>1</sub
>, …, | |
3350 * k<sub>n</sub>:e<sub>n</sub>}</i> is {@code Map<String, dynamic>}. | |
3351 * <p> | |
3352 * It is a compile-time error if the first type argument to a map literal is n
ot | |
3353 * <i>String</i>.</blockquote> | |
3354 */ | |
3355 Object visitMapLiteral(MapLiteral node) { | |
3356 TypeArgumentList typeArguments9 = node.typeArguments; | |
3357 if (typeArguments9 != null) { | |
3358 NodeList<TypeName> arguments4 = typeArguments9.arguments; | |
3359 if (arguments4 != null && arguments4.length == 2) { | |
3360 TypeName keyType = arguments4[0]; | |
3361 if (keyType != _typeProvider.stringType) { | |
3362 } | |
3363 TypeName valueType = arguments4[1]; | |
3364 return recordType(node, _typeProvider.mapType.substitute5(<Type2> [_type
Provider.stringType, getType3(valueType)])); | |
3365 } | |
3366 } | |
3367 return recordType(node, _typeProvider.mapType.substitute5(<Type2> [_typeProv
ider.stringType, _dynamicType])); | |
3368 } | |
3369 /** | |
3370 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.15.1: <blockquote>An ordinary method in
vocation <i>i</i> | |
3371 * has the form <i>o.m(a<sub>1</sub>, …, a<sub>n</sub>, x<sub>n+1</sub>
: a<sub>n+1</sub>, | |
3372 * …, x<sub>n+k</sub>: a<sub>n+k</sub>)</i>. | |
3373 * <p> | |
3374 * Let <i>T</i> be the static type of <i>o</i>. It is a static type warning if
<i>T</i> does not | |
3375 * have an accessible instance member named <i>m</i>. If <i>T.m</i> exists, it
is a static warning | |
3376 * if the type <i>F</i> of <i>T.m</i> may not be assigned to a function type. | |
3377 * <p> | |
3378 * If <i>T.m</i> does not exist, or if <i>F</i> is not a function type, the st
atic type of | |
3379 * <i>i</i> is dynamic. Otherwise the static type of <i>i</i> is the declared
return type of | |
3380 * <i>F</i>.</blockquote> | |
3381 * <p> | |
3382 * The Dart Language Specification, 11.15.3: <blockquote>A static method invoc
ation <i>i</i> has | |
3383 * the form <i>C.m(a<sub>1</sub>, …, a<sub>n</sub>, x<sub>n+1</sub>: a<
sub>n+1</sub>, | |
3384 * …, x<sub>n+k</sub>: a<sub>n+k</sub>)</i>. | |
3385 * <p> | |
3386 * It is a static type warning if the type <i>F</i> of <i>C.m</i> may not be a
ssigned to a | |
3387 * function type. | |
3388 * <p> | |
3389 * If <i>F</i> is not a function type, or if <i>C.m</i> does not exist, the st
atic type of i is | |
3390 * dynamic. Otherwise the static type of <i>i</i> is the declared return type
of | |
3391 * <i>F</i>.</blockquote> | |
3392 * <p> | |
3393 * The Dart Language Specification, 11.15.4: <blockquote>A super method invoca
tion <i>i</i> has | |
3394 * the form <i>super.m(a<sub>1</sub>, …, a<sub>n</sub>, x<sub>n+1</sub>
: a<sub>n+1</sub>, | |
3395 * …, x<sub>n+k</sub>: a<sub>n+k</sub>)</i>. | |
3396 * <p> | |
3397 * It is a static type warning if <i>S</i> does not have an accessible instanc
e member named m. If | |
3398 * <i>S.m</i> exists, it is a static warning if the type <i>F</i> of <i>S.m</i
> may not be | |
3399 * assigned to a function type. | |
3400 * <p> | |
3401 * If <i>S.m</i> does not exist, or if <i>F</i> is not a function type, the st
atic type of | |
3402 * <i>i</i> is dynamic. Otherwise the static type of <i>i</i> is the declared
return type of | |
3403 * <i>F</i>.</blockquote> | |
3404 */ | |
3405 Object visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) => recordReturnType(node,
node.methodName.element); | |
3406 Object visitNamedExpression(NamedExpression node) => recordType(node, getType(
node.expression)); | |
3407 /** | |
3408 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.2: <blockquote>The static type of {@cod
e null} is bottom. | |
3409 * </blockquote> | |
3410 */ | |
3411 Object visitNullLiteral(NullLiteral node) => recordType(node, _typeProvider.bo
ttomType); | |
3412 Object visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression node) => recordTyp
e(node, getType(node.expression)); | |
3413 /** | |
3414 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.28: <blockquote>A postfix expression of
the form | |
3415 * <i>v++</i>, where <i>v</i> is an identifier, is equivalent to <i>(){var r =
v; v = r + 1; | |
3416 * return r}()</i>. | |
3417 * <p> | |
3418 * A postfix expression of the form <i>C.v++</i> is equivalent to <i>(){var r
= C.v; C.v = r + 1; | |
3419 * return r}()</i>. | |
3420 * <p> | |
3421 * A postfix expression of the form <i>e1.v++</i> is equivalent to <i>(x){var
r = x.v; x.v = r + | |
3422 * 1; return r}(e1)</i>. | |
3423 * <p> | |
3424 * A postfix expression of the form <i>e1[e2]++</i> is equivalent to <i>(a, i)
{var r = a[i]; a[i] | |
3425 * = r + 1; return r}(e1, e2)</i> | |
3426 * <p> | |
3427 * A postfix expression of the form <i>v--</i>, where <i>v</i> is an identifie
r, is equivalent to | |
3428 * <i>(){var r = v; v = r - 1; return r}()</i>. | |
3429 * <p> | |
3430 * A postfix expression of the form <i>C.v--</i> is equivalent to <i>(){var r
= C.v; C.v = r - 1; | |
3431 * return r}()</i>. | |
3432 * <p> | |
3433 * A postfix expression of the form <i>e1.v--</i> is equivalent to <i>(x){var
r = x.v; x.v = r - | |
3434 * 1; return r}(e1)</i>. | |
3435 * <p> | |
3436 * A postfix expression of the form <i>e1[e2]--</i> is equivalent to <i>(a, i)
{var r = a[i]; a[i] | |
3437 * = r - 1; return r}(e1, e2)</i></blockquote> | |
3438 */ | |
3439 Object visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpression node) => recordType(node, getT
ype(node.operand)); | |
3440 /** | |
3441 * See {@link #visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier)}. | |
3442 */ | |
3443 Object visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) { | |
3444 SimpleIdentifier prefixedIdentifier = node.identifier; | |
3445 Element element24 = prefixedIdentifier.element; | |
3446 if (element24 is VariableElement) { | |
3447 Type2 variableType = ((element24 as VariableElement)).type; | |
3448 recordType(prefixedIdentifier, variableType); | |
3449 return recordType(node, variableType); | |
3450 } else if (element24 is PropertyAccessorElement) { | |
3451 Type2 propertyType = getType2((element24 as PropertyAccessorElement)); | |
3452 recordType(prefixedIdentifier, propertyType); | |
3453 return recordType(node, propertyType); | |
3454 } else if (element24 is MethodElement) { | |
3455 Type2 returnType = ((element24 as MethodElement)).type; | |
3456 recordType(prefixedIdentifier, returnType); | |
3457 return recordType(node, returnType); | |
3458 } else { | |
3459 } | |
3460 recordType(prefixedIdentifier, _dynamicType); | |
3461 return recordType(node, _dynamicType); | |
3462 } | |
3463 /** | |
3464 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.27: <blockquote>A unary expression <i>u
</i> of the form | |
3465 * <i>op e</i> is equivalent to a method invocation <i>expression e.op()</i>.
An expression of the | |
3466 * form <i>op super</i> is equivalent to the method invocation <i>super.op()<i
>.</blockquote> | |
3467 */ | |
3468 Object visitPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression node) { | |
3469 sc.TokenType operator13 = node.operator.type; | |
3470 if (identical(operator13, sc.TokenType.BANG)) { | |
3471 return recordType(node, _typeProvider.boolType); | |
3472 } | |
3473 return recordReturnType(node, node.element); | |
3474 } | |
3475 /** | |
3476 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.13: <blockquote> Property extraction al
lows for a member of | |
3477 * an object to be concisely extracted from the object. If <i>o</i> is an obje
ct, and if <i>m</i> | |
3478 * is the name of a method member of <i>o</i>, then | |
3479 * <ul> | |
3480 * <li><i>o.m</i> is defined to be equivalent to: <i>(r<sub>1</sub>, …,
r<sub>n</sub>, | |
3481 * {p<sub>1</sub> : d<sub>1</sub>, …, p<sub>k</sub> : d<sub>k</sub>}){r
eturn | |
3482 * o.m(r<sub>1</sub>, …, r<sub>n</sub>, p<sub>1</sub>: p<sub>1</sub>, &
hellip;, | |
3483 * p<sub>k</sub>: p<sub>k</sub>);}</i> if <i>m</i> has required parameters <i>
r<sub>1</sub>, | |
3484 * …, r<sub>n</sub></i>, and named parameters <i>p<sub>1</sub> …
p<sub>k</sub></i> | |
3485 * with defaults <i>d<sub>1</sub>, …, d<sub>k</sub></i>.</li> | |
3486 * <li><i>(r<sub>1</sub>, …, r<sub>n</sub>, [p<sub>1</sub> = d<sub>1</s
ub>, …, | |
3487 * p<sub>k</sub> = d<sub>k</sub>]){return o.m(r<sub>1</sub>, …, r<sub>n
</sub>, | |
3488 * p<sub>1</sub>, …, p<sub>k</sub>);}</i> if <i>m</i> has required para
meters | |
3489 * <i>r<sub>1</sub>, …, r<sub>n</sub></i>, and optional positional para
meters | |
3490 * <i>p<sub>1</sub> … p<sub>k</sub></i> with defaults <i>d<sub>1</sub>,
…, | |
3491 * d<sub>k</sub></i>.</li> | |
3492 * </ul> | |
3493 * Otherwise, if <i>m</i> is the name of a getter member of <i>o</i> (declared
implicitly or | |
3494 * explicitly) then <i>o.m</i> evaluates to the result of invoking the getter.
</blockquote> | |
3495 * <p> | |
3496 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.17: <blockquote> ... a getter invocatio
n <i>i</i> of the | |
3497 * form <i>e.m</i> ... | |
3498 * <p> | |
3499 * Let <i>T</i> be the static type of <i>e</i>. It is a static type warning if
<i>T</i> does not | |
3500 * have a getter named <i>m</i>. | |
3501 * <p> | |
3502 * The static type of <i>i</i> is the declared return type of <i>T.m</i>, if <
i>T.m</i> exists; | |
3503 * otherwise the static type of <i>i</i> is dynamic. | |
3504 * <p> | |
3505 * ... a getter invocation <i>i</i> of the form <i>C.m</i> ... | |
3506 * <p> | |
3507 * It is a static warning if there is no class <i>C</i> in the enclosing lexic
al scope of | |
3508 * <i>i</i>, or if <i>C</i> does not declare, implicitly or explicitly, a gett
er named <i>m</i>. | |
3509 * <p> | |
3510 * The static type of <i>i</i> is the declared return type of <i>C.m</i> if it
exists or dynamic | |
3511 * otherwise. | |
3512 * <p> | |
3513 * ... a top-level getter invocation <i>i</i> of the form <i>m</i>, where <i>m
</i> is an | |
3514 * identifier ... | |
3515 * <p> | |
3516 * The static type of <i>i</i> is the declared return type of <i>m</i>.</block
quote> | |
3517 */ | |
3518 Object visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) { | |
3519 SimpleIdentifier propertyName2 = node.propertyName; | |
3520 Element element25 = propertyName2.element; | |
3521 if (element25 is MethodElement) { | |
3522 FunctionType type15 = ((element25 as MethodElement)).type; | |
3523 recordType(propertyName2, type15); | |
3524 return recordType(node, type15); | |
3525 } else if (element25 is PropertyAccessorElement) { | |
3526 Type2 propertyType = getType2((element25 as PropertyAccessorElement)); | |
3527 recordType(propertyName2, propertyType); | |
3528 return recordType(node, propertyType); | |
3529 } else { | |
3530 } | |
3531 recordType(propertyName2, _dynamicType); | |
3532 return recordType(node, _dynamicType); | |
3533 } | |
3534 /** | |
3535 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.30: <blockquote>Evaluation of an identi
fier expression | |
3536 * <i>e</i> of the form <i>id</i> proceeds as follows: | |
3537 * <p> | |
3538 * Let <i>d</i> be the innermost declaration in the enclosing lexical scope wh
ose name is | |
3539 * <i>id</i>. If no such declaration exists in the lexical scope, let <i>d</i>
be the declaration | |
3540 * of the inherited member named <i>id</i> if it exists. | |
3541 * <ul> | |
3542 * <li>If <i>d</i> is a class or type alias <i>T</i>, the value of <i>e</i> is
the unique instance | |
3543 * of class {@code Type} reifying <i>T</i>. | |
3544 * <li>If <i>d</i> is a type parameter <i>T</i>, then the value of <i>e</i> is
the value of the | |
3545 * actual type argument corresponding to <i>T</i> that was passed to the gener
ative constructor | |
3546 * that created the current binding of this. We are assured that this is well
defined, because if | |
3547 * we were in a static member the reference to <i>T</i> would be a compile-tim
e error. | |
3548 * <li>If <i>d</i> is a library variable then: | |
3549 * <ul> | |
3550 * <li>If <i>d</i> is of one of the forms <i>var v = e<sub>i</sub>;</i>, <i>T
v = | |
3551 * e<sub>i</sub>;</i>, <i>final v = e<sub>i</sub>;</i>, <i>final T v = e<sub>i
</sub>;</i>, and no | |
3552 * value has yet been stored into <i>v</i> then the initializer expression <i>
e<sub>i</sub></i> is | |
3553 * evaluated. If, during the evaluation of <i>e<sub>i</sub></i>, the getter fo
r <i>v</i> is | |
3554 * referenced, a CyclicInitializationError is thrown. If the evaluation succee
ded yielding an | |
3555 * object <i>o</i>, let <i>r = o</i>, otherwise let <i>r = null</i>. In any ca
se, <i>r</i> is | |
3556 * stored into <i>v</i>. The value of <i>e</i> is <i>r</i>. | |
3557 * <li>If <i>d</i> is of one of the forms <i>const v = e;</i> or <i>const T v
= e;</i> the result | |
3558 * of the getter is the value of the compile time constant <i>e</i>. Otherwise | |
3559 * <li><i>e</i> evaluates to the current binding of <i>id</i>. | |
3560 * </ul> | |
3561 * <li>If <i>d</i> is a local variable or formal parameter then <i>e</i> evalu
ates to the current | |
3562 * binding of <i>id</i>. | |
3563 * <li>If <i>d</i> is a static method, top level function or local function th
en <i>e</i> | |
3564 * evaluates to the function defined by <i>d</i>. | |
3565 * <li>If <i>d</i> is the declaration of a static variable or static getter de
clared in class | |
3566 * <i>C</i>, then <i>e</i> is equivalent to the getter invocation <i>C.id</i>. | |
3567 * <li>If <i>d</i> is the declaration of a top level getter, then <i>e</i> is
equivalent to the | |
3568 * getter invocation <i>id</i>. | |
3569 * <li>Otherwise, if <i>e</i> occurs inside a top level or static function (be
it function, | |
3570 * method, getter, or setter) or variable initializer, evaluation of e causes
a NoSuchMethodError | |
3571 * to be thrown. | |
3572 * <li>Otherwise <i>e</i> is equivalent to the property extraction <i>this.id<
/i>. | |
3573 * </ul> | |
3574 * </blockquote> | |
3575 */ | |
3576 Object visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) { | |
3577 Element element26 = node.element; | |
3578 if (element26 == null) { | |
3579 return recordType(node, _dynamicType); | |
3580 } else if (element26 is ClassElement) { | |
3581 if (isTypeName(node)) { | |
3582 return recordType(node, ((element26 as ClassElement)).type); | |
3583 } | |
3584 return recordType(node, _typeProvider.typeType); | |
3585 } else if (element26 is TypeVariableElement) { | |
3586 return recordType(node, ((element26 as TypeVariableElement)).type); | |
3587 } else if (element26 is TypeAliasElement) { | |
3588 return recordType(node, ((element26 as TypeAliasElement)).type); | |
3589 } else if (element26 is VariableElement) { | |
3590 return recordType(node, ((element26 as VariableElement)).type); | |
3591 } else if (element26 is MethodElement) { | |
3592 return recordType(node, ((element26 as MethodElement)).type); | |
3593 } else if (element26 is PropertyAccessorElement) { | |
3594 return recordType(node, getType2((element26 as PropertyAccessorElement))); | |
3595 } else if (element26 is ExecutableElement) { | |
3596 return recordType(node, ((element26 as ExecutableElement)).type); | |
3597 } else if (element26 is PrefixElement) { | |
3598 return null; | |
3599 } else { | |
3600 return recordType(node, _dynamicType); | |
3601 } | |
3602 } | |
3603 /** | |
3604 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.5: <blockquote>The static type of a str
ing literal is{@code String}.</blockquote> | |
3605 */ | |
3606 Object visitSimpleStringLiteral(SimpleStringLiteral node) => recordType(node,
_typeProvider.stringType); | |
3607 /** | |
3608 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.5: <blockquote>The static type of a str
ing literal is{@code String}.</blockquote> | |
3609 */ | |
3610 Object visitStringInterpolation(StringInterpolation node) => recordType(node,
_typeProvider.stringType); | |
3611 Object visitSuperExpression(SuperExpression node) { | |
3612 if (_thisType == null) { | |
3613 return recordType(node, _dynamicType); | |
3614 } else { | |
3615 return recordType(node, _thisType.superclass); | |
3616 } | |
3617 } | |
3618 /** | |
3619 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.10: <blockquote>The static type of {@co
de this} is the | |
3620 * interface of the immediately enclosing class.</blockquote> | |
3621 */ | |
3622 Object visitThisExpression(ThisExpression node) { | |
3623 if (_thisType == null) { | |
3624 return recordType(node, _dynamicType); | |
3625 } else { | |
3626 return recordType(node, _thisType); | |
3627 } | |
3628 } | |
3629 /** | |
3630 * The Dart Language Specification, 12.8: <blockquote>The static type of a thr
ow expression is | |
3631 * bottom.</blockquote> | |
3632 */ | |
3633 Object visitThrowExpression(ThrowExpression node) => recordType(node, _typePro
vider.bottomType); | |
3634 /** | |
3635 * Given a function declaration, compute the return type of the function. The
return type of | |
3636 * functions with a block body is {@code dynamicType}, with an expression body
it is the type of | |
3637 * the expression. | |
3638 * @param node the function expression whose return type is to be computed | |
3639 * @return the return type that was computed | |
3640 */ | |
3641 Type2 computeReturnType(FunctionDeclaration node) { | |
3642 TypeName returnType7 = node.returnType; | |
3643 if (returnType7 == null) { | |
3644 return computeReturnType2(node.functionExpression); | |
3645 } | |
3646 return returnType7.type; | |
3647 } | |
3648 /** | |
3649 * Given a function expression, compute the return type of the function. The r
eturn type of | |
3650 * functions with a block body is {@code dynamicType}, with an expression body
it is the type of | |
3651 * the expression. | |
3652 * @param node the function expression whose return type is to be computed | |
3653 * @return the return type that was computed | |
3654 */ | |
3655 Type2 computeReturnType2(FunctionExpression node) { | |
3656 FunctionBody body4 = node.body; | |
3657 if (body4 is ExpressionFunctionBody) { | |
3658 return getType(((body4 as ExpressionFunctionBody)).expression); | |
3659 } | |
3660 return _dynamicType; | |
3661 } | |
3662 /** | |
3663 * Return the type of the given expression that is to be used for type analysi
s. | |
3664 * @param expression the expression whose type is to be returned | |
3665 * @return the type of the given expression | |
3666 */ | |
3667 Type2 getType(Expression expression) { | |
3668 Type2 type = expression.staticType; | |
3669 if (type == null) { | |
3670 return _dynamicType; | |
3671 } | |
3672 return type; | |
3673 } | |
3674 /** | |
3675 * Return the type that should be recorded for a node that resolved to the giv
en accessor. | |
3676 * @param accessor the accessor that the node resolved to | |
3677 * @return the type that should be recorded for a node that resolved to the gi
ven accessor | |
3678 */ | |
3679 Type2 getType2(PropertyAccessorElement accessor) { | |
3680 FunctionType functionType = accessor.type; | |
3681 if (functionType == null) { | |
3682 return _dynamicType; | |
3683 } | |
3684 if (accessor.isSetter()) { | |
3685 List<Type2> parameterTypes = functionType.normalParameterTypes; | |
3686 if (parameterTypes != null && parameterTypes.length > 0) { | |
3687 return parameterTypes[0]; | |
3688 } | |
3689 PropertyAccessorElement getter4 = accessor.variable.getter; | |
3690 if (getter4 != null) { | |
3691 functionType = getter4.type; | |
3692 if (functionType != null) { | |
3693 return functionType.returnType; | |
3694 } | |
3695 } | |
3696 return _dynamicType; | |
3697 } | |
3698 return functionType.returnType; | |
3699 } | |
3700 /** | |
3701 * Return the type represented by the given type name. | |
3702 * @param typeName the type name representing the type to be returned | |
3703 * @return the type represented by the type name | |
3704 */ | |
3705 Type2 getType3(TypeName typeName) { | |
3706 Type2 type16 = typeName.type; | |
3707 if (type16 == null) { | |
3708 return _dynamicType; | |
3709 } | |
3710 return type16; | |
3711 } | |
3712 /** | |
3713 * Return {@code true} if the given node is being used as the name of a type. | |
3714 * @param node the node being tested | |
3715 * @return {@code true} if the given node is being used as the name of a type | |
3716 */ | |
3717 bool isTypeName(SimpleIdentifier node) { | |
3718 ASTNode parent15 = node.parent; | |
3719 return parent15 is TypeName || (parent15 is PrefixedIdentifier && parent15.p
arent is TypeName) || (parent15 is MethodInvocation && identical(node, ((parent1
5 as MethodInvocation)).target)); | |
3720 } | |
3721 /** | |
3722 * Record that the static type of the given node is the type of the second arg
ument to the method | |
3723 * represented by the given element. | |
3724 * @param expression the node whose type is to be recorded | |
3725 * @param element the element representing the method invoked by the given nod
e | |
3726 */ | |
3727 Object recordArgumentType(IndexExpression expression, MethodElement element) { | |
3728 if (element != null) { | |
3729 List<ParameterElement> parameters12 = element.parameters; | |
3730 if (parameters12 != null && parameters12.length == 2) { | |
3731 return recordType(expression, parameters12[1].type); | |
3732 } | |
3733 } | |
3734 return recordType(expression, _dynamicType); | |
3735 } | |
3736 /** | |
3737 * Record that the static type of the given node is the return type of the met
hod or function | |
3738 * represented by the given element. | |
3739 * @param expression the node whose type is to be recorded | |
3740 * @param element the element representing the method or function invoked by t
he given node | |
3741 */ | |
3742 Object recordReturnType(Expression expression, Element element) { | |
3743 if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) { | |
3744 FunctionType propertyType = ((element as PropertyAccessorElement)).type; | |
3745 if (propertyType != null) { | |
3746 Type2 returnType8 = propertyType.returnType; | |
3747 if (returnType8 is FunctionType) { | |
3748 Type2 innerReturnType = ((returnType8 as FunctionType)).returnType; | |
3749 if (innerReturnType != null) { | |
3750 return recordType(expression, innerReturnType); | |
3751 } | |
3752 } | |
3753 if (returnType8 != null) { | |
3754 return recordType(expression, returnType8); | |
3755 } | |
3756 } | |
3757 } else if (element is ExecutableElement) { | |
3758 FunctionType type17 = ((element as ExecutableElement)).type; | |
3759 if (type17 != null) { | |
3760 return recordType(expression, type17.returnType); | |
3761 } | |
3762 } else if (element is VariableElement) { | |
3763 Type2 variableType = ((element as VariableElement)).type; | |
3764 if (variableType is FunctionType) { | |
3765 return recordType(expression, ((variableType as FunctionType)).returnTyp
e); | |
3766 } | |
3767 } | |
3768 return recordType(expression, _dynamicType); | |
3769 } | |
3770 /** | |
3771 * Record that the static type of the given node is the given type. | |
3772 * @param expression the node whose type is to be recorded | |
3773 * @param type the static type of the node | |
3774 */ | |
3775 Object recordType(Expression expression, Type2 type) { | |
3776 if (type == null) { | |
3777 expression.staticType = _dynamicType; | |
3778 } else { | |
3779 expression.staticType = type; | |
3780 } | |
3781 return null; | |
3782 } | |
3783 /** | |
3784 * Set the return type and parameter type information for the given function t
ype based on the | |
3785 * given return type and parameter elements. | |
3786 * @param functionType the function type to be filled in | |
3787 * @param returnType the return type of the function, or {@code null} if no ty
pe was declared | |
3788 * @param parameters the elements representing the parameters to the function | |
3789 */ | |
3790 void setTypeInformation(FunctionTypeImpl functionType, Type2 returnType11, For
malParameterList parameterList) { | |
3791 List<Type2> normalParameterTypes = new List<Type2>(); | |
3792 List<Type2> optionalParameterTypes = new List<Type2>(); | |
3793 LinkedHashMap<String, Type2> namedParameterTypes = new LinkedHashMap<String,
Type2>(); | |
3794 if (parameterList != null) { | |
3795 for (ParameterElement parameter in parameterList.elements) { | |
3796 while (true) { | |
3797 if (parameter.parameterKind == ParameterKind.REQUIRED) { | |
3798 normalParameterTypes.add(parameter.type); | |
3799 } else if (parameter.parameterKind == ParameterKind.POSITIONAL) { | |
3800 optionalParameterTypes.add(parameter.type); | |
3801 } else if (parameter.parameterKind == ParameterKind.NAMED) { | |
3802 namedParameterTypes[parameter.name] = parameter.type; | |
3803 } | |
3804 break; | |
3805 } | |
3806 } | |
3807 } | |
3808 functionType.normalParameterTypes = new List.from(normalParameterTypes); | |
3809 functionType.optionalParameterTypes = new List.from(optionalParameterTypes); | |
3810 functionType.namedParameterTypes = namedParameterTypes; | |
3811 functionType.returnType = returnType11; | |
3812 } | |
3813 get thisType_J2DAccessor => _thisType; | |
3814 set thisType_J2DAccessor(__v) => _thisType = __v; | |
3815 } | |
3816 /** | |
3817 * The interface {@code TypeProvider} defines the behavior of objects that provi
de access to types | |
3818 * defined by the language. | |
3819 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
3820 */ | |
3821 abstract class TypeProvider { | |
3822 /** | |
3823 * Return the type representing the built-in type 'bool'. | |
3824 * @return the type representing the built-in type 'bool' | |
3825 */ | |
3826 InterfaceType get boolType; | |
3827 /** | |
3828 * Return the type representing the type 'bottom'. | |
3829 * @return the type representing the type 'bottom' | |
3830 */ | |
3831 Type2 get bottomType; | |
3832 /** | |
3833 * Return the type representing the built-in type 'double'. | |
3834 * @return the type representing the built-in type 'double' | |
3835 */ | |
3836 InterfaceType get doubleType; | |
3837 /** | |
3838 * Return the type representing the built-in type 'dynamic'. | |
3839 * @return the type representing the built-in type 'dynamic' | |
3840 */ | |
3841 Type2 get dynamicType; | |
3842 /** | |
3843 * Return the type representing the built-in type 'Function'. | |
3844 * @return the type representing the built-in type 'Function' | |
3845 */ | |
3846 InterfaceType get functionType; | |
3847 /** | |
3848 * Return the type representing the built-in type 'int'. | |
3849 * @return the type representing the built-in type 'int' | |
3850 */ | |
3851 InterfaceType get intType; | |
3852 /** | |
3853 * Return the type representing the built-in type 'List'. | |
3854 * @return the type representing the built-in type 'List' | |
3855 */ | |
3856 InterfaceType get listType; | |
3857 /** | |
3858 * Return the type representing the built-in type 'Map'. | |
3859 * @return the type representing the built-in type 'Map' | |
3860 */ | |
3861 InterfaceType get mapType; | |
3862 /** | |
3863 * Return the type representing the built-in type 'Object'. | |
3864 * @return the type representing the built-in type 'Object' | |
3865 */ | |
3866 InterfaceType get objectType; | |
3867 /** | |
3868 * Return the type representing the built-in type 'StackTrace'. | |
3869 * @return the type representing the built-in type 'StackTrace' | |
3870 */ | |
3871 InterfaceType get stackTraceType; | |
3872 /** | |
3873 * Return the type representing the built-in type 'String'. | |
3874 * @return the type representing the built-in type 'String' | |
3875 */ | |
3876 InterfaceType get stringType; | |
3877 /** | |
3878 * Return the type representing the built-in type 'Type'. | |
3879 * @return the type representing the built-in type 'Type' | |
3880 */ | |
3881 InterfaceType get typeType; | |
3882 } | |
3883 /** | |
3884 * Instances of the class {@code TypeProviderImpl} provide access to types defin
ed by the language | |
3885 * by looking for those types in the element model for the core library. | |
3886 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
3887 */ | |
3888 class TypeProviderImpl implements TypeProvider { | |
3889 /** | |
3890 * The type representing the built-in type 'bool'. | |
3891 */ | |
3892 InterfaceType _boolType; | |
3893 /** | |
3894 * The type representing the type 'bottom'. | |
3895 */ | |
3896 Type2 _bottomType; | |
3897 /** | |
3898 * The type representing the built-in type 'double'. | |
3899 */ | |
3900 InterfaceType _doubleType; | |
3901 /** | |
3902 * The type representing the built-in type 'dynamic'. | |
3903 */ | |
3904 Type2 _dynamicType; | |
3905 /** | |
3906 * The type representing the built-in type 'Function'. | |
3907 */ | |
3908 InterfaceType _functionType; | |
3909 /** | |
3910 * The type representing the built-in type 'int'. | |
3911 */ | |
3912 InterfaceType _intType; | |
3913 /** | |
3914 * The type representing the built-in type 'List'. | |
3915 */ | |
3916 InterfaceType _listType; | |
3917 /** | |
3918 * The type representing the built-in type 'Map'. | |
3919 */ | |
3920 InterfaceType _mapType; | |
3921 /** | |
3922 * The type representing the built-in type 'Object'. | |
3923 */ | |
3924 InterfaceType _objectType; | |
3925 /** | |
3926 * The type representing the built-in type 'StackTrace'. | |
3927 */ | |
3928 InterfaceType _stackTraceType; | |
3929 /** | |
3930 * The type representing the built-in type 'String'. | |
3931 */ | |
3932 InterfaceType _stringType; | |
3933 /** | |
3934 * The type representing the built-in type 'Type'. | |
3935 */ | |
3936 InterfaceType _typeType; | |
3937 /** | |
3938 * Initialize a newly created type provider to provide the types defined in th
e given library. | |
3939 * @param coreLibrary the element representing the core library (dart:core). | |
3940 */ | |
3941 TypeProviderImpl(LibraryElement coreLibrary) { | |
3942 initializeFrom(coreLibrary); | |
3943 } | |
3944 InterfaceType get boolType => _boolType; | |
3945 Type2 get bottomType => _bottomType; | |
3946 InterfaceType get doubleType => _doubleType; | |
3947 Type2 get dynamicType => _dynamicType; | |
3948 InterfaceType get functionType => _functionType; | |
3949 InterfaceType get intType => _intType; | |
3950 InterfaceType get listType => _listType; | |
3951 InterfaceType get mapType => _mapType; | |
3952 InterfaceType get objectType => _objectType; | |
3953 InterfaceType get stackTraceType => _stackTraceType; | |
3954 InterfaceType get stringType => _stringType; | |
3955 InterfaceType get typeType => _typeType; | |
3956 /** | |
3957 * Return the type with the given name from the given namespace, or {@code nul
l} if there is no | |
3958 * class with the given name. | |
3959 * @param namespace the namespace in which to search for the given name | |
3960 * @param typeName the name of the type being searched for | |
3961 * @return the type that was found | |
3962 */ | |
3963 InterfaceType getType(Namespace namespace, String typeName) { | |
3964 Element element = namespace.get(typeName); | |
3965 if (element == null) { | |
3966 AnalysisEngine.instance.logger.logInformation("No definition of type ${typ
eName}"); | |
3967 return null; | |
3968 } | |
3969 return ((element as ClassElement)).type; | |
3970 } | |
3971 /** | |
3972 * Initialize the types provided by this type provider from the given library. | |
3973 * @param library the library containing the definitions of the core types | |
3974 */ | |
3975 void initializeFrom(LibraryElement library) { | |
3976 Namespace namespace = new NamespaceBuilder().createPublicNamespace(library); | |
3977 _boolType = getType(namespace, "bool"); | |
3978 _bottomType = BottomTypeImpl.instance; | |
3979 _doubleType = getType(namespace, "double"); | |
3980 _dynamicType = DynamicTypeImpl.instance; | |
3981 _functionType = getType(namespace, "Function"); | |
3982 _intType = getType(namespace, "int"); | |
3983 _listType = getType(namespace, "List"); | |
3984 _mapType = getType(namespace, "Map"); | |
3985 _objectType = getType(namespace, "Object"); | |
3986 _stackTraceType = getType(namespace, "StackTrace"); | |
3987 _stringType = getType(namespace, "String"); | |
3988 _typeType = getType(namespace, "Type"); | |
3989 } | |
3990 } | |
3991 /** | |
3992 * Instances of the class {@code TypeResolverVisitor} are used to resolve the ty
pes associated with | |
3993 * the elements in the element model. This includes the types of superclasses, m
ixins, interfaces, | |
3994 * fields, methods, parameters, and local variables. As a side-effect, this also
finishes building | |
3995 * the type hierarchy. | |
3996 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
3997 */ | |
3998 class TypeResolverVisitor extends ScopedVisitor { | |
3999 /** | |
4000 * The type representing the type 'dynamic'. | |
4001 */ | |
4002 Type2 _dynamicType; | |
4003 /** | |
4004 * Initialize a newly created visitor to resolve the nodes in a compilation un
it. | |
4005 * @param library the library containing the compilation unit being resolved | |
4006 * @param source the source representing the compilation unit being visited | |
4007 * @param typeProvider the object used to access the types from the core libra
ry | |
4008 */ | |
4009 TypeResolverVisitor(Library library, Source source, TypeProvider typeProvider)
: super(library, source, typeProvider) { | |
4010 _dynamicType = typeProvider.dynamicType; | |
4011 } | |
4012 Object visitCatchClause(CatchClause node) { | |
4013 super.visitCatchClause(node); | |
4014 SimpleIdentifier exception = node.exceptionParameter; | |
4015 if (exception != null) { | |
4016 TypeName exceptionTypeName = node.exceptionType; | |
4017 Type2 exceptionType; | |
4018 if (exceptionTypeName == null) { | |
4019 exceptionType = typeProvider.objectType; | |
4020 } else { | |
4021 exceptionType = getType4(exceptionTypeName); | |
4022 } | |
4023 recordType(exception, exceptionType); | |
4024 Element element27 = exception.element; | |
4025 if (element27 is VariableElementImpl) { | |
4026 ((element27 as VariableElementImpl)).type = exceptionType; | |
4027 } else { | |
4028 } | |
4029 } | |
4030 SimpleIdentifier stackTrace = node.stackTraceParameter; | |
4031 if (stackTrace != null) { | |
4032 recordType(stackTrace, typeProvider.stackTraceType); | |
4033 } | |
4034 return null; | |
4035 } | |
4036 Object visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) { | |
4037 super.visitClassDeclaration(node); | |
4038 ClassElementImpl classElement = getClassElement(node.name); | |
4039 InterfaceType superclassType = null; | |
4040 ExtendsClause extendsClause4 = node.extendsClause; | |
4041 if (extendsClause4 != null) { | |
4042 superclassType = resolveType(extendsClause4.superclass, CompileTimeErrorCo
de.EXTENDS_NON_CLASS, CompileTimeErrorCode.EXTENDS_NON_CLASS, null); | |
4043 if (superclassType != typeProvider.objectType) { | |
4044 classElement.validMixin = false; | |
4045 } | |
4046 } | |
4047 if (classElement != null) { | |
4048 if (superclassType == null) { | |
4049 InterfaceType objectType2 = typeProvider.objectType; | |
4050 if (classElement.type != objectType2) { | |
4051 superclassType = objectType2; | |
4052 } | |
4053 } | |
4054 classElement.supertype = superclassType; | |
4055 } | |
4056 resolve(classElement, node.withClause, node.implementsClause); | |
4057 return null; | |
4058 } | |
4059 Object visitClassTypeAlias(ClassTypeAlias node) { | |
4060 super.visitClassTypeAlias(node); | |
4061 ClassElementImpl classElement = getClassElement(node.name); | |
4062 InterfaceType superclassType = resolveType(node.superclass, CompileTimeError
Code.EXTENDS_NON_CLASS, CompileTimeErrorCode.EXTENDS_NON_CLASS, null); | |
4063 if (superclassType == null) { | |
4064 superclassType = typeProvider.objectType; | |
4065 } | |
4066 if (classElement != null && superclassType != null) { | |
4067 classElement.supertype = superclassType; | |
4068 } | |
4069 resolve(classElement, node.withClause, node.implementsClause); | |
4070 return null; | |
4071 } | |
4072 Object visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) { | |
4073 super.visitConstructorDeclaration(node); | |
4074 ExecutableElementImpl element28 = node.element as ExecutableElementImpl; | |
4075 FunctionTypeImpl type = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(element28); | |
4076 setTypeInformation(type, null, element28.parameters); | |
4077 type.returnType = ((element28.enclosingElement as ClassElement)).type; | |
4078 element28.type = type; | |
4079 return null; | |
4080 } | |
4081 Object visitDeclaredIdentifier(DeclaredIdentifier node) { | |
4082 super.visitDeclaredIdentifier(node); | |
4083 Type2 declaredType; | |
4084 TypeName typeName = node.type; | |
4085 if (typeName == null) { | |
4086 declaredType = _dynamicType; | |
4087 } else { | |
4088 declaredType = getType4(typeName); | |
4089 } | |
4090 LocalVariableElementImpl element29 = node.element as LocalVariableElementImp
l; | |
4091 element29.type = declaredType; | |
4092 return null; | |
4093 } | |
4094 Object visitDefaultFormalParameter(DefaultFormalParameter node) { | |
4095 super.visitDefaultFormalParameter(node); | |
4096 return null; | |
4097 } | |
4098 Object visitFieldFormalParameter(FieldFormalParameter node) { | |
4099 super.visitFieldFormalParameter(node); | |
4100 Element element30 = node.identifier.element; | |
4101 if (element30 is ParameterElementImpl) { | |
4102 ParameterElementImpl parameter = element30 as ParameterElementImpl; | |
4103 Type2 type; | |
4104 TypeName typeName = node.type; | |
4105 if (typeName == null) { | |
4106 type = _dynamicType; | |
4107 } else { | |
4108 type = getType4(typeName); | |
4109 } | |
4110 parameter.type = type; | |
4111 } else { | |
4112 } | |
4113 return null; | |
4114 } | |
4115 Object visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) { | |
4116 super.visitFunctionDeclaration(node); | |
4117 ExecutableElementImpl element31 = node.element as ExecutableElementImpl; | |
4118 FunctionTypeImpl type = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(element31); | |
4119 setTypeInformation(type, node.returnType, element31.parameters); | |
4120 element31.type = type; | |
4121 return null; | |
4122 } | |
4123 Object visitFunctionTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAlias node) { | |
4124 super.visitFunctionTypeAlias(node); | |
4125 TypeAliasElementImpl element32 = node.element as TypeAliasElementImpl; | |
4126 FunctionTypeImpl type18 = element32.type as FunctionTypeImpl; | |
4127 setTypeInformation(type18, node.returnType, element32.parameters); | |
4128 return null; | |
4129 } | |
4130 Object visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter(FunctionTypedFormalParameter node) { | |
4131 super.visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter(node); | |
4132 ParameterElementImpl element33 = node.identifier.element as ParameterElement
Impl; | |
4133 FunctionTypeImpl type = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1((null as ExecutableElement
)); | |
4134 setTypeInformation(type, node.returnType, getElements(node.parameters)); | |
4135 element33.type = type; | |
4136 return null; | |
4137 } | |
4138 Object visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) { | |
4139 super.visitMethodDeclaration(node); | |
4140 ExecutableElementImpl element34 = node.element as ExecutableElementImpl; | |
4141 FunctionTypeImpl type = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(element34); | |
4142 setTypeInformation(type, node.returnType, element34.parameters); | |
4143 element34.type = type; | |
4144 if (element34 is PropertyAccessorElementImpl) { | |
4145 PropertyAccessorElementImpl accessor = element34 as PropertyAccessorElemen
tImpl; | |
4146 PropertyInducingElementImpl variable5 = accessor.variable as PropertyInduc
ingElementImpl; | |
4147 if (accessor.isGetter()) { | |
4148 variable5.type = type.returnType; | |
4149 } else if (variable5.type == null) { | |
4150 List<Type2> parameterTypes = type.normalParameterTypes; | |
4151 if (parameterTypes != null && parameterTypes.length > 0) { | |
4152 variable5.type = parameterTypes[0]; | |
4153 } | |
4154 } | |
4155 } | |
4156 return null; | |
4157 } | |
4158 Object visitSimpleFormalParameter(SimpleFormalParameter node) { | |
4159 super.visitSimpleFormalParameter(node); | |
4160 Type2 declaredType; | |
4161 TypeName typeName = node.type; | |
4162 if (typeName == null) { | |
4163 declaredType = _dynamicType; | |
4164 } else { | |
4165 declaredType = getType4(typeName); | |
4166 } | |
4167 Element element35 = node.identifier.element; | |
4168 if (element35 is ParameterElement) { | |
4169 ((element35 as ParameterElementImpl)).type = declaredType; | |
4170 } else { | |
4171 } | |
4172 return null; | |
4173 } | |
4174 Object visitTypeName(TypeName node) { | |
4175 super.visitTypeName(node); | |
4176 Identifier typeName = node.name; | |
4177 TypeArgumentList argumentList = node.typeArguments; | |
4178 Element element = nameScope.lookup(typeName, definingLibrary); | |
4179 if (element == null) { | |
4180 if (typeName.name == _dynamicType.name) { | |
4181 setElement(typeName, _dynamicType.element); | |
4182 if (argumentList != null) { | |
4183 } | |
4184 typeName.staticType = _dynamicType; | |
4185 node.type = _dynamicType; | |
4186 return null; | |
4187 } | |
4188 VoidTypeImpl voidType = VoidTypeImpl.instance; | |
4189 if (typeName.name == voidType.name) { | |
4190 if (argumentList != null) { | |
4191 } | |
4192 typeName.staticType = voidType; | |
4193 node.type = voidType; | |
4194 return null; | |
4195 } | |
4196 ASTNode parent16 = node.parent; | |
4197 if (typeName is PrefixedIdentifier && parent16 is ConstructorName && argum
entList == null) { | |
4198 ConstructorName name = parent16 as ConstructorName; | |
4199 if (name.name == null) { | |
4200 SimpleIdentifier prefix8 = ((typeName as PrefixedIdentifier)).prefix; | |
4201 element = nameScope.lookup(prefix8, definingLibrary); | |
4202 if (element is PrefixElement) { | |
4203 return null; | |
4204 } else if (element != null) { | |
4205 name.name = ((typeName as PrefixedIdentifier)).identifier; | |
4206 name.period = ((typeName as PrefixedIdentifier)).period; | |
4207 node.name = prefix8; | |
4208 typeName = prefix8; | |
4209 } | |
4210 } | |
4211 } | |
4212 } | |
4213 if (element == null) { | |
4214 setElement(typeName, _dynamicType.element); | |
4215 typeName.staticType = _dynamicType; | |
4216 node.type = _dynamicType; | |
4217 return null; | |
4218 } | |
4219 Type2 type = null; | |
4220 if (element is ClassElement) { | |
4221 setElement(typeName, element); | |
4222 type = ((element as ClassElement)).type; | |
4223 } else if (element is TypeAliasElement) { | |
4224 setElement(typeName, element); | |
4225 type = ((element as TypeAliasElement)).type; | |
4226 } else if (element is TypeVariableElement) { | |
4227 setElement(typeName, element); | |
4228 type = ((element as TypeVariableElement)).type; | |
4229 if (argumentList != null) { | |
4230 } | |
4231 } else { | |
4232 setElement(typeName, _dynamicType.element); | |
4233 typeName.staticType = _dynamicType; | |
4234 node.type = _dynamicType; | |
4235 return null; | |
4236 } | |
4237 if (argumentList != null) { | |
4238 NodeList<TypeName> arguments5 = argumentList.arguments; | |
4239 int argumentCount = arguments5.length; | |
4240 List<Type2> parameters = getTypeArguments(type); | |
4241 int parameterCount = parameters.length; | |
4242 int count = Math.min(argumentCount, parameterCount); | |
4243 List<Type2> typeArguments = new List<Type2>(); | |
4244 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { | |
4245 Type2 argumentType = getType4(arguments5[i]); | |
4246 if (argumentType != null) { | |
4247 typeArguments.add(argumentType); | |
4248 } | |
4249 } | |
4250 if (argumentCount != parameterCount) { | |
4251 reportError(getInvalidTypeParametersErrorCode(node), node, [typeName.nam
e, argumentCount, parameterCount]); | |
4252 } | |
4253 argumentCount = typeArguments.length; | |
4254 if (argumentCount < parameterCount) { | |
4255 for (int i = argumentCount; i < parameterCount; i++) { | |
4256 typeArguments.add(_dynamicType); | |
4257 } | |
4258 } | |
4259 if (type is InterfaceTypeImpl) { | |
4260 InterfaceTypeImpl interfaceType = type as InterfaceTypeImpl; | |
4261 type = interfaceType.substitute5(new List.from(typeArguments)); | |
4262 } else if (type is FunctionTypeImpl) { | |
4263 FunctionTypeImpl functionType = type as FunctionTypeImpl; | |
4264 type = functionType.substitute4(new List.from(typeArguments)); | |
4265 } else { | |
4266 } | |
4267 } else { | |
4268 List<Type2> parameters = getTypeArguments(type); | |
4269 int parameterCount = parameters.length; | |
4270 if (parameterCount > 0) { | |
4271 DynamicTypeImpl dynamicType = DynamicTypeImpl.instance; | |
4272 List<Type2> arguments = new List<Type2>(parameterCount); | |
4273 for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) { | |
4274 arguments[i] = dynamicType; | |
4275 } | |
4276 type = type.substitute2(arguments, parameters); | |
4277 } | |
4278 } | |
4279 typeName.staticType = type; | |
4280 node.type = type; | |
4281 return null; | |
4282 } | |
4283 Object visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) { | |
4284 super.visitVariableDeclaration(node); | |
4285 Type2 declaredType; | |
4286 TypeName typeName = ((node.parent as VariableDeclarationList)).type; | |
4287 if (typeName == null) { | |
4288 declaredType = _dynamicType; | |
4289 } else { | |
4290 declaredType = getType4(typeName); | |
4291 } | |
4292 Element element36 = node.name.element; | |
4293 if (element36 is VariableElement) { | |
4294 ((element36 as VariableElementImpl)).type = declaredType; | |
4295 if (element36 is FieldElement) { | |
4296 FieldElement field = element36 as FieldElement; | |
4297 PropertyAccessorElementImpl getter5 = field.getter as PropertyAccessorEl
ementImpl; | |
4298 FunctionTypeImpl getterType = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(getter5); | |
4299 getterType.returnType = declaredType; | |
4300 getter5.type = getterType; | |
4301 PropertyAccessorElementImpl setter4 = field.setter as PropertyAccessorEl
ementImpl; | |
4302 if (setter4 != null) { | |
4303 FunctionTypeImpl setterType = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(setter4); | |
4304 setterType.returnType = VoidTypeImpl.instance; | |
4305 setterType.normalParameterTypes = <Type2> [declaredType]; | |
4306 setter4.type = setterType; | |
4307 } | |
4308 } | |
4309 } else { | |
4310 } | |
4311 return null; | |
4312 } | |
4313 /** | |
4314 * Return the class element that represents the class whose name was provided. | |
4315 * @param identifier the name from the declaration of a class | |
4316 * @return the class element that represents the class | |
4317 */ | |
4318 ClassElementImpl getClassElement(SimpleIdentifier identifier) { | |
4319 if (identifier == null) { | |
4320 return null; | |
4321 } | |
4322 Element element37 = identifier.element; | |
4323 if (element37 is! ClassElementImpl) { | |
4324 return null; | |
4325 } | |
4326 return element37 as ClassElementImpl; | |
4327 } | |
4328 /** | |
4329 * Return an array containing all of the elements associated with the paramete
rs in the given | |
4330 * list. | |
4331 * @param parameterList the list of parameters whose elements are to be return
ed | |
4332 * @return the elements associated with the parameters | |
4333 */ | |
4334 List<ParameterElement> getElements(FormalParameterList parameterList) { | |
4335 List<ParameterElement> elements = new List<ParameterElement>(); | |
4336 for (FormalParameter parameter in parameterList.parameters) { | |
4337 ParameterElement element38 = parameter.identifier.element as ParameterElem
ent; | |
4338 if (element38 != null) { | |
4339 elements.add(element38); | |
4340 } | |
4341 } | |
4342 return new List.from(elements); | |
4343 } | |
4344 /** | |
4345 * The number of type arguments in the given type name does not match the numb
er of parameters in | |
4346 * the corresponding class element. Return the error code that should be used
to report this | |
4347 * error. | |
4348 * @param node the type name with the wrong number of type arguments | |
4349 * @return the error code that should be used to report that the wrong number
of type arguments | |
4350 * were provided | |
4351 */ | |
4352 ErrorCode getInvalidTypeParametersErrorCode(TypeName node) { | |
4353 ASTNode parent17 = node.parent; | |
4354 if (parent17 is ConstructorName) { | |
4355 parent17 = parent17.parent; | |
4356 if (parent17 is InstanceCreationExpression) { | |
4357 if (((parent17 as InstanceCreationExpression)).isConst()) { | |
4358 return CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_WITH_INVALID_TYPE_PARAMETERS; | |
4359 } else { | |
4360 return CompileTimeErrorCode.NEW_WITH_INVALID_TYPE_PARAMETERS; | |
4361 } | |
4362 } | |
4363 } | |
4364 return StaticTypeWarningCode.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS; | |
4365 } | |
4366 /** | |
4367 * Given the multiple elements to which a single name could potentially be res
olved, return the | |
4368 * single interface type that should be used, or {@code null} if there is no c
lear choice. | |
4369 * @param elements the elements to which a single name could potentially be re
solved | |
4370 * @return the single interface type that should be used for the type name | |
4371 */ | |
4372 InterfaceType getType(List<Element> elements) { | |
4373 InterfaceType type = null; | |
4374 for (Element element in elements) { | |
4375 if (element is ClassElement) { | |
4376 if (type != null) { | |
4377 return null; | |
4378 } | |
4379 type = ((element as ClassElement)).type; | |
4380 } | |
4381 } | |
4382 return type; | |
4383 } | |
4384 /** | |
4385 * Return the type represented by the given type name. | |
4386 * @param typeName the type name representing the type to be returned | |
4387 * @return the type represented by the type name | |
4388 */ | |
4389 Type2 getType4(TypeName typeName) { | |
4390 Type2 type19 = typeName.type; | |
4391 if (type19 == null) { | |
4392 return _dynamicType; | |
4393 } | |
4394 return type19; | |
4395 } | |
4396 /** | |
4397 * Return the type arguments associated with the given type. | |
4398 * @param type the type whole type arguments are to be returned | |
4399 * @return the type arguments associated with the given type | |
4400 */ | |
4401 List<Type2> getTypeArguments(Type2 type) { | |
4402 if (type is InterfaceType) { | |
4403 return ((type as InterfaceType)).typeArguments; | |
4404 } else if (type is FunctionType) { | |
4405 return ((type as FunctionType)).typeArguments; | |
4406 } | |
4407 return TypeImpl.EMPTY_ARRAY; | |
4408 } | |
4409 /** | |
4410 * Record that the static type of the given node is the given type. | |
4411 * @param expression the node whose type is to be recorded | |
4412 * @param type the static type of the node | |
4413 */ | |
4414 Object recordType(Expression expression, Type2 type) { | |
4415 if (type == null) { | |
4416 expression.staticType = _dynamicType; | |
4417 } else { | |
4418 expression.staticType = type; | |
4419 } | |
4420 return null; | |
4421 } | |
4422 /** | |
4423 * Resolve the types in the given with and implements clauses and associate th
ose types with the | |
4424 * given class element. | |
4425 * @param classElement the class element with which the mixin and interface ty
pes are to be | |
4426 * associated | |
4427 * @param withClause the with clause to be resolved | |
4428 * @param implementsClause the implements clause to be resolved | |
4429 */ | |
4430 void resolve(ClassElementImpl classElement, WithClause withClause, ImplementsC
lause implementsClause) { | |
4431 if (withClause != null) { | |
4432 List<InterfaceType> mixinTypes2 = resolveTypes(withClause.mixinTypes, Comp
ileTimeErrorCode.MIXIN_OF_NON_CLASS, CompileTimeErrorCode.MIXIN_OF_NON_CLASS, nu
ll); | |
4433 if (classElement != null) { | |
4434 classElement.mixins = mixinTypes2; | |
4435 } | |
4436 } | |
4437 if (implementsClause != null) { | |
4438 List<InterfaceType> interfaceTypes = resolveTypes(implementsClause.interfa
ces, CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPLEMENTS_NON_CLASS, CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPLEMENTS_
NON_CLASS, null); | |
4439 if (classElement != null) { | |
4440 classElement.interfaces = interfaceTypes; | |
4441 } | |
4442 } | |
4443 } | |
4444 /** | |
4445 * Return the type specified by the given name. | |
4446 * @param typeName the type name specifying the type to be returned | |
4447 * @param undefinedError the error to produce if the type name is not defined | |
4448 * @param nonTypeError the error to produce if the type name is defined to be
something other than | |
4449 * a type | |
4450 * @param nonInterfaceType the error to produce if the type is not an interfac
e type | |
4451 * @return the type specified by the type name | |
4452 */ | |
4453 InterfaceType resolveType(TypeName typeName, ErrorCode undefinedError, ErrorCo
de nonTypeError, ErrorCode nonInterfaceType) { | |
4454 Identifier name16 = typeName.name; | |
4455 Element element = nameScope.lookup(name16, definingLibrary); | |
4456 if (element == null) { | |
4457 reportError(undefinedError, name16, []); | |
4458 } else if (element is ClassElement) { | |
4459 Type2 classType = ((element as ClassElement)).type; | |
4460 typeName.type = classType; | |
4461 if (classType is InterfaceType) { | |
4462 return classType as InterfaceType; | |
4463 } | |
4464 reportError(nonInterfaceType, name16, []); | |
4465 } else if (element is MultiplyDefinedElement) { | |
4466 List<Element> elements = ((element as MultiplyDefinedElement)).conflicting
Elements; | |
4467 InterfaceType type = getType(elements); | |
4468 if (type != null) { | |
4469 typeName.type = type; | |
4470 } | |
4471 } else { | |
4472 reportError(nonTypeError, name16, []); | |
4473 } | |
4474 return null; | |
4475 } | |
4476 /** | |
4477 * Resolve the types in the given list of type names. | |
4478 * @param typeNames the type names to be resolved | |
4479 * @param undefinedError the error to produce if the type name is not defined | |
4480 * @param nonTypeError the error to produce if the type name is defined to be
something other than | |
4481 * a type | |
4482 * @param nonInterfaceType the error to produce if the type is not an interfac
e type | |
4483 * @return an array containing all of the types that were resolved. | |
4484 */ | |
4485 List<InterfaceType> resolveTypes(NodeList<TypeName> typeNames, ErrorCode undef
inedError, ErrorCode nonTypeError, ErrorCode nonInterfaceType) { | |
4486 List<InterfaceType> types = new List<InterfaceType>(); | |
4487 for (TypeName typeName in typeNames) { | |
4488 InterfaceType type = resolveType(typeName, undefinedError, nonTypeError, n
onInterfaceType); | |
4489 if (type != null) { | |
4490 types.add(type); | |
4491 } | |
4492 } | |
4493 return new List.from(types); | |
4494 } | |
4495 void setElement(Identifier typeName, Element element51) { | |
4496 if (element51 != null) { | |
4497 if (typeName is SimpleIdentifier) { | |
4498 ((typeName as SimpleIdentifier)).element = element51; | |
4499 } else if (typeName is PrefixedIdentifier) { | |
4500 PrefixedIdentifier identifier = typeName as PrefixedIdentifier; | |
4501 identifier.identifier.element = element51; | |
4502 SimpleIdentifier prefix9 = identifier.prefix; | |
4503 Element prefixElement = nameScope.lookup(prefix9, definingLibrary); | |
4504 if (prefixElement != null) { | |
4505 prefix9.element = prefixElement; | |
4506 } | |
4507 } | |
4508 } | |
4509 } | |
4510 /** | |
4511 * Set the return type and parameter type information for the given function t
ype based on the | |
4512 * given return type and parameter elements. | |
4513 * @param functionType the function type to be filled in | |
4514 * @param returnType the return type of the function, or {@code null} if no ty
pe was declared | |
4515 * @param parameters the elements representing the parameters to the function | |
4516 */ | |
4517 void setTypeInformation(FunctionTypeImpl functionType, TypeName returnType12,
List<ParameterElement> parameters) { | |
4518 List<Type2> normalParameterTypes = new List<Type2>(); | |
4519 List<Type2> optionalParameterTypes = new List<Type2>(); | |
4520 LinkedHashMap<String, Type2> namedParameterTypes = new LinkedHashMap<String,
Type2>(); | |
4521 for (ParameterElement parameter in parameters) { | |
4522 while (true) { | |
4523 if (parameter.parameterKind == ParameterKind.REQUIRED) { | |
4524 normalParameterTypes.add(parameter.type); | |
4525 } else if (parameter.parameterKind == ParameterKind.POSITIONAL) { | |
4526 optionalParameterTypes.add(parameter.type); | |
4527 } else if (parameter.parameterKind == ParameterKind.NAMED) { | |
4528 namedParameterTypes[parameter.name] = parameter.type; | |
4529 } | |
4530 break; | |
4531 } | |
4532 } | |
4533 if (!normalParameterTypes.isEmpty) { | |
4534 functionType.normalParameterTypes = new List.from(normalParameterTypes); | |
4535 } | |
4536 if (!optionalParameterTypes.isEmpty) { | |
4537 functionType.optionalParameterTypes = new List.from(optionalParameterTypes
); | |
4538 } | |
4539 if (!namedParameterTypes.isEmpty) { | |
4540 functionType.namedParameterTypes = namedParameterTypes; | |
4541 } | |
4542 if (returnType12 == null) { | |
4543 functionType.returnType = _dynamicType; | |
4544 } else { | |
4545 functionType.returnType = returnType12.type; | |
4546 } | |
4547 } | |
4548 } | |
4549 /** | |
4550 * Instances of the class {@code ClassScope} implement the scope defined by a cl
ass. | |
4551 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
4552 */ | |
4553 class ClassScope extends EnclosedScope { | |
4554 /** | |
4555 * Initialize a newly created scope enclosed within another scope. | |
4556 * @param enclosingScope the scope in which this scope is lexically enclosed | |
4557 * @param typeElement the element representing the type represented by this sc
ope | |
4558 */ | |
4559 ClassScope(Scope enclosingScope, ClassElement typeElement) : super(new Enclose
dScope(enclosingScope)) { | |
4560 defineTypeParameters(typeElement); | |
4561 defineMembers(typeElement); | |
4562 } | |
4563 /** | |
4564 * Define the instance members defined by the class. | |
4565 * @param typeElement the element representing the type represented by this sc
ope | |
4566 */ | |
4567 void defineMembers(ClassElement typeElement) { | |
4568 for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in typeElement.accessors) { | |
4569 define(accessor); | |
4570 } | |
4571 for (MethodElement method in typeElement.methods) { | |
4572 define(method); | |
4573 } | |
4574 } | |
4575 /** | |
4576 * Define the type parameters for the class. | |
4577 * @param typeElement the element representing the type represented by this sc
ope | |
4578 */ | |
4579 void defineTypeParameters(ClassElement typeElement) { | |
4580 Scope parameterScope = enclosingScope; | |
4581 for (TypeVariableElement parameter in typeElement.typeVariables) { | |
4582 parameterScope.define(parameter); | |
4583 } | |
4584 } | |
4585 } | |
4586 /** | |
4587 * Instances of the class {@code EnclosedScope} implement a scope that is lexica
lly enclosed in | |
4588 * another scope. | |
4589 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
4590 */ | |
4591 class EnclosedScope extends Scope { | |
4592 /** | |
4593 * The scope in which this scope is lexically enclosed. | |
4594 */ | |
4595 Scope _enclosingScope; | |
4596 /** | |
4597 * Initialize a newly created scope enclosed within another scope. | |
4598 * @param enclosingScope the scope in which this scope is lexically enclosed | |
4599 */ | |
4600 EnclosedScope(Scope enclosingScope) { | |
4601 this._enclosingScope = enclosingScope; | |
4602 } | |
4603 LibraryElement get definingLibrary => _enclosingScope.definingLibrary; | |
4604 AnalysisErrorListener get errorListener => _enclosingScope.errorListener; | |
4605 /** | |
4606 * Return the scope in which this scope is lexically enclosed. | |
4607 * @return the scope in which this scope is lexically enclosed | |
4608 */ | |
4609 Scope get enclosingScope => _enclosingScope; | |
4610 Element lookup3(String name, LibraryElement referencingLibrary) { | |
4611 Element element = localLookup(name, referencingLibrary); | |
4612 if (element != null) { | |
4613 return element; | |
4614 } | |
4615 return _enclosingScope.lookup3(name, referencingLibrary); | |
4616 } | |
4617 } | |
4618 /** | |
4619 * Instances of the class {@code FunctionScope} implement the scope defined by a
function. | |
4620 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
4621 */ | |
4622 class FunctionScope extends EnclosedScope { | |
4623 /** | |
4624 * Initialize a newly created scope enclosed within another scope. | |
4625 * @param enclosingScope the scope in which this scope is lexically enclosed | |
4626 * @param functionElement the element representing the type represented by thi
s scope | |
4627 */ | |
4628 FunctionScope(Scope enclosingScope, ExecutableElement functionElement) : super
(new EnclosedScope(enclosingScope)) { | |
4629 defineParameters(functionElement); | |
4630 } | |
4631 /** | |
4632 * Define the parameters for the given function in the scope that encloses thi
s function. | |
4633 * @param functionElement the element representing the function represented by
this scope | |
4634 */ | |
4635 void defineParameters(ExecutableElement functionElement) { | |
4636 Scope parameterScope = enclosingScope; | |
4637 if (functionElement.enclosingElement is ExecutableElement) { | |
4638 String name17 = functionElement.name; | |
4639 if (name17 != null && !name17.isEmpty) { | |
4640 parameterScope.define(functionElement); | |
4641 } | |
4642 } | |
4643 for (ParameterElement parameter in functionElement.parameters) { | |
4644 if (!parameter.isInitializingFormal()) { | |
4645 parameterScope.define(parameter); | |
4646 } | |
4647 } | |
4648 } | |
4649 } | |
4650 /** | |
4651 * Instances of the class {@code FunctionTypeScope} implement the scope defined
by a function type | |
4652 * alias. | |
4653 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
4654 */ | |
4655 class FunctionTypeScope extends EnclosedScope { | |
4656 /** | |
4657 * Initialize a newly created scope enclosed within another scope. | |
4658 * @param enclosingScope the scope in which this scope is lexically enclosed | |
4659 * @param typeElement the element representing the type alias represented by t
his scope | |
4660 */ | |
4661 FunctionTypeScope(Scope enclosingScope, TypeAliasElement typeElement) : super(
new EnclosedScope(enclosingScope)) { | |
4662 defineTypeParameters(typeElement); | |
4663 } | |
4664 /** | |
4665 * Define the type parameters for the function type alias. | |
4666 * @param typeElement the element representing the type represented by this sc
ope | |
4667 */ | |
4668 void defineTypeParameters(TypeAliasElement typeElement) { | |
4669 Scope parameterScope = enclosingScope; | |
4670 for (TypeVariableElement parameter in typeElement.typeVariables) { | |
4671 parameterScope.define(parameter); | |
4672 } | |
4673 } | |
4674 } | |
4675 /** | |
4676 * Instances of the class {@code LabelScope} represent a scope in which a single
label is defined. | |
4677 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
4678 */ | |
4679 class LabelScope { | |
4680 /** | |
4681 * The label scope enclosing this label scope. | |
4682 */ | |
4683 LabelScope _outerScope; | |
4684 /** | |
4685 * The label defined in this scope. | |
4686 */ | |
4687 String _label; | |
4688 /** | |
4689 * The element to which the label resolves. | |
4690 */ | |
4691 LabelElement _element; | |
4692 /** | |
4693 * The marker used to look up a label element for an unlabeled {@code break} o
r {@code continue}. | |
4694 */ | |
4695 static String EMPTY_LABEL = ""; | |
4696 /** | |
4697 * The label element returned for scopes that can be the target of an unlabele
d {@code break} or{@code continue}. | |
4698 */ | |
4699 static SimpleIdentifier _EMPTY_LABEL_IDENTIFIER = new SimpleIdentifier.full(ne
w sc.StringToken(sc.TokenType.IDENTIFIER, "", 0)); | |
4700 /** | |
4701 * Initialize a newly created scope to represent the potential target of an un
labeled{@code break} or {@code continue}. | |
4702 * @param outerScope the label scope enclosing the new label scope | |
4703 * @param onSwitchStatement {@code true} if this label is associated with a {@
code switch}statement | |
4704 * @param onSwitchMember {@code true} if this label is associated with a {@cod
e switch} member | |
4705 */ | |
4706 LabelScope.con1(LabelScope outerScope, bool onSwitchStatement, bool onSwitchMe
mber) { | |
4707 _jtd_constructor_237_impl(outerScope, onSwitchStatement, onSwitchMember); | |
4708 } | |
4709 _jtd_constructor_237_impl(LabelScope outerScope, bool onSwitchStatement, bool
onSwitchMember) { | |
4710 _jtd_constructor_238_impl(outerScope, EMPTY_LABEL, new LabelElementImpl(_EMP
TY_LABEL_IDENTIFIER, onSwitchStatement, onSwitchMember)); | |
4711 } | |
4712 /** | |
4713 * Initialize a newly created scope to represent the given label. | |
4714 * @param outerScope the label scope enclosing the new label scope | |
4715 * @param label the label defined in this scope | |
4716 * @param element the element to which the label resolves | |
4717 */ | |
4718 LabelScope.con2(LabelScope outerScope2, String label4, LabelElement element19)
{ | |
4719 _jtd_constructor_238_impl(outerScope2, label4, element19); | |
4720 } | |
4721 _jtd_constructor_238_impl(LabelScope outerScope2, String label4, LabelElement
element19) { | |
4722 this._outerScope = outerScope2; | |
4723 this._label = label4; | |
4724 this._element = element19; | |
4725 } | |
4726 /** | |
4727 * Return the label element corresponding to the given label, or {@code null}
if the given label | |
4728 * is not defined in this scope. | |
4729 * @param targetLabel the label being looked up | |
4730 * @return the label element corresponding to the given label | |
4731 */ | |
4732 LabelElement lookup(SimpleIdentifier targetLabel) => lookup2(targetLabel.name)
; | |
4733 /** | |
4734 * Return the label element corresponding to the given label, or {@code null}
if the given label | |
4735 * is not defined in this scope. | |
4736 * @param targetLabel the label being looked up | |
4737 * @return the label element corresponding to the given label | |
4738 */ | |
4739 LabelElement lookup2(String targetLabel) { | |
4740 if (_label == targetLabel) { | |
4741 return _element; | |
4742 } else if (_outerScope != null) { | |
4743 return _outerScope.lookup2(targetLabel); | |
4744 } else { | |
4745 return null; | |
4746 } | |
4747 } | |
4748 } | |
4749 /** | |
4750 * Instances of the class {@code LibraryImportScope} represent the scope contain
ing all of the names | |
4751 * available from imported libraries. | |
4752 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
4753 */ | |
4754 class LibraryImportScope extends Scope { | |
4755 /** | |
4756 * The element representing the library in which this scope is enclosed. | |
4757 */ | |
4758 LibraryElement _definingLibrary; | |
4759 /** | |
4760 * The listener that is to be informed when an error is encountered. | |
4761 */ | |
4762 AnalysisErrorListener _errorListener; | |
4763 /** | |
4764 * A list of the namespaces representing the names that are available in this
scope from imported | |
4765 * libraries. | |
4766 */ | |
4767 List<Namespace> _importedNamespaces = new List<Namespace>(); | |
4768 /** | |
4769 * Initialize a newly created scope representing the names imported into the g
iven library. | |
4770 * @param definingLibrary the element representing the library that imports th
e names defined in | |
4771 * this scope | |
4772 * @param errorListener the listener that is to be informed when an error is e
ncountered | |
4773 */ | |
4774 LibraryImportScope(LibraryElement definingLibrary, AnalysisErrorListener error
Listener) { | |
4775 this._definingLibrary = definingLibrary; | |
4776 this._errorListener = errorListener; | |
4777 createImportedNamespaces(definingLibrary); | |
4778 } | |
4779 void define(Element element) { | |
4780 if (!Scope.isPrivateName(element.name)) { | |
4781 super.define(element); | |
4782 } | |
4783 } | |
4784 LibraryElement get definingLibrary => _definingLibrary; | |
4785 AnalysisErrorListener get errorListener => _errorListener; | |
4786 Element lookup3(String name, LibraryElement referencingLibrary) { | |
4787 if (Scope.isPrivateName(name)) { | |
4788 return null; | |
4789 } | |
4790 Element foundElement = localLookup(name, referencingLibrary); | |
4791 if (foundElement != null) { | |
4792 return foundElement; | |
4793 } | |
4794 for (Namespace nameSpace in _importedNamespaces) { | |
4795 Element element = nameSpace.get(name); | |
4796 if (element != null) { | |
4797 if (foundElement == null) { | |
4798 foundElement = element; | |
4799 } else { | |
4800 foundElement = new MultiplyDefinedElementImpl(_definingLibrary.context
, foundElement, element); | |
4801 } | |
4802 } | |
4803 } | |
4804 if (foundElement is MultiplyDefinedElementImpl) { | |
4805 } | |
4806 if (foundElement != null) { | |
4807 defineWithoutChecking(foundElement); | |
4808 } | |
4809 return foundElement; | |
4810 } | |
4811 /** | |
4812 * Create all of the namespaces associated with the libraries imported into th
is library. The | |
4813 * names are not added to this scope, but are stored for later reference. | |
4814 * @param definingLibrary the element representing the library that imports th
e libraries for | |
4815 * which namespaces will be created | |
4816 */ | |
4817 void createImportedNamespaces(LibraryElement definingLibrary) { | |
4818 NamespaceBuilder builder = new NamespaceBuilder(); | |
4819 for (ImportElement element in definingLibrary.imports) { | |
4820 _importedNamespaces.add(builder.createImportNamespace(element)); | |
4821 } | |
4822 } | |
4823 } | |
4824 /** | |
4825 * Instances of the class {@code LibraryScope} implement a scope containing all
of the names defined | |
4826 * in a given library. | |
4827 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
4828 */ | |
4829 class LibraryScope extends EnclosedScope { | |
4830 /** | |
4831 * Initialize a newly created scope representing the names defined in the give
n library. | |
4832 * @param definingLibrary the element representing the library represented by
this scope | |
4833 * @param errorListener the listener that is to be informed when an error is e
ncountered | |
4834 */ | |
4835 LibraryScope(LibraryElement definingLibrary, AnalysisErrorListener errorListen
er) : super(new LibraryImportScope(definingLibrary, errorListener)) { | |
4836 defineTopLevelNames(definingLibrary); | |
4837 } | |
4838 /** | |
4839 * Add to this scope all of the public top-level names that are defined in the
given compilation | |
4840 * unit. | |
4841 * @param compilationUnit the compilation unit defining the top-level names to
be added to this | |
4842 * scope | |
4843 */ | |
4844 void defineLocalNames(CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit) { | |
4845 for (PropertyAccessorElement element in compilationUnit.accessors) { | |
4846 define(element); | |
4847 } | |
4848 for (FunctionElement element in compilationUnit.functions) { | |
4849 define(element); | |
4850 } | |
4851 for (TypeAliasElement element in compilationUnit.typeAliases) { | |
4852 define(element); | |
4853 } | |
4854 for (ClassElement element in compilationUnit.types) { | |
4855 define(element); | |
4856 } | |
4857 } | |
4858 /** | |
4859 * Add to this scope all of the names that are explicitly defined in the given
library. | |
4860 * @param definingLibrary the element representing the library that defines th
e names in this | |
4861 * scope | |
4862 */ | |
4863 void defineTopLevelNames(LibraryElement definingLibrary) { | |
4864 for (PrefixElement prefix in definingLibrary.prefixes) { | |
4865 define(prefix); | |
4866 } | |
4867 defineLocalNames(definingLibrary.definingCompilationUnit); | |
4868 for (CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit in definingLibrary.parts) { | |
4869 defineLocalNames(compilationUnit); | |
4870 } | |
4871 } | |
4872 } | |
4873 /** | |
4874 * Instances of the class {@code Namespace} implement a mapping of identifiers t
o the elements | |
4875 * represented by those identifiers. Namespaces are the building blocks for scop
es. | |
4876 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
4877 */ | |
4878 class Namespace { | |
4879 /** | |
4880 * A table mapping names that are defined in this namespace to the element rep
resenting the thing | |
4881 * declared with that name. | |
4882 */ | |
4883 Map<String, Element> _definedNames; | |
4884 /** | |
4885 * An empty namespace. | |
4886 */ | |
4887 static Namespace EMPTY = new Namespace(new Map<String, Element>()); | |
4888 /** | |
4889 * Initialize a newly created namespace to have the given defined names. | |
4890 * @param definedNames the mapping from names that are defined in this namespa
ce to the | |
4891 * corresponding elements | |
4892 */ | |
4893 Namespace(Map<String, Element> definedNames) { | |
4894 this._definedNames = definedNames; | |
4895 } | |
4896 /** | |
4897 * Return the element in this namespace that is available to the containing sc
ope using the given | |
4898 * name. | |
4899 * @param name the name used to reference the | |
4900 * @return the element represented by the given identifier | |
4901 */ | |
4902 Element get(String name) => _definedNames[name]; | |
4903 /** | |
4904 * Return a table containing the same mappings as those defined by this namesp
ace. | |
4905 * @return a table containing the same mappings as those defined by this names
pace | |
4906 */ | |
4907 Map<String, Element> get definedNames => new Map<String, Element>.from(_define
dNames); | |
4908 } | |
4909 /** | |
4910 * Instances of the class {@code NamespaceBuilder} are used to build a {@code Na
mespace}. Namespace | |
4911 * builders are thread-safe and re-usable. | |
4912 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
4913 */ | |
4914 class NamespaceBuilder { | |
4915 /** | |
4916 * Initialize a newly created namespace builder. | |
4917 */ | |
4918 NamespaceBuilder() : super() { | |
4919 } | |
4920 /** | |
4921 * Create a namespace representing the export namespace of the given library. | |
4922 * @param library the library whose export namespace is to be created | |
4923 * @return the export namespace that was created | |
4924 */ | |
4925 Namespace createExportNamespace(LibraryElement library) => new Namespace(creat
eExportMapping(library, new Set<LibraryElement>())); | |
4926 /** | |
4927 * Create a namespace representing the import namespace of the given library. | |
4928 * @param library the library whose import namespace is to be created | |
4929 * @return the import namespace that was created | |
4930 */ | |
4931 Namespace createImportNamespace(ImportElement element) { | |
4932 LibraryElement importedLibrary4 = element.importedLibrary; | |
4933 if (importedLibrary4 == null) { | |
4934 return Namespace.EMPTY; | |
4935 } | |
4936 Map<String, Element> definedNames = createExportMapping(importedLibrary4, ne
w Set<LibraryElement>()); | |
4937 definedNames = apply(definedNames, element.combinators); | |
4938 definedNames = apply2(definedNames, element.prefix); | |
4939 return new Namespace(definedNames); | |
4940 } | |
4941 /** | |
4942 * Create a namespace representing the public namespace of the given library. | |
4943 * @param library the library whose public namespace is to be created | |
4944 * @return the public namespace that was created | |
4945 */ | |
4946 Namespace createPublicNamespace(LibraryElement library) { | |
4947 Map<String, Element> definedNames = new Map<String, Element>(); | |
4948 addPublicNames(definedNames, library.definingCompilationUnit); | |
4949 for (CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit in library.parts) { | |
4950 addPublicNames(definedNames, compilationUnit); | |
4951 } | |
4952 return new Namespace(definedNames); | |
4953 } | |
4954 /** | |
4955 * Add all of the names in the given namespace to the given mapping table. | |
4956 * @param definedNames the mapping table to which the names in the given names
pace are to be added | |
4957 * @param namespace the namespace containing the names to be added to this nam
espace | |
4958 */ | |
4959 void addAll(Map<String, Element> definedNames, Map<String, Element> newNames)
{ | |
4960 for (MapEntry<String, Element> entry in getMapEntrySet(newNames)) { | |
4961 definedNames[entry.getKey()] = entry.getValue(); | |
4962 } | |
4963 } | |
4964 /** | |
4965 * Add all of the names in the given namespace to the given mapping table. | |
4966 * @param definedNames the mapping table to which the names in the given names
pace are to be added | |
4967 * @param namespace the namespace containing the names to be added to this nam
espace | |
4968 */ | |
4969 void addAll2(Map<String, Element> definedNames2, Namespace namespace) { | |
4970 addAll(definedNames2, namespace.definedNames); | |
4971 } | |
4972 /** | |
4973 * Add the given element to the given mapping table if it has a publicly visib
le name. | |
4974 * @param definedNames the mapping table to which the public name is to be add
ed | |
4975 * @param element the element to be added | |
4976 */ | |
4977 void addIfPublic(Map<String, Element> definedNames, Element element) { | |
4978 String name18 = element.name; | |
4979 if (name18 != null && !Scope.isPrivateName(name18)) { | |
4980 definedNames[name18] = element; | |
4981 } | |
4982 } | |
4983 /** | |
4984 * Add to the given mapping table all of the public top-level names that are d
efined in the given | |
4985 * compilation unit. | |
4986 * @param definedNames the mapping table to which the public names are to be a
dded | |
4987 * @param compilationUnit the compilation unit defining the top-level names to
be added to this | |
4988 * namespace | |
4989 */ | |
4990 void addPublicNames(Map<String, Element> definedNames, CompilationUnitElement
compilationUnit) { | |
4991 for (PropertyAccessorElement element in compilationUnit.accessors) { | |
4992 addIfPublic(definedNames, element); | |
4993 } | |
4994 for (FunctionElement element in compilationUnit.functions) { | |
4995 addIfPublic(definedNames, element); | |
4996 } | |
4997 for (TypeAliasElement element in compilationUnit.typeAliases) { | |
4998 addIfPublic(definedNames, element); | |
4999 } | |
5000 for (ClassElement element in compilationUnit.types) { | |
5001 addIfPublic(definedNames, element); | |
5002 } | |
5003 for (VariableElement element in compilationUnit.topLevelVariables) { | |
5004 addIfPublic(definedNames, element); | |
5005 } | |
5006 } | |
5007 /** | |
5008 * Apply the given combinators to all of the names in the given mapping table. | |
5009 * @param definedNames the mapping table to which the namespace operations are
to be applied | |
5010 * @param combinators the combinators to be applied | |
5011 */ | |
5012 Map<String, Element> apply(Map<String, Element> definedNames, List<NamespaceCo
mbinator> combinators) { | |
5013 for (NamespaceCombinator combinator in combinators) { | |
5014 if (combinator is __imp_combi.HideCombinator) { | |
5015 hide(definedNames, ((combinator as __imp_combi.HideCombinator)).hiddenNa
mes); | |
5016 } else if (combinator is __imp_combi.ShowCombinator) { | |
5017 definedNames = show(definedNames, ((combinator as __imp_combi.ShowCombin
ator)).shownNames); | |
5018 } else { | |
5019 AnalysisEngine.instance.logger.logError("Unknown type of combinator: ${c
ombinator.runtimeType.toString()}"); | |
5020 } | |
5021 } | |
5022 return definedNames; | |
5023 } | |
5024 /** | |
5025 * Apply the given prefix to all of the names in the table of defined names. | |
5026 * @param definedNames the names that were defined before this operation | |
5027 * @param prefixElement the element defining the prefix to be added to the nam
es | |
5028 */ | |
5029 Map<String, Element> apply2(Map<String, Element> definedNames, PrefixElement p
refixElement) { | |
5030 if (prefixElement != null) { | |
5031 String prefix = prefixElement.name; | |
5032 Map<String, Element> newNames = new Map<String, Element>(); | |
5033 for (MapEntry<String, Element> entry in getMapEntrySet(definedNames)) { | |
5034 newNames["${prefix}.${entry.getKey()}"] = entry.getValue(); | |
5035 } | |
5036 return newNames; | |
5037 } else { | |
5038 return definedNames; | |
5039 } | |
5040 } | |
5041 /** | |
5042 * Create a mapping table representing the export namespace of the given libra
ry. | |
5043 * @param library the library whose public namespace is to be created | |
5044 * @param visitedElements a set of libraries that do not need to be visited wh
en processing the | |
5045 * export directives of the given library because all of the names defined by
them will | |
5046 * be added by another library | |
5047 * @return the mapping table that was created | |
5048 */ | |
5049 Map<String, Element> createExportMapping(LibraryElement library, Set<LibraryEl
ement> visitedElements) { | |
5050 javaSetAdd(visitedElements, library); | |
5051 try { | |
5052 Map<String, Element> definedNames = new Map<String, Element>(); | |
5053 for (ExportElement element in library.exports) { | |
5054 LibraryElement exportedLibrary3 = element.exportedLibrary; | |
5055 if (exportedLibrary3 != null && !visitedElements.contains(exportedLibrar
y3)) { | |
5056 Map<String, Element> exportedNames = createExportMapping(exportedLibra
ry3, visitedElements); | |
5057 exportedNames = apply(exportedNames, element.combinators); | |
5058 addAll(definedNames, exportedNames); | |
5059 } | |
5060 } | |
5061 addAll2(definedNames, ((library.context as AnalysisContextImpl)).getPublic
Namespace(library)); | |
5062 return definedNames; | |
5063 } finally { | |
5064 visitedElements.remove(library); | |
5065 } | |
5066 } | |
5067 /** | |
5068 * Hide all of the given names by removing them from the given collection of d
efined names. | |
5069 * @param definedNames the names that were defined before this operation | |
5070 * @param hiddenNames the names to be hidden | |
5071 */ | |
5072 void hide(Map<String, Element> definedNames, List<String> hiddenNames) { | |
5073 for (String name in hiddenNames) { | |
5074 definedNames.remove(name); | |
5075 } | |
5076 } | |
5077 /** | |
5078 * Show only the given names by removing all other names from the given collec
tion of defined | |
5079 * names. | |
5080 * @param definedNames the names that were defined before this operation | |
5081 * @param shownNames the names to be shown | |
5082 */ | |
5083 Map<String, Element> show(Map<String, Element> definedNames, List<String> show
nNames) { | |
5084 Map<String, Element> newNames = new Map<String, Element>(); | |
5085 for (String name in shownNames) { | |
5086 Element element = definedNames[name]; | |
5087 if (element != null) { | |
5088 newNames[name] = element; | |
5089 } | |
5090 } | |
5091 return newNames; | |
5092 } | |
5093 } | |
5094 /** | |
5095 * The abstract class {@code Scope} defines the behavior common to name scopes u
sed by the resolver | |
5096 * to determine which names are visible at any given point in the code. | |
5097 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
5098 */ | |
5099 abstract class Scope { | |
5100 /** | |
5101 * The prefix used to mark an identifier as being private to its library. | |
5102 */ | |
5103 static String PRIVATE_NAME_PREFIX = "_"; | |
5104 /** | |
5105 * The suffix added to the declared name of a setter when looking up the sette
r. Used to | |
5106 * disambiguate between a getter and a setter that have the same name. | |
5107 */ | |
5108 static String SETTER_SUFFIX = "="; | |
5109 /** | |
5110 * The name used to look up the method used to implement the unary minus opera
tor. Used to | |
5111 * disambiguate between the unary and binary operators. | |
5112 */ | |
5113 static String UNARY_MINUS = "unary-"; | |
5114 /** | |
5115 * Return {@code true} if the given name is a library-private name. | |
5116 * @param name the name being tested | |
5117 * @return {@code true} if the given name is a library-private name | |
5118 */ | |
5119 static bool isPrivateName(String name) => name != null && name.startsWith(PRIV
5120 /** | |
5121 * A table mapping names that are defined in this scope to the element represe
nting the thing | |
5122 * declared with that name. | |
5123 */ | |
5124 Map<String, Element> _definedNames = new Map<String, Element>(); | |
5125 /** | |
5126 * Initialize a newly created scope to be empty. | |
5127 */ | |
5128 Scope() : super() { | |
5129 } | |
5130 /** | |
5131 * Add the given element to this scope. If there is already an element with th
e given name defined | |
5132 * in this scope, then an error will be generated and the original element wil
l continue to be | |
5133 * mapped to the name. If there is an element with the given name in an enclos
ing scope, then a | |
5134 * warning will be generated but the given element will hide the inherited ele
ment. | |
5135 * @param element the element to be added to this scope | |
5136 */ | |
5137 void define(Element element) { | |
5138 String name = getName(element); | |
5139 if (_definedNames.containsKey(name)) { | |
5140 errorListener.onError(getErrorForDuplicate(_definedNames[name], element)); | |
5141 } else { | |
5142 _definedNames[name] = element; | |
5143 } | |
5144 } | |
5145 /** | |
5146 * Return the element with which the given identifier is associated, or {@code
null} if the name | |
5147 * is not defined within this scope. | |
5148 * @param identifier the identifier associated with the element to be returned | |
5149 * @param referencingLibrary the library that contains the reference to the na
me, used to | |
5150 * implement library-level privacy | |
5151 * @return the element with which the given identifier is associated | |
5152 */ | |
5153 Element lookup(Identifier identifier, LibraryElement referencingLibrary) => lo
okup3(identifier.name, referencingLibrary); | |
5154 /** | |
5155 * Add the given element to this scope without checking for duplication or hid
ing. | |
5156 * @param element the element to be added to this scope | |
5157 */ | |
5158 void defineWithoutChecking(Element element) { | |
5159 _definedNames[getName(element)] = element; | |
5160 } | |
5161 /** | |
5162 * Return the element representing the library in which this scope is enclosed
. | |
5163 * @return the element representing the library in which this scope is enclose
d | |
5164 */ | |
5165 LibraryElement get definingLibrary; | |
5166 /** | |
5167 * Return the error code to be used when reporting that a name being defined l
ocally conflicts | |
5168 * with another element of the same name in the local scope. | |
5169 * @param existing the first element to be declared with the conflicting name | |
5170 * @param duplicate another element declared with the conflicting name | |
5171 * @return the error code used to report duplicate names within a scope | |
5172 */ | |
5173 AnalysisError getErrorForDuplicate(Element existing, Element duplicate) => new
AnalysisError.con2(source, duplicate.nameOffset, duplicate.name.length, Compile
TimeErrorCode.DUPLICATE_DEFINITION, [existing.name]); | |
5174 /** | |
5175 * Return the listener that is to be informed when an error is encountered. | |
5176 * @return the listener that is to be informed when an error is encountered | |
5177 */ | |
5178 AnalysisErrorListener get errorListener; | |
5179 /** | |
5180 * Return the source object representing the compilation unit with which error
s related to this | |
5181 * scope should be associated. | |
5182 * @return the source object with which errors should be associated | |
5183 */ | |
5184 Source get source => definingLibrary.definingCompilationUnit.source; | |
5185 /** | |
5186 * Return the element with which the given name is associated, or {@code null}
if the name is not | |
5187 * defined within this scope. This method only returns elements that are direc
tly defined within | |
5188 * this scope, not elements that are defined in an enclosing scope. | |
5189 * @param name the name associated with the element to be returned | |
5190 * @param referencingLibrary the library that contains the reference to the na
me, used to | |
5191 * implement library-level privacy | |
5192 * @return the element with which the given name is associated | |
5193 */ | |
5194 Element localLookup(String name, LibraryElement referencingLibrary) => _define
dNames[name]; | |
5195 /** | |
5196 * Return the element with which the given name is associated, or {@code null}
if the name is not | |
5197 * defined within this scope. | |
5198 * @param name the name associated with the element to be returned | |
5199 * @param referencingLibrary the library that contains the reference to the na
me, used to | |
5200 * implement library-level privacy | |
5201 * @return the element with which the given name is associated | |
5202 */ | |
5203 Element lookup3(String name, LibraryElement referencingLibrary); | |
5204 /** | |
5205 * Return the name that will be used to look up the given element. | |
5206 * @param element the element whose look-up name is to be returned | |
5207 * @return the name that will be used to look up the given element | |
5208 */ | |
5209 String getName(Element element) { | |
5210 if (element is MethodElement) { | |
5211 MethodElement method = element as MethodElement; | |
5212 if (method.name == "-" && method.parameters.length == 0) { | |
5213 return UNARY_MINUS; | |
5214 } | |
5215 } else if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) { | |
5216 PropertyAccessorElement accessor = element as PropertyAccessorElement; | |
5217 if (accessor.isSetter()) { | |
5218 return "${accessor.name}${SETTER_SUFFIX}"; | |
5219 } | |
5220 } | |
5221 return element.name; | |
5222 } | |
5223 } | |
5224 /** | |
5225 * Instances of the class {@code ConstantVerifier} traverse an AST structure loo
king for additional | |
5226 * errors and warnings not covered by the parser and resolver. In particular, it
looks for errors | |
5227 * and warnings related to constant expressions. | |
5228 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
5229 */ | |
5230 class ConstantVerifier extends RecursiveASTVisitor<Object> { | |
5231 /** | |
5232 * The error reporter by which errors will be reported. | |
5233 */ | |
5234 ErrorReporter _errorReporter; | |
5235 /** | |
5236 * The constant evaluator used to evaluate constants. | |
5237 */ | |
5238 ConstantEvaluator _evaluator; | |
5239 /** | |
5240 * Initialize a newly created constant verifier. | |
5241 * @param errorReporter the error reporter by which errors will be reported | |
5242 */ | |
5243 ConstantVerifier(ErrorReporter errorReporter) { | |
5244 this._errorReporter = errorReporter; | |
5245 _evaluator = new ConstantEvaluator(errorReporter); | |
5246 } | |
5247 Object visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) { | |
5248 super.visitFunctionExpression(node); | |
5249 validateDefaultValues(node.parameters); | |
5250 return null; | |
5251 } | |
5252 Object visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) { | |
5253 super.visitListLiteral(node); | |
5254 if (node.modifier != null) { | |
5255 for (Expression element in node.elements) { | |
5256 validate(element, CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_CONSTANT_LIST_ELEMENT); | |
5257 } | |
5258 } | |
5259 return null; | |
5260 } | |
5261 Object visitMapLiteral(MapLiteral node) { | |
5262 super.visitMapLiteral(node); | |
5263 bool isConst = node.modifier != null; | |
5264 Set<String> keys = new Set<String>(); | |
5265 for (MapLiteralEntry entry in node.entries) { | |
5266 StringLiteral key4 = entry.key; | |
5267 Object value = validate(key4, CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_CONSTANT_MAP_KEY); | |
5268 if (value is String) { | |
5269 if (keys.contains(value)) { | |
5270 _errorReporter.reportError(StaticWarningCode.EQUAL_KEYS_IN_MAP, key4,
[]); | |
5271 } else { | |
5272 javaSetAdd(keys, (value as String)); | |
5273 } | |
5274 } else if (value != null) { | |
5275 } | |
5276 if (isConst) { | |
5277 validate(entry.value, CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_CONSTANT_MAP_VALUE); | |
5278 } | |
5279 } | |
5280 return null; | |
5281 } | |
5282 Object visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) { | |
5283 super.visitMethodDeclaration(node); | |
5284 validateDefaultValues(node.parameters); | |
5285 return null; | |
5286 } | |
5287 Object visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) { | |
5288 super.visitSwitchCase(node); | |
5289 validate(node.expression, CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_CONSTANT_CASE_EXPRESSION)
; | |
5290 return null; | |
5291 } | |
5292 Object visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) { | |
5293 super.visitVariableDeclaration(node); | |
5294 Expression initializer4 = node.initializer; | |
5295 if (initializer4 != null && node.isConst()) { | |
5296 validate(initializer4, CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_INITIALIZED_WITH_NON_CON
5297 } | |
5298 return null; | |
5299 } | |
5300 /** | |
5301 * Validate that the given expression is a compile time constant. Return the v
alue of the compile | |
5302 * time constant, or {@code null} if the expression is not a compile time cons
tant. | |
5303 * @param expression the expression to be validated | |
5304 * @param errorCode the error code to be used if the expression is not a compi
le time constant | |
5305 * @return the value of the compile time constant | |
5306 */ | |
5307 Object validate(Expression expression, ErrorCode errorCode) { | |
5308 Object value = expression.accept(_evaluator); | |
5309 if (identical(value, ConstantEvaluator.NOT_A_CONSTANT)) { | |
5310 _errorReporter.reportError(errorCode, expression, []); | |
5311 return null; | |
5312 } | |
5313 if (identical(value, errorCode)) { | |
5314 _errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.COMPILE_TIME_CONSTANT_RAIS
ES_EXCEPTION, expression, []); | |
5315 return null; | |
5316 } | |
5317 if (identical(value, errorCode)) { | |
5318 _errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.RECURSIVE_COMPILE_TIME_CON
STANT, expression, []); | |
5319 return null; | |
5320 } | |
5321 return value; | |
5322 } | |
5323 /** | |
5324 * Validate that the default value associated with each of the parameters in t
he given list is a | |
5325 * compile time constant. | |
5326 * @param parameters the list of parameters to be validated | |
5327 */ | |
5328 void validateDefaultValues(FormalParameterList parameters14) { | |
5329 if (parameters14 == null) { | |
5330 return; | |
5331 } | |
5332 for (FormalParameter parameter in parameters14.parameters) { | |
5333 if (parameter is DefaultFormalParameter) { | |
5334 Expression defaultValue2 = ((parameter as DefaultFormalParameter)).defau
ltValue; | |
5335 if (defaultValue2 != null) { | |
5336 validate(defaultValue2, CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_CONSTANT_DEFAULT_VALU
E); | |
5337 } | |
5338 } | |
5339 } | |
5340 } | |
5341 } | |
5342 /** | |
5343 * Instances of the class {@code ErrorVerifier} traverse an AST structure lookin
g for additional | |
5344 * errors and warnings not covered by the parser and resolver. | |
5345 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
5346 */ | |
5347 class ErrorVerifier extends RecursiveASTVisitor<Object> { | |
5348 /** | |
5349 * The error reporter by which errors will be reported. | |
5350 */ | |
5351 ErrorReporter _errorReporter; | |
5352 /** | |
5353 * The current library that is being analyzed. | |
5354 */ | |
5355 LibraryElement _currentLibrary; | |
5356 /** | |
5357 * The type representing the type 'dynamic'. | |
5358 */ | |
5359 Type2 _dynamicType; | |
5360 /** | |
5361 * The object providing access to the types defined by the language. | |
5362 */ | |
5363 TypeProvider _typeProvider; | |
5364 /** | |
5365 * The method or function that we are currently visiting, or {@code null} if w
e are not inside a | |
5366 * method or function. | |
5367 */ | |
5368 ExecutableElement _currentFunction; | |
5369 ErrorVerifier(ErrorReporter errorReporter, LibraryElement currentLibrary, Type
Provider typeProvider) { | |
5370 this._errorReporter = errorReporter; | |
5371 this._currentLibrary = currentLibrary; | |
5372 this._typeProvider = typeProvider; | |
5373 _dynamicType = typeProvider.dynamicType; | |
5374 } | |
5375 Object visitArgumentDefinitionTest(ArgumentDefinitionTest node) { | |
5376 checkForArgumentDefinitionTestNonParameter(node); | |
5377 return super.visitArgumentDefinitionTest(node); | |
5378 } | |
5379 Object visitAssertStatement(AssertStatement node) { | |
5380 checkForNonBoolExpression(node); | |
5381 return super.visitAssertStatement(node); | |
5382 } | |
5383 Object visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) { | |
5384 checkForInvalidAssignment(node); | |
5385 return super.visitAssignmentExpression(node); | |
5386 } | |
5387 Object visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) { | |
5388 checkForBuiltInIdentifierAsName(node.name, CompileTimeErrorCode.BUILT_IN_IDE
5389 return super.visitClassDeclaration(node); | |
5390 } | |
5391 Object visitClassTypeAlias(ClassTypeAlias node) { | |
5392 checkForBuiltInIdentifierAsName(node.name, CompileTimeErrorCode.BUILT_IN_IDE
5393 return super.visitClassTypeAlias(node); | |
5394 } | |
5395 Object visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) { | |
5396 checkForNonBoolCondition(node.condition); | |
5397 return super.visitConditionalExpression(node); | |
5398 } | |
5399 Object visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) { | |
5400 ExecutableElement previousFunction = _currentFunction; | |
5401 try { | |
5402 _currentFunction = node.element; | |
5403 checkForConstConstructorWithNonFinalField(node); | |
5404 checkForConflictingConstructorNameAndMember(node); | |
5405 return super.visitConstructorDeclaration(node); | |
5406 } finally { | |
5407 _currentFunction = previousFunction; | |
5408 } | |
5409 } | |
5410 Object visitDoStatement(DoStatement node) { | |
5411 checkForNonBoolCondition(node.condition); | |
5412 return super.visitDoStatement(node); | |
5413 } | |
5414 Object visitFieldFormalParameter(FieldFormalParameter node) { | |
5415 checkForConstFormalParameter(node); | |
5416 return super.visitFieldFormalParameter(node); | |
5417 } | |
5418 Object visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) { | |
5419 ExecutableElement previousFunction = _currentFunction; | |
5420 try { | |
5421 _currentFunction = node.element; | |
5422 return super.visitFunctionDeclaration(node); | |
5423 } finally { | |
5424 _currentFunction = previousFunction; | |
5425 } | |
5426 } | |
5427 Object visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) { | |
5428 ExecutableElement previousFunction = _currentFunction; | |
5429 try { | |
5430 _currentFunction = node.element; | |
5431 return super.visitFunctionExpression(node); | |
5432 } finally { | |
5433 _currentFunction = previousFunction; | |
5434 } | |
5435 } | |
5436 Object visitFunctionTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAlias node) { | |
5437 checkForBuiltInIdentifierAsName(node.name, CompileTimeErrorCode.BUILT_IN_IDE
5438 return super.visitFunctionTypeAlias(node); | |
5439 } | |
5440 Object visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) { | |
5441 checkForNonBoolCondition(node.condition); | |
5442 return super.visitIfStatement(node); | |
5443 } | |
5444 Object visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) { | |
5445 ConstructorName constructorName4 = node.constructorName; | |
5446 TypeName typeName = constructorName4.type; | |
5447 Type2 type20 = typeName.type; | |
5448 if (type20 is InterfaceType) { | |
5449 InterfaceType interfaceType = type20 as InterfaceType; | |
5450 checkForConstOrNewWithAbstractClass(node, typeName, interfaceType); | |
5451 checkForTypeArgumentNotMatchingBounds(node, constructorName4.element, type
Name); | |
5452 } else { | |
5453 _errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_CONSTANT_MAP_KEY, type
Name, []); | |
5454 } | |
5455 return super.visitInstanceCreationExpression(node); | |
5456 } | |
5457 Object visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) { | |
5458 ExecutableElement previousFunction = _currentFunction; | |
5459 try { | |
5460 _currentFunction = node.element; | |
5461 return super.visitMethodDeclaration(node); | |
5462 } finally { | |
5463 _currentFunction = previousFunction; | |
5464 } | |
5465 } | |
5466 Object visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) { | |
5467 checkForReturnOfInvalidType(node); | |
5468 return super.visitReturnStatement(node); | |
5469 } | |
5470 Object visitSimpleFormalParameter(SimpleFormalParameter node) { | |
5471 checkForConstFormalParameter(node); | |
5472 return super.visitSimpleFormalParameter(node); | |
5473 } | |
5474 Object visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) { | |
5475 checkForCaseExpressionTypeImplementsEquals(node); | |
5476 return super.visitSwitchStatement(node); | |
5477 } | |
5478 Object visitTypeParameter(TypeParameter node) { | |
5479 checkForBuiltInIdentifierAsName(node.name, CompileTimeErrorCode.BUILT_IN_IDE
5480 return super.visitTypeParameter(node); | |
5481 } | |
5482 Object visitVariableDeclarationList(VariableDeclarationList node) { | |
5483 checkForBuiltInIdentifierAsName2(node); | |
5484 return super.visitVariableDeclarationList(node); | |
5485 } | |
5486 Object visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node) { | |
5487 checkForNonBoolCondition(node.condition); | |
5488 return super.visitWhileStatement(node); | |
5489 } | |
5490 /** | |
5491 * This verifies that the passed argument definition test identifier is a para
meter. | |
5492 * @param node the {@link ArgumentDefinitionTest} to evaluate | |
5493 * @return return <code>true</code> if and only if an error code is generated
on the passed node | |
5495 */ | |
5496 bool checkForArgumentDefinitionTestNonParameter(ArgumentDefinitionTest node) { | |
5497 SimpleIdentifier identifier14 = node.identifier; | |
5498 Element element44 = identifier14.element; | |
5499 if (element44 != null && element44 is! ParameterElement) { | |
5500 _errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.ARGUMENT_DEFINITION_TEST_N
ON_PARAMETER, identifier14, [identifier14.name]); | |
5501 return true; | |
5502 } | |
5503 return false; | |
5504 } | |
5505 /** | |
5506 * This verifies that the passed identifier is not a keyword, and generates th
e passed error code | |
5507 * on the identifier if it is a keyword. | |
5508 * @param identifier the identifier to check to ensure that it is not a keywor
d | |
5509 * @param errorCode if the passed identifier is a keyword then this error code
is created on the | |
5510 * identifier, the error code will be one of{@link CompileTimeErrorCode#BUILT_
NAME} | |
5511 * @return return <code>true</code> if and only if an error code is generated
on the passed node | |
5512 * @see CompileTimeErrorCode#BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPE_NAME | |
5513 * @see CompileTimeErrorCode#BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPE_VARIABLE_NAME | |
5514 * @see CompileTimeErrorCode#BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPEDEF_NAME | |
5515 */ | |
5516 bool checkForBuiltInIdentifierAsName(SimpleIdentifier identifier, ErrorCode er
rorCode) { | |
5517 sc.Token token13 = identifier.token; | |
5518 if (identical(token13.type, sc.TokenType.KEYWORD)) { | |
5519 _errorReporter.reportError(errorCode, identifier, [identifier.name]); | |
5520 return true; | |
5521 } | |
5522 return false; | |
5523 } | |
5524 /** | |
5525 * This verifies that the passed variable declaration list does not have a bui
lt-in identifier. | |
5526 * @param node the variable declaration list to check | |
5527 * @return return <code>true</code> if and only if an error code is generated
on the passed node | |
5528 * @see CompileTimeErrorCode#BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPE | |
5529 */ | |
5530 bool checkForBuiltInIdentifierAsName2(VariableDeclarationList node) { | |
5531 TypeName typeName = node.type; | |
5532 if (typeName != null) { | |
5533 Identifier identifier = typeName.name; | |
5534 if (identifier is SimpleIdentifier) { | |
5535 SimpleIdentifier simpleIdentifier = identifier as SimpleIdentifier; | |
5536 sc.Token token14 = simpleIdentifier.token; | |
5537 if (identical(token14.type, sc.TokenType.KEYWORD)) { | |
5538 if (((token14 as sc.KeywordToken)).keyword != sc.Keyword.DYNAMIC) { | |
5539 _errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_
AS_TYPE, identifier, [identifier.name]); | |
5540 return true; | |
5541 } | |
5542 } | |
5543 } | |
5544 } | |
5545 return false; | |
5546 } | |
5547 /** | |
5548 * This verifies that the passed switch statement does not have a case express
ion with the | |
5549 * operator '==' overridden. | |
5550 * @param node the switch statement to evaluate | |
5551 * @return return <code>true</code> if and only if an error code is generated
on the passed node | |
5553 */ | |
5554 bool checkForCaseExpressionTypeImplementsEquals(SwitchStatement node) { | |
5555 Expression expression16 = node.expression; | |
5556 Type2 type = expression16.staticType; | |
5557 if (type != null && type != _typeProvider.intType && type != _typeProvider.s
tringType) { | |
5558 Element element45 = type.element; | |
5559 if (element45 is ClassElement) { | |
5560 ClassElement classElement = element45 as ClassElement; | |
5561 MethodElement method = classElement.lookUpMethod("==", _currentLibrary); | |
5562 if (method != null && method.enclosingElement.type != _typeProvider.obje
ctType) { | |
5563 _errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.CASE_EXPRESSION_TYPE_I
MPLEMENTS_EQUALS, expression16, [element45.name]); | |
5564 return true; | |
5565 } | |
5566 } | |
5567 } | |
5568 return false; | |
5569 } | |
5570 bool checkForConflictingConstructorNameAndMember(ConstructorDeclaration node)
{ | |
5571 ConstructorElement constructorElement = node.element; | |
5572 SimpleIdentifier constructorName = node.name; | |
5573 if (constructorName != null && constructorElement != null && !constructorNam
e.isSynthetic()) { | |
5574 String name20 = constructorName.name; | |
5575 ClassElement classElement = constructorElement.enclosingElement; | |
5576 List<FieldElement> fields3 = classElement.fields; | |
5577 for (FieldElement field in fields3) { | |
5578 if (field.name == name20) { | |
5579 _errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONFLICTING_CONSTRUCTO
R_NAME_AND_FIELD, node, [name20]); | |
5580 return true; | |
5581 } | |
5582 } | |
5583 List<MethodElement> methods3 = classElement.methods; | |
5584 for (MethodElement method in methods3) { | |
5585 if (method.name == name20) { | |
5586 _errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONFLICTING_CONSTRUCTO
R_NAME_AND_METHOD, node, [name20]); | |
5587 return true; | |
5588 } | |
5589 } | |
5590 } | |
5591 return false; | |
5592 } | |
5593 /** | |
5594 * This verifies that the passed constructor declaration is not 'const' if it
has a non-final | |
5595 * instance variable. | |
5596 * @param node the instance creation expression to evaluate | |
5597 * @return return <code>true</code> if and only if an error code is generated
on the passed node | |
5598 * @see CompileTimeErrorCode#CONST_CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_NON_FINAL_FIELD | |
5599 */ | |
5600 bool checkForConstConstructorWithNonFinalField(ConstructorDeclaration node) { | |
5601 if (node.constKeyword == null) { | |
5602 return false; | |
5603 } | |
5604 ConstructorElement constructorElement = node.element; | |
5605 if (constructorElement != null) { | |
5606 ClassElement classElement = constructorElement.enclosingElement; | |
5607 List<FieldElement> elements = classElement.fields; | |
5608 for (FieldElement field in elements) { | |
5609 if (!field.isFinal() && !field.isConst()) { | |
5610 _errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_CONSTRUCTOR_WITH
_NON_FINAL_FIELD, node, []); | |
5611 return true; | |
5612 } | |
5613 } | |
5614 } | |
5615 return false; | |
5616 } | |
5617 /** | |
5618 * This verifies that the passed normal formal parameter is not 'const'. | |
5619 * @param node the normal formal parameter to evaluate | |
5620 * @return return <code>true</code> if and only if an error code is generated
on the passed node | |
5621 * @see CompileTimeErrorCode#CONST_FORMAL_PARAMETER | |
5622 */ | |
5623 bool checkForConstFormalParameter(NormalFormalParameter node) { | |
5624 if (node.isConst()) { | |
5625 _errorReporter.reportError(CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_FORMAL_PARAMETER, no
de, []); | |
5626 return true; | |
5627 } | |
5628 return false; | |
5629 } | |
5630 /** | |
5631 * This verifies that the passed instance creation expression is not being inv
oked on an abstract | |
5632 * class. | |
5633 * @param node the instance creation expression to evaluate | |
5634 * @param typeName the {@link TypeName} of the {@link ConstructorName} from th
e{@link InstanceCreationExpression}, this is the AST node that the error is atta
ched to | |
5635 * @param type the type being constructed with this {@link InstanceCreationExp
ression} | |
5636 * @return return <code>true</code> if and only if an error code is generated
on the passed node | |
5637 * @see StaticWarningCode#CONST_WITH_ABSTRACT_CLASS | |
5638 * @see StaticWarningCode#NEW_WITH_ABSTRACT_CLASS | |
5639 */ | |
5640 bool checkForConstOrNewWithAbstractClass(InstanceCreationExpression node, Type
Name typeName, InterfaceType type) { | |
5641 if (type.element.isAbstract()) { | |
5642 ConstructorElement element46 = node.element; | |
5643 if (element46 != null && !element46.isFactory()) { | |
5644 if (identical(((node.keyword as sc.KeywordToken)).keyword, sc.Keyword.CO
NST)) { | |
5645 _errorReporter.reportError(StaticWarningCode.CONST_WITH_ABSTRACT_CLASS
, typeName, []); | |
5646 } else { | |
5647 _errorReporter.reportError(StaticWarningCode.NEW_WITH_ABSTRACT_CLASS,
typeName, []); | |
5648 } | |
5649 return true; | |
5650 } | |
5651 } | |
5652 return false; | |
5653 } | |
5654 /** | |
5655 * This verifies that the passed assignment expression represents a valid assi
gnment. | |
5656 * @param node the assignment expression to evaluate | |
5657 * @return return <code>true</code> if and only if an error code is generated
on the passed node | |
5658 * @see StaticTypeWarningCode#INVALID_ASSIGNMENT | |
5659 */ | |
5660 bool checkForInvalidAssignment(AssignmentExpression node) { | |
5661 Expression lhs = node.leftHandSide; | |
5662 Expression rhs = node.rightHandSide; | |
5663 Type2 leftType = getType(lhs); | |
5664 Type2 rightType = getType(rhs); | |
5665 if (!rightType.isAssignableTo(leftType)) { | |
5666 _errorReporter.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.INVALID_ASSIGNMENT, rhs,
[leftType.name, rightType.name]); | |
5667 return true; | |
5668 } | |
5669 return false; | |
5670 } | |
5671 /** | |
5672 * Checks to ensure that the expressions that need to be of type bool, are. Ot
herwise an error is | |
5673 * reported on the expression. | |
5674 * @param condition the conditional expression to test | |
5675 * @return return <code>true</code> if and only if an error code is generated
on the passed node | |
5676 * @see StaticTypeWarningCode#NON_BOOL_CONDITION | |
5677 */ | |
5678 bool checkForNonBoolCondition(Expression condition) { | |
5679 Type2 conditionType = getType(condition); | |
5680 if (conditionType != null && !conditionType.isAssignableTo(_typeProvider.boo
lType)) { | |
5681 _errorReporter.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.NON_BOOL_CONDITION, condi
tion, []); | |
5682 return true; | |
5683 } | |
5684 return false; | |
5685 } | |
5686 /** | |
5687 * This verifies that the passed assert statement has either a 'bool' or '() -
> bool' input. | |
5688 * @param node the assert statement to evaluate | |
5689 * @return return <code>true</code> if and only if an error code is generated
on the passed node | |
5690 * @see StaticTypeWarningCode#NON_BOOL_EXPRESSION | |
5691 */ | |
5692 bool checkForNonBoolExpression(AssertStatement node) { | |
5693 Expression expression = node.condition; | |
5694 Type2 type = getType(expression); | |
5695 if (type is InterfaceType) { | |
5696 if (!type.isAssignableTo(_typeProvider.boolType)) { | |
5697 _errorReporter.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.NON_BOOL_EXPRESSION, ex
pression, []); | |
5698 return true; | |
5699 } | |
5700 } else if (type is FunctionType) { | |
5701 FunctionType functionType = type as FunctionType; | |
5702 if (functionType.typeArguments.length == 0 && !functionType.returnType.isA
ssignableTo(_typeProvider.boolType)) { | |
5703 _errorReporter.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.NON_BOOL_EXPRESSION, ex
pression, []); | |
5704 return true; | |
5705 } | |
5706 } | |
5707 return false; | |
5708 } | |
5709 /** | |
5710 * This checks that the return type matches the type of the declared return ty
pe in the enclosing | |
5711 * method or function. | |
5712 * @param node the return statement to evaluate | |
5713 * @return return <code>true</code> if and only if an error code is generated
on the passed node | |
5714 * @see StaticTypeWarningCode#RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE | |
5715 */ | |
5716 bool checkForReturnOfInvalidType(ReturnStatement node) { | |
5717 FunctionType functionType = _currentFunction == null ? null : _currentFuncti
on.type; | |
5718 Type2 expectedReturnType = functionType == null ? null : functionType.return
Type; | |
5719 Expression returnExpression = node.expression; | |
5720 if (expectedReturnType != null && !expectedReturnType.isVoid() && returnExpr
ession != null) { | |
5721 Type2 actualReturnType = getType(returnExpression); | |
5722 if (!actualReturnType.isAssignableTo(expectedReturnType)) { | |
5723 _errorReporter.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE,
returnExpression, [actualReturnType.name, expectedReturnType.name]); | |
5724 return true; | |
5725 } | |
5726 } | |
5727 return false; | |
5728 } | |
5729 /** | |
5730 * This verifies that the type arguments in the passed instance creation expre
ssion are all within | |
5731 * their bounds as specified by the class element where the constructor [that
is being invoked] is | |
5732 * declared. | |
5733 * @param node the instance creation expression to evaluate | |
5734 * @param typeName the {@link TypeName} of the {@link ConstructorName} from th
e{@link InstanceCreationExpression}, this is the AST node that the error is atta
ched to | |
5735 * @param constructorElement the {@link ConstructorElement} from the instance
creation expression | |
5736 * @return return <code>true</code> if and only if an error code is generated
on the passed node | |
5737 * @see StaticTypeWarningCode#TYPE_ARGUMENT_NOT_MATCHING_BOUNDS | |
5738 */ | |
5739 bool checkForTypeArgumentNotMatchingBounds(InstanceCreationExpression node, Co
nstructorElement constructorElement, TypeName typeName) { | |
5740 if (typeName.typeArguments != null && constructorElement != null) { | |
5741 NodeList<TypeName> typeNameArgList = typeName.typeArguments.arguments; | |
5742 List<TypeVariableElement> boundingElts = constructorElement.enclosingEleme
nt.typeVariables; | |
5743 int loopThroughIndex = Math.min(typeNameArgList.length, boundingElts.lengt
h); | |
5744 for (int i = 0; i < loopThroughIndex; i++) { | |
5745 TypeName argTypeName = typeNameArgList[i]; | |
5746 Type2 argType = argTypeName.type; | |
5747 Type2 boundType = boundingElts[i].bound; | |
5748 if (argType != null && boundType != null) { | |
5749 if (!argType.isSubtypeOf(boundType)) { | |
5750 _errorReporter.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.TYPE_ARGUMENT_NOT_M
ATCHING_BOUNDS, argTypeName, [argTypeName.name, boundingElts[i].name]); | |
5751 return true; | |
5752 } | |
5753 } | |
5754 } | |
5755 } | |
5756 return false; | |
5757 } | |
5758 /** | |
5759 * Return the type of the given expression that is to be used for type analysi
s. | |
5760 * @param expression the expression whose type is to be returned | |
5761 * @return the type of the given expression | |
5762 */ | |
5763 Type2 getType(Expression expression) { | |
5764 Type2 type = expression.staticType; | |
5765 return type == null ? _dynamicType : type; | |
5766 } | |
5767 } | |
5768 /** | |
5769 * The enumeration {@code ResolverErrorCode} defines the error codes used for er
rors detected by the | |
5770 * resolver. The convention for this class is for the name of the error code to
indicate the problem | |
5771 * that caused the error to be generated and for the error message to explain wh
at is wrong and, | |
5772 * when appropriate, how the problem can be corrected. | |
5773 * @coverage dart.engine.resolver | |
5774 */ | |
5775 class ResolverErrorCode implements ErrorCode { | |
5776 static final ResolverErrorCode BREAK_LABEL_ON_SWITCH_MEMBER = new ResolverErro
bel resolves to case or default statement"); | |
5777 static final ResolverErrorCode CANNOT_BE_RESOLVED = new ResolverErrorCode('CAN
NOT_BE_RESOLVED', 1, ErrorType.STATIC_WARNING, "Cannot resolve the name '%s'"); | |
5778 static final ResolverErrorCode CONTINUE_LABEL_ON_SWITCH = new ResolverErrorCod
e('CONTINUE_LABEL_ON_SWITCH', 2, ErrorType.COMPILE_TIME_ERROR, "A continue label
resolves to switch, must be loop or switch member"); | |
5779 static final ResolverErrorCode MISSING_LIBRARY_DIRECTIVE_WITH_PART = new Resol
ROR, "Libraries that have parts must have a library directive"); | |
5780 static final ResolverErrorCode MISSING_PART_OF_DIRECTIVE = new ResolverErrorCo
art must have a part-of directive"); | |
5781 static final List<ResolverErrorCode> values = [BREAK_LABEL_ON_SWITCH_MEMBER, C
5782 final String __name; | |
5783 final int __ordinal; | |
5784 int get ordinal => __ordinal; | |
5785 /** | |
5786 * The type of this error. | |
5787 */ | |
5788 ErrorType _type; | |
5789 /** | |
5790 * The message template used to create the message to be displayed for this er
ror. | |
5791 */ | |
5792 String _message; | |
5793 /** | |
5794 * Initialize a newly created error code to have the given type and message. | |
5795 * @param type the type of this error | |
5796 * @param message the message template used to create the message to be displa
yed for the error | |
5797 */ | |
5798 ResolverErrorCode(this.__name, this.__ordinal, ErrorType type, String message)
{ | |
5799 this._type = type; | |
5800 this._message = message; | |
5801 } | |
5802 ErrorSeverity get errorSeverity => _type.severity; | |
5803 String get message => _message; | |
5804 ErrorType get type => _type; | |
5805 bool needsRecompilation() => true; | |
5806 String toString() => __name; | |
5807 } | |