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Unified Diff: chrome/app/generated_resources.grd

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Issue 1188713007: Moved --top-chrome-md command line switch from chrome_switches to ui_base_switches. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Removed typedef in unittest. Created 5 years, 6 months ago
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Index: chrome/app/generated_resources.grd
diff --git a/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd b/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd
index c36a876e0055c907e0289b4151ef8ace308eb33c..45a2e682442ac4a8e28a262429010d9cbc101134 100644
--- a/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd
+++ b/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd
@@ -5681,8 +5681,17 @@ Keep your key file in a safe place. You will need it to create new versions of y
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_TOP_CHROME_MD" desc="Title of the flag which enables or disables material design in the top chrome of the browser.">
Material design in the browser's top chrome
- <message name="IDS_FLAGS_TOP_CHROME_MD_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of the flag which enables or disables material design in the top chrome of the browser.">
- Enable or disable material design elements in the browser's chrome.
+ <message name="IDS_FLAGS_TOP_CHROME_MD_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of the flag which changes the material design elements in the top chrome of the browser.">
+ Sets the material design elements in the browser's top chrome.
+ </message>
+ <message name="IDS_FLAGS_TOP_CHROME_MD_MATERIAL" desc="Top Chrome material design option.">
+ Material
+ </message>
+ <message name="IDS_FLAGS_TOP_CHROME_MD_MATERIAL_HYBRID" desc="Top Chrome material hybrid design option.">
+ Material Hybrid
+ </message>
+ <message name="IDS_FLAGS_TOP_CHROME_MD_NON_MATERIAL" desc="Top Chrome non-material design option.">
+ Non-material
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_ENABLE_SCROLL_PREDICTION_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of the flag to enable scroll prediction.">
Predicts the finger's future position during scrolls allowing time to render the frame before the finger is there.

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