| (Empty) |
1 # Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. | |
2 # See LICENSE for details. | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 """Rockwell Semiconductor Zodiac Serial Protocol | |
6 Coded from official protocol specs (Order No. GPS-25, 09/24/1996, Revision 11) | |
7 | |
8 Maintainer: U{Bob Ippolito<mailto:bob@redivi.com>} | |
9 | |
10 The following Rockwell Zodiac messages are currently understood:: | |
11 EARTHA\\r\\n (a hack to "turn on" a DeLorme Earthmate) | |
12 1000 (Geodesic Position Status Output) | |
13 1002 (Channel Summary) | |
14 1003 (Visible Satellites) | |
15 1011 (Receiver ID) | |
16 | |
17 The following Rockwell Zodiac messages require implementation:: | |
18 None really, the others aren't quite so useful and require bidirectional com
munication w/ the device | |
19 | |
20 Other desired features:: | |
21 - Compatability with the DeLorme Tripmate and other devices with this chipse
t (?) | |
22 """ | |
23 | |
24 import struct, operator, math | |
25 from twisted.internet import protocol | |
26 from twisted.python import log | |
27 | |
28 DEBUG = 1 | |
29 | |
30 class ZodiacParseError(ValueError): | |
31 pass | |
32 | |
33 class Zodiac(protocol.Protocol): | |
34 dispatch = { | |
35 # Output Messages (* means they get sent by the receiver by default periodic
ally) | |
36 1000: 'fix', # *Geodesic Position Status Output | |
37 1001: 'ecef', # ECEF Position Status Output | |
38 1002: 'channels', # *Channel Summary | |
39 1003: 'satellites', # *Visible Satellites | |
40 1005: 'dgps', # Differential GPS Status | |
41 1007: 'channelmeas', # Channel Measurement | |
42 1011: 'id', # *Receiver ID | |
43 1012: 'usersettings', # User-Settings Output | |
44 1100: 'testresults', # Built-In Test Results | |
45 1102: 'meastimemark', # Measurement Time Mark | |
46 1108: 'utctimemark', # UTC Time Mark Pulse Output | |
47 1130: 'serial', # Serial Port Communication Parameters In Use | |
48 1135: 'eepromupdate', # EEPROM Update | |
49 1136: 'eepromstatus', # EEPROM Status | |
50 } | |
51 # these aren't used for anything yet, just sitting here for reference | |
52 messages = { | |
53 # Input Messages | |
54 'fix': 1200, # Geodesic Position and Velocity Initialization | |
55 'udatum': 1210, # User-Defined Datum Definition | |
56 'mdatum': 1211, # Map Datum Select | |
57 'smask': 1212, # Satellite Elevation Mask Control | |
58 'sselect': 1213, # Satellite Candidate Select | |
59 'dgpsc': 1214, # Differential GPS Control | |
60 'startc': 1216, # Cold Start Control | |
61 'svalid': 1217, # Solution Validity Control | |
62 'antenna': 1218, # Antenna Type Select | |
63 'altinput': 1219, # User-Entered Altitude Input | |
64 'appctl': 1220, # Application Platform Control | |
65 'navcfg': 1221, # Nav Configuration | |
66 'test': 1300, # Perform Built-In Test Command | |
67 'restart': 1303, # Restart Command | |
68 'serial': 1330, # Serial Port Communications Parameters | |
69 'msgctl': 1331, # Message Protocol Control | |
70 'dgpsd': 1351, # Raw DGPS RTCM SC-104 Data | |
71 } | |
72 MAX_LENGTH = 296 | |
73 allow_earthmate_hack = 1 | |
74 recvd = "" | |
75 | |
76 def dataReceived(self, recd): | |
77 self.recvd = self.recvd + recd | |
78 while len(self.recvd) >= 10: | |
79 | |
80 # hack for DeLorme EarthMate | |
81 if self.recvd[:8] == 'EARTHA\r\n': | |
82 if self.allow_earthmate_hack: | |
83 self.allow_earthmate_hack = 0 | |
84 self.transport.write('EARTHA\r\n') | |
85 self.recvd = self.recvd[8:] | |
86 continue | |
87 | |
88 if self.recvd[0:2] != '\xFF\x81': | |
89 if DEBUG: | |
90 raise ZodiacParseError('Invalid Sync %r' % self.recvd) | |
91 else: | |
92 raise ZodiacParseError | |
93 sync, msg_id, length, acknak, checksum = struct.unpack('<HHHHh', self.recv
d[:10]) | |
94 | |
95 # verify checksum | |
96 cksum = -(reduce(operator.add, (sync, msg_id, length, acknak)) & 0xFFFF) | |
97 cksum, = struct.unpack('<h', struct.pack('<h', cksum)) | |
98 if cksum != checksum: | |
99 if DEBUG: | |
100 raise ZodiacParseError('Invalid Header Checksum %r != %r %r' % (checks
um, cksum, self.recvd[:8])) | |
101 else: | |
102 raise ZodiacParseError | |
103 | |
104 # length was in words, now it's bytes | |
105 length = length * 2 | |
106 | |
107 # do we need more data ? | |
108 neededBytes = 10 | |
109 if length: | |
110 neededBytes += length + 2 | |
111 if len(self.recvd) < neededBytes: | |
112 break | |
113 | |
114 if neededBytes > self.MAX_LENGTH: | |
115 raise ZodiacParseError("Invalid Header??") | |
116 | |
117 # empty messages pass empty strings | |
118 message = '' | |
119 | |
120 # does this message have data ? | |
121 if length: | |
122 message, checksum = self.recvd[10:10+length], struct.unpack('<h', self.r
ecvd[10+length:neededBytes])[0] | |
123 cksum = 0x10000 - (reduce(operator.add, struct.unpack('<%dH' % (length/2
), message)) & 0xFFFF) | |
124 cksum, = struct.unpack('<h', struct.pack('<h', cksum)) | |
125 if cksum != checksum: | |
126 if DEBUG: | |
127 log.dmsg('msg_id = %r length = %r' % (msg_id, length), debug=True) | |
128 raise ZodiacParseError('Invalid Data Checksum %r != %r %r' % (checks
um, cksum, message)) | |
129 else: | |
130 raise ZodiacParseError | |
131 | |
132 # discard used buffer, dispatch message | |
133 self.recvd = self.recvd[neededBytes:] | |
134 self.receivedMessage(msg_id, message, acknak) | |
135 | |
136 def receivedMessage(self, msg_id, message, acknak): | |
137 dispatch = self.dispatch.get(msg_id, None) | |
138 if not dispatch: | |
139 raise ZodiacParseError('Unknown msg_id = %r' % msg_id) | |
140 handler = getattr(self, 'handle_%s' % dispatch, None) | |
141 decoder = getattr(self, 'decode_%s' % dispatch, None) | |
142 if not (handler and decoder): | |
143 # missing handler or decoder | |
144 #if DEBUG: | |
145 # log.msg('MISSING HANDLER/DECODER PAIR FOR: %r' % (dispatch,), debug=Tru
e) | |
146 return | |
147 decoded = decoder(message) | |
148 return handler(*decoded) | |
149 | |
150 def decode_fix(self, message): | |
151 assert len(message) == 98, "Geodesic Position Status Output should be 55 wor
ds total (98 byte message)" | |
152 (ticks, msgseq, satseq, navstatus, navtype, nmeasure, polar, gpswk, gpses, g
psns, utcdy, utcmo, utcyr, utchr, utcmn, utcsc, utcns, latitude, longitude, heig
ht, geoidalsep, speed, course, magvar, climb, mapdatum, exhposerr, exvposerr, ex
timeerr, exphvelerr, clkbias, clkbiasdev, clkdrift, clkdriftdev) = struct.unpack
('<LhhHHHHHLLHHHHHHLlllhLHhhHLLLHllll', message) | |
153 | |
154 # there's a lot of shit in here.. | |
155 # I'll just snag the important stuff and spit it out like my NMEA decoder | |
156 utc = (utchr * 3600.0) + (utcmn * 60.0) + utcsc + (float(utcns) * 0.00000000
1) | |
157 | |
158 log.msg('utchr, utcmn, utcsc, utcns = ' + repr((utchr, utcmn, utcsc, utcns))
, debug=True) | |
159 | |
160 latitude = float(latitude) * 0.00000180 / math.pi | |
161 longitude = float(longitude) * 0.00000180 / math.pi | |
162 posfix = not (navstatus & 0x001c) | |
163 satellites = nmeasure | |
164 hdop = float(exhposerr) * 0.01 | |
165 altitude = float(height) * 0.01, 'M' | |
166 geoid = float(geoidalsep) * 0.01, 'M' | |
167 dgps = None | |
168 return ( | |
169 # seconds since 00:00 UTC | |
170 utc, | |
171 # latitude (degrees) | |
172 latitude, | |
173 # longitude (degrees) | |
174 longitude, | |
175 # position fix status (invalid = False, valid = True) | |
176 posfix, | |
177 # number of satellites [measurements] used for fix 0 <= satellites <= 12 | |
178 satellites, | |
179 # horizontal dilution of precision | |
180 hdop, | |
181 # (altitude according to WGS-84 ellipsoid, units (always 'M' for meters)) | |
182 altitude, | |
183 # (geoid separation according to WGS-84 ellipsoid, units (always 'M' for m
eters)) | |
184 geoid, | |
185 # None, for compatability w/ NMEA code | |
186 dgps, | |
187 ) | |
188 | |
189 def decode_id(self, message): | |
190 assert len(message) == 106, "Receiver ID Message should be 59 words total (1
06 byte message)" | |
191 ticks, msgseq, channels, software_version, software_date, options_list, rese
rved = struct.unpack('<Lh20s20s20s20s20s', message) | |
192 channels, software_version, software_date, options_list = map(lambda s: s.sp
lit('\0')[0], (channels, software_version, software_date, options_list)) | |
193 software_version = float(software_version) | |
194 channels = int(channels) # 0-12 .. but ALWAYS 12, so we ignore. | |
195 options_list = int(options_list[:4], 16) # only two bitflags, others are res
erved | |
196 minimize_rom = (options_list & 0x01) > 0 | |
197 minimize_ram = (options_list & 0x02) > 0 | |
198 # (version info), (options info) | |
199 return ((software_version, software_date), (minimize_rom, minimize_ram)) | |
200 | |
201 def decode_channels(self, message): | |
202 assert len(message) == 90, "Channel Summary Message should be 51 words total
(90 byte message)" | |
203 ticks, msgseq, satseq, gpswk, gpsws, gpsns = struct.unpack('<LhhHLL', messag
e[:18]) | |
204 channels = [] | |
205 message = message[18:] | |
206 for i in range(12): | |
207 flags, prn, cno = struct.unpack('<HHH', message[6 * i:6 * (i + 1)]) | |
208 # measurement used, ephemeris available, measurement valid, dgps correctio
ns available | |
209 flags = (flags & 0x01, flags & 0x02, flags & 0x04, flags & 0x08) | |
210 channels.append((flags, prn, cno)) | |
211 # ((flags, satellite PRN, C/No in dbHz)) for 12 channels | |
212 # satellite message sequence number | |
213 # gps week number, gps seconds in week (??), gps nanoseconds from Epoch | |
214 return (tuple(channels),) #, satseq, (gpswk, gpsws, gpsns)) | |
215 | |
216 def decode_satellites(self, message): | |
217 assert len(message) == 90, "Visible Satellites Message should be 51 words to
tal (90 byte message)" | |
218 ticks, msgseq, gdop, pdop, hdop, vdop, tdop, numsatellites = struct.unpack('
<LhhhhhhH', message[:18]) | |
219 gdop, pdop, hdop, vdop, tdop = map(lambda n: float(n) * 0.01, (gdop, pdop, h
dop, vdop, tdop)) | |
220 satellites = [] | |
221 message = message[18:] | |
222 for i in range(numsatellites): | |
223 prn, azi, elev = struct.unpack('<Hhh', message[6 * i:6 * (i + 1)]) | |
224 azi, elev = map(lambda n: (float(n) * 0.0180 / math.pi), (azi, elev)) | |
225 satellites.push((prn, azi, elev)) | |
226 # ((PRN [0, 32], azimuth +=[0.0, 180.0] deg, elevation +-[0.0, 90.0] deg)) s
atellite info (0-12) | |
227 # (geometric, position, horizontal, vertical, time) dilution of precision | |
228 return (tuple(satellites), (gdop, pdop, hdop, vdop, tdop)) | |
229 | |
230 def decode_dgps(self, message): | |
231 assert len(message) == 38, "Differential GPS Status Message should be 25 wor
ds total (38 byte message)" | |
232 raise NotImplementedError | |
233 | |
234 def decode_ecef(self, message): | |
235 assert len(message) == 96, "ECEF Position Status Output Message should be 54
words total (96 byte message)" | |
236 raise NotImplementedError | |
237 | |
238 def decode_channelmeas(self, message): | |
239 assert len(message) == 296, "Channel Measurement Message should be 154 words
total (296 byte message)" | |
240 raise NotImplementedError | |
241 | |
242 def decode_usersettings(self, message): | |
243 assert len(message) == 32, "User-Settings Output Message should be 22 words
total (32 byte message)" | |
244 raise NotImplementedError | |
245 | |
246 def decode_testresults(self, message): | |
247 assert len(message) == 28, "Built-In Test Results Message should be 20 words
total (28 byte message)" | |
248 raise NotImplementedError | |
249 | |
250 def decode_meastimemark(self, message): | |
251 assert len(message) == 494, "Measurement Time Mark Message should be 253 wor
ds total (494 byte message)" | |
252 raise NotImplementedError | |
253 | |
254 def decode_utctimemark(self, message): | |
255 assert len(message) == 28, "UTC Time Mark Pulse Output Message should be 20
words total (28 byte message)" | |
256 raise NotImplementedError | |
257 | |
258 def decode_serial(self, message): | |
259 assert len(message) == 30, "Serial Port Communication Paramaters In Use Mess
age should be 21 words total (30 byte message)" | |
260 raise NotImplementedError | |
261 | |
262 def decode_eepromupdate(self, message): | |
263 assert len(message) == 8, "EEPROM Update Message should be 10 words total (8
byte message)" | |
264 raise NotImplementedError | |
265 | |
266 def decode_eepromstatus(self, message): | |
267 assert len(message) == 24, "EEPROM Status Message should be 18 words total (
24 byte message)" | |
268 raise NotImplementedError | |