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Unified Diff: Source/WebCore/svg/graphics/SVGImage.cpp

Issue 12319101: Merge 142765 (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 7 years, 10 months ago
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Index: Source/WebCore/svg/graphics/SVGImage.cpp
--- Source/WebCore/svg/graphics/SVGImage.cpp (revision 143954)
+++ Source/WebCore/svg/graphics/SVGImage.cpp (working copy)
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
#include "FrameView.h"
#include "ImageBuffer.h"
#include "ImageObserver.h"
+#include "IntRect.h"
#include "RenderSVGRoot.h"
#include "SVGDocument.h"
#include "SVGImageChromeClient.h"
@@ -59,10 +60,23 @@
ASSERT(!m_chromeClient || !m_chromeClient->image());
-void SVGImage::setContainerSize(const IntSize&)
+void SVGImage::setContainerSize(const IntSize& size)
- // SVGImageCache already intercepted this call, as it stores & caches the desired container sizes & zoom levels.
+ if (!m_page || !usesContainerSize())
+ return;
+ Frame* frame = m_page->mainFrame();
+ SVGSVGElement* rootElement = static_cast<SVGDocument*>(frame->document())->rootElement();
+ if (!rootElement)
+ return;
+ RenderSVGRoot* renderer = toRenderSVGRoot(rootElement->renderer());
+ if (!renderer)
+ return;
+ FrameView* view = frameView();
+ view->resize(this->size());
+ renderer->setContainerSize(size);
IntSize SVGImage::size() const
@@ -99,56 +113,46 @@
return IntSize(300, 150);
-void SVGImage::drawSVGToImageBuffer(ImageBuffer* buffer, const FloatSize& size, float zoomAndScale, ShouldClearBuffer shouldClear)
+void SVGImage::drawForContainer(GraphicsContext* context, const FloatSize containerSize, float zoom, const FloatRect& dstRect,
+ const FloatRect& srcRect, ColorSpace colorSpace, CompositeOperator compositeOp, BlendMode blendMode)
- // FIXME: This doesn't work correctly with animations. If an image contains animations, that say run for 2 seconds,
- // and we currently have one <img> that displays us. If we open another document referencing the same SVGImage it
- // will display the document at a time where animations already ran - even though it has its own ImageBuffer.
- // We currently don't implement SVGSVGElement::setCurrentTime, and can NOT go back in time, once animations started.
- // There's no way to fix this besides avoiding style/attribute mutations from SVGAnimationElement.
- ASSERT(buffer);
- ASSERT(!size.isEmpty());
if (!m_page)
- Frame* frame = m_page->mainFrame();
- SVGSVGElement* rootElement = static_cast<SVGDocument*>(frame->document())->rootElement();
- if (!rootElement)
- return;
- RenderSVGRoot* renderer = toRenderSVGRoot(rootElement->renderer());
- if (!renderer)
- return;
- // Draw image at requested size.
ImageObserver* observer = imageObserver();
// Temporarily reset image observer, we don't want to receive any changeInRect() calls due to this relayout.
- // Disable repainting; we don't want deferred repaints to schedule any timers due to this relayout.
- frame->view()->beginDisableRepaints();
+ IntSize roundedContainerSize = roundedIntSize(containerSize);
+ setContainerSize(roundedContainerSize);
- IntSize containerSize = roundedIntSize(size);
- renderer->setContainerSize(containerSize);
- frame->view()->resize(this->size());
+ FloatRect scaledSrc = srcRect;
+ scaledSrc.scale(1 / zoom);
- FloatSize scaledContainerSize(size);
- scaledContainerSize.scale(zoomAndScale);
- IntRect destRect = IntRect(IntPoint(), expandedIntSize(scaledContainerSize));
- if (shouldClear == ClearImageBuffer)
- buffer->context()->clearRect(destRect);
+ // Compensate for the container size rounding by adjusting the source rect.
+ FloatSize adjustedSrcSize = scaledSrc.size();
+ adjustedSrcSize.scale(roundedContainerSize.width() / containerSize.width(), roundedContainerSize.height() / containerSize.height());
+ scaledSrc.setSize(adjustedSrcSize);
- // Draw SVG on top of ImageBuffer.
- draw(buffer->context(), destRect, IntRect(IntPoint(), containerSize), ColorSpaceDeviceRGB, CompositeSourceOver, BlendModeNormal);
+ draw(context, dstRect, scaledSrc, colorSpace, compositeOp, blendMode);
- if (frame->view()->needsLayout())
- frame->view()->layout();
- frame->view()->endDisableRepaints();
+void SVGImage::drawPatternForContainer(GraphicsContext* context, const FloatSize containerSize, float pageScale, float zoom, const FloatRect& srcRect,
+ const AffineTransform& patternTransform, const FloatPoint& phase, ColorSpace colorSpace, CompositeOperator compositeOp, const FloatRect& dstRect)
+ FloatSize zoomedContainerSize(containerSize);
+ zoomedContainerSize.scale(zoom);
+ FloatRect zoomedContainerRect = FloatRect(FloatPoint(), zoomedContainerSize);
+ OwnPtr<ImageBuffer> buffer = ImageBuffer::create(expandedIntSize(zoomedContainerSize), pageScale);
+ drawForContainer(buffer->context(), containerSize, zoom, zoomedContainerRect, zoomedContainerRect, ColorSpaceDeviceRGB, CompositeSourceOver, BlendModeNormal);
+ RefPtr<Image> image = buffer->copyImage(CopyBackingStore);
+ image->drawPattern(context, srcRect, patternTransform, phase, colorSpace, compositeOp, dstRect);
void SVGImage::draw(GraphicsContext* context, const FloatRect& dstRect, const FloatRect& srcRect, ColorSpace, CompositeOperator compositeOp, BlendMode)
@@ -250,23 +254,36 @@
intrinsicRatio = FloatSize(floatValueForLength(intrinsicWidth, 0), floatValueForLength(intrinsicHeight, 0));
-NativeImagePtr SVGImage::nativeImageForCurrentFrame()
+// FIXME: support catchUpIfNecessary.
+void SVGImage::startAnimation(bool /* catchUpIfNecessary */)
- // FIXME: In order to support dynamic SVGs we need to have a way to invalidate this
- // frame cache, or better yet, not use a cache for tiled drawing at all, instead
- // having a tiled drawing callback (hopefully non-virtual).
- if (!m_frameCache) {
- if (!m_page)
- return 0;
- OwnPtr<ImageBuffer> buffer = ImageBuffer::create(size(), 1);
- if (!buffer) // failed to allocate image
- return 0;
- draw(buffer->context(), rect(), rect(), ColorSpaceDeviceRGB, CompositeSourceOver, BlendModeNormal);
- m_frameCache = buffer->copyImage(CopyBackingStore);
- }
- return m_frameCache->nativeImageForCurrentFrame();
+ if (!m_page)
+ return;
+ Frame* frame = m_page->mainFrame();
+ SVGSVGElement* rootElement = static_cast<SVGDocument*>(frame->document())->rootElement();
+ if (!rootElement)
+ return;
+ rootElement->unpauseAnimations();
+ rootElement->setCurrentTime(0);
+void SVGImage::stopAnimation()
+ if (!m_page)
+ return;
+ Frame* frame = m_page->mainFrame();
+ SVGSVGElement* rootElement = static_cast<SVGDocument*>(frame->document())->rootElement();
+ if (!rootElement)
+ return;
+ rootElement->pauseAnimations();
+void SVGImage::resetAnimation()
+ stopAnimation();
+ startAnimation();
bool SVGImage::dataChanged(bool allDataReceived)
// Don't do anything if is an empty image.
@@ -322,7 +339,6 @@
info.addMember(m_chromeClient, "chromeClient");
info.addMember(m_page, "page");
- info.addMember(m_frameCache, "frameCache");
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