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Unified Diff: test/js_test_tools/mocha/

Issue 1243503007: fixes #221, initial sync*, async, async* implementation (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 5 years, 5 months ago
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Index: test/js_test_tools/mocha/
diff --git a/test/js_test_tools/mocha/ b/test/js_test_tools/mocha/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ab50bda9b623a4f8a1e04b90d559b9a2f2352dd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/js_test_tools/mocha/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,692 +0,0 @@
-1.20.1 / 2014-06-03
- * update: should dependency to ~4.0.0 (#1231)
-1.20.0 / 2014-05-28
- * add: filenames to suite objects (#1222)
-1.19.0 / 2014-05-17
- * add: browser script option to package.json
- * add: export file in Mocha.Test objects (#1174)
- * add: add docs for wrapped node flags
- * fix: to return error status in browser (#1216)
- * fix: clean() to show failure details (#1205)
- * fix: regex that generates html for new keyword (#1201)
- * fix: sibling suites have inherited but separate contexts (#1164)
-1.18.2 / 2014-03-18
- * fix: html runner was prevented from using #mocha as the default root el (#1162)
-1.18.1 / 2014-03-18
- * fix: named before/after hooks in bdd, tdd, qunit interfaces (#1161)
-1.18.0 / 2014-03-13
- * add: promise support (#329)
- * add: named before/after hooks (#966)
-1.17.1 / 2014-01-22
- * fix: expected messages in should.js (should.js#168)
- * fix: expect errno global in node versions < v0.9.11 (#1111)
- * fix: unreliable checkGlobals optimization (#1110)
-1.17.0 / 2014-01-09
- * add: able to require globals (describe, it, etc.) through mocha (#1077)
- * fix: abort previous run on --watch change (#1100)
- * fix: reset context for each --watch triggered run (#1099)
- * fix: error when cli can't resolve path or pattern (#799)
- * fix: canonicalize objects before stringifying and diffing them (#1079)
- * fix: make CR call behave like carriage return for non tty (#1087)
-1.16.2 / 2013-12-23
- * fix: couple issues with ie 8 (#1082, #1081)
- * fix: issue running the xunit reporter in browsers (#1068)
- * fix: issue with firefox < 3.5 (#725)
-1.16.1 / 2013-12-19
- * fix: recompiled for missed changes from the last release
-1.16.0 / 2013-12-19
- * add: Runnable.globals(arr) for per test global whitelist (#1046)
- * add: mocha.throwError(err) for assertion libs to call (#985)
- * remove: --watch's spinner (#806)
- * fix: duplicate test output for multi-line specs in spec reporter (#1006)
- * fix: gracefully exit on SIGINT (#1063)
- * fix expose the specified ui only in the browser (#984)
- * fix: ensure process exit code is preserved when using --no-exit (#1059)
- * fix: return true from window.onerror handler (#868)
- * fix: xunit reporter to use process.stdout.write (#1068)
- * fix: utils.clean(str) indentation (#761)
- * fix: xunit reporter returning test duration a NaN (#1039)
-1.15.1 / 2013-12-03
- * fix: recompiled for missed changes from the last release
-1.15.0 / 2013-12-02
- * add: `--no-exit` to prevent `process.exit()` (#1018)
- * fix: using inline diffs (#1044)
- * fix: show pending test details in xunit reporter (#1051)
- * fix: faster global leak detection (#1024)
- * fix: yui compression (#1035)
- * fix: wrapping long lines in test results (#1030, #1031)
- * fix: handle errors in hooks (#1043)
-1.14.0 / 2013-11-02
- * add: unified diff (#862)
- * add: set MOCHA_COLORS env var to use colors (#965)
- * add: able to override tests links in html reporters (#776)
- * remove: teamcity reporter (#954)
- * update: commander dependency to 2.0.0 (#1010)
- * fix: mocha --ui will try to require the ui if not built in, as --reporter does (#1022)
- * fix: send cursor commands only if isatty (#184, #1003)
- * fix: include assertion message in base reporter (#993, #991)
- * fix: consistent return of it, it.only, and describe, describe.only (#840)
-1.13.0 / 2013-09-15
- * add: sort test files with --sort (#813)
- * update: diff depedency to 1.0.7
- * update: glob dependency to 3.2.3 (#927)
- * fix: diffs show whitespace differences (#976)
- * fix: improve global leaks (#783)
- * fix: firefox window.getInterface leak
- * fix: accessing iframe via window[iframeIndex] leak
- * fix: faster global leak checking
- * fix: reporter pending css selector (#970)
-1.12.1 / 2013-08-29
- * remove test.js from .gitignore
- * update included version of ms.js
-1.12.0 / 2013-07-01
- * add: prevent diffs for differing types. Closes #900
- * add `Mocha.process` hack for phantomjs
- * fix: use compilers with requires
- * fix regexps in diffs. Closes #890
- * fix xunit NaN on failure. Closes #894
- * fix: strip tab indentation in `clean` utility method
- * fix: textmate bundle installation
-1.11.0 / 2013-06-12
- * add --prof support
- * add --harmony support
- * add --harmony-generators support
- * add "Uncaught " prefix to uncaught exceptions
- * add web workers support
- * add `suite.skip()`
- * change to output # of pending / passing even on failures. Closes #872
- * fix: prevent hooks from being called if we are bailing
- * fix `this.timeout(0)`
-1.10.0 / 2013-05-21
- * add add better globbing support for windows via `glob` module
- * add support to pass through flags such as --debug-brk=1234. Closes #852
- * add test.only, test.skip to qunit interface
- * change to always use word-based diffs for now. Closes #733
- * change `mocha init` tests.html to index.html
- * fix `process` global leak in the browser
- * fix: use resolve() instead of join() for --require
- * fix: filterLeaks() condition to not consider indices in global object as leaks
- * fix: restrict mocha.css styling to #mocha id
- * fix: save timer references to avoid Sinon interfering in the browser build.
-1.9.0 / 2013-04-03
- * add improved setImmediate implementation
- * replace --ignore-leaks with --check-leaks
- * change default of ignoreLeaks to true. Closes #791
- * remove scrolling for HTML reporter
- * fix retina support
- * fix tmbundle, restrict to js scope
-1.8.2 / 2013-03-11
- * add `setImmediate` support for 0.10.x
- * fix mocha -w spinner on windows
-1.8.1 / 2013-01-09
- * fix .bail() arity check causing it to default to true
-1.8.0 / 2013-01-08
- * add Mocha() options bail support
- * add `Mocha#bail()` method
- * add instanceof check back for inheriting from Error
- * add component.json
- * add diff.js to browser build
- * update growl
- * fix TAP reporter failures comment :D
-1.7.4 / 2012-12-06
- * add total number of passes and failures to TAP
- * remove .bind() calls. re #680
- * fix indexOf. Closes #680
-1.7.3 / 2012-11-30
- * fix uncaught error support for the browser
- * revert uncaught "fix" which breaks node
-1.7.2 / 2012-11-28
- * fix uncaught errors to expose the original error message
-1.7.0 / 2012-11-07
- * add `--async-only` support to prevent false positives for missing `done()`
- * add sorting by filename in code coverage
- * add HTML 5 doctype to browser template.
- * add play button to html reporter to rerun a single test
- * add `this.timeout(ms)` as Suite#timeout(ms). Closes #599
- * update growl dependency to 1.6.x
- * fix encoding of test-case ?grep. Closes #637
- * fix unicode chars on windows
- * fix dom globals in Opera/IE. Closes #243
- * fix markdown reporter a tags
- * fix `this.timeout("5s")` support
-1.6.0 / 2012-10-02
- * add object diffs when `err.showDiff` is present
- * add hiding of empty suites when pass/failures are toggled
- * add faster `.length` checks to `checkGlobals()` before performing the filter
-1.5.0 / 2012-09-21
- * add `ms()` to `.slow()` and `.timeout()`
- * add `Mocha#checkLeaks()` to re-enable global leak checks
- * add `this.slow()` option [aheckmann]
- * add tab, CR, LF to error diffs for now
- * add faster `.checkGlobals()` solution [guille]
- * remove `` from reduce util
- * remove `` from filter util
- * fix forEach. Closes #582
- * fix relaying of signals [TooTallNate]
- * fix TAP reporter grep number
-1.4.2 / 2012-09-01
- * add support to multiple `Mocha#globals()` calls, and strings
- * add `mocha.reporter()` constructor support [jfirebaugh]
- * add `mocha.timeout()`
- * move query-string parser to utils.js
- * move highlight code to utils.js
- * fix third-party reporter support [exogen]
- * fix client-side API to match node-side [jfirebaugh]
- * fix mocha in iframe [joliss]
-1.4.1 / 2012-08-28
- * add missing `Markdown` export
- * fix `Mocha#grep()`, escape regexp strings
- * fix reference error when `devicePixelRatio` is not defined. Closes #549
-1.4.0 / 2012-08-22
- * add mkdir -p to `mocha init`. Closes #539
- * add `.only()`. Closes #524
- * add `.skip()`. Closes #524
- * change str.trim() to use utils.trim(). Closes #533
- * fix HTML progress indicator retina display
- * fix url-encoding of click-to-grep HTML functionality
-1.3.2 / 2012-08-01
- * fix exports double-execution regression. Closes #531
-1.3.1 / 2012-08-01
- * add passes/failures toggling to HTML reporter
- * add pending state to `xit()` and `xdescribe()` [Brian Moore]
- * add the @charset "UTF-8"; to fix #522 with FireFox. [Jonathan Creamer]
- * add border-bottom to #stats links
- * add check for runnable in `Runner#uncaught()`. Closes #494
- * add 0.4 and 0.6 back to travis.yml
- * add `-E, --growl-errors` to growl on failures only
- * add prefixes to debug() names. Closes #497
- * add `Mocha#invert()` to js api
- * change dot reporter to use sexy unicode dots
- * fix error when clicking pending test in HTML reporter
- * fix `make tm`
-1.3.0 / 2012-07-05
- * add window scrolling to `HTML` reporter
- * add v8 `--trace-*` option support
- * add support for custom reports via `--reporter MODULE`
- * add `--invert` switch to invert `--grep` matches
- * fix export of `Nyan` reporter. Closes #495
- * fix escaping of `HTML` suite titles. Closes #486
- * fix `done()` called multiple times with an error test
- * change `--grep` - regexp escape the input
-1.2.2 / 2012-06-28
- * Added 0.8.0 support
-1.2.1 / 2012-06-25
- * Added `this.test.error(err)` support to after each hooks. Closes #287
- * Added: export top-level suite on global mocha object (mocha.suite). Closes #448
- * Fixed `js` code block format error in markdown reporter
- * Fixed deprecation warning when using `path.existsSync`
- * Fixed --globals with wildcard
- * Fixed chars in nyan when his head moves back
- * Remove `--growl` from test/mocha.opts. Closes #289
-1.2.0 / 2012-06-17
- * Added `nyan` reporter [Atsuya Takagi]
- * Added `mocha init <path>` to copy client files
- * Added "specify" synonym for "it" [domenic]
- * Added global leak wildcard support [nathanbowser]
- * Fixed runner emitter leak. closes #432
- * Fixed omission of .js extension. Closes #454
-1.1.0 / 2012-05-30
- * Added: check each `mocha(1)` arg for directories to walk
- * Added `--recursive` [tricknotes]
- * Added `context` for BDD [hokaccha]
- * Added styling for new clickable titles
- * Added clickable suite titles to HTML reporter
- * Added warning when strings are thrown as errors
- * Changed: green arrows again in HTML reporter styling
- * Changed ul/li elements instead of divs for better copy-and-pasting [joliss]
- * Fixed issue #325 - add better grep support to js api
- * Fixed: save timer references to avoid Sinon interfering.
-1.0.3 / 2012-04-30
- * Fixed string diff newlines
- * Fixed: removed mocha.css target. Closes #401
-1.0.2 / 2012-04-25
- * Added HTML reporter duration. Closes #47
- * Fixed: one postMessage event listener [exogen]
- * Fixed: allow --globals to be used multiple times. Closes #100 [brendannee]
- * Fixed #158: removes jquery include from browser tests
- * Fixed grep. Closes #372 [brendannee]
- * Fixed #166 - When grepping don't display the empty suites
- * Removed test/browser/style.css. Closes #385
-1.0.1 / 2012-04-04
- * Fixed `.timeout()` in hooks
- * Fixed: allow callback for `` in client version
- * Fixed browser hook error display. Closes #361
-1.0.0 / 2012-03-24
- * Added js API. Closes #265
- * Added: initial run of tests with `--watch`. Closes #345
- * Added: mark `location` as a global on the CS. Closes #311
- * Added `markdown` reporter (github flavour)
- * Added: scrolling menu to coverage.html. Closes #335
- * Added source line to html report for Safari [Tyson Tate]
- * Added "min" reporter, useful for `--watch` [Jakub Nešetřil]
- * Added support for arbitrary compilers via . Closes #338 [Ian Young]
- * Added Teamcity export to lib/reporters/index [Michael Riley]
- * Fixed chopping of first char in error reporting. Closes #334 [reported by topfunky]
- * Fixed terrible FF / Opera stack traces
-0.14.1 / 2012-03-06
- * Added lib-cov to _.npmignore_
- * Added reporter to `[reporter])` as argument
- * Added some margin-top to the HTML reporter
- * Removed jQuery dependency
- * Fixed `--watch`: purge require cache. Closes #266
-0.14.0 / 2012-03-01
- * Added string diff support for terminal reporters
-0.13.0 / 2012-02-23
- * Added preliminary test coverage support. Closes #5
- * Added `HTMLCov` reporter
- * Added `JSONCov` reporter [kunklejr]
- * Added `xdescribe()` and `xit()` to the BDD interface. Closes #263 (docs * Changed: make json reporter output pretty json
- * Fixed node-inspector support, swapped `--debug` for `debug` to match node.
-Closes #247
-0.12.1 / 2012-02-14
- * Added `npm docs mocha` support [TooTallNate]
- * Added a `Context` object used for hook and test-case this. Closes #253
- * Fixed `Suite#clone()` `.ctx` reference. Closes #262
-0.12.0 / 2012-02-02
- * Added .coffee `--watch` support. Closes #242
- * Added support to `--require` files relative to the CWD. Closes #241
- * Added quick n dirty syntax highlighting. Closes #248
- * Changed: made HTML progress indicator smaller
- * Fixed xunit errors attribute [dhendo]
-0.10.2 / 2012-01-21
- * Fixed suite count in reporter stats. Closes #222
- * Fixed `done()` after timeout error reporting [Phil Sung]
- * Changed the 0-based errors to 1
-0.10.1 / 2012-01-17
- * Added support for node 0.7.x
- * Fixed absolute path support. Closes #215 [kompiro]
- * Fixed `--no-colors` option [Jussi Virtanen]
- * Fixed Arial CSS typo in the correct file
-0.10.0 / 2012-01-13
- * Added `-b, --bail` to exit on first exception [guillermo]
- * Added support for `-gc` / `--expose-gc` [TooTallNate]
- * Added `qunit`-inspired interface
- * Added MIT LICENSE. Closes #194
- * Added: `--watch` all .js in the CWD. Closes #139
- * Fixed `self.test` reference in runner. Closes #189
- * Fixed double reporting of uncaught exceptions after timeout. Closes #195
-0.8.2 / 2012-01-05
- * Added test-case context support. Closes #113
- * Fixed exit status. Closes #187
- * Update commander. Closes #190
-0.8.1 / 2011-12-30
- * Fixed reporting of uncaught exceptions. Closes #183
- * Fixed error message defaulting [indutny]
- * Changed mocha(1) from bash to node for windows [Nathan Rajlich]
-0.8.0 / 2011-12-28
- * Added `XUnit` reporter [FeeFighters/visionmedia]
- * Added `say(1)` notification support [Maciej Małecki]
- * Changed: fail when done() is invoked with a non-Error. Closes #171
- * Fixed `err.stack`, defaulting to message. Closes #180
- * Fixed: `make tm` mkdir -p the dest. Closes #137
- * Fixed mocha(1) --help bin name
- * Fixed `-d` for `--debug` support
-0.7.1 / 2011-12-22
- * Removed `mocha-debug(1)`, use `mocha --debug`
- * Fixed CWD relative requires
- * Fixed growl issue on windows [Raynos]
- * Fixed: platform specific line endings [TooTallNate]
- * Fixed: escape strings in HTML reporter. Closes #164
-0.7.0 / 2011-12-18
- * Added support for IE{7,8} [guille]
- * Changed: better browser nextTick implementation [guille]
-0.6.0 / 2011-12-18
- * Added setZeroTimeout timeout for browser (nicer stack traces). Closes #153
- * Added "view source" on hover for HTML reporter to make it obvious
- * Changed: replace custom growl with growl lib
- * Fixed duplicate reporting for HTML reporter. Closes #154
- * Fixed silent hook errors in the HTML reporter. Closes #150
-0.5.0 / 2011-12-14
- * Added: push node_modules directory onto module.paths for relative require Closes #93
- * Added teamcity reporter [blindsey]
- * Fixed: recover from uncaught exceptions for tests. Closes #94
- * Fixed: only emit "test end" for uncaught within test, not hook
-0.4.0 / 2011-12-14
- * Added support for test-specific timeouts via `this.timeout(0)`. Closes #134
- * Added guillermo's client-side EventEmitter. Closes #132
- * Added progress indicator to the HTML reporter
- * Fixed slow browser tests. Closes #135
- * Fixed "suite" color for light terminals
- * Fixed `require()` leak spotted by [guillermo]
-0.3.6 / 2011-12-09
- * Removed suite merging (for now)
-0.3.5 / 2011-12-08
- * Added support for `window.onerror` [guillermo]
- * Fixed: clear timeout on uncaught exceptions. Closes #131 [guillermo]
- * Added `mocha.css` to PHONY list.
- * Added `mocha.js` to PHONY list.
-0.3.4 / 2011-12-08
- * Added: allow `done()` to be called with non-Error
- * Added: return Runner from ``. Closes #126
- * Fixed: run afterEach even on failures. Closes #125
- * Fixed clobbering of current runnable. Closes #121
-0.3.3 / 2011-12-08
- * Fixed hook timeouts. Closes #120
- * Fixed uncaught exceptions in hooks
-0.3.2 / 2011-12-05
- * Fixed weird reporting when `err.message` is not present
-0.3.1 / 2011-12-04
- * Fixed hook event emitter leak. Closes #117
- * Fixed: export `Spec` constructor. Closes #116
-0.3.0 / 2011-12-04
- * Added `-w, --watch`. Closes #72
- * Added `--ignore-leaks` to ignore global leak checking
- * Added browser `?grep=pattern` support
- * Added `--globals <names>` to specify accepted globals. Closes #99
- * Fixed `mocha-debug(1)` on some systems. Closes #232
- * Fixed growl total, use ``
-0.2.0 / 2011-11-30
- * Added `--globals <names>` to specify accepted globals. Closes #99
- * Fixed funky highlighting of messages. Closes #97
- * Fixed `mocha-debug(1)`. Closes #232
- * Fixed growl total, use
-0.1.0 / 2011-11-29
- * Added `suiteSetup` and `suiteTeardown` to TDD interface [David Henderson]
- * Added growl icons. Closes #84
- * Fixed coffee-script support
-0.0.8 / 2011-11-25
- * Fixed: use `Runner#total` for accurate reporting
-0.0.7 / 2011-11-25
- * Added `Hook`
- * Added `Runnable`
- * Changed: `Test` is `Runnable`
- * Fixed global leak reporting in hooks
- * Fixed: > 2 calls to done() only report the error once
- * Fixed: clear timer on failure. Closes #80
-0.0.6 / 2011-11-25
- * Fixed return on immediate async error. Closes #80
-0.0.5 / 2011-11-24
- * Fixed: make mocha.opts whitespace less picky [kkaefer]
-0.0.4 / 2011-11-24
- * Added `--interfaces`
- * Added `--reporters`
- * Added `-c, --colors`. Closes #69
- * Fixed hook timeouts
-0.0.3 / 2011-11-23
- * Added `-C, --no-colors` to explicitly disable
- * Added coffee-script support
-0.0.2 / 2011-11-22
- * Fixed global leak detection due to Safari bind() change
- * Fixed: escape html entities in Doc reporter
- * Fixed: escape html entities in HTML reporter
- * Fixed pending test support for HTML reporter. Closes #66
-0.0.1 / 2011-11-22
- * Added `--timeout` second shorthand support, ex `--timeout 3s`.
- * Fixed "test end" event for uncaughtExceptions. Closes #61
-0.0.1-alpha6 / 2011-11-19
- * Added travis CI support (needs enabling when public)
- * Added preliminary browser support
- * Added `make mocha.css` target. Closes #45
- * Added stack trace to TAP errors. Closes #52
- * Renamed tearDown to teardown. Closes #49
- * Fixed: cascading hooksc. Closes #30
- * Fixed some colors for non-tty
- * Fixed errors thrown in sync test-cases due to nextTick
- * Fixed Base.window.width... again give precedence to 0.6.x
-0.0.1-alpha5 / 2011-11-17
- * Added `doc` reporter. Closes #33
- * Added suite merging. Closes #28
- * Added TextMate bundle and `make tm`. Closes #20
-0.0.1-alpha4 / 2011-11-15
- * Fixed getWindowSize() for 0.4.x
-0.0.1-alpha3 / 2011-11-15
- * Added `-s, --slow <ms>` to specify "slow" test threshold
- * Added `mocha-debug(1)`
- * Added `mocha.opts` support. Closes #31
- * Added: default [files] to _test/*.js_
- * Added protection against multiple calls to `done()`. Closes #35
- * Changed: bright yellow for slow Dot reporter tests
-0.0.1-alpha1 / 2011-11-08
- * Missed this one :)
-0.0.1-alpha1 / 2011-11-08
- * Initial release
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