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Unified Diff: third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/words/protocols/

Issue 12261012: Remove third_party/twisted_8_1 (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 7 years, 10 months ago
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Index: third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/words/protocols/
diff --git a/third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/words/protocols/ b/third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/words/protocols/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e46646abf5a27983f08b885203077c101c61d07..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/words/protocols/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1615 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.words.test -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Implements a AOL Instant Messenger TOC server and client, using the Twisted
-info,dir: see how gaim connects for may never work if it tries to
-connect to the aim server automatically
-This module is deprecated.
-Maintainer: U{Paul Swartz<>}
-# twisted imports
-from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol
-from twisted.python import log
-# base imports
-import struct
-import string
-import time
-import base64
-import os
-import StringIO
-DUMMY_CHECKSUM = -559038737 # 0xdeadbeef
-def quote(s):
- rep=['\\','$','{','}','[',']','(',')','"']
- for r in rep:
- s=string.replace(s,r,"\\"+r)
- return "\""+s+"\""
-def unquote(s):
- if s=="": return ""
- if s[0]!='"': return s
- r=string.replace
- s=s[1:-1]
- s=r(s,"\\\\","\\")
- s=r(s,"\\$","$")
- s=r(s,"\\{","{")
- s=r(s,"\\}","}")
- s=r(s,"\\[","[")
- s=r(s,"\\]","]")
- s=r(s,"\\(","(")
- s=r(s,"\\)",")")
- s=r(s,"\\\"","\"")
- return s
-def unquotebeg(s):
- for i in range(1,len(s)):
- if s[i]=='"' and s[i-1]!='\\':
- q=unquote(s[:i+1])
- return [q,s[i+2:]]
-def unroast(pw):
- roaststring="Tic/Toc"
- pw=string.lower(pw[2:])
- r=""
- count=0
- hex=["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","a","b","c","d","e","f"]
- while pw:
- st,pw=pw[:2],pw[2:]
- value=(16*hex.index(st[0]))+hex.index(st[1])
- xor=ord(roaststring[count])
- count=(count+1)%len(roaststring)
- r=r+chr(value^xor)
- return r
-def roast(pw):
- # contributed by jemfinch on #python
- key="Tic/Toc"
- ro="0x"
- i=0
- ascii=map(ord,pw)
- for c in ascii:
- ro=ro+'%02x'%(c^ord(key[i%len(key)]))
- i=i+1
- return string.lower(ro)
-def checksum(b):
- return DUMMY_CHECKSUM # do it like gaim does, since the checksum
- # formula doesn't work
-## # used in file transfers
-## check0 = check1 = 0x00ff
-## for i in range(len(b)):
-## if i%2:
-## if ord(b[i])>check1:
-## check1=check1+0x100 # wrap
-## if check0==0:
-## check0=0x00ff
-## if check1==0x100:
-## check1=check1-1
-## else:
-## check0=check0-1
-## check1=check1-ord(b[i])
-## else:
-## if ord(b[i])>check0: # wrap
-## check0=check0+0x100
-## if check1==0:
-## check1=0x00ff
-## if check0==0x100:
-## check0=check0-1
-## else:
-## check1=check1-1
-## check0=check0-ord(b[i])
-## check0=check0 & 0xff
-## check1=check1 & 0xff
-## checksum=(long(check0)*0x1000000)+(long(check1)*0x10000)
-## return checksum
-def checksum_file(f):
- return DUMMY_CHECKSUM # do it like gaim does, since the checksum
- # formula doesn't work
-## check0=check1=0x00ff
-## i=0
-## while 1:
-## if not b: break
-## for char in b:
-## i=not i
-## if i:
-## if ord(char)>check1:
-## check1=check1+0x100 # wrap
-## if check0==0:
-## check0=0x00ff
-## if check1==0x100:
-## check1=check1-1
-## else:
-## check0=check0-1
-## check1=check1-ord(char)
-## else:
-## if ord(char)>check0: # wrap
-## check0=check0+0x100
-## if check1==0:
-## check1=0x00ff
-## if check0==0x100:
-## check0=check0-1
-## else:
-## check1=check1-1
-## check0=check0-ord(char)
-## check0=check0 & 0xff
-## check1=check1 & 0xff
-## checksum=(long(check0)*0x1000000)+(long(check1)*0x10000)
-## return checksum
-def normalize(s):
- s=string.lower(s)
- s=string.replace(s," ","")
- return s
-class TOCParseError(ValueError):
- pass
-class TOC(protocol.Protocol):
- users={}
- def connectionMade(self):
- # initialization of protocol
- self._buf=""
- self._ourseqnum=0L
- self._theirseqnum=0L
- self._mode="Flapon"
- self._onlyflaps=0
- self._laststatus={} # the last status for a user
- self.username=None
- self.permitmode=PERMITALL
- self.permitlist=[]
- self.denylist=[]
- self.buddylist=[]
- self.signontime=0
- self.idletime=0
- self.userinfo="<br>"
- self.userclass=" O"
- self.away=""
- self.saved=None
- def _debug(self,data):
- log.msg(data)
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- self._debug("dropped connection from %s" % self.username)
- try:
- del self.factory.users[self.username]
- except:
- pass
- for k in self.factory.chatroom.keys():
- try:
- self.factory.chatroom[k].leave(self)
- except TOCParseError:
- pass
- if self.saved:
- self.factory.savedusers[self.username]=self.saved
- self.updateUsers()
- def sendFlap(self,type,data):
- """
- send a FLAP to the client
- """
- send="*"
- self._debug(data)
- if type==DATA:
- data=data+"\000"
- length=len(data)
- send=send+struct.pack("!BHH",type,self._ourseqnum,length)
- send=send+data
- self._ourseqnum=self._ourseqnum+1
- if self._ourseqnum>(256L**4):
- self._ourseqnum=0
- self.transport.write(send)
- def dataReceived(self,data):
- self._buf=self._buf+data
- try:
- func=getattr(self,"mode%s"%self._mode)
- except:
- return
- self._mode=func()
- if self._onlyflaps and self.isFlap(): self.dataReceived("")
- def isFlap(self):
- """
- tests to see if a flap is actually on the buffer
- """
- if self._buf=='': return 0
- if self._buf[0]!="*": return 0
- if len(self._buf)<6: return 0
- foo,type,seqnum,length=struct.unpack("!BBHH",self._buf[:6])
- if type not in range(1,6): return 0
- if len(self._buf)<6+length: return 0
- return 1
- def readFlap(self):
- """
- read the first FLAP off self._buf, raising errors if it isn't in the right form.
- the FLAP is the basic TOC message format, and is logically equivilant to a packet in TCP
- """
- if self._buf=='': return None
- if self._buf[0]!="*":
- raise TOCParseError
- if len(self._buf)<6: return None
- foo,type,seqnum,length=struct.unpack("!BBHH",self._buf[:6])
- if len(self._buf)<6+length: return None
- data=self._buf[6:6+length]
- self._buf=self._buf[6+length:]
- if data and data[-1]=="\000":
- data=data[:-1]
- self._debug([type,data])
- return [type,data]
- #def modeWeb(self):
- # try:
- # line,rest=string.split(self._buf,"\n",1)
- # get,username,http=string.split(line," ",2)
- # except:
- # return "Web" # not enough data
- # foo,type,username=string.split(username,"/")
- # if type=="info":
- # user=self.factory.users[username]
- # text="<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>User Information for %s</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>Username: <B>%s</B><br>\nWarning Level: <B>%s%</B><br>\n Online Since: <B>%s</B><br>\nIdle Minutes: <B>%s</B><br>\n<hr><br>\n%s\n<hr><br>\n"%(user.saved.nick, user.saved.nick, user.saved.evilness, time.asctime(user.signontime), int((time.time()-user.idletime)/60), user.userinfo)
- # self.transport.write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n")
- # self.transport.write("Content-Type: text/html\n")
- # self.transport.write("Content-Length: %s\n\n"%len(text))
- # self.transport.write(text)
- # self.loseConnection()
- def modeFlapon(self):
- #if self._buf[:3]=="GET": self.modeWeb() # TODO: get this working
- if len(self._buf)<10: return "Flapon" # not enough bytes
- flapon,self._buf=self._buf[:10],self._buf[10:]
- if flapon!="FLAPON\r\n\r\n":
- raise TOCParseError
- self.sendFlap(SIGNON,"\000\000\000\001")
- self._onlyflaps=1
- return "Signon"
- def modeSignon(self):
- flap=self.readFlap()
- if flap==None:
- return "Signon"
- if flap[0]!=SIGNON: raise TOCParseError
- version,tlv,unlength=struct.unpack("!LHH",flap[1][:8])
- if version!=1 or tlv!=1 or unlength+8!=len(flap[1]):
- raise TOCParseError
- self.username=normalize(flap[1][8:])
- if self.username in self.factory.savedusers.keys():
- self.saved=self.factory.savedusers[self.username]
- else:
- self.saved=SavedUser()
- self.saved.nick=self.username
- return "TocSignon"
- def modeTocSignon(self):
- flap=self.readFlap()
- if flap==None:
- return "TocSignon"
- if flap[0]!=DATA: raise TOCParseError
- data=string.split(flap[1]," ")
- if data[0]!="toc_signon": raise TOCParseError
- for i in data:
- if not i:data.remove(i)
- password=unroast(data[4])
- if not(self.authorize(data[1],int(data[2]),data[3],password)):
- self.sendError(BAD_NICKNAME)
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- return
- self.sendFlap(DATA,"SIGN_ON:TOC1.0")
- self.sendFlap(DATA,"NICK:%s"%self.saved.nick)
- self.sendFlap(DATA,"CONFIG:%s"%self.saved.config)
- # sending user configuration goes here
- return "Connected"
- def authorize(self,server,port,username,password):
- if self.saved.password=="":
- self.saved.password=password
- return 1
- else:
- return self.saved.password==password
- def modeConnected(self):
- flap=self.readFlap()
- while flap!=None:
- if flap[0] not in [DATA,KEEP_ALIVE]: raise TOCParseError
- flapdata=string.split(flap[1]," ",1)
- tocname=flapdata[0][4:]
- if len(flapdata)==2:
- data=flapdata[1]
- else:
- data=""
- func=getattr(self,"toc_"+tocname,None)
- if func!=None:
- func(data)
- else:
- self.toc_unknown(tocname,data)
- flap=self.readFlap()
- return "Connected"
- def toc_unknown(self,tocname,data):
- self._debug("unknown! %s %s" % (tocname,data))
- def toc_init_done(self,data):
- """
- called when all the setup is done.
- toc_init_done
- """
- self.signontime=int(time.time())
- self.factory.users[self.username]=self
- self.updateUsers()
- def toc_add_permit(self,data):
- """
- adds users to the permit list. if the list is null, then set the mode to DENYALL
- """
- if data=="":
- self.permitmode=DENYALL
- self.permitlist=[]
- self.denylist=[]
- else:
- self.permitmode=PERMITSOME
- self.denylist=[]
- users=string.split(data," ")
- map(self.permitlist.append,users)
- self.updateUsers()
- def toc_add_deny(self,data):
- """
- adds users to the deny list. if the list is null, then set the mode to PERMITALL
- """
- if data=="":
- self.permitmode=PERMITALL
- self.permitlist=[]
- self.denylist=[]
- else:
- self.permitmode=DENYSOME
- self.permitlist=[]
- users=string.split(data," ")
- map(self.denylist.append,users)
- self.updateUsers()
- def toc_evil(self,data):
- """
- warns a user.
- toc_evil <username> <anon|norm>
- """
- username,nora=string.split(data," ")
- if nora=="anon":
- user=""
- else:
- user=self.saved.nick
- if not(self.factory.users.has_key(username)):
- self.sendError(CANT_WARN,username)
- return
- if self.factory.users[username].saved.evilness>=100:
- self.sendError(CANT_WARN,username)
- return
- self.factory.users[username].evilFrom(user)
- def toc_add_buddy(self,data):
- """
- adds users to the buddy list
- toc_add_buddy <buddyname1> [<buddyname2>] [<buddyname3>]...
- """
- buddies=map(normalize,string.split(data," "))
- for b in buddies:
- if b not in self.buddylist:
- self.buddylist.append(b)
- for buddy in buddies:
- try:
- buddy=self.factory.users[buddy]
- except:
- pass
- else:
- self.buddyUpdate(buddy)
- def toc_remove_buddy(self,data):
- """
- removes users from the buddy list
- toc_remove_buddy <buddyname1> [<buddyname2>] [<buddyname3>]...
- """
- buddies=string.split(data," ")
- for buddy in buddies:
- try:
- self.buddylist.remove(normalize(buddy))
- except: pass
- def toc_send_im(self,data):
- """
- incoming instant message
- toc_send_im <screenname> <quoted message> [auto]
- """
- username,data=string.split(data," ",1)
- auto=0
- if data[-4:]=="auto":
- auto=1
- data=data[:-5]
- data=unquote(data)
- if not(self.factory.users.has_key(username)):
- self.sendError(NOT_AVAILABLE,username)
- return
- user=self.factory.users[username]
- if not(self.canContact(user)):
- self.sendError(NOT_AVAILABLE,username)
- return
- user.hearWhisper(self,data,auto)
- def toc_set_info(self,data):
- """
- set the users information, retrivable with toc_get_info
- toc_set_info <user info (quoted)>
- """
- info=unquote(data)
- self._userinfo=info
- def toc_set_idle(self,data):
- """
- set/unset idle
- toc_set_idle <seconds>
- """
- seconds=int(data)
- self.idletime=time.time()-seconds # time when they started being idle
- self.updateUsers()
- def toc_set_away(self,data):
- """
- set/unset away message
- toc_set_away [<away message>]
- """
- away=unquote(data)
- if not self.away and away: # setting an away message
- self.away=away
- self.userclass=self.userclass+'U'
- self.updateUsers()
- elif self.away and not away: # coming back
- self.away=""
- self.userclass=self.userclass[:2]
- self.updateUsers()
- else:
- raise TOCParseError
- def toc_chat_join(self,data):
- """
- joins the chat room.
- toc_chat_join <exchange> <room name>
- """
- exchange,name=string.split(data," ",1)
- self.factory.getChatroom(int(exchange),unquote(name)).join(self)
- def toc_chat_invite(self,data):
- """
- invite others to the room.
- toc_chat_invite <room id> <invite message> <buddy 1> [<buddy2>]...
- """
- id,data=string.split(data," ",1)
- id=int(id)
- message,data=unquotebeg(data)
- buddies=string.split(data," ")
- for b in buddies:
- room=self.factory.chatroom[id]
- bud=self.factory.users[b]
- bud.chatInvite(room,self,message)
- def toc_chat_accept(self,data):
- """
- accept an invitation.
- toc_chat_accept <room id>
- """
- id=int(data)
- self.factory.chatroom[id].join(self)
- def toc_chat_send(self,data):
- """
- send a message to the chat room.
- toc_chat_send <room id> <message>
- """
- id,message=string.split(data," ",1)
- id=int(id)
- message=unquote(message)
- self.factory.chatroom[id].say(self,message)
- def toc_chat_whisper(self,data):
- id,user,message=string.split(data," ",2)
- id=int(id)
- room=self.factory.chatroom[id]
- message=unquote(message)
- self.factory.users[user].chatWhisper(room,self,message)
- def toc_chat_leave(self,data):
- """
- leave the room.
- toc_chat_leave <room id>
- """
- id=int(data)
- self.factory.chatroom[id].leave(self)
- def toc_set_config(self,data):
- """
- set the saved config. this gets send when you log in.
- toc_set_config <config>
- """
- self.saved.config=unquote(data)
- def toc_get_info(self,data):
- """
- get the user info for a user
- toc_get_info <username>
- """
- if not self.factory.users.has_key(data):
- self.sendError(901,data)
- return
- self.sendFlap(2,"GOTO_URL:TIC:info/%s"%data)
- def toc_format_nickname(self,data):
- """
- change the format of your nickname.
- toc_format_nickname <new format>
- """
- # XXX may not work
- nick=unquote(data)
- if normalize(nick)==self.username:
- self.saved.nick=nick
- self.sendFlap(2,"ADMIN_NICK_STATUS:0")
- else:
- self.sendError(BAD_INPUT)
- def toc_change_passwd(self,data):
- orig,data=unquotebeg(data)
- new=unquote(data)
- if orig==self.saved.password:
- self.saved.password=new
- self.sendFlap(2,"ADMIN_PASSWD_STATUS:0")
- else:
- self.sendError(BAD_INPUT)
- def sendError(self,code,*varargs):
- """
- send an error to the user. listing of error messages is below.
- """
- send="ERROR:%s"%code
- for v in varargs:
- send=send+":"+v
- self.sendFlap(DATA,send)
- def updateUsers(self):
- """
- Update the users who have us on their buddylist.
- Called when the user changes anything (idle,away) so people can get updates.
- """
- for user in self.factory.users.values():
- if self.username in user.buddylist and self.canContact(user):
- user.buddyUpdate(self)
- def getStatus(self,user):
- if self.canContact(user):
- if self in self.factory.users.values():ol='T'
- else: ol='F'
- idle=0
- if self.idletime:
- idle=int((time.time()-self.idletime)/60)
- return (self.saved.nick,ol,self.saved.evilness,self.signontime,idle,self.userclass)
- else:
- return (self.saved.nick,'F',0,0,0,self.userclass)
- def canContact(self,user):
- if self.permitmode==PERMITALL: return 1
- elif self.permitmode==DENYALL: return 0
- elif self.permitmode==PERMITSOME:
- if user.username in self.permitlist: return 1
- else: return 0
- elif self.permitmode==DENYSOME:
- if user.username in self.denylist: return 0
- else: return 1
- else:
- assert 0,"bad permitmode %s" % self.permitmode
- def buddyUpdate(self,user):
- """
- Update the buddy. Called from updateUsers()
- """
- if not self.canContact(user): return
- status=user.getStatus(self)
- if not self._laststatus.has_key(user):
- self._laststatus[user]=()
- if self._laststatus[user]!=status:
- send="UPDATE_BUDDY:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s"%status
- self.sendFlap(DATA,send)
- self._laststatus[user]=status
- def hearWhisper(self,user,data,auto=0):
- """
- Called when you get an IM. If auto=1, it's an autoreply from an away message.
- """
- if not self.canContact(user): return
- if auto: auto='T'
- else: auto='F'
- send="IM_IN:%s:%s:%s"%(user.saved.nick,auto,data)
- self.sendFlap(DATA,send)
- def evilFrom(self,user):
- if user=="":
- percent=0.03
- else:
- percent=0.1
- self.saved.evilness=self.saved.evilness+int((100-self.saved.evilness)*percent)
- self.sendFlap(2,"EVILED:%s:%s"%(self.saved.evilness,user))
- self.updateUsers()
- def chatJoin(self,room):
- self.sendFlap(2,"CHAT_JOIN:%s:%s"%(,
- for u in room.users:
- if u!=self:
- u.chatUserUpdate(room,self)
- f=f+":"+u.saved.nick
- self.sendFlap(2,f)
- def chatInvite(self,room,user,message):
- if not self.canContact(user): return
- self.sendFlap(2,"CHAT_INVITE:%s:%s:%s:%s"%(,,user.saved.nick,message))
- def chatUserUpdate(self,room,user):
- if user in room.users:
- inroom='T'
- else:
- inroom='F'
- self.sendFlap(2,"CHAT_UPDATE_BUDDY:%s:%s:%s"%(,inroom,user.saved.nick))
- def chatMessage(self,room,user,message):
- if not self.canContact(user): return
- self.sendFlap(2,"CHAT_IN:%s:%s:F:%s"%(,user.saved.nick,message))
- def chatWhisper(self,room,user,message):
- if not self.canContact(user): return
- self.sendFlap(2,"CHAT_IN:%s:%s:T:%s"%(,user.saved.nick,message))
- def chatLeave(self,room):
- self.sendFlap(2,"CHAT_LEFT:%s"%(
-class Chatroom:
- def __init__(self,fac,exchange,name,id):
- self.factory=fac
- self.users=[]
- def join(self,user):
- if user in self.users:
- return
- self.users.append(user)
- user.chatJoin(self)
- def leave(self,user):
- if user not in self.users:
- raise TOCParseError
- self.users.remove(user)
- user.chatLeave(self)
- for u in self.users:
- u.chatUserUpdate(self,user)
- if len(self.users)==0:
- self.factory.remChatroom(self)
- def say(self,user,message):
- for u in self.users:
- u.chatMessage(self,user,message)
-class SavedUser:
- def __init__(self):
- self.config=""
- self.nick=""
- self.password=""
- self.evilness=0
-class TOCFactory(protocol.Factory):
- def __init__(self):
- self.users={}
- self.savedusers={}
- self.chatroom={}
- self.chatroomid=0
- def buildProtocol(self,addr):
- p=TOC()
- p.factory=self
- return p
- def getChatroom(self,exchange,name):
- for i in self.chatroom.values():
- if normalize(
- return i
- self.chatroom[self.chatroomid]=Chatroom(self,exchange,name,self.chatroomid)
- self.chatroomid=self.chatroomid+1
- return self.chatroom[self.chatroomid-1]
- def remChatroom(self,room):
- del self.chatroom[id]
-class TOCClient(protocol.Protocol):
- def __init__(self,username,password,authhost="",authport=5190):
- self.username=normalize(username) # our username
- self._password=password # our password
- self._mode="SendNick" # current mode
- self._ourseqnum=19071 # current sequence number (for sendFlap)
- self._authhost=authhost # authorization host
- self._authport=authport # authorization port
- self._online=0 # are we online?
- self._buddies=[] # the current buddy list
- self._privacymode=PERMITALL # current privacy mode
- self._permitlist=[] # list of users on the permit list
- self._roomnames={} # the names for each of the rooms we're in
- self._receivedchatmembers={} # have we gotten who's in our room yet?
- self._denylist=[]
- self._cookies={} # for file transfers
- self._buf='' # current data buffer
- self._awaymessage=''
- def _debug(self,data):
- log.msg(data)
- def sendFlap(self,type,data):
- if type==DATA:
- data=data+"\000"
- length=len(data)
- s="*"
- s=s+struct.pack("!BHH",type,self._ourseqnum,length)
- s=s+data
- self._ourseqnum=self._ourseqnum+1
- if self._ourseqnum>(256*256+256):
- self._ourseqnum=0
- self._debug(data)
- self.transport.write(s)
- def isFlap(self):
- """
- tests to see if a flap is actually on the buffer
- """
- if self._buf=='': return 0
- if self._buf[0]!="*": return 0
- if len(self._buf)<6: return 0
- foo,type,seqnum,length=struct.unpack("!BBHH",self._buf[:6])
- if type not in range(1,6): return 0
- if len(self._buf)<6+length: return 0
- return 1
- def readFlap(self):
- if self._buf=='': return None
- if self._buf[0]!="*":
- raise TOCParseError
- if len(self._buf)<6: return None
- foo,type,seqnum,length=struct.unpack("!BBHH",self._buf[:6])
- if len(self._buf)<6+length: return None
- data=self._buf[6:6+length]
- self._buf=self._buf[6+length:]
- if data and data[-1]=="\000":
- data=data[:-1]
- return [type,data]
- def connectionMade(self):
- self._debug("connection made! %s" % self.transport)
- self.transport.write("FLAPON\r\n\r\n")
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- self._debug("connection lost!")
- self._online=0
- def dataReceived(self,data):
- self._buf=self._buf+data
- while self.isFlap():
- flap=self.readFlap()
- func=getattr(self,"mode%s"%self._mode)
- func(flap)
- def modeSendNick(self,flap):
- if flap!=[1,"\000\000\000\001"]: raise TOCParseError
- s="\000\000\000\001\000\001"+struct.pack("!H",len(self.username))+self.username
- self.sendFlap(1,s)
- s="toc_signon %s %s %s %s english \"penguin\""%(self._authhost,\
- self._authport,self.username,roast(self._password))
- self.sendFlap(2,s)
- self._mode="Data"
- def modeData(self,flap):
- if not flap[1]:
- return
- if not ':' in flap[1]:
- self._debug("bad SNAC:%s"%(flap[1]))
- return
- command,rest=string.split(flap[1],":",1)
- if MAXARGS.has_key(command):
- maxsplit=MAXARGS[command]
- else:
- maxsplit=-1
- if maxsplit==-1:
- l=tuple(string.split(rest,":"))
- elif maxsplit==0:
- l=(rest,)
- else:
- l=tuple(string.split(rest,":",maxsplit))
- self._debug("%s %s"%(command,l))
- try:
- func=getattr(self,"toc%s"%command)
- self._debug("calling %s"%func)
- except:
- self._debug("calling %s"%self.tocUNKNOWN)
- self.tocUNKNOWN(command,l)
- return
- func(l)
- def tocUNKNOWN(self,command,data):
- pass
- def tocSIGN_ON(self,data):
- if data!=("TOC1.0",): raise TOCParseError
- self._debug("Whee, signed on!")
- if self._buddies: self.add_buddy(self._buddies)
- self._online=1
- self.onLine()
- def tocNICK(self,data):
- """
- Handle a message that looks like::
- NICK:<format of nickname>
- """
- self.username=data[0]
- def tocCONFIG(self,data):
- """
- Handle a message that looks like::
- CONFIG:<config>
- Format of config data:
- - g: group. all users until next g or end of config are in this group
- - b: buddy
- - p: person on the permit list
- - d: person on the deny list
- - m: permit/deny mode (1: permit all, 2: deny all, 3: permit some, 4: deny some)
- """
- data=data[0]
- if data and data[0]=="{":data=data[1:-1]
- lines=string.split(data,"\n")
- buddylist={}
- currentgroup=""
- permit=[]
- deny=[]
- mode=1
- for l in lines:
- if l:
- code,data=l[0],l[2:]
- if code=='g': # group
- currentgroup=data
- buddylist[currentgroup]=[]
- elif code=='b':
- buddylist[currentgroup].append(data)
- elif code=='p':
- permit.append(data)
- elif code=='d':
- deny.append(data)
- elif code=='m':
- mode=int(data)
- self.gotConfig(mode,buddylist,permit,deny)
- def tocIM_IN(self,data):
- """
- Handle a message that looks like::
- IM_IN:<user>:<autoreply T|F>:message
- """
- user=data[0]
- autoreply=(data[1]=='T')
- message=data[2]
- self.hearMessage(user,message,autoreply)
- def tocUPDATE_BUDDY(self,data):
- """
- Handle a message that looks like::
- UPDATE_BUDDY:<username>:<online T|F>:<warning level>:<signon time>:<idle time (minutes)>:<user class>
- """
- data=list(data)
- online=(data[1]=='T')
- if len(data[5])==2:
- data[5]=data[5]+" "
- away=(data[5][-1]=='U')
- if data[5][-1]=='U':
- data[5]=data[5][:-1]
- self.updateBuddy(data[0],online,int(data[2]),int(data[3]),int(data[4]),data[5],away)
- def tocERROR(self,data):
- """
- Handle a message that looks like::
- ERROR:<error code>:<misc. data>
- """
- code,args=data[0],data[1:]
- self.hearError(int(code),args)
- def tocEVILED(self,data):
- """
- Handle a message that looks like::
- EVILED:<current warning level>:<user who warned us>
- """
- self.hearWarning(data[0],data[1])
- def tocCHAT_JOIN(self,data):
- """
- Handle a message that looks like::
- CHAT_JOIN:<room id>:<room name>
- """
- #self.chatJoined(int(data[0]),data[1])
- self._roomnames[int(data[0])]=data[1]
- self._receivedchatmembers[int(data[0])]=0
- def tocCHAT_UPDATE_BUDDY(self,data):
- """
- Handle a message that looks like::
- CHAT_UPDATE_BUDDY:<room id>:<in room? T/F>:<user 1>:<user 2>...
- """
- roomid=int(data[0])
- inroom=(data[1]=='T')
- if self._receivedchatmembers[roomid]:
- for u in data[2:]:
- self.chatUpdate(roomid,u,inroom)
- else:
- self._receivedchatmembers[roomid]=1
- self.chatJoined(roomid,self._roomnames[roomid],list(data[2:]))
- def tocCHAT_IN(self,data):
- """
- Handle a message that looks like::
- CHAT_IN:<room id>:<username>:<whisper T/F>:<message>
- whisper isn't used
- """
- whisper=(data[2]=='T')
- if whisper:
- self.chatHearWhisper(int(data[0]),data[1],data[3])
- else:
- self.chatHearMessage(int(data[0]),data[1],data[3])
- def tocCHAT_INVITE(self,data):
- """
- Handle a message that looks like::
- CHAT_INVITE:<room name>:<room id>:<username>:<message>
- """
- self.chatInvited(int(data[1]),data[0],data[2],data[3])
- def tocCHAT_LEFT(self,data):
- """
- Handle a message that looks like::
- CHAT_LEFT:<room id>
- """
- self.chatLeft(int(data[0]))
- del self._receivedchatmembers[int(data[0])]
- del self._roomnames[int(data[0])]
- def tocRVOUS_PROPOSE(self,data):
- """
- Handle a message that looks like::
- RVOUS_PROPOSE:<user>:<uuid>:<cookie>:<seq>:<rip>:<pip>:<vip>:<port>
- [:tlv tag1:tlv value1[:tlv tag2:tlv value2[:...]]]
- """
- user,uid,cookie,seq,rip,pip,vip,port=data[:8]
- cookie=base64.decodestring(cookie)
- port=int(port)
- tlvs={}
- for i in range(8,len(data),2):
- key=data[i]
- value=base64.decodestring(data[i+1])
- tlvs[key]=value
- name=UUIDS[uid]
- try:
- func=getattr(self,"toc%s"%name)
- except:
- self._debug("no function for UID %s" % uid)
- return
- func(user,cookie,seq,pip,vip,port,tlvs)
- def tocSEND_FILE(self,user,cookie,seq,pip,vip,port,tlvs):
- if tlvs.has_key('12'):
- description=tlvs['12']
- else:
- description=""
- subtype,numfiles,size=struct.unpack("!HHI",tlvs['10001'][:8])
- name=tlvs['10001'][8:-4]
- while name[-1]=='\000':
- name=name[:-1]
- self._cookies[cookie]=[user,SEND_FILE_UID,pip,port,{'name':name}]
- self.rvousProposal("send",cookie,user,vip,port,description=description,
- name=name,files=numfiles,size=size)
- def tocGET_FILE(self,user,cookie,seq,pip,vip,port,tlvs):
- return
- # XXX add this back in
- #reactor.clientTCP(pip,port,GetFileTransfer(self,cookie,os.path.expanduser("~")))
- #self.rvous_accept(user,cookie,GET_FILE_UID)
- def onLine(self):
- """
- called when we are first online
- """
- pass
- def gotConfig(self,mode,buddylist,permit,deny):
- """
- called when we get a configuration from the server
- mode := permit/deny mode
- buddylist := current buddylist
- permit := permit list
- deny := deny list
- """
- pass
- def hearError(self,code,args):
- """
- called when an error is received
- code := error code
- args := misc. arguments (username, etc.)
- """
- pass
- def hearWarning(self,newamount,username):
- """
- called when we get warned
- newamount := the current warning level
- username := the user who warned us, or '' if it's anonymous
- """
- pass
- def hearMessage(self,username,message,autoreply):
- """
- called when you receive an IM
- username := the user who the IM is from
- message := the message
- autoreply := true if the message is an autoreply from an away message
- """
- pass
- def updateBuddy(self,username,online,evilness,signontime,idletime,userclass,away):
- """
- called when a buddy changes state
- username := the user whos state changed
- online := true if the user is online
- evilness := the users current warning level
- signontime := the time the user signed on (UNIX epoch)
- idletime := the time the user has been idle (minutes)
- away := true if the user is away
- userclass := the class of the user (generally " O")
- """
- pass
- def chatJoined(self,roomid,roomname,users):
- """
- we just joined a chat room
- roomid := the AIM id for the room
- roomname := the name for the room
- users := a list of the users already in the room
- """
- pass
- def chatUpdate(self,roomid,username,inroom):
- """
- a user has joined the room
- roomid := the AIM id for the room
- username := the username
- inroom := true if the user is in the room
- """
- pass
- def chatHearMessage(self,roomid,username,message):
- """
- a message was sent to the room
- roomid := the AIM id for the room
- username := the user who sent the message
- message := the message
- """
- pass
- def chatHearWhisper(self,roomid,username,message):
- """
- someone whispered to us in a chatroom
- roomid := the AIM for the room
- username := the user who whispered to us
- message := the message
- """
- pass
- def chatInvited(self,roomid,roomname,username,message):
- """
- we were invited to a chat room
- roomid := the AIM id for the room
- roomname := the name of the room
- username := the user who invited us
- message := the invite message
- """
- pass
- def chatLeft(self,roomid):
- """
- we left the room
- roomid := the AIM id for the room
- """
- pass
- def rvousProposal(self,type,cookie,user,vip,port,**kw):
- """
- we were asked for a rondevouz
- type := the type of rondevous. currently, one of ["send"]
- cookie := the cookie. pass this to rvous_accept()
- user := the user who asked us
- vip := their verified_ip
- port := the port they want us to conenct to
- kw := misc. args
- """
- pass #self.rvous_accept(cookie)
- def receiveBytes(self,user,file,chunk,sofar,total):
- """
- we received part of a file from a file transfer
- file := the name of the file
- chunk := the chunk of data
- sofar := how much data we've gotten so far
- total := the total amount of data
- """
- pass #print user,file,sofar,total
- def isaway(self):
- """
- return our away status
- """
- return len(self._awaymessage)>0
- def set_config(self,mode,buddylist,permit,deny):
- """
- set the server configuration
- mode := permit mode
- buddylist := buddy list
- permit := permit list
- deny := deny list
- """
- s="m %s\n"%mode
- for g in buddylist.keys():
- s=s+"g %s\n"%g
- for u in buddylist[g]:
- s=s+"b %s\n"%u
- for p in permit:
- s=s+"p %s\n"%p
- for d in deny:
- s=s+"d %s\n"%d
- #s="{\n"+s+"\n}"
- self.sendFlap(2,"toc_set_config %s"%quote(s))
- def add_buddy(self,buddies):
- s=""
- if type(buddies)==type(""): buddies=[buddies]
- for b in buddies:
- s=s+" "+normalize(b)
- self.sendFlap(2,"toc_add_buddy%s"%s)
- def del_buddy(self,buddies):
- s=""
- if type(buddies)==type(""): buddies=[buddies]
- for b in buddies:
- s=s+" "+b
- self.sendFlap(2,"toc_remove_buddy%s"%s)
- def add_permit(self,users):
- if type(users)==type(""): users=[users]
- s=""
- if self._privacymode!=PERMITSOME:
- self._privacymode=PERMITSOME
- self._permitlist=[]
- for u in users:
- u=normalize(u)
- if u not in self._permitlist:self._permitlist.append(u)
- s=s+" "+u
- if not s:
- self._privacymode=DENYALL
- self._permitlist=[]
- self._denylist=[]
- self.sendFlap(2,"toc_add_permit"+s)
- def del_permit(self,users):
- if type(users)==type(""): users=[users]
- p=self._permitlist[:]
- for u in users:
- u=normalize(u)
- if u in p:
- p.remove(u)
- self.add_permit([])
- self.add_permit(p)
- def add_deny(self,users):
- if type(users)==type(""): users=[users]
- s=""
- if self._privacymode!=DENYSOME:
- self._privacymode=DENYSOME
- self._denylist=[]
- for u in users:
- u=normalize(u)
- if u not in self._denylist:self._denylist.append(u)
- s=s+" "+u
- if not s:
- self._privacymode=PERMITALL
- self._permitlist=[]
- self._denylist=[]
- self.sendFlap(2,"toc_add_deny"+s)
- def del_deny(self,users):
- if type(users)==type(""): users=[users]
- d=self._denylist[:]
- for u in users:
- u=normalize(u)
- if u in d:
- d.remove(u)
- self.add_deny([])
- if d:
- self.add_deny(d)
- def signon(self):
- """
- called to finish the setup, and signon to the network
- """
- self.sendFlap(2,"toc_init_done")
- self.sendFlap(2,"toc_set_caps %s" % (SEND_FILE_UID,)) # GET_FILE_UID)
- def say(self,user,message,autoreply=0):
- """
- send a message
- user := the user to send to
- message := the message
- autoreply := true if the message is an autoreply (good for away messages)
- """
- if autoreply: a=" auto"
- else: a=''
- self.sendFlap(2,"toc_send_im %s %s%s"%(normalize(user),quote(message),a))
- def idle(self,idletime=0):
- """
- change idle state
- idletime := the seconds that the user has been away, or 0 if they're back
- """
- self.sendFlap(2,"toc_set_idle %s" % int(idletime))
- def evil(self,user,anon=0):
- """
- warn a user
- user := the user to warn
- anon := if true, an anonymous warning
- """
- self.sendFlap(2,"toc_evil %s %s"%(normalize(user), (not anon and "anon") or "norm"))
- def away(self,message=''):
- """
- change away state
- message := the message, or '' to come back from awayness
- """
- self._awaymessage=message
- if message:
- message=' '+quote(message)
- self.sendFlap(2,"toc_set_away%s"%message)
- def chat_join(self,exchange,roomname):
- """
- join a chat room
- exchange := should almost always be 4
- roomname := room name
- """
- roomname=string.replace(roomname," ","")
- self.sendFlap(2,"toc_chat_join %s %s"%(int(exchange),roomname))
- def chat_say(self,roomid,message):
- """
- send a message to a chatroom
- roomid := the AIM id for the room
- message := the message to send
- """
- self.sendFlap(2,"toc_chat_send %s %s"%(int(roomid),quote(message)))
- def chat_whisper(self,roomid,user,message):
- """
- whisper to another user in a chatroom
- roomid := the AIM id for the room
- user := the user to whisper to
- message := the message to send
- """
- self.sendFlap(2,"toc_chat_whisper %s %s %s"%(int(roomid),normalize(user),quote(message)))
- def chat_leave(self,roomid):
- """
- leave a chat room.
- roomid := the AIM id for the room
- """
- self.sendFlap(2,"toc_chat_leave %s" % int(roomid))
- def chat_invite(self,roomid,usernames,message):
- """
- invite a user[s] to the chat room
- roomid := the AIM id for the room
- usernames := either a string (one username) or a list (more than one)
- message := the message to invite them with
- """
- if type(usernames)==type(""): # a string, one username
- users=usernames
- else:
- users=""
- for u in usernames:
- users=users+u+" "
- users=users[:-1]
- self.sendFlap(2,"toc_chat_invite %s %s %s" % (int(roomid),quote(message),users))
- def chat_accept(self,roomid):
- """
- accept an invite to a chat room
- roomid := the AIM id for the room
- """
- self.sendFlap(2,"toc_chat_accept %s"%int(roomid))
- def rvous_accept(self,cookie):
- user,uuid,pip,port,d=self._cookies[cookie]
- self.sendFlap(2,"toc_rvous_accept %s %s %s" % (normalize(user),
- cookie,uuid))
- if uuid==SEND_FILE_UID:
- protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, SendFileTransfer,self,cookie,user,d["name"]).connectTCP(pip,port)
- def rvous_cancel(self,cookie):
- user,uuid,pip,port,d=self._cookies[cookie]
- self.sendFlap(2,"toc_rvous_accept %s %s %s" % (normalize(user),
- cookie,uuid))
- del self._cookies[cookie]
-class SendFileTransfer(protocol.Protocol):
- header_fmt="!4s2H8s6H10I32s3c69s16s2H64s"
- def __init__(self,client,cookie,user,filename):
- self.client=client
- self.cookie=cookie
- self.user=user
- self.filename=filename
- self.hdr=[0,0,0]
- self.sofar=0
- def dataReceived(self,data):
- if not self.hdr[2]==0x202:
- self.hdr=list(struct.unpack(self.header_fmt,data[:256]))
- self.hdr[2]=0x202
- self.hdr[3]=self.cookie
- self.hdr[4]=0
- self.hdr[5]=0
- self.transport.write(apply(struct.pack,[self.header_fmt]+self.hdr))
- data=data[256:]
- if self.hdr[6]==1:
- else:
- while[-1]=="\000":
- if not data: return
- self.sofar=self.sofar+len(data)
- self.client.receiveBytes(self.user,,data,self.sofar,self.hdr[11])
- if self.sofar==self.hdr[11]: # end of this file
- self.hdr[2]=0x204
- self.hdr[7]=self.hdr[7]-1
- self.hdr[9]=self.hdr[9]-1
- self.hdr[19]=DUMMY_CHECKSUM # XXX really calculate this
- self.hdr[18]=self.hdr[18]+1
- self.hdr[21]="\000"
- self.transport.write(apply(struct.pack,[self.header_fmt]+self.hdr))
- self.sofar=0
- if self.hdr[7]==0:
- self.transport.loseConnection()
-class GetFileTransfer(protocol.Protocol):
- header_fmt="!4s 2H 8s 6H 10I 32s 3c 69s 16s 2H 64s"
- def __init__(self,client,cookie,dir):
- self.client=client
- self.cookie=cookie
- self.dir=dir
- self.buf=""
- def connectionMade(self):
- def func(f,path,names):
- names.sort(lambda x,y:cmp(string.lower(x),string.lower(y)))
- for n in names:
- name=os.path.join(path,n)
- lt=time.localtime(os.path.getmtime(name))
- size=os.path.getsize(name)
- f[1]=f[1]+size
- f.append("%02d/%02d/%4d %02d:%02d %8d %s" %
- (lt[1],lt[2],lt[0],lt[3],lt[4],size,name[f[0]:]))
- f=[len(self.dir)+1,0]
- os.path.walk(self.dir,func,f)
- size=f[1]
- self.listing=string.join(f[2:],"\r\n")+"\r\n"
- open("\\listing.txt","w").write(self.listing)
- hdr=["OFT2",256,0x1108,self.cookie,0,0,len(f)-2,len(f)-2,1,1,size,
- len(self.listing),os.path.getmtime(self.dir),
- checksum(self.listing),0,0,0,0,0,0,"OFT_Windows ICBMFT V1.1 32",
- "\002",chr(0x1a),chr(0x10),"","",0,0,""]
- self.transport.write(apply(struct.pack,[self.header_fmt]+hdr))
- def dataReceived(self,data):
- self.buf=self.buf+data
- while len(self.buf)>=256:
- hdr=list(struct.unpack(self.header_fmt,self.buf[:256]))
- self.buf=self.buf[256:]
- if hdr[2]==0x1209:
- self.file=StringIO.StringIO(self.listing)
- self.transport.registerProducer(self,0)
- elif hdr[2]==0x120b: pass
- elif hdr[2]==0x120c: # file request
- file=hdr[-1]
- for k,v in [["\000",""],["\001",os.sep]]:
- file=string.replace(file,k,v)
- self.file=open(,'rb')
- hdr[2]=0x0101
- hdr[6]=hdr[7]=1
- hdr[10]=hdr[11]=os.path.getsize(
- hdr[12]=os.path.getmtime(
- hdr[13]=checksum_file(self.file)
- hdr[18]=hdr[19]=0
- hdr[21]=chr(0x20)
- self.transport.write(apply(struct.pack,[self.header_fmt]+hdr))
- log.msg("got file request for %s"%file,hex(hdr[13]))
- elif hdr[2]==0x0202:
- log.msg("sending file")
- self.transport.registerProducer(self,0)
- elif hdr[2]==0x0204:
- log.msg("real checksum: %s"%hex(hdr[19]))
- del self.file
- elif hdr[2]==0x0205: # resume
- already=hdr[18]
- if already:
- else:
- data=""
- log.msg("restarting at %s"%already)
- hdr[2]=0x0106
- hdr[19]=checksum(data)
- self.transport.write(apply(struct.pack,[self.header_fmt]+hdr))
- elif hdr[2]==0x0207:
- self.transport.registerProducer(self,0)
- else:
- log.msg("don't understand 0x%04x"%hdr[2])
- log.msg(hdr)
- def resumeProducing(self):
- log.msg(len(data))
- if not data:
- self.transport.unregisterProducer()
- self.transport.write(data)
- def pauseProducing(self): pass
- def stopProducing(self): del self.file
-# UUIDs
-SEND_FILE_UID = "09461343-4C7F-11D1-8222-444553540000"
-GET_FILE_UID = "09461348-4C7F-11D1-8222-444553540000"
-# general
-# admin
-# chat
-# im and info
-# directory
-# authorization
-STD_MESSAGE[NOT_AVAILABLE]="%s not currently available"
-STD_MESSAGE[CANT_WARN]="Warning of %s not currently available"
-STD_MESSAGE[MESSAGES_TOO_FAST]="A message has been dropped, you are exceeding the server speed limit"
-STD_MESSAGE[BAD_INPUT]="Error validating input"
-STD_MESSAGE[BAD_ACCOUNT]="Invalid account"
-STD_MESSAGE[REQUEST_ERROR]="Error encountered while processing request"
-STD_MESSAGE[NO_CHAT_IN]="Chat in %s is unavailable"
-STD_MESSAGE[SEND_TOO_FAST]="You are sending messages too fast to %s"
-STD_MESSAGE[MISSED_BIG_IM]="You missed an IM from %s because it was too big"
-STD_MESSAGE[MISSED_FAST_IM]="You missed an IM from %s because it was sent too fast"
-# skipping directory for now
-STD_MESSAGE[BAD_NICKNAME]="Incorrect nickname or password"
-STD_MESSAGE[SERVICE_TEMP_UNAVAILABLE]="The service is temporarily unavailable"
-STD_MESSAGE[WARNING_TOO_HIGH]="Your warning level is currently too high to sign on"
-STD_MESSAGE[CONNECTING_TOO_QUICK]="You have been connecting and disconnecting too frequently. Wait 10 minutes and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even longer."
-STD_MESSAGE[UNKNOWN_SIGNON]="An unknown signon error has occurred %s"
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