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Unified Diff: third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/words/im/

Issue 12261012: Remove third_party/twisted_8_1 (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 7 years, 10 months ago
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Index: third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/words/im/
diff --git a/third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/words/im/ b/third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/words/im/
deleted file mode 100644
index e2a1dc7bf84ae1a2f9c028aef23c78a1cc004b37..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/words/im/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-import os, re
-from twisted.python import reflect
-from twisted.python import util
-from twisted.manhole.ui.pywidgets import isCursorOnFirstLine, isCursorOnLastLine
-import string
-import gtk
-from libglade import GladeXML
-GLADE_FILE = util.sibpath(__file__, "")
-SETTINGS_FILE = os.path.expanduser("~/.InstanceMessenger")
-AWAY = 2
-True = gtk.TRUE
-False = gtk.FALSE
-class InputOutputWindow:
- def __init__(self, rootName, inputName, outputName):
- self.xml = openGlade(GLADE_FILE, root=rootName)
- wid = self.xml.get_widget
- self.entry = wid(inputName)
- #self.entry.set_word_wrap(gtk.TRUE)
- self.output = wid(outputName)
- #self.output.set_word_wrap(gtk.TRUE)
- self.widget = wid(rootName)
- self.history = []
- self.histpos = 0
- self.linemode = True
- self.currentlyVisible = 0
- = None
- autoConnectMethods(self)
- def show(self):
- if not self.currentlyVisible:
- = w = gtk.GtkWindow(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
- self.connectid = w.connect("destroy", self.hidden)
- w.add(self.widget)
- w.set_title(self.getTitle())
- w.show_all()
- self.entry.grab_focus()
- self.currentlyVisible = 1
- def hidden(self, w):
- = None
- w.remove(self.widget)
- self.currentlyVisible = 0
- def hide(self):
- if self.currentlyVisible:
- self.currentlyVisible = 0
- def handle_key_press_event(self, entry, event):
- stopSignal = False
- # ASSUMPTION: Assume Meta == mod4
- isMeta = event.state & gtk.GDK.MOD4_MASK
- ##
- # Return handling
- ##
- if event.keyval == gtk.GDK.Return:
- isShift = event.state & gtk.GDK.SHIFT_MASK
- if isShift:
- self.linemode = True
- entry.insert_defaults('\n')
- else:
- stopSignal = True
- text = entry.get_chars(0,-1)
- if not text:
- return
- self.entry.delete_text(0, -1)
- self.linemode = False
- self.sendText(text)
- self.history.append(text)
- self.histpos = len(self.history)
- ##
- # History handling
- ##
- elif ((event.keyval == gtk.GDK.Up and isCursorOnFirstLine(entry))
- or (isMeta and event.string == 'p')):
- print "history up"
- self.historyUp()
- stopSignal = True
- elif ((event.keyval == gtk.GDK.Down and isCursorOnLastLine(entry))
- or (isMeta and event.string == 'n')):
- print "history down"
- self.historyDown()
- stopSignal = True
- ##
- # Tab Completion
- ##
- elif event.keyval == gtk.GDK.Tab:
- oldpos = entry.get_point()
- word, pos = self.getCurrentWord(entry)
- result = self.tabComplete(word)
- #If there are multiple potential matches, then we spit
- #them out and don't insert a tab, so the user can type
- #a couple more characters and try completing again.
- if len(result) > 1:
- for nick in result:
- self.output.insert_defaults(nick + " ")
- self.output.insert_defaults('\n')
- stopSignal = True
- elif result: #only happens when len(result) == 1
- entry.freeze()
- entry.delete_text(*pos)
- entry.set_position(pos[0])
- entry.insert_defaults(result[0])
- entry.set_position(oldpos+len(result[0])-len(word))
- entry.thaw()
- stopSignal = True
- if stopSignal:
- entry.emit_stop_by_name("key_press_event")
- return True
- def tabComplete(self, word):
- """Override me to implement tab completion for your window,
- I should return a list of potential matches."""
- return []
- def getCurrentWord(self, entry):
- i = entry.get_point()
- text = entry.get_chars(0,-1)
- word = re.split(r'\s', text)[-1]
- start = string.rfind(text, word)
- end = start+len(word)
- return (word, (start, end))
- def historyUp(self):
- if self.histpos > 0:
- self.entry.delete_text(0, -1)
- self.histpos = self.histpos - 1
- self.entry.insert_defaults(self.history[self.histpos])
- self.entry.set_position(0)
- def historyDown(self):
- if self.histpos < len(self.history) - 1:
- self.histpos = self.histpos + 1
- self.entry.delete_text(0, -1)
- self.entry.insert_defaults(self.history[self.histpos])
- elif self.histpos == len(self.history) - 1:
- self.histpos = self.histpos + 1
- self.entry.delete_text(0, -1)
-def createMethodDict(o, d=None):
- if d is None:
- d = {}
- for base in reflect.allYourBase(o.__class__) + [o.__class__]:
- for n in dir(base):
- m = getattr(o, n)
- #print 'd[%s] = %s' % (n, m)
- d[n] = m
- #print d
- return d
-def autoConnectMethods(*objs):
- o = {}
- for obj in objs:
- createMethodDict(obj, o)
- # print 'connecting', o
- objs[0].xml.signal_autoconnect(o)
-def openGlade(*args, **kwargs):
- # print "opening glade file"
- r = GladeXML(*args, **kwargs)
- if r._o:
- return r
- else:
- raise IOError("Couldn't open Glade XML: %s; %s" % (args, kwargs))
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