Index: third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/scripts/
diff --git a/third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/scripts/ b/third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/scripts/
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index 4476f4aa12ef2651c0c5cc062d3384cad13d6c4d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/scripts/
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.trial.test.test_script -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-import sys, os, random, gc, time, warnings
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.application import app
-from twisted.python import usage, reflect, failure
-from twisted import plugin
-from twisted.python.util import spewer
-from twisted.python.compat import set
-from twisted.trial import runner, itrial, reporter
-# Yea, this is stupid. Leave it for for command-line compatibility for a
-# while, though.
- 'plain': 'default',
- 'default': 'default',
- 'emacs': 'brief',
- 'brief': 'brief',
- 'cgitb': 'verbose',
- 'verbose': 'verbose'
- }
-def _parseLocalVariables(line):
- """Accepts a single line in Emacs local variable declaration format and
- returns a dict of all the variables {name: value}.
- Raises ValueError if 'line' is in the wrong format.
- See
- """
- paren = '-*-'
- start = line.find(paren) + len(paren)
- end = line.rfind(paren)
- if start == -1 or end == -1:
- raise ValueError("%r not a valid local variable declaration" % (line,))
- items = line[start:end].split(';')
- localVars = {}
- for item in items:
- if len(item.strip()) == 0:
- continue
- split = item.split(':')
- if len(split) != 2:
- raise ValueError("%r contains invalid declaration %r"
- % (line, item))
- localVars[split[0].strip()] = split[1].strip()
- return localVars
-def loadLocalVariables(filename):
- """Accepts a filename and attempts to load the Emacs variable declarations
- from that file, simulating what Emacs does.
- See
- """
- f = file(filename, "r")
- lines = [f.readline(), f.readline()]
- f.close()
- for line in lines:
- try:
- return _parseLocalVariables(line)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- return {}
-def getTestModules(filename):
- testCaseVar = loadLocalVariables(filename).get('test-case-name', None)
- if testCaseVar is None:
- return []
- return testCaseVar.split(',')
-def isTestFile(filename):
- """Returns true if 'filename' looks like a file containing unit tests.
- False otherwise. Doesn't care whether filename exists.
- """
- basename = os.path.basename(filename)
- return (basename.startswith('test_')
- and os.path.splitext(basename)[1] == ('.py'))
-def _zshReporterAction():
- return "(%s)" % (" ".join([p.longOpt for p in plugin.getPlugins(itrial.IReporter)]),)
-class Options(usage.Options, app.ReactorSelectionMixin):
- synopsis = """%s [options] [[file|package|module|TestCase|testmethod]...]
- """ % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),)
- optFlags = [["help", "h"],
- ["rterrors", "e", "realtime errors, print out tracebacks as "
- "soon as they occur"],
- ["debug", "b", "Run tests in the Python debugger. Will load "
- "'.pdbrc' from current directory if it exists."],
- ["debug-stacktraces", "B", "Report Deferred creation and "
- "callback stack traces"],
- ["nopm", None, "don't automatically jump into debugger for "
- "postmorteming of exceptions"],
- ["dry-run", 'n', "do everything but run the tests"],
- ["force-gc", None, "Have Trial run gc.collect() before and "
- "after each test case."],
- ["profile", None, "Run tests under the Python profiler"],
- ["unclean-warnings", None,
- "Turn dirty reactor errors into warnings"],
- ["until-failure", "u", "Repeat test until it fails"],
- ["no-recurse", "N", "Don't recurse into packages"],
- ['help-reporters', None,
- "Help on available output plugins (reporters)"]
- ]
- optParameters = [
- ["logfile", "l", "test.log", "log file name"],
- ["random", "z", None,
- "Run tests in random order using the specified seed"],
- ['temp-directory', None, '_trial_temp',
- 'Path to use as working directory for tests.'],
- ['reporter', None, 'verbose',
- 'The reporter to use for this test run. See --help-reporters for '
- 'more info.']]
- zsh_actions = {"tbformat":"(plain emacs cgitb)",
- "reporter":_zshReporterAction}
- zsh_actionDescr = {"logfile":"log file name",
- "random":"random seed"}
- zsh_extras = ["*:file|module|package|TestCase|testMethod:_files -g '*.py'"]
- fallbackReporter = reporter.TreeReporter
- extra = None
- tracer = None
- def __init__(self):
- self['tests'] = set()
- usage.Options.__init__(self)
- def opt_coverage(self):
- """
- Generate coverage information in the _trial_temp/coverage. Requires
- Python 2.3.3.
- """
- coverdir = 'coverage'
- print "Setting coverage directory to %s." % (coverdir,)
- import trace
- # begin monkey patch ---------------------------
- # Before Python 2.4, this function asserted that 'filename' had
- # to end with '.py' This is wrong for at least two reasons:
- # 1. We might be wanting to find executable line nos in a script
- # 2. The implementation should use os.splitext
- # This monkey patch is the same function as in the stdlib (v2.3)
- # but with the assertion removed.
- def find_executable_linenos(filename):
- """Return dict where keys are line numbers in the line number
- table.
- """
- #assert filename.endswith('.py') # YOU BASTARDS
- try:
- prog = open(filename).read()
- prog = '\n'.join(prog.splitlines()) + '\n'
- except IOError, err:
- sys.stderr.write("Not printing coverage data for %r: %s\n"
- % (filename, err))
- sys.stderr.flush()
- return {}
- code = compile(prog, filename, "exec")
- strs = trace.find_strings(filename)
- return trace.find_lines(code, strs)
- trace.find_executable_linenos = find_executable_linenos
- # end monkey patch ------------------------------
- self.coverdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self['temp-directory'], coverdir))
- self.tracer = trace.Trace(count=1, trace=0)
- sys.settrace(self.tracer.globaltrace)
- def opt_testmodule(self, filename):
- "Filename to grep for test cases (-*- test-case-name)"
- # If the filename passed to this parameter looks like a test module
- # we just add that to the test suite.
- #
- # If not, we inspect it for an Emacs buffer local variable called
- # 'test-case-name'. If that variable is declared, we try to add its
- # value to the test suite as a module.
- #
- # This parameter allows automated processes (like Buildbot) to pass
- # a list of files to Trial with the general expectation of "these files,
- # whatever they are, will get tested"
- if not os.path.isfile(filename):
- sys.stderr.write("File %r doesn't exist\n" % (filename,))
- return
- filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
- if isTestFile(filename):
- self['tests'].add(filename)
- else:
- self['tests'].update(getTestModules(filename))
- def opt_spew(self):
- """Print an insanely verbose log of everything that happens. Useful
- when debugging freezes or locks in complex code."""
- sys.settrace(spewer)
- def opt_help_reporters(self):
- synopsis = ("Trial's output can be customized using plugins called "
- "Reporters. You can\nselect any of the following "
- "reporters using --reporter=<foo>\n")
- print synopsis
- for p in plugin.getPlugins(itrial.IReporter):
- print ' ', p.longOpt, '\t', p.description
- print
- sys.exit(0)
- def opt_disablegc(self):
- """Disable the garbage collector"""
- gc.disable()
- def opt_tbformat(self, opt):
- """Specify the format to display tracebacks with. Valid formats are
- 'plain', 'emacs', and 'cgitb' which uses the nicely verbose stdlib
- cgitb.text function"""
- try:
- self['tbformat'] = TBFORMAT_MAP[opt]
- except KeyError:
- raise usage.UsageError(
- "tbformat must be 'plain', 'emacs', or 'cgitb'.")
- def opt_extra(self, arg):
- """
- Add an extra argument. (This is a hack necessary for interfacing with
- emacs's `gud'.)
- """
- if self.extra is None:
- self.extra = []
- self.extra.append(arg)
- opt_x = opt_extra
- def opt_recursionlimit(self, arg):
- """see sys.setrecursionlimit()"""
- try:
- sys.setrecursionlimit(int(arg))
- except (TypeError, ValueError):
- raise usage.UsageError(
- "argument to recursionlimit must be an integer")
- def opt_random(self, option):
- try:
- self['random'] = long(option)
- except ValueError:
- raise usage.UsageError(
- "Argument to --random must be a positive integer")
- else:
- if self['random'] < 0:
- raise usage.UsageError(
- "Argument to --random must be a positive integer")
- elif self['random'] == 0:
- self['random'] = long(time.time() * 100)
- def opt_without_module(self, option):
- """
- Fake the lack of the specified modules, separated with commas.
- """
- for module in option.split(","):
- if module in sys.modules:
- warnings.warn("Module '%s' already imported, "
- "disabling anyway." % (module,),
- category=RuntimeWarning)
- sys.modules[module] = None
- def parseArgs(self, *args):
- self['tests'].update(args)
- if self.extra is not None:
- self['tests'].update(self.extra)
- def _loadReporterByName(self, name):
- for p in plugin.getPlugins(itrial.IReporter):
- qual = "%s.%s" % (p.module, p.klass)
- if p.longOpt == name:
- return reflect.namedAny(qual)
- raise usage.UsageError("Only pass names of Reporter plugins to "
- "--reporter. See --help-reporters for "
- "more info.")
- def postOptions(self):
- # Only load reporters now, as opposed to any earlier, to avoid letting
- # application-defined plugins muck up reactor selecting by importing
- # t.i.reactor and causing the default to be installed.
- self['reporter'] = self._loadReporterByName(self['reporter'])
- if 'tbformat' not in self:
- self['tbformat'] = 'default'
- if self['nopm']:
- if not self['debug']:
- raise usage.UsageError("you must specify --debug when using "
- "--nopm ")
- failure.DO_POST_MORTEM = False
-def _initialDebugSetup(config):
- # do this part of debug setup first for easy debugging of import failures
- if config['debug']:
- failure.startDebugMode()
- if config['debug'] or config['debug-stacktraces']:
- defer.setDebugging(True)
-def _getSuite(config):
- loader = _getLoader(config)
- recurse = not config['no-recurse']
- return loader.loadByNames(config['tests'], recurse)
-def _getLoader(config):
- loader = runner.TestLoader()
- if config['random']:
- randomer = random.Random()
- randomer.seed(config['random'])
- loader.sorter = lambda x : randomer.random()
- print 'Running tests shuffled with seed %d\n' % config['random']
- if not config['until-failure']:
- loader.suiteFactory = runner.DestructiveTestSuite
- return loader
-def _makeRunner(config):
- mode = None
- if config['debug']:
- mode = runner.TrialRunner.DEBUG
- if config['dry-run']:
- mode = runner.TrialRunner.DRY_RUN
- return runner.TrialRunner(config['reporter'],
- mode=mode,
- profile=config['profile'],
- logfile=config['logfile'],
- tracebackFormat=config['tbformat'],
- realTimeErrors=config['rterrors'],
- uncleanWarnings=config['unclean-warnings'],
- workingDirectory=config['temp-directory'],
- forceGarbageCollection=config['force-gc'])
-def run():
- if len(sys.argv) == 1:
- sys.argv.append("--help")
- config = Options()
- try:
- config.parseOptions()
- except usage.error, ue:
- raise SystemExit, "%s: %s" % (sys.argv[0], ue)
- _initialDebugSetup(config)
- trialRunner = _makeRunner(config)
- suite = _getSuite(config)
- if config['until-failure']:
- test_result = trialRunner.runUntilFailure(suite)
- else:
- test_result =
- if config.tracer:
- sys.settrace(None)
- results = config.tracer.results()
- results.write_results(show_missing=1, summary=False,
- coverdir=config.coverdir)
- sys.exit(not test_result.wasSuccessful())