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Unified Diff: chrome/common/extensions/api/

Issue 1208963003: Move GN obj files to target-specific dirs (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: \ Created 5 years, 5 months ago
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Index: chrome/common/extensions/api/
diff --git a/chrome/common/extensions/api/ b/chrome/common/extensions/api/
deleted file mode 100644
index aed0671676cf47a247d981e6d82d4d37747e4036..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/chrome/common/extensions/api/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,839 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "extensions/common/extension_api.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/files/file_path.h"
-#include "base/files/file_util.h"
-#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
-#include "base/json/json_writer.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/path_service.h"
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-#include "base/values.h"
-#include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
-#include "extensions/common/extension.h"
-#include "extensions/common/extension_builder.h"
-#include "extensions/common/features/api_feature.h"
-#include "extensions/common/features/base_feature_provider.h"
-#include "extensions/common/features/simple_feature.h"
-#include "extensions/common/manifest.h"
-#include "extensions/common/manifest_constants.h"
-#include "extensions/common/test_util.h"
-#include "extensions/common/value_builder.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace extensions {
-using test_util::BuildExtension;
-SimpleFeature* CreateAPIFeature() {
- return new APIFeature();
-TEST(ExtensionAPITest, Creation) {
- ExtensionAPI* shared_instance = ExtensionAPI::GetSharedInstance();
- EXPECT_EQ(shared_instance, ExtensionAPI::GetSharedInstance());
- scoped_ptr<ExtensionAPI> new_instance(
- ExtensionAPI::CreateWithDefaultConfiguration());
- EXPECT_NE(new_instance.get(),
- scoped_ptr<ExtensionAPI>(
- ExtensionAPI::CreateWithDefaultConfiguration()).get());
- ExtensionAPI empty_instance;
- struct {
- ExtensionAPI* api;
- bool expect_populated;
- } test_data[] = {
- { shared_instance, true },
- { new_instance.get(), true },
- { &empty_instance, false }
- };
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(test_data); ++i) {
- EXPECT_EQ(test_data[i].expect_populated,
- test_data[i].api->GetSchema("bookmarks.create") != NULL);
- }
-TEST(ExtensionAPITest, SplitDependencyName) {
- struct {
- std::string input;
- std::string expected_feature_type;
- std::string expected_feature_name;
- } test_data[] = {{"", "api", ""}, // assumes "api" when no type is present
- {"foo", "api", "foo"},
- {"foo:", "foo", ""},
- {":foo", "", "foo"},
- {"foo:bar", "foo", "bar"},
- {"foo:bar.baz", "foo", "bar.baz"}};
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(test_data); ++i) {
- std::string feature_type;
- std::string feature_name;
- ExtensionAPI::SplitDependencyName(
- test_data[i].input, &feature_type, &feature_name);
- EXPECT_EQ(test_data[i].expected_feature_type, feature_type) << i;
- EXPECT_EQ(test_data[i].expected_feature_name, feature_name) << i;
- }
-TEST(ExtensionAPITest, APIFeatures) {
- struct {
- std::string api_full_name;
- bool expect_is_available;
- Feature::Context context;
- GURL url;
- } test_data[] = {
- { "test1", false, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "test1", true, Feature::BLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "test1", true, Feature::UNBLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "test1", true, Feature::CONTENT_SCRIPT_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "test2", true, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, GURL("") },
- { "test2", false, Feature::BLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT,
- GURL("") },
- { "", false, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT,
- GURL("") },
- { "", true, Feature::CONTENT_SCRIPT_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "test3", false, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, GURL("") },
- { "", true, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, GURL("") },
- { "", true, Feature::BLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT,
- GURL("") },
- { "test4", true, Feature::BLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT,
- GURL("") },
- { "", false, Feature::BLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT,
- GURL("") },
- { "", false, Feature::UNBLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT,
- GURL("") },
- { "", true, Feature::CONTENT_SCRIPT_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "test5", true, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, GURL("") },
- { "test5", false, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, GURL("") },
- { "test5.blah", true, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, GURL("") },
- { "test5.blah", false, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, GURL("") },
- { "test6", false, Feature::BLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "", true, Feature::BLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "test7", true, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, GURL("") },
- { "", false, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, GURL("") },
- { "", true, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, GURL("") },
- { "", false, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, GURL("") },
- { "", false, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, GURL("") },
- // Test parent/child.
- { "parent1", true, Feature::CONTENT_SCRIPT_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "parent1", false, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, GURL("") },
- { "parent1.child1", false, Feature::CONTENT_SCRIPT_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "parent1.child1", true, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT,
- GURL("") },
- { "parent1.child2", true, Feature::CONTENT_SCRIPT_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "parent1.child2", false, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT,
- GURL("") },
- { "parent2", true, Feature::CONTENT_SCRIPT_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "parent2", true, Feature::BLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "parent2", true, Feature::UNBLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "parent2.child3", false, Feature::CONTENT_SCRIPT_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "parent2.child3", true, Feature::BLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "parent2.child3", false, Feature::UNBLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "parent2.child3.child.child", true, Feature::CONTENT_SCRIPT_CONTEXT,
- GURL() },
- { "parent2.child3.child.child", false, Feature::BLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT,
- GURL() },
- { "parent2.child3.child.child", true, Feature::UNBLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT,
- GURL() },
- { "parent3", true, Feature::CONTENT_SCRIPT_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "parent3", false, Feature::BLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "parent3", false, Feature::UNBLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "parent3.noparent", true, Feature::CONTENT_SCRIPT_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "parent3.noparent", true, Feature::BLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "parent3.noparent", true, Feature::UNBLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "parent3.noparent.child", true, Feature::CONTENT_SCRIPT_CONTEXT, GURL() },
- { "parent3.noparent.child", true, Feature::BLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT,
- GURL() },
- { "parent3.noparent.child", true, Feature::UNBLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT,
- GURL() }
- };
- base::FilePath api_features_path;
- PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_TEST_DATA, &api_features_path);
- api_features_path = api_features_path.AppendASCII("extensions")
- .AppendASCII("extension_api_unittest")
- .AppendASCII("api_features.json");
- std::string api_features_str;
- ASSERT_TRUE(base::ReadFileToString(
- api_features_path, &api_features_str)) << "api_features.json";
- scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> value(static_cast<base::DictionaryValue*>(
- base::JSONReader::DeprecatedRead(api_features_str)));
- BaseFeatureProvider api_feature_provider(*value, CreateAPIFeature);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(test_data); ++i) {
- ExtensionAPI api;
- api.RegisterDependencyProvider("api", &api_feature_provider);
- for (base::DictionaryValue::Iterator iter(*value); !iter.IsAtEnd();
- iter.Advance()) {
- if (iter.key().find(".") == std::string::npos)
- api.RegisterSchemaResource(iter.key(), 0);
- }
- ExtensionAPI::OverrideSharedInstanceForTest scope(&api);
- bool expected = test_data[i].expect_is_available;
- Feature::Availability availability =
- api.IsAvailable(test_data[i].api_full_name,
- test_data[i].context,
- test_data[i].url);
- EXPECT_EQ(expected, availability.is_available())
- << base::StringPrintf("Test %d: Feature '%s' was %s: %s",
- static_cast<int>(i),
- test_data[i].api_full_name.c_str(),
- expected ? "not available" : "available",
- availability.message().c_str());
- }
-TEST(ExtensionAPITest, IsAnyFeatureAvailableToContext) {
- scoped_refptr<const Extension> app = ExtensionBuilder()
- .SetManifest(DictionaryBuilder()
- .Set("name", "app")
- .Set("app", DictionaryBuilder()
- .Set("background", DictionaryBuilder()
- .Set("scripts", ListBuilder().Append("background.js"))))
- .Set("version", "1")
- .Set("manifest_version", 2)).Build();
- scoped_refptr<const Extension> extension = ExtensionBuilder()
- .SetManifest(DictionaryBuilder()
- .Set("name", "extension")
- .Set("version", "1")
- .Set("manifest_version", 2)).Build();
- struct {
- std::string api_full_name;
- bool expect_is_available;
- Feature::Context context;
- const Extension* extension;
- GURL url;
- } test_data[] = {
- { "test1", false, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, NULL, GURL() },
- { "test1", true, Feature::UNBLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT, NULL, GURL() },
- { "test1", false, Feature::UNBLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT, app.get(), GURL() },
- { "test1", true, Feature::UNBLESSED_EXTENSION_CONTEXT, extension.get(),
- GURL() },
- { "test2", true, Feature::CONTENT_SCRIPT_CONTEXT, NULL, GURL() },
- { "test2", true, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, NULL,
- GURL("") },
- { "", false, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, NULL,
- GURL("") },
- { "test3", true, Feature::CONTENT_SCRIPT_CONTEXT, NULL, GURL() },
- { "test3", true, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, NULL, GURL("") },
- { "", true, Feature::CONTENT_SCRIPT_CONTEXT, NULL, GURL() },
- { "test7", false, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, NULL,
- GURL("") },
- { "test7", true, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, NULL, GURL("") },
- { "test7", false, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, NULL, GURL("") }
- };
- base::FilePath api_features_path;
- PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_TEST_DATA, &api_features_path);
- api_features_path = api_features_path.AppendASCII("extensions")
- .AppendASCII("extension_api_unittest")
- .AppendASCII("api_features.json");
- std::string api_features_str;
- ASSERT_TRUE(base::ReadFileToString(
- api_features_path, &api_features_str)) << "api_features.json";
- scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> value(static_cast<base::DictionaryValue*>(
- base::JSONReader::DeprecatedRead(api_features_str)));
- BaseFeatureProvider api_feature_provider(*value, CreateAPIFeature);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(test_data); ++i) {
- ExtensionAPI api;
- api.RegisterDependencyProvider("api", &api_feature_provider);
- for (base::DictionaryValue::Iterator iter(*value); !iter.IsAtEnd();
- iter.Advance()) {
- if (iter.key().find(".") == std::string::npos)
- api.RegisterSchemaResource(iter.key(), 0);
- }
- Feature* test_feature =
- api_feature_provider.GetFeature(test_data[i].api_full_name);
- ASSERT_TRUE(test_feature);
- EXPECT_EQ(test_data[i].expect_is_available,
- api.IsAnyFeatureAvailableToContext(*test_feature,
- test_data[i].extension,
- test_data[i].context,
- test_data[i].url))
- << i;
- }
-TEST(ExtensionAPITest, LazyGetSchema) {
- scoped_ptr<ExtensionAPI> apis(ExtensionAPI::CreateWithDefaultConfiguration());
- EXPECT_EQ(NULL, apis->GetSchema(std::string()));
- EXPECT_EQ(NULL, apis->GetSchema(std::string()));
- EXPECT_EQ(NULL, apis->GetSchema("experimental"));
- EXPECT_EQ(NULL, apis->GetSchema("experimental"));
- EXPECT_EQ(NULL, apis->GetSchema("foo"));
- EXPECT_EQ(NULL, apis->GetSchema("foo"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(apis->GetSchema("dns"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(apis->GetSchema("dns"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(apis->GetSchema("extension"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(apis->GetSchema("extension"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(apis->GetSchema("omnibox"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(apis->GetSchema("omnibox"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(apis->GetSchema("storage"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(apis->GetSchema("storage"));
-scoped_refptr<Extension> CreateExtensionWithPermissions(
- const std::set<std::string>& permissions) {
- base::DictionaryValue manifest;
- manifest.SetString("name", "extension");
- manifest.SetString("version", "1.0");
- manifest.SetInteger("manifest_version", 2);
- {
- scoped_ptr<base::ListValue> permissions_list(new base::ListValue());
- for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator i = permissions.begin();
- i != permissions.end(); ++i) {
- permissions_list->Append(new base::StringValue(*i));
- }
- manifest.Set("permissions", permissions_list.release());
- }
- std::string error;
- scoped_refptr<Extension> extension(Extension::Create(
- base::FilePath(), Manifest::UNPACKED,
- manifest, Extension::NO_FLAGS, &error));
- CHECK(extension.get());
- CHECK(error.empty());
- return extension;
-scoped_refptr<Extension> CreateExtensionWithPermission(
- const std::string& permission) {
- std::set<std::string> permissions;
- permissions.insert(permission);
- return CreateExtensionWithPermissions(permissions);
-TEST(ExtensionAPITest, ExtensionWithUnprivilegedAPIs) {
- scoped_refptr<Extension> extension;
- {
- std::set<std::string> permissions;
- permissions.insert("storage");
- permissions.insert("history");
- extension = CreateExtensionWithPermissions(permissions);
- }
- scoped_ptr<ExtensionAPI> extension_api(
- ExtensionAPI::CreateWithDefaultConfiguration());
- const FeatureProvider& api_features = *FeatureProvider::GetAPIFeatures();
- // "storage" is completely unprivileged.
- EXPECT_TRUE(extension_api->IsAnyFeatureAvailableToContext(
- *api_features.GetFeature("storage"),
- GURL()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(extension_api->IsAnyFeatureAvailableToContext(
- *api_features.GetFeature("storage"),
- GURL()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(extension_api->IsAnyFeatureAvailableToContext(
- *api_features.GetFeature("storage"),
- GURL()));
- // "extension" is partially unprivileged.
- EXPECT_TRUE(extension_api->IsAnyFeatureAvailableToContext(
- *api_features.GetFeature("extension"),
- GURL()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(extension_api->IsAnyFeatureAvailableToContext(
- *api_features.GetFeature("extension"),
- GURL()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(extension_api->IsAnyFeatureAvailableToContext(
- *api_features.GetFeature("extension"),
- GURL()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(extension_api->IsAnyFeatureAvailableToContext(
- *api_features.GetFeature("extension.getURL"),
- GURL()));
- // "history" is entirely privileged.
- EXPECT_TRUE(extension_api->IsAnyFeatureAvailableToContext(
- *api_features.GetFeature("history"),
- GURL()));
- EXPECT_FALSE(extension_api->IsAnyFeatureAvailableToContext(
- *api_features.GetFeature("history"),
- GURL()));
- EXPECT_FALSE(extension_api->IsAnyFeatureAvailableToContext(
- *api_features.GetFeature("history"),
- GURL()));
-scoped_refptr<Extension> CreateHostedApp() {
- base::DictionaryValue values;
- values.SetString(manifest_keys::kName, "test");
- values.SetString(manifest_keys::kVersion, "0.1");
- values.Set(manifest_keys::kWebURLs, new base::ListValue());
- values.SetString(manifest_keys::kLaunchWebURL,
- "");
- std::string error;
- scoped_refptr<Extension> extension(Extension::Create(
- base::FilePath(), Manifest::INTERNAL, values, Extension::NO_FLAGS,
- &error));
- CHECK(extension.get());
- return extension;
-scoped_refptr<Extension> CreatePackagedAppWithPermissions(
- const std::set<std::string>& permissions) {
- base::DictionaryValue values;
- values.SetString(manifest_keys::kName, "test");
- values.SetString(manifest_keys::kVersion, "0.1");
- values.SetString(manifest_keys::kPlatformAppBackground,
- "");
- base::DictionaryValue* app = new base::DictionaryValue();
- base::DictionaryValue* background = new base::DictionaryValue();
- base::ListValue* scripts = new base::ListValue();
- scripts->Append(new base::StringValue("test.js"));
- background->Set("scripts", scripts);
- app->Set("background", background);
- values.Set(manifest_keys::kApp, app);
- {
- scoped_ptr<base::ListValue> permissions_list(new base::ListValue());
- for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator i = permissions.begin();
- i != permissions.end(); ++i) {
- permissions_list->Append(new base::StringValue(*i));
- }
- values.Set("permissions", permissions_list.release());
- }
- std::string error;
- scoped_refptr<Extension> extension(Extension::Create(
- base::FilePath(), Manifest::INTERNAL, values, Extension::NO_FLAGS,
- &error));
- CHECK(extension.get()) << error;
- return extension;
-TEST(ExtensionAPITest, HostedAppPermissions) {
- scoped_refptr<Extension> extension = CreateHostedApp();
- scoped_ptr<ExtensionAPI> extension_api(
- ExtensionAPI::CreateWithDefaultConfiguration());
- // "runtime" and "tabs" should not be available in hosted apps.
- EXPECT_FALSE(extension_api->IsAvailable("runtime",
- extension.get(),
- GURL()).is_available());
- EXPECT_FALSE(extension_api->IsAvailable("",
- extension.get(),
- GURL()).is_available());
- EXPECT_FALSE(extension_api->IsAvailable("runtime.sendMessage",
- extension.get(),
- GURL()).is_available());
- EXPECT_FALSE(extension_api->IsAvailable("runtime.sendNativeMessage",
- extension.get(),
- GURL()).is_available());
- EXPECT_FALSE(extension_api->IsAvailable("tabs.create",
- extension.get(),
- GURL()).is_available());
-TEST(ExtensionAPITest, AppAndFriendsAvailability) {
- scoped_ptr<ExtensionAPI> extension_api(
- ExtensionAPI::CreateWithDefaultConfiguration());
- // Make sure and are available to apps,
- // and is not.
- {
- std::set<std::string> permissions;
- permissions.insert("app.runtime");
- permissions.insert("app.window");
- scoped_refptr<Extension> extension =
- CreatePackagedAppWithPermissions(permissions);
- EXPECT_FALSE(extension_api->IsAvailable(
- "app",
- extension.get(),
- GURL("")).is_available());
- EXPECT_TRUE(extension_api->IsAvailable(
- "app.runtime",
- extension.get(),
- GURL("")).is_available());
- EXPECT_TRUE(extension_api->IsAvailable(
- "app.window",
- extension.get(),
- GURL("")).is_available());
- }
- // Make sure and are not available to
- // extensions, and is.
- {
- std::set<std::string> permissions;
- scoped_refptr<Extension> extension =
- CreateExtensionWithPermissions(permissions);
- EXPECT_TRUE(extension_api->IsAvailable(
- "app",
- extension.get(),
- GURL("")).is_available());
- EXPECT_FALSE(extension_api->IsAvailable(
- "app.runtime",
- extension.get(),
- GURL("")).is_available());
- EXPECT_FALSE(extension_api->IsAvailable(
- "app.window",
- extension.get(),
- GURL("")).is_available());
- }
-TEST(ExtensionAPITest, ExtensionWithDependencies) {
- // Extension with the "ttsEngine" permission but not the "tts" permission; it
- // should not automatically get "tts" permission.
- {
- scoped_refptr<Extension> extension =
- CreateExtensionWithPermission("ttsEngine");
- scoped_ptr<ExtensionAPI> api(
- ExtensionAPI::CreateWithDefaultConfiguration());
- EXPECT_TRUE(api->IsAvailable("ttsEngine",
- extension.get(),
- GURL()).is_available());
- EXPECT_FALSE(api->IsAvailable("tts",
- extension.get(),
- GURL()).is_available());
- }
- // Conversely, extension with the "tts" permission but not the "ttsEngine"
- // permission shouldn't get the "ttsEngine" permission.
- {
- scoped_refptr<Extension> extension =
- CreateExtensionWithPermission("tts");
- scoped_ptr<ExtensionAPI> api(
- ExtensionAPI::CreateWithDefaultConfiguration());
- EXPECT_FALSE(api->IsAvailable("ttsEngine",
- extension.get(),
- GURL()).is_available());
- EXPECT_TRUE(api->IsAvailable("tts",
- extension.get(),
- GURL()).is_available());
- }
-bool MatchesURL(
- ExtensionAPI* api, const std::string& api_name, const std::string& url) {
- return api->IsAvailable(
- api_name, NULL, Feature::WEB_PAGE_CONTEXT, GURL(url)).is_available();
-TEST(ExtensionAPITest, URLMatching) {
- scoped_ptr<ExtensionAPI> api(ExtensionAPI::CreateWithDefaultConfiguration());
- // "app" API is available to all URLs that content scripts can be injected.
- EXPECT_TRUE(MatchesURL(api.get(), "app", ""));
- EXPECT_TRUE(MatchesURL(api.get(), "app", ""));
- EXPECT_TRUE(MatchesURL(api.get(), "app", "file://somefile.html"));
- // Also to internal URLs.
- EXPECT_TRUE(MatchesURL(api.get(), "app", "about:flags"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(MatchesURL(api.get(), "app", "chrome://flags"));
- // "app" should be available to chrome-extension URLs.
- EXPECT_TRUE(MatchesURL(api.get(), "app",
- "chrome-extension://fakeextension"));
- // "storage" API (for example) isn't available to any URLs.
- EXPECT_FALSE(MatchesURL(api.get(), "storage",
- ""));
- EXPECT_FALSE(MatchesURL(api.get(), "storage", ""));
- EXPECT_FALSE(MatchesURL(api.get(), "storage", "file://somefile.html"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(MatchesURL(api.get(), "storage", "about:flags"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(MatchesURL(api.get(), "storage", "chrome://flags"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(MatchesURL(api.get(), "storage",
- "chrome-extension://fakeextension"));
-TEST(ExtensionAPITest, GetAPINameFromFullName) {
- struct {
- std::string input;
- std::string api_name;
- std::string child_name;
- } test_data[] = {
- { "", "", "" },
- { "unknown", "", "" },
- { "bookmarks", "bookmarks", "" },
- { "bookmarks.", "bookmarks", "" },
- { ".bookmarks", "", "" },
- { "bookmarks.create", "bookmarks", "create" },
- { "bookmarks.create.", "bookmarks", "create." },
- { "bookmarks.create.monkey", "bookmarks", "create.monkey" },
- { "bookmarkManagerPrivate", "bookmarkManagerPrivate", "" },
- { "bookmarkManagerPrivate.copy", "bookmarkManagerPrivate", "copy" }
- };
- scoped_ptr<ExtensionAPI> api(ExtensionAPI::CreateWithDefaultConfiguration());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(test_data); ++i) {
- std::string child_name;
- std::string api_name = api->GetAPINameFromFullName(test_data[i].input,
- &child_name);
- EXPECT_EQ(test_data[i].api_name, api_name) << test_data[i].input;
- EXPECT_EQ(test_data[i].child_name, child_name) << test_data[i].input;
- }
-TEST(ExtensionAPITest, DefaultConfigurationFeatures) {
- scoped_ptr<ExtensionAPI> api(ExtensionAPI::CreateWithDefaultConfiguration());
- SimpleFeature* bookmarks = static_cast<SimpleFeature*>(
- api->GetFeatureDependency("api:bookmarks"));
- SimpleFeature* bookmarks_create = static_cast<SimpleFeature*>(
- api->GetFeatureDependency("api:bookmarks.create"));
- struct {
- SimpleFeature* feature;
- // TODO(aa): More stuff to test over time.
- } test_data[] = {
- { bookmarks },
- { bookmarks_create }
- };
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(test_data); ++i) {
- SimpleFeature* feature = test_data[i].feature;
- ASSERT_TRUE(feature) << i;
- EXPECT_TRUE(feature->whitelist()->empty());
- EXPECT_TRUE(feature->extension_types()->empty());
- EXPECT_EQ(SimpleFeature::UNSPECIFIED_LOCATION, feature->location());
- EXPECT_TRUE(feature->platforms()->empty());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, feature->min_manifest_version());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, feature->max_manifest_version());
- }
-TEST(ExtensionAPITest, FeaturesRequireContexts) {
- // TODO(cduvall): Make this check API featues.
- scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> api_features1(new base::DictionaryValue());
- scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> api_features2(new base::DictionaryValue());
- base::DictionaryValue* test1 = new base::DictionaryValue();
- base::DictionaryValue* test2 = new base::DictionaryValue();
- base::ListValue* contexts = new base::ListValue();
- contexts->Append(new base::StringValue("content_script"));
- test1->Set("contexts", contexts);
- test1->SetString("channel", "stable");
- test2->SetString("channel", "stable");
- api_features1->Set("test", test1);
- api_features2->Set("test", test2);
- struct {
- base::DictionaryValue* api_features;
- bool expect_success;
- } test_data[] = {
- { api_features1.get(), true },
- { api_features2.get(), false }
- };
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(test_data); ++i) {
- BaseFeatureProvider api_feature_provider(*test_data[i].api_features,
- CreateAPIFeature);
- Feature* feature = api_feature_provider.GetFeature("test");
- EXPECT_EQ(test_data[i].expect_success, feature != NULL) << i;
- }
-static void GetDictionaryFromList(const base::DictionaryValue* schema,
- const std::string& list_name,
- const int list_index,
- const base::DictionaryValue** out) {
- const base::ListValue* list;
- EXPECT_TRUE(schema->GetList(list_name, &list));
- EXPECT_TRUE(list->GetDictionary(list_index, out));
-TEST(ExtensionAPITest, TypesHaveNamespace) {
- base::FilePath manifest_path;
- PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_TEST_DATA, &manifest_path);
- manifest_path = manifest_path.AppendASCII("extensions")
- .AppendASCII("extension_api_unittest")
- .AppendASCII("types_have_namespace.json");
- std::string manifest_str;
- ASSERT_TRUE(base::ReadFileToString(manifest_path, &manifest_str))
- << "Failed to load: " << manifest_path.value();
- ExtensionAPI api;
- api.RegisterSchemaResource("", 0);
- api.LoadSchema("", manifest_str);
- const base::DictionaryValue* schema = api.GetSchema("");
- const base::DictionaryValue* dict;
- const base::DictionaryValue* sub_dict;
- std::string type;
- GetDictionaryFromList(schema, "types", 0, &dict);
- EXPECT_TRUE(dict->GetString("id", &type));
- EXPECT_EQ("", type);
- EXPECT_TRUE(dict->GetString("customBindings", &type));
- EXPECT_EQ("", type);
- EXPECT_TRUE(dict->GetDictionary("properties", &sub_dict));
- const base::DictionaryValue* property;
- EXPECT_TRUE(sub_dict->GetDictionary("foo", &property));
- EXPECT_TRUE(property->GetString("$ref", &type));
- EXPECT_EQ("", type);
- EXPECT_TRUE(sub_dict->GetDictionary("bar", &property));
- EXPECT_TRUE(property->GetString("$ref", &type));
- EXPECT_EQ("fully.qualified.Type", type);
- GetDictionaryFromList(schema, "functions", 0, &dict);
- GetDictionaryFromList(dict, "parameters", 0, &sub_dict);
- EXPECT_TRUE(sub_dict->GetString("$ref", &type));
- EXPECT_EQ("", type);
- EXPECT_TRUE(dict->GetDictionary("returns", &sub_dict));
- EXPECT_TRUE(sub_dict->GetString("$ref", &type));
- EXPECT_EQ("fully.qualified.Type", type);
- GetDictionaryFromList(schema, "functions", 1, &dict);
- GetDictionaryFromList(dict, "parameters", 0, &sub_dict);
- EXPECT_TRUE(sub_dict->GetString("$ref", &type));
- EXPECT_EQ("fully.qualified.Type", type);
- EXPECT_TRUE(dict->GetDictionary("returns", &sub_dict));
- EXPECT_TRUE(sub_dict->GetString("$ref", &type));
- EXPECT_EQ("", type);
- GetDictionaryFromList(schema, "events", 0, &dict);
- GetDictionaryFromList(dict, "parameters", 0, &sub_dict);
- EXPECT_TRUE(sub_dict->GetString("$ref", &type));
- EXPECT_EQ("", type);
- GetDictionaryFromList(dict, "parameters", 1, &sub_dict);
- EXPECT_TRUE(sub_dict->GetString("$ref", &type));
- EXPECT_EQ("fully.qualified.Type", type);
-// Tests API availability with an empty manifest.
-TEST(ExtensionAPITest, NoPermissions) {
- const struct {
- const char* permission_name;
- bool expect_success;
- } kTests[] = {
- // Test default module/package permission.
- { "extension", true },
- { "i18n", true },
- { "permissions", true },
- { "runtime", true },
- { "test", true },
- // These require manifest keys.
- { "browserAction", false },
- { "pageAction", false },
- { "pageActions", false },
- // Some negative tests.
- { "bookmarks", false },
- { "cookies", false },
- { "history", false },
- // Make sure we find the module name after stripping '.'
- { "runtime.abcd.onStartup", true },
- // Test Tabs/Windows functions.
- { "tabs.create", true },
- { "tabs.duplicate", true },
- { "tabs.onRemoved", true },
- { "tabs.remove", true },
- { "tabs.update", true },
- { "tabs.getSelected", true },
- { "tabs.onUpdated", true },
- { "windows.get", true },
- { "windows.create", true },
- { "windows.remove", true },
- { "windows.update", true },
- // Test some whitelisted functions. These require no permissions.
- { "app.getDetails", true },
- { "app.getDetailsForFrame", true },
- { "app.getIsInstalled", true },
- { "app.installState", true },
- { "app.runningState", true },
- { "management.getPermissionWarningsByManifest", true },
- { "management.uninstallSelf", true },
- // But other functions in those modules do.
- { "management.getPermissionWarningsById", false },
- { "runtime.connectNative", false },
- };
- scoped_ptr<ExtensionAPI> extension_api(
- ExtensionAPI::CreateWithDefaultConfiguration());
- scoped_refptr<Extension> extension =
- BuildExtension(ExtensionBuilder().Pass()).Build();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kTests); ++i) {
- EXPECT_EQ(kTests[i].expect_success,
- extension_api->IsAvailable(kTests[i].permission_name,
- extension.get(),
- GURL()).is_available())
- << "Permission being tested: " << kTests[i].permission_name;
- }
-// Tests that permissions that require manifest keys are available when those
-// keys are present.
-TEST(ExtensionAPITest, ManifestKeys) {
- scoped_ptr<ExtensionAPI> extension_api(
- ExtensionAPI::CreateWithDefaultConfiguration());
- scoped_refptr<Extension> extension =
- BuildExtension(ExtensionBuilder().Pass())
- .MergeManifest(DictionaryBuilder().Set("browser_action",
- DictionaryBuilder().Pass()))
- .Build();
- EXPECT_TRUE(extension_api->IsAvailable("browserAction",
- extension.get(),
- GURL()).is_available());
- EXPECT_FALSE(extension_api->IsAvailable("pageAction",
- extension.get(),
- GURL()).is_available());
-} // namespace extensions
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