Index: tests/corelib/corelib.status |
diff --git a/tests/corelib/corelib.status b/tests/corelib/corelib.status |
index 9cfc500ed79dfc7e7ee466ac33d892e589135fbd..9cd3ca86ffe380bcf977f77a45789f527143854c 100644 |
--- a/tests/corelib/corelib.status |
+++ b/tests/corelib/corelib.status |
@@ -210,37 +210,142 @@ int_parse_radix_test/*: Pass, Slow |
big_integer_parsed_mul_div_vm_test: Pass, Slow |
[ $compiler == dart2js && $cps_ir ] |
-collection_removes_test: RuntimeError # receiver.get$_source is not a function |
-double_parse_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': type check unimplemented for _Nullary. |
+apply2_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+apply3_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+apply4_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+apply_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+collection_from_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+collection_length_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+collection_removes_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+collection_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+collection_to_string_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+core_runtime_types_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+date_time2_test: RuntimeError # Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined |
+date_time3_test: RuntimeError # Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined |
+date_time4_test: RuntimeError # Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined |
+date_time7_test: RuntimeError # Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined |
+date_time_parse_test: RuntimeError # Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined |
+double_parse_test/01: Crash # (switch (codeUnit){c... Unhandled node |
+double_parse_test/none: Crash # (switch (codeUnit){c... Unhandled node |
error_stack_trace1_test: Pass # H.unwrapException(...).get$stackTrace is not a function |
error_stack_trace_test: Crash # (switch (5){case 5:nested();"Should not reach");}): Unhandled node |
-growable_list_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': type check unimplemented for _Nullary. |
-hash_set_test/01: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': type check unimplemented for _Nullary. |
+for_in_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+hash_set_test/none: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
hashcode_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+indexed_list_access_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
int_parse_radix_test/01: Crash # Invalid argument(s) |
int_parse_radix_test/02: Crash # Invalid argument(s) |
int_parse_radix_test/none: Crash # Invalid argument(s) |
-iterable_expand_test : RuntimeError # TypeError: receiver.get$list is not a function |
+iterable_contains_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+iterable_empty_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+iterable_fold_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+iterable_join_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+iterable_mapping_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+iterable_reduce_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
iterable_return_type_test/none: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+iterable_skip_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+iterable_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
iterable_to_list_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
iterable_to_set_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
-list_fill_range_test : RuntimeError # TypeError: receiver.get$list is not a function |
-list_for_each_test : RuntimeError # TypeError: receiver.get$list is not a function |
-list_insert_all_test : RuntimeError # TypeError: receiver.get$list is not a function |
-list_insert_test : RuntimeError # TypeError: receiver.get$list is not a function |
-list_removeat_test : RuntimeError # Expect.throws(negative): Unexpected 'NoSuchMethodError: method not found: 'get$list' (receiver.get$list is not a function)' |
-list_replace_range_test : RuntimeError # TypeError: receiver.get$list is not a function |
-list_set_all_test : RuntimeError # TypeError: receiver.get$list is not a function |
-list_to_string_test: RuntimeError # receiver.get$list is not a function |
-map_test : RuntimeError # TypeError: receiver.get$_keys is not a function |
+iterable_tostring_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+json_map_test: Crash # Internal Error: No default constructor available. |
+linked_hash_map_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_as_map_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_contains_argument_order_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_fill_range_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_for_each_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_get_range_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_growable_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_index_of2_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_index_of_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_insert_all_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_insert_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_iterators_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_literal_is_growable_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_literal_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_map_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_remove_range_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_removeat_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_replace_range_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_reversed_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_set_all_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_set_range_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_sort_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_test/01: RuntimeError # this.get$length is not a function |
+list_test/none: RuntimeError # this.get$length is not a function |
+list_to_string2_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+list_unmodifiable_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+main_test: RuntimeError # receiver.get$_collection$_nums is not a function |
+map_test: Crash # Internal Error: No default constructor available. |
map_values2_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
map_values3_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
map_values4_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+null_test: RuntimeError # Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined |
+num_parse_test/01: Crash # (switch (codeUnit){c... Unhandled node |
+num_parse_test/none: Crash # (switch (codeUnit){c... Unhandled node |
+queue_first_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+queue_iterator_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+queue_last_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+queue_single_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+queue_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+range_error_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+reg_exp_first_match_test: RuntimeError # Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined |
+reg_exp_group_test: RuntimeError # Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined |
+reg_exp_groups_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+reg_exp_string_match_test: RuntimeError # Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined |
+regexp/capture-3_test: RuntimeError # Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined |
+regexp/capture_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+regexp/extended-characters-match_test: RuntimeError # Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined |
+regexp/global_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+regexp/many-brackets_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+regexp/non-bmp_test: RuntimeError # Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined |
+regexp/non-capturing-groups_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
regexp/pcre_test: Crash # Stack Overflow |
+regexp/regexp_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+regexp/regress-regexp-construct-result_test: RuntimeError # Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined |
+regexp/results-cache_test: RuntimeError # Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined |
+regexp/stack-overflow2_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+regexp/stack-overflow_test: RuntimeError # Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined |
+regexp/unicode-handling_test: RuntimeError # Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined |
+regress_11099_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+set_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+set_to_string_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+shuffle_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+sort_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+splay_tree_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+stacktrace_fromstring_test: Crash # (try {return f(arg1,arg2);}finally {Zone._leave(old);}): try/finally |
+stopwatch2_test: RuntimeError # Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined |
+stopwatch_test: RuntimeError # Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined |
+string_codeunits_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+string_from_list_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+string_fromcharcodes_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+string_pattern_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+string_replace_all_test: RuntimeError # Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined |
+string_replace_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+string_runes_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+string_source_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+string_split_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+string_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+string_to_lower_case_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+string_trim2_test: Crash # (switch (codeUnit){c... Unhandled node |
+string_trim_test: Crash # (switch (codeUnit){c... Unhandled node |
+string_trimlr_test/01: Crash # (switch (codeUnit){c... Unhandled node |
+string_trimlr_test/none: Crash # (switch (codeUnit){c... Unhandled node |
+strings_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
symbol_operator_test/03: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
symbol_reserved_word_test/03: Pass # Please triage this failure. |
-symbol_reserved_word_test/06 : RuntimeError # Expect.throws fails: Did not throw |
-symbol_reserved_word_test/09 : RuntimeError # Expect.throws fails: Did not throw |
-symbol_reserved_word_test/12 : RuntimeError # Expect.throws fails: Did not throw |
+symbol_reserved_word_test/06: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+symbol_reserved_word_test/09: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+symbol_reserved_word_test/12: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
symbol_test/none: Crash # The null object does not have a getter '_element'. |
-uri_test: Crash # The null object does not have a getter '_element'. |
+uri_base_test: Crash # Invalid argument(s) |
+uri_file_test: Crash # Invalid argument(s) |
+uri_http_test: Crash # Invalid argument(s) |
+uri_ipv4_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+uri_ipv6_test: Crash # Invalid argument(s) |
+uri_normalize_path_test: RuntimeError # Please triage this failure. |
+uri_parse_test: Crash # Invalid argument(s) |
+uri_path_test: Crash # Invalid argument(s) |
+uri_query_test: Crash # Internal Error: No default constructor available. |
+uri_scheme_test: Crash # Invalid argument(s) |
+uri_test: Crash # Invalid argument(s) |