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Unified Diff: Source/WebCore/svg/properties/SVGListPropertyTearOff.h

Issue 12288020: Merge 142759 (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 7 years, 10 months ago
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Index: Source/WebCore/svg/properties/SVGListPropertyTearOff.h
--- Source/WebCore/svg/properties/SVGListPropertyTearOff.h (revision 143078)
+++ Source/WebCore/svg/properties/SVGListPropertyTearOff.h (working copy)
@@ -47,30 +47,35 @@
return adoptRef(new Self(animatedProperty, role, values, wrappers));
- int removeItemFromList(ListItemTearOff* removeItem, bool shouldSynchronizeWrappers)
+ int findItem(ListItemTearOff* item) const
- // Lookup item in cache and remove its corresponding wrapper.
unsigned size = m_wrappers->size();
ASSERT(size == m_values->size());
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
- RefPtr<ListItemTearOff>& item = m_wrappers->at(i);
- if (item != removeItem)
- continue;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ if (item == m_wrappers->at(i))
+ return i;
+ }
- item->detachWrapper();
- m_wrappers->remove(i);
- m_values->remove(i);
+ return -1;
+ }
- if (shouldSynchronizeWrappers)
- commitChange();
+ void removeItemFromList(size_t itemIndex, bool shouldSynchronizeWrappers)
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_values);
+ ASSERT(m_wrappers);
+ ASSERT(m_values->size() == m_wrappers->size());
+ ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(itemIndex < m_wrappers->size());
- return i;
- }
+ RefPtr<ListItemTearOff>& item = m_wrappers->at(itemIndex);
+ item->detachWrapper();
+ m_wrappers->remove(itemIndex);
+ m_values->remove(itemIndex);
- return -1;
+ if (shouldSynchronizeWrappers)
+ commitChange();
// SVGList API
@@ -144,19 +149,20 @@
- virtual void processIncomingListItemValue(const ListItemType&, unsigned*)
+ virtual bool processIncomingListItemValue(const ListItemType&, unsigned*)
+ return true;
- virtual void processIncomingListItemWrapper(RefPtr<ListItemTearOff>& newItem, unsigned* indexToModify)
+ virtual bool processIncomingListItemWrapper(RefPtr<ListItemTearOff>& newItem, unsigned* indexToModify)
SVGAnimatedProperty* animatedPropertyOfItem = newItem->animatedProperty();
// newItem has been created manually, it doesn't belong to any SVGElement.
// (for example: "textElement.x.baseVal.appendItem(svgsvgElement.createSVGLength())")
if (!animatedPropertyOfItem)
- return;
+ return true;
// newItem belongs to a SVGElement, but its associated SVGAnimatedProperty is not an animated list tear off.
// (for example: "textElement.x.baseVal.appendItem(rectElement.width.baseVal)")
@@ -167,25 +173,34 @@
// that's inserted into SVGTextElements SVGAnimatedLengthList 'x'. textElement.x.baseVal.getItem(0).value += 150 would
// mutate the rectElement width _and_ the textElement x list. That's obviously wrong, take care of that.
newItem = ListItemTearOff::create(newItem->propertyReference());
- return;
+ return true;
// Spec: If newItem is already in a list, it is removed from its previous list before it is inserted into this list.
// 'newItem' is already living in another list. If it's not our list, synchronize the other lists wrappers after the removal.
bool livesInOtherList = animatedPropertyOfItem != m_animatedProperty;
- int removedIndex = static_cast<AnimatedListPropertyTearOff*>(animatedPropertyOfItem)->removeItemFromList(newItem.get(), livesInOtherList);
- ASSERT(removedIndex != -1);
+ AnimatedListPropertyTearOff* propertyTearOff = static_cast<AnimatedListPropertyTearOff*>(animatedPropertyOfItem);
+ int indexToRemove = propertyTearOff->findItem(newItem.get());
+ ASSERT(indexToRemove != -1);
+ // Do not remove newItem if already in this list at the target index.
+ if (!livesInOtherList && indexToModify && static_cast<unsigned>(indexToRemove) == *indexToModify)
+ return false;
+ propertyTearOff->removeItemFromList(indexToRemove, livesInOtherList);
if (!indexToModify)
- return;
+ return true;
// If the item lived in our list, adjust the insertion index.
if (!livesInOtherList) {
unsigned& index = *indexToModify;
// Spec: If the item is already in this list, note that the index of the item to (replace|insert before) is before the removal of the item.
- if (static_cast<unsigned>(removedIndex) < index)
+ if (static_cast<unsigned>(indexToRemove) < index)
+ return true;
// Back pointer to the animated property that created us
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