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Unified Diff: content/public/android/java/src/org/chromium/content/browser/

Issue 120513005: [Android] Perform eager gesture recognition on MotionEvents (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: More testing Created 6 years, 11 months ago
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Index: content/public/android/java/src/org/chromium/content/browser/
diff --git a/content/public/android/java/src/org/chromium/content/browser/ b/content/public/android/java/src/org/chromium/content/browser/
index 9e4dba5bafc73d07031b0ba587b29ef49649741c..1423c8f235e4d73cd2ab2d386c8235aa77a742e8 100644
--- a/content/public/android/java/src/org/chromium/content/browser/
+++ b/content/public/android/java/src/org/chromium/content/browser/
@@ -4,30 +4,29 @@
package org.chromium.content.browser;
+import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.content.Context;
+import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.InputDevice;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
+import android.view.ScaleGestureDetector;
import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
import org.chromium.base.CommandLine;
-import org.chromium.base.TraceEvent;
-import org.chromium.content.browser.LongPressDetector.LongPressDelegate;
import org.chromium.content.browser.third_party.GestureDetector;
import org.chromium.content.browser.third_party.GestureDetector.OnDoubleTapListener;
import org.chromium.content.browser.third_party.GestureDetector.OnGestureListener;
import org.chromium.content.common.ContentSwitches;
-import java.util.ArrayDeque;
-import java.util.Deque;
+import org.chromium.content.common.TraceEvent;
* This class handles all MotionEvent handling done in ContentViewCore including the gesture
* recognition. It sends all related native calls through the interface MotionEventDelegate.
-class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
+class ContentViewGestureHandler {
private static final String TAG = "ContentViewGestureHandler";
@@ -63,12 +62,6 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
static final String DELTA = "Delta";
- /**
- * Used by UMA stat for tracking accidental double tap navigations. Specifies the amount of
- * time after a double tap within which actions will be recorded to the UMA stat.
- */
- private static final long ACTION_AFTER_DOUBLE_TAP_WINDOW_MS = 5000;
private final Bundle mExtraParamBundleSingleTap;
private final Bundle mExtraParamBundleFling;
private final Bundle mExtraParamBundleScroll;
@@ -76,35 +69,13 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
private final Bundle mExtraParamBundleDoubleTapDragZoom;
private final Bundle mExtraParamBundlePinchBy;
private GestureDetector mGestureDetector;
- private final ZoomManager mZoomManager;
- private LongPressDetector mLongPressDetector;
private OnGestureListener mListener;
private OnDoubleTapListener mDoubleTapListener;
+ private ScaleGestureDetector mMultiTouchDetector;
+ private ScaleGestureListener mMultiTouchListener;
private MotionEvent mCurrentDownEvent;
private final MotionEventDelegate mMotionEventDelegate;
- // Queue of motion events.
- private final Deque<MotionEvent> mPendingMotionEvents = new ArrayDeque<MotionEvent>();
- // All events are forwarded to the GestureDetector, bypassing Javascript.
- private static final int NO_TOUCH_HANDLER = 0;
- // All events are forwarded as normal to Javascript, and if unconsumed to the GestureDetector.
- // * Activated from the renderer by way of |hasTouchEventHandlers(true)|.
- private static final int HAS_TOUCH_HANDLER = 1;
- // Events in the current gesture are forwarded to the GestureDetector, bypassing Javascript.
- // * Activated if the touch down for the current gesture had no Javascript consumer.
- private static final int NO_TOUCH_HANDLER_FOR_GESTURE = 2;
- // Events in the current gesture are forwarded to Javascript, and not to the GestureDetector.
- // * Activated if *any* touch event in the current sequence was consumed by Javascript.
- private static final int JAVASCRIPT_CONSUMING_GESTURE = 3;
- private int mTouchHandlingState = TOUCH_HANDLING_STATE_DEFAULT;
// Remember whether onShowPress() is called. If it is not, in onSingleTapConfirmed()
// we will first show the press state, then trigger the click.
private boolean mShowPressIsCalled;
@@ -126,25 +97,13 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
// True from right before we send the first scroll event until the last finger is raised.
private boolean mTouchScrolling;
- // TODO(wangxianzhu): For now it is true after a fling is started until the next
- // touch. Should reset it to false on end of fling if the UI is able to know when the
- // fling ends.
- private boolean mFlingMayBeActive;
// Used to remove the touch slop from the initial scroll event in a scroll gesture.
private boolean mSeenFirstScrollEvent;
private boolean mPinchInProgress = false;
- // Guard against nested |trySendPendingEventsToNative()| loops.
- private boolean mSendingPendingEventsToNative = false;
private static final int DOUBLE_TAP_TIMEOUT = ViewConfiguration.getDoubleTapTimeout();
- //On single tap this will store the x, y coordinates of the touch.
- private int mSingleTapX;
- private int mSingleTapY;
// Indicate current double tap mode state.
private int mDoubleTapMode = DOUBLE_TAP_MODE_NONE;
@@ -185,19 +144,10 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
// Whether the click delay should always be disabled by sending clicks for double tap gestures.
private final boolean mDisableClickDelay;
- // Used for tracking UMA ActionAfterDoubleTap to tell user's immediate
- // action after a double tap.
- private long mLastDoubleTapTimeMs;
- // Coordinates of the start of a touch sequence offered to native (i.e. the touchdown).
- private float mTouchDownToNativeX;
- private float mTouchDownToNativeY;
- // True iff a (potential) touchmove offered to native has exceeded the touch slop distance
- // OR it had multiple pointers.
- private boolean mTouchMoveToNativeConfirmed;
- static final int GESTURE_SHOW_PRESSED_STATE = 0;
+ // DO NOT change these constants without also changing the corresponding values
+ // found in
+ // TODO(jdduke): Initialize these from their corresponding WebInputEvent::Type, crbug/339530.
+ static final int GESTURE_SHOW_PRESS = 0;
static final int GESTURE_DOUBLE_TAP = 1;
static final int GESTURE_SINGLE_TAP_UP = 2;
static final int GESTURE_SINGLE_TAP_CONFIRMED = 3;
@@ -216,18 +166,6 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
static final int GESTURE_LONG_TAP = 16;
static final int GESTURE_TAP_DOWN = 17;
- // These have to be kept in sync with content/port/common/input_event_ack_state.h
- static final int INPUT_EVENT_ACK_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0;
- static final int INPUT_EVENT_ACK_STATE_CONSUMED = 1;
- static final int INPUT_EVENT_ACK_STATE_NOT_CONSUMED = 2;
- static final int INPUT_EVENT_ACK_STATE_IGNORED = 4;
- // Return values of sendPendingEventToNative();
- static final int EVENT_FORWARDED_TO_NATIVE = 0;
- static final int EVENT_DROPPED = 1;
- static final int EVENT_NOT_FORWARDED = 2;
private final float mPxToDp;
static final int DOUBLE_TAP_MODE_NONE = 0;
@@ -245,12 +183,19 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
* @param timeMs Time of the event in ms.
* @param action The action type for the event.
* @param pts The TouchPoint array to be sent for the event.
- * @return Whether the event was sent to the native side successfully or not.
- public boolean sendTouchEvent(long timeMs, int action, TouchPoint[] pts);
+ public void onTouchEventHandlingBegin(long timeMs, int action, TouchPoint[] pts);
+ /**
+ * Signal that all gestures for the current {@link MotionEvent} have been dispatchd.
+ */
+ public void onTouchEventHandlingEnd();
- * Send a gesture event to the native side.
+ * Forward a generated event to the client. This will normally be wrapped by
+ * calls to {@link #onTouchEventHandlingBegin(long, int, TouchPoint[])} and
+ * {@link #onTouchEventHandlingEnd()}, unless the gesture is generated from
+ * a touch timeout, e.g., GESTURE_LONG_PRESS.
* @param type The type of the gesture event.
* @param timeMs The time the gesture event occurred at.
* @param x The x location for the gesture event.
@@ -258,31 +203,12 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
* @param extraParams A bundle that holds specific extra parameters for certain gestures.
* This is read-only and should not be modified in this function.
* Refer to gesture type definition for more information.
- * @return Whether the gesture was sent successfully.
+ * @return Whether the gesture was forwarded successfully.
- boolean sendGesture(int type, long timeMs, int x, int y, Bundle extraParams);
- /**
- * Show the zoom picker UI.
- */
- public void invokeZoomPicker();
- /**
- * Send action after dobule tap for UMA stat tracking.
- * @param type The action that occured
- * @param clickDelayEnabled Whether the tap down delay is active
- */
- public void sendActionAfterDoubleTapUMA(int type, boolean clickDelayEnabled);
- /**
- * Send single tap UMA.
- * @param type The tap type: delayed or undelayed
- */
- public void sendSingleTapUMA(int type);
+ boolean onGestureEventCreated(int type, long timeMs, int x, int y, Bundle extraParams);
- ContentViewGestureHandler(
- Context context, MotionEventDelegate delegate, ZoomManager zoomManager) {
+ ContentViewGestureHandler(Context context, MotionEventDelegate delegate) {
mExtraParamBundleSingleTap = new Bundle();
mExtraParamBundleFling = new Bundle();
mExtraParamBundleScroll = new Bundle();
@@ -290,10 +216,8 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
mExtraParamBundleDoubleTapDragZoom = new Bundle();
mExtraParamBundlePinchBy = new Bundle();
- mLongPressDetector = new LongPressDetector(context, this);
mMotionEventDelegate = delegate;
- mZoomManager = zoomManager;
- mSnapScrollController = new SnapScrollController(context, mZoomManager);
+ mSnapScrollController = new SnapScrollController(context);
mPxToDp = 1.0f / context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
mDisableClickDelay = CommandLine.isInitialized() &&
@@ -302,21 +226,6 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
- /**
- * Used to override the default long press detector, gesture detector and listener.
- * This is used for testing only.
- * @param longPressDetector The new LongPressDetector to be assigned.
- * @param gestureDetector The new GestureDetector to be assigned.
- * @param listener The new onGestureListener to be assigned.
- */
- void setTestDependencies(
- LongPressDetector longPressDetector, GestureDetector gestureDetector,
- OnGestureListener listener) {
- if (longPressDetector != null) mLongPressDetector = longPressDetector;
- if (gestureDetector != null) mGestureDetector = gestureDetector;
- if (listener != null) mListener = listener;
- }
private void initGestureDetectors(final Context context) {
final int scaledTouchSlop = ViewConfiguration.get(context).getScaledTouchSlop();
mScaledTouchSlopSquare = scaledTouchSlop * scaledTouchSlop;
@@ -334,6 +243,7 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
mLastRawY = e.getRawY();
mAccumulatedScrollErrorX = 0;
mAccumulatedScrollErrorY = 0;
+ mLastLongPressEvent = null;
mNeedsTapEndingEvent = false;
if (sendMotionEventAsGesture(GESTURE_TAP_DOWN, e, null)) {
mNeedsTapEndingEvent = true;
@@ -374,7 +284,6 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
mLastRawY = e2.getRawY();
if (!mTouchScrolling) {
- endFlingIfNecessary(e2.getEventTime());
// Note that scroll start hints are in distance traveled, where
// scroll deltas are in the opposite direction.
mExtraParamBundleScrollStart.putInt(DELTA_HINT_X, (int) -rawDistanceX);
@@ -408,8 +317,6 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
e2.getEventTime(), x, y, mExtraParamBundleScroll);
- mMotionEventDelegate.invokeZoomPicker();
return true;
@@ -433,7 +340,7 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
public void onShowPress(MotionEvent e) {
mShowPressIsCalled = true;
- sendMotionEventAsGesture(GESTURE_SHOW_PRESSED_STATE, e, null);
+ sendMotionEventAsGesture(GESTURE_SHOW_PRESS, e, null);
@@ -449,20 +356,11 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
// want to trigger the tap event at UP. So we override
// onSingleTapUp() in this case. This assumes singleTapUp
// gets always called before singleTapConfirmed.
- if (!mIgnoreSingleTap && !mLongPressDetector.isInLongPress()) {
+ if (!mIgnoreSingleTap) {
if (e.getEventTime() - e.getDownTime() > DOUBLE_TAP_TIMEOUT) {
- float x = e.getX();
- float y = e.getY();
if (sendTapEndingEventAsGesture(GESTURE_SINGLE_TAP_UP, e, null)) {
mIgnoreSingleTap = true;
- setClickXAndY((int) x, (int) y);
- mMotionEventDelegate.sendSingleTapUMA(
- isDoubleTapDisabled() ?
- ContentViewCore.UMASingleTapType.UNDELAYED_TAP :
- ContentViewCore.UMASingleTapType.DELAYED_TAP);
return true;
} else if (isDoubleTapDisabled() || mDisableClickDelay) {
// If double tap has been disabled, there is no need to wait
@@ -484,23 +382,14 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
// ContentViewHolder for tab swipe operations. As a consequence of the delay
// this method might be called after receiving the up event.
// These corner cases should be ignored.
- if (mLongPressDetector.isInLongPress() || mIgnoreSingleTap) return true;
- mMotionEventDelegate.sendSingleTapUMA(
- isDoubleTapDisabled() ?
- ContentViewCore.UMASingleTapType.UNDELAYED_TAP :
- ContentViewCore.UMASingleTapType.DELAYED_TAP);
+ if (mIgnoreSingleTap) return true;
- int x = (int) e.getX();
- int y = (int) e.getY();
mExtraParamBundleSingleTap.putBoolean(SHOW_PRESS, mShowPressIsCalled);
assert mExtraParamBundleSingleTap.size() == 1;
if (sendTapEndingEventAsGesture(GESTURE_SINGLE_TAP_CONFIRMED, e,
mExtraParamBundleSingleTap)) {
mIgnoreSingleTap = true;
- setClickXAndY(x, y);
return true;
@@ -508,10 +397,18 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
public boolean onDoubleTapEvent(MotionEvent e) {
switch (e.getActionMasked()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
+ // Note that this will be called before the corresponding |onDown()|
+ // of the same ACTION_DOWN event. Thus, the preceding TAP_DOWN
+ // should be cancelled prior to sending a new one (in |onDown()|).
mDoubleTapDragZoomAnchorX = e.getX();
mDoubleTapDragZoomAnchorY = e.getY();
+ // If a long-press fires during a double-tap, the GestureDetector
+ // will stop feeding MotionEvents to |onDoubleTapEvent()|,
+ // preventing double-tap drag zoom. Long press detection will be
+ // re-enabled on the next ACTION_DOWN.
+ mGestureDetector.setIsLongpressEnabled(false);
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
if (mDoubleTapMode
@@ -571,13 +468,16 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
- public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) {
- if (!mZoomManager.isScaleGestureDetectionInProgress() &&
- (mDoubleTapMode == DOUBLE_TAP_MODE_NONE ||
- isDoubleTapDisabled())) {
- mLastLongPressEvent = e;
- sendMotionEventAsGesture(GESTURE_LONG_PRESS, e, null);
- }
+ public boolean onLongPress(MotionEvent e) {
+ assert !isDoubleTapActive();
+ if (isScaleGestureDetectionInProgress()) return false;
+ setIgnoreSingleTap(true);
+ mLastLongPressEvent = e;
+ sendMotionEventAsGesture(GESTURE_LONG_PRESS, e, null);
+ // Returning true puts the GestureDetector in "longpress" mode, disabling
+ // further scrolling. This is undesirable, as it is quite common for a
+ // longpress gesture to fire on content that won't trigger a context menu.
+ return false;
@@ -600,33 +500,93 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
mListener = listener;
mDoubleTapListener = listener;
mGestureDetector = new GestureDetector(context, listener);
- mGestureDetector.setIsLongpressEnabled(false);
+ mMultiTouchListener = new ScaleGestureListener();
+ mMultiTouchDetector = new ScaleGestureDetector(context, mMultiTouchListener);
+ // ScaleGestureDetector's "QuickScale" feature was introduced in KitKat.
+ // As ContentViewGestureHandler already implements this feature,
+ // explicitly disable it to prevent double-handling of the gesture.
+ disableQuickScale(mMultiTouchDetector);
} finally {
- /**
- * @return LongPressDetector handling setting up timers for and canceling LongPress gestures.
- */
- LongPressDetector getLongPressDetector() {
- return mLongPressDetector;
- }
+ private class ScaleGestureListener implements ScaleGestureDetector.OnScaleGestureListener {
+ // Completely silence scaling events. Used in WebView when zoom support
+ // is turned off.
+ private boolean mPermanentlyIgnoreDetectorEvents = false;
- /**
- * @param event Start a LongPress gesture event from the listener.
- */
- @Override
- public void onLongPress(MotionEvent event) {
- mListener.onLongPress(event);
- }
+ // Whether any pinch zoom event has been sent to native.
+ private boolean mPinchEventSent;
- /**
- * Cancels any ongoing LongPress timers.
- */
- void cancelLongPress() {
- mLongPressDetector.cancelLongPress();
- }
+ // ScaleGestureDetector previous to 4.2.2 failed to record the touch event time
+ // (b/7626515), so we record it manually for synthesizing pinch gestures.
+ private long mCurrentEventTime;
+ void setCurrentEventTime(long currentEventTime) {
+ mCurrentEventTime = currentEventTime;
+ }
+ private long getEventTime(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
+ // Workaround for b/7626515, fixed in 4.2.2.
+ assert mCurrentEventTime != 0;
+ assert detector.getEventTime() == 0 || detector.getEventTime() == mCurrentEventTime;
+ return mCurrentEventTime;
+ }
+ boolean getPermanentlyIgnoreDetectorEvents() {
+ return mPermanentlyIgnoreDetectorEvents;
+ }
+ void setPermanentlyIgnoreDetectorEvents(boolean value) {
+ // Note that returning false from onScaleBegin / onScale makes the
+ // gesture detector not to emit further scaling notifications
+ // related to this gesture. Thus, if detector events are enabled in
+ // the middle of the gesture, we don't need to do anything.
+ mPermanentlyIgnoreDetectorEvents = value;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean onScaleBegin(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
+ if (mPermanentlyIgnoreDetectorEvents) return false;
+ mPinchEventSent = false;
+ setIgnoreSingleTap(true);
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onScaleEnd(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
+ if (!mPinchEventSent) return;
+ pinchEnd(getEventTime(detector));
+ mPinchEventSent = false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean onScale(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
+ if (mPermanentlyIgnoreDetectorEvents) return false;
+ // It is possible that pinchBegin() was never called when we reach here.
+ // This happens when webkit handles the 2nd touch down event. That causes
+ // ContentView to ignore the onScaleBegin() call. And if webkit does not
+ // handle the touch move events afterwards, we will face a situation
+ // that pinchBy() is called without any pinchBegin().
+ // To solve this problem, we call pinchBegin() here if it is never called.
+ if (!mPinchEventSent) {
+ pinchBegin(getEventTime(detector),
+ (int) detector.getFocusX(), (int) detector.getFocusY());
+ mPinchEventSent = true;
+ }
+ pinchBy(getEventTime(detector), (int) detector.getFocusX(), (int) detector.getFocusY(),
+ detector.getScaleFactor());
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ private static void disableQuickScale(ScaleGestureDetector scaleGestureDetector) {
+ scaleGestureDetector.setQuickScaleEnabled(false);
+ }
* Fling the ContentView from the current position.
@@ -636,8 +596,6 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
* @param velocityY Initial velocity of the fling (Y) measured in pixels per second.
void fling(long timeMs, int x, int y, int velocityX, int velocityY) {
- endFlingIfNecessary(timeMs);
if (velocityX == 0 && velocityY == 0) {
endTouchScrollIfNecessary(timeMs, true);
@@ -654,8 +612,6 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
endTouchScrollIfNecessary(timeMs, false);
- mFlingMayBeActive = true;
mExtraParamBundleFling.putInt(VELOCITY_X, velocityX);
mExtraParamBundleFling.putInt(VELOCITY_Y, velocityY);
assert mExtraParamBundleFling.size() == 2;
@@ -663,21 +619,11 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
- * Send a GESTURE_FLING_CANCEL event if necessary.
- * @param timeMs The time in ms for the event initiating this gesture.
- */
- void endFlingIfNecessary(long timeMs) {
- if (!mFlingMayBeActive) return;
- mFlingMayBeActive = false;
- sendGesture(GESTURE_FLING_CANCEL, timeMs, 0, 0, null);
- }
- /**
* @param event A hint event that its x, y, and eventTime will be used for the ending events
* to send. This argument is an optional and can be null.
- void endDoubleTapDragIfNecessary(MotionEvent event) {
+ private void endDoubleTapDragIfNecessary(MotionEvent event) {
assert event != null;
if (!isDoubleTapActive()) return;
if (mDoubleTapMode == DOUBLE_TAP_MODE_DRAG_ZOOM) {
@@ -725,7 +671,7 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
* @param x The x coordinate for the event initiating this gesture.
* @param y The x coordinate for the event initiating this gesture.
- void pinchBegin(long timeMs, int x, int y) {
+ private void pinchBegin(long timeMs, int x, int y) {
sendGesture(GESTURE_PINCH_BEGIN, timeMs, x, y, null);
@@ -736,7 +682,7 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
* @param anchorY The y coordinate for the anchor point to be used in pinch.
* @param delta The percentage to pinch by.
- void pinchBy(long timeMs, int anchorX, int anchorY, float delta) {
+ private void pinchBy(long timeMs, int anchorX, int anchorY, float delta) {
mExtraParamBundlePinchBy.putFloat(DELTA, delta);
assert mExtraParamBundlePinchBy.size() == 1;
sendGesture(GESTURE_PINCH_BY, timeMs, anchorX, anchorY, mExtraParamBundlePinchBy);
@@ -747,7 +693,7 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
* End a pinch gesture.
* @param timeMs The time in ms for the event initiating this gesture.
- void pinchEnd(long timeMs) {
+ private void pinchEnd(long timeMs) {
sendGesture(GESTURE_PINCH_END, timeMs, 0, 0, null);
mPinchInProgress = false;
@@ -759,25 +705,6 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
mIgnoreSingleTap = value;
- private void setClickXAndY(int x, int y) {
- mSingleTapX = x;
- mSingleTapY = y;
- }
- /**
- * @return The x coordinate for the last point that a singleTap gesture was initiated from.
- */
- public int getSingleTapX() {
- return mSingleTapX;
- }
- /**
- * @return The y coordinate for the last point that a singleTap gesture was initiated from.
- */
- public int getSingleTapY() {
- return mSingleTapY;
- }
* Cancel the current touch event sequence by sending ACTION_CANCEL and ignore all the
* subsequent events until the next ACTION_DOWN.
@@ -805,16 +732,7 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
- mLongPressDetector.cancelLongPressIfNeeded(event);
- // Notify native that scrolling has stopped whenever a down action is processed prior to
- // passing the event to native as it will drop them as an optimization if scrolling is
- // enabled. Ending the fling ensures scrolling has stopped as well as terminating the
- // current fling if applicable.
- if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
- endFlingIfNecessary(event.getEventTime());
- }
- return queueEvent(event);
+ return processTouchEvent(event);
} finally {
@@ -824,7 +742,7 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
* Handle content view losing focus -- ensure that any remaining active state is removed.
void onWindowFocusLost() {
- if (mLongPressDetector.isInLongPress() && mLastLongPressEvent != null) {
+ if (mLastLongPressEvent != null) {
@@ -835,7 +753,7 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0);
me.setSource(mCurrentDownEvent != null ?
- mCurrentDownEvent.getSource() : InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER);
+ mCurrentDownEvent.getSource() : InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER);
return me;
@@ -848,141 +766,26 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
void resetGestureHandlers() {
MotionEvent me = obtainActionCancelMotionEvent();
- mZoomManager.processTouchEvent(me);
+ processTouchEventForMultiTouch(me);
- mLongPressDetector.cancelLongPress();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the flag indicating that the content has registered listeners for touch events.
- */
- void hasTouchEventHandlers(boolean hasTouchHandlers) {
- if (hasTouchHandlers) {
- // If no touch handler was previously registered, ensure that we
- // don't send a partial gesture to Javascript.
- if (mTouchHandlingState == NO_TOUCH_HANDLER)
- } else {
- // When mainframe is loading, FrameLoader::transitionToCommitted will
- // call this method with |hasTouchHandlers| of false. We use this as
- // an indicator to clear the pending motion events so that events from
- // the previous page will not be carried over to the new page.
- mTouchHandlingState = NO_TOUCH_HANDLER;
- mPendingMotionEvents.clear();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Queues or coalesces |event| into the pending queue.
- * - If there are no touch handlers, |event| will skip the queue and be processed immediately.
- * - If there are no pending events, |event| will be sent to native or processed immediately,
- * depending on the disposition of the current gesture sequence.
- * @return Whether the event was queued OR processed.
- */
- private boolean queueEvent(MotionEvent event) {
- if (mTouchHandlingState == NO_TOUCH_HANDLER) {
- assert mPendingMotionEvents.isEmpty();
- return processTouchEvent(event);
- }
- if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
- // Avoid flooding the renderer process with move events: if the previous pending
- // command is also a move (common case) that has not yet been forwarded, skip sending
- // this event to the webkit side and collapse it into the pending event.
- MotionEvent previousEvent = mPendingMotionEvents.peekLast();
- if (previousEvent != null
- && previousEvent != mPendingMotionEvents.peekFirst()
- && previousEvent.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE
- && previousEvent.getPointerCount() == event.getPointerCount()) {
- TraceEvent.instant("queueEvent:EventCoalesced",
- "QueueSize = " + mPendingMotionEvents.size());
- MotionEvent.PointerCoords[] coords =
- new MotionEvent.PointerCoords[event.getPointerCount()];
- for (int i = 0; i < coords.length; ++i) {
- coords[i] = new MotionEvent.PointerCoords();
- event.getPointerCoords(i, coords[i]);
- }
- previousEvent.addBatch(event.getEventTime(), coords, event.getMetaState());
- return true;
- }
- }
- // Copy the event, as the original may get mutated after this method returns.
- MotionEvent clone = MotionEvent.obtain(event);
- mPendingMotionEvents.add(clone);
- if (mPendingMotionEvents.size() == 1) {
- trySendPendingEventsToNative();
- } else {
- TraceEvent.instant("queueEvent:EventQueued",
- "QueueSize = " + mPendingMotionEvents.size());
- }
- return true;
- private int sendPendingEventToNative() {
- MotionEvent event = mPendingMotionEvents.peekFirst();
- if (event == null) {
- assert false : "Cannot send from an empty pending event queue";
- }
- assert mTouchHandlingState != NO_TOUCH_HANDLER;
- // The start of a new (multi)touch sequence will reset the touch handling state, and
- // should always be offered to Javascript (when there is any touch handler).
- if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
- mTouchHandlingState = HAS_TOUCH_HANDLER;
- mTouchMoveToNativeConfirmed = false;
- mTouchDownToNativeX = event.getX();
- mTouchDownToNativeY = event.getY();
- if (mCurrentDownEvent != null) recycleEvent(mCurrentDownEvent);
- mCurrentDownEvent = null;
- }
- if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
- if (!mTouchMoveToNativeConfirmed) {
- if (event.getPointerCount() > 1) {
- mTouchMoveToNativeConfirmed = true;
- } else {
- final float distanceX = event.getX() - mTouchDownToNativeX;
- final float distanceY = event.getY() - mTouchDownToNativeY;
- if (isDistanceGreaterThanTouchSlop(distanceX, distanceY)) {
- mTouchMoveToNativeConfirmed = true;
- }
- }
- }
- // If javascript has not yet prevent-defaulted the touch sequence, only send move events
- // if the move has exceeded the slop threshold OR there are multiple pointers.
- && !mTouchMoveToNativeConfirmed) {
- }
- }
+ private boolean processTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
TouchPoint[] pts = new TouchPoint[event.getPointerCount()];
int type = TouchPoint.createTouchPoints(event, pts);
+ assert type != TouchPoint.CONVERSION_ERROR;
+ mMotionEventDelegate.onTouchEventHandlingBegin(event.getEventTime(), type, pts);
- if (type == TouchPoint.CONVERSION_ERROR) return EVENT_NOT_FORWARDED;
- if (mMotionEventDelegate.sendTouchEvent(event.getEventTime(), type, pts)) {
- }
- }
- private boolean processTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
final boolean wasTouchScrolling = mTouchScrolling;
- mSnapScrollController.setSnapScrollingMode(event);
+ mSnapScrollController.setSnapScrollingMode(event, isScaleGestureDetectionInProgress());
if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN) {
+ } else if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
+ mGestureDetector.setIsLongpressEnabled(true);
- mLongPressDetector.cancelLongPressIfNeeded(event);
- mLongPressDetector.startLongPressTimerIfNeeded(event);
// Use the framework's GestureDetector to detect pans and zooms not already
// handled by the WebKit touch events gesture manager.
boolean handled = false;
@@ -993,7 +796,7 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
- handled |= mZoomManager.processTouchEvent(event);
+ handled |= processTouchEventForMultiTouch(event);
if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP
|| event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL) {
@@ -1007,108 +810,32 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
+ mMotionEventDelegate.onTouchEventHandlingEnd();
return handled;
- /**
- * Respond to a MotionEvent being returned from the native side.
- * @param ackResult The status acknowledgment code.
- */
- void confirmTouchEvent(int ackResult) {
- try {
- TraceEvent.begin("confirmTouchEvent");
- if (mPendingMotionEvents.isEmpty()) {
- Log.w(TAG, "confirmTouchEvent with Empty pending list!");
- return;
- }
- assert mTouchHandlingState != NO_TOUCH_HANDLER;
- assert mTouchHandlingState != NO_TOUCH_HANDLER_FOR_GESTURE;
- MotionEvent ackedEvent = mPendingMotionEvents.removeFirst();
- switch (ackResult) {
- // This should never get sent.
- assert (false);
- break;
- && ackedEvent.getActionMasked() != MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
- sendTapCancelIfNecessary(ackedEvent);
- resetGestureHandlers();
- } else {
- mZoomManager.passTouchEventThrough(ackedEvent);
- }
- trySendPendingEventsToNative();
- break;
- if (mTouchHandlingState != JAVASCRIPT_CONSUMING_GESTURE) {
- processTouchEvent(ackedEvent);
- }
- trySendPendingEventsToNative();
- break;
- if (mTouchHandlingState != JAVASCRIPT_CONSUMING_GESTURE) {
- processTouchEvent(ackedEvent);
- }
- if (ackedEvent.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
- drainAllPendingEventsUntilNextDown();
- } else {
- trySendPendingEventsToNative();
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- mLongPressDetector.cancelLongPressIfNeeded(mPendingMotionEvents.iterator());
- recycleEvent(ackedEvent);
- } finally {
- TraceEvent.end("confirmTouchEvent");
- }
+ private boolean isScaleGestureDetectionInProgress() {
+ return !mMultiTouchListener.getPermanentlyIgnoreDetectorEvents()
+ && mMultiTouchDetector.isInProgress();
- private void trySendPendingEventsToNative() {
- // Avoid nested send loops (possible when acks are synchronous), instead
- // relying on the top-most call to dispatch any queued events.
- if (mSendingPendingEventsToNative) return;
+ private boolean processTouchEventForMultiTouch(MotionEvent event) {
+ // TODO(jdduke): Need to deal with multi-touch transition
+ mMultiTouchListener.setCurrentEventTime(event.getEventTime());
try {
- mSendingPendingEventsToNative = true;
- while (!mPendingMotionEvents.isEmpty()) {
- int forward = sendPendingEventToNative();
- if (forward == EVENT_FORWARDED_TO_NATIVE) break;
- // Even though we missed sending one event to native, as long as we haven't
- // received INPUT_EVENT_ACK_STATE_NO_CONSUMER_EXISTS, we should keep sending
- // events on the queue to native.
- MotionEvent event = mPendingMotionEvents.removeFirst();
- && forward != EVENT_DROPPED) {
- processTouchEvent(event);
- }
- recycleEvent(event);
+ boolean inGesture = isScaleGestureDetectionInProgress();
+ boolean retVal = mMultiTouchDetector.onTouchEvent(event);
+ if (!inGesture && (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP
+ || event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL)) {
+ return false;
- } finally {
- mSendingPendingEventsToNative = false;
- }
- }
- private void drainAllPendingEventsUntilNextDown() {
- assert mTouchHandlingState == HAS_TOUCH_HANDLER;
- // Now process all events that are in the queue until the next down event.
- MotionEvent nextEvent = mPendingMotionEvents.peekFirst();
- while (nextEvent != null && nextEvent.getActionMasked() != MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
- processTouchEvent(nextEvent);
- mPendingMotionEvents.removeFirst();
- recycleEvent(nextEvent);
- nextEvent = mPendingMotionEvents.peekFirst();
+ return retVal;
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ Log.e(TAG, "ScaleGestureDetector got into a bad state!", e);
+ assert false;
- trySendPendingEventsToNative();
+ return false;
private void recycleEvent(MotionEvent event) {
@@ -1124,11 +851,7 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
private boolean sendGesture(
int type, long timeMs, int x, int y, Bundle extraParams) {
assert timeMs != 0;
- updateDoubleTapUmaTimer();
- if (type == GESTURE_DOUBLE_TAP) reportDoubleTap();
- return mMotionEventDelegate.sendGesture(type, timeMs, x, y, extraParams);
+ return mMotionEventDelegate.onGestureEventCreated(type, timeMs, x, y, extraParams);
private boolean sendTapEndingEventAsGesture(int type, MotionEvent e, Bundle extraParams) {
@@ -1147,7 +870,7 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
* @return Whether the ContentViewGestureHandler can handle a MotionEvent right now. True only
* if it's the start of a new stream (ACTION_DOWN), or a continuation of the current stream.
- boolean canHandle(MotionEvent ev) {
+ private boolean canHandle(MotionEvent ev) {
return ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN ||
(mCurrentDownEvent != null && mCurrentDownEvent.getDownTime() == ev.getDownTime());
@@ -1156,9 +879,10 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
* @return Whether the event can trigger a LONG_TAP gesture. True when it can and the event
* will be consumed.
- boolean triggerLongTapIfNeeded(MotionEvent ev) {
- if (mLongPressDetector.isInLongPress() && ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP &&
- !mZoomManager.isScaleGestureDetectionInProgress()) {
+ private boolean triggerLongTapIfNeeded(MotionEvent ev) {
+ if (mLastLongPressEvent != null
+ && ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP
+ && !isScaleGestureDetectionInProgress()) {
sendMotionEventAsGesture(GESTURE_LONG_TAP, ev, null);
return true;
@@ -1168,22 +892,6 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
* This is for testing only.
- * @return The first motion event on the pending motion events queue.
- */
- MotionEvent peekFirstInPendingMotionEventsForTesting() {
- return mPendingMotionEvents.peekFirst();
- }
- /**
- * This is for testing only.
- * @return The number of motion events on the pending motion events queue.
- */
- int getNumberOfPendingMotionEventsForTesting() {
- return mPendingMotionEvents.size();
- }
- /**
- * This is for testing only.
* Sends a show pressed state gesture through mListener. This should always be called after
* a down event;
@@ -1201,6 +909,13 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
+ * Update whether multi-touch gestures are supported.
+ */
+ public void updateMultiTouchSupport(boolean supportsMultiTouchZoom) {
+ mMultiTouchListener.setPermanentlyIgnoreDetectorEvents(!supportsMultiTouchZoom);
+ }
+ /**
* Update whether double-tap gestures are supported. This allows
* double-tap gesture suppression independent of whether or not the page's
* viewport and scale would normally prevent double-tap.
@@ -1228,11 +943,24 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
- private boolean isDoubleTapDisabled() {
+ /**
+ * @return Whether double-tap gesture detection is enabled.
+ */
+ public boolean isDoubleTapDisabled() {
return mDoubleTapMode == DOUBLE_TAP_MODE_DISABLED || mShouldDisableDoubleTap;
- private boolean isDoubleTapActive() {
+ /**
+ * @return Whether the click delay preceding a double tap is disabled.
+ */
+ public boolean isClickDelayDisabled() {
+ return mDisableClickDelay;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return Whether a double tap-gesture is in-progress.
+ */
+ public boolean isDoubleTapActive() {
return mDoubleTapMode != DOUBLE_TAP_MODE_DISABLED &&
@@ -1247,48 +975,6 @@ class ContentViewGestureHandler implements LongPressDelegate {
- private void reportDoubleTap() {
- // Make sure repeated double taps don't get silently dropped from
- // the statistics.
- if (mLastDoubleTapTimeMs > 0) {
- mMotionEventDelegate.sendActionAfterDoubleTapUMA(
- ContentViewCore.UMAActionAfterDoubleTap.NO_ACTION, !mDisableClickDelay);
- }
- mLastDoubleTapTimeMs = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
- }
- /**
- * Update the UMA stat tracking accidental double tap navigations with a user action.
- * @param type The action the user performed, one of the UMAActionAfterDoubleTap values
- * defined in ContentViewCore.
- */
- public void reportActionAfterDoubleTapUMA(int type) {
- updateDoubleTapUmaTimer();
- if (mLastDoubleTapTimeMs == 0) return;
- long nowMs = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
- if ((nowMs - mLastDoubleTapTimeMs) < ACTION_AFTER_DOUBLE_TAP_WINDOW_MS) {
- mMotionEventDelegate.sendActionAfterDoubleTapUMA(type, !mDisableClickDelay);
- mLastDoubleTapTimeMs = 0;
- }
- }
- // Watch for the UMA "action after double tap" timer expiring and reset
- // the timer if necessary.
- private void updateDoubleTapUmaTimer() {
- if (mLastDoubleTapTimeMs == 0) return;
- long nowMs = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
- if ((nowMs - mLastDoubleTapTimeMs) >= ACTION_AFTER_DOUBLE_TAP_WINDOW_MS) {
- // Time expired, user took no action (that we care about).
- mMotionEventDelegate.sendActionAfterDoubleTapUMA(
- ContentViewCore.UMAActionAfterDoubleTap.NO_ACTION, !mDisableClickDelay);
- mLastDoubleTapTimeMs = 0;
- }
- }
private boolean isDistanceGreaterThanTouchSlop(float distanceX, float distanceY) {
return distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY > mScaledTouchSlopSquare;

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