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Unified Diff: tools/

Issue 1265623002: Add (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Don't build nanobench on Test-...-Release bots Created 5 years, 5 months ago
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diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..92ff170dddf005761e819ca609223622ed53d9a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+usage = '''
+Write buildbot spec to outfile based on the bot name:
+ $ python outfile Test-Ubuntu-GCC-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86-Debug
+Or run self-tests:
+ $ python test
+import inspect
+import json
+import os
+import sys
+import builder_name_schema
+def lineno():
+ caller = inspect.stack()[1] # Up one level to our caller.
+ return inspect.getframeinfo(caller[0]).lineno
+# Since we don't actually start coverage until we're in the self-test,
+# some function def lines aren't reported as covered. Add them to this
+# list so that we can ignore them.
+cov_skip = []
+cov_start = lineno()+1 # We care about coverage starting just past this def.
+def gyp_defines(builder_dict):
+ gyp_defs = {}
+ # skia_arch_type.
+ if builder_dict['role'] == builder_name_schema.BUILDER_ROLE_BUILD:
+ arch = builder_dict['target_arch']
+ elif builder_dict['role'] == builder_name_schema.BUILDER_ROLE_HOUSEKEEPER:
+ arch = None
+ else:
+ arch = builder_dict['arch']
+ arch_types = {
+ 'x86': 'x86',
+ 'x86_64': 'x86_64',
+ 'Arm7': 'arm',
+ 'Arm64': 'arm64',
+ 'Mips': 'mips32',
+ 'Mips64': 'mips64',
+ 'MipsDSP2': 'mips32',
+ }
+ if arch in arch_types:
+ gyp_defs['skia_arch_type'] = arch_types[arch]
+ # housekeeper: build shared lib.
+ if builder_dict['role'] == builder_name_schema.BUILDER_ROLE_HOUSEKEEPER:
+ gyp_defs['skia_shared_lib'] = '1'
+ # skia_gpu.
+ if builder_dict.get('cpu_or_gpu') == 'CPU':
+ gyp_defs['skia_gpu'] = '0'
+ # skia_warnings_as_errors.
+ werr = False
+ if builder_dict['role'] == builder_name_schema.BUILDER_ROLE_BUILD:
+ if 'Win' in builder_dict.get('os', ''):
+ if not ('GDI' in builder_dict.get('extra_config', '') or
+ 'Exceptions' in builder_dict.get('extra_config', '')):
+ werr = True
+ elif ('Mac' in builder_dict.get('os', '') and
+ 'Android' in builder_dict.get('extra_config', '')):
+ werr = False
+ else:
+ werr = True
+ gyp_defs['skia_warnings_as_errors'] = str(int(werr)) # True/False -> '1'/'0'
+ # Win debugger.
+ if 'Win' in builder_dict.get('os', ''):
+ gyp_defs['skia_win_debuggers_path'] = 'c:/DbgHelp'
+ # Qt SDK (Win).
+ if 'Win' in builder_dict.get('os', ''):
+ if builder_dict.get('os') == 'Win8':
+ gyp_defs['qt_sdk'] = 'C:/Qt/Qt5.1.0/5.1.0/msvc2012_64/'
+ else:
+ gyp_defs['qt_sdk'] = 'C:/Qt/4.8.5/'
+ # ANGLE.
+ if builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'ANGLE':
+ gyp_defs['skia_angle'] = '1'
+ # GDI.
+ if builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'GDI':
+ gyp_defs['skia_gdi'] = '1'
+ # Build with Exceptions on Windows.
+ if ('Win' in builder_dict.get('os', '') and
+ builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'Exceptions'):
+ gyp_defs['skia_win_exceptions'] = '1'
+ # iOS.
+ if (builder_dict.get('os') == 'iOS' or
+ builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'iOS'):
+ gyp_defs['skia_os'] = 'ios'
+ # Shared library build.
+ if builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'Shared':
+ gyp_defs['skia_shared_lib'] = '1'
+ # PDF viewer in GM.
+ if (builder_dict.get('os') == 'Mac10.8' and
+ builder_dict.get('arch') == 'x86_64' and
+ builder_dict.get('configuration') == 'Release'):
+ gyp_defs['skia_run_pdfviewer_in_gm'] = '1'
+ # Clang.
+ if builder_dict.get('compiler') == 'Clang':
+ gyp_defs['skia_clang_build'] = '1'
+ # Valgrind.
+ if 'Valgrind' in builder_dict.get('extra_config', ''):
+ gyp_defs['skia_release_optimization_level'] = '1'
+ # Link-time code generation just wastes time on compile-only bots.
+ if (builder_dict.get('role') == builder_name_schema.BUILDER_ROLE_BUILD and
+ builder_dict.get('compiler') == 'MSVC'):
+ gyp_defs['skia_win_ltcg'] = '0'
+ # Mesa.
+ if (builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'Mesa' or
+ builder_dict.get('cpu_or_gpu_value') == 'Mesa'):
+ gyp_defs['skia_mesa'] = '1'
+ if builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'SKNX_NO_SIMD':
+ gyp_defs['sknx_no_simd'] = '1'
+ # skia_use_android_framework_defines.
+ if builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'Android_FrameworkDefs':
+ gyp_defs['skia_use_android_framework_defines'] = '1'
+ return gyp_defs
+cov_skip.extend([lineno(), lineno() + 1])
+def get_extra_env_vars(builder_dict):
+ env = {}
+ if builder_dict.get('compiler') == 'Clang':
+ env['CC'] = '/usr/bin/clang'
+ env['CXX'] = '/usr/bin/clang++'
+ return env
+cov_skip.extend([lineno(), lineno() + 1])
+def build_targets_from_builder_dict(builder_dict):
+ """Return a list of targets to build, depending on the builder type."""
+ if builder_dict['role'] in ('Test', 'Perf') and builder_dict['os'] == 'iOS':
+ return ['iOSShell']
+ elif builder_dict['role'] == builder_name_schema.BUILDER_ROLE_TEST:
+ t = ['dm']
+ if builder_dict.get('configuration') == 'Debug':
+ t.append('nanobench')
+ return t
+ elif builder_dict['role'] == builder_name_schema.BUILDER_ROLE_PERF:
+ return ['nanobench']
+ else:
+ return ['most']
+cov_skip.extend([lineno(), lineno() + 1])
+def get_builder_spec(builder_name):
+ builder_dict = builder_name_schema.DictForBuilderName(builder_name)
+ env = get_extra_env_vars(builder_dict)
+ gyp_defs = gyp_defines(builder_dict)
+ gyp_defs_list = ['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in gyp_defs.iteritems()]
+ gyp_defs_list.sort()
+ env['GYP_DEFINES'] = ' '.join(gyp_defs_list)
+ return {
+ 'build_targets': build_targets_from_builder_dict(builder_dict),
+ 'env': env,
+ }
+cov_end = lineno() # Don't care about code coverage past here.
+def self_test():
+ import coverage # This way the bots don't need to be installed.
+ args = {}
+ cases = [
+ 'Build-Mac10.8-Clang-Arm7-Debug-Android',
+ 'Build-Win-MSVC-x86-Debug',
+ 'Build-Win-MSVC-x86-Debug-GDI',
+ 'Build-Win-MSVC-x86-Debug-Exceptions',
+ 'Build-Ubuntu-GCC-Arm7-Debug-Android_FrameworkDefs',
+ 'Build-Ubuntu-GCC-x86_64-Release-Mesa',
+ 'Housekeeper-PerCommit',
+ 'Perf-Win8-MSVC-ShuttleB-GPU-HD4600-x86_64-Release-Trybot',
+ 'Test-iOS-Clang-iPad4-GPU-SGX554-Arm7-Debug',
+ 'Test-Mac10.8-Clang-MacMini4.1-GPU-GeForce320M-x86_64-Release',
+ 'Test-Ubuntu-GCC-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Release-SKNX_NO_SIMD',
+ 'Test-Ubuntu-GCC-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Release-Shared',
+ 'Test-Ubuntu-GCC-ShuttleA-GPU-GTX550Ti-x86_64-Release-Valgrind',
+ 'Test-Win8-MSVC-ShuttleB-GPU-HD4600-x86-Release-ANGLE',
+ 'Test-Win8-MSVC-ShuttleA-CPU-AVX-x86_64-Debug',
+ ]
+ cov = coverage.coverage()
+ cov.start()
+ for case in cases:
+ args[case] = get_builder_spec(case)
+ cov.stop()
+ this_file = os.path.basename(__file__)
+ _, _, not_run, _ = cov.analysis(this_file)
+ filtered = [line for line in not_run if
+ line > cov_start and line < cov_end and line not in cov_skip]
+ if filtered:
+ print 'Lines not covered by test cases: ', filtered
+ sys.exit(1)
+ golden = this_file.replace('.py', '.json')
+ with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), golden), 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(args, f, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'test':
+ self_test()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if len(sys.argv) != 3:
+ print usage
+ sys.exit(1)
+ with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as out:
+ json.dump(get_builder_spec(sys.argv[2]), out)
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