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Index: third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/conch/test/
diff --git a/third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/conch/test/ b/third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/conch/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index a01d15a6d07117b5a70d7118ff43fb93e50ed008..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/conch/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,648 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_recvline -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.conch.recvline} and fixtures for testing related
-import sys, os
-from twisted.conch.insults import insults
-from twisted.conch import recvline
-from twisted.python import reflect, components
-from twisted.internet import defer, error
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.cred import portal
-from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransport
-class Arrows(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.underlyingTransport = StringTransport()
- = insults.ServerProtocol()
- self.p = recvline.HistoricRecvLine()
- = lambda: self.p
- = self
- # self.p.makeConnection(
- def testPrintableCharacters(self):
- self.p.keystrokeReceived('x', None)
- self.p.keystrokeReceived('y', None)
- self.p.keystrokeReceived('z', None)
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyz', ''))
- def testHorizontalArrows(self):
- kR = lambda ch: self.p.keystrokeReceived(ch, None)
- for ch in 'xyz':
- kR(ch)
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyz', ''))
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyz', ''))
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xy', 'z'))
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('x', 'yz'))
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('', 'xyz'))
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('', 'xyz'))
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('x', 'yz'))
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xy', 'z'))
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyz', ''))
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyz', ''))
- def testNewline(self):
- kR = lambda ch: self.p.keystrokeReceived(ch, None)
- for ch in 'xyz\nabc\n123\n':
- kR(ch)
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentHistoryBuffer(),
- (('xyz', 'abc', '123'), ()))
- kR('c')
- kR('b')
- kR('a')
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentHistoryBuffer(),
- (('xyz', 'abc', '123'), ()))
- kR('\n')
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentHistoryBuffer(),
- (('xyz', 'abc', '123', 'cba'), ()))
- def testVerticalArrows(self):
- kR = lambda ch: self.p.keystrokeReceived(ch, None)
- for ch in 'xyz\nabc\n123\n':
- kR(ch)
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentHistoryBuffer(),
- (('xyz', 'abc', '123'), ()))
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('', ''))
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentHistoryBuffer(),
- (('xyz', 'abc'), ('123',)))
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('123', ''))
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentHistoryBuffer(),
- (('xyz',), ('abc', '123')))
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('abc', ''))
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentHistoryBuffer(),
- ((), ('xyz', 'abc', '123')))
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyz', ''))
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentHistoryBuffer(),
- ((), ('xyz', 'abc', '123')))
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyz', ''))
- for i in range(4):
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentHistoryBuffer(),
- (('xyz', 'abc', '123'), ()))
- def testHome(self):
- kR = lambda ch: self.p.keystrokeReceived(ch, None)
- for ch in 'hello, world':
- kR(ch)
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('hello, world', ''))
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('', 'hello, world'))
- def testEnd(self):
- kR = lambda ch: self.p.keystrokeReceived(ch, None)
- for ch in 'hello, world':
- kR(ch)
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('hello, world', ''))
- kR(
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('hello, world', ''))
- def testBackspace(self):
- kR = lambda ch: self.p.keystrokeReceived(ch, None)
- for ch in 'xyz':
- kR(ch)
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyz', ''))
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xy', ''))
- kR(
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('', 'y'))
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('', 'y'))
- def testDelete(self):
- kR = lambda ch: self.p.keystrokeReceived(ch, None)
- for ch in 'xyz':
- kR(ch)
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyz', ''))
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyz', ''))
- kR(
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xy', ''))
- kR(
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('x', ''))
- kR(
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('', ''))
- kR(
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('', ''))
- def testInsert(self):
- kR = lambda ch: self.p.keystrokeReceived(ch, None)
- for ch in 'xyz':
- kR(ch)
- # kR(
- kR(
- kR('A')
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyA', 'z'))
- kR(
- kR('B')
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyB', 'Az'))
- def testTypeover(self):
- kR = lambda ch: self.p.keystrokeReceived(ch, None)
- for ch in 'xyz':
- kR(ch)
- kR(
- kR(
- kR('A')
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyA', ''))
- kR(
- kR('B')
- self.assertEquals(self.p.currentLineBuffer(), ('xyB', ''))
-from twisted.conch import telnet
-from twisted.conch.insults import helper
-from twisted.protocols import loopback
-class EchoServer(recvline.HistoricRecvLine):
- def lineReceived(self, line):
- self.terminal.write(line + '\n' +[])
-# An insults API for this would be nice.
-left = "\x1b[D"
-right = "\x1b[C"
-up = "\x1b[A"
-down = "\x1b[B"
-insert = "\x1b[2~"
-home = "\x1b[1~"
-delete = "\x1b[3~"
-end = "\x1b[4~"
-backspace = "\x7f"
-from twisted.cred import checkers
- from twisted.conch.ssh import userauth, transport, channel, connection, session
- from twisted.conch.manhole_ssh import TerminalUser, TerminalSession, TerminalRealm, TerminalSessionTransport, ConchFactory
-except ImportError:
- ssh = False
- ssh = True
- class SessionChannel(channel.SSHChannel):
- name = 'session'
- def __init__(self, protocolFactory, protocolArgs, protocolKwArgs, width, height, *a, **kw):
- channel.SSHChannel.__init__(self, *a, **kw)
- self.protocolFactory = protocolFactory
- self.protocolArgs = protocolArgs
- self.protocolKwArgs = protocolKwArgs
- self.width = width
- self.height = height
- def channelOpen(self, data):
- term = session.packRequest_pty_req("vt102", (self.height, self.width, 0, 0), '')
- self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'pty-req', term)
- self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'shell', '')
- self._protocolInstance = self.protocolFactory(*self.protocolArgs, **self.protocolKwArgs)
- self._protocolInstance.factory = self
- self._protocolInstance.makeConnection(self)
- def closed(self):
- self._protocolInstance.connectionLost(error.ConnectionDone())
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- self._protocolInstance.dataReceived(data)
- class TestConnection(connection.SSHConnection):
- def __init__(self, protocolFactory, protocolArgs, protocolKwArgs, width, height, *a, **kw):
- connection.SSHConnection.__init__(self, *a, **kw)
- self.protocolFactory = protocolFactory
- self.protocolArgs = protocolArgs
- self.protocolKwArgs = protocolKwArgs
- self.width = width
- self.height = height
- def serviceStarted(self):
- self.__channel = SessionChannel(self.protocolFactory, self.protocolArgs, self.protocolKwArgs, self.width, self.height)
- self.openChannel(self.__channel)
- def write(self, bytes):
- return self.__channel.write(bytes)
- class TestAuth(userauth.SSHUserAuthClient):
- def __init__(self, username, password, *a, **kw):
- userauth.SSHUserAuthClient.__init__(self, username, *a, **kw)
- self.password = password
- def getPassword(self):
- return defer.succeed(self.password)
- class TestTransport(transport.SSHClientTransport):
- def __init__(self, protocolFactory, protocolArgs, protocolKwArgs, username, password, width, height, *a, **kw):
- # transport.SSHClientTransport.__init__(self, *a, **kw)
- self.protocolFactory = protocolFactory
- self.protocolArgs = protocolArgs
- self.protocolKwArgs = protocolKwArgs
- self.username = username
- self.password = password
- self.width = width
- self.height = height
- def verifyHostKey(self, hostKey, fingerprint):
- return defer.succeed(True)
- def connectionSecure(self):
- self.__connection = TestConnection(self.protocolFactory, self.protocolArgs, self.protocolKwArgs, self.width, self.height)
- self.requestService(
- TestAuth(self.username, self.password, self.__connection))
- def write(self, bytes):
- return self.__connection.write(bytes)
- class TestSessionTransport(TerminalSessionTransport):
- def protocolFactory(self):
- return self.avatar.conn.transport.factory.serverProtocol()
- class TestSession(TerminalSession):
- transportFactory = TestSessionTransport
- class TestUser(TerminalUser):
- pass
- components.registerAdapter(TestSession, TestUser, session.ISession)
-class LoopbackRelay(loopback.LoopbackRelay):
- clearCall = None
- def logPrefix(self):
- return "LoopbackRelay(%r)" % (,)
- def write(self, bytes):
- loopback.LoopbackRelay.write(self, bytes)
- if self.clearCall is not None:
- self.clearCall.cancel()
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- self.clearCall = reactor.callLater(0, self._clearBuffer)
- def _clearBuffer(self):
- self.clearCall = None
- loopback.LoopbackRelay.clearBuffer(self)
-class NotifyingExpectableBuffer(helper.ExpectableBuffer):
- def __init__(self):
- self.onConnection = defer.Deferred()
- self.onDisconnection = defer.Deferred()
- def connectionMade(self):
- helper.ExpectableBuffer.connectionMade(self)
- self.onConnection.callback(self)
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- self.onDisconnection.errback(reason)
-class _BaseMixin:
- WIDTH = 80
- HEIGHT = 24
- def _assertBuffer(self, lines):
- receivedLines = str(self.recvlineClient).splitlines()
- expectedLines = lines + ([''] * (self.HEIGHT - len(lines) - 1))
- self.assertEquals(len(receivedLines), len(expectedLines))
- for i in range(len(receivedLines)):
- self.assertEquals(
- receivedLines[i], expectedLines[i],
- str(receivedLines[max(0, i-1):i+1]) +
- " != " +
- str(expectedLines[max(0, i-1):i+1]))
- def _trivialTest(self, input, output):
- done = self.recvlineClient.expect("done")
- self._testwrite(input)
- def finished(ign):
- self._assertBuffer(output)
- return done.addCallback(finished)
-class _SSHMixin(_BaseMixin):
- def setUp(self):
- if not ssh:
- raise unittest.SkipTest("Crypto requirements missing, can't run historic recvline tests over ssh")
- u, p = 'testuser', 'testpass'
- rlm = TerminalRealm()
- rlm.userFactory = TestUser
- rlm.chainedProtocolFactory = lambda: insultsServer
- ptl = portal.Portal(
- rlm,
- [checkers.InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(**{u: p})])
- sshFactory = ConchFactory(ptl)
- sshFactory.serverProtocol = self.serverProtocol
- sshFactory.startFactory()
- recvlineServer = self.serverProtocol()
- insultsServer = insults.ServerProtocol(lambda: recvlineServer)
- sshServer = sshFactory.buildProtocol(None)
- clientTransport = LoopbackRelay(sshServer)
- recvlineClient = NotifyingExpectableBuffer()
- insultsClient = insults.ClientProtocol(lambda: recvlineClient)
- sshClient = TestTransport(lambda: insultsClient, (), {}, u, p, self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT)
- serverTransport = LoopbackRelay(sshClient)
- sshClient.makeConnection(clientTransport)
- sshServer.makeConnection(serverTransport)
- self.recvlineClient = recvlineClient
- self.sshClient = sshClient
- self.sshServer = sshServer
- self.clientTransport = clientTransport
- self.serverTransport = serverTransport
- return recvlineClient.onConnection
- def _testwrite(self, bytes):
- self.sshClient.write(bytes)
-from twisted.conch.test import test_telnet
-class TestInsultsClientProtocol(insults.ClientProtocol,
- test_telnet.TestProtocol):
- pass
-class TestInsultsServerProtocol(insults.ServerProtocol,
- test_telnet.TestProtocol):
- pass
-class _TelnetMixin(_BaseMixin):
- def setUp(self):
- recvlineServer = self.serverProtocol()
- insultsServer = TestInsultsServerProtocol(lambda: recvlineServer)
- telnetServer = telnet.TelnetTransport(lambda: insultsServer)
- clientTransport = LoopbackRelay(telnetServer)
- recvlineClient = NotifyingExpectableBuffer()
- insultsClient = TestInsultsClientProtocol(lambda: recvlineClient)
- telnetClient = telnet.TelnetTransport(lambda: insultsClient)
- serverTransport = LoopbackRelay(telnetClient)
- telnetClient.makeConnection(clientTransport)
- telnetServer.makeConnection(serverTransport)
- serverTransport.clearBuffer()
- clientTransport.clearBuffer()
- self.recvlineClient = recvlineClient
- self.telnetClient = telnetClient
- self.clientTransport = clientTransport
- self.serverTransport = serverTransport
- return recvlineClient.onConnection
- def _testwrite(self, bytes):
- self.telnetClient.write(bytes)
- from twisted.conch import stdio
-except ImportError:
- stdio = None
-class _StdioMixin(_BaseMixin):
- def setUp(self):
- # A memory-only terminal emulator, into which the server will
- # write things and make other state changes. What ends up
- # here is basically what a user would have seen on their
- # screen.
- testTerminal = NotifyingExpectableBuffer()
- # An insults client protocol which will translate bytes
- # received from the child process into keystroke commands for
- # an ITerminalProtocol.
- insultsClient = insults.ClientProtocol(lambda: testTerminal)
- # A process protocol which will translate stdout and stderr
- # received from the child process to dataReceived calls and
- # error reporting on an insults client protocol.
- processClient = stdio.TerminalProcessProtocol(insultsClient)
- # Run twisted/conch/ with the name of a class
- # implementing ITerminalProtocol. This class will be used to
- # handle bytes we send to the child process.
- exe = sys.executable
- module = stdio.__file__
- if module.endswith('.pyc') or module.endswith('.pyo'):
- module = module[:-1]
- args = [exe, module, reflect.qual(self.serverProtocol)]
- env = {"PYTHONPATH": os.pathsep.join(sys.path)}
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- clientTransport = reactor.spawnProcess(processClient, exe, args,
- env=env, usePTY=True)
- self.recvlineClient = self.testTerminal = testTerminal
- self.processClient = processClient
- self.clientTransport = clientTransport
- # Wait for the process protocol and test terminal to become
- # connected before proceeding. The former should always
- # happen first, but it doesn't hurt to be safe.
- return defer.gatherResults(filter(None, [
- processClient.onConnection,
- testTerminal.expect(">>> ")]))
- def tearDown(self):
- # Kill the child process. We're done with it.
- try:
- self.clientTransport.signalProcess("KILL")
- except (error.ProcessExitedAlready, OSError):
- pass
- def trap(failure):
- failure.trap(error.ProcessTerminated)
- self.assertEquals(failure.value.exitCode, None)
- self.assertEquals(failure.value.status, 9)
- return self.testTerminal.onDisconnection.addErrback(trap)
- def _testwrite(self, bytes):
- self.clientTransport.write(bytes)
-class RecvlineLoopbackMixin:
- serverProtocol = EchoServer
- def testSimple(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- "first line\ndone",
- [">>> first line",
- "first line",
- ">>> done"])
- def testLeftArrow(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- insert + 'first line' + left * 4 + "xxxx\ndone",
- [">>> first xxxx",
- "first xxxx",
- ">>> done"])
- def testRightArrow(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- insert + 'right line' + left * 4 + right * 2 + "xx\ndone",
- [">>> right lixx",
- "right lixx",
- ">>> done"])
- def testBackspace(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- "second line" + backspace * 4 + "xxxx\ndone",
- [">>> second xxxx",
- "second xxxx",
- ">>> done"])
- def testDelete(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- "delete xxxx" + left * 4 + delete * 4 + "line\ndone",
- [">>> delete line",
- "delete line",
- ">>> done"])
- def testInsert(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- "third ine" + left * 3 + "l\ndone",
- [">>> third line",
- "third line",
- ">>> done"])
- def testTypeover(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- "fourth xine" + left * 4 + insert + "l\ndone",
- [">>> fourth line",
- "fourth line",
- ">>> done"])
- def testHome(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- insert + "blah line" + home + "home\ndone",
- [">>> home line",
- "home line",
- ">>> done"])
- def testEnd(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- "end " + left * 4 + end + "line\ndone",
- [">>> end line",
- "end line",
- ">>> done"])
-class RecvlineLoopbackTelnet(_TelnetMixin, unittest.TestCase, RecvlineLoopbackMixin):
- pass
-class RecvlineLoopbackSSH(_SSHMixin, unittest.TestCase, RecvlineLoopbackMixin):
- pass
-class RecvlineLoopbackStdio(_StdioMixin, unittest.TestCase, RecvlineLoopbackMixin):
- if stdio is None:
- skip = "Terminal requirements missing, can't run recvline tests over stdio"
-class HistoricRecvlineLoopbackMixin:
- serverProtocol = EchoServer
- def testUpArrow(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- "first line\n" + up + "\ndone",
- [">>> first line",
- "first line",
- ">>> first line",
- "first line",
- ">>> done"])
- def testDownArrow(self):
- return self._trivialTest(
- "first line\nsecond line\n" + up * 2 + down + "\ndone",
- [">>> first line",
- "first line",
- ">>> second line",
- "second line",
- ">>> second line",
- "second line",
- ">>> done"])
-class HistoricRecvlineLoopbackTelnet(_TelnetMixin, unittest.TestCase, HistoricRecvlineLoopbackMixin):
- pass
-class HistoricRecvlineLoopbackSSH(_SSHMixin, unittest.TestCase, HistoricRecvlineLoopbackMixin):
- pass
-class HistoricRecvlineLoopbackStdio(_StdioMixin, unittest.TestCase, HistoricRecvlineLoopbackMixin):
- if stdio is None:
- skip = "Terminal requirements missing, can't run historic recvline tests over stdio"
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