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Unified Diff: third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/conch/ssh/

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Index: third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/conch/ssh/
diff --git a/third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/conch/ssh/ b/third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/conch/ssh/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e40201a627df6da29858c98b0f3de620b25c31f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/twisted_8_1/twisted/conch/ssh/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Implementation of the ssh-userauth service.
-Currently implemented authentication types are public-key and password.
-Maintainer: U{Paul Swartz<>}
-import struct
-from twisted.conch import error, interfaces
-from twisted.cred import credentials
-from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
-from twisted.python import failure, log
-from common import NS, getNS, MP
-import keys, transport, service
-class SSHUserAuthServer(service.SSHService):
- name = 'ssh-userauth'
- loginTimeout = 10 * 60 * 60 # 10 minutes before we disconnect them
- attemptsBeforeDisconnect = 20 # number of attempts to allow before a disconnect
- passwordDelay = 1 # number of seconds to delay on a failed password
- protocolMessages = None # set later
- interfaceToMethod = {
- credentials.ISSHPrivateKey : 'publickey',
- credentials.IUsernamePassword : 'password',
- credentials.IPluggableAuthenticationModules : 'keyboard-interactive',
- }
- def serviceStarted(self):
- self.authenticatedWith = []
- self.loginAttempts = 0
- self.user = None
- self.nextService = None
- self.portal = self.transport.factory.portal
- self.supportedAuthentications = []
- for i in self.portal.listCredentialsInterfaces():
- if i in self.interfaceToMethod:
- self.supportedAuthentications.append(self.interfaceToMethod[i])
- if not self.transport.isEncrypted('out'):
- if 'password' in self.supportedAuthentications:
- self.supportedAuthentications.remove('password')
- if 'keyboard-interactive' in self.supportedAuthentications:
- self.supportedAuthentications.remove('keyboard-interactive')
- # don't let us transport password in plaintext
- self.cancelLoginTimeout = reactor.callLater(self.loginTimeout,
- self.timeoutAuthentication)
- def serviceStopped(self):
- if self.cancelLoginTimeout:
- self.cancelLoginTimeout.cancel()
- self.cancelLoginTimeout = None
- def timeoutAuthentication(self):
- self.cancelLoginTimeout = None
- self.transport.sendDisconnect(
- 'you took too long')
- def tryAuth(self, kind, user, data):
- log.msg('%s trying auth %s' % (user, kind))
- if kind not in self.supportedAuthentications:
- return'unsupported authentication, failing'))
- kind = kind.replace('-', '_')
- f = getattr(self,'auth_%s'%kind, None)
- if f:
- ret = f(data)
- if not ret:
- return'%s return None instead of a Deferred' % kind))
- else:
- return ret
- return'bad auth type: %s' % kind))
- def ssh_USERAUTH_REQUEST(self, packet):
- user, nextService, method, rest = getNS(packet, 3)
- if user != self.user or nextService != self.nextService:
- self.authenticatedWith = [] # clear auth state
- self.user = user
- self.nextService = nextService
- self.method = method
- d = self.tryAuth(method, user, rest)
- if not d:
- self._ebBadAuth(
- failure.Failure(error.ConchError('auth returned none')))
- return
- d.addCallbacks(self._cbFinishedAuth)
- d.addErrback(self._ebMaybeBadAuth)
- d.addErrback(self._ebBadAuth)
- return d
- def _cbFinishedAuth(self, (interface, avatar, logout)):
- self.transport.avatar = avatar
- self.transport.logoutFunction = logout
- service = self.transport.factory.getService(self.transport,
- self.nextService)
- if not service:
- raise error.ConchError('could not get next service: %s'
- % self.nextService)
- log.msg('%s authenticated with %s' % (self.user, self.method))
- if self.cancelLoginTimeout:
- self.cancelLoginTimeout.cancel()
- self.cancelLoginTimeout = None
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS, '')
- self.transport.setService(service())
- def _ebMaybeBadAuth(self, reason):
- reason.trap(error.NotEnoughAuthentication)
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE, NS(','.join(self.supportedAuthentications))+'\xff')
- def _ebBadAuth(self, reason):
- if reason.type == error.IgnoreAuthentication:
- return
- if self.method != 'none':
- log.msg('%s failed auth %s' % (self.user, self.method))
- log.msg('reason:')
- if reason.type == error.ConchError:
- log.msg(str(reason))
- else:
- log.msg(reason.getTraceback())
- self.loginAttempts += 1
- if self.loginAttempts > self.attemptsBeforeDisconnect:
- self.transport.sendDisconnect(transport.DISCONNECT_NO_MORE_AUTH_METHODS_AVAILABLE,
- 'too many bad auths')
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE, NS(','.join(self.supportedAuthentications))+'\x00')
- def auth_publickey(self, packet):
- hasSig = ord(packet[0])
- algName, blob, rest = getNS(packet[1:], 2)
- pubKey = keys.getPublicKeyObject(data = blob)
- signature = hasSig and getNS(rest)[0] or None
- if hasSig:
- b = NS(self.transport.sessionID) + chr(MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST) + \
- NS(self.user) + NS(self.nextService) + NS('publickey') + \
- chr(hasSig) + NS(keys.objectType(pubKey)) + NS(blob)
- c = credentials.SSHPrivateKey(self.user, algName, blob, b, signature)
- return self.portal.login(c, None, interfaces.IConchUser)
- else:
- c = credentials.SSHPrivateKey(self.user, algName, blob, None, None)
- return self.portal.login(c, None, interfaces.IConchUser).addErrback(
- self._ebCheckKey,
- packet[1:])
- def _ebCheckKey(self, reason, packet):
- reason.trap(error.ValidPublicKey)
- # if we make it here, it means that the publickey is valid
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK, packet)
- return failure.Failure(error.IgnoreAuthentication())
- def auth_password(self, packet):
- password = getNS(packet[1:])[0]
- c = credentials.UsernamePassword(self.user, password)
- return self.portal.login(c, None, interfaces.IConchUser).addErrback(
- self._ebPassword)
- def _ebPassword(self, f):
- d = defer.Deferred()
- reactor.callLater(self.passwordDelay, lambda d,f:d.callback(f), d, f)
- return d
- def auth_keyboard_interactive(self, packet):
- if hasattr(self, '_pamDeferred'):
- self.transport.sendDisconnect(transport.DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "only one keyboard interactive attempt at a time")
- return failure.Failure(error.IgnoreAuthentication())
- c = credentials.PluggableAuthenticationModules(self.user, self._pamConv)
- return self.portal.login(c, None, interfaces.IConchUser)
- def _pamConv(self, items):
- resp = []
- for message, kind in items:
- if kind == 1: # password
- resp.append((message, 0))
- elif kind == 2: # text
- resp.append((message, 1))
- elif kind in (3, 4):
- return'cannot handle PAM 3 or 4 messages'))
- else:
- return'bad PAM auth kind %i' % kind))
- packet = NS('')+NS('')+NS('')
- packet += struct.pack('>L', len(resp))
- for prompt, echo in resp:
- packet += NS(prompt)
- packet += chr(echo)
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST, packet)
- self._pamDeferred = defer.Deferred()
- return self._pamDeferred
- def ssh_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE(self, packet):
- d = self._pamDeferred
- del self._pamDeferred
- try:
- resp = []
- numResps = struct.unpack('>L', packet[:4])[0]
- packet = packet[4:]
- while packet:
- response, packet = getNS(packet)
- resp.append((response, 0))
- assert len(resp) == numResps
- except:
- d.errback(failure.Failure())
- else:
- d.callback(resp)
-class SSHUserAuthClient(service.SSHService):
- name = 'ssh-userauth'
- protocolMessages = None # set later
- preferredOrder = ['publickey', 'password', 'keyboard-interactive']
- def __init__(self, user, instance):
- self.user = user
- self.instance = instance
- def serviceStarted(self):
- self.authenticatedWith = []
- self.triedPublicKeys = []
- self.lastPublicKey = None
- self.askForAuth('none', '')
- def askForAuth(self, kind, extraData):
- self.lastAuth = kind
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, NS(self.user) + \
- NS( + NS(kind) + extraData)
- def tryAuth(self, kind):
- kind = kind.replace('-', '_')
- log.msg('trying to auth with %s' % kind)
- f= getattr(self,'auth_%s'%kind, None)
- if f:
- return f()
- def _ebAuth(self, ignored, *args):
- self.tryAuth('none')
- def ssh_USERAUTH_SUCCESS(self, packet):
- self.transport.setService(self.instance)
- #self.ssh_USERAUTH_SUCCESS = lambda *a: None # ignore these
- def ssh_USERAUTH_FAILURE(self, packet):
- canContinue, partial = getNS(packet)
- canContinue = canContinue.split(',')
- partial = ord(partial)
- if partial:
- self.authenticatedWith.append(self.lastAuth)
- def _(x, y):
- try:
- i1 = self.preferredOrder.index(x)
- except ValueError:
- return 1
- try:
- i2 = self.preferredOrder.index(y)
- except ValueError:
- return -1
- return cmp(i1, i2)
- canContinue.sort(_)
- log.msg('can continue with: %s' % canContinue)
- for method in canContinue:
- if method not in self.authenticatedWith and self.tryAuth(method):
- return
- self.transport.sendDisconnect(transport.DISCONNECT_NO_MORE_AUTH_METHODS_AVAILABLE, 'no more authentication methods available')
- def ssh_USERAUTH_PK_OK(self, packet):
- if self.lastAuth == 'publickey':
- # this is ok
- publicKey = self.lastPublicKey
- keyType = getNS(publicKey)[0]
- b = NS(self.transport.sessionID) + chr(MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST) + \
- NS(self.user) + NS( + NS('publickey') + '\xff' +\
- NS(keyType) + NS(publicKey)
- d = self.signData(publicKey, b)
- if not d:
- self.askForAuth('none', '')
- # this will fail, we'll move on
- return
- d.addCallback(self._cbSignedData)
- d.addErrback(self._ebAuth)
- elif self.lastAuth == 'password':
- prompt, language, rest = getNS(packet, 2)
- self._oldPass = self._newPass = None
- self.getPassword('Old Password: ').addCallbacks(self._setOldPass, self._ebAuth)
- self.getPassword(prompt).addCallbacks(self._setNewPass, self._ebAuth)
- elif self.lastAuth == 'keyboard-interactive':
- name, instruction, lang, data = getNS(packet, 3)
- numPrompts = struct.unpack('!L', data[:4])[0]
- data = data[4:]
- prompts = []
- for i in range(numPrompts):
- prompt, data = getNS(data)
- echo = bool(ord(data[0]))
- data = data[1:]
- prompts.append((prompt, echo))
- d = self.getGenericAnswers(name, instruction, prompts)
- d.addCallback(self._cbGenericAnswers)
- d.addErrback(self._ebAuth)
- def _cbSignedData(self, signedData):
- publicKey = self.lastPublicKey
- keyType = getNS(publicKey)[0]
- self.askForAuth('publickey', '\xff' + NS(keyType) + NS(publicKey) + \
- NS(signedData))
- def _setOldPass(self, op):
- if self._newPass:
- np = self._newPass
- self._newPass = None
- self.askForAuth('password', '\xff'+NS(op)+NS(np))
- else:
- self._oldPass = op
- def _setNewPass(self, np):
- if self._oldPass:
- op = self._oldPass
- self._oldPass = None
- self.askForAuth('password', '\xff'+NS(op)+NS(np))
- else:
- self._newPass = np
- def _cbGenericAnswers(self, responses):
- data = struct.pack('!L', len(responses))
- for r in responses:
- data += NS(r.encode('UTF8'))
- self.transport.sendPacket(MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE, data)
- def auth_publickey(self):
- publicKey = self.getPublicKey()
- if publicKey:
- self.lastPublicKey = publicKey
- self.triedPublicKeys.append(publicKey)
- keyType = getNS(publicKey)[0]
- log.msg('using key of type %s' % keyType)
- self.askForAuth('publickey', '\x00' + NS(keyType) + \
- NS(publicKey))
- return 1
- else:
- return 0
- def auth_password(self):
- d = self.getPassword()
- if d:
- d.addCallbacks(self._cbPassword, self._ebAuth)
- return 1
- else: # returned None, don't do password auth
- return 0
- def auth_keyboard_interactive(self):
- log.msg('authing with keyboard-interactive')
- self.askForAuth('keyboard-interactive', NS('') + NS(''))
- return 1
- def _cbPassword(self, password):
- self.askForAuth('password', '\x00'+NS(password))
- def signData(self, publicKey, signData):
- """
- Sign the given data with the given public key blob.
- By default, this will call getPrivateKey to get the private key,
- the sign the data using keys.signData.
- However, this is factored out so that it can use alternate methods,
- such as a key agent.
- """
- key = self.getPrivateKey()
- if not key:
- return
- return key.addCallback(self._cbSignData, signData)
- def _cbSignData(self, privateKey, signData):
- return keys.signData(privateKey, signData)
- def getPublicKey(self):
- """
- Return a public key for the user. If no more public keys are
- available, return None.
- @rtype: C{str}/C{None}
- """
- return None
- #raise NotImplementedError
- def getPrivateKey(self):
- """
- Return a L{Deferred} that will be called back with the private key
- corresponding to the last public key from getPublicKey().
- If the private key is not available, errback on the Deferred.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- """
- return
- def getPassword(self, prompt = None):
- """
- Return a L{Deferred} that will be called back with a password.
- prompt is a string to display for the password, or None for a generic
- 'user@hostname's password: '.
- @type prompt: C{str}/C{None}
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- """
- return
- def getGenericAnswers(self, name, instruction, prompts):
- """
- Returns a L{Deferred} with the responses to the promopts.
- @param name: The name of the authentication currently in progress.
- @param instruction: Describes what the authentication wants.
- @param prompts: A list of (prompt, echo) pairs, where prompt is a
- string to display and echo is a boolean indicating whether the
- user's response should be echoed as they type it.
- """
- return
-messages = {}
-import userauth
-for v in dir(userauth):
- if v[:4]=='MSG_':
- messages[getattr(userauth,v)] = v # doesn't handle doubles
-SSHUserAuthServer.protocolMessages = messages
-SSHUserAuthClient.protocolMessages = messages
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