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Unified Diff: third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/web/woven/

Issue 12261012: Remove third_party/twisted_8_1 (Closed) Base URL: svn://
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Index: third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/web/woven/
diff --git a/third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/web/woven/ b/third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/web/woven/
deleted file mode 100644
index ab5d56be279c05e5db5d69316690c8825b352a55..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/web/woven/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_woven -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-"""Resource protection for Woven. If you wish to use twisted.cred to protect
-your Woven application, you are probably most interested in
-from __future__ import nested_scopes
-__version__ = "$Revision: 1.34 $"[11:-2]
-import random
-import time
-import md5
-import urllib
-# Twisted Imports
-from twisted.python import log, components
-from twisted.web.resource import Resource, IResource
-from twisted.web.util import redirectTo, Redirect, DeferredResource
-from twisted.web.static import addSlash
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-from twisted.cred.error import LoginFailed, UnauthorizedLogin
-def _sessionCookie():
- return"%s_%s" % (str(random.random()) , str(time.time()))).hexdigest()
-class GuardSession(components.Componentized):
- """A user's session with a system.
- This utility class contains no functionality, but is used to
- represent a session.
- """
- def __init__(self, guard, uid):
- """Initialize a session with a unique ID for that session.
- """
- components.Componentized.__init__(self)
- self.guard = guard
- self.uid = uid
- self.expireCallbacks = []
- self.checkExpiredID = None
- self.setLifetime(60)
- = {}
- self.portals = {}
- self.touch()
- def _getSelf(self, interface=None):
- self.touch()
- if interface is None:
- return self
- else:
- return self.getComponent(interface)
- # Old Guard interfaces
- def clientForService(self, service):
- x =
- if x:
- return x[1]
- else:
- return x
- def setClientForService(self, ident, perspective, client, service):
- if
- p, c, i =[service]
- p.detached(c, ident)
- del[service]
- else:
-[service] = perspective, client, ident
- perspective.attached(client, ident)
- # this return value is useful for services that need to do asynchronous
- # stuff.
- return client
- # New Guard Interfaces
- def resourceForPortal(self, port):
- return self.portals.get(port)
- def setResourceForPortal(self, rsrc, port, logout):
- self.portalLogout(port)
- self.portals[port] = rsrc, logout
- return rsrc
- def portalLogout(self, port):
- p = self.portals.get(port)
- if p:
- r, l = p
- try: l()
- except: log.err()
- del self.portals[port]
- # timeouts and expiration
- def setLifetime(self, lifetime):
- """Set the approximate lifetime of this session, in seconds.
- This is highly imprecise, but it allows you to set some general
- parameters about when this session will expire. A callback will be
- scheduled each 'lifetime' seconds, and if I have not been 'touch()'ed
- in half a lifetime, I will be immediately expired.
- """
- self.lifetime = lifetime
- def notifyOnExpire(self, callback):
- """Call this callback when the session expires or logs out.
- """
- self.expireCallbacks.append(callback)
- def expire(self):
- """Expire/logout of the session.
- """
- log.msg("expired session %s" % self.uid)
- del self.guard.sessions[self.uid]
- for c in self.expireCallbacks:
- try:
- c()
- except:
- log.err()
- self.expireCallbacks = []
- if self.checkExpiredID:
- self.checkExpiredID.cancel()
- self.checkExpiredID = None
- def touch(self):
- self.lastModified = time.time()
- def checkExpired(self):
- self.checkExpiredID = None
- # If I haven't been touched in 15 minutes:
- if time.time() - self.lastModified > self.lifetime / 2:
- if self.guard.sessions.has_key(self.uid):
- self.expire()
- else:
- log.msg("no session to expire: %s" % self.uid)
- else:
- log.msg("session given the will to live for %s more seconds" % self.lifetime)
- self.checkExpiredID = reactor.callLater(self.lifetime,
- self.checkExpired)
- def __getstate__(self):
- d = self.__dict__.copy()
- if d.has_key('checkExpiredID'):
- del d['checkExpiredID']
- return d
- def __setstate__(self, d):
- self.__dict__.update(d)
- self.touch()
- self.checkExpired()
-INIT_SESSION = 'session-init'
-def _setSession(wrap, req, cook):
- req.session = wrap.sessions[cook]
- req.getSession = req.session._getSelf
-def urlToChild(request, *ar, **kw):
- pp = request.prepath.pop()
- orig = request.prePathURL()
- request.prepath.append(pp)
- c = '/'.join(ar)
- if orig[-1] == '/':
- # this SHOULD only happen in the case where the URL is just the hostname
- ret = orig + c
- else:
- ret = orig + '/' + c
- args = request.args.copy()
- args.update(kw)
- if args:
- ret += '?'+urllib.urlencode(args)
- return ret
-def redirectToSession(request, garbage):
- rd = Redirect(urlToChild(request, *request.postpath, **{garbage:1}))
- rd.isLeaf = 1
- return rd
-class SessionWrapper(Resource):
- sessionLifetime = 1800
- def __init__(self, rsrc, cookieKey=None):
- Resource.__init__(self)
- self.resource = rsrc
- if cookieKey is None:
- cookieKey = "woven_session_" + _sessionCookie()
- self.cookieKey = cookieKey
- self.sessions = {}
- def render(self, request):
- return redirectTo(addSlash(request), request)
- def getChild(self, path, request):
- if not request.prepath:
- return None
- cookie = request.getCookie(self.cookieKey)
- setupURL = urlToChild(request, INIT_SESSION, *([path]+request.postpath))
- request.setupSessionURL = setupURL
- request.setupSession = lambda: Redirect(setupURL)
- if path.startswith(SESSION_KEY):
- key = path[len(SESSION_KEY):]
- if key not in self.sessions:
- return redirectToSession(request, '__start_session__')
- self.sessions[key].setLifetime(self.sessionLifetime)
- if cookie == key:
- # /sessionized-url/${SESSION_KEY}aef9c34aecc3d9148/foo
- # ^
- # we are this getChild
- # with a matching cookie
- return redirectToSession(request, '__session_just_started__')
- else:
- # We attempted to negotiate the session but failed (the user
- # probably has cookies disabled): now we're going to return the
- # resource we contain. In general the getChild shouldn't stop
- # there.
- # /sessionized-url/${SESSION_KEY}aef9c34aecc3d9148/foo
- # ^ we are this getChild
- # without a cookie (or with a mismatched cookie)
- _setSession(self, request, key)
- return self.resource
- elif cookie in self.sessions:
- # /sessionized-url/foo
- # ^ we are this getChild
- # with a session
- _setSession(self, request, cookie)
- return getResource(self.resource, path, request)
- elif path == INIT_SESSION:
- # initialize the session
- # /sessionized-url/session-init
- # ^ this getChild
- # without a session
- newCookie = _sessionCookie()
- request.addCookie(self.cookieKey, newCookie, path="/")
- sz = self.sessions[newCookie] = GuardSession(self, newCookie)
- sz.checkExpired()
- rd = Redirect(urlToChild(request, SESSION_KEY+newCookie,
- *request.postpath))
- rd.isLeaf = 1
- return rd
- else:
- # /sessionized-url/foo
- # ^ we are this getChild
- # without a session
- request.getSession = lambda interface=None: None
- return getResource(self.resource, path, request)
-def getResource(resource, path, request):
- if resource.isLeaf:
- request.postpath.insert(0, request.prepath.pop())
- return resource
- else:
- return resource.getChildWithDefault(path, request)
-INIT_PERSPECTIVE = 'perspective-init'
-DESTROY_PERSPECTIVE = 'perspective-destroy'
-from twisted.python import formmethod as fm
-from twisted.web.woven import form
-newLoginSignature = fm.MethodSignature(
- fm.String("username", "",
- "Username", "Your user name."),
- fm.Password("password", "",
- "Password", "Your password."),
- fm.Submit("submit", choices=[("Login", "", "")], allowNone=1),
- )
-from twisted.cred.credentials import UsernamePassword, Anonymous
-class UsernamePasswordWrapper(Resource):
- """I bring a C{twisted.cred} Portal to the web. Use me to provide different Resources
- (usually entire pages) based on a user's authentication details.
- A C{UsernamePasswordWrapper} is a
- L{Resource<twisted.web.resource.Resource>}, and is usually wrapped in a
- L{SessionWrapper} before being inserted into the site tree.
- The L{Realm<twisted.cred.portal.IRealm>} associated with your
- L{Portal<twisted.cred.portal.Portal>} should be prepared to accept a
- request for an avatar that implements the L{twisted.web.resource.IResource}
- interface. This avatar should probably be something like a Woven
- L{Page<>}. That is, it should represent a whole
- web page. Once you return this avatar, requests for it's children do not go
- through guard.
- If you want to determine what unauthenticated users see, make sure your
- L{Portal<twisted.cred.portal.Portal>} has a checker associated that allows
- anonymous access. (See L{twisted.cred.checkers.AllowAnonymousAccess})
- """
- def __init__(self, portal, callback=None, errback=None):
- """Constructs a UsernamePasswordWrapper around the given portal.
- @param portal: A cred portal for your web application. The checkers
- associated with this portal must be able to accept username/password
- credentials.
- @type portal: L{twisted.cred.portal.Portal}
- @param callback: Gets called after a successful login attempt.
- A resource that redirects to "." will display the avatar resource.
- If this parameter isn't provided, defaults to a standard Woven
- "Thank You" page.
- @type callback: A callable that accepts a Woven
- L{model<twisted.web.woven.interfaces.IModel>} and returns a
- L{IResource<twisted.web.resource.Resource>}.
- @param errback: Gets called after a failed login attempt.
- If this parameter is not provided, defaults to a the standard Woven
- form error (i.e. The original form on a page of its own, with
- errors noted.)
- @type errback: A callable that accepts a Woven
- L{model<twisted.web.woven.interfaces.IModel>} and returns a
- L{IResource<twisted.web.resource.Resource>}.
- """
- Resource.__init__(self)
- self.portal = portal
- self.callback = callback
- self.errback = errback
- def _ebFilter(self, f):
- f.trap(LoginFailed, UnauthorizedLogin)
- raise fm.FormException(password="Login failed, please enter correct username and password.")
- def getChild(self, path, request):
- s = request.getSession()
- if s is None:
- return request.setupSession()
- if path == INIT_PERSPECTIVE:
- def loginSuccess(result):
- interface, avatarAspect, logout = result
- s.setResourceForPortal(avatarAspect, self.portal, logout)
- def triggerLogin(username, password, submit=None):
- return self.portal.login(
- UsernamePassword(username, password),
- None,
- IResource
- ).addCallback(
- loginSuccess
- ).addErrback(
- self._ebFilter
- )
- return form.FormProcessor(
- newLoginSignature.method(
- triggerLogin
- ),
- callback=self.callback,
- errback=self.errback
- )
- s.portalLogout(self.portal)
- return Redirect(".")
- else:
- r = s.resourceForPortal(self.portal)
- if r:
- ## Delegate our getChild to the resource our portal says is the right one.
- return getResource(r[0], path, request)
- else:
- return DeferredResource(
- self.portal.login(Anonymous(), None, IResource
- ).addCallback(
- lambda (interface, avatarAspect, logout):
- getResource(s.setResourceForPortal(avatarAspect,
- self.portal, logout),
- path, request)))
-from twisted.web.woven import interfaces, utils
-## Dumb hack until we have an ISession and use interface-to-interface adaption
-components.registerAdapter(utils.WovenLivePage, GuardSession, interfaces.IWovenLivePage)
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