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Unified Diff: chrome/renderer/spellchecker/spellcheck_worditerator.h

Issue 1269343005: Updates SpellcheckWordIterator::GetNextWord to return an enum. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Addressed comments. Created 5 years, 4 months ago
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Index: chrome/renderer/spellchecker/spellcheck_worditerator.h
diff --git a/chrome/renderer/spellchecker/spellcheck_worditerator.h b/chrome/renderer/spellchecker/spellcheck_worditerator.h
index 6b6a2f4eac20bc1884c79a2ce1a99aa604aaa09f..3d17c684a7be82cb6d06e5638d037e97bd0c0c09 100644
--- a/chrome/renderer/spellchecker/spellcheck_worditerator.h
+++ b/chrome/renderer/spellchecker/spellcheck_worditerator.h
@@ -112,6 +112,17 @@ class SpellcheckCharAttribute {
class SpellcheckWordIterator {
+ enum WordIteratorStatus {
+ // The end of a sequence of text that the iterator recognizes as characters
+ // that can form a word.
+ // Non-word characters that the iterator can skip past, such as punctuation,
+ // whitespace, and characters from another character set.
+ // The end of the text that the iterator is going over.
+ };
@@ -130,19 +141,30 @@ class SpellcheckWordIterator {
// without calling Initialize().
bool SetText(const base::char16* text, size_t length);
- // Retrieves a word (or a contraction), stores its copy to 'word_string', and
- // stores the position and the length for input word to 'word_start'. Since
- // this function normalizes the output word, the length of 'word_string' may
- // be different from the 'word_length'. Therefore, when we call functions that
- // changes the input text, such as string16::replace(), we need to use
- // 'word_start' and 'word_length' as listed in the following snippet.
+ // Advances |iterator_| through |text_| and gets the current status of the
+ // word iterator within |text|:
+ //
+ // - Returns IS_WORD if the iterator just found the end of a sequence of word
+ // characters and it was able to normalize the sequence. This stores the
+ // normalized string into |word_string| and stores the position and length
+ // into |word_start| and |word_length| respectively. Keep in mind that
+ // since this function normalizes the output word, the length of
+ // |word_string| may be different from the |word_length|. Therefore, when
+ // we call functions that change the input text, such as
+ // string16::replace(), we need to use |word_start| and |word_length| as
+ // listed in the following snippet:
+ //
+ // while(iterator.GetNextWord(&word, &offset, &length))
+ // text.replace(offset, length, word);
- // while(iterator.GetNextWord(&word, &offset, &length))
- // text.replace(offset, length, word);
+ // - Returns IS_SKIPPABLE if the iterator just found a character that the
+ // iterator can skip past such as punctuation, whitespace, and characters
+ // from another character set. This stores the character, position, and
+ // length into |word_string|, |word_start|, and |word_length| respectively.
- bool GetNextWord(base::string16* word_string,
- int* word_start,
- int* word_length);
+ // - Returns IS_END_OF_TEXT if the iterator has reached the end of |text_|.
+ SpellcheckWordIterator::WordIteratorStatus
+ GetNextWord(base::string16* word_string, int* word_start, int* word_length);
// Releases all the resources attached to this object.
void Reset();

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