| (Empty) |
1 Test case for bug http://webkit.org/b/98455. The testcase checks if the max-widt
h property overrides the computed width of a html container with display:table. | |
2 A html container with display:table should not exceed the max-width even if its
calculated width is greater than the max-width value. | |
3 However when min-width property is set and its value is greated than the max-wid
th value, the width of the container must be equal to the min-width value. | |
4 | |
5 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
". | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 Note:The width of the css tables inclusive of its border width. | |
9 | |
10 PASS maxGreatThanMinWidthAutoLayout.getBoundingClientRect().width is 202 | |
11 PASS minGreatThanMaxWidthAutoLayout.getBoundingClientRect().width is 202 | |
12 PASS onlyMaxWidthAutoLayout.getBoundingClientRect().width is 202 | |
13 PASS maxWidthZeroAutoLayout.getBoundingClientRect().width is 0 | |
14 PASS maxGreatThanMinWidthFixedLayout.getBoundingClientRect().width is 202 | |
15 PASS minGreatThanMaxWidthFixedLayout.getBoundingClientRect().width is 202 | |
16 PASS onlyMaxWidthFixedLayout.getBoundingClientRect().width is 202 | |
17 PASS maxWidthZeroFixedLayout.getBoundingClientRect().width is 0 | |
18 PASS successfullyParsed is true | |
19 | |
21 | |