diff --git a/ b/
index 50ba3432eb230dc484f2036e8a00bb641820e6f2..288e281b1170aa16220eb5fe6527f638dc1d6b5d 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
import base64
+import collections
import glob
import httplib
import json
@@ -1516,6 +1517,105 @@ def get_cl_statuses(
url = cl.GetIssueURL()
yield (b, url, 'waiting' if url else 'error')
+def upload_branch_deps(cl, args):
+ """Uploads CLs of local branches that are dependents of the current branch.
+ If the local branch dependency tree looks like:
+ test1 -> test2.1 -> test3.1
+ -> test3.2
+ -> test2.2 -> test3.3
+ and you run "git cl upload --dependencies" from test1 then "git cl upload" is
+ run on the dependent branches in this order:
+ test2.1, test3.1, test3.2, test2.2, test3.3
+ Note: This function does not rebase your local dependent branches. Use it when
+ you make a change to the parent branch that will not conflict with its
+ dependent branches, and you would like their dependencies updated in
+ Rietveld.
+ """
+ if git_common.is_dirty_git_tree('upload-branch-deps'):
+ return 1
+ root_branch = cl.GetBranch()
+ if root_branch is None:
+ DieWithError('Can\'t find dependent branches from detached HEAD state. '
+ 'Get on a branch!')
+ if not cl.GetIssue() or not cl.GetPatchset():
+ DieWithError('Current branch does not have an uploaded CL. We cannot set '
+ 'patchset dependencies without an uploaded CL.')
+ branches = RunGit(['for-each-ref',
+ '--format=%(refname:short) %(upstream:short)',
+ 'refs/heads'])
+ if not branches:
+ print('No local branches found.')
+ return 0
+ # Create a dictionary of all local branches to the branches that are dependent
+ # on it.
+ tracked_to_dependents = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ for b in branches.splitlines():
+ tokens = b.split()
+ if len(tokens) == 2:
+ branch_name, tracked = tokens
+ tracked_to_dependents[tracked].append(branch_name)
+ print
+ print 'The dependent local branches of %s are:' % root_branch
+ dependents = []
+ def traverse_dependents_preorder(branch, padding=''):
+ dependents_to_process = tracked_to_dependents.get(branch, [])
+ padding += ' '
+ for dependent in dependents_to_process:
+ print '%s%s' % (padding, dependent)
+ dependents.append(dependent)
+ traverse_dependents_preorder(dependent, padding)
+ traverse_dependents_preorder(root_branch)
+ print
+ if not dependents:
+ print 'There are no dependent local branches for %s' % root_branch
+ return 0
+ print ('This command will checkout all dependent branches and run '
+ '"git cl upload".')
+ ask_for_data('[Press enter to continue or ctrl-C to quit]')
+ # Add a default patchset title to all upload calls.
+ args.extend(['-t', 'Updated patchset dependency'])
+ # Record all dependents that failed to upload.
+ failures = {}
+ # Go through all dependents, checkout the branch and upload.
+ try:
+ for dependent_branch in dependents:
+ print
+ print '--------------------------------------'
+ print 'Running "git cl upload" from %s:' % dependent_branch
+ RunGit(['checkout', '-q', dependent_branch])
+ print
+ try:
+ if CMDupload(OptionParser(), args) != 0:
+ print 'Upload failed for %s!' % dependent_branch
+ failures[dependent_branch] = 1
+ except: # pylint: disable=W0702
+ failures[dependent_branch] = 1
+ print
+ finally:
+ # Swap back to the original root branch.
+ RunGit(['checkout', '-q', root_branch])
+ print
+ print 'Upload complete for dependent branches!'
+ for dependent_branch in dependents:
+ upload_status = 'failed' if failures.get(dependent_branch) else 'succeeded'
+ print ' %s : %s' % (dependent_branch, upload_status)
+ print
+ return 0
def CMDstatus(parser, args):
"""Show status of changelists.
@@ -2197,7 +2297,11 @@ def CMDupload(parser, args):
parser.add_option('--cq-dry-run', dest='cq_dry_run', action='store_true',
help='Send the patchset to do a CQ dry run right after '
+ parser.add_option('--dependencies', action='store_true',
+ help='Uploads CLs of all the local branches that depend on '
+ 'the current branch')
+ orig_args = args
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
@@ -2282,6 +2386,16 @@ def CMDupload(parser, args):
+ # Upload all dependencies if specified.
+ if options.dependencies:
+ print
+ print '--dependencies has been specified.'
+ print 'All dependent local branches will be re-uploaded.'
+ print
+ # Remove the dependencies flag from args so that we do not end up in a
+ # loop.
+ orig_args.remove('--dependencies')
+ upload_branch_deps(cl, orig_args)
return ret